Xue Ji looked at me coldly after smiling. "How can you ignorant human beings be my master? There is only one master."

"Are you a demon with a master?" After a long time, Xue Ji is a master with a master. It's really unexpected. But if I think about it carefully, it's wrong. When I encountered Xue Ji near Gates of Hell, it was obvious that someone was watching her by her side. If she is a favorite of the lord, what are the people of Nobunaga watching over her? Familiars will obey their master's orders. Isn't it better to stare at her master? Of course, familiars with relatively low loyalty may also be disobedient, but listening to Xue Ji's tone, she seems very proud of having such a master. If the relationship is so good, it is hard to imagine that loyalty will not increase.

I am confused, but I don't understand why. Zi Zhuo seemed to be very anxious. Seeing that the two of us were in a stalemate, he took the initiative to say: "You will solve the specific problem yourself." She said that she suddenly turned to Xue Ji, and then bounced a red ball out. Xue Ji's reaction slowed a little, but she couldn't flash away, and she was hit by the small ball of light the size of her fingernail. Xue Ji fumbled around for a while in panic, only to find that nothing happened. Just as she looked up at us suspiciously, Zi Zhuo said, "Well, Purple Moon, open the space door and let me see my master. The flame core just now can suppress her power. Within ten hours, she Not much better than an ordinary person. You should be able to handle it, right?"

"Well, that's okay. Thank you." I quickly opened the space door, and Zizhuo was very anxious and polite. Ran in. After closing the space door, I turned to face Xue Ji again. "I don't care if you are someone else's devil or a devil beast. Anyway, you can't run away today."

"That's not...damn it, why at this time!" Xue Ji seems to be Suddenly, he was holding his forehead with one hand like a shock.

I just wanted to ask what's the situation, but I also heard a prompt tone: "Ten seconds to go offline, the countdown begins. Ten, nine... Two, one, disconnect."

The picture in front of me suddenly became pitch black, and no signal was received. I tried to sense myself, but I didn't feel the presence of the body at all. It seems that I am still in the electronic brain state, otherwise I should be able to feel the state signal sent back by the body. My sensory organs seem to be closed, but the electronic brain is completely closed. My biological brain is surrounded by an electronic brain. If the electronic brain is turned off, I cannot get its auxiliary signals.

In such a completely silent, light, tactile, and odorless world, it feels really scary. When I was about to use electromagnetic power to communicate with others, I suddenly felt some signals again, so I stopped again. What I felt suddenly was a pain signal, as if it came from a part of the body, but the brain couldn't locate it. After a few seconds, the pain disappeared, and then I felt that I could control some body parts. I tried to feel these limbs, and found that the position where the feeling came from seemed to be the position of my neck. Sensory signals show that what I am manipulating should actually be eight articulated articulated limbs, just like the legs of a crab. If you feel it carefully, you will find that the tactile sensations of these limbs are very dull, and only the tip of each limb has a strong tactile signal.

This feeling confused me. Why do I feel arthropods? There should be no such organs in humans! Am I being transformed into a spider? impossible! Did the researchers have a collective mental disorder?

I was in doubt, and suddenly I heard a rustle again, and then a sudden explosion made my head dizzy, and then suddenly I could hear some messy collisions.

A young male voice suddenly appeared. "One, two, three, four, five, audition: Ah...! dong dong dong. I am the researcher in charge Han Wei. If I hear my voice, move your left forelimb."

< p>According to the voice, I controlled the corresponding one of the six newly-appearing limbs to move, while the others remained still. Then there was a burst of cheers, and then the voice of Han Wei just now appeared again. "Very good. Now we help you connect the pronunciation device, you wait a moment."

Soon, after a strange feeling, I regained my ability to speak, but the pronunciation device felt a little strange.

Han Wei asked: "Is it possible to speak."

"Alright." Although it feels weird, the voice is still mine, and speaking of which It went well without any control inconvenience.

"Very good. Then start connecting to the video system."

Suddenly, I felt my eyes, and then a bright green spot appeared in front of me. The bright spot suddenly extended to both sides into a bright line, and then unfolded up and down, the picture in the room immediately appeared in front of the eyes, and it was unprecedentedly clear. The first thing I did was to stretch out my limbs in front of my eyes, and found out that I actually saw a mechanical leg shining with silver light. It turns out that the six limbs are mechanical legs, but they are all very small and short.

Perhaps knowing my thoughts, a young researcher who did not know took a mirror to me. I only saw my entire appearance in the mirror. Now I simply added a mechanical spider under the original electronic brain form. The body of this mechanical spider is my electronic brain, and all eight legs extend from under the electronic brain. However, a closer look reveals that the side of the electronic brain seems to have some strip-shaped grooves. After folding the mechanical legs, it can be put into the grooves, so that the electronic brain becomes exactly the same shape as before.

"Didn't you say you want to adjust your new body? How did it happen?"

The youngster holding the mirror talked, didn't expect that he was the Han Wei. "The body is right behind you."

I turned around hearing this and found that this is a huge experimental area. I have a row of consoles on the left and right, and each has an electronic brain. Through radio communication, I quickly learned that they are Rose and my Familiars. Behind us, there is a row of human bodies fastened to a metal cross by locks, but they are all already wearing underwear, but they are not completely naked.

I suddenly felt that I was being picked up, and Han Wei's voice appeared above my head. But because the visual system on the electronic brain cannot turn like a real eye, I can't see him. I only saw myself being taken next to my body. This body is exactly the same as my previous one, it seems to look even more beautiful, but there is no gleam in the eyes, after all, my brain is still outside!

Han Wei’s voice appeared above me: "Try to use your brain waves to control him to open."

"Open? Open what?" I heard it while asking My Familiars are also asking the same questions in the next position, and obviously everyone is doing the same thing as me.

Han Wei said: "Control the body and open the head. Before, every time I help you move the electronic brain, you have to perform surgery. Now you don’t need it anymore. We just made an automatic lock switch. But the only control switch is you. Other methods will not work."

I tried to touch this body with radio waves, and then I got the service information similar to a computer webpage. It seems that this body also has basic computing control. of. There are a large number of options in the function, and I directly found the top brain receiving program. After confirming, the body fixed on the shelf suddenly turned its head forward. I thought the head was about to fall off! As a result, it only opened the upper part of its head forward. Han Wei put me in, and then he told me that there were eight holes in the inner cavity of the brain, which corresponded to those eight legs. The eight mechanical legs themselves are also connecting plugs.

Try to insert the mechanical legs into those eight holes, the electronic brain is automatically in place, and at the same time I can't feel those mechanical legs. "Han Wei, why don't those mechanical legs feel anymore?"

"The purpose of their design is to have the most basic escape ability when you are in the form of an electronic brain, such as in case your body is beaten. It looks like, and the scene is very dangerous. You can at least use the electronic brain to crawl out and run away. But when connected, these legs are just plugs, and they are wrapped in the body and can’t move. Isn’t it superfluous?"


After I finished speaking, the upper part of the open brain of the body was immediately closed. Some mechanical connection devices automatically docked at the back of the head and the skin healed at an unimaginable speed, with no wounds visible. The auditory, visual, and tactile systems on my electronic brain are automatically turned off after the head of the body is completely closed, but I can still see things because the various signals on the body have been connected in sync. What is felt now is the visual and tactile sensory signals provided by this strengthened body.

The bracket that fixed me was automatically released after I was fully connected, and I tried to walk off. It seems that my body has become lighter, but I know this is not because of my weight loss, but the increase in strength.

Han Wei took this record and said: "Your body is now 1.70 meters tall and weighs about 89 kg. I know you doubt this weight. One is how you feel You seem to be very light. Secondly, your figure is very good now. The height of 1.70 meters should not be so heavy. But this is a fact, because all the skeletons in your body have been replaced with BU20 fortified bio-metal. This kind of metal is The hardness is slightly lower than your original skeleton, roughly equivalent to the hardness of the titanium alloy, but its benefits are incomparable to the original skeleton. First of all, the toughness of this skeleton is very good, and it can completely reach the level of high elastic rubber. The bending rate will not break, and considering that its hardness is only a little lower than that of the original skeleton, the overall performance is still significantly higher than the original skeleton. The most important thing is that this skeleton has the ability to self-regenerate. It is also an active substance, not composed of deposits like a normal human skeleton. Such a skeleton can recover quickly, and you can quickly recover battle strength even if you break a bone on the battlefield. But with this skeleton's toughness, I think you broke it. The probability is not high."

"This kind of metal won’t prevent me from passing the electronic detector when I get on the plane, right?"

"It’s a bio-metal, but it’s actually not a metal. , But a kind of high polymer carbon, the metal detector does not respond to it."

"So it is absolutely safe, but the weight is slightly larger!"

"Considering your strength, this weight does not constitute a burden. Moreover, even if it is an ordinary person, there are many people over 89kg, so you don't have to care about it."

"The body's What about other modifications?"

"The strength, speed, and anti-strike ability have been adjusted, which is much stronger than before. In addition, I have added a connection mechanism and some small auxiliary equipment for you."

"Connecting mechanism and auxiliary equipment?"

"The connecting mechanism is relatively simple, look here." A researcher brought a camera with a cable, and then connected the camera to a camera. On the large-screen monitor in Taiwan, I went to take a camera behind me to shoot. I can clearly see behind myself from the screen. I didn't see anything at first, but soon I noticed that there seemed to be two scars on the inner side of the scapula, but they were very inconspicuous. Han Wei walked to my back and touched one of the scar-like marks with his finger, and then said: "Relax here, thinking about separating it to the two sides."

I did the same, but the one on my back The two scars actually split open, and something seems to be moving inside. Two researchers took two white furry things and walked over, and with the help of other researchers, they helped me receive the two holes in my back.

Until they moved away, I was surprised and asked: "Wings?"

The two large white objects attached to my back are two wings, huge white wings. The perfect connection is behind me. I tried to move, but I was really able to control it, and I could feel all kinds of sensations from above. When I opened my wings, I finally felt like I became an angel.

Han Wei said: "This is the so-called connection mechanism. Wings are not used all the time, so you don’t need to equip them. This pair on your back is the connection port. You can fly. Your pair of wings is relatively large, almost 30 kg. Originally we planned to use bat wings, but later found that this kind of wings with soft feathers fly without sound at all, and the aerodynamic effect is better, so This form is adopted. In addition, in order to be suitable for night combat, we also prepared black wings of fallen angels, which can be used interchangeably."

"Are there any other connecting mechanisms?"

"Of course there is. But I will teach you to use those auxiliary equipment first. This is the first thing." Han Wei suddenly didn't know where the chameleon came out. "Did you see it? Try to imagine yourself as a chameleon, and then imagine being one with the environment."

With a brush, the color on my body suddenly became milk-white, and the plastic floor and The surrounding equipment has a color.

Han Wei smiled and said: "This is the environment simulation system. The principle is the same as that of the chameleon, but the speed is faster. Have you seen the squid's color changing system? Your skin is similar. Although it cannot be invisible , But disguise is not a problem."

"But I always have to go out without wearing clothes? What do I do when I wear clothes and change color system? Block them inside, change color and change color, who can see it? "

"Anyway, this is an auxiliary device. Don't you be afraid of 10,000, just in case! Something is better than nothing."

"What about other auxiliary devices?"

"Oh. Sometimes you stretch your index finger, pay attention to the position of the fingertip, there is a small retractable needle there, can you see it."

"I see. What is this for?"


"That is an anesthetic needle with a medicine pouch attached to the back. A single puncture can make the opponent sleep quietly for ten hours. Some tasks cannot hurt people, but they need to subdue the opponent. At this time, it is your best Good choice."

"Nice design."

Han Wei smiled and said: "It's just a small invention. Of course, in addition to these, the spare fish gill system behind your ears They are all retained. In addition, your body has a large connecting mechanism behind your neck. You can touch it."

A small hole, but usually it is held by the muscles, as long as I don't deliberately open it, it will not be exposed.

Han Wei looked to the left and right after seeing that I had discovered the hole. At this time, the researchers on the other workbenches were also looking at each other, apparently exchanging opinions. Han Wei is probably in charge, he walked behind us. A large row of large iron boxes like containers were placed here. Han Wei walked to the box I was facing, and then reached out and entered a series of passwords on the side of the box. Other researchers all did the same thing. After that, Han Wei loudly said: "You all have a human appearance now, but you still need protection for the real difficult battles. The human body is too small, and no matter how strong it is, there are limits. . Among you, there used to be members of Dragon Clan. "Fortunately for a long time, they also acquired the human form. How come I only see human pets! Han Wei continued: "When you were Dragon Clan, your defensive power was very strong. Only the lucky person who reincarnated first had practical experience. At that time, he blocked an anti-tank rocket head-on. As your leader, Shenlin, he will still be wounded by a pistol. Why is this? Will we arrange low-level technology for Shenlin, but concentrate the cutting-edge technology on luck? This is of course impossible, because the reason lies in humans. The structure and shape determine that we are flexible but not resistant to fighting."

"Is it possible to use the body in these boxes behind you to ensure that we will not die?" Wei Na asked.

Han Wei smiled and said: "Of course it is impossible. I can only say that you are safe under normal circumstances. If you have to respond to city-level destruction weapons such as antigen bullets or satellite killer systems, then I There was no way!" Han Wei's words caused a burst of laughter, but he immediately signaled everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "So now, I will introduce you to the real combat body, which I call-biological armor." The walls of all the metal boxes fell down on all sides as Han Wei said the last word, and the contents were directly displayed in front of us.

"Tank?" "Meatball?" "Isn't this me?"

The scene was chaotic, because we were so surprised. None of the things in these boxes are the same, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are huge.

The box facing me is something I have never seen before. This is a two-story sphere, but there are sixteen crab-like legs connected underneath it. Each leg can be about ten meters long when straightened, but they are all pushed like arthropods. First up and then down, bending into a lot of joints, so it is not high to stand up.

"What is this?" All of our modified creatures asked this sentence almost at the same time, so the researchers in charge of each group began to explain to the person in charge.

Han Wei came over and asked: "These all are general-purpose biological armors. Because they are general-purpose, you can replace them at will. And you don’t need to transplant your electronic brains when you use them, as long as you walk in. Just fix it, it’s easier than driving a car. Once the connection is complete, you can control these big guys like you manipulate your hands and feet. Then which one do you look for first in the general election?"

" Let’s start with this egg."

Han Wei loudly shouted to the surrounding patted hands: "First transport these to the experimental site, and we will do the teaching demonstration."

There are a lot of people here, and the efficiency is very high. Soon we got to the weapons testing ground. The armors of those large creatures are all placed here, and I plan to teach us how to use them. Since I am the leader of everyone, I will do the test.

The huge egg was already on the field, and we were taken to its side. Han Wei explained to everyone: "This thing is called a conductor. You can think of it as a battlefield command vehicle. Strictly speaking, it is a biological computer that can walk."

"What does a computer need to be able to walk? Is it going to be brought to the front line?" Ling asked. "If it is a computer used in the rear, wouldn't it be better to use a car or airplane to transfer it directly?"

"You are right." Han Wei said: "This is the computer used on the front line. But its performance is not bad. Not only is it as simple as a computer. It is also your electronic warfare system, radar, interference system, defense system, and prisoner interrogation system."

"There are so many functions." I nodded and said: "Electronics I can understand the war and radar. After all, is this thing a computer! But what is it about defense and captive interrogation?"

"Captive interrogation system, you should understand that Dragon Yuan is conscious. The reading technology is no longer a day or two, and you have all seen electronic interrogators. This is just a biological one, there is no change. As for the defense system...you have to go up to demonstrate it."

"All right, then."

According to Han Wei's guidance, I walked under the egg. There is an entrance here. The whole egg is covered with something like scales, there are also here, but they can be opened to both sides. Skye joked that the entrance of this thing is actually in the ** position, which makes me disgusting!

Finally drilled through the hole, inside is a soft meat bag. Han Wei had already said before entering, don't resist after entering, it will automatically dock. Sure enough, the flesh wall tightened automatically, fixing me in place. But because the pads here are very elastic, it feels much more comfortable than sitting on a car seat, as if lying on a water bed. Suddenly, I felt something inserted through the hole in the back of my head. In an instant, I felt that my eyes went dark. I felt that I had recovered after less than a second, but it did not come from the body, but from the egg. It feels similar to the previous electronic brain entering the body. The big guy really deserves to be a mobile computer, the operation is super simple, all thinking control, all functions have intuitive display, think of that function will be activated immediately.

Han Wei's voice appeared outside. "Are you connected?"

"Okay, don't shout so loudly. The sound of this thing is terribly good! My ears blow up!"

"Oh sorry! "Han Wei lowered it and continued speaking as much as possible: "You can find the defense function inside."

"Found it. Hello, what is this mental defense?"

Han Wei smiled and said: "Now let you know what it is. You pay attention to up ahead, do you see anything?"

"Damn, Parux Demon Sword? Are you crazy? That's an anti-ship weapon!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not crazy. Now activate the mental defense." After he finished speaking, he suddenly took out a red banner and waved it.

The sound of this egg suddenly appeared in my ears after seeing his movements. "Warning: A high-energy reaction was discovered, and the magnetic energy structure analysis produced the Paruks Demon Sword electromagnetic laser cannon type III for Longyuan. The mental defense system has been activated, and the survival rate is predicted to be 100%."

Almost prompts on the computer At the same time, the laser cannon on the opposite side was able to gather energy, and a red beam came directly. I only saw a sudden flash in front, and then a huge blue light curtain appeared in front of me. In fact, people outside are more afraid than me. I still have an egg protection, they are all standing outside. The Demon Sword is specially used to fight aircraft carriers. Let alone stand together, you will have to die together if you get closer. However, as everyone ran around in panic, the light curtain in front had collided with the laser beam. The duration of the laser cannon firing is about 0.3 seconds, which is over in one flash. The blue light curtain disappeared at the same time, and nothing happened except for a sound like a steam boiler venting.

"What's going on?"

Han Wei said proudly: "Don't worry! We have experimented tens of thousands of times. If there is danger, I will stand here? The mental defense wall is actually a kind of protective cover analyzed from your electromagnetic force field. We used to think that it can only block physical weapons, but later found that even laser weapons can block it."

Ling Very expert said: "Photons also have physical properties. This can be seen from the fact that they are triggered by the gravity of a black hole. Similarly, the defense wall responds to all objects with mass, so it should also respond to light. According to this calculation, maybe the proton weapon can also block it."

Han Wei was surprised: "I heard that your body has been strengthened very exaggeratedly before. Didn't expect your thinking ability has also been strengthened to this point. The degree of horror. Your inference is right. This defensive wall does have defensive power to proton weapons, but it can't stop it for the time being."

Ling nodded: "It's normal that it can't be stopped. Proton laser Guns and general anti-tank guns are actually the same. They both use barrels to launch physical ammunition, but the proton laser cannon shells are relatively small. However, the flight speed of the anti-tank gun shells and the proton laser cannon shells are different. Too many, one is only several times the speed of sound, the other is sub-light speed. However, the mass of the proton weapon projectile, that is, the proton, is too small. Although the resistance received in the pilot is less than the normal projectile, it is average in the case of the same area. The resistance is even greater. If you calculate the decay rate and then remove the inertial loss, the actual destructive power of the proton weapon is that of a standard anti-tank gun..." Ling Mo calculated for a few seconds before continuing: "Well, it should be 760. Ten times. Therefore, the defensive wall is definitely not able to block the proton weapon, but it can weaken its formidable power."

Han Wei is almost falling off his jaw now. "Oh my God! You just come to us as a researcher. You can calculate such complicated calculations verbally! Do you know how many times we have done calculations in the laboratory?"

Ling said with a smile "That's you guys too stupid. Just look for Big Sister Nuwa for large arithmetic. With such a powerful base host computer, you don't have to do it yourself."

Han Wei helplessly said: "I am not here. People from the side base, this time it’s because your adjustments require my skills to be temporarily transferred."

"Oh, so that's how it is!"

Han Wei smiled and said: "Nothing. Our base is responsible for auxiliary research. Your research labs are all engaged in main research. So of course a good computer must be equipped on your side. Our calculations are generally used. The computer will come out after a few more hours."

"Don’t look down on yourself. Without those large computers, didn’t you design me the same way?" A girl I don’t know jumped out. .

Because everyone has changed bodies, so many monsters that don't have a human form are replaced with human forms, so there are a few new faces among us. But the problem is that we have electromagnetic induction ability and can recognize people through EEG. The woman in front of us stunned all of us, because no one knew who the brain waves belonged to. Her appearance is as strange as her brain waves, which can only show that she is a newcomer.

I jumped out of the dome and looked at Han Wei in surprise. "Who is she?"

"Your new subordinate." A large group of people walked in from outside the experimental area. It was the father who was talking, the gang behind were the veterans in the base, and some were Chief-In-Charge of each branch. Although I rarely communicate, I still know the Chief-In-Charge of each branch.

"Father. Why did someone who I don’t know pop up?"

The old people all stood behind father, but one of them, Old General in military uniform, was with him. Stand side by side. I recognized this general at a glance. He was the second son of General Wu, who was also the second uncle of the night son of our guild. Although he is currently only a major general, he is currently only 33 years old and is considered the most promising military talent. After all, generals under the age of 40 are very rare, not to mention that they are still major generals.

For these old fogeys, I can be casual. Anyway, I am also the Eldest Young Master of Dragon Fate. They are all subordinates of father. I have no direct relationship with them, so it doesn't matter what the system is. But this military general is not good enough, I still have the title of brigadier general anyhow! Although my brigadier general is actually named, after all, there is a formal appointment letter. You have to be serious when you see high level generals!

"Major General." I saluteed the military first, and then realized that I was only wearing a pair of underwear. Now I am so embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Stop for a while." Major General Wu was very polite. "You can find a dress to wear first." In fact, he didn't say this to me, but to the girls behind. We just got off the experimental platform one by one, all wearing only underwear. I'm a big man, it's okay. Ling and their girls are all violent, and wearing small underwear is too easy to stimulate men's desires. Researchers are almost the same as doctors. The experimental body has been seen too much, and it has long been uncommon, but this group of people outside is not good, even the old fogey group are obviously red-faced, even more how Major General Wu is only in his 30s.

I waved back: "Follow me to dress."

Major General Wu only feels saw a flash, we are all gone, only the maintenance Han Wei just now is left. The girl is still there not knowing what to do glanced around. Han Wei quickly pointed to the exit: "Over there, you can just follow them."

Nodded, the girl also disappeared.

Major General Wu looked at the researchers with natural expressions, and then asked father with a look of shock: "God, just... just now this is...?"

father Look at him, then look at the direction of the door he was pointing at before it became clear: "Oh! You mean them? That's not an instant movement, it's just faster, you can't see it clearly."

"Can the biochemical soldier get to this level?"

"I'm not doing research on this, or I will ask a professional to talk to you?" The father pulled Han Wei over. "You can explain it."

Seeing Major General Wu's gaze shifted, Han Wei quickly said: "Actually, this is not their extreme speed. Human eyes have signal intervals. This... how? In fact, our eyes are not always working. They feed back signals to the brain every short period of time. Just like army scouts, they are impossible to talk with the headquarters on the radio all the time, right? Human eyes are similar. Feedback signals are separated signals. If the speed of an object is so fast that a fault occurs between the two intervals, it appears to you as if it suddenly disappeared at this time, but it is actually faster. "

"What about them? They are so fast, and their eyes are the same. Don’t they even lose sight of the road?"

"They are not the same. Shenlin, they have complete Different visual systems, even if only naked eye is used, they have the normal visual distance of a telescope, the dark vision of a night vision device, the subtle insight of a 150-fold magnification Microscope, and the continuous visual capture speed of an ultra-high-speed camera. "

"I still don’t understand. Can you describe it in a vivid way? How good is it? I want to understand it."

"The image is a bit Well? Let’s put it this way. When the weather is good, they can see the expression on your face from fifty kilometers away. At night when there is no light, they can move around like the day. It seems to be as conspicuous as a zebra crossing, and the bullets in flight are similar to bees in their eyes. It's probably like this."

"Is that still a human?" The person who spoke was a colonel next to Major General Wu. , He is an entourage of General Wu. There is also a lieutenant colonel on the other side, who is also an entourage of Major General Wu. But it seems that these two men don't look like sitting in the office, they are probably frontline combatants. As the frontline personnel of school-level officers, the most likely to be special-level combatants, otherwise you can't get such a high rank, without special skills, you can still fight as a soldier.

Han Wei said a little angrily: "Comrade Colonel, please pay attention to your words and deeds."

"Comrade Major General, the outfit is complete." Me and the others seemed to jump suddenly. They appeared in front of them as they came out, and the air flow driven by us took a long time to roll around.

"Yes, if the country can have the same amount of battle strength as yours, safety is not a problem."

I turned to the father

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