"This...Is this magic?" As we thought, when the technology reached a certain level, most branches regarded them as magic, not technology. As expected, Major General Wu still asked.

Han Wei smiled while scratching his head: "Actually, this is just a trick."

"No, it's a rare idea!" It was Vina who spoke. "Using electric shock technology to forcibly block molecular movements, such a peculiar idea is really hard to come by."

"Huh? Can you see it?" Han Wei was very irritated at this time, even though he was superficially He is very humble, but after all this is a technique he is proud of, and he will definitely be a little proud in his heart. But for such a high-end technology, someone can see through it at a glance. Of course, this blow is a bit too big.

Weina didn’t notice what was wrong with him, but directly said: "We all have electromagnetic induction capabilities. This is nothing to surprise."

Major General Wu looked on. The question mark asked: "You two don't play dumb riddles, who will explain to me how this is done?"

Vina nodded and said: "The principle is quite simple, but it is very complicated to do. First of all, you have to understand the nature of temperature. Many people think that temperature is an inherent attribute, just as unresolvable as inertia, mass, and gravitation. However, in fact, temperature is not an inherent attribute. We all know that the objects around us are made up of one by one. It is made up of small molecules, and these molecules are doing a kind of irregular vibration all the time. We call this the Brownian motion of molecules. This is a junior high school curriculum, everyone should know."

Everyone Nodded means understanding, after all, it is a very simple thing.

Wei Na continued: "Although you know these simple things, you don’t know that the strength of Brownian motion is actually the nature of temperature. Research data from the Longyuan Technology Department shows that the human body simply has no temperature perception. Nerves, but humans can feel temperature, so what is at work? The answer is tactile nerves. The so-called tactile nerves are baroreceptors. They are actually much more sensitive than you think. Temperature is an object. The vibration frequency of the small molecules inside, your baroreceptors feel this uninterrupted vibration, they send the signal back to the brain to form a temperature sensation, this is the true face of temperature, and it represents the molecular vibration speed."

"Then how can you make frozen objects?" a colonel next to Major General Wu asked.

"It’s very simple. Since temperature is the vibration speed of these molecules, then we can completely understand temperature as a kind of irregular kinetic energy. When the molecular kinetic energy disappears, thermal energy does not exist. We artificial Lifeform has the ability to control the electric field, which you can understand as the power of mind. We can use our will to control objects and make them move. Of course, we can also prevent them from moving. When I look at an object, such as this." Vina stretched out her hand. , A ballpoint pen stuck on the chest of the researcher flew over automatically. "I'm optimistic now, I started to stop its molecular movement." Everyone saw that a layer of hoarfrost was hung on the pen quickly, and then everyone heard the sound of a crack Na didn't seem to mean to stop. The ballpoint pen has begun to emit white smoke, and it is still cooling down further. After dozens of seconds, suddenly everyone heard a click, and the writing pen suddenly turned into a pile of ashes and fell off.

"Have you actually learned the ability to freeze?" Han Wei pointed at Vina in surprise.

Ling said naturally: "We will do too, what's the matter? This is not a difficult thing!"

Compared with Han Wei, Major General Wu has no time to care about us. Learning speed. He is a member of the military and only cares about the process of weaponization of our capabilities. When he saw the ball-point pen powder, which had obviously changed little, he squatted down and watched for a long time in surprise, if it weren't for me to hold him, he would almost touch it! Major General Wu stood up in surprise and asked in a trembling voice: "This young lady, are you called Vina, right?"

Vina immediately gave a military salute. "You don't need to be so polite. My rank is lieutenant colonel, and you are a superior."

Major General Wu hurriedly returned a military salute, and then said: "Then what happened to you just now? You are not frozen. Is it? Why did it burn to ashes in the end?"

"Burn? No, I didn't."

"Why did the ballpoint pen become a powder? And it can be clearly seen The combination of these powders is definitely not as large as the original ballpoint pen. The reduction in size I know can only be due to the loss of material due to burning. I am sorry that I am not doing research. Many things are not clear."

< p>Weina explained: "These powders are indeed much smaller than the original ballpoint pens, but it is not caused by burning, but these molecules are condensed."


"I think you should know the three basic forms of matter?"

"Of course. The three basic forms of gas, liquid, and solid are general knowledge of small subjects!"

"But a link is deliberately missed in popular science. Matter still has a fourth form-condensed state. When the temperature drops to absolute zero, the matter will enter the condensed state. In this state, there is no Brownian motion of the material molecules, and the internal molecular gap will change. The collapse occurred, causing the volume to shrink drastically. This is the name of the condensed matter. I just dropped the temperature of the pen to absolute zero, and then it condensed into a small mass. If you collect the ash, you will find In fact, the weight has not changed, but the volume has become smaller."

Major General Wu became even more excited when he heard it. "Can you freeze larger objects with this ability? For example, tanks and airplanes?"

Vina said embarrassedly: "Of course the entire tank can't, but I don’t need to freeze it all. No? As long as a short section of the power cord enters the condensed state and automatically breaks, the tank will stop by itself. When necessary, I can even freeze the fuse of the shell so that the shell will not explode even if it hits the target. As for the plane, it depends on it. Distance. I can’t freeze what I can’t see. If I can see it, it’s actually very simple. There is no need to freeze the airplane. What do you think will happen if you freeze the oil pipeline?"

Major General Wu Before answering, the colonel next to him said excitedly: "The flying plane suddenly found that the oil path was blocked, haha, it's really exciting to think of it! If there are such personnel in the special operations group A in our team. In the last operation, you didn’t need to be driven by the enemy’s helicopter!" Vina said blankly: "If it were me, I would not shoot down the aircraft. Directly control its circuit. , Let the aircraft become our aerial firepower platform. It’s too wasteful to shoot down directly."

"Can you remotely control the enemy’s combat equipment?"

"As long as there is a power system Yes. But I can’t do anything with a pure mechanical structure like an ordinary gun!"

Another colonel said: "Then you are not invincible? The enemy can't do anything with you!"

"Almost!" I walked over and said, "Our electromagnetic force is a new form of force. Other countries have not yet provided corresponding protective measures. It is as if we invented the rifle, but the opponent is still there. With lance, they don’t have tanks and body armors that can block bullets. They can only use their bodies to hard top. Of course, they will lose a lot. As long as they can create magnetic energy protectors, this problem can be solved, but if we use large magnetic energy weapons , They have to think of new ways. Weapons and protective weapons grew up in this competition, don’t they?"

"Yes. So we should be one step ahead so that we can remain invincible. ." Father pointed towards the entrance. "Today we have so many Old Guys here. In addition to introducing you to Han Wei and Major General Wu, there are also your new subordinates."

"New subordinates?" I looked at father in confusion, I don't know. What does he mean.

Father shouted at the door: "Come in."

Suddenly there was a neat pace outside the door. The uniform pace showed that this is a well-trained team. The team, the general miscellaneous army will not have such discipline. Soon, the first part of the team appeared at the gate, and they ran into the weapon test area at a very neat pace.

The team is very long, and it took a long time to enter. There is no need for a whole team, they automatically stand in a square array of one hundred teams and one hundred columns. With a total of 10,000 people, this is already a large regular army. If it weren't for the large area of ​​the weapon experimentation area, it would be difficult for so many people to stand!

I glanced at the entire team, if it weren’t for the uniforms and neat queues on them, most of them would have regarded it as a men’s model team. There are 10,000 people, all of them have a uniform height of 1.75 meters, and there is no crooked melon or jujube, all of them have handsome faces and heroic figures. I know there are many Chinese people, but it is impossible to pick such a team. Coupled with the unique smell from them, I can only draw one conclusion-these are all biochemicals.

When I was offline last time, father said that he would support me. As a result, so many biochemical people appeared this time. The meaning of father is self-evident, he is to create a fait accompli and deter conservatives with martial power. Once our team grows, the fencers will quickly fall to our side, so the pressure on the conservatives will increase. Moreover, if our strength is strong enough, even if they insist on dealing with us, they will inevitably take conservative measures in fear of our strength and will not rush forward. This can buy us time. Once our regular army has formed a battle strength, what they want to do is not so easy.

Major General Wu doesn't seem to know that there is such a unit, his face is full of surprise. "Shen, this is...?"

"The newly formed Dragon Yuan Biochemical People's direct troops are all organized here. In addition to them, my son and them are all in the organization. Inside."

Major General Wu asked in surprise: "An army composed entirely of biochemical people? Doesn't the scale of 10,000 people need to have an infantry division?"

"No no no." Father shook his head and said: "This is an all-biological group army, not a division."

"The army group? Only this ten thousand people?" The colonel next to Major General Wu almost It was asked in a mocking voice.

Father snapped his fingers at the army over there: "The first row, let them see the use of those big guys." As he said, father said to me again: "These will be you from now on. I’m in the team, you should also learn something. You have to learn to use these things."

I smiled and said, "I have learned the usage of that big ball before you come here. The effect is really good. Not bad."

Father nodded did not say anything.

The soldiers in front jumped onto the giant beasts nearby, and the big guys immediately moved. A gate opened at the gate opposite the experimental battlefield, and a large number of mechanized troops opened from inside. Father suggested to watch it above, but the bottom is not safe, so we all moved to the second layer platform to watch.

The mechanized units on the opposite side of the battlefield are all the latest equipment of the U.S. military as imaginary enemies, and their actual battle strength is higher than that of the active U.S. military because these cutting-edge equipment has not yet been popularized in the U.S. military. Father assured Major General Wu that all the mechanized units use live ammunition. Of course, they are all remotely controlled, because the battle strength of the biochemical units is not weak at all.

The experimental battlefield was chosen to be hilly terrain with a lot of trees and shrubs. The biochemical troops only dispatched one of each large biochemical beast and a few soldiers on foot, while the mechanized Legion over there was a fully-staffed mechanized division, not only had a large number of tanks, but even helicopters.

The armies on both sides quickly approached, and the self-propelled artillery regiment of the imaginary enemy's division fired first. Long Yuan’s weapon expert explained: “These are the latest 155mm self-propelled howitzers of the U.S. Army. They fired the ring snake III cluster shells, which can easily penetrate the top armor of our active main battle tanks."

Major General Wu immediately carefully looked at the situation on the biochemical unit. All the large beasts stopped, and then the ball I just drove to the center of the team, and other creatures gathered in a circle centered on him. The enemy's shells flew over like raindrops. American guns are equipped with autoloaders and forced brakes, and their shelling speed is almost as fast as a single-shot rifle, and a regiment of artillery fires a rainstorm. But at the moment when the torrential rain was approaching, the blue light curtain I had used suddenly appeared above the meat ball, but this time it was hemispherical. Cannonballs rained down on the light curtain, and the flames of the explosion instantly covered the entire hemisphere.

The bombardment that lasted ten minutes soon ended. But when the fire disappeared, the blue water curtain-like protective cover still rippled peacefully there. Major General Wu's mouth hadn't been closed since the first shell hit the ground, and now it was even bigger. "This... can this protective cover block such an attack?"

Father did not answer, but took the walkie-talkie. "Protect the ball, report the loss."

"The full-scale defensive shield is operating normally, the energy is reduced by 23%, and it takes ten minutes to recharge."

Major General Wu’s eyes Almost staring out. "That's it? Doesn't it mean that he can withstand the bombardment of an artillery brigade?"

"Almost! But today I will show you that they will choose to transfer under normal circumstances. Positions, not hard-top shells."

As the first round of long-range bombardment ended, the rocket group on the opposite side began the second round of fire preparation, but the results were basically the same. In addition to knocking out some of the protective cover energy, there is almost no effect. After the launch of the rocket group, a large number of planes flew over. Of course, the base test site was underground, so there was no way to actually get the jet planes, only some laser projections could be used instead. But the bombs used by the plane are real. Those are real missiles and bombs dropped from the ceiling of the experimental area.

As a defensive weapon, the dome once again raised its protective cover, and at the same time a giant Insect like a scorpion came out. I saw it erect its tail and point it towards the sky, and then shot out a string of green ammunition like an anti-aircraft machine gun in Major General Wu's surprised gaze. The targets of these green ammunition are not aircraft, but missiles and bombs. The magic is that its interception rate is as high as 100%. A hundred bombs and missiles flew randomly in the sky. It did not miss any of them, and no ammunition was wasted, just one green ammunition and one missile, no more, no less.

Long Yuan’s weapon expert explained: “This uses the dragonfly’s compound eye response nerve, which is three thousand times faster than the artificial radar’s response speed. And you have also seen the accuracy. The advance calculation is definitely It’s amazing."

They were while speaking. The bombs and missiles hit by the green slime all exploded in the air. This terrifying interception weapon is really terrifying.

After the fleet has passed, the hypothetical enemy’s main tank force begins to advance under the cover of armed helicopters. This is a standard tactical propulsion method, and it can be said that there are almost no loopholes. Suddenly, the troops on both sides came into contact. The helicopter first fired an anti-tank missile, and then the giant spider-like Insect that was targeted suddenly bounced out of its original position. The missile tracking system cannot track a target that moves so fast, and it loses the target at once. The big spider not only dodges the attack, but also shot out a row of white giants in midair.

A platoon helicopter began to separate, but three of them were still hit. As soon as the white material hits the aircraft, it disperses and entangles the helicopter's propellers. Those white things are actually spider silk, and they are super sticky. Once the helicopter propeller is entangled, even if it will not stop immediately, it will not reach the speed required for flight. After this, the aircraft will only crash this. The fleeing plane couldn't catch it well, but the big scorpion turned its tail to the helicopter again. The green liquid it emits is much faster than spider silk, and the helicopter has no time to dodge it. These green slime are basically liquid explosives, which explode at the touch of a touch, and most of the helicopters are shot down.

The remaining helicopters wanted to speed up to rush up, but the spider spewed a white silk thread to hang up an airplane, and then violently pulled it to the side. The airplane was thrown out and hit the side. Another helicopter from, exploded in the air. Dozens of helicopters were shot down in succession like flying flies in front of Major General Wu, and almost no maneuvers and defense methods worked. Major General Wu watched for a long time and discovered that all large creatures have that kind of protective cover, but it is not as big and thick as the protective cover of the dome, but the single defense is definitely not a problem. They activate the protective shield as soon as they hit the shells and missiles, and these missiles can't penetrate the protective shield at all. When machine guns and other weapons fire, giant beasts do not activate protection, but all giant beasts have hard outer skeletons or scales, so they are not afraid of machine gun bullets.

After the helicopter was annihilated, a giant dragon flew up on the Legion side. The anti-aircraft missiles on the tank were all heat-tracking. Although the giant dragon was warm-blooded, the animal’s body temperature was not enough for the heat-energy missile. change direction. It should be understood that the original targets of these missiles were all aircraft exhaust outlets sprayed with high-temperature exhaust gas of several thousand degrees. Of course, they did not respond to animals with only a few tens of degrees. As for laser guidance, it goes without saying, you have to be able to aim accurately. With the flexibility of giant dragons, flying at a super low altitude is the same as playing. From time to time, they can flutter on the ground for a certain distance. In fact, even if you get hit, it's useless. Fortunately, I was hit by anti-tank missiles, but only the scales were blasted through the crossing. The formidable power of anti-aircraft missiles is smaller, let alone count on it.

The giant dragon swiftly flew over the tank cluster, and was immediately greeted by anti-aircraft machine guns and missiles. As a result, the missiles were all avoided, and the machine gun could not only shoot a row of fire stars on him. It's of no use externally. The giant dragon landed directly in the center of the cluster, swept a tank with one claw, and then smashed the next tank into the ground with its tail. When the tank behind turned its muzzle to attack, the giant dragon had already taken off again, and the tank gun had insufficient elevation angle to aim.

Giant dragon is such a harassment, and the other giant beasts in front have also arrived. At the forefront is the Armor-Plated Insect made in the shape of my pet tank. This guy looks very scary, and his battle strength is stronger than his appearance. The tank on the opposite side noticed the giant Armor-Plated Insect when he appeared. They couldn't hit the giant dragon flying in the sky, but they could hit the beetles running on the ground, so they immediately fired their guns to suppress them. As a result, Armor-Plated Insect completely inherits the characteristics of the in-game tank, and its defense is really nothing to say. In addition to covering the area that can only include itself, the protective cover of Armor-Plated Insect and the protective cover of the Dome are actually of the same level. The shells sparked flying in all directions on the protective cover, but there was no damage.

Suddenly, the elytra on the back of the Armor-Plated Insect opened a bit to the sides, and a strange object came out. Major General Wu could roughly see that this was a weapon. Its basic part was composed of skeletons and muscles, but there was a horizontal cannon-like thing on it. However, the barrel is solid, and only at the tip is divided into three forks, two of which are on the top and the other is on the bottom, forming an inverted equilateral triangle. Suddenly, there was a faint vibrating sound around us, which can often be heard under high-voltage wires. This is the sound caused by the excessive concentration of electric energy. At the same time, a blue ball of light flashing with electric spark appeared in the gap between the three forks, and it was still growing.

Major General Wu pointed to the ball of light in surprise and asked: "What is that?"

Before father could answer, Vina said, "It's a plasma cloud. Or you can call it a ball lightning."

As I said here, the electric ball suddenly separated from the center of the trident and flew forward. The tank over there quickly turned to escape, and even the giant dragon that was responsible for the containment immediately flew up. The electric ball fell into the middle of the tank cluster and did not hit any tanks, but a miracle happened. With a loud explosion sound, the tank near the point where the electric ball hits exploded together, spreading over 500 meters.

This time, before Major General Wu asked Vina, she explained: "Although the electric ball did not directly hit the target, the electric field generated by the induced electricity is enough to cause the shells and gasoline in the tank to explode. These all are remote-controlled tanks, if they are actually on the battlefield, the formidable power will actually be greater, because people within a radius of 1,300 meters will be electrocuted. After that, the tank will become an iron coffin and there is no longer any threat."

Master Wu had never heard of such a weapon. Today was the first time he saw it, and it was still on the back of a large insect, which really surprised him. But today Major General Wu has been surprised since he entered the base, and now he has some resistance. "It's a powerful weapon, but what about the ammunition? Does it require electricity to launch that thing?"

"You have to ask him about this." Vina pushed the technical engineer out again.

This researcher from the Technical Department explained: "These fighting beasts are actually the same as the vehicles used by the military, except that they are made of protein instead of steel. So?! Energy consumption must be passed Some alternative methods to supplement. First of all, they store energy in the cells and blood in the body like ordinary organisms, but we strengthened this system a bit and got a new circulatory system. There is a blood sac in the body of these insects. , There is their blood stored in it. This kind of blood itself is a high-energy substance, which can carry a large amount of energy to provide the body for use. Although the bombardment like the one just now consumes energy, it can be shot at least three hundred times in a row depending on the energy in the blood. Compared with ordinary military artillery, there is more ammunition."

"Then what if the three hundred guns are used up in continuous combat?" Major General Wu asked.

"There are three replenishment methods. First, when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 degrees, they can absorb environmental heat to replenish physical energy. Of course, this speed is very slow. Second, directly refuel. This kind of fuel is A mixed nutrient solution, as long as you drink it directly, you can quickly replenish energy. This is the main supplement method we designed. There is also a backup plan. These big guys actually have a digestive system, so eat directly when necessary It can also replenish energy."

"Eating?" The colonel next to Major General Wu asked: "How do I eat such a big thing? Where can I find food for them on the battlefield?"

"There are a lot of this! They don’t have to eat the food we eat! The enemy’s carcasses, the animal carcasses on the battlefield, and the nearby plants can basically be digested. But this is only a backup plan. Under normal circumstances, it is still The main thing is to directly replenish the energy liquid."

Major General Wu looked towards the field after listening to the explanation. The giant beasts are completely overwhelmingly defeating the mechanized forces without fighting back. Many of the special abilities of the creature Legion are all over before they can show the imaginary enemy on the opposite side. In fact, this is not to say that the mechanical Legion battle strength is low, but because they don't have suitable weapons. The active equipment of the mechanical Legion can't wear the magnetic energy shield, and most of the current weapons can't keep up with the agile speed of the giant beasts. In such asymmetric wars, it is also as it should be by rights to decide the winner so quickly.

Major General Wu said to me after watching the performance: "Your large creature battle strength is very good, and individual strength should also be very difficult to deal with. It is not enough to form a group army with such a force. Over."

At first, the colonel who thought we were too bragging now doesn't speak anymore. Such an army is said to be a group army, but in fact it is much higher than the battle strength of a group army. Major General Wu took the two colonels and father to discuss the specific arrangements and left, and father took us back to the center of the experimental field. The army of ten thousand people regrouped in front of us. Father patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's all your old department, command is not a problem, right?"

"Old department?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then surprised: "They are my evil spirits. Knight?"

Father's smiling face has already answered my question. These 10,000 regular troops are all my evil spirit Knight, and they obviously already have a human body, and even the basic knowledge has been trained, otherwise they wouldn't stand here so neatly.

"How?" Father flaunted: "I helped you build Biochemical Legion, and then your safety will be guaranteed. If those old bastard trouble us again, I will face up They are facing each other. If there is a troop holding hands, you can speak louder! Hahahaha!"

"Father, you'd better not be too public." I said with some worry: "The ordinary person treats us. The ability to accept is limited, and it’s really going to cause trouble. I am worried that there will be unforeseen consequences. People do not suffer from poverty and unevenness. Ordinary persons have only normal physical strength, but we have such a strong ability, they will feel this It’s not fair. This kind of jealousy will turn into a voice of opposition, and it’s very passive for us."

Father smiled and patted me: "Good boy, now you also learn to think about the future? Don’t worry! You all know. Be cautious, will I still do anything out of place? I won’t let anyone who has nothing to do with it until as a last resort. Now they are your team, in case something happens in the future You also have basic means of self-protection, don’t you?"

"That’s true. But it’s better to keep a low profile."

"Don’t worry! Okay, let’s get acquainted. New body, I'll take them to talk about our old fogeys." As he said, the father beckoned and called the Chief-In-Charge of the various branches over and left the experimental area.

Han Wei walked over to us and said, "You should familiarize yourself with it first, just ask me if you don’t understand. Shuangxue will be in your group from now on, let’s get familiar with it."


I extend the hand to Shuangxue: "Although we are enemies in the game, you are still my subordinate in reality, so don't be emotional?"

Shuangxue is reluctant He glanced at Han Wei, and shook hands with me after being glared.

Vina walked over and asked: "Since you can freeze objects, you should also heat them the other way?"

"Of course, can't you?"

"We can too, but the energy required for heating is too much to be cost-effective. Anyway, the ultimate goal of changing the temperature of the material is to make it damaged and easy to be attacked, so the method with the least energy consumption is the most suitable method. Since you have expertise in this area, you have to learn to cooperate with everyone in the future."

"I will try my best to adapt."

"It is not as much as possible, but must adapt. "I said to Shuangxue: "I think you should just be my demon after you go online? It's too slow to train in reality. We fight together in the game, and the degree of cooperation will naturally increase. Do you think this is good? "Hehe, am I using power for personal gain?

Shuangxue was stunned by my proposal. To be honest, she doesn't want to be my favorite, otherwise she won't react so much in the game. But she had to admit that my proposal was correct. We usually spend significantly more time in the game than outside, and there are more actual battles in the game. If we can fight side by side in this environment, the degree of cooperation will definitely rise rapidly. Although practical training is possible in reality, training on training equipment is inferior to actual combat training in any way.

Seeing her hesitating, I plan to push her again. "If you feel a little uncomfortable to be my familiar, we can slowly develop a sense of familiarity, what do you think?"

"Is there an option to try out the familiar in the game?"

"The rules are dead, but people are alive?"

Shuangxue's eyes rolled for a long time, and finally he said: "I refuse."


"Because I don't like you."

"Being a demon, you don't want you to marry me. What does it have to do with whether you like it or not? "

"I won't do it anyway."

Dizzy! When encountering such a hard and soft master, it seems that the plan to deceive ice-beauty has to work harder. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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