strictly speaking Azure Dragon is also a Monster Race, but they are superior in strength and recognized by Immortal World, so they are Sacred Beast, and the little White Dragon can only be regarded as monsters. As for Nuwa, according to the definition of Demon, it can also be regarded as a Monster Race, but people are boundless, and even Divine Immortal is her creation, so they are the first Goddess. This is the difference.

Demons have been tossed by the little White Dragon. They already know how terrifying the little White Dragon is, but compared to Azure Dragon, it’s just a matter of flicks. The difference in strength is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth, not an order of magnitude at all.

I said to Azure Dragon: "Thanks to you for being here in time, otherwise I'm really dangerous!"

Azure Dragon politely polite to me, and then said to He went back to his life, and then left. The Demons are completely convinced of the strength of Azure Dragon. What is expert? This is expert.

Demons are looking forward to one day that they can cultivation to the level of Azure Dragon, but I thought of something else. Destroying a powerful Great Demon monster is a little troublesome for the newly rejuvenated Demon, but it is definitely not a problem for Celestial Court. But why did Celestial Court transfer Azure Dragon over?

The problem is obvious-Celestial Court has another picture. Not in the little White Dragon, but in the entire Monster Race. Celestial Court This is showing Demon's strength, and at the same time, it is also an element of goodwill and display. Help the Demons with such actions, thereby leaving an emotional foundation, and at the same time letting the Demons understand that Celestial Court also has Demon-like fairy sages similar to them. Azure Dragon, the Sacred Beast of the Demon class, is the example of the Demons. The subtext of Celestial Court is: "Join us! Today's Azure Dragon is your tomorrow."

Celestial Court merged with Monster Race. Getting up is a matter of others, but since it happens around us, it is not unrelated. Make an analogy. If the whole world except China, all other countries merge into one country, what will happen to China? So, the merger of Celestial Court and Demon may not be a good thing for me, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is still too early to say anything. After all, Celestial Court only showed its intentions, not really starting to act. Besides, I am not a middleman. Celestial Court really wants to acquire Monster Race. At least I will be notified because they need me.

Kill the little White Dragon, and the rest will be easy. According to the previous agreement, Shui Xu helped me fill up all the special arms, and it was completely free. The last 1,940 places of the special Legion are completely different from the previous ones. This part is composed of nearly a hundred types, each of which can be as small as a few people or as many as dozens. There is no big organization at all. Such a messy organization, on the surface, looks like a mess of sand, but in fact, it is this group of people who have the most battle strength. The biggest difference between the special forces and the regular army is the word special. My special battle battle battallion of 15,000 people is a super mixed Legion. There are all types of soldiers, specializing in various sabotage and harassment operations.

Bringing the newly bought Demon from battallion back to Isengard and mixing with the previous formation, after a brief training, he was suddenly taken offline by the people in the base. This time we were only told that the body should continue to adjust, so let me connect to the game with electronic brains, and just throw my body to them to play around. A few minutes later we went online again, but in reality we only have a metal head connected to the circulation system, and the body enters the training chamber to adjust again, but this does not affect our game.

I simply did coordination training on the special forces and let them grind each other out. The result made me very satisfied. They all say that what you pay for is what you pay for. This is true. Although all the soldiers this time came from my swindle, their price was not low. Although price and quality are not necessarily proportional, they definitely have a lot to do with each other. These special elites obviously come from so many forces, and they have completed the grind easily, as if they were originally such a coordinated complete Legion.

During the time we were training recruits, other countries were not at all peaceful. The first is the United States, which is by far one of the most aggressive countries in the world. Soon after the start of the National War, the Americans launched a full-scale attack on Canada, and what is even more surprising is that instead of entering, they were counterattacked by the Canadians. The three Canadian guilds each led a Legion into the United States from three places, and the American players who were still playing failed all the way, and many of them were surprised.

For such a major event as the national war, there will be no gambling. International gambling organizations have engaged in a lot of gambling on the national war, and the results were all unexpected. They almost didn't pay the old gamblers to their deaths. The US offensive was thought to end as quickly as the Germans blitzed Poland in World War II. As a result, the offensive did end quickly, but the way it ended was somewhat unexpected. The Americans became defensive and were beaten badly!

Another huge problem arises in Asia. The contradiction between China and Japan is not news for a long time. Gamblers bet on how many people China will use on the first day of attack. As a result, almost all kinds of people have supporters. However, this time China and Japan remained silent in a tacit understanding. The national war had begun, but no one moved. Except for the ordinary single-player PK-like battles between the two countries during the entire five days, there was simply nothing that could be called a military operation. The direct consequence of this situation is that anyone who guesses any number is wrong, because there is no fight at all. The banker kills the whole game, and many people complain that the banker and the heads of the major guilds of the two countries have united to swindle gambling.

The third miracle happened near the Suez Canal. Players from Egypt and Saudi Arabia launched a blitz battle like crazy. Israel and Jordan were finished within 48 hours. After that, Egypt and Saudi Arabia fought a super scuffle on the Jordan-Israeli border. It fought for three days, and there is no result yet.

There is no national war in Europe, and the Buddha Country-like war has nothing to do with them. But not fighting a country does not mean not fighting. These countries are actually fighting, but they are not fighting with foreigners, but with their own people. Civil wars broke out in all European countries at the same time. If you want to fight foreigners, you must settle down first. It seems that Europeans also believe this principle. Except for Germany, which had already completed the merger war in advance, guilds in almost all European countries were vying with each other for control of their own countries.

In fact, countries that seem abnormal on the surface are simply normal. The period before the start of the national war has been called the era of unification by system, in which system constantly hints that this era is an opportunity for various countries to unify their own forces, but players in many countries have not paid attention to this. This kind of behavior is clearly that there is a computer's instructions but not obeyed, and in a game controlled by the system itself, it is a great sin to contempt the computer. So after the national war began, just as European countries were about to attack each other, system began to interfere with some small things in these countries with its powerful control, and these small things would eventually lead to some major events, that is, civil wars. The system is using its own crisis countermeasure mechanism to force these players to determine the relationship between their own powers.

Different from these countries. The quietness in Asia is not caused by system compulsion, but there is indeed an internal problem. Since our guild has just ended the attack on the European Light God Palace and the Russian guild, we can't concentrate on fighting in a short period of time. On the Japanese side, Oniji Nobunaga is researching various ways to defeat us with Kano Kazuto. They also need time to prepare, so everyone has a tacit agreement to stop the war for a while.

The reason for the fighting between Egypt and Saudi Arabia is relatively special, and the cause is actually a religious issue. It can be said that these countries have merged the missions of the god warfare and national warfare under the first stage.

The situation in the US is a bit more troublesome. The Americans gained the greatest benefits in World War II and became the world's No. 1 power, so as long as they are Americans, they will not forget this war, so that they still want to reproduce this kind of thing in the game. So they decided to shoot down the Americas first, so that the entire Americas belonged to their family, and then they could send people to any place they wished in the whole world. This kind of battle is simply too much to look forward to.

However, the American abacus is too peaceful. Their strategy is fine, but there is a problem with the order. The United States, like Europe, has not completely straightened out its own power. The system requires that even if these countries participating in the war are not unified under one guild, at least there must be a unified cooperation mechanism between these guilds. The three major guilds in our country are in alliance with each other, and other small guilds follow us, which is considered to meet the system requirements. But the major American guilds are completely neutral, no one can control others, and they cannot form a unified force at all. The system will not allow such a country to participate in the war, so the result is that after the United States launched an offensive, the NPCs in the country suddenly rioted, and then the American players who caught fire in the backyard lost their offensive supplies. Not only did they not knock down Canada, they rushed in. Within the country.

Although the period of the national war just started was really messy, but now everyone has reconciled, and the real national war really begins now. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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