A white ice-beauty came out of the fog. If you guessed it right, this woman should be a snow girl who often appears in Japanese mythology, and she is also a high level model. The average snow girl has only a human form, not an entity, but the snow girl in front of her has stepped on the ground, which is obviously materialized. Look at her height of about 1.7 meters, the old man with the hem of the white robe dragging. A long blue hair curled up in a complicated flower shape on her head and still fell below her knees. Coupled with her big blue eyes, she felt like her heart would freeze at the first glance. This woman must be very strong. My magic dragon suit can be insulated, and even I feel the icy cold, it must be that the opponent's mana is extraordinary.

The player from the Northern Alliance asked me nodded: "Let's go together?"

I shook my head: "I will come! You can't beat her. If you don't mind. It’s best if you run away first. It may not be safe to fight anywhere nearby."

"None of you can get away." It is not the woman in front of you who speaks. This woman seems to be silent. , Xue Nu should be cold. We looked for the voice, and there was a ninja standing on the tree in the vicinity. This guy's height is definitely not more than 1.5 meters, and it is really concealed with a snow-white ninja suit. while speaking The ninja has jumped from the tree and stood next to the snow girl.

We haven't spoken yet, Xue Nu first turned around and looked at the ninja, then coldly said: "It's yours." Then turned and walked back. What she meant was obvious, but she didn't want to cooperate with a ninja.

This ninja also knows that his strength is not enough to kill two people at once, even more how Yeyue is standing next to me. He is obviously a pet player. The strongest person in the game is our kind. , Of course he dare not mess around. Quickly turned around to hold the woman. "Wait...Ah!" At the moment when he came into contact with Snow Girl, Xue Girl suddenly raised hand, and the ninja was shot and flew out.

The Snow Girl turned coldly and stared at the ninja who fell to the ground. "Courting death."

The ninja didn't seem to be angry. After getting up, he quickly said: "It's sorry, I'm in a hurry. I can't figure out these two people. Let's ask Master Xue Ji to deal with it! I just want to let them go."

Xue Ji turned her head and looked towards us. "I will complete the task after receiving your deposit. Don't you believe in my credibility?"

"Of course not." The ninja quickly pleased: "I'm just afraid that the adults will forget it for a while."< /p>

"Go and watch." Xue Ji walked towards us straight.

I quickly reached out and stopped and said: "Who you are?"

"Xue Ji." The answer was really simple.

"Are you a player?"


"Then whose favorite are you?"

"No I am qualified to be my master."

"Then why do you help the ghost hand Nobunaga serve?"

"Because he...!" Xue Ji suddenly reacted, her face It suddenly became ten times colder than before. "Are you talking about me?"

I said to the Northern Alliance person next to me: "You go back and tell Yanyu that it is the ghost of Nobunaga who killed your people."

Xue Ji stared at me angrily, causing the temperature around me to drop sharply. "Don't want to leave me alive, I won't let you go so easily." As she said, she continued to approach me, and the surrounding temperature began to accumulate and drop, and I had found that the surrounding trees had begun to crystallize. NS.

The Northern League guy turned around and ran. Xue Ji waved and threw a white ball of light. Ye Yue raised her sword to block it. As a result, she immediately turned white as soon as she touched the light ball sword. Yue's hands were frozen on the sword.

"It's cold!" Yeyue's hand completely lost consciousness. "Master?"

"It's okay, you have a treatment first." I took Aanna Summon out. "Help Yeyue treat it."

Anna looked at Yeyue's hand and exclaimed in surprise: "What's going on? Why are they all frozen together?" Yeyue Pointed at the opposite side with the sword. Granda took a look. "Is it her?"

Ye Yue nodded. "Very strong."

"You said that I was strong. I probably don't expect it. I will help you heal the injury first." Ayanna casually held up a white ball of light and approached Yeyue's hand. As a result, the ice cubes quickly melted away at an unimaginable speed, and even the wounds began to heal quickly.

Xue Ji looked at us with complicated eyes, then looked at the Northern Alliance player who had run far away, turned her head and looked towards the ninja. "You." She pointed to the player in the league, for example. "Chasing."

The ninja was taken aback, then jumped up. "I'm here."

I stretched out my hand to open the Phoenix Dragon Space. "White waves and darts, block him. Scythe, find a chance to kill him."

The three demons jumped out and chased the ninja. The ninja was taken aback, turned around and jumped out. The dart caught up to him like lightning and made a bloody hole in his ankle. The ninja felt a pain in his feet and could not take off properly. He didn't jump on the opposite tree fork at a time. Instead, he bumped into the main trunk. Before he landed, Bai Lang had already rushed up. It can be considered that this ninja reacted quickly, turning over in the air to avoid the white wave's pounce, but didn't expect was entangled by a thread. The sickle yanked hard, and the ninja who wanted to grab the trunk was forcibly pulled down and thrown into the ground. Before he got up, Bailang had fallen on him. A front paw stepped on his back, bit the back of his head and twisted it hard, only to hear a click, the ninja flicked his limbs, and then he lay upright and motionless. This guy Bailang broke his cervical spine directly. This move was faster than biting the trachea.

Xue Ji was stunned for a moment, didn't expect the ninja to be finished so soon. She paused for a while, and then rushed towards me immediately. I at first thought that she was approaching me to let the air-conditioning affect me. She didn't expect that she rushed closer and closer, putting on a posture that she was going to fight me close, making me a little completely unprepared.

I want to use Eternal to resist the attack, but the opponent's speed is too fast, she came to me as soon as she touched Eternal. It's definitely too late to take Eternity. He just framed his arms and all the claws on both arms slid out with a click. when. With a metal collision, Xue Ji actually grabbed my claw with her hand. Seeing that her little hands are white and pure, didn't expect that they were as hard as steel, and they could still make a metal crash when they caught the blade.

In my astonished gaze, Xue Ji suddenly tried hard, and only heard two jingles, my claws broke. Taking advantage of my stunned chance, Xue Ji suddenly bypassed my arms and got into my arms, and then I only felt a burst of icy numbness all over my body.

There was no reaction time for me at all, Xue Ji gave an uppercut, and I flew out on my back in a very beautiful posture. It hit a tree with a boom, followed by a click, and then the big tree shattered like glass. The low temperature allowed the water to crystallize, and the trunk of the big tree was frozen very brittle and shattered at the touch of it. It suddenly occurred to me that the reason why Xue Ji could pinch my claws off was probably the same. Anything she touches will cool down drastically, and steel will become very brittle at this time, so it will break as soon as she touches it.

Before I got up, Xue Ji had already rushed up again, but this time I reacted quickly. "Little Phoenix. Ivorite."

Fire Essence Spirit King Fire Essence Spirit King and Fire Essence Spirit King are both flame top level existence. The temperature around them began to soar as soon as they came out. , Even a top-level frozen creature like Xue Ji is impossible to completely open up his domain in front of the two top-level flame creatures.

As soon as Xue Ji saw these two hot creatures, she immediately realized that her body could not be too close to them, so she quickly stepped back. Xiaofeng looked at the woman in front of her. "Huh? Ice crystal life?"

Snow Ji frowned asked: "What kind of creature are you?"

Xiao Feng is still in human form, but as Xue Ji asked, Her hair suddenly began to burn and flutter, and at the same time her body was also alienated, and soon became a huge Fire Phoenix. "The deity is Fire Phoenix, do you have any comments?"

Xue Ji looked towards Ivorite again. Without him asking, Ivorite himself signed up and said: "I am Fire Essence Spirit King Ivorite."

"We didn't expect to see so many flames here. Top level existence. Hmph, I won’t be afraid of you. I will let you know what Extreme Cold is today."

Xiaofeng refuse to yield an inch: "Only you can’t do anything to me. Beware Getting too close will melt you."

"It depends on your ability." Xue Ji suddenly stretched out her hand: "Ice crystal pillar." A huge Icicle suddenly appeared. Flew straight towards Xiaofeng in the air. Xiaofeng threw a ball of flame, and the two things collided in midair and turned into a large cloud of water vapor.

"I said that your ice magic can't hurt me." Xiaofeng put on her mouth, and a flame flew towards Xue Ji. Xue Ji immediately opened an ice wall. The flame evaporated the entire ice wall into a cloud of steam, but it failed to cause actual damage as before.

Xue Ji looked at me, and then said: "It seems that I have no chance to kill you today. Your familiars are very strong, but I will beat them sooner or later." After that, Xue Ji suddenly changed. It became an ice sculpture. A few seconds later, the ice sculpture exploded automatically. The broken ice flew around like bullet rain, shattering a large piece of frozen and brittle trees. If Xiaofeng and Ivorite were not blocking in front, I guess I wouldn't be able to escape.

"This hateful woman, thinks of a yin before leaving!" Ye Yue complained. She is still angry about being frostbited just now, speaking of which she has really few chances of getting injured.

I smiled and patted Yeyue’s head to comfort her, and then I walked directly to the ninja. Although it has been hung up, many things can still be found on the body. After the player dies, the corpse will still carry the same equipment as before. This thing is called death equipment, but these death equipment only have a shape, even if they are removed, they cannot be used. The equipment that actually bursts out will be worn on the corpse like other equipment, but this equipment will flash, and it can be used as usual.

After looking at the ninja’s body, I didn’t find anything useful on him. From this point, it can be judged that the other party should have other members in the vicinity. The killed Northern Alliance player and the Northern Alliance player I met later obviously wanted to connect here, and there should be items that need to be passed. Now that the connector player was killed, the thing must have been searched. In the conversation just now, I have deceived a lot of information by inducing inquiries, one of which is very important is that Xue Ji should be hired to perform the task, not a member of Nobunaga Oni Shou. This white clothed ninja is obviously Xue Ji's coordinator, or a watchdog. If something is found, of course it should be kept by this ninja. He is dead now, even if that kind of thing does not explode, at least the dead equipment that has become unusable should be found on the corpse. Since there is no death equipment for this thing, it means that the thing has been taken away. A more reasonable analysis is that there is more than one person monitoring Xue Ji, and another person may first bring things back to Nobunaga Guishou. It's a pity that the player from the Northern Alliance refused to tell me what they were passing on.

There is no way, neither side is willing to cooperate with me, and I can't check it anymore. Now I can only ask Tianzhao's trouble according to the meaning of the military god. Although he is already a complete body, he is just a human being cultivated. Moreover, the Mother Earth also said that I only need all the familiars of summon, and his strength is about the same, so I am not afraid of him.

First changed the set of ordinary equipment, and then left the forest. According to Nobunaga's habit, if I don't leave immediately, his people will definitely be there in a while. In the end, I was still too slow. The ninja who had been killed must have reported to Nobunaga Onishe directly as soon as he died, and it was obvious that Nobunaga Onishe had already guessed that it was me. Later, when I fought with Xue Ji, he called everyone together, and his people arrived as soon as I walked to the edge of the forest. Nobunaga ghost, this bastard, has brought thousands of people, which is really rascal.

I cannot be found. Guishou Nobunaga brings too many people, and it may not be easy to charge ahead. Mother Earth scared away Tian Zhao once for me, but she won’t help me often. If Tian Zhao was blocked by Tian Zhao in this magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, then it would really make you want to cry. No tears. According to the mother of the earth, I and all the familiars can only fight Tian Zhao with a number of five to five. If I get to the ghost hand Nobunaga, I will lose out.

It seems that you must be careful to escape. After thinking about it, I decided to go underground. Nobunaga can't keep Guishou Nobunaga with anti-invisible people, it would be bad if he was seen. First retreat to the center of the forest, find a no-man’s land summon and leave the rose vine and the trailblazer. After receiving the order, the Blazers immediately made a hole in the ground, and then went straight down. After falling straight for more than 50 meters, the Blazers began to move horizontally. I jumped down and followed him. Rose Vine is in charge of the aftermath after me, others don't want to follow this passage.

We were walking underground, and Nobunaga Guishou led people to search on it. Of course he couldn't find anything. I was underground and the entrance was camouflaged by plants. Of course, it was impossible to find it easily. I have been moving underground, and the trailblazers are not slow enough to open the road. As they walked, the Blazers stopped suddenly.

"Why don't you leave?" I asked him strangely.

The pioneer can't speak, but he has contact with me to communicate with me, but he didn't even use this. Instead, he stepped back a little and opened a side road, and then began to expand the cave. I walked to the front along the road he had just hit, and there was a hole here. It turned out that the Blazers hit an underground space, so they stopped.

I stretched my head and took a look. The hole is only 30 centimeters in diameter. The Blazers felt very keen, but stopped just as soon as they got through, and didn't continue to drill forward. From here you can see that the outside is not the sky, that is to say, it is not a cliff somewhere, but a place like a hole in the ground.

The black rumbling inside the cave, but this does not affect my vision. After scanning to make sure I was safe, I got out. This is indeed an underground cavity, with an area of ​​about three to four hundred square meters, and the largest difference is only a dozen meters, which is not very large. On the other side of this space, there is a small hole in the wall. This small hole is only the thickness of a finger, but it is very conspicuous because there is light projecting from the other side of the hole.

First take back the demon, I quickly ran to the side of the small hole and put my eyes together. Through this small hole, you can see that the other side is also a cave, but it is much larger than this side. The cave is also a natural cave, because the walls and ceiling of the cave are very messy, the artificial cave will not be like this. Besides, the artificially dug caves don't need to be dug so high. The small hole I am looking at now is actually more than ten meters high from the bottom of the hole. The ground of the hole where I am now is not parallel to the ground of the next hole, and there is a big gap between the two. It is precisely because of this gap that I was lucky enough not to be washed away by the flood. Because the hole next to it is simply an underground river.

From here, I can see that the river is flowing fast. If it were not for the high terrain on my side, I should have been washed back by the river the moment the pioneer penetrated the cave. Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen.

The river below does not seem to be an ordinary river. The liquids flowing in the river do not look like water because they are glowing. I just saw that the light projected from this small hole to my side was from the river. This kind of river water looks more like some kind of oil, and the light blue rays of light it emits is also very strange. After repeatedly confirming that this side is safe, I simply smashed the small hole open, and then jumped down.

The ground on both sides of the river is very flat. The river in the middle is about ten meters wide and the water flow is relatively fast. The blue light I saw before seemed brighter when I got closer, but it was not river water that was shining. I watched it not quite clear before, and when I got closer, I discovered that it turned out to be a shellfish in the river. As for the composition of the river water, it is not like oil when viewed from above. It is still water, but it looks like oil because of the refraction.

Because I didn't find anything worth noting, I plan to let the Blazers continue digging after crossing the river. As soon as I walked to the river and planned to fly over, suddenly there was a violent splash of water from the upper reaches of the river. The water splash sounded very fast, quickly approaching me, and it came to me almost ten seconds later. I saw that all the water in the river was splashing to both sides, and there seemed to be something moving at a high speed in the river, and the water flow was lifted by this thing.

With a bang, the splash suddenly stopped in front of me. A huge and ugly head emerged from the river. This head looks like a toad at first glance, and the mouth is big and scary.

Without any pause, the monster started to pounce at me as soon as the water came out, and his big mouth opened in advance. There was a mess of sharp teeth in this guy's mouth, and a kind of disgusting mucus was flowing outwards, and he knew it was a carnivorous animal.

I jumped out seventy-eighty feet far, and the guy bit on the rock next to him. I only heard a clicking sound, and he actually chewed the stalagmites. Maybe it tasted bad, and the stone that had been chewed up was spit out again. But this at least shows that this guy has a good mouth, and can even chew on rocks.

The strange thing is that this big guy didn't move after biting the stone. It didn't come to chase me right away, but kept turning its huge head in place as if it were looking for something. I suddenly realized that this thing seems to have no eyesight, it is smelling the surrounding odors. The light of the ground is dim, the eyes of this thing are obviously degraded, but the nose is strengthened. After a few sniffs, he actually rushed towards me accurately.

"Lucky." It takes a big guy to deal with this thing.

As soon as I was lucky, I found this big guy. He swiftly flashed to the side, his body turned, and his tail swept up. The terrifying creature screamed and flew across the river and hit the opposite rock wall and fell again, with blood bubbles constantly spraying out of its mouth, obviously not falling lightly. Fortunately, it wasn't until this time that I knew exactly what he killed. "Wow, what a disgusting thing. I knew I would not touch it." Luckily, I obviously had a headache when I encountered this thing. I desperately put my tail in the river to wash it. As a result, the tail was not cleaned, and the upstream and downstream suddenly sounded at the same time. The sound was exactly the same just now.

"This is in trouble!" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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