"Who?" There was no time for me to deal with that woman. All the spiders on the opposite side noticed my existence, and a group of spiders with lance rushed up quickly. . I just wanted to drag the woman out, but found that a flower suddenly opened under her feet and wrapped it in, and then the whole flower went underground. This is over! "Ah! Hello everyone." I greeted the spider-men quickly. "I'm a lost person, I want to ask the next way."

"A lost person? You really can be kidding!" The spider man who took the lead didn't believe it at all. "This is the Central Zone of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest. It's so special to be able to get lost here?"

"I'm really lost!"

"Even you If you want to lie to us, at least think of a good excuse! I actually said that I was lost! There are matchmakers everywhere in the forest of beasts, and the only idiot who can get lost here is probably a rare idiot! You are still a warrior!"

"What is a matchmaker? Is it a signpost?"

A spider man came up and looked at me angrily: "Are you really stupid or think we are all stupid? Quickly Say, what do you want to do when you come to our spider-man tribe? Could it be that you are a spy from the knife tribe to spy on our intelligence?"

"What is this all about? I don't know what knife tribe is. Ah!"

"Pretend it!" The guy suddenly stabbed me with the lance in his hand.

I rolled aside, avoided Lance, and then jumped from the ground. "Don't bully you too much, I'm not welcome anymore."

The spider-man immediately took Lance and stabbed him again. "I'm going to see how you can be unkind."

I squeezed his spear, then pulled it back, pulling him over with his strength. Squatting and sweeping, although the spider legs have more legs, they are too thin and have no power at all. When they were swept all at once, the guy immediately rolled and fell off. I squeezed his spear with my left hand, and the claw oh la la on the right hand bounced out, and then struck the spear with force. With a click, the spearhead was cut off, and I directly inserted the spearhead in my hand into that guy's body.

"Ah!" The guy screamed and crawled back backwards. The wound was not deep enough to kill him.

"Who the hell are you?" The leading spider man walked out. After seeing my battle strength, they didn't dare to be as arrogant as before.

"I said I am a lost person, you just refuse to believe me, what can I do!"

"Sorry, we are in a period of war recently, you appeared It was too sudden. But now it seems that we have probably misunderstood. With your battle strength, it seems that there is no need to deceive us."

Nodded to my satisfaction: "It’s very good if you understand. , I mainly want to know the road conditions around here, do you have a map?"

"Map?" The leader thought for a while: "We don't have a map, but we can take you to the Forest Guardian. , She knows everything, you can ask her."

"Then many thanks!"

The character of bullying and being afraid of hardship doesn't seem to be a habit of Earth creatures, and red star creatures also Same. With a huge power gap, the opponent has obviously become more polite. A spider man was sent to lead the way, and I was quickly sent to the gate of the Guardian cave in the forest. The spider man who led the way told me that he could not enter the cave and could only send me here, and I had to walk the rest of the way by myself.

I walked into the entrance of the cave. Before I walked a few steps, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a sound behind him. I turned over the palm, a translucent ghost worm was thrown into the plant on the wall of the cave, and then I pretended that nothing happened and continued forward. With the help of the information returned by the ghost worm, I soon discovered the stalker behind it. I knew that these guys wouldn't talk so easily, and they sent a large group of people to follow. It seems that this cave may not be a forest Guardian cave, maybe it is the location of a monster or trap. But even though I knew there were enemies behind, I didn't worry too much, and I continued to move forward. After all, it is not ruled out that the other party is just prepared in case, and there may be a forest Guardian who knows the way.

I didn't go too far, and suddenly I stepped on a hard object under my feet. The ground of Underground World is also soiled, so it is generally soft. This sudden change in hardness indicates that I stepped on some kind of stone ground, and the thing is quite flat. Squatting down and peeling off the plants on the ground, there is actually a layer of rock underneath. This kind of stone also shines like the ground outside, but the color is slightly lighter and looks a bit like a magic crystal. Of course, this is not a real magic crystal, it just looks like it.

Continuing to walk a short distance, the natural cave was suddenly replaced by an artificial cave. The shining stones on the ground suddenly end here, as are the cave ceilings and walls. The replacement of these luminous stones is a kind of stone that looks like ordinary rock, but this stone is obviously processed, with a lot of anti-skid patterns on it, and some incomprehensible characters carved on it. Although there is no text on the cave wall, there are a lot of colorful paintings, which look quite abstract, and the erosion of the very difficult to deal with is almost unrecognizable.

Because the rock no longer glows, it gets darker and darker as it goes further, and it is completely out of light after only more than 30 meters. But this has no effect on me, and I can see it without light. After tens of meters in the darkness, something similar to an arch appeared in the passage ahead. I stepped across the arch, and as soon as I stepped on the ground, I immediately heard a sharp sound that rose rapidly, and then my foot flashed, with me as the center, and six green bright spots lit up on the ground. After the bright spots appeared, they immediately extended to all sides. With these bright spots as the center, a circular magic array with a diameter of more than one meter was quickly drawn on the ground. A set of complicated lines was outlined in the array based on a hexagram. The overall look It seems quite esoteric.

Suddenly, I felt that the aperture under my feet was a bit familiar. This thing seemed to be my previous dark magic halo, but it became free to control afterwards, but I don’t know why it’s lit up again today, and it’s still Automatically start completely uncontrollable.

Just as I was puzzled, the strange sharp noise suddenly came from around me again, and then the magic array on the ground suddenly rose up. The magic array composed of green lights suddenly became two, one remained on the ground and the other rose to the top of the cave, forming a magic array exactly the same as on the ground. I remember that the previous dark magic halo would also become this defensive mode when it was attacked, as if there was a Defensive Array around me at that time.

My thoughts just appeared, and the magic array immediately began to react. The two magic arrays suddenly flashed at the same time, and then each split into a magic array and moved towards the middle. These two newly generated magic arrays moved to the height of my waist, and then rotated ninety degrees in different directions and stood up by themselves, becoming two magic arrays that cross each other at ninety degrees. The two magic arrays flashed again, and then rotated forty-five degrees in a clockwise direction. The two intersecting magic arrays became four magic arrays distributed in a rice shape. The four magic arrays shone again, and then each of the magic arrays was divided into two arrays, moving outwards in the forward and reverse directions of their own, so a defense made up of the eight-sided magic array appeared beside me. Circle, I was surrounded in the middle.

The eight-sided magic surrounding me suddenly rotated slowly in a clockwise direction. At the same time, the two magic arrays on the top of my head and the bottom of my feet also began to rotate, but they turned counterclockwise.

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in the passage. "Black magic Absolute Defense body, are you strong!"

"Who are you?"

"I am Forest Guardian."

"You It’s the forest Guardian that Spiderman said? Where are you? Why can’t I see you?"

"hahahaha! You don’t see me, but you think you don’t see me." Voice He smiled and said: "You are in my body now."

"What?" didn't expect this thing is so big! "So I'm in your stomach?"

"No, you are not in my stomach, to be exact, I don't have a stomach either. I am a plant, and what you enter is just one of my nutrition It’s just a passage."

"I’m lost. Those spidermen say you know the roads nearby. Can you tell me how to find Space Crack? At least let me get out of here and find places with more people, which is convenient I continue to ask for directions."

"I don't know where Space Crack is. I am a plant and cannot be moved. The opening position of the space channel is not certain. The channel I know is closed long ago. However, I can send you to places with many people, but I will not provide services for free."

"Isn't it? You have to charge for directions, isn't it too dark?"< /p>

"Money is useless to me. I need you to do something for me. If possible, I will show you the way to leave here."

"First tell me what it is. If If it's too much trouble, I might as well find my way. "It's not that easy to lie to me.

"No, this matter is very important. Once you tell you, you must help me complete it. If you refuse to promise me, I must kill you, because this secret cannot be revealed to others. "

"Forget it, I'll go find the way by myself." Then I turned and left.

The woman's voice suddenly became irritable. "It's not easy to want to go." A gate suddenly fell on the arch that I just passed through, closing me in the passage.

I said funny: "Do you think that a broken door will block me?"

"Then you try!"

Eternal drew it out, slammed into the door after playing a sword flower. There is no feeling of resistance, the eternal sharpness is invincible, and the blade easily penetrates the door. "hmph, just this!" I pressed the sword down proudly, and immediately cut a big cut. But just as I was about to cut a hole out, I suddenly found that the cut edge I just cut was healing quickly at a speed visible to naked eye. I was surprised to use Eternity to cut to the side again, but the incision immediately began to heal, and it was invisible in a few seconds.

The woman's voice rang again. "Hahahaha! I don't need to have sharp weapons at this door."

"If I can't get out, do you plan to keep me here for the rest of my life?"

"No, You will be free in a few minutes." After the woman's voice was finished, the cave wall suddenly began to squirm. Only then did I remember that this place is in the belly of the guy who calls himself Forest Guardian. It should be a living thing. With the peristaltic movement of the passage, the walls and ceiling of the cave began to seep out some pale pink mucus, which was actually mixed with some light fragrance unique to plants.

The mucus accumulated more and more on the cave wall, and finally began to drip down. One drop of liquid suddenly dripped on the magic array above my head, and only a chirp sound was heard, and the slime was immediately burned by a green flame.


The woman's voice rang. Although it stopped immediately, I still heard her question. She must be surprised that my magic array blocked the slime, putting it that way is definitely not a good thing, at least it won't be good for me.

The effect of the magic-proof array transformed into the ring of magic is super exaggerated, so as long as the slime hits the light array, it will be burned by the green flame and there is no slag left, there is no trace of harmful substances. Can pass through this defensive wall. Perhaps knowing that it couldn't hurt me like this, the woman's voice rang again. "Okay! Even if my digestive juices can't hurt you, do you think you can survive forever in my stomach?"

"I don't think so, but I have no plans Stay in your stomach. I just want to find a shortcut to get out. I don’t know how to do it. I have a backup plan. Anyway, I’m sure you won’t be able to kill you. I used to be the best able to run on Earth. Yes. I advise you to let me out. If it irritates me, it will blow a hole in your stomach."

"Do you have that much power?"

"Of course I can't, but you don't know my occupation."

"Your occupation." The voice was obviously taken aback.

"Hehe, do you think I'm just a warrior? Then you are wrong. The warrior is only a part-time job, and my main job is an animal trainer." I waved. "The tank, shoot directly from the Fenglong space, and blow a hole out for me."

"Understand." The tank's voice came from the open Fenglong space.

"no!" The owner of the voice felt the magic reaction in the Phoenix Dragon space. The magic ray formidable power at this level is very scary. Although she may not have seen this thing, she knows absolutely by the magic level alone. Can hurt her.

Although she yelled no, the tank only listened to me. When the energy was concentrated to the limit, it suddenly oscillated, and then a bright white ray hit the door directly. As if there was nothing there, the gate was burnt down after only a symbolic resistance. The beam of light followed the passage all the way, wrapped the spider man who was following me in, and then shot out from the cave entrance in one breath, and went on. The trees along the way were all burned out, and the nearby plants were also burned up. The creatures with magical power in the forest all turned their heads in surprise and looked towards this direction. Although they may not see the beam of light, the powerful energy explosion can still be clearly sensed.

"Hehe, I finally broke through." I looked at the big hole in front of me, and I could see the outside directly from here. Because the high temperature melted the rock, the tunnel is now red. It doesn't seem appropriate to see the temperature going out now, and what I want to know is where the sound comes from. Although this thing says she is a tree, there should always be a core, right? All large-scale demonized creatures, whether they are plants or animals, will have magic cores or cores. Since this guy is known as the Forest Guardian, I don't know if the cores are very large. If you take them back, they might be very valuable.

Turn your head towards the depths of the cave, and soon enter a circular space. In the center of this space, a green crystal ball is floating there, with circles of light shining on it. , Very beautiful.

"Why did you come here?" The voice suddenly appeared again. The sound disappeared after the magic light attack just now, and didn't expect appeared again now.

"hehe! Is this crystal ball your body?"

"What do you want to do?" The voice is obviously trembling, showing that the owner of the voice is very frightened.

"I don't want to do anything." I have already walked under the crystal ball. "I just want to take this ball away."

"No, then I will die!"

"It's not my business whether you die or not, I only care about this What can the ball do."

"hmph, I won't let you get me!" The crystal ball flashed suddenly, and then it vibrated violently. I thought she was going to self-destruct, but she didn't expect that she spun around. With the high-speed rotation of the crystal ball, the surrounding air suddenly began to twist, and then began to turn around with her. A powerful whirlwind was quickly generated in the room, which seemed to be untenable.

I saw the opportunity, I suddenly jumped up and wanted to take the crystal ball out. Who knew that the moment my body left the ground was suddenly swept in by the whirlwind, and then the whole person followed the airflow around the crystal ball. It turned round and round, and the speed was obviously rising frantically.

At this time, the entire forest began to vibrate, and the spider-men found that their forest Guardian’s cave was rapidly collapsing. One after another huge crack appeared on the ground during the shaking, and even the rocky zenith began to crack, and it was obviously out of control.

The crystal ball rotated in the room for a while and then began to slowly rise. The rock on the top was torn into a channel by the strong wind pressure, and I followed the crystal ball up. The cyclone broke through the First Layer rock and entered the Underground World above, and then began to accelerate further. The space below is relatively small, no matter how fast the wind speed is, Xiao Xuanfeng is different from above. The huge space gives the airflow enough space to accelerate, and the wind has entered a completely unrestricted crazy rising stage.

Before Xiao Xuanfeng evolved into a tornado, I was thrown out of it, hitting my head into the middle of a pile of rocks, and it took a lot of effort for the boss to get me out. As soon as I got up, I found my body tilted to one side completely uncontrollably, and then fell down again. With little stars in his eyes, there seemed to be several rock bands playing more than a dozen different tunes in his head. This damn whirlwind is really crazy, it turns me dizzy and eyes blurred.

Just as I was dizzy, I suddenly noticed that the whirlwind was moving towards me. The crystal ball seemed to not only generate whirlwinds, but also control the whirlwind's movement. I quickly stood up and wanted to run, but when I got up, I fell down again. Two human legs are really troublesome. A complete mental state is necessary to maintain balance. I really hate myself for missing two legs now! There is no way to climb forward with both hands and feet, but the speed is still not enough. It suddenly occurred to me that I am an animal trainer, don't I need to run by myself!


As soon as Lucky came out of Fenglong Space, he was taken aback. "Mother! What is this?"

"Superstorm!" I grabbed his scales and climbed up. "Take me out of here, it looks like it wants my life!"

"Understood." Lucky swept me on his back with his wings, and then shouted, "Grab it." "Speaking, he spread his wings.

I quickly stopped him: "Don't! Wow!..."

I called it too late! With the lucky wings, we were immediately sucked back by a powerful force, and the whirlwind instantly pulled us towards the center of the storm. This big guy is like a vacuum cleaner. Spreading out its wings is like spreading a sail, but the direction of the wind is not where we want to go.

Recovering luck in the Phoenix Dragon space in the air, I quickly shot the dragon tendons on the ground in front of me. It's a pity that the cable head was hit by the gravel shortly after it flew out, and it turned back again, completely useless. There is a windy area behind, and there is no time to make any effort. I took a wing, then hugged myself into a ball, and wrapped myself into an oval sphere with the wings. The crystal jelly left by the insect race empress above my head was light flashed, and my wings were immediately covered with a red protective shield. The silver pattern on the armor moved along with it, and there was a layer of silver eggshell inside the red protective cover. The green black magic Defensive Array rays of light flashed, and quickly shrank into a relatively small state, and wrapped me tightly around the red shield, followed by a group of black flames that quickly ejected from the shield. , The egg-shaped shell formed by the three-layer protective shield immediately burned a layer of hellfire, and at the same time, red lightning was cruising on the surface of the sphere. While all this was completed, I was completely sucked into the storm zone.

The current cyclone has flew away from Xiao Xuanfeng before it. After crossing the ground, it has expanded hundreds of times, and the cyclone has rolled up a lot of rocks and other debris into the center of the cyclone. These objects with high-speed rotation along with the cyclone are the most deadly things. They are like meteors with high-speed rotation.

As soon as I entered the storm zone, I heard an explosion of crackle outside, and a large number of rock fragments hit the shield. Hellfire burned most of the volume of the rock, but the remaining part is still very difficult to deal with. The rock fragments that passed through the black magic array immediately hit the red insect race protective cover, and then made a harsh rubbing sound, and even pieces of fire star could be wiped out of the protective cover, sometimes some of them were larger in size. It can even penetrate the red shield and hit the mercury shield inside, but this kind of rock has no power anymore, basically it is impossible to penetrate the mercury shield.

Just like this, I was sucked into the center of the storm. I suddenly felt an immense force pulling me up. I felt a feeling of overweight caused by high-speed ascent, as if I was riding a rocket. Actually, my feeling is right. In fact, I am being sent upward. That Xiao Xuanfeng has developed into a super tornado, and the characteristic of a tornado is that it sucks the surrounding things into the center, and then decides whether to send things up or pull things down according to the direction of rotation at that time. The current whirlwind is just upwards, so I am flying upwards at an unimaginable acceleration.

In Earth, at worst is thrown high in the sky, and then slowly flies back. But this is the Underground World of red planet. Must remember one very important thing, that is, there is a roof! The protective ball I was hiding in rose straight up like a cannonball, and finally reached the top of the tunnel. The thing that was sucked in before has punched a big hole at the top of the hole, and it is almost clear. Now I was flying up the last straw that straddled the camel. With only a bang, the roof made of magnets was actually punched out of a hole, and I was thrown directly into the iron sand on it.

If I was usually stuck here now, the whirlwind below didn't stop. In fact, not only didn't stop, the guy was still walking upwards. The cyclone blew all the gravel out, forming a huge red fountain in the red desert. I flew into the sky with a mass of gravel, but I had no chance to fall. The whirlwind moved up all the way. The whirlwind carrying a lot of debris is almost like a grinding wheel. The small hole that was originally not big was quickly expanded. Great Accomplishment A large hole with a diameter of one kilometer, the main body of the whirlwind and the crystal ball took off.

This damn whirlwind is that the bigger the space, the bigger it is. After it gets out of the ground, the space is not a problem at all. In this endless desert, there is nothing that can play a blocking role at all, and the wind begins to rise wildly without limit. A large amount of red sand in the desert is sucked into the wind area to form a more terrifying red dust storm, and this terrifying thing is still increasing. Those damn spider-men actually said that this thing is the Forest Guardian God, I really don't know how she resembles the Forest Guardian God, is this thing clearly a windshield crystal!

It’s not a way to keep turning like this. My shields don’t consume power when activated, but they consume my magic power when attacked. Now I'm being attacked almost constantly in the sand and dust, my magic power is falling down like flowing water, and if this continues for a while, I won't be able to support the shield. After thinking about it, I put the helmet down and I took off the protective cover directly. Almost as soon as the protective shield disappeared, my health began to drop crazily.

There is a bug in "Zero" that is not a bug, that is, Wind Element magic cannot be defended. Theoretically speaking, Wind Element magic counts as physical damage, because it is caused by objects carried in the wind hitting the target. But here is the problem. In "Zero", if the gap between offense and defense is too large, the defense may not be broken. In this state, only a little blood will be deducted, and the real damage will not be calculated. However, there are hundreds of small fragments in the wind. When every grain of sand hits you, it will not break the defense, but it will absorb a little damage. It is normal for a gust of wind to bring up thousands of gravel, and the result is a In the case of forced deduction of a little blood a thousand times, the final actual blood loss speed is much exaggerated compared to ordinary magic and physical attacks.

Although my defensive power is very high, but now I am constantly attacked by sand and gravel in the wind, and the blood loss is really scary. It will not take long for me to be squeezed dry.

Suddenly the woman's voice appeared again. "Hahahaha! Do you know how good I am? You just wait to be sucked into a corpse by me!"

"The beauty of thinking." I suddenly opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and released Frost and Snow, and at the same time Protected her in front of him with wings. Take the Frost Star from your arm and give it to her. "It's up to you."

Shuangxue nodded, and then raised her hand. "Absolutely zero."

A white icy gas escaped from Frost's hands. The white mist swiftly followed the whirlwind and froze everything it touched. The white frost quickly followed the whirlwind path to freeze the objects in the wind. These things were frozen into a mass, then crushed by the wind, and then frozen again into larger blocks of ice. In this kind of reciprocation, the wind is constantly increasing, but the volume of the cyclone is constantly shrinking. Eventually the cyclone shrank into a slender cyclone belt less than five meters in diameter.

Frost and snow threw the frost star upward: "Condensation!"

The frost star suddenly flashed like a flash bomb, and the entire wind column instantly froze into a whirlwind. The shape of the icicle, and then there was an explosion-like noise from the Frost Star. The entire icicle burst suddenly. The huge Heavenspan Pillar instantly collapsed, and a large number of ice crystal fragments hit the ground like raindrops.

"Ah!" Shuangxue and I were taken down by the ice cubes, and our magic power was completely exhausted just now. didn't expect Frost and Snow's ultimate must kill so much! I supported my body and looked around, nodded satisfied. Although it took a little bit of magic, the effect was not bad. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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