"If the large creatures merge successfully, how do you control them?" I asked archmage excitedly.

"Generally speaking, this is our most troublesome problem. Controlling large organisms has always been the most troublesome problem. However, we have several theoretical foundations, but we can’t estimate its actual use effect. After all, you also find that Aside from alchemy, our country has nothing to do with it. There is no way to train a powerful warrior to control those powerful creatures."

I nodded: "Then you tell me now that you want to Should my laboratory participate in the experiment or rebuild the entire floating island into an alchemy room?"

"What?" Archmage thought he had heard it wrong. "You said that the whole place will be turned into a laboratory?"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"No no no, I don't like it. I...I mean ...... Such a big palace......!"

"It doesn’t matter. I believe His Royal Highness will not be stingy with a floating island." Archmage is obviously very excited about this proposal, but people are emotional animals. This guy couldn't bear to look at the new king with a dirt face behind him. I also understood his thoughts and turned to ask the new king. "Which of your nine floating islands is the largest? Is this this one?"

"No, no. The largest is the new continent floating island, which is about twice the size of the city of kings. "

I smiled nodded. "Then King Your Majesty, let's talk about a new deal? In the future, our Frost Rose League will provide you with defensive assistance. As long as it is not the battle that you provoked, our guild troops will be on call, and you, just need to bring the new Just sell continent to me. How about it? It's a good deal, right?"

The king nodded his head as if he had eaten a fly. This kind of agreement is a good deal! It is said that it is a coordinated defense, but if you simply switch the execution method, it becomes an armed occupation. But now the king has nothing to do. After all, there are still hundreds of thousands of zombies dangling there, and he doesn't want to see his ancestors so early.

After negotiating the agreement, we went to see the new continent together. This guy is almost the top half of Anhui Province, but it is strange that he is called the new continent. If you land on it, as long as you don't get to the peripheral zone, you won't find it a floating island at all.

This country of gods seems to use the new continent as a manufacturing plant. This is almost the same as our thoughts. After discussing with the king, I gave them one day to evacuate all personnel and important materials. I asked Isengard to open the Giant Butterfly City out of the city. I plan to transport 1,000 800 Transmission Formations at a time, and then use Transmission Formation as the basis. The center began to rebuild this floating island. The construction army of the Frost Rose League is probably the most well-equipped construction team in the game. It not only has giant construction machinery, but also large transport aircraft.

After the work is arranged, these mages formally leave the national system and become our frosty people. The archmage that I negotiated with before became the commander-in-chief I appointed here, leaving Ringtone Knight all to assist him in his work, and those zombies became our temporary labor force. After all the explanations, I directly chose to go offline. Twenty-four hours have passed. Nuwa's prophet system is probably almost done. I want to know the result.

After taking off the helmet, I called Rose off the assembly line, and brought the familiars to Nuwa to listen to the results.

"Has it been calculated?" I asked as soon as I entered the control room.

This white room is the main control room of Nuwa, but there is no console here, only a circle of large screens and a complete set of 3D imagers. Said it is a control room, it is better to say that this is a display output platform.

Nuwa's voice rang all around us. "The calculation has been completed, but the results of the step-by-step calculation are still stored on computers all over the world. I am recovering the data, and then I will do a summary calculation. It may take about a thousand seconds."

" Twenty minutes or so? Then you can wait, you can as soon as possible."

Nuwa said funnyly: "It's not me as soon as possible, but the network as soon as possible. I'm also waiting! My data is over long ago. , But the network data is too slow, I'm waiting for the data packet! Oh, by the way, let me show you this first." The laser imager depicted a jet engine in the middle of the room.

"What is this?"

"This is the prototype of ASEPI."


"AllSuperElectronagnetismPushOnInstallation, all An electromagnetic super propulsion device, or a super electromagnetic engine, can also be called. It is the design result that I got back from the Americans last time. I have made some improvements to it with the technology that our country has mastered, and it has been completely practical."< /p>

"How big is this thing?"

"What you see now is a full-size image."

"It's just that big?" Although the image in front of you It's almost as big as a locomotive, but it's really not that big for aerospace equipment.

Nuwa said: "This is the smallest propulsion device I designed according to our technical level. As long as I want to see if it can provide power for small aircraft, it seems that it is probably impossible to be a fighter jet. But there is still hope for a small cruise ship."

"So what about thrust?"

"The thrust depends on the design standard. Isn't Longyuan going to rebuild a cosmic battleship around me? This The structure of the battleship was completely developed by me. Its main propulsion device uses 16 super-electromagnetic thrusters. Each propulsion device can generate 173.1 million tons of propulsion. The 16 thrusters can provide a total of 2.769 billion tons of complete. The thrust is enough to send me into space. And with this kind of propulsion, my actual acceleration ability will exceed the active spacecraft by more than 300 times, definitely faster than those junk!"

"Then How much power does this small one have?"

"This smallest device can generate about three million tons of thrust, and it’s absolutely no problem to send an immigrant ship to the sky. You have to understand that the super-electromagnetic engine and the previous The rocket engine uses a completely different working principle, and its thrust is amazing, even such a small propeller can top dozens of the past. I heard that the upper party has ordered all the immigration ships under construction to be replaced with this This kind of propeller can save a lot of space to install people. Long Yuan recently built a new factory in the desert and is manufacturing this engine at full speed. It is estimated that it should be enough to meet the needs before the critical time. How many more can I sell to friendly countries!"

"What about the energy part? Is nuclear power used?" Rose asked.

The picture in the middle of the room flashed, and a novel device appeared at the position of the super electromagnetic engine just now. In the middle of this thing is a column with a diameter of more than one meter and a length of more than 20 meters. There are ten rings on the outside of the cylinder, the diameter of the ring section is about five meters, and the diameter of the inner ring is about ten meters. The whole device looks like a candied fruit stick with a weird shape, and I don't understand what it is.

Nuwa explained: “This is the equipment that was recovered by human technology after the power unit of the super spacecraft in the fourth special zone was disassembled. After years of analysis, we have now understood its working principle. We made changes on this basis, and then we got something like this."

The picture changed, "candied fruit stick" became a weird thing. The main body of this thing is a sphere with a diameter of ten meters. The equator of the sphere is surrounded by a circle with a diameter of one meter. There are many pipes on this circle connected to the inside of the sphere. As for what it is used for, it is not clear.

Nuwa continued: "This thing is the latest nuclear fusion generator, what you see now is a full-scale model. Its power generation is just enough to provide the use of a super electromagnetic thruster."< /p>

"What kind of super-electromagnetic thruster are you referring to?"

"The largest kind."

"That's pretty good, and the volume is very impressive Satisfaction."

"Satisfaction is not only the volume, but also the consumption characteristics." Nuwa said: "The nuclear energy utilization method of this thing is much higher than the nuclear power plant's production method by heating water to generate electricity. , The energy utilization rate is as high as 99.9%, and there is almost no loss. Therefore, although the output power is so large, the actual nuclear fuel consumption is much smaller than that of an ordinary nuclear power plant. You can imagine a vacuum flask as big as a thermos. Can fuel rods provide three months of normal cruising power for the super battleship? This super energy rate has almost solved most of our previous troubles, the immigration time can be cut by half, and there is no need to prepare transportation fuel for the spacecraft. The vacated manufacturing capacity can directly manufacture the manned cabin."

"So energy-efficient? Then, since the last time Earth was refueled, didn’t it need to be refueled for a lifetime?"

"The immigration ship will be pre-loaded with enough fuel to fly to the immigration target. I will fill myself with thirty times the fuel. After all, we are a battleship. We are responsible for cleaning meteorites and other hazards on the road, which may consume more. In addition, , All immigration ships are equipped with solar panels, which can provide emergency power if necessary."

"So what do we use for our defense weapons?"

"This dragon fate has been prepared for a long time. Alright." The picture in the middle of the room flickered again, and a long cylinder appeared in midair. Most of this thing is cylindrical, but something similar to a base with a square section length at one end. The picture was still moving, and some joints suddenly opened at the top of the cylinder, and then opened like a flower, and inside was a pointed cone that gradually became thinner. "What you see now is actually the killer satellite system of Longyuan. You seem to have used it once before, Shenlin. You burned a big hole in that American base, do you remember?"

"Remember. Damn, this thing formidable power is really scary. I was hiding far enough at the time, and I was almost affected."

Nuwa smiled and said: "At the time, all you saw was The small killer satellite powered by solar energy is our weapon. The killer satellite will be modified and installed on the immigration ship as an automatic defense weapon, and we will install this formidable power larger positron cannon. I I want to explain the formidable power of proton weapons, right? Anyway, you know that this is a weapon for meteorites. In addition, in order to prevent accidents, we have also made a larger gun for use as the main gun."

A strange shaped fort appeared on the screen, which looked more like a satellite receiving station than a cannon.

"This is a triple-mounted congratulatory particle cannon, also called planet destruction cannon. As for what it is, you should understand what the name is."

Rose asked in surprise: "Could it be Is it possible to blow up a planet as a whole?"

"Of course it is impossible. To completely destroy a planet is not something we can do. This thing can only blow up the planet and then let it break down Then you can use small weapons to gradually destroy them. It is impossible to destroy one planet at a time with this cannon. Moreover, even if you want to break a planet, you can’t do it with one shot. At least hundreds of attacks are needed. , This process will probably last more than thirty hours."

"How big is this thing? Is this a full-scale model?"

"Of course not. There is about one ship for this thing. The aircraft carrier is so big, the satellite antenna above is about one hundred and seventy meters in diameter. We call it a high-energy particle shield, which is used to reflect the diffracted energy of the cannon and prevent yourself from hurting yourself."

" Boy, this thing is really scary!"

All the images in the room suddenly disappeared, and then Nuwa's three-dimensional projection appeared among us. "Okay, the data has been collected almost, I want to start calculating the summary, this may take a few minutes, please wait patiently!"

The surrounding suddenly darkened, we had to wait patiently for Nuwa's work . Once this kind of super calculation starts, Nuwa can't be distracted. After waiting for a few minutes, the surroundings suddenly lit up again, and Nuwa's projection reappeared among us. "OK, all the data has been processed. I will show it to you now."

The image of Nuwa disappeared, and a bunch of data streams began to appear in the center of the room, and then formed a lot of dynamic pictures that played at the same time. . Nuwa's voice began to explain. "According to all the data I collected, I used the interference algorithm to eliminate the calculations, and finally got these probabilities. First of all, some of the unlikely situations were deleted by me, so there are a few possibilities left."

A screen has moved to the center of the screen.

"What everyone sees now is a possible future."

Nuwa's prophet system, to put it bluntly, is in Forecast Future. This kind of prediction is different from that of a fortune teller. It is a calculation based on the digital world model system. In fact, many people don't know that the game "Zero" was originally a simplified version of the Prophet system. In the past, superstitious people said that life is destined, but in fact it is true. Each of our thoughts, everything that happens around us, and each of your decisions are actually predestined long ago. You think that your thinking is dominated by yourself, but it is not. Each of your phases is the result of a series of electrochemical reactions. Different external factors will influence your thoughts, and different memories will also affect your decisions, even the space of each atom in your brain when you make a decision. Location will also affect your decision. Nuwa can record all the data that causes the variables, and then simulate their operation. The final result is the decision you are about to make. The high accuracy rate even the creator of Nuwa feels terrible.

Since the thinking of a person can be calculated, then the thinking of a group of people can be calculated, and then the weather, animal activities, each person’s memory, and the interaction of surrounding things are all added to the calculation together. Calculate the possible development and changes of a social group over a period of time. For example, if a person throws a stone and hits another person, the computer knows that the person who was smashed is an unreasonable guy, then the computer can naturally calculate that the two people will fight afterwards. This is a kind of prediction. But if you zoom in again. The computer knows that there is a policeman in the vicinity, so this one won't be able to fight. This is the interference factor, and the larger the calculation range, the more interference factors, and the longer the predicted target time, the greater the change caused by interference. These must be calculated and eliminated by the computer one by one. This kind of calculation is called the real simulation system, which is the system we are playing in "Zero". Why "Zero" is so real is because it runs completely in accordance with the trend of a real society, and the system hardly interferes. All it has to do is to specify the rules, and then the world system will follow these rules on its own. But "Zero" is a game after all, and its degree of simulation is not high. The real super plot against simulation system is this prophet system, which can record almost most of the data changes in a world, and then calculate all possible changes in a period of time.

Real calculations are theoretical, but they can’t be so exaggerated. Computers are limited in computing power, and it is impossible to compute so many things. But Nuwa's performance is enough to calculate changes within a short period of time within an approximate range, such as what we need to know about human perceptions of us and their practices. Because the time involved is not long, the probability of occurrence of the variable is also much smaller, so the accuracy of the calculation is relatively much higher.

Nuwa explained to the screen. "This time I predicted the social trend and general international situation in the next 50 years. The secret of the solar system killer will probably be exposed 50 years later, because by then its distance can already be discovered by civilian observers. So the government can no longer conceal the news. When the time comes, social unrest will be very serious, and the more embarrassed the time, the more people will do something incomprehensible. For example, the birth of extremism and cults, basically every time Human crises will have these two things, and this time is no exception. Our country’s forces against us have been hit hard, but the situation will become very complicated in 50 years. I predict that the government’s attitude towards us may be Beware, and the people may be hostile."

Ling asked incomprehensibly: "The country guards us for the protection of the people’s safety. I can understand why the people should Hostile to us?"

Nuwa said: "The result of my analysis is jealousy."


Nuwa replied affirmatively: "According to I simulated the human thinking system, and the results confirmed that more than 99.9% of humans have jealousy. Of course, this includes many categories, not just a certain kind of jealousy. In this part of the population, about 100% Sixty-three people will actualize jealousy without affecting them. That is to say, if it is possible to do so, and it is certain that it will not affect them in any way, then these people will retaliate against their jealous objects. And among the other 37%, 29% will still initiate retaliatory behavior when it is not good for them. In other words, these people have the mentality that I am unhappy and others cannot be happy. And they will even hurt others even when they know that hurting others will make them unlucky. That is to say, harming others is detrimental to themselves."

"Does harming others detrimental to themselves, isn't that an idiot?"< /p>

"Unfortunately, this is a special composition in human psychology, and it has nothing to do with intelligence." Nuwa continued: "Because of this 29% of people taking the lead, that 100% Sixty-three will follow the big picture, which means that 92% of people will oppose us. Half of the remaining 8% are selfless, as long as others are happy, they are happy, but they have too few people. It won’t play a big role. Another 4% are utopians, regardless of whether they support the will not action. So we have almost no assistance. Of course, the population in the above data does not include the elites that Longyuan has planned. Personnel. However, this does not have much impact on the whole. After all, the elite group has too few personnel, and these people will be transformed in the future, and they will definitely be planned into the category of biochemical people like us."

"You are Say there will be a war between us and humans in several decades?" Wei Na asked.

Nuwa’s voice said: “From a certain historical perspective, this is true. But it’s not absolute. History is inevitable and changeable. The above calculation is that we don’t have anything. Calculated under the premise of walking, if we take the initiative to do something, we can make a certain change in the situation."

I asked nervously: "What can be turned into?" (To be finished Continue, if you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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