Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 49: Revenge!

Volume XIII Chapter 49 is retaliated! See you surprised? "Rose stood behind me with a smile on her face.

"Oh my God! You almost scared my soul out. How did you get here? Aren't you still Isinger?"

"I think you need my help, so I found the nearest transmission channel." Rose asked with a smile: "Aren't you happy to see me coming?"

"Of course not. I just want to ... oh forget it, it's not safe to stand here anymore!"


I turned around and walked forward, and Pu Gui immediately followed. After just two steps, I suddenly turned around. The blade claw on the right arm popped over a foot long, and I punched the woman's belly behind me with a punch. The blade claw passed directly through her body, and the old one came out from behind. Holding her shoulder in her left hand and pushing hard, I yanked the blade upwards and pulled it out. She fell on the steps and touched her perforated belly, then looked at me in surprise. Her mouth was open, but she was speechless.

"Surprised?" I smiled at the woman lying on the ground. "Do you think I would even admit that my wife was wrong?"

The image of the woman on the ground began to change gradually after I finished speaking, and soon became a humanoid monster. Although it looks roughly like a human, its appearance is really ugly and scary. At this moment, his mouth was constantly spitting blood, and it seemed almost impossible.

"You ...!" The monster said in a final breath. "How did you see through?"

"Yan Gui has my taste, and I have a werewolf bloodline. Do you think I can't smell your **** smell? Remember to take a bath before posing as someone else, it ’s best to spray perfume. Smells. "I shook my hand vigorously, and flung out the green blood on the blade claws. The arm trembled and the purine uttered. The blade claws spring back into place automatically. Turned around and left chicly, no longer shut this guy who was already out of breath.

I did not expect that there would be monsters that could disguise the appearance of the enemy. The situation where the enemy I encountered before was disguised as my own was encountered only once in front of the magic mirror, but I did not expect to run into another one. Now it seems that the situation on the Red Planet is far from simple. The creature just now does not have the characteristics of those creatures that have been seen on Earth before. His skin is not as gray as those creatures. It turned pale green, and the guy's eyes were not very large, similar to normal humans. I don't know if this creature is special, or if there are some special secrets hidden on this planet, or that this kind of creature is the ruling class, and what they saw on Earth before was only their soldiers.

As I wanted to walk, the underground world was really not that big. There were stone pillars and some strange plants supporting the zenith everywhere. Because it depends on the light matter on the ground and zenith to grow. So the plants here are not all growing upwards, but some are growing downwards and upwards. The plants that grow upwards look like enlarged ground plants, while the plants that grow downwards are densely covered together, as if a thick layer of plant carpet is covered on the ground.

Apart from plants, the creatures of this underground world are also strange. The monsters I encountered before seemed to be only a small part of the biological land here. Not long after walking here, there were a lot of small animals. Of course, there were also some of them that were relatively large. But relatively speaking, they are relatively mild species. But almost all the animals here have no eyes, and most of them have strange light spots on them. Seems to be able to light by myself. But I haven't been able to figure out what the eyeless creature should do.

I wanted to catch a small animal and study it, and suddenly the existing things were approaching me. I bowed my head fiercely, and there was a rattling sound from the plant in front of me. I looked up, and there was an arrow in it. He turned sharply and saw nothing but a piece of plant.

I carefully reached out and pulled out the arrow stuck in the trunk ahead. This is not an ordinary arrow. It does not have arrows and tails in the general sense. The entire arrow is a complete whole, and its head and rod are a whole. A barbed head is difficult to pull out once it hits an object, and its tail is connected to a series of things like hairs, which is regarded as a balanced tail. Such a thing is simply a natural arrow, there is no trace of processing at all, and it is not necessary.

It seemed like no one was nearby, but the other person did attack me. I turned to face the direction where the arrow had just shot, and then tried to move a little to the side. As soon as I moved the nest, the petals of a flower in front of it suddenly appeared, revealing the heart full of arrows. I stopped immediately, and the flower remained open and stopped moving. I looked at the arrow in my hand, and then looked at the flower heart, it was clearly a thing. The plant that attacked me for a long time was the plant, and the arrow looked like a lotus seed, it was relatively slender, and the shell was very hard.

This horrible plant probably relies on something like a blow arrow to spread seeds. Such a short arrow, as long as it does not hit the key, should not be immediately fatal. Before the animals die, they will definitely take this arrow, which is the seed that runs a distance. When the animal dies, this seed begins to grow in the animal's carcass, and even the nutrients are ready. There are also many plants on the planet that rely on animals to spread seeds, but this is the first time I have seen such a pervert.

This **** ground is completely covered by plants, so you ca n’t see below, but I guess there must be a root network of this plant underground, and this thing should be very impressed by pressure and vibration, otherwise it wo n’t attack only on the move Me. In order to test the correctness of the idea, I opened the Fenglong space and got a set of garbage equipment. I grabbed the garbage helmet I didn't know when I threw it gently, the helmet flew more than three meters away and fell to the ground. At the moment when the helmet landed, the flower of the beautiful winter coat m from the beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket immediately turned around like lightning. With a bang, a seed was shot. I only heard the sound of an arrow. The arrow-like seeds easily penetrated the helmet and slanted it, as if the helmet was made of ordinary wood.

I didn't expect this thing to be so accurate, I simply took another pile of garbage out. Then huffed and threw it in all directions. I want to see how this thing reacts when it encounters multiple targets, preferably it only hits one of them, so I can run. Unexpectedly, the ground was at the same time as those things landed. Dozens of flower buds on that plant bloomed at the same time, and then shot at the same time like dozens of small cannons. At least one seed was hit on everything I threw.

Damn, it seems this thing is still

Not easy to handle! It seems that running is not good. It's better to kill this thing. Raise your hand and a whirlwind surrounds me. After the whirlwind, I am already in the form of the silver moon. Point the stick of the sun at the plant. "Fire dragon technique." With a loud dragon yin, a red fire dragon composed of flames came straight out, hitting the plant straight, and then a raging fire was set on fire.

When I saw the fire burning, I thought it was over, but unexpectedly there was a strange sound in the flame, and then I saw countless small rockets flying towards me. "Wow!" Hmm ... I hit more than thirty arrows in a row. The whole person was hit by the power of the small arrow and flew out. He fell into the big tree behind him and fell down, his body still on fire, really terrible!

"Fuck!" I jumped angrily from the ground, and then the small arrow stuck in me instantly burned into a pile of ashes and fell to the ground. Those arrows didn't shoot through my armor at all. I was hit for the first time after putting on the oath suit. I did not expect that this suit was actually soft armor. Just now the ground arrows seemed to be shooting into my body, but in fact they were shooting into the virtual space. The armor would collapse inward after being hit. This can act as a buffer. However, the inward collapse of the armor will hurt people wearing armor, but the oath suit comes with space. The armor collapsed into space, and I could not feel the pressure.

I took off the ash from my body and I looked around. This underground forest has burned out a large open space, and smoke is everywhere. Turning back to the depths of the forest and moving on, I have no goals now. I must quickly find a teleportation space. Or grab a talking captive.

Just a few steps out of the flame zone, I suddenly felt a violent vibration under my feet. I looked down. The ground suddenly lifted, and took a few steps back quickly. The ground nearby turned upside down, and numerous vines emerged from the ground. After the rattan leaves the ground, he quickly rolled over at me, obviously uncomfortable.

I stuck the staff to the ground. "The sun's aura." A bright white ring quickly spread out along the ground, and all the vines quickly burned into fly ash. "Huh! Some rotten trees want to attack me!"

"Do you think these plants are not enough to be your opponents?" The ground in front suddenly cracked, and a huge drill emerged from the ground. Immediately after the large drill bit emerged from the ground, it bloomed outward like a flower, and the gray ground was covered with pink petals. After the outer skin was opened, the petals also began to spread outward, and when the big flower was fully bloomed, the inner people were finally exposed. This is a woman in green light armor, but she can't see her face at all. She has a helmet on her head, and her entire face is completely blocked by a green drop-shaped crystal mask, but her figure is good, especially the obvious abdominal muscles on the lower abdomen without the armor cover. It's very flexible. A woman of this stature is definitely a type of combatant, and if she uses a weapon, it is likely to be a two-handed weapon. Increasing attack at all costs is the main attacking characteristic of people like them. But when they met me, they were unlucky. I just happened to restrain them from this type of absolute defense line, and it ’s no good no matter how fast I do n’t break the defense.

I stared at her for a long time, then raised the staff. "The field of the sun-the world of energy." The surrounding temperature instantly began to skyrocket. The plants that survived the previous two flames failed to escape the catastrophe. Most of the plants were smoking, and even the ground began to gradually become red.

The woman on the opposite side flung her hands and crackled, and two long cones slipped out of the armor under her arms.

"Oh! Do you use a steel cone?"

The woman's silent hands fluttered, and the two steel cones immediately fell to the ground. This thing is actually not a steel cone, just looked away. It can be seen after spreading out that these are actually two whip swords, and they are four-edged swords. The eternal basic form is the whip sword, and I know the characteristics of this weapon. The so-called ground whip sword is a weapon that can be spread into a whip and can also be folded into a sword. Because the steel is flexible, it is very dangerous to use. This danger refers not only to the enemy, but also to itself. If the game is not good, the enemy will cut himself before it is cut. As for the four-edged sword. In fact, a general sword is similar, and it looks like the two swords and the sword body are rotated together by 90 degrees along the center axis of the sword body. Because this kind of sword has more blades, the cutting method is more special. It has no smooth sides and cannot cut too deep into the enemy's body. Otherwise it will be stuck by the other two blades and cannot be pulled out. However, this kind of blade is just right for the whip sword, because the whip sword has always been known to cause a lot of trauma to the enemy, known as one of the most cruel weapons. Hitting the enemy to all scales and wounds, and finally losing too much blood and exhausting life, this is the characteristic of the whip. When the four-edged whip sword is unfolded, it is a cross dart that slips through together. It does not attack the blind zone at all. Anyone who enters the attack range must face its damage. Although the damage is not too serious, it is just like the effect of barbed wire. It's a psychological disorder. You know that this thing isn't going to die soon, but you will still be slow to respond because of fear.

The woman flicked the sword twice on the ground. "Put away your heat! I'm not afraid of fire."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"Haha!" The woman laughed. "I'm afraid you just won't."

"Why? Don't you dare tell me?" I looked at the woman with a joke.

The other person seemed to be stimulated by me, and immediately hummed, "What's up with you! I'm afraid of freezing magic. How can you flame mage treat me?"

"It's easy to say no!" I clapped and walked to the side, moved a stone, and sat down. "Frost and snow, it's your turn."

When Frost Xue came out of Fenglong space with a cold wind, she was completely stupid. She looked at me. "You mean!"

"The soldiers don't tire of cheating! Win is win, lose is lose, not so much to talk about. Do you think it is an Olympic game? The strength of the fight talk. It is not a rule. OK, Frost and Snow. Help me freeze her and go back to do Specimen section research. I did not expect that humans could grow in plants. "

"Huh." The woman sneered dismissively: "Although the frozen system can restrain my ability, but I am not the type that meets the frozen monster and is finished, let it go! Whoever loses and who wins also say two! I am ... "The woman fell down suddenly as she said, Yeyue appeared behind her.

I snorted disdainfully. "The next time you fight with me, remember to pay attention to the back." I walked over and lifted the woman from the ground, and then I lifted her mask. "The land is pretty good. It's just stupid!"

"You're stupid." The woman opened her eyes suddenly, and inserted the right hand into me. But her hand stopped halfway through. She turned her head in surprise, and her arm was actually stuck by a white silk thread, and there was a giant spider on the other end of the silk thread.

"Say you're stupid and don't admit it." I told her: "So many of us, you still want to cheat me and attack me. Do you think you are an assassin?"


"Don't you, me, let's be your captive now! Tell me where it is first."

"Here? Of course it's a forest of beasts! You don't even know this, are you from Earth?"

"How do you know that I came from the earth?"

"Are you really?" The woman looked at me with a smile, and I instantly understood what she meant. They are the red planet here. According to their understanding, saying that others are from Earth is just like we say that others are Martians.

"Now that you know that I came from the earth, then tell me how exactly your geographical location is divided."

"Let me tell you."

"You are a captive now, and there is no room for bargaining." I ejected the blade claws against her neck. "Have me be honest."

I thought she would answer my question right away, but who knew she suddenly said, "I'd rather die than die." After that, she took the initiative to move forward. I just felt a relay in my hand, then the sharp blade was on her A big opening was drawn around the neck, and green blood splashed over me like a fountain. Her body softened immediately.

I was surprised to see the green blood on my body, Yeyue they were all stupid. The first time I saw such a heroic and meaningless creature, and she was a free creature. It doesn't matter if someone from the organization or the country's deceased person expresses his aspirations. But she is a free person, so it is not necessary at all?

It's a pity, but since it's dead. I have no other choice. It would be impossible for me to save if she was by the side, now I can't help it. Yeyue tried her pulse, but it completely disappeared, and her body began to rot quickly. In the end, only a black mark of a human shape was left on the ground. The armor on her actually rotten with her. It seems that it should be a part of her body and a special evolved defensive substance.

Taking back the pets, I turned to leave, but shortly after I left, the black area left by the woman's rotten body suddenly shook. A young seedling emerged from the ground, and then quickly grew. In just a few minutes, a giant garlic head-shaped plant with a diameter of more than one meter was formed. The outer skin of the plant peels off quickly. Inside is actually the petals of beautiful Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m. When this huge flower was fully bloomed, the woman just came out of it.

"It's a terrible enemy. Fortunately, I still have a life-saving trick, otherwise it's really over!" The woman said to herself, "No, this hatred can't be ignored. People who bullied me must pay cost."

The plant woman vented her anger in the back, but I was completely unaware that I was looking for a suitable target as a captive. It's not easy to catch a captive in such a place. The biggest trouble is the lack of language. The translation system cannot translate some of the biological languages ​​on this planet, like the woman in the plant just now is the first creature that I can meet normally on this planet. Also. In addition to language issues, there are some problems with the terrestrial creatures themselves. The creatures in this forest are all low-level creatures that cannot communicate. Occasionally, you can see those high-level creatures that appear in swarms. It's really hard to get started and walked for several hours. I couldn't find a suitable captive until I left this plant area. However, this issue should be resolved soon.

There is a city in this **** place. It's rare! Speaking of which, this place may not be called a city, or it may be called a biological gathering place. This place has no city walls and no buildings in the usual sense. This place makes use of the stone pillars that are spread throughout the underground world. It is nothing more than the stone pillars of this gathering point that are relatively close and not very thick. The buildings I saw were half-hanging on these pillars, dense like a bird's nest. I have only seen similar things in the dungeons of the European Dark Temple before ~ .

These creatures gathered near the city are strange. If you follow the centaur naming rules, these things can be called centaur. Their lower half is a spider's belly and six legs for walking. Spiders have eight feet, and they are no exception. Except for the six walking legs, their upper body also has a pair of limbs, but this pair of things is exactly the same as the human hand, and should be completely out of walking. Moreover, their upper bodies are completely different from humans, and even the features on their heads are very standard.

Because the distance was too far to observe by myself, I moved to a relatively close place and began to observe carefully. After observing for a while, there are quite a lot of spider people here, at least tens of thousands. Less than a hundred meters away from me is their bazaar. Many spiders trade here, and I can even hear their conversation. What excites me is that I can understand. Communication seems to be no problem.

While I was thinking of good things, suddenly I felt the danger behind me. Although he turned his body in anxiety, he was pushed out by the other side. I stumbled from the hiding place to the bright spot, and thousands of eyes snorted and gathered all together. I was surprised to look at the stone pillar that was just hiding. The woman who had been killed by me was smiling at me there.

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