"You can't see me, are you?" A very proud voice appeared on my side. "Don't expect hearing noise to distinguish position, I move quickly."

"Will you be invisible, right?" I asked calmly.

Warrior said quite proudly: "I know you have anti-stealth ability, but don't be too arrogant. Your anti-stealth can't be countered by everything."

"Oh? Really? But I think..." I speeded up suddenly. "It's enough to catch you." A sword swept across. With a loud bang, a broken knife spun and flew out and plunged into the ground with a click. There is a drop of blood on the eternal blade, which shows that I hit it.

The voice of that guy was full of surprise. "How is it possible?"

I suddenly slashed again without warning. After the blade, only a blood spilled out, but this guy was still invisible. It can be said that he is quite perfect in terms of stealth technology alone. I have tried Star Eye just now, as he said, I really can't see him, which means that the anti-stealth equipment is not effective for him. But in reality, I have received various combat training, one of which is to watch the airflow.

No matter how fast you are, the wind near you will be driven by you to form an air current. As long as you see the dust brought up by the air current, you can determine the location of the enemy. But this guy obviously doesn't know this. Stealth this thing must not be used in places with water or dust, because it is useless. I just blasted this place, and the sky was full of gray. Of course his actions were easy to capture, only he himself thought I couldn't see him. But having said that, his reaction was really fast. Every time I attacked him, he dodges. The speed is quite amazing. Even if he is not invisible, he is a good speed warrior.

"Do you know why I can see you?" I slashed the Three Continuous Slash consecutively, and the guy who frightened him back again, but unfortunately the last sword was cut, and a ooze from the guy's shoulder There is a lot of blood, and it's useless to be invisible.

Covering the wound, he still gritted his teeth and asked me: "How did you find me? My invisibility is impeccable and impossible to be seen through. How did you find me?"

"It's the wind. Your actions have brought the wind."

"The wind?" He looked at the dust on the ground in confusion, then kicked it hard, and it really brought a lot of Sand and dust. "You are an expert, I admit that I am not your opponent." This guy is still a little measured.

I pushed away the mask and laughed at him. "Japan is unable to truly integrate into the world system because of the lack of talents like you. You don't want to fight today. I don't want to fight with you." Pride is a manifestation of the rising national plot. We Chinese also have it. The Japanese make it impossible for the Chinese. The one who endures is not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth. as the saying goes Don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, and the Japanese don’t look back when they hit the south wall, which causes them to make the same mistakes all the time. This guy may be considered a minority in Japan!

The guy also took the mask off, and he gave me a sad smile. "Despite the shortcomings, she is my homeland after all." He raised the knife again. "Even in reality, I am prepared to sacrifice my life for her, not to mention this is just a game. I am still a great Japanese warrior for Level 1 experience?"

"Interesting. Then fulfill you!" I Suddenly let go and threw Eternity out. The Eternal Sword flipped a few somersaults in the air and inserted it into that guy's chest. The sword cut so deep just now that he had actually lost his battle strength.

The warrior, who was pierced by a sword in his chest, fell straight down, but a Japanese man next to him immediately rushed to grab Eternal and pulled him out. The idiot actually yelled at the people around him: "haha! Divine Item! I grabbed the Divine Item! Ao ah ah ah..."

The last few shouts that were not excited, It's being electrified. No one else can use my weapon. Eternally attached to the soul of the original Demon Sword Thousand People Slash, and it has a design to prevent others from snatching it, and there will be ghosts without electricity. The idiot shivered and fell down clutching the hilt. I wandered over and took the sword. The guy left the sword and was still smoking on the ground, with white smoke coming out of his mouth.

"Damn it, so many of us are impossible to stop him." The player next to him rushed up with a roar, but the number of respondents was significantly reduced. I rushed a dozen back and forth in the crowd without stopping me, and now they all started to soften. Fighting this kind of thing depends on morale. In a spurt of energy, you will be able to fight. If you can't fight, you will simply withdraw your troops. Unfortunately, the Japanese players are now the defenders and there is no option to retreat.

I think the Eternal Sword is too short, so it turned into an Eternal Spear and swept straight, and the people around were beaten all the way wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. There was no way to take me. Japan is not without experts, just like us, experts are not here. There are many experts like Nobunaga Onited in Japan. If he is here, I will not be a total annihilation like tiger entering a flock of sheep. However, Nobunaga Onitou would not be able to come even if he knew the situation, he was now commanding an army to siege the city outside the fulcrum.

When I was about to rush to the nearby central fort, I suddenly summoned out of Vajra. I just patronized and beaten, forgetting that there was a special tool for demolition of the house. Vajra, the spirit control, cannot be magic, but he is still one of the regional guards in Germany. It can be seen how strong his power is. When should he not wait at this time?

Vajra stood up as soon as he came out, fists violently against his chest, and then suddenly let go of his arms and swept across the ground. This guy's forearm was at least forty meters long, and this smooth sweep immediately took a group of people to the sky. Vajra is a steel body, defensive power is almost invincible, unless it is hit by a heavy artillery, the player's attack is like itching.

A Japanese warrior held a katana and howled and rushed to Vajra's feet and chopped it down, but the knife broke immediately. Vajra didn't even look at him, and simply didn't feel anyone was cutting himself.

I yelled to Vajra: "Those forts, dismantle them."

Vajra turned to look at the nearby stand in great numbers fort with red eyes flashed, and lowered his forelimbs. Charged up like a gorilla. Some of the NPC guarding the turret were swept aside by him, and then he went up to the top of the high turret in twos or twos like climbing a tree. When I just attacked the fort, I thought about the cannon behind the strikes, but I didn't succeed. Vajra is more fierce than me. He directly picked up the cannon and threw it at the nearby fort. A loud explosion sound that turret fell to the ground more than the whole.

As soon as the nearby cannon saw that the situation was not right, the head of the cannon turned around and planned to flatten the fort. Didn’t expect Vajra to jump to the ground in a vertical jump. Before the cannon next to him turned, he got on the fort. The turret holding the cannon was placed on the platform, grabbed the cannon as before and threw it. After a dozen cannons were dealt with in a row, the Japanese talents finally adjusted the position of the guns. After a loud rumbling, the artillery shells smashed down like a torrential rain.

"Heavy Metal Storm!" Vajra suddenly turned around and shouted something like this. Before I could understand what was going on, I saw the box on his back opened. After an explosion, the dense rain of bullets actually exploded in midair by itself. The fragmentation of the flower bullet is useless to Vajra, a thick-skinned city wall-like steel monster. On the contrary, the Japanese underneath suffered. The shrapnel hit the top of their heads so badly that they were turned thousands of times. people.

Good guy, I didn’t even know that there was this thing in the box on Vajra’s back. The last time I saw it, it was obviously a missile. How did it become such an unknown defensive weapon? But anyway, at least I know the effect of this defense weapon is quite exaggerated.

After the interception was successful, Vajra put away his weapon and threw himself on the nearby fort to start his unfinished work again. The Japanese fort was completely dizzy. If the shells didn't hurt him, he would kill a lot of his own people, but how could he fight back without firing the cannon?

The Japanese player was worrying, and suddenly a huge vicious dog ran up from behind the Japanese line. This guy is no smaller than Vajra, and he is extremely fast. With the help of a run-up in the crowd a few ups and downs to the Diamond Body side. With a bang, Vajra was knocked to the ground by the big dog. The two giant beasts hugged each other and rolled away and knocked down a fort before they stopped.

Vajra squeezed the dog’s neck with one hand, and threw a punch with the other fiercely. He knocked the big dog over several times and flew out, but the big dog climbed up as if he was not injured much. Charged up again. Vajra stepped out and let it out, and didn't expect the dog's tail to lead him again. The giant dog rushed over his head, turned and pounced again. Before Vajra got up, he was bitten by his arm and dragged out. The giant dog turned around and threw Vajra out, slamming into the fort formation next to him, and suddenly another wall collapsed.

Boom. Suddenly all the rubble on the ground flew up, and Vajra rushed out from below and began to beat his chest again, making a loud thunderous noise, and at the same time a loud roar from the sky. After roaring, Vajra suddenly fell on all fours, and then the metal box on his back opened again, and two cannons bounced out of it and set on Vajra's shoulder.

The big dog quickly flashed to the side when he realized the danger. He didn't expect that what he was hitting was not a cannonball at all. peng sound A large group of white objects flew out, and this object spread out into a big net in the air. The big dog who was dodging was immediately tied up sturdy, fell to the ground and slid far away before stopping. The cannon on Vajra's back had been retracted, and one jumped over and landed directly next to the big dog.

The giant dog still wanted to get up and bite, but it didn't take much effort to be dragged by the net, and then fell down again. Vajra held his hands together raised high, then stood upright, then suddenly bent down and slammed his fists straight down at the dog's head. Pu' sound, the dog's head smashed, and the red and white sturdy objects sprayed all the people around. The giant dog fell down without struggling, and there was no more movement. Vajra stomped a foot on the dog, then stood upright and began to beat his chest again, and screamed proudly. This is the meaning of showing off martial power, stepping on the opponent's corpse to do this kind of action makes him more powerful. For a while, the surrounding Japanese players were shocked, and they all looked at him in a daze and didn't know what to do.

"Get down." I suddenly saw a red light shooting from behind the Japanese position, and I quickly reminded Vajra. Vajra reacted a little slower, the red light went straight through Vajra's body and made a large hole several meters in diameter in his body. The edge of the hole was red, and it was obvious that the metal had been melted. It should have been a high-heat ray just now, but I didn’t see the emitter, only the light.

Vajra lowered his hands slowly and looked at his chest, where sparks were still flashing. Suddenly, Vajra lost his balance and leaned back, then fell down with a rumbling, and the shaking ground trembled.

"Recover." I waved Vajra and disappeared immediately.

Take out eternity and I quickly ran to the source of the red light. If we don't figure out the origin of this thing, we still have to suffer. But things are not as simple as thought. I was stopped by a Paladin just halfway through the run. Japanese players also choose ordinary professions, and professions like Paladin that can be chosen by all world players will certainly be chosen in Japan.

The strength of this Paladin is so great that a sword against me can actually force me back a few steps. What's even stranger is that his sword has only one less obvious gap, and it hasn't been cut off.

"Divine Item?"

"Blade of Destruction?"

The two of us called at the same time.

"hmph! didn't expect someone else has a blade of destruction." Knight waved the sword vigorously, then inserted it back into the scabbard, turned around and drew a long knife from behind. "It's been a long time since I met you who can fight the sword with me."

I glanced at the knife in his hand. "Is that the blade of destruction?"

Paladin smiled and played with the knife in his hand. "Don't cry if you cut your sword!"

"hahahaha! This is the funniest joke I've heard this month!" This guy probably doesn't know the eternal characteristics, he thought This is just a normal blade of destruction. There is indeed a blade of destruction in eternity, but its main body is not a blade of destruction. The main body in the eternity should actually be the blade of the scorching sun given by the Arctic Star Monarch, followed by the bright holy sword, Devil-Dragon Blade, and the Devil Dragon Spear in it. Later, it also integrated a lot of remnants on the battlefield. Combining the causes of the Demon Sword Thousand People Slash and Dragon Clan Dragon Tooth Whip, a Sword Spirit appeared with the ability to transform. The current eternity can be said to be a collection of weapons. Its universal form is because there are too many fusion weapons, so any weapon is regarded as the main body for it, and it can be covered.

Paladin's arrogant horizontal knife pointed at me. "Come on! Let you know what my sword represents."

"Kill him." The surrounding Japanese players are all cheering for this guy, but they can only support him mentally, no one is there anymore. Dare to move me.

Paladin moved his feet and rushed up suddenly. I shook the eternity in my hand, and the sword immediately took off and turned into a long blade whip. I shook my hand, and the head of the whip immediately moved towards Knight and flew over. Knight blocked the knife horizontally, and the whip was wrapped around the blade several times in an instant. The other party did not panic, but slightly smiled. I saw him suddenly loudly roared, and there was a sharp cry on the blade, the eternal whip oh la la disintegrated at once, and the broken whip fell to the ground. Because I suddenly lost my pull, I staggered backward and almost fell.

"hmph, you know it's amazing!" The guy rushed up proudly with a knife, but after two steps he suddenly screamed and flew out sideways. When he fell to the ground, he immediately realized that it was not good, and quickly rolled to the side, didn't expect to roll halfway and suddenly called out pitifully again. He sat up, stretched out his hand to his back and gritted his teeth fiercely, and then took out a section of terrifying dog-tooth nails full of flesh and blood. Throwing away the houndstooth nail with fresh meat in his hand, he pulled out the same thing from his feet again, which made him fall out just now.

After pulling out the nail, he discovered that the thing that had hit him just now was part of the eternal sword that he had just cut off, but it was a pity that he noticed it too late now. The bloody feet that are punctured can still be unscrupulous, but the one on the back doesn't work. At that time, it seems to be punctured in blood vessels, and the blood is flowing endlessly.

"How do you feel?" I walked to him and used the Eternal Sword to touch the eternal nails on the ground one by one. The nails made of these eternal fragments immediately merged into the sword and absorbed it as soon as they touched the Eternal Sword.

"Can your sword split?" Knight looked at me both shocked and angry.

"Do you think you cut my sword?" I laughed and mocked him. "Let you see what is the real blade of destruction." I waved Eternity, and the tip of the sword immediately turned into a T-shaped head, but both sides of this T-head were full of blades, as I swung the sword. Soon it became a long spear again, followed by a long-handled battle axe and a hook gun. "Understand? Eternity can change its appearance at any time, and it is meaningless to cut it. Besides, you didn't cut it just now. If I want to fight with you, your weapon simply cuts my sword. In addition, , On the contrary, it’s your knife that needs attention."

"My knife?" The guy just remembered to look at his knife now, and found that a large line of positions had just appeared in the eternal winding position. There was a deep gap, and if he had been entangled for a while, his knife would probably be broken first.

"Do you understand now? This sword is made of a bunch of Divine Items, and it is much stronger than your sword. Now you can go with peace of mind." The sword turned out to this guy, but it’s a pity that this guy also seems to have the ability to prevent weapons from falling like me, but nothing explodes. I also hope that it’s best to explode his sword so I can take it back and melt it again. Once!

I got up from the ground and turned around. The Japanese players around me all stepped back. Even the awesome guy was killed by me. These Japanese players have already understood that relying on their battle strength alone can't kill me, so no one can stop me.

Because of the speed of advancement, I quickly hit the enemy's back. There is an area surrounded by a large crowd in the center. Unlike other places, the players here are obviously well organized, and the battle strength has also been significantly improved.

Suddenly, all the busy people who were fighting with me pulled out, and an open passage appeared in front, and at the other end of the passage was an acquaintance.

"Really didn't expect! You will come here too." Nobunaga Onihand sat unceremoniously on the base of the machine directly opposite me and looked at me.

I sneered. "Aren't you here too?"

"Me?" Nobunaga Onishu jumped from the pedestal. "Can I not come when you are here? Speaking of which is why did you appear here first? Distract me? Do you think Japan is the only one commander?"

"Of course I know that even if you are not there, your troops can still fight, but at least I can attract you to other places, maybe there is him." I pointed upward.

Nobunaga Guishou didn't look at the direction I was pointing. "Do you think that this awkward method can attract me to distract you?"

Onitou Nobunaga was talking, but the people around him suddenly patted his shoulder and whispered to him. . Nobunaga Guishou immediately looked towards the top in surprise when he heard it, only to see Tianzhao with white clothes lightly floating above their heads.

"Great God!"

Tian Zhao didn't look at him, but just opened his mouth and said: "You go to do your business, and leave it to me here."

Nobunaga Guishou immediately reverently said, "Then it will be troublesome to God." As he said, he turned and waved to the people around him. "Let's go."

The people who followed Nobunaga Onitou all put away their weapons and followed him quickly, and even the machine where Nobunaga Onitou was sitting was carried away. Needless to say, this thing should be the source of the high-temperature ray that brought down Vajra. It seems that Nobunaga Onizu has been here for a while.

After all of them were gone, Tian Zhao slowly descended from in midair. "Meet me again!"

"Hehe, don't you want me to avenge you?" I am actually a strong smile now. The bastard of the military god is really good. He arranged a task for me to deal with Tian Zhao, and then sent me here to fight a battle. Didn't expect really attracted Tian Zhao. But my problem has not been solved. Tian Zhao was originally selected because he seemed the best to deal with among so many enemies, but that did not mean that Tian Zhao was a simple enemy. On the contrary, Tian Zhao, who now has full strength, is not an enemy I can deal with. Although I already have divine force against attributes, it just eliminates the additional benefits caused by divine force. Tian Zhao's absolute strength is still above me, and there are a lot of them.

Tian Zhao nodded confirmed what I least want him to admit. "Before, thanks to your gift, my Avatar was miserably cleaned up in the lower realm, and my face was almost lost. Now that I am down, it is time for liquidation." He said, he was about to do it.

"Hold on."

"What else do you want to say? Do you want to leave a last word or something?" Tian Zhao said proudly: "Maybe you don't know , Although you are an adventurer, if you are killed by me, it will be 5 Level 10 at a time. Are you ready? I will continue to kill you back to the primordial state until the form and spirit are destroyed."

"Okay. You are cruel. I admit that I can't beat you, but you don't expect to kill me."

"Why do you have such confidence?"

"Just With this." The Earth Gate suddenly appeared behind me, and then I stepped back and stepped into the door. "There is a kind of you chase in and fight."

My trick is called the super rascal method. The Gate of the Earth is a passage that the Mother of Earth borrowed from me, and its internal connecting space is the garden of the Mother of Earth. This is the space created by the mother of the earth with divine force, which has nothing to do with normal maps. This land is absolutely protected by the Mother of the Earth, even the high God of the same level cannot enter casually. Even more how Tianzhao and the Immortal-like gods of our country’s Celestial Court are only Low Gods. Although Tian Zhao didn't know where this space was, he could feel the mighty power that flourished from the gate. Don't say go in, standing outside Tian Zhao felt cold in the vest.

The ignorant is meaningless, and the ignorant is always the bravest. Tian Zhao is here, and all the Japanese players are like doping. Seeing that Tian Zhao hadn't moved for such a long time, the players next to him couldn't bear it. Anyway, with their great god supporting, a guy who was extremely brave because of ignorance rushed out. Holding the Toyo sword, he rushed towards me. "Let me take the lead for the great god, Purple Moon." Tian Zhao could feel the danger, so he didn't dare to move. This fool who was N times weaker than Tian Zhao dared to charge, because his strength was so weak that he couldn't even feel the danger.

Tian Zhao didn't stop him because he wanted to know what was in the door. The player rushed directly to the gate and stepped in bravely, but he was suddenly bounced out after only one step in. The counterattack was not strong enough. He only flew more than two meters before landing, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries. He got up again and planned to rush over again, but suddenly he found that he couldn't move his legs. Tian Zhao and he also noticed the problem. This guy's feet turned into mud and connected with the earth.

This brave idiot is still trying to pull his foot up, but he doesn’t move at all. At the same time, the muddy part is spreading upwards along the calf, and soon after the knee starts to spread to the thigh. Go up. Tian Zhao didn't move, but suddenly two wind blades flew past. With a click, the guy fell down, and his legs were cut off by Qigen. In the eyes of Japanese players, this is Tian Zhao who is saving him. After all, in the game, a broken leg can grow out again by the treatment of spell and medicine, but if a person dies, he will lose the rank. But in fact, Tian Zhao didn't mean to rescue the player at all. He just wanted to know whether cutting off the changed part could prevent the transmission of the change.

Tian Zhao's results surprised him. After the two severed legs fell to the ground, they began to change from the ends to the middle, and the two thighs quickly turned into mud in the shape of two human legs. At the same time, the guy with only his upper body fell to the ground, and the place where his ass touched the ground also began to muddy quickly, and quickly spread to the waist, very fast. What changed at the same time was his hand. After the guy fell down, supporting his body with his hands, his palms that touched the ground quickly became muddy.

Tian Zhao thought that this might be the source of the strength of the ground, so he quickly used divine force to support this guy, and cut him directly in the middle, removing the part that had begun to mud, and at the same time his The arm was also dropped, so that he had no dirt on it. But the mud crack appeared again, and it started all over the body together, and the speed was many times faster than before. This person turned into a pile of mud before everyone's eyes and fell on the ground.

Be surprised is sure. Everyone, including Tian Zhao, was surprised, but Tian Zhao quickly noticed that the summon creatures I released at first had caught up. The familiars, the ring tone Knight, and the evil spirit Knight all started to return to the space gate, but Tian Zhao didn't stop anything, just staring blankly.

Just as my troops were about to enter the space door, Tian Zhao suddenly used divine force to grab a person from the side and threw it into the space door. The man hit the space door and was bounced back, but my soldiers who passed through the door did not change. The person who was bounced back quickly turned into mud and scattered on the ground just like the one before. Tian Zhao was testing whether there was a barrier or something on the space gate. Now he knew that this gate was not another barrier, but only allowed designated creatures to pass through.

Just when Tian Zhao was about to throw another person to test it, a very immature childish voice suddenly sounded inside the gate of the earth. "Tian Zhao. If you dare to throw things into my garden anymore, be careful of me."

The Mother Earth in an emerald green dress appeared at the door of the space, and I took it with me. The team is standing inside. The mother of the earth looked like a six or seven-year-old girl, and she looked quite cute with the green dress. Among the Japanese players around, there were a few characters who liked young girls and immediately Harazi came down.

Tian Zhao also thinks this little girl is very cute, and it can be said that she is impeccable in appearance. But now he was in a cold sweat, as if seeing something more dangerous than a demon. The power emanating from this little girl made Tian Zhao feel a little unstable even standing there. He only felt that his legs were not his own, and he felt like he was paralyzed down.

The Mother Earth held out a finger towards him. "Human, your strength is very strong, but don't try to challenge me, you are not qualified enough. Only when you become a true god will you be qualified to be my opponent. Go away now." (To be continued, like desire For more information, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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