"Beastization." I quickly transformed into the form of a werewolf, with my claws rising to block the attack from the front. The Japanese ninja was shaken back a few steps before being held back by the people behind. I stepped forward and pierced him through my heart.

A Japanese player flew up in the air and pointed at me and shouted: "Surround him and kill him, he is the only one..." This guy was shot in his throat before he could finish his words. I retracted the Avenger sniper crossbow on my arm and turned and leaped across the front group of people and fell into the back group.


"Roar." The huge dragon head came out from the Phoenix Dragon Space, and Long Yan easily burned all the nearby people to ashes.

"Xiaofeng." Fenglong's space suddenly expanded, and Xiaofeng flew out of it. The Japanese outside only saw a red bird flying out, thinking it was an ordinary devil beast, but didn't expect Xiaofeng to suddenly become a giant Fire Phoenix with a wingspan of nearly 100 meters, a monstrous flame. In an instant, the surrounding vacuum area was expanded again, clearing out a large area of ​​no man's land.

Before the Japanese gathered again, the space door was fully opened, and the evil spirit Knight rushed out of the earth door like a flood. The space that Xiaofeng had cleared was instantly filled by the evil spirit Knight, which was a stable support point. The last group of evil spirits rushing out of the space gate did not ride a mount, but ran out of it carrying a huge machine.

The Japanese outsiders wanted to rush in, but they were blocked by the evil spirit Knight. They can see this large machine and know that no matter what this thing is for, it is not good for them anyway, but they just can't do anything with it. The giant machine shook suddenly under my control, and the crystals all around the machine lit up. Only one pillar in the center of the machine rose up, and then suddenly slammed down at a very fast speed. With a bang, there was a tremor on the top of the entire city wall.

The severe vibration made the Japanese people on the city wall realize that this is a pile driver, and it is a very powerful pile driver. It can only make a large hole on the flat ground for construction workers to install the foundation. The only result of piling on the top of the city wall is to trample the city wall together, and this is my idea. The pile driver not only reciprocates up and down continuously, every time it strikes in the hearts of the Japanese people, their hands and feet are numb, but our side is not happy.

It took about five minutes in total, and the pile driver suddenly shook violently, and we obviously heard a different sound. Almost at the same time, a very obvious huge crack appeared under our feet. It seems that the city wall of Gates of Hell is much stronger than we thought. It took so long to crack, but it is almost finished. Once the cracks appear, the city wall loses its overall resistance. At this time, it will become very fragile if there is an external impact.

The facts are similar to what I thought. After the cracks appeared, every blow of the pile driver can make it crack bigger and faster. After dozens of times, the entire ground began to shake, and I began to order the evil spirit Knight to retreat slowly and organized. After the personnel were almost evacuated, I asked them to move the pile driver back. The place where the fighters directly rammed on the ground has become a huge crack reaching the center of the wall. Several evil spirits Knight took out a large amount of explosives from the space door and stuffed it in, and then put a detonating crystal in it.

I saw that it was almost done, and waved to the remaining evil spirit Knight. "Retreat."

The evil spirit Knight quickly retreated into the space gate, and the Japanese suddenly pressed up. But just as they caught up, the Fenglong space suddenly opened, and the small dragon girl walked out of it. A huge super-gravity array appeared above everyone's head, and the unprepared Japanese player was immediately crushed on the ground. I got into the space door with the small dragon girl, and the space door closed suddenly when the Japanese rushed over. The few Japanese who had fought their lives and ran over with supergravity rushed into the air, and as soon as the gate of the earth was closed, they would disappear into the space channel.

Without the support of the small dragon girl, the gravity array disappeared. The Japanese who got up again lost their target, and immediately noticed something stuffed in the crack on the ground. A Japanese player dubiously took one out of it, but he didn't know it, and he was taken aback. "Explosives!" His reminder had no effect, because the yellow detonating crystal in the explosives suddenly burned out a dazzling yellow light as he shouted it out.

Boom. The whole ground trembled. Those who were not authorized to stand on the opposite city wall could see that the middle section of the city wall was flying up to the sky. The Japanese on the city wall were thrown into the sky like a group of ants, and then again. The patter of oh la la fell down. Players on the Chinese side didn't know that there was such an explosion. They all fell to the ground instinctively by the loud noise, but when they found that the explosion was the front city wall, they jumped up excitedly and rushed up.

"haha, the city wall is down, go!" This is the common voice of the players on the Chinese side.

The city wall is incomplete, and the magic defense barrier does not work anymore. The tank outside the city quickly fired a second shell, a loud explosion sound, and a gun emplacement inside the city was completely bombed. This shot made both Chinese and Japanese players react. A Chinese mage shouted to the people around him: "The barrier is gone, use magic to blow it up!"

The scene of all the mage being angry may not be as spectacular as Knight's charge, but the visual effect is definitely better than fireworks. Pretty. Rows of flame balls and violent earth bombs flew out together, and there was a large hole in the city wall that was blown up.

The two-kilometer-thick city wall cannot fall down theoretically. Because our explosion is an internal charge, the formidable power that explodes outward is relatively large. Of course, it is understandable to blast a gap. . Magician’s attack is not as huge as might, but they can collapse the outer city wall. Once the outer layer of the city wall falls, a gravel piled slope will be formed at the bottom of the wall. After that, the assault troops only need to step on this slope. Just climb up the city wall, and the obstacle to the assault troops will not be too strong.

Ring Tone Knights followed the tanks while they were shelling while advancing. Anyone who tried to affect the normal shooting of the tank would be attacked by Ring Tone Knight, as if they were a step-tank coordination team. We inside the space door also estimated the time. It is estimated that all the things that were thrown into the sky after the explosion outside should have landed, and we also reopened the space door.

The bombing just now made the Japanese forget us. It will be a headache for them to remember that our gang of culprits are still here when the space door is reopened. But I didn't give them a chance. After the space door opened, it was not the evil spirit Knight who followed me out, but the terrifying sea of ​​insects. When I was inside the space door, I had already released all the ghost worms and ghost bees, and now as soon as the door opened, a large black insect flew out.

The attack power of small insects can be ignored, but their auxiliary effects must not be underestimated. After the insects flew out, they immediately separated. The players below hurriedly threw all kinds of magic and shot them, and most of the bows and arrows fired by the remaining people fell on their own heads. The scattered small insect immediately flew to the Japanese who was the most enemy liner.

At the gap of the collapsed city wall, a large number of Chinese players were fighting hand-to-hand with Japanese players, and suddenly a large group of insects flew down. The player in the battle suddenly found a big insect on his face, and immediately slapped it with his hands. As a result, the player on the opposite side took the opportunity to deal with the Japanese player. Compared with the harassment tactics of the Spirit Armor Worm, the Iron Pluto is more scary. These guys still have a foot-long poison needle hanging behind their buttocks. Just aim at which guy’s neck. The player will immediately jump three feet high, throw away his weapon and roll around the stung area. . Hades actually has the ability to move more ruthlessly, that is, corpse poison. If the person who has been stung by the venomous needle of the hornet has not been chopped up, it will be resurrected in the form of a zombie after a period of time to help me fight. In fact, I only discovered this feature. I didn't know that the venom of the Hades had this ability before. However, compared with this poison, the shape of the Hades was enough to deter the enemy. The sound of such a big bee flying is quite scary.

After all these small insects fly out, the people below have no time to take care of me. I took the evil spirit Knight directly out of the space door parked in midair, and immediately started to The enemy rushed into the position. There are actually many enemies in the rear, and the density of the troops on both sides is too high, and it is only a part of everyone's forward who collided with each other.

Taking advantage of its large size, the tank just dashed through the Defensive Array line composed of Japanese players and successfully rendezvous with us. I led them all the way back, and a large group of Japanese players immediately gathered to block my advancement, but they were all swept aside by tanks.

"Watch out." Sketh suddenly stood in front of me and crossed the barrier. With only one sound, a Japanese warrior was bounced back. After the guy flew back, he jumped up again and rushed towards me without stopping.

I pushed Scots away, holding on to eternity. "Flash cut." A white light flashed, the warrior's knife was cut in two pieces, and her ghost mask fell off. She was actually a woman. This is the first time I have seen a female Japanese warrior. Japanese warriors among the major Japanese occupations seem to be exclusively for men. I have never seen a female Japanese warrior before. It is said that it seems to be because the Japanese have male chauvinism and believe that women's choice of this profession will insult the dignity of men, so few women choose the profession of Japanese warrior. The only exception is women who are extremely powerful in martial power. Like Ninja, Japanese warrior-type players who find females in Japan’s specialty occupations must be ruthless characters. Didn’t expect that I actually saw one today. .

Although the mask was cut, the body was not injured. The female warrior stepped back like lightning, and then rushed up again, but she only rushed halfway and suddenly fell down, with a crescent blade stuck in her neck. I had already launched for half a month when she attacked, and now she rushed up again, and was hit by the half-moon that circled a big circle.

I walked over and pulled out half a month to plug it back behind, and then took out eternity and continued to rush forward. There are also a lot of troops on the Japanese player's side. I rushed all the way to kill at least one or two thousand people, but it didn't affect the entire battle formation at all.

Suddenly a Japanese player pointed at me and yelled: "That guy is Purple Moon, kill him."

Good guy, someone finally recognized me. As soon as I heard my name, the people around me all surrounded me like crazy, feelings I am so unpopular in Japan!

A Japanese player rushed up with a heavy hammer. He hit it down with a hammer. I cut off his hammer with a sword, and then kicked him up with a kick. There were a dozen long spears beside him. Stabbed at the same time. I wanted to step forward to make a knife, but I had no choice but to retract the sword and retreat. "Dance of Broken Sky." Two and a half months immediately divided into six and a half months and started high-speed rotation around me. Outside, I could only see dense blades flying up and down, and there was simply no place to start.

The only thing that is not blocked by the blade is overhead. A Japanese player seems to have discovered my loophole. He shouted to both sides: "Help me, there is nothing on his head."

The two players stretched out their hands to form a stepping position, and the player stepped on their hands and jumped up. I turned a few somersaults in the sky moved towards The top of my head fell down, but at this time he cried out in surprise. From the outside, there is only a dense net of knives around me, but once I jump over my head, I will find that the center of the whirlwind of blades is not safe. In the previous half-month, I did have flaws when I used the Duankong Dance. The rotating blades revolved around me like a tornado, but they left the top of my head empty. But now it's different. Banyue has now been combined with the discipline sub-ring to form a small discipline ring. In addition to the two blades, there is also a rice-shaped crystal core. Now this core is spinning like an electric fan on top of my head. That Japanese was scared by this thing. When he fell from above, he was immediately twisted in by the crystal core of high-speed rotation, and his body was out of balance and was taken into the whirlwind of blades next to him. The two Japanese players outside only saw a blood mist sprayed out, and then the two of them were smashed into flesh by the blade.

With the whirlwind of blades, I charged back and forth in the crowd. No one dared to approach me. Anyone who attacked me would be cut into shredded meat and flew out.

A Japanese player seems to have thought of a way. This Japanese warrior professional player uses a long-handled sword. This weapon is very similar to Guan Gong's sword, but the shape of the blade is very different. The handle of this weapon is very long, so even if it is cut off, it will not hurt the person who holds the weapon. This guy stabbed me with a weapon without the slightest hesitation, hoping to sacrifice the weapon in exchange for the disappearance of my blade shield. But he was really thinking too simple. The true formidable power of Duan Kong Dance does not lie in its comprehensive defense, but in its characteristic that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome.

There was a crackle of crackle, and the guy's big knife was cut with only the last bar of the handle. The ninja behind him threw a row of ninja darts for a sneak attack. As a result, they shot a few fire stars in the whirlwind formed in half a month and they were all bounced out. Some people standing in the vicinity were attacked and scared other ninjas. Don't dare to throw darts around.

I have cut dozens of people in a row, and the Japanese know that it won’t work if I don’t stop me. A sacrificial guy suddenly yelled: "Vajra bodyguard." Then he took the initiative to slam into the whirlwind of my blades. Ban Yue hit this guy with a motion like hitting steel, and the whirlwind disappeared amidst the chaos. The guy fell straight with a blade in his body. Although he blocked it for half a month, he himself was ruined.

The people around didn't feel any sadness for him. After all, most of the players here didn't know him, they just gathered together temporarily. Taking advantage of the chance that the blade was blocked, several Japanese warriors immediately surrounded them.

"Purple Moon, die!" A warrior wielding a Japanese sword is a straight split.

I didn't set up his knife at all, and disappeared in front of him without a sound, and appeared in midair in the next second. Spread your wings and fly directly forward, my task is behind that. The military god wants me to make things bigger, but on such a battlefield, killing many people is not a big move. My goal is the firepower platform behind the city wall. Although several big gaps were blown out on the city wall, it seems that the defensive power has been lost, but the Chinese players are actually still competing with the Japanese for control of the city wall, and the real lethal weapons are all behind the city wall. In other words, our Chinese players are actually fighting against each other's gunfire. Although the enemy dare not put the impact point too close to the battle line for fear of hurting his own people, the other side of the battle line is all Chinese! At this time, the Japanese only had to shoot forward, and no matter where the shell fell, it could kill people.

When I suddenly flew in midair, the Japanese players below were completely unprepared, but when they thought of intercepting me, I had already released Asuka summon. Behind the wings of the flying birds dragged a long white smoke and disappeared above their heads. Following the smoke, we can see that we have rushed to the back of the city wall.

The Japanese players behind the city wall immediately realized that my purpose was to destroy the fort, so I didn't need anyone to direct them to surround myself. Asuka was picked up by me in midair and glided accurately onto one of the turrets with its wings spread out.

The cannon equipped by Japanese players in Gates of Hell is a semi-shield cannon, and the entire rear part is open. The Gates of Hell is a one-way passage. There are space barriers on both sides that cannot be crossed, and there are people behind it, so there is no need to equip a full-covered turret. But now, this semi-covered fort is killing the Japanese.

I landed directly on the gun position. The few players who were in charge of controlling the artillery were all non-combat professional players, and there was no way to fight back. I went up and kicked the two gunners off the high turret together, and the loader behind bravely jumped up and hugged my leg, calling out his companion to kill me. As soon as I reached behind and grabbed his collar, I pulled him directly over my shoulder and threw him to the sighting hand he called, and the two fell together.

On the four-person turret, it became a vacuum zone. I quickly adjusted the turret to rotate it backward. Only one side has an anti-shield to control the weight of the cannon, and it rotates very fast. But after all, my rotation is not as fast as those cannons that can shoot directly. Finding that the fort was turning backwards, the Japanese below knew that the fort was under control. A shell came over without any scruples.

Boom. During the explosion, the fort all split up and in pieces, the cannon on the gun position turned into countless parts flying around, the base of the fort over fifty meters high also collapsed in the bombardment, and the people underneath were a wail like ghosts and howl like wolves. However, the Japanese feel that it is a good deal to kill my Archfiend. In their mind, I am the most annoying enemy.

However, I am destined to disappoint them. I was directly hit by a shell during the first Sino-Japanese naval battle. Although I used a solid lead shell at the time, there was no formidable power, but now the formidable power of the artillery is increasing. Although the shell destroyed the turret, it actually didn't hit me directly. I was just stunned by the shock of the explosion for a few seconds.

In the collapsed rubble, a large stone slab suddenly shook, and then in the surprised eyes of the Japanese players, the stone slab suddenly slid to one side. I stood up from the rubble, holding a large slab on each of my left and right hands.

"He's not dead, get rid of him soon." The surrounding Japanese players shouted immediately.

"Huh? What about people?"

The player who just yelled to kill me was surprised to find that I was gone, but the next second he screamed in surprise. The reason is that I appeared in front of him.

"Are you good at commanding?" I smiled evilly, but there was a mask blocking it, and he couldn't see my expression at all now. "Since you want to be a leader, then I will perfect you and beheading is practical for you now." With my voice, his body has fallen into two parts and fell down.

"Devil! Who will stop him." The surrounding Japan shouted in panic.

"hmph. What's the use of more people? You can't stop me at all." I continued walking towards the next fort.

Suddenly, a Japanese warrior in full armor jumped off a fort next to it and fell right in front of me. "Big talk is very beautiful! Do you really think that our country has no one in Japan?"

"putting it that way are you a human?" I deliberately asked this question in a skeptical tone. Questions that need to be answered.

"hmph, you are worthy of saying this if I win." The warrior suddenly disappeared in front of me, and I was taken aback. what's the situation? Invisible? Or is the other party so close that I can't see it? (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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