I was implementing my abduction plan, and Rose suddenly ran over and shouted: "Hurry up and change our clothes. Father wants us to do a mission."

"What mission? "I pointed to the evil spirit Knights in front. "You mean everything?"

"I don't know what the mission is, but I definitely don't need the evil spirit Knight to go with. Do you think it is a total war? This is a group army. What mission is such a big one? The size of the force?"

"That's true." I turned to the evil spirit Knights and said: "The evil spirit Knight is free to move around, or stay and continue to practice the driving skills of these big guys. Others follow me Go."

When a large group of us ran to father's office, those branch Chief-In-Charge were still there. Father gave me beckons with the hand, and then handed me a copy of the information. "This is unplanned intelligence that the military has just brought back."

The so-called unplanned intelligence refers to some useful but unusable intelligence. For example, in the Intelligence Section, if evidence of corruption from the country's frontline leaders is found abroad, such intelligence is considered unplanned intelligence. Of course, this is just an analogy. The real unplanned intelligence actually includes many types. But they all have a common feature, that is, even if they are collected, they cannot be used by the country, but they are not willing to throw them away. But being useless for the country does not mean that it is useless for us. What I have is an industry report.

I asked in the opposite direction: "What is this?"

"This is resistance." Father took another piece of paper and handed it to me: "This is the list. All of the people are leaders who strongly oppose the technology of the biochemical man. It is a bad idea to assassinate the enemy politically, but we can put them down. The industries in the previous document are all things that belong to these people, and your mission is to destroy. This world is about strength. No matter how keenly politically aware, Beggar is also impossible to become president. The president can only be a person selected from among the rich. Although money is not an absolute standard in our country, there are connections, influence, status, and brains. , Luck, these things are also necessary. Since the emergence of human society, no leader has been up for nothing. He must have at least one of these things, or a few at the same time. Your task It is to knock out the support of these people and make them lose these forces. Without these support, fewer people will speak for them, and the words they say will have no confidence and weight."

"You mean directly attacking these people?" I was surprised that father would use such extreme methods.

"Why? Do you think it's too extreme?" Father himself realized that his methods were a bit too ruthless, but his expression suddenly became more determined. "I didn't want to use this method, but someone broke the rules of the game first, and I have to do it! Also, if I pass away someday, everyone here will be your strongest support . If there is anything unclear to ask Nuwa, she knows all the information about Dragon Yuan."

"Dad! What are you talking about? What is there?" I instinctively felt that the situation was not. It's normal.

A middle-aged main pipeline sitting next to father: "Go to the intensive care ward of the Longyuan General Hospital to see your mom."

"The ward? What's wrong with mom?" "I looked at father nervously.

Father has an angry expression on his face. "It's not all those bastards! But don't worry too much, she is fine for the time being, just a small injury."

"Mom was injured? How was the injury? When did it happen? Why didn't you tell us?" Rose asked worriedly.

"It’s just a superficial wound, I was just a little frightened. It happened at noon yesterday. Your mother didn’t let you talk about it, I’m afraid you are worried." Father said to us again: "I put my old friend in the morning. We all got together to discuss it. They have agreed to my decision. Just do it. The police and the army have taken care of it. As long as you don’t make too much noise, the army will not move. The police, they I have promised to help us suppress the branch office where we are working, but the patrolmen outside can do nothing. After all, this is something that is not visible and cannot be told by everyone. Anyway, there will not be a large number of police officers. If a few police officers show up At the scene, you can decide your own countermeasures. However, it is better not to hurt people."

The rose stretched out her index finger, and the newly installed anesthetic needle popped out. "It's okay, we have this."

"You'd better be careful. If you can handle it quietly, don't make too much noise. Okay, go see your mother."

I heard that my mother was injured, I am not here long ago. As soon as my father was nodded, I ran out like a gust of wind, and Rose quickly said sorry to the supervisors of each branch, and then chased it out. Every time Vina and the others went offline, they followed me. Since I ran away, they had to follow together. When we got out of the base, there were already a large group of people. So I found a bus for everyone. All installed. There are 21 people in Ringtone Knight, and there are 20 familiars who have obtained Fleshy bodies. Among them, only the white waves and the darts have not made human bodies. That is to say, there are 19 people, which is forty people. This has to be added to Vina, who is not a favorite, and me and Rose, for a total of forty-three people and two dogs. The car is too small to fit, especially Bailang looks like a dog, but in fact it is about the same size as a bear!

In order to save personnel, I even saved the driver and drove it myself. Rushed all the way to the hospital, and then ran to the reception desk. After asking the room number, hurried to the elevator. Several people in the advanced elevator waited for us kindly, only to see a large group of us stunned. I looked at the small elevator that was less than ten square meters, then looked back at my group, and said helplessly to the people inside: "Sorry, you go up first! Let's climb the stairs."

People also pressed the door awkwardly.

I turned around and said to them: "It's all you killed! Climb the stairs!"

"We are here to visit your mother, you actually blame us!" Vina was angry Knocked me.

"Count me wrong! Hurry up and climb the stairs!"

Skeet smiled and said, "Are we still afraid of climbing the stairs? How many floors does Aunt live?"

"Two hundred and eight-Layer!"

Boom. Skott didn't stand up and fell a big somersault. "How much did you say?"

"Two hundred and eight-Layer."

"Damn, why is it so tall?"

"This is the Dragon Fate The directly affiliated hospital building is the tallest medical building in the world. The eighth 10th layer and below are all research facilities, and all the wards are on it. My mother lives in the intensive care unit, which is on the top few floors of the building."

"Well, I'll wait for the elevator!" The guy Skott wanted to be lazy. Although our physical strength is superb, we still have a little bit of breath when climbing more than 200 floors in one breath.

"You should follow along obediently and honestly!" Xiaochunti slipped on the collar of Skott's clothes and pulled him back.

I walked to the stairwell and looked up and looked up. The circular stairs stretched round and round to the top floor. The place in the middle looked like Heavenspan Pagoda! "Isn’t it 208-Layer! I ran up in one breath. Go!"

Forty-three people, plus a dog and a fox, began to rush upwards like this. Everyone outside It was strange, but I didn't pay much attention. People thought that the floor we were going to was not high, so I chose to climb the stairs!

The spiral staircase in the hospital has no steps. The whole is a circular ramp, which is mainly to facilitate the use of trolleys to go up and down in an emergency. We just went up in circles like this, and when we reached the 180th layer, everyone’s breathing rate was obviously faster, but it was far from tired. It can be seen that our physical strength is far from the same as that of normal people. Level up. Especially for the two non-humanoid Familiars, the four legs are the advantage, and they are already waiting for us a lot ahead.

"Good fellow, the two hundred and more floors are really not the average height." Scott said: "The legs are not sore yet, the head is dizzy!"

"Hold on. ! Go around twenty more times and you will be there."

"Should I just make an elevator!"

"There are only a few floors, hold on." I finished. He started to run up, but Skott clearly wanted to be lazy. Just hearing the sound of the wind blowing from behind, Sgoth stepped on the railing and jumped up one hundred 81 layers, then bounced back and forth between the handrails, and went up and down after a few ups and downs. The bell tone Knight at the back saw Skye doing this and planned to jump along, but Ling was dragged back. "Tell me to be honest, don't you understand?"

Ling is the eldest sister in the game. When I am away, she is the commander of the demons, so the status is different. Once accustomed to this thing, it is not so easy to change. Everyone habitually obeys Ling's command, so they are still afraid of her when they come out. After being taught a lesson, they all became honest, and followed me in circles one by one.

It was so easy to reach the top, even I was a little sweaty. These two hundred layers are really not that easy to climb. I went out of the stairwell and looked at the house number. The mother's ward was on the left hand side. I turned a few turns and finally found it. Xiao Bai and Bai Lang were already squatting at the door, and there were four bodyguards wearing the same clothes as Hei Chao beside them. When I saw them, they were actually acquaintances.

"Butterfly, Big K! Are you guys here too?"

The werewolf Big K just smirked, and Butterfly is much more generous than him. "We were ordered to come over to protect Madam. Young Master, will you come to see Madam? Hurry in."

"En." I turned around and said to Scott and the others: "Be lighter after entering, don't be in the ward. Speak loudly." After warning, I opened the door and walked in, only to see my mother standing by the table arranging flowers. "Mom, why are you standing underground?"

"Why are you here?" When mother saw me, she knew that it was father who had leaked the secret. "Did your dad tell you? Tell him not to say it, that's true!"

"Aunt is good." Skeet, who came in behind, shouted neatly.

Mother has never seen them, but I probably know that they are all my subordinates from the game. She smiled and asked everyone to sit down first. Fortunately, the intensive care unit is large enough that so many people actually sit down. If the general small ward is definitely crowded!

I helped my mother to the bed and asked, "What the hell is going on? Dad only said that you were injured. Where did you hurt?"

Mother pointed down. "I twisted my ankle."

My jaw almost fell off. "Twisted ankle?"

Mother told me exactly what happened. Yesterday at noon, mother left her own company to go to the Longyuan headquarters to meet with father. As a result, at the door of her company, a car suddenly rushed onto the sidewalk and almost hit her. She was taken aback and twisted her foot accidentally. To say that this is nothing at all, people usually twist their feet and will not pay attention, let alone be hospitalized. But this time mother was still hospitalized. It was not her self-reliance to show that she was rich. My mother was not that kind of person. She was hospitalized after listening to father's advice.

Actually, mother was hospitalized just to behave in order to make excuses for father. Although there were no serious consequences from the accident that day, father received a letter from conservatives. The content of the letter is of course that we should immediately stop the manufacture and research of biochemicals, and that the finished products should be destroyed immediately. At the end of the letter, a photo was added. The photo shows a car on the sidewalk, and the word "an accident" is written on the reverse side of the photo. This is clearly a threatening letter. That's why I had the conversation between father and me this morning, and this special mission. The other party is obviously threatening the safety of our family and my subordinates. If we accept the intimidation, then my subordinates and I will have to be destroyed. If we do not accept it, the mother's safety will be a problem. So whether I accept it or not, the people closest to me will be threatened, so I have to resist.

Mother's hospitalization is to announce a message to the outside world to let others know that our family has been hit first. At this time when the father goes to activities again, others will feel that we have already suffered, so they have to help us a little bit. This is why father can get so many green lights. Under normal circumstances, these departments would not agree with us.

Since I know that there is nothing wrong with my mother, I don't have to stay here for too long. Although mother was not injured this time, I want to prevent her from being injured again. "Mom, you live well here. Just take this opportunity and you have a good rest, I'll leave first."

Mother put his arms around my neck and said, "I know what you are going to do. , I also know that your dad has arranged everything. I just say: safety first."

"Mom! Don't worry!" I stood up and said, "Your son has grown up. "After I said, I waved to Vina and the others: "Go, go back to the base to get the equipment, and we will go to demolish the house." Support authors, support genuine reading!)

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