Tian Zhao looked at me unwillingly, but he really didn't dare to move the little girl who looked only seven or eight years old in front of him, and finally had to clenched the teeth and flew away. The Mother Earth turned and walked back to the Gate of Earth. She glanced at me when she passed me, but said nothing.

I quickly jumped out of the space door and rushed out of the combat area. The task assigned by the military god has been completed, and the city wall behind it seems to be unguarded. In addition, the boss of Tian Zhao was also scared away, and the psychological impact on Japanese players was still quite big. Although it was the mother of the earth that frightened Tianzhao, it was caused by me in the eyes of the players, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the command of the god of war to make a big move. The remaining Japanese players rely on the Chinese players to deal with them enough. At any rate, the number is ten times that of others, so I'm not afraid that I won't be able to attack.

After running into a forest far away from the battlefield, I quickly opened the space door again and got in, and closed it again. Open the phoenix dragon space in the gate of the earth, and then said to the pets: "Ling, Xiaochun, Emiennes, Yeyue, Xiaofeng, Lucky, small dragon girl, all come with me, and the others rest here. ."

Pass through the vast grassland to reach the true palace of the Mother Earth God, here is the main residence. The great hall was empty, and I found the small square in front of me all the way to find the mother of the earth. As if she knew that I was coming, the Mother of the Earth had already remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, sitting by the fountain at High Level and watching me.

"Why did you run in?" Mother Earth asked deliberately.

"Hehe, of course I have something to ask for advice." I quickly moved a rock and sat down in front of Mother Earth.

"What can you do?"

"Of course I have something." I hurriedly called the demons to come and sit down, and then asked the mother of the earth: "Facts I mainly wanted to ask about Tian Zhao, did you seem to know his past?"

"No, I don’t know. Tian Zhao’s name comes from you. Yes, how would I know his past? I am not the god of time."

"But you just said he is a human, what's the matter?" Ling deserves to be owned by my favorite The existence of a leadership position is very smart, and I immediately understood what I meant.

Mother of the Earth replied: "It’s very simple. Anyway, a creature must have a certain aura, and I am the God of the Earth, and all matter comes from me. What if he is Nothing can be distinguished, so what kind of god am I?"

"But the Japanese call Tianzhao a god, but you find that he is a person, so how did he become a god? ? I want to know what's in the middle." I asked very sincerely.

Mother of the Earth smiled and said: "I think you already know the answer, but you haven't connected them to think about it."

"I know?" I After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is not much information available. Reluctantly shook his head. "No, I can't think of it at all! Please help me explain!"

"Well then!" Mother Earth said slowly: "Speaking of which is actually simple. You know The star of creation?"

"Well. Know. Isn't the star of creation the ring of discipline?"

"The star of creation is actually more than the ring of discipline. The information you get from Low God is actually incomplete. They themselves don’t fully understand what the creation star is, so the information you get from them is naturally impossible and comprehensive. In fact, the creation star you have been talking about should be called the commandment. The wheel, it also has a core, that thing is called the star of creation. The two merged to form the god of creation."

"In other words, the thing in my place should be called the wheel of rhythm. Really?"

"Yes, and that thing is only part of the founding god. If you have to use human analogy, the Rhythm Wheel is equivalent to the human body, and the one on the Discipline Wheel needs to be inlaid Those commandment stones are equivalent to the limbs, and the creation star is the brain, and the creation god’s thoughts are stored in the creation star."

Ling asked: "This is the same as before me. The information I’ve heard is completely different, but it’s just the origin of this world. What does it have to do with Tian Zhao?"

The first level of existence of this world, he is the peak and the lowest level of power."

Yeyue nodded and said: "This is so understandable. Power is cyclic, and peak means already It has returned to its origin."

The mother of the earth nodded and said: "It is a direct descendant of High God, and the comprehension is different! Indeed, the God of Creation is the Level 1 of this world. . Further down, the creation god once personally created a part of the experiment, that is, we High God."

"Experiment?" My familiars and I almost called it out.

"Yes, experimental product." The Mother of the Earth didn't mean anything unhappy. "We High Gods are experimental products. The God of Creation does not know the effect of the creation of individuals like us, so he planned to experiment as well, so there is us. Because it is an experimental type, the God of Creation uses us on us. The peak form of all power is used to test our ability to withstand power. In the experiment, many subjects died, and those who survived became High God. Since we represent the peak form of power, we are It seems to you that we have incredible power. But we are still inferior to Chuangshi God, because we all have only one peak form of power, and Chuangshi God himself controls all of our power peaks. Therefore, we cannot beat him. Moreover, as our creator, the God of Creation is actually our father, so we will not resist him. Later, God of Creation left, and we were designated by him as power The successor manages this world instead of him. This is why we have titles such as Mother of the Earth, Goddess of Life. In fact, we all have names originally, but you have been calling us by our titles, but later We rarely call each other by name."

Ling asked: "So you High Gods are Level 2 of this world, right?"

"Yes, we are the second level existence that represents the peak of a single power."

Ye Yue also asked: "You said I am a direct descendant of High God, what's the matter with this?"

The mother of the earth said: "Speaking of which your family has always been an accident. Before I talk about your particularity, let me tell you Level 3 of this world. This Level 3 actually includes All of the intelligent creatures, you are part of Level 3. The God of Creation has reduced the manufacturing technology on the basis of our High Gods, and then produced a class that is much worse in quality, but can be mass-produced, and also There are many different models."

I nodded and said: "After a long time, we are mass-produced organisms. Compared with the laboratory prototypes, the materials are simpler and the quality is much worse. , But the manufacturing is simple and the production speed is fast."

"Yes. Smart creatures are all mass-produced, but you are not made by the Creator God himself. He only provided design guidance. It is us High God You have created your intelligent creatures by hand. In addition, you are not actually made directly by us, but are the offspring of the creatures we made at the beginning. Level 3 creatures have lifespan restrictions because of the simplified manufacturing method, in order to correspond In this case, Chuangshi Shen designed a reproduction system that allows creatures to continue their offspring. And you are the descendants of the first generation of manufactured products. And further down, those devil beasts are Level 4 creatures, their intelligence is relatively poor, and they are considered a kind of eliminated trial products. Downward, there are plants and some small animals that are completely useless. This is Level 5 of this world. "

"What about us?" "Xiaochun asked: "What are we Low Gods?" "

Mother of the Earth said: "Yours are all Level 3 creatures, Purple Moon is, luckily, so are you and Ling. You are all Level 3 creatures. But you all gained great power, and as a result, you began to call God. In my opinion, you are actually Level 3 creatures that have gained power. Maybe I can call you Level 2 semi-creatures. "

"What is Level 2 and a half?" "

"Let's put it this way. "The mother of the earth clicked on the small dragon girl. "She should actually be a Level 4 creature, that is, a creature of the same level as the devil beast. "

"What? Am I a Level 4 creature? "The small dragon girl was very surprised. "Why am I so much lower than them?" "

"Because your Divine Dragon itself is a branch of devil beast. Fortunately, don't laugh, the same goes for your giant dragon clan. The earliest Level 3 creatures were only humans. Non-humanoids or those that later became humanoids were not the original Level 3 creatures. "

"Then how do we become Level 3 semi-creatures now?" "

"Because of evolution. "Mother of the Earth said: "You two Dragon Clan are originally Level 4 creatures, but as your personal strength increases, they begin to evolve. You two should know that the young dragons were not able to speak at first, and then gradually became able to speak as they grew older, and then they can learn to change their appearance with the cultivation, and the dragon will finally become a human form. It is the Level 3 creature. With the further increase in strength, this time can compete with your so-called gods, that is, Level 2 semi-creatures. Humans also have good cultivation, such as Divine Immortal in China, they have surpassed humans to become Level 2 semi-creatures. "

Ye Yue asked, "But after all that, I still don't know what level I am?" "

"You have been a Level 2 semi-creature since you were born. "The Mother Earth God said proudly: "You actually shouldn't exist in this world because you are a descendant of Nuwa. Although Nuwa created your Chinese humans, she created them with force, not that she directly gave birth to humans. However, she did have been pregnant and gave birth to your descendants, and she actually prospered for a while. According to the original intention of the Creation God, we as Level 2 creatures should not have offspring, but because Nuwa, the level 2 creature's specialty is life, she conceived herself and gave birth to the descendants of Nuwa, which is your family of snake monsters. You are naturally Level 2 semi-creatures, half a level higher than humans. Even if you don't cultivate, you can still be at the same level as those of Divine Immortal Heavenly God. "

"So I am such a powerful creature?" "Ye Yue said proudly.

The Mother of the Earth said angrily: "Also the most powerful creature!" You are the least effort among them. You do the math, your foundation is the best, and the result is now similar to them, which shows that you are the least hardworking. Become a Level 2 creature with your strength. "

"Can I become a Level 2 creature?" "

"Of course, what's the problem? "Mother Earth said naturally: "Except for the Level 2 creature and his own Level 1 creature in the world created by the God of Creation, the structures of other creatures are the same. In other words, as long as they work hard, any low-level creature can become a Level 2 semi-creature. But if there are no special conditions, these creatures will never reach the standard of Level 2 creatures, because our structure is special and different from ordinary creatures. Yeyue, you are a descendant of Nuwa. Although your abilities are no longer as strong as your ancestors, most individuals of your race rely on self-reproduction, so your body structure has not changed much. In other words, you actually have High God's aptitude, what you lack is just exercise. "

Yeyue was very excited when she heard it, but I was thinking about another thing. "Mother of the Earth." Since Low God is all cultivated by himself, does it mean that Tian Zhao is actually in this list? "

The mother of the earth is nodded. "Of course. "

"You said that he is a human being. According to this statement, he is a personal cultivation. Isn't he the same type as Divine Immortal in China?" "

"To be exact. But Divine Immortal is also different. Just use the Celestial Court system that you are familiar with in China. Can the mana of the Lord of the Land compare to True Lord Erlang? "

"Do you mean that Tianzhao is better than our country's Divine Immortal or not as good as our Divine Immortal?" "

"Neither. I mean that God's power has a broad range, but not all of them are the same. There are many Divine Immortals in your Celestial Court that are better than Tian Zhao, but they are not much better. But considering that there are more Divine Immortal on your side, I think God World in Japan is far from your opponent. Of course, you can only count as the lower level among the Level 2 semi-creatures. Most gods can defeat you, but I'm talking about you. The problem is that you always bring so many Level 2 semi-creatures with you as a follower. I guess if you go together, there are probably not many people who can block the Level 2 semi-creatures. "

"You mean that if I shoot with my Familiar, Tianzhao may not be our opponent, right? "

Mother of the earth nodded. "But your odds of winning are still less than 50%. Together, your strengths are only a little bit higher than Tian Zhao, and your strengths are scattered. No matter how well you cooperate, you may not be able to fight like a single person. But this may also be true, after all, there are many benefits to many people. In short, there is no absolute gap between experts. Sometimes a little luck and a little hard work can get a lot of enemies stronger than yourself. "

"After talking for a long time, I still couldn't beat him! "

"It's not that I can't beat it absolutely, but I can't beat it under normal circumstances. Besides...Are these things you listened to me for nothing? "The Mother Earth suddenly smiled after speaking, and then disappeared. I couldn't find it anyway. I had no choice but to leave the space gate first. Anyway, if the Mother Earth deliberately wanted to hide from me, my ability is sure. I couldn’t find it, so I was looking for it for nothing.

I opened the door with a gloomy mood, and as I walked, I was still wondering what the last words of Mother Earth meant. As a result, I just stepped out of the door. I suddenly felt a cold wind blowing. "Why did the temperature suddenly drop so much? "I looked around in confusion. When I first entered the gate of the earth, there was still a lush and green forest. Why did you say that it became a world wrapped in silver and white after the conversation? There is still no forest in front of me. Wrong, but it is completely covered by a thick layer of snow, not only on the ground, but also on the nearby trees. Even if the weather changes rapidly, it can’t be changed from autumn to winter within ten minutes!

Ye Yue reached out and caught a piece of snowflakes and put it in front of her nose to smell it. "There is Monster Qi. This is not a natural snowfall. "Speaking, she blew off the snowflakes in her hand and drew out her sword.

I lifted my right hand into a fist, and then suddenly opened it. The pets behind hulled away. It passed. One minute, they are back again, with bloody swords in their hands.

"What's the matter? "I asked Yeyue, who is holding the sword.

Yeyue thrust the sword into the ground. "Someone just fought a battle here. This was pulled from the battlefield." The person killed seemed to have been stabbed to death by his own sword. Judging from the temperature of the corpse, it was not long before he died, and the corpse was still hot. "

"Is it an ordinary PK for the Japanese?" "

"Probably not. "Ye Yue said: "The people who were killed were hung with the badge of the Northern Alliance. "

"Chinese? "

"Probably! "

"Take me to see. "

Close the space door to retrieve the other familiars, and follow Yeyue to the battle scene she found. There is snow everywhere like other places. The difference is that the snow here is very messy. I have stepped on it wrong times. There are a lot of blood spray marks in the field, not only on the snow, but also on the leaves and tree trunks next to it. The people killed are probably not only on the ground. It should be the Japanese who put themselves on the ground. My companion’s body was taken away.

I turned the body over. This is an unfamiliar middle-aged male who looks like a Small Captain player. Our country’s three major guilds have their own characteristics. Hot blood The characteristic of the alliance is that it is loose. They are basically a guild organized by players. Each player is divided into a detailed level of identity, on his shoulders with a logo similar to epaulettes to distinguish. The deceased is a Small Captain, and his hand is still holding something tightly.

Yeah Yue also noticed that the position of the opponent's hand swing was not normal, so she opened his hand to search, but only found some powder in his hand, and I don’t know where it came from.

< p>"Hello, you guys...? "A guy suddenly appeared in the forest behind, and saw that we were rumbling on the ground, and immediately drew out the sword and rushed up.

Ye Yue moved quickly and stretched out his hand to block the opponent's Attack. I instantly noticed that the opponent's body was also the badge of the Northern Alliance.

"Wait, this is a misunderstanding. "

"Misunderstanding? "The other party quickly glanced at my chest. "Why are you?" "

"Do you know me?" "I was surprised how the opponent reacted like this.

The player quickly put the sword away. He pointed to my chest. "How can I not even recognize the emblem of the Frost Rose League?" Anyway, we are also an alliance guild, right? And you also carry a three-dimensional badge. In addition to the three-dimensional guild badges that the president can wear, members wear flat badges. So you can only be Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. "

"You are so smart. "I pointed to the corpse on the ground. "Are you a companion?" "

He walked over and turned over the side of the corpse, and finally stood up again and said: "I came to join him, and didn't expect was killed in advance." He probably has hung back home now, but it's a pity that he didn't bring it out. "

"Something? what? "

"The guild is secret, don't ask me. "This guy has a clear distinction between public and private." I think the Japanese may be making big moves recently, so you better be careful yourself. "

"I see, thank you. But may I know who is going to kill you? "

"Does this still need to be asked? Of course it's from Nobunaga Onitou. In addition, that thing is also his. I hope there is still a chance to get it back. "

"You have no chance. Because you are all going to die here. "A cold female voice suddenly appeared in a white mist in the distance.

"Who? "We stared at that direction together.

Slowly, a curvy black figure appeared on the edge of the white fog, but the fog blocked the face and it was really invisible, I just knew I was in good shape.

"Who are you? You killed my friend? "The player from the Northern Alliance asked. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the original reading is supported!)

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