"I said I want to apprentice." Zizhuo said firmly.

"Don't say anything silly, get up quickly." I quickly pulled Zizhuo up. It doesn't matter if she goes to the teacher, I can't live anymore. Sect Lord Hong Jun wants me to look at him, which can include many things. First of all, once the mother of the earth refuses, then Zizhuo's character is most likely to cause trouble. It is true that a fool knows the consequences, and Zi Zhuo is definitely the one who was beaten and disabled. But I am now Zizhuo's guardian. She was maimed by the Mother of the Earth, and I had to be maimed by Hongjun Sect Lord. Another possibility is that the mother of the earth accepts the request, which is not as good as the previous one! Zi Zhuo learned from Mother Earth, with an obvious purpose, to be as powerful as Mother Earth, because this is the only existence she knows that can surpass his dad. If she really gets better after learning about Mother Earth, then she has to go back to Sect Lord Hongjun to start a war. Sect Lord Hong Jun is also considered a leading figure in China anyway. Putting him down will be a blow to the strength and morale of China as a whole. This kind of thing must never happen.

Although I tried my best to pull Zizhuo up, without the pressure of Mother Earth, Zizhuo's power is far superior to mine, and I can't pull her at all.

The mother of the earth smiled and walked over and opened my hand, then put a hand on Zizhuo's head. The mother of the earth looks like an eleven or twelve-year-old little girl. Zizhuo kneels on the ground and is taller than her. She now puts her hands on Zizhuo’s head but it seems so natural, as if an elder is stroking a child. The same hair. "Get up, my child!"

Zi Zhuo shook his head: "No, I will follow you to learn how to improve your strength. If you don't agree, I will do not raise."

Mother Earth said with a smile: "Did I refuse?"

"Huh?" Zizhuo didn't react for a while. "What did you say?"

"Did you really hear what I said?" Zizhuo nodded, then shook his head again, and then nodded again. Mother Earth smiled and repeated: "Then I will say it again, I think I will accept you as a discipline."


The Mother Earth stopped Zizhuo Say thank you. "Although I agree, and I also know that even if I say something, you will not back down, but I still want to speak first. If you study with me, you can indeed improve your abilities, but... you will definitely be afterwards. You can't use this power to deal with your father."

"Why?" Zizhuo first questioned, and then surprised to find that something seemed to be wrong. "Wait, how did you know that I was going to deal with that Old Guy?"

"Do you know who I am?" Mother Earth did not answer the question.

"Of course."

"Do you still need to ask?"

Seeing that Zizhuo still had doubts in his eyes, I had to go up and reminded: "The Mother of the Earth is in charge of the entire land. Although Celestial Court is floating on the clouds, they are strictly speaking on the ground. Besides, Hong Jun Sect Lord lives on the mountain, and the mountain is also part of the earth. The mother will not know what happened on the earth?"

Zi Zhuo nodded said that she understood, but she quickly asked in confusion: "But why can't I use this power to Deal with that old bastard?"

"Because my power is completely different from yours. When you master my power, you will feel that everyone needs care like a child. You will be Only the ants provoke you and hate several decades before destroying the ant nest?"

Zi Zhuo touched his nose and said sorry: "Probably only perverts can do that!"

"So when you really master my power, your mood will also change. By that time you don't want to trouble him anymore."

"I don't think I will. "Zi Zhuo denied the words of Mother Earth.

"You probably won’t believe me now, and I didn’t expect you to believe it, just tell you first, and you’ll understand later. So, now you are my discipline, but Before officially starting to educate you, you still have one thing to do."

"My business?" Zi Zhuo was taken aback for a moment: "I'm fine!"

" Of course you have." Mother Earth said very positively: "Purple Moon rescued you, are you doing this to him?"

Should I just say it! The system will not let people do the task in vain, I rescued Zizhuo, then the rewards brought by her will exist. I didn't get any reward item, that means the reward is in other forms. It seems to be the case now, the mother of the earth is giving me prizes instead of system.

Zizhuo is a fire creature, with a strong personality, and he does everything simply. She quickly stood up and said to me: "What do you want, as long as I can get it, I can get it for you."

I thought about it for a moment, and then said: "I have A very desired Familiar, maybe it is easy to deal with her with your power. She is an ice attribute creature, your power is much more than her, and it happens to restrain her flame element, so..."

"No problem, since it's an ice attribute creature, it's definitely not my opponent."

Zi Zhuo is happy to do things, and after agreeing to take me to Japan to find that Xue Ji immediately. Speaking of which In fact, Xue Ji’s battle strength is not very prominent, especially when I have dual Fire Element creatures, she can’t exert her own strength. But one important thing is that there are no ice attribute creatures in my familiar. Although the Frost Star is the ice attribute power, it is a gem, not a devil. For one thing, there is no wisdom, and secondly, its power is limited.

As an animal trainer, I think I have a good understanding of this profession. People who don't play animal trainers just think that we have more monsters, and we can deceive less by more. In fact, this view is completely wrong. In fact, even if it is a professional animal trainer, everyone's ideas are not exactly the same. The primary level animal trainer is mainly thinking about how to obtain high level familiars to improve their strength. I thought that way at the beginning, but later I felt that this was not a good idea. The task of "Zero" is far less simple than imagined. High battle strength alone is useless at all. No matter how strong you are, can you control a war by yourself? Can one defeat a high power group like Celestial Court or Temple? Obviously this is impossible. At the same time, even in a combat state, it is not necessarily a strong battle strength to win. Some tasks require speed, which can be easily completed by running fast. Some quests need to be launched, and you won’t be able to build a top-level fire creature. So I found that the key to the trainer should be cooperation. Perfect multi-pet coordination is the highest realm of the beast trainer profession. Just as humans without strong fitness bodies can stand on top of all things in nature, animal trainers do not need to make strong battle strength, as long as they have the strongest adaptability. This adaptability is reflected in the completeness of the familiars, and the key to the strength of the trainer lies in the complete system of the familiars.

Many players of the trainer department complained that the advanced familiars are not good, but in fact they got the wrong direction at first. The reason why the system does not arrange a large number of high-level devil beasts for everyone is because the trainer does not need high-level devil beasts. What we want is comprehensiveness. It is best to include all kinds of magic attributes in all environments, as well as physical and spiritual systems. The same cannot be missed in various departments.

I am very lucky in the animal trainer. The peak of the physical attack system-giant dragon, and the peak of the spirit system-Spiritual Body, happened to be the first two monsters I started with. , This is the key to my victory all the way, because I happened to go the right way. Counting it down now, I basically have all the creatures in each department, and there is only one ice attribute left, which has never been suitable. Therefore, under this premise, this Xue Ji is quite important.

Originally, I planned to use Transmission Formation to take Zizhuo to Japan, but didn’t expect this girl to grab me and throw it into the sky, and then she jumped up and turned into a huge fiery- The red bird caught me and flew towards Japan. To be honest, Zizhuo's speed does not feel very fast, but she seems to be constantly using long-distance teleportation, almost only a little slower than Transmission Formation to reach the sky over Japan. Being strong is not the same, and it can be forcibly transmitted by its own strength. I said that after she ran away from Japan, it was only a few minutes before I used Transmission Formation. After a long time, she also relied on transmission.

Finding Xue Ji’s job is very simple. With the power of Zizhuo, it is very simple to find a cold ice attribute creature with super power, because she only needs to feel the lowest temperature nearby. As a result, we found Xue Ji within a few minutes, and she was in a jungle at this time.

Zi Zhuo led me to land directly on the clearing covered by snow. Xue Ji had noticed us before we landed. I looked around as soon as I landed. The corpses of more than a dozen people lie in this open space, and there are still some devil beasts hanging on the nearby trees, which are probably the favorites of these people who were killed. Looking at their badges, they are all from the Northern Alliance.

"It's you again?" Xue Ji glared at me fiercely.

"In the future, we will be together often." Being my demon, there is very little chance to leave me.

Xue Ji glanced at Zi Zhuo next to me, obviously afraid of her. But she didn't say it, but turned to me again. "What are you doing again?"

"I need a snow and ice demon, I think you are very suitable."

"Ah hahahaha!" The iceberg-like Xue Ji actually smiled , And laughed wildly. I was stunned by her. What is the reason for her to be so contemptuous of my words? Obviously it wasn't because of strength, because she should be able to feel the strength of Zi Zhuo, she knew she was not our opponent. So what does she have to rely on? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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