"Dad, don't be angry. Maybe they didn't open the communicator!" Major General Wu Anping persuaded Wu Old General.

"Fart! I don't know what they mean? When I was a general for so many years, I haven't seen any soldiers? Go, you guys will all go to me, get them back to me."

"Dad, don't do that." General Wu's eldest son persuaded him.

General Wu is a soldier. Although he has retired, his fierce temper has not diminished at all. Hearing this, instead of calming down, he picked up the portable speaker and slammed his eldest son. "You won't be my son if you don't chase him back to me."

As soon as Old General got angry, his sons couldn't help it. The eldest Lieutenant General Wu An glanced at his younger brother younger sister, and he couldn't help but nodded. Old General’s three sons and one daughter are all generals, impossible to chase us together. In the end, the second son, Wu Anping, would chase us. After all, he had met with me, so I wouldn't lose face to him.

We saw that Wu Old General was all scared of the strong faction. When the major general led people to chase them out, we were all several kilometers away. But compared to them, our side will suffer a little bit. We drove two large trucks, but they drove a dozen off-road vehicles. The off-road vehicles equipped by the generals are not simply military off-road vehicles. They should be called family SUVs. The main goal is to add a little off-road capability while paying attention to comfort. It's really on the highway, this thing runs faster than a car. Let alone our big truck ran away, and was stopped as soon as it reached the checkpoint.

"Sorry, heavy trucks are forbidden from entering Beijing from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m." The service staff at the highway checkpoint was very polite, but they just wouldn't let them pass.

I pretended to be very serious and said: "This is a military vehicle. There is an urgent task."

"Sorry, we didn't receive the notice." The meaning of this is obviously not to allow pass.

I really want to break through, but now this situation can only cause trouble for myself. It's impossible to explain. Maybe I can talk more about the other party, but I don't have time. The chase is tight!

"Get off." I shouted directly behind. Skye and the others reversed the car to the parking area outside the level, and then everyone shuaa~ jumped off. The four Lingyin Knights took four steel pipes through them and lifted a half-large military container down. This thing is a box for the troops to transport supplies. It has the same function as a container, but is much smaller and convenient for truck or helicopter transportation. Now this box contains six people from Xiao Budian and Wang Han's family. Wang Han and the others are prisoners, and it is not convenient to run with them. The small ones look like rare beasts, and they will scare people when they come out. In addition, Bailang's weapon backpack is also inside. When Bailang walked outside alone, others would only think that the dog was so big, but if he carried two machine guns on his back, that would be another matter. So we disassembled the cannon and packed it in a container.

Let’s take a look at the downtown area in front of us after we get down. It’s quite far away. It is impossible to run into the city with this big box. Look around, there happened to be a bus passing the border. I threw the tactical helmet to Rose, ran to the car and knocked on the door. "The driver big brother, we belong to the army. We forgot to bring the pass for the emergency mission. The checkpoint does not allow trucks to enter the city, can you take us for a section? We will give you the money, right?"

The man who drove was a northeastern man, and he was very refreshing when he arrived. "This is my unit's car. The money is fine, but where are you going? I have to drive back to my unit before nine o'clock. I can't send it to a place too far away!"

"No need , Just go into the city."

"That's okay, you can come up." The driver suddenly saw Ringtone Knight carrying a suitcase, and immediately said, "I can't bring this thing! Me! This is a passenger car!"

"It's okay, don't put it on the car. You wait for us two minutes." I hurriedly waved to the back. "Go and get the spare tires from the two cars."

The two ringtone Knights quickly took the two spare tires, and the other four ringtone Knights raised their heads. I pulled out the two bearings at the bottom of the box, then hung the wheels upwards, took out the spare screws from the truck’s toolbox to fix the tires, and then pulled out a folding rod in the front of the box towards the back of the bus. Hang on the hook. "Okay." Military containers have this design. Adding two wheels will become a trailer, which can be run after being hooked to the back of other vehicles. This is mainly considering that under special circumstances, armored vehicles and military jeeps can be used to tow the trailer instead of trucks.

Dragging the bucket, we quickly entered the city. After bidding farewell to the kind driver, I first asked Rose and Vina to go around the mall. In order to fear that they would not get addicted to shopping, I also specifically asked Scott to follow. Ten minutes later, the three of them ran out with large and small bags. We first ran to the nearest residential area, and then found a relatively empty small high-rise building. This kind of building uses elevators to go up and down. Generally, there are few people passing through the corridor. Will not get off the elevator on this floor.

The male members went up to the top floor together, and the girls looked at the box downstairs. After a while, we took the battle armour and came down, and then changed the girls and went up to change clothes. Wearing battle armour armor is too conspicuous on the street. Although modern people’s clothes are of myriad, they have all kinds of clothes, but after all, combat uniforms are too different from those worn by ordinary citizens. However, after changing the clothes, I realized that the rate of turning around in this way seemed to have become higher.

Among the clothes of us men, only Scot and mine are casual clothes. The others are all black suits and black sunglasses. How do they look like a group of black super police. The reason Skott's clothes are different is because he himself went to buy clothes, so he used his power for personal gain. My clothes are picked by Rose. A man with a wife is still happy! All the clothes of the other male members were bought by Skeet, but he bought all black suits in order to save trouble. Anyway, we are all biochemicals, all of the same body.

There is no black suit on the female side, but the problem is that it seems a bit too fancy. Rose knows that girl likes to be beautiful, so when choosing clothes, she and Vina specially chose the most suitable clothes for them according to the characteristics of the female players. Both Rose and Vina have good eyes, and the two of them actually bought cosmetics and styling glue by the way. When they came downstairs, I could only hear the voices of the black super guys swallowing their mouths.

"Is this too exaggerated?"

The dart held by Vina pointed to the bow on the top of his head: "Boss, I protest, they are obviously male. Okay? Why do I even want to pierce this thing?" I almost laughed when I saw the super cute darts being dressed up.

Vina knocked on the Escort. "Your current character is a pet fox, and a dog can't speak."

"But I am not a dog. I am a biochemical fox."

"Before you return to the base, you His disguised identity is a fox. You are not allowed to speak, have you heard?"

Bailang smiled and said, "haha, fortunately I am tall and mighty, so I don’t need to disguise myself as a bitch."

As soon as Dart was about to refute, Rose suddenly took out a collar and tied it to Bailang's neck. "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten it. You have to bring a dog pen when you go out, or it will be confiscated by the police. I don't want to cause trouble."

Dart proudly shouted beside him: "Heavenly Dao is recovering, retribution is unhappy! hahaha Oh... I know, eldest sister, don’t knock, can’t I stop talking! Want to be prosperous!”

We have finished the disguise here, and then we have to fight. All the armor is stuffed into the container. Xiao Budian complained in it: "I knew it would be better to replace it with the child's body. It's really bad luck. You can play outside, but I want to hide inside to watch the captives!"

"There is no way. , You look like we can't take you everywhere!"

Ling suddenly said: "Now Major General Wu Anping is chasing us, this box is a bit too conspicuous, it always seems to be running around like this. Isn't it inappropriate?"

Rose said: "I have a way."

According to Rose's proposal, we showed up at a nearby courier company. The Chief-In-Charge here was easily settled with high remuneration, and the other party answered that the application should send the box back to Nanjing within 24 hours, and there is absolutely no need to air transport. The air cargo needs to be scanned in perspective, and the contents inside cannot be seen by people, so we ask the other party to transport it by car. Anyway, highways extend in all directions these days, as long as they are not sent to Tibet, they will definitely be there in 24 hours.

Without this big guy, it will be much easier for us to run. In fact, our major-general comrades are chasing very closely. As soon as the goods were delivered, their people arrived. The truck pulling the container has already set off, and we have no burden. Xiaochun noticed that Major General Wu and the others were coming in through the front door, and we quickly turned out through the back door. There was a small alley behind the courier company. When the generals chased them out, they only saw a trash can spinning on the ground. I came across it accidentally.

Major General Wu clenched the teeth bitterly: "Chasing."

Looking at their gang rushing out, waiting for the sound of footsteps to go away and the air in the laneway There was a twist, and then the shadow of a group of people appeared. "Huh! Really mysterious!" I closed my hands and jumped off the wall. This alley is not a regular road. It is a passage between two buildings, which is actually less than one meter wide. We just hung ourselves above the passage with our hands on the walls on both sides. Just now Major General Wu led people to run past us, but they couldn't see it. Aimenes’ special ability is to use an electric field to change the reflection angle of light, thereby forming an optical illusion. To put it simply, it is invisible, but this ability is not very stable, especially when it is windy and rainy.

Seeing that I went down, other people also jumped down. Rose hopped over to me and leaned on me. "Really! I knew I didn't buy high heels! Didn't expect this one to break so easily!" Vina said next to him: "High heels are not designed to put us on the wall. You just jumped It’s fast to go up with so much effort! Besides, your shoes are too thin. We want to run, we should choose a shorter one."

Rose said angrily:" Didn't you buy a double four-inch tall root? I'm afraid that people don't know your line is OK?"

"Okay." I interrupted the comparison between the two of them. "While they were deceived, we hurriedly flashed."

"Who did you say was deceived?" Major General Wu suddenly appeared at the alley with someone remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. Against us.

"hehe, I said..." I winked at the left and right. "Quick flash!"

As I shouted, all of us jumped up more than a dozen meters high, kicked our legs to support the walls on both sides again, and got on the shorter one. The top of the 7th Layer residential building. The people led by Major General Wu looked down and worked anxiously. These people are also special soldiers, and they can also go on a wall like this, but they can't do things like two steps to the top. When they climbed up we at least ran out more than a mile.

I stretched my head from the edge of the roof and waved to Major General Wu. "Climb slowly, I'll go one step ahead."

"You scumbag..." Before Major General Wu finished shouting, I was gone. He was flustered and exasperated and yelled at the special soldiers around him. Said: "What are you doing in a daze? Chase!"

When they walked around this alley, they only saw us leaping to the top of a nearby building. Before they could react, we were up to another building ten feet away. When they chased it over, they found that the building was in another community, with a four-meter-high iron courtyard wall between them, and they couldn't see it. They were about to climb the wall, and saw that we had jumped farther upstairs one by one. Admiral Wu stopped the soldiers who were about to overcome the wall. "Don't turn over, go back to get the car. You can't catch up with them by your legs. Call the transportation departments to help us stare at them, and report to us as soon as you see it."

An adjutant said: "The traffic monitor is managed by the mainframe computer of Longyuan. Let her report...? Isn't it possible?"

"I'm so frustrated! Forgot that they belonged to a group! I told the patrol car on the road to help us watch, and the traffic stops out of the city were watched for me. Father is really angry this time, if I don’t catch them back, I will have to follow it!"

< p>A soldier sighed: "Look at them one by one. This is probably a task that will never be completed! Even if a patrol reports their position, they will run away early when we pass by!" (To be continued, If you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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