"Huh! Finally killed!"

Shuangxue got up from the ground and pointed to the sky: "Should that also be killed together?"

"En?" I followed her fingers and looked up, a green crystal was floating there up and down, and the thing was shining with a very unstable light. "It should be wiped out, but it looks like it's going to explode!"

"I suggest flashing before being caught in." Frost said, pulling me up and running. Although it is a frozen creature, Frost and Snow is actually good at physical attacks, so the speed is not slow. There was a loud noise before the two of us ran far, and the shock wave almost arrived with the sound. The two of us flew forward together. Fortunately, the ground was full of sand, and it didn't feel much to fall on the ground.

The green storm came and went quickly. It swept across the desert and spread out into the distance, but when we looked back, we were surprised to find that the damn green ball was still floating in place. Beating up and down.

"Do you think I exploded?" The green crystal ball suddenly flew in front of us, flickering regularly with the rhythm of speaking.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay." The crystal ball's voice was full of pride. "I just spread out the energy gathered by the rotation. If I explode, it won't be such a small wind. You might be sent back to your hometown!"

"Where did you mean?" I pointed to Earth Asked.

The crystal ball flickered triumphantly. "Correct. If I explode, you will probably be bombed back to Earth. But I won't explode because I don't want to die yet. As for you, it seems that you won't live long. It ruined what I finally found. Not to mention the body actually destroyed my magic storm."

"Are you not Tree Demon?"

"Did I say I am Tree Demon?" crystal ball Said: "Even though I said I was a tree before, I used my strength to shape a big tree to make a body, so I am a tree, but that tree was completely destroyed by you. Now I am the free crystal spirit. "

"Hehe, it sounds like a lot of money."

"It's valuable? You actually call me valuable? I'm a crystal spirit, not something that can be measured by price. You dare to insult my dignity!" The crystal flashed suddenly, and then ran into me. when. Jingjing appeared in front of me, the Divine Shield and the crystal ball were on top of each other. Finally, the crystal ball suddenly loosened and then flew back. "Who you are? Why do you want to save him?"

"I am the Holy Shield Angel Jingjing, and this one behind is my master, why do you want to save him?" Jingjing put the shield on the ground One in. "With me here, you don't want to hurt the master a bit."

"Then I will kill you together." The crystal ball flashed again, and the sand on the ground suddenly began to gather towards the crystal ball, and soon formed A huge sand sculpture. This should be the image of a woman, wearing a light armor, holding a shield in her left hand, and a sword decorated with two hands that are slightly larger than her right hand. This sand sculpture is about eight meters high and looks very big. The top of the crystal ball flying on the sand sculpture was embedded in the forehead of the female statue, and then a halo began to spread along the sand sculpture's body along the position where the crystal ball entered. All the positions where the halo swept turned into a kind of red crystal. The sand sculpture that had just looked rather rough and ugly quickly turned into a crystal clear statue.

I sighed next to me: "It's not called the Crystal Spirit, so she can turn everything else into crystals! Is this a money printing machine!"

With a bang, the crystal lady Divine Idol slashed down with a fierce sword, but was held up by Jingjing. Jingjing yelled to me nervously: "Where is there a money printing machine that can kill people? Master, you must hurry up and find a way!"

"Don't worry." I opened the Fenglong space. Shouted inside: "Tank, come out and help."

As soon as the tank came out, it hit the crystal girl Divine Idol into flight. Although this crystal lady Divine Idol is more than eight meters high, it is not too big compared to a tank. Although the tank is only a dozen meters tall, he is a worm, and his length is the longest figure in his body, not his height. The tank is nearly a hundred meters long, and the crystal girl Divine Idol is just an occasional person in front of him.

When the female Divine Idol got up from the ground, she immediately swung her crystal sword and slashed at the tank, but she was smashed into the air by the tank with a hammer and sword. It is not an opponent in size, and its strength is much worse. Except for the hardness slightly higher than that of the tank, the crystal image does not have any advantage.

The female Divine Idol without weapons was hit by the tank again. Before she could get up, a flashing shell had already hit her first. With a boom, the sky full of crystal shards announced the complete end of the crystal girl Divine Idol.

The crystal ball without the body wanted to fly up and condense the gravel again, but it was firmly grasped by both hands. My silhouette appeared from the void, and the crystal ball was firmly controlled by me. Although she kept trying to run, after all, she was not as strong as me and couldn't break free.

"Don't waste your effort! You can't run away." I smiled and said: "Look around! You are now within the range of my magic circle, this is my absolute control District, you can’t gather magic power here. Don’t want to use up the last bit of magic power, just give me honest."

"You are not despicable."

" In addition to answering questions, it is better for the prisoner to speak less. Believe me, what I said is correct. "I patted her as I said. "Now tell me where I can find the way back to Earth, otherwise I will consider breaking you up and making jewelry to sell."

"hmph! You won't."

I suddenly turned eternity into a small hammer and knocked it on the crystal ball. "Do you want to try?"

"hmph! You are cruel! Is the passage? I don't know here, but if we go back to where I was before, and then we can't walk far, we can find one Passage."

"It's almost the same. Now help me lead the way."

With this captive, everything becomes simpler. After returning to the place where we left before, I quickly found a Transmission Passage under the leadership of the Crystal Spirit. Fortunately, this is a one-way passage, so it is of little use value. Therefore, there is no monster around, which is very safe. . But when I crossed that passage, something went wrong.

As soon as I walked through the tunnel, I found myself stepping on the air and falling forward. Instinctively reached out to support the ground, only to find that it was touching the surface of the water. With a bang, I plunged into the water. Fortunately, the water was not deep. After hitting the bottom of the water, I slapped the ground directly over my body and stood up. Immediately after the water came out, I found that the situation did not seem to be a great enemy. I feel that the ground under my feet is solid and flat, unlike a place like a pond, and the water is still hot. There are still petals floating on the water. The air is filled with a unique fragrance of flower juice, and there is a lot of fog. Not very good.

If this problem alone is nothing, the key problem is that I actually saw a door, and the nearby land is chest-high rocky ground, and it seems that the edges and corners have been specially polished. I would be an idiot if I saw this and didn't know where I was! I actually fell into the bath!

"Ah! Pervert!"

Suddenly a high-pitched scream came from behind, almost deafening my ears. As soon as I turned around, I saw a white object flying towards me. I instinctively reached out and took it, but I didn't catch it. The thing slid out of my hand. Damn, it's soap!

"Her Highness the Princess, what happened?" The door was pushed open with a bang, and a dozen maids rushed in. Of course they saw me. No matter how much water vapor there is in the room, after all, there is only a few tens of square meters in the room, and it is still not invisible to people. "Assassin!" The maids responded quickly and jumped into the pool one by one, presumably they were planning to hold me down to let Princess get out.

Poor, I was pushed over by a bunch of people before I knew what was going on, and fell into the bottom of the water. These maids are not ordinary weak women, they are all experts. After watching me fall into the water, these guys didn't let go of my meaning at all, and kept stepping under the water. The water depth at waist height couldn't hinder the attack at all, and after two hard hits, I quickly stood up from the water.

"Frost and snow." This place is full of water, which is not suitable for me to fight, and the steam makes me dizzy!

The temperature in the room instantly dropped to freezing point, the hot pool was frozen rapidly, and the maids who had not had time to climb out were all frozen in the water. The water vapor has disappeared in the low temperature, and the vision in the room has returned to a normal level. Princess had been protected by the maid and ran out. The rest of the maid took an attacking posture. There were still many people rushing towards this side listening to the footsteps.

Although I don’t know where the transmission came, but it must be Earth. The question is how do I get out. Fully armed soldiers appeared at the window and outside the door almost at the same time, and they rushed in unceremoniously.


"Huh?" Shuangxue looked at me. I pointed to my feet, and then lightly touched my toes on the ground. With a ding sound, the ice skates bounced out from under the boots. Shuangxue immediately understood what I meant. "Frozen earth." A white halo spread out quickly along the ground, and the ground was frozen into a huge mirror surface, brightly illuminating people. The soldiers who rushed in didn't expect that the ground would suddenly freeze. They were also wearing iron boots, and there was no adhesion on the ice. They immediately smashed into one piece.

"hehe, now let's see how you surround me." I turned around and jumped out of the window. The main function of Frost's ice-covered Earth Demon method is to freeze the ground into ice. It has no other ability, so the coverage area is so large that most of this place may be frozen.

After falling on the ice outside the window, I stared on the ground, my body squatted slightly, and I immediately slid out. Skating is much faster than running, and I quickly jumped towards the gate of the courtyard. I immediately found a wall in front of me when I walked out of the gate. I leaned my body to the left and held my hand slightly on the ground, and the whole person immediately swung over in a sharp turn. The chaser behind me ran out of the gate but fell a large part because of the sudden inability to turn on the ice.

I slid forward along the original corridor for a while and immediately saw a new exit. I turned sharply again and walked out. After passing this gate, there is a corridor in front of me. Although the height is uneven, it doesn't affect me much. My balance is pretty good, but the chasing soldiers behind are suffering, and they can't walk on the flat ground. This kind of up and down The uneven corridor is the best section for wrestling. After rushing to the front of the cloister, there is an archway. After charge ahead, you enter a huge square. Fortunately, there is a huge gate on the right side of the square. According to my understanding of architecture, this kind of gate generally only appears at the main gate to the outside of the building complex, and such large gates are not used in other places.

It’s easy to find the exit. I slid over after a few hard kicks. Although the guards nearby saw me, they couldn’t run. It’s not easy to run on the ice. The more the guards at the door tried to chase me, the more they couldn't run. They kept getting up and then falling down, and I successfully broke through the door. But there is a bigger door outside the door that made me depressed, but some civil buildings can already be seen outside that door, and it seems that it is the last door.

Just as I was about to charge ahead before I arrived at the door, suddenly there was a flash in the door frame, and a seven-color light curtain closed the door. I hit the light curtain with one head and was bounced back, turning a few somersaults before stopping. I saw a few old men holding staff standing next to the first door I just passed through. It was obvious that they had closed the door.

I jumped up from the ground with my hands on the ground, turned around and threw away the two steel needles. The two wizards who held the staff hurriedly blocked it with their staff, and shook their wands. A steel needle was inserted, and the needle passed through the staff, almost wearing it. I turned and rushed to the edge of the courtyard wall and looked up at it. In the sky seems to be filled with a similar protective cover, it seems that jumping over the wall is not enough.

I suddenly jumped on the spot, squatted in the air, and hit the ground with a fist with the force of falling. With a bang, I smashed into cracks in the ice on the ground, and even the ground below turned up together. After knocking on the ground, I jumped upward, and immediately stretched out countless vines under the ground to wrap me in, and then dived into the ground. After a few seconds, I jumped out of the courtyard wall. As I guessed, the protective cover did not shield the ground.

Recovering the rose vine, I quickly summoned out the bird and jumped up. Pulling four flames, the flying birds rushed into the sky at supersonic speed, and the chasing soldiers behind had no choice but to take me.

"Huh! Finally it came out!"

Asuka suddenly reminded me: "Master."


" Look below."

I stretched my head from Asuka's back and looked under my eyes. "Sky City?"

Flying in the air, we can finally see the whole picture of this place. It turns out that this place is not land, but a large flying city. The place I just ran out seemed to be the inner city of this place, or a place like the Imperial Palace. After all, I heard the maids shouting to protect the Princess before, so the place before is probably the Imperial Palace. The entire city is about thirty times the size of the Imperial Palace, and the total area is almost the same as the original Isinger, which means it is larger than the current Isinger. However, Isinger has a multi-layer structure, and the usable area is actually much larger than it.

The architectural styles in this whole sky city are very strange. I just thought about how to get out of it before, but didn’t pay attention to the architectural form. Now I think about it and realize that the buildings here are neither European nor Asian. The style, of course, is not the African style. These buildings have their own architectural structure, which seems to have absorbed the architectural characteristics of various places in one body. Although the style is not visible, they are still quite beautiful.

I am not too surprised to see the city in the sky. What really makes me feel strange is that no one knows its existence when such a big thing is flying in the sky on Earth. This is also a little weird. Bar?

I was observing the situation below, and suddenly noticed a group of black spots flying up below, and it was obviously coming towards us. Originally, I wanted to speed up Asuka to leave, but the guys below didn't expect to catch up quickly. As the distance got closer, I clearly saw the flying beast under those guys, which was actually a long spear. All the people who chase me are riding long spears that only our guild have, and there are so many. Had it not been for I knew that our guild did not have such a city in the sky, I would have almost regarded this thing as my own city!

The facts also confirmed my thoughts. This is indeed not my own city, otherwise these people would not attack me. Although many members do not know me, they all know me. If they are really their own, they will attack me. This thing is obviously something of an unknown force, and the other party also has a lot of long spears.

The long spears of our guild were brought back when the Babel Tower was moved from Germany. These things seem to be dedicated to guarding the Babel Tower. Later, I brought back Isengard because of the Tower of Babel. As a result, those guardian long spears became one of the guardian beasts of our guild.

The long spears that suddenly appeared are all riding people. These people are also very skilled in cooperating with the long spear. Obviously, it is not a day or two. A large group of long spears quickly surrounded me, and one of the leaders shouted to me. "Surrender! Although I don't know where you got our jet wyvern, your riding skills are no better than our professional air cavalry, surrender!"

They actually said long spear It's their jet wyvern, putting it that way, they must be the primordial masters of the long spear. Although our guild has a large number of long spears, we see that others have long spears, but we would not think that the other party got them out of us. Only the owner of the long spear's origin can say this. In addition, they call long spear jet wyvern, putting it that way they know a lot about long spear. It shouldn't be the case that they got the long spear suddenly, but they have been using it for a long time.

The long spear discovered at the time was the Guardian of Babel Tower. If there are a large number of long spears here, then...? I ignored these air cavalry, but eagerly looked down and looked for it. As a result, I saw more than a dozen buildings similar to the Babel Tower in the city. Although they are a little different from the shape of the Babel Tower in our guild, they are roughly the same. I can recognize it as the Babel Tower at a glance. Is the Babel Tower also something here? Putting it that way How strong is the technical force here? If you are not mistaken, Babel relies on the orbital reflector located outside Earth to reflect the magic beam to achieve the purpose of global attack. This shows that the maker of Babel Tower has at least the ability to send specific objects into Earth’s orbit, otherwise. Things like Berta simply cannot be made. In this game world, technology is greatly restricted, so satellites are not necessarily sent by rockets, but at least people here can send things to space. No matter what method it is, it represents power. Any orbiter means a powerful military force. If possible, obtaining this technology will completely change our position in national warfare. Just relying on a Babel Tower, there are too few places to monitor, and it is not very useful.

After I figured it out, I immediately said to the leader: "Sorry, this is not your jet wyvern. His name is Asuka, which is much higher than the thing you stepped down."

The Captain immediately said: "Whatever it is, he should be a wild individual left by the jet wyvern that ran out of us. He is still a creature belonging to the city of our gods."

"But he is my favorite now, and I won't hand him over."

"It doesn't matter if you hand over it, but you must land immediately, otherwise we will be ordered to shoot you down." After the Captain finished speaking, he immediately pointed his staff at me. It seems that they are still based on magic, and even the weapons of the air cavalry are wands.

I thought about it or nodded. "Okay! I will land with you." Since I want to investigate whether they have the technology to build the Babel Tower, I must go down and contact their seniors so that we can investigate useful information. Anyway, this is already Earth, if it doesn't work, I will ask Rose to summon me back with the ring of love.

I was crushed by a large number of air cavalry and landed on the square where I ran out before. There are already a large group of guards waiting for me here. The ice on the ground seemed to be shattered forcibly by some force, but it hadn't completely melted yet. The soldiers around looked at me with anxious life, as if I were a monster!

"Are you the pervert who peeked at my daughter's bath?" A majestic voice appeared outside the crowd. My muscles stiffened in an instant, and didn't expect actually lost such a name! With such a big black pot, what are we going to talk about next? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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