"Admiral Wang Han." Rose looked at the list with the list. "I'm thinking about how to explain it afterwards!"


"Don't explain?" Rose looked towards me: "Admiral Wang Han is the entry dísciple of Wu grandfather , Is the favorite student. You killed him, I don’t know what Wu grandfather is going to be sad!"

"I don’t want it either!" Looking at the uncommon military might general on the profile , I really feel a pity.

Xiaochun suddenly said: "Master, urgent communication."

"What's the content?"

"Admiral Wang Han just left him with his family At his residence, there is a small unit of unknown origin next to him."

"Escape?" Ling asked.

I laughed: "Do you think General Wu will run away in the face of mortal danger?"

"Probably not." Ling shook his head.

"That's it. Wang Han is Wu grandfather's most proud student, so he will more or less inherit some of Wu grandfather's style, at least he will not run away meaninglessly. This is not an escape, but a strategic shift. They It may be moving to a special place, or even a military camp."

"Probably not." Rose said: "Although he is a general, but also not able to move the army at will. Compared with The high-level army, on the contrary, is the low-level infantry, which is the most difficult to control. If you want to say that he mobilizes a special forces unit to protect himself, I can understand that he can do nothing for the regular army."

"Maybe Is it the special forces?" I asked.

"You mean...?" Rose suddenly reacted. "Xiaochun, where are the satellites?"

Xiaochun pointed towards the sky. Rose immediately looked up and stared in that direction, and then her pupils suddenly lost focus, as if they had lost consciousness. At the same time, the monitor of the Longyuan Base Satellite Station suddenly called. "Zhang Gong! Come here quickly."

"What happened?" A middle age person ran over.

"The satellite rejected our control signal."

"Reject the signal?" Engineer Zhang ran across the operating area and rushed to the signal monitoring area. "Why refuse? Transmit the interrogation signal."

"It has been launched."

"What about the satellite's response?"

"The satellite answered that it was updated. High level other orders, so we temporarily cut off our command."

"We are the satellite station, who has more control than us?" Zhang Gong thought for a long time and suddenly realized that, he quickly asked : "Track the source of the signal. See what the satellite is doing."

"The satellite is changing orbit. It seems to be tracking some target. It moves very frequently." The monitor said while operating the control system: " Wait, I’ll copy the uploaded signal and see. Okay, it’s coming out."

Following the monitor’s words, a large number of densely packed operations suddenly appeared on the big screen of the satellite control center. Records, and those texts are being updated crazily at an unimaginable speed. This time not only the monitor and Zhang Gong, but the other operators are all stupid.

"Who is operating this? Why are there such frequent command lines? Are they looking for ants?" a monitor muttered in surprise.

"Stop it." The satellite data reception team shouted: "Heavenly Eye system has been activated. They are looking for something with the satellite."

Zhang Gong ran hurriedly In the past, he said: "Synchronize what they see to the big screen. The data group analyzes the signal strength and source. The emergency response team analyzes whether it is an invasion of another country. If it is not, then ignore the control signal."

Suddenly the alert team called out: "Two American satellites have come, and they found our satellites are changing orbits."

"What a mess!"

< p>At this time, on the bus outside Beijing, Rose still kept that posture and looked at the direction of the satellite, but her mouth said: "Two troublemakers are approaching, help me block it."

I adjusted the optical zoom system on my eyes in a puzzled way, and looked up at the sky. I quickly found a few bright spots in the far-infrared band. After a little bit of auxiliary processing, I determined that they were two satellites. "Yo! American spy satellite. Come together and burn it for me. Stare at that low-orbit satellite first."

Scott immediately followed us and looked towards the sky, and then Instantly enhance the density of microwave communication. At this time, in the US satellite station, a large group of people are busy monitoring the satellite change in China, but a data officer suddenly called: "explosive data flow is found."

"What is it? Signal?" a supervisor asked.

"It's...it's garbled...Oh my God! It's an electromagnetic attack preparation signal, turn it off..."

He shouted a little late, and the large screen of the base instantly changed. Snowflake. After a two-second pause, darkness returned to the big screen. A green cursor in the upper left corner flashed twice and then a line of words was typed: "Cannot track the satellite."

The supervisor was stunned for a few seconds before suddenly calling out: "Let the Viking satellite rotate ninety degrees and see what's wrong with the peepers."

An image was quickly displayed on the big screen, and an electric spark was continuously flashing in the screen. satellite. A technician muttered with straight eyes: "Good terrifying electromagnetic intensity, is it a solar burst?"

"Idiot! Have you ever seen a directional emission of solar radiation? If a solar burst would only burn one The satellite? Orbital console, immediately turned the Viking back to its normal angle, turned it off and waited for three hours before turning it on again. The Chinese became angry!"

On the bus outside Beijing, I closed my eyes with satisfaction. "Yes, I think they are interested. That satellite won't move him, and it's not good to mess with the Americans. Rose, have you found our goal?"

"I found it. They are there. We are on this kilometer, but it is more than 100 kilometers ahead of us, and the distance is still widening. Jingjing how do you drive?"

"Please, sister, I drove the bus , It’s not Ferrari. The fastest thing to break is 80. What do you want me to do?"

"Which bastard proposed to grab the bus back then?" I asked angrily.

A bell-tone Knight consciously squatted to the rear of the car and raised one hand, while the other hand drew a circle on the ground.

We looked at him and shook our heads helplessly. Anyway, I’m on the road, and now it’s impossible to change cars! Lucky complained: "I knew it would be better if I used the ontology. It's not a problem to take you people."

Rosé said: "It's easy to catch up with them. One is that we speed up, and the other is They slow down. We probably won’t get up anymore, but I can slow them down."

The monitor of the Beijing Satellite Station in China called out suddenly: "Zhang Gong, the satellite is launching strong Electromagnetic signal."

"What signal? To whom? Is it the source of the ground control signal?"

"No, the signal receiving point is more than a hundred in front of them Kilometers away, and I wanted to say a long time ago, why are they always moving along the highway? Did the signal come from a mobile satellite vehicle? It doesn’t make sense! How come there is a satellite command vehicle with such a high level of operation?"

"It's not a satellite car." Zhang Gong knowingly said: "Don't ask, this is a secret. Keep tracking the satellite."

At this time, it is more than 100 kilometers ahead of us. , A dozen off-road vehicles are running wildly, the car is equipped with General Wang Han's family, and a company of special forces. Suddenly, the car keys on all the cars turned backwards half a circle together. All the cars shook violently after hearing only a chuckle, and then they began to rush to the side of the road crookedly, and the entire convoy was in a mess in an instant.

"What's the matter?" A commander of a special force jumped out of the car.

"The car suddenly turned off."

"Can't you hit it?"

"Yes." The team in charge said: "But so many cars At the same time, turn off the flame, this is too...?"

"Speak less and do more, get in the car and start the car for me."

The team members climbed back into the car and started to start. Any problem with the car will go smoothly. But before and the others climbed into the cars, all the cars shook violently at the same time, and then they turned off. The players were stunned for a while, but quickly lit the car, but soon it turned off, but they also found out that it was the key problem. The team members simply removed the ignition wires under the car and tied them together, and directly short-circuited the keys.

The team quickly resumed the road, but only ran less than 500 meters. The bonnet of one of the cars suddenly bounced, followed by thick smoke. The black smoke blocked the view, and the car snaked all the way on the road, and finally hit the barrier on the side of the road with a bang, completely motionless. The people who got in and out of the other cars hurriedly dragged the people out of the car. There was nothing wrong with the people, but the car crashed.

After re-merging the vehicles, the convoy began to flee again, but the same thing happened again not long after running, and this time it caused an explosion. Captain was angry and ordered the car to be thrown away. . Several special forces in the car jumped out of the car and then jumped onto other cars passing by to continue walking.

Just like this, I have walked less than 50 kilometers with continuous failures, and the remaining cars in the team can no longer hold so many people. Just when they were desperate, a line of troop trucks drove ahead, which broke the Captain. These cars came to pick them up, turned their heads and ran all the way back, and they soon arrived at a barracks area behind the mountain pass. This side is obviously a secret base, because the location of this base is simply not marked on the ordinary strategic map.

Rose’s eyes returned to focus, and her head lowered. "They are already there. We are still thirty kilometers away from them. This is the limit. Controlling the satellite is really tiring!" At this time, everyone in the satellite station was amazed. Looking at the picture sent back by the satellite, the satellite has now returned to their control. From the screen, you can clearly see a military base that has never been marked on the map. At this time, what was busy preparing in the base was obviously defending against someone's attack. As they were watching curiously, the screen suddenly changed to black, and then a few large characters popped up on the screen. "Confidential screens are forbidden to read."

Zhang Gong looked at the big screen in surprise. "Who changed the screen?"

All the people on the console took their hands to indicate their innocence. "It's a control signal from the headquarters," a inspector called.

"Then leave it alone." Zhang Gong wisely chose to obey the secrecy regulations.

On the highway outside Beijing, our big bus is still crawling slowly, but the base is already near. We did not know at this time that a group of representatives of the military were looking at us in the base in Nanjing. Father used the base suppression as a slogan to let these bosses watch the live broadcast. Of course, the old watcher meant that he had acquiesced in the attack. Father's grasp of human nature is rarely wrong.

I explained my compliments on the bus, and suddenly the whole car shook violently, then the whole car suddenly changed into all split up and in pieces with a bang, and we were all thrown away Out of the car. "Damn, there are mines!" I got up from the ground and looked around. Everyone was getting up from the debris of the burning car. It was obvious that no one was injured. The fully armed biochemical armor defensive power is equivalent to the individual tank system, and this close-range explosion will not do us much.

Rose stood up and commanded everyone: "Adjust the helmet to the low-frequency radiation band, pay attention to landmines."

After we converted the helmet format, the ground under the front immediately showed some blue Punctuation, these are all landmines. The auxiliary computer in our electronic brain automatically identified the mine model and drew a circle on the outside of each mine in our eyes, which represents the trigger range of the mine. Some mines will not explode unless they are stepped on, and many anti-infantry mines are detonated with strings or are simply fully automatic.

With the auxiliary display in the eyes, we can easily bypass each explosive. For us, the minefield means that there are more obstacles.

The observer in the front base was surprised and asked: "Has anyone leaked the minefield map here?"

The captain next to him said: "Impossible, otherwise they would not The first landmine will be triggered. These people’s helmets are weird, and they must be able to spot mines."

"Damn it." The person in charge of the blasting said: "They even have remote mines. We all know the initiation range of the explosion. Simply not close to the explosion radius."

In fact, we go around and save money for the country. If it is in another country, we will use electromagnetic fields to directly detonate these mines. , This is much more convenient than going around in circles.

The lieutenant colonel beckons with the hand at the base called the people around him, then whispered something to him, and that person ran out immediately. We who are circling the minefield outside do not know what we are doing inside, and our ability to sense electromagnetic signals is suppressed here. This damn base has an electromagnetic protective field. This thing was originally against radio reconnaissance, but it also has a protective effect on our electromagnetic induction, but it is not very useful. But anyway, we can't find the location of people in the base by electric field induction.

Suddenly there was a group of red light flashed in the base. A bullet came directly at seven or eight times the speed of sound, and the target was my neck. This is a high level sniper. The primary level shooter hits the chest because the target there is big. The mid-range shooter starts because it is easier to kill with one shot. The most high level hit the neck, because there is usually no protective equipment here, and as long as it is hit, it will not be saved.

The bullet came through the air. I turned my face around when the fire flashed, and my eyes were fixed on the bullet. Bah! The bullet hit an invisible force field, flashing circles of blue waves around the bullet impact point. The sniper lifted the head in surprise and rubbed his eyes before putting his eyes on the sniper scope again. What he saw was that I was standing there unharmed, and the bullet no longer knew where it was going.

I reminded the people around: "There are snipers."

"I see." The small dragon woman in charge of sniping and Anna set up their own Death God together. Eye.

Small dragon female said: "Wow, a lot of snipers. There are at least thirty."

Amina complained: "There are too many, how can I fight this? "

While talking, another burst of fire flashed, and a large number of bullets flew in front of whiz whiz whiz, all of which were sniper bullets, and the target was almost either the neck or the head. A circle of light flashed in front of us, and all the bullets were blocked.

The super sniper in the base put down his gun and turned to the lieutenant colonel next to him and said: "No, there is something like a protective cover around the opponent, and the bullet can't get in."

The lieutenant colonel patted his shoulder. "I see, I'll take care of the rest."

Two small-caliber anti-tank guns were pushed out of the base gate, and we saw those two things from a long distance. The small dragon girl smiled: "I finally found something worth shooting. Aanna, which one do you want?"

"The one on the right."

"Then I will hit the left That."

Ding. Despite the silencer, the sound of this small sniper cannon is quite loud. And the sound of a general gun is very different, as if it is the sound of hitting a steel plate with a hammer. The anti-tank gun at the entrance of the base had just been set up, and suddenly I heard a loud noise, and at the same time the whole gun flew up. After hitting two gunners, it flew over half of the playground. The captain standing nearby looked out the door in surprise. "What gun did they take?"

A sniper said: "A sniper rifle I have never seen before, but this formidable power is too scary!"

Another sniper Hand said: "I think it's not a sniper rifle. The caliber is too much. It should be a small gun that shoots according to the structure of a sniper rifle." , The inertia of the bullet of this gun was so great that even the gun frame was interrupted.

The lieutenant asked the major behind: "Should I ask the helicopter platoon for support?"

The major shook his head: "Look at the opponent's sniper weapons, they are also used as targets when they fly. Command the howitzer platoon to attack."

The trajectory of the small-caliber field gun is curved enough so that the opponent can shoot directly where we are. The shell fell quickly, but simply none of the shells could hit us. The direct-fire weapons are fast enough that we can't dodge this. The speed of the howitzer’s shells is not even the speed of sound, and even ordinary soldiers can lie down and hide after hearing the wind of the shells flying. We have run out of the explosion range for such a long time, and there is no possibility of hitting.

Bailang and Xiao Budian took the lead to jump out from where we are, and immediately started intercepting with the heavy machine gun on the sentry tower at the base opposite. The little thing is that he doesn't take bullets seriously. Anyway, he is full of scales, and the missiles may need to be dodged. The bullets are definitely okay. Bailang is not bulletproof, but the speed is too fast for the machine gunner to keep up with his speed. The darts are even more terrifying. The people in the base only saw a white shadow and disappeared. The next second suddenly found that the sound of the heavy machine gun was reduced by half. When I looked up, I found that the machine gunner on the left sentry tower was full there. To roll.

Without the bullets flying around the sky, we immediately started to approach the base. It took too long to be out of the city. Now that the day is light, a concealed attack is impossible, and the only way is to attack by force. This is not a large base anyway, there are not many people. We were thinking about forcibly assaulting in, but didn't expect the gate of the base was opened again. A dozen tanks rushed out of it with a hula.

"How come there are armored troops in this ghost place?" Rose looked towards me curiously.

I shrugged. "The ghost knows why. Skye, stop them."

Skeet nodded shouted to Xiao Budian and Bailang: "You two. Go and kill those big guys."

Bailang turned his head and glanced at Skott, then looked towards the tank in front of him. The tank had turned the turret, and Bailang immediately took off and disappeared in place, and the position of Bailang Station in the next second turned into a fire sea. The tankers are still looking for targets everywhere, and the white waves have landed on the top of the tank. The armed backpack oh la la unfolded at once, and two missiles flew out one by one. The first missile directly began to climb vertically, and then began to dive after ascending to an altitude of 500 meters. The other missile circled around the ground and directly hit the tank at a height of less than 20 centimeters from the ground. The last road wheel. With a bang, the track of the tank was directly broken, and the road wheels also transformed into a pile of twisted metal. After the tank lost its ability to move, another missile happened to be pierced from the sky against the top armor of the tank. With a bang, the missile exploded on the tank's barrel, directly exploding the barrel into a strange-shaped metal strip.

Seeing that their companions lost their battle strength, the remaining tanks turned their muzzles around one after another. A tank directly blocked the movement of the white waves with a coaxial machine gun, but all the bullets were blocked by the blue light curtain.

The tank captain yelled: "I don’t believe I can’t penetrate the armor-piercing projectile."

With a boom, the tank gun opened fire at a distance of less than 100 meters. Tank guns are direct-fired guns, and the projectile speed is very fast. No matter how fast the white waves are, there is a limit. A blast of warhead hit the blue light curtain and burst into flames. The white waves rolled and flew out, and only stopped after falling out of several hundred meters. The tanker and the people in the base cheered. But they couldn't cheer for long, because Bailang got up again. Shaking his head, Bai Lang rushed up towards the tank with a canthus.

The chin of the commander who ordered the shot almost fell. "Can't the armor-piercing projectile penetrate it? At such a close distance, the shock should be dead! How could it be okay? Damn, reload the projectile."

The gunner suddenly retreated his eyes from the observer. Here, Che Longevity Aura said: "Why don't you load up and shoot?"

The gun pointed at the front and stammered: "He, he, he, he is outside of us!"

I am standing on the front armor of this tank. I clamped the barrel with my arm, then twisted it hard, and with a creak, the barrel was twisted into an arc. Then I went up and kicked the barrel of the coaxial machine gun, then jumped on the roof and pulled the top anti-aircraft machine gun down, then jumped off the body and stuffed the machine gun into the track. The tank track was jammed by the machine gun, and it stopped after a metal twisting sound. The eyes of the people in the other cars were straight, but they soon met the same fate.

A human being can lift a 35-ton tank as long as it has the muscle strength of a unicorn without changing its body shape. The muscle strength of those of us is higher than that of the unicorn, so theoretically we can overturn the tank directly. But here is the land instead of steel plates. We are indeed strong enough, but the ground can’t support it! Our feet are not as large as the track of a tank, and they will sink under too much pressure. So we can only choose to destroy the tank weapons. Smashing tank armor is too slow, and even if it is smashed, we will be very painful. Even if the hardness is the same, what we grow on is flesh after all, and we still have pain.

After easily destroying a dozen tanks, we started to move towards the base. The people inside had forgotten to shoot. The tanks are equipped with heavy machine guns. We don't know how many shots we have been shot along the way. Even that is of no use. It is difficult for the soldiers to believe that this thing in their hands is of any use.

I jumped onto the courtyard wall of the base, and everyone inside looked at me in panic and wondered what to do. I shouted to them: "Attention all, I order you to lay down your weapons in the name of the country. What Admiral Wang Han is doing is not an act authorized by the state. We are a special arrest force. We are ordered to arrest Admiral Wang Han. If you resist , We will be allowed to execute the death penalty directly. You are the army of the country. Don’t fight for an individual. Your lives can only be sacrificed for the country. Fight with us. If you die, you don’t even have a medal. Maybe your family You'll still be implicated. You'd better put down your weapons right away. So far we haven't killed any of us. I don't want you to die on the incorrect battlefield."

The soldiers are completely dizzy. Our strength is obvious to all, and we really didn't kill anyone. For those of us who don't have any signs up and down, and can't even see their faces, the soldiers don't know whether to believe it or not.

A major came out and said: "It is a shame for soldiers to surrender before the battle, but if you are really arresting troops, then you are your own. But you must at least find a way to prove your identity, otherwise we would rather If you die, you must fight to the end."

With a major, the lieutenant colonel next to him also stood up and said: "Yes. Let you two choose. Either fight to the end with us or prove your identity."


Vina suddenly pressed the index and middle fingers of both hands to the sides of her helmet. "I have the Third Type choice, that is, you guys sleep for a while first."

weng! A harsh unimaginable sound rippling around with Vina as the center, strong electromagnetic field and surrounding air The moisture in the contact produces a large amount of blue arc, which looks like a blue ball of light spreading out with Vina as the center. The ball of light quickly swept across the entire base, and most of the soldiers fell down without any response, and less than one percent of the remaining people groaned on the ground.

Vina softened and almost sat on the ground, thanks to Xiaochun for supporting her. Vina shook her head to signal that she was okay. "Huh! Mental shock really can't be used frequently, the headache is dead!"

I looked at the fainted soldiers on the ground and said: "It is estimated that they will feel more pain than you when they wake up!"< /p>

The human brain uses electricity as the basic conduction method, and every thought of us is formed by electricity. When the hand is pricked by a needle, the hand will send an electrical signal to the brain, and the brain will feel pain after receiving the signal. But sometimes the input signal will be relatively strong, this kind of signal is easy to burn out the brain cells, in this case, we need something like a circuit breaker to protect our brain. This is the main reason why some people faint when encountering major injuries. But note that this kind of injury refers to physical injury, not mental injury. People who pass out due to mental stimulation are caused by a problem with the blood supply to the heart, not a problem with nerve signals, and should not be confused.

We biochemical people can all control the electric field. Vina just simulated this super-strong nerve damage signal, which overloaded the brains of these people in an instant. In order to protect the brain function from harm, the human body defense mechanism automatically activated the dormant protection, and all these people fainted together. Those who were holding their heads on the ground and humming were people with relatively strong willpower, but they just withstood without dizziness, remembering that they would have to wait three or four hours before fighting.

I walked up to the lieutenant colonel who was talking to us. He was good at willpower, but he was just humming on the ground. I knelt down and handed him a pill. Both of his hands covered his head, looked at the medicine I passed, and then looked at me again. I simply pinched his mouth and stuffed the medicine in. "Don't worry, it's sleeping pills. It will take twenty to thirty hours for your headache to go away. The most uncomfortable period of sleep can reduce the pain. Now at this time you shouldn't have to doubt our identity. If it's a fake, I Whether you live or die, you don’t have the ability to resist anyway."

The lieutenant colonel listened to my words and swallowed the medicine, then took a deep breath and accumulated a bit of strength before saying: "They are in the bottom room of the base. The entrance is in the 017 warehouse at the back. I can start the electricity with my ID card..." Long Yuan’s medicine efficacy was too fast. The lieutenant colonel fell asleep before he finished speaking, but it was at least useful. The information has been obtained.

Bypass the playground and dormitory area, behind it is the warehouse area. Warehouse No. 17 is the last one. It seems nothing special, but it is actually the entrance to the basement. There are not many things in the warehouse, and we can also use electromagnetic force to detect that the entrance is right under our feet, but because the lieutenant colonel failed to tell us where the switch is to activate the gate, we searched for it for a long time before finding it. The damn gate switch was in a toilet on the corner of the warehouse and was disguised as a roll of toilet paper. Just pull the piece of toilet paper, and then release it, and after it bounces back on its own, the entire toilet and a nearby area will fall into the ground. If it weren't for the electromagnetic induction ability to touch the circuit, we would not have thought that this thing was a switch!

When we got down to the underground, there was a place similar to a train platform. After we got off the elevator, it went up by itself. There is a river behind the platform. I never knew that there was an underground river here. It was outside of Beijing. The ground was already heavily deserted. It was really strange that a river could appear below.

The river course has obviously been cleaned up, the surrounding walls have been levelled with cement, and there are no strange rocks or the like in the river. There is a floating platform on the bank of the river. In fact, this thing is a large piece of steel plate on top of several empty gasoline drums to make a simple floating object. The floating platform does not have propellers such as propellers, and it is not realistic to use that kind of thing in such a turbulent underground river. The platform actually relies on a cable to move. This steel cable is fixed on both banks of the river, and a motor drives the winch to work, so that the floating platform can be pulled back and forth, which saves more energy than using a propeller.

When you cross the river, you can see a heavy gate. The gate is closed by swiping the ID card of the lieutenant colonel. Behind the heavy gate is a manual pressure door. We can't do anything about it. It has no mechanical power and is opened from the inside by manpower. Under normal circumstances, the base will send people to manage it internally, and people outside need to ring the doorbell first when they arrive at the door. The people inside will only open the door from the inside after confirming their identities through the TV monitor. The people outside have no way at all.

Wang Han and his family have all hid here, and some of the troops he controls are also entering with them. These people are different from the outsiders. They are diehard troops. In fact, they are similar to private troops. They are national troops in name. In fact, no one can move them except Wang Han himself. Now they all hid in. It doesn't matter if we ring the doorbell outside, they won't open the door for us.

I asked everyone to step back, and then the four remaining missiles were fired by the white waves. As a result, only four severely deformed gaps were left in the gate, and it was not able to explode. The missile on Xiao Budian was also used, and the results were similar. The door looked badly deformed, but it was so weak. Skot suddenly remembered that there was a military base above, and there should be a lot of weapons, so he went up to look for weapons with the ring tone Knight. During this period, Xiao Budian tried to hit the door, but he didn't respond at all. He is too young to destroy such a heavy door.

Fortunately, beside him: "If my main body is here, the door will fly as soon as my tail is here."

The tank complained: "che, if our main body is there, Can you still use it?"

They were saying that Skod had already come back with the ringtone Knight, and they heard Skod’s shouting from a long distance: "Didn't expect something here to return That's a lot."

I looked back and saw the Ringtone Knights running back with some parts. The ring tone Knight, who was walking in the front, put down the things in his hand and began to assemble

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