Rose noticed that my whole body was trembling, which was an inevitable reaction in anger. She leaned over and took my arm, her other hand was patted on my chest. "Don't care what she said, our identity does not need her recognition."

I turned my head and glanced at her when I heard Rose's words, but my body was still trembling. It seemed that Rose suddenly received an external communication. She was worried about me on one side, but she had to answer the phone on the other side. She really didn't know what to do. Ling came over to help her hold me. "You receive the communication first."

Rose nodded walked aside to start the communication connection.

"Chu Rong Colonel?"

"Yes, I am." Rose pressed the earphone to replied.

"The monitoring system of the base found that Brigadier General Shenlin’s biochemical indicators exceeded the standard. His mood swings are very severe. Please let him control his emotions."

"I am in control, but good It doesn't seem to work."

"Then please give him an energy solution quickly." The researcher's voice sounded abnormally anxious.

"Why?" Rose froze for a moment.

The researcher quickly explained: "Your body has a second state to deal with special situations. We call that state of war. Once the emotions are out of control, your body will enter the state of war on its own. The energy at this time It consumes a lot of money. In order not to damage the brain, it is recommended to inject energy supplements in advance."

"Understood. How much?"

"At least three, preferably seven , To prevent it in case."

"Understand." Rose cut off the communication and hurriedly said to Vina and the others: "Purple Moon is in an unstable state. Give him seven energy liquids."

Vina quickly took out a board of refracting fluid from her chest pocket, and several other people quickly did the same. The woman on the other side sneered after seeing it: "Ha! So you guys are still taking drugs, you are really bastard monsters!"

When I heard this, I only felt a moment of suffocation in my chest, and my body was shaking more severely. NS. Rose got another warning, my body has entered a state of war. Ling and Weina quickly replenished me with seven energy liquids, but I only felt that a strange hotness suddenly appeared in my body.

"I..." I took a step forward. "I'm not... blame... monster!"

Xiaochun patted Rose, and when Rose turned her head to look at her, she pointed to the side. As soon as Rose turned her head, she saw that some strategic materials placed there were slowly rising, and several arcs flashed from time to time between the surrounding walls and the ground. I felt hot and uncomfortable, and even the armor was removed, but I still felt very hot. Those on the other side only saw that my eyes were rapidly turning red, and they were still glowing. one after another A strange snake-like electric arc wandered back and forth on my body. Rose and they all felt that the electricity on my body has exceeded the level of a small power station, and the strength of the magnetic field around here is unimaginable.

Skeet stood aside and said in a panic: "Hey hey hey, master, pay attention, your power is almost overloaded!"

The eldest son of Wang Han suddenly He took out a pistol from behind and pointed it at me, but before he could shoot, he was suddenly lifted up in the air. His younger sister went up and tried to pull him down, but the two people made a bang electric shock as soon as they touched. His younger sister was bounced for several meters and fell to the ground still pumping.

Rose raised her hand in surprise and took a look, and then hurriedly shouted to other people: "Don’t touch each other. We are all static electricity. When we touch other objects, a short current will be formed. , It will burn."

Everyone dared not move. The electric field strength was too terrifying. Everyone obviously felt that there were arcs flashing in the air, and everyone’s hair was too terrifying. All stood up. Wang Han's eldest son was brought to front by me. He was clutching his neck desperately, as if trying to pull the invisible hand away, but it had no effect.

"You...want to die, don't you?" I asked coldly.

The other party spat at me, but the saliva suddenly burned in the air as soon as it came out, and there was nothing left except a puff of blue smoke. My eyes burst into horrible red light again, and then the bastard started screaming. Wang Han's daughter wanted to come up to rescue him, but Wang Han stopped shouting.

Wang Han’s eldest son uttered an inhuman scream in front of me. Everyone could see that his arm was twisting and collapsing in a strange posture, as if there was an invisible Power was squeezing and kneading his arms. The arm holding the gun quickly deformed and shrunk with the pistol, and Wang Han's son turned blue with pain, but was completely unable to resist. That arm was eventually crumpled into a ball of rotten flesh in midair, but that was not all. Everyone saw that his other arm was also collapsing, and the screams that had just stopped rang out again, and that arm eventually became the same mass of flesh floating in midair.

"no! You pervert, kill us, don't torture him." Of course, this cry came from that nasty woman, Wang Han's youngest daughter. "You bastard, you monster! You are not a human!"

My head slowly turned, but it didn't prevent me from squeezing her big brother's left leg again. But this time he could no longer make a scream, and the continuous blows made him even lose the strength to scream. The intense muscle spasms caused by the pain have already made him unable to speak. Had it not been for my strength to support his lungs for breathing, he might have been choked by muscle spasms. I don't want him to die too quickly, so now I am helping him breathe.

"Woman." I looked at the nasty woman coldly. "You helped me figure out some things. You are right, I am not a human being. I have been deceiving myself. I always want to believe that I am a human being, but I find that the gap between me and the people around me is getting bigger and bigger. , They are all different from me."

"You are a pervert, you are not a human being."

"You are right." I pointed to Rose. "My wife was originally a human, but I am not. My initial fertilization was a completely enhanced embryo. I have not been a human since the fertilized egg. You said I am a monster, yes, yes, you know me It’s a monster. Do you know what a monster is? Humans call all creatures they have never seen as monsters, not because these creatures are noble or low, not because they are strong or weak, nor because they are good or evil. The only criterion is Humans have never seen them before. Humans have their own civilization, and humans call everything outside of civilization monsters. The beautiful beluga whales were called rare beasts in the great nautical era, and the cute pandas have always been until they were officially named. They are called furbolgs. Are they evil? No, they are kind and cute. But they used to be a member of monsters, because humans were not used to them at that time. Now you are not used to us, so we are also called monsters. Do you know how I understand this word? Unknown race. This is my definition of monster. Of course, this is based on your human standards. I don’t think it is insulting language anymore. I think it’s a kind of This is a self-deprecating word. What does it mean when you say the word monster? It means you haven't seen or understood the creatures in front of you. I don't know what else to explain besides your ignorance and ignorance."< /p>

"You can just sophistry!"

"I don't need sophistry, because I don't need to be recognized by humans. We are a new species, a new race. If we can survive with humans It’s good, but if humans threaten our existence, then I have to use your methods to solve the problem."

"Our method?"

"Yes, humans "The method." I smiled and said: "speaking of which, humans did good in this regard. Eliminating races that you don’t need, or enslaving them, this method seems to have a very good effect on strengthening your race. Humans don’t like it. Rats and flies, so they were hunted in large numbers. Humans like to eat pork, so pigs were kept in captivity to wait for mass slaughter. Humans thought puppies were cute, so they became pets, and they were categorized and cultivated according to personal preferences." The girl wanted to refute, and I quickly stopped and said: "Don't refute, I don't mean to belittle human beings. This method is really smart, and humans still have many advantages in wisdom. We are a new race, but we also have a part of human beings. Features include the ease of learning. I think human methods are very good, so I think it is necessary to learn from it. However, humans are a large and complex race and cannot be treated like ordinary creatures. Then I think we can also classify humans by species . And you, you people, you are rats, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. You are creatures that I don’t need and are extremely disgusted with. Then I declare now The eight of you are the new eight evils of our race. "

"Why do you say that we are eight evils?" We are humans, you are not qualified. "

"Then what qualifications do you have to say that cockroaches are the four pests?" "

"Because he spreads diseases and endangers human health. "

"Yes, you have endangered my mental health, so I declare that you are the eight evils. Is there any contradiction? Defining other creatures according to their own preferences is a consistent human style, so I will also learn from this method. By the way, another announcement. We decided to give our race a name. Then, we will be called Dragon Clan. We will inherit the technology of Longyuan Group and will gradually strengthen and perfect ourselves. Therefore, I will kill all the human beings that I do not see in an instant, and the rest can be selected as servants, pets, friends or relatives according to the situation. This is all possible. Don't worry, I won't overturn a boat in one stalk. Humans need to be treated differently. It is not a good idea to exterminate humans. After all, some of my relatives and friends are also humans. Most humans are quite cute, but the eight evils like you have to be eliminated first. "

"Dragon Clan, I'm sorry for you. "The woman snorted disdainfully.

Xiao Budian jumped out. "I am a giant dragon, dare you say I am not Dragon Clan." God Uncle Lin is the smartest, and we will be called Dragon Clan from now on. "

Fortunately, she jumped up and gave Xiao Budian a violent shudder. "Who did you learn swear words from?" Do you dare to call Lao Tzu while I'm still here? How old are you? "

Silver screwed the ears of Lucky and Little with one hand. "You two are not good things." Go back and pack you guys! It is not allowed to call Laozi in front of my mother. "

I look at the guy whose limbs have been crumpled into flesh. He has completely lost his anger and hung in midair like a dead dog. "Hello?" how are you feeling? "I looked up at that guy.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, as if he was trying to say something, but his life had come to an end, and he closed his eyes before he could say a word. Eyes. Rose patted me: "The vital signs are gone! "

"I know. "The corpse without limbs suddenly merged with the four balls of flesh pressed by his limbs, and then quickly became a whole ball of flesh. I could see Wang Han's family all staring at their gnashing teeth. But they can't do anything. I looked at Wang Han's youngest daughter mockingly. "Do you feel abnormal? "

She stubbornly asked: "You perverted monster, why do you want to torture him like this?" "

I laughed: "It's nothing! You all said that I am not a human being, and he is not of my kind. I am no different from killing a cat or puppy. Besides, kittens and puppies are at least cute, and I can't bear to kill them. You guys only make me feel sick, but I am removing the harmful insect, what can you complain about? "

"youngster, you are breaking the law. "Wang Han, who has been refusing to speak, finally speaks.

"Breaching the law? hahaha! Are you really a general? "I looked at him with a mocking face: "It's fine if the people don't understand. You are a general, a highly educated talent, don't even understand this?" It seems that your family is not only opposed to progress, you are even degenerating! What is the law? It is a tool used by the ruling class to oppress the ruled. But no matter what class it is, it seems to refer to human beings, right? Don’t you think I’m not a human being? Yes, I am not a human being. No law in China can control me. What does the law made for mankind have to do with me? You actually threatened me with this thing, I really don't understand how you became a general. "

"You...! "Wang Han was so angry that I couldn't say anything, so I could only gasp.

I looked at Wang Han and said, "I really don't understand why you have not been able to inherit his thoughts after learning from the general for so long." What a pity! For your death, I have to go back and explain to Wu grandfather, it's really troublesome! "

Wang Han suddenly came to his mind. "Wudingbang teacher knows about this? "

"He doesn't know about it yet, I didn't dare to tell him. You are his proud disciple, he must be angry when I kill you, but I think he should scold me a few words after he has cooked rice and cooked rice. You know Wu grandfather is very enthusiastic about new technologies. I really don’t know why you fear us so much. Is human arrogance really that important? "

" Pride is the greatest advantage of mankind, of course we can't give up. "The stupid girl shouted again.

"The greatest advantage of mankind is here. "I pointed to my head. "Not here. "I pointed to my face again." Haughty? what! It's so funny! Growing up in a honeypot, do you think you are a nobleman? "

"Yes, I am a nobleman. But I think that in China, nobles should be a group of people dedicated to the interests of the people. "

"boring! Do you know what nobleness is? Do you understand the benefits? Do you know what people are? You don't understand anything and start pretentiously trying to be a hero. People like you make me look down the most. Also noble! To tell you, nobles are a bunch of pretentious idiots. There is no nobleman in this world, we are all equal. Fighting for the right to survival on the basis of equality is the law of nature. noble! Ridiculous noun! The best use for people like you are tools. Originally I wanted to solve you all here, but now I have changed my mind. "

"What do you want to do? "

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered that the biochemical man experiment lacks some of the most important materials, and you are very suitable to fill this vacancy. "

"Do you want to experiment with us?" "

"Yes. "I nodded and said: "First transform you into the same body as ours, then attack you with various weapons, let you and various rare beasts bite each other, and then test the damage to what extent before you die. You know, our Dragon Clan are very precious. I definitely can't use myself to do this kind of death experiment, so I have to trouble you. "

"You dream, we won't listen to you. "The little girl said stubbornly.

"It doesn't matter, you will feel like sleeping during the transformation process without any feeling. The final trauma experiment doesn’t matter whether you resist or not. I just want to see how much physical injuries like ours will be fatal. So whether you lie on the ground and let the rare beasts bite or fight with them is fundamental to us. No effect. "

"You...! "

"I am not a human being, I know, you said it would be 800! "I said to the next Scot: "Tie them all up and take them back." "After I finished speaking, I turned around and walked out.

Rose walked to my side and whispered: "You were terrifying just now, I thought you almost lost control. "

"It's not almost, it's true. "I carried Rose by the shoulders and said as I walked: "I was really angry just now, but then I figured it out. If you are not a person, you are not a person! Why should I be a human? Relative to us, human beings should be a backward race that is not as good as ours in terms of physical or intellectual abilities. I have to pretend that I am an individual, which seems to be quite boring. "

"You can figure it out! Don't do this again in the future! Look at my hair, it's a bearer of bad luck! "

"You are stupid! "I pulled Ling over: "Look, people's hair is not good?" "

Ling covered his mouth and smiled like a Small Fox. "Rose, your release is so cool!" "

"Two unsympathetic guys. "Rose shakes my arm jokingly. "Oh, yes, the base just said that your situation may leave permanent body changes. Go back and do a comprehensive examination, asking you not to eat. "

"I just kneaded that guy into a mashed meatball, how can I still have an appetite to eat!" "

Rose said playfully: "Isn't it? I think you just had a lot of fun! "

"I scared them. Although the flesh is not a human being, I have lived in a human form for more than 20 years, and my ideology is still a person! There was an unpleasant smell when the guy was rubbed just now, and I felt like vomiting. But I can't lose face, so I have to hold on! "

"Cut! Let you rush the devil. "Rose and Ling despised me for a while.

After we got out of the basement of the base, we directly "borrowed" two 8X8 iron horses from the garage. There were no buses in the military base, and the other cars were too small. The armored personnel carrier can be loaded, but how can the thing get into the city? There is no way, I can only do it with a truck.

The remaining members of the Wang Han family are also given to the large package truck by us. Of course, there is no need to take his eldest son back. No one can recognize the difference between this pile of stuff and dumpling stuffing anyway.

After returning to the Beijing base, the person who greeted us was not cordial. His condolences, but a stern face. Wu grandfather and his sons were standing at the gate of the base and waiting for us. I saw Wu grandfather standing at the gate from a long distance, and quickly pulled the handbrake and stepped on the accelerator. In the end. The iron horse turned directly on the road, and the wheels pulled out a few blue smoke on the ground. The car behind was Skott driving. This kid reacted well. Seeing me turning around was also a dozen directions, one car one by one. He flicked his tail, and then ran back with my car.

The general hurriedly grabbed the horn of the commander beside him and shouted: "You little bastard, come back to me. "

In this situation, the fool is driving back! The car is pulling his proud protégé. If I go back now, these people will definitely not be able to let me deal with it. The problem is that we already have it. Bloody hatred, how can I let this kind of person go? Running is the only way out.

Wu Old General shouted for a long time and watched us run farther and farther, flustered and exasperated grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted." Shenlin, you little bastard, come back to me. Who told you to move Wang Han's family? Hello! I know you can hear it, don't pretend to be deaf, come back to me. "No matter what he called, I just didn't answer. The generals smashed the walkie-talkie in an annoying way. Support genuine reading!)

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