On the sixth day of the start of the national war, all countries have basically completed the final strategic preparations, but the result has nothing common with each other. European countries have finished their preparations, but they have no strength to fight. It is impossible to start a war in a short period of time. The United States is busy playing a self-defense counterattack, and there is no time to take care of others for a while. Religious wars in Africa have entered a white-hot stage and have completely messed up. The only one capable of starting a war is between us and Japan. Of course, such an impossible regional war has lost Korea.

In the early morning of the sixth day, I stood alone at the middle point of Isengard’s Ju Ling Tower. Here is the command center of the God of War, where I can get the information of the whole guild. There is a large row of crystal balls in front of the military god, and a picture is displayed on each ball. On the large magic projection platform of Up ahead, a map of China was displayed. At this time, a red dot suddenly lit up on the map. The military god pressed the corresponding crystal, and the red dot quickly expanded to occupy the entire display plane.

"Combat Notice." Military God reminded him back.


"Our country side of the Sino-Vietnamese border."

"Are the Vietnamese attacking us?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed." The military body operated on the screen for a while and said: "There are three local guilds blocking the invasion of the Vietnamese. At present, the battle strength is basically symmetrical, and there will be no winners or losers in a short time."

"Small places, you can't make any big waves, don't worry about them."

"Understand." Military god said while operating: "Cancel the combat alert, please transfer nearby I will support it in case."

I pointed to the big map in front and asked: "How is the situation at sea?"

"A huge Japanese fleet last night Converging with the Philippine fleet on the high seas, it is now approaching Taiwan Province of our country, and Babel has been following them."

"Taiwan?" I laughed: "Kano Kazho really has a set. I would actually think of opening up a second battle here. What about our battleship?"

"Here." A row of bright spots flashed on the screen. I looked at the location, and it was actually outside Tokyo. "How did you go there? Who is in charge? How many ships have you gone?"

"The battleships over eight thousand tons are here, and the king is in charge."

"That means all the main fleets of our guild have passed?"


"What the hell does Chuangwang plan to do?"

" I let him pass." The military god calmly seemed to be telling me that he had cut an apple for me. "The Japanese intend to land on Taiwan Island and occupy the front-line base. If we use the main fleet to intercept, we will inevitably fall into a war of attrition, which is not cost-effective. My arrangement is to take the opportunity of the enemy's main fleet to build the enemy’s main ship. The base and the command center are all leveled, and the second and third fronts are opened at the same time. Our country has a larger population than Japan, and more fronts will cause division of troops, and we have a large number of people, and we have a greater advantage under the same division of troops. In addition. The guild of the country is not completely unified. It is under one alliance in name. In fact, command cannot be realized immediately. Separate operations can be carried out freely. Even if the entire army is annihilated, it will not affect the overall balance of power."

I nodded. "Then what can I do?"

"These goals." The screen flashed, and a bunch of people's images turned out. "Destroying any of these targets will have the effect of turning the tide of the battle,"

I scanned the characters on the screen. "My dear, are you asking me to die?" None of the people displayed on the screen were simple characters. The first goal is Tian Zhao. This guy has now fully intervened in the national war system, which will have a great impact on our future battles. Of course I also know that this guy must be eliminated, but at the same time I also know that his level of strength is not something I can handle alone. Although he had fought against Tian Zhao before, it was his Avatar at that time. Who knows how strong he is?

The second goal is the Eight Difference Orochi. This guy is really not a good character to deal with. In addition to being strong, he is also a special cunning, which is completely different from the ordinary rare beast and cannot be eliminated at all.

The third goal I haven’t seen before is a tortoise, or a creature that looks like a tortoise. This thing is similar to our Sacred Beast Black Tortoise, but the color is greener.

"What is this?" I asked the military god.

Military God did not answer me directly, but gave me a crystal ball. "See it for yourself."

I took the crystal ball, it turned out to be a dream ball. This kind of crystal ball records not simple pictures and sounds, but can completely reproduce all the information at the time, including smell and touch, like personal experience. I put the crystal ball on my eyebrows, then closed my eyes, and a shining picture suddenly appeared, as if I was passing through a time tunnel. Suddenly I felt that this picture was so familiar, I just couldn't remember when I saw it.

The picture in front of me suddenly became white and vast, and when I took a closer look, it turned out to be a thick fog. The picture seems to be shot at high altitude, and the height is a bit abnormal. It took a long time to realize that this seemed to be the feeling of looking down at Earth in space. I instantly understood where this picture came from. This is the animation that appeared in the Guardian God beast animation in China last time. I remember Rose told me that although this animation was the first to be triggered by us Chinese, in fact, the whole world started a guardian mission for it. But one difference is that the pictures in different countries are not exactly the same. Players in China see the pictures of Bi Ling and white jade Qilin that I saw, and who should have recorded the scene I saw now The broadcast screen from Japan.

The beginning part is the same as the picture on the Chinese side. The picture has been advancing to the ground and soon reached a height where the ground can be seen clearly. The current location should be on the coast of China. Although it looks a little different, it is roughly the same. A mountain in the picture suddenly collapsed, and then a red-skinned evil spirit stood up from under the mountain.

This evil spirit is not the kind of thing in European mythology, but the kind of evil spirit in Japanese ghost stories. In Japan, evil spirits are considered to be a branch of the gods, so they are respected to a certain extent. The size of this evil spirit is obviously big and scary, and he is different from ordinary evil spirits. This guy actually holds a weapon. This is rare among evil spirits.

Suddenly, a giant beast appeared on the edge of the screen, and then quickly rushed towards the evil spirit. It's Biling. The giant beast that rushed towards the evil spirit was actually Bi Ling, and it looked like he was very angry. The evil spirit made a defensive action, and Bi Ling quickly rushed forward and pressed the evil spirit to the ground, and then took a bite. The evil spirit pressed his leg against Bi Ling's stomach and stared, Bi Ling was kicked out without being able to bite it. However, Bi Ling's reaction was also quite quick, turning over and landing in the air, and immediately jumped on it after a short while. When he was just thrown down, the evil spirit had already been caught with several wounds. Bi Ling rushed up again, and he could only dodge, but Bi Ling moved too fast and he did not completely dodge.

With a bang, Bi Ling jumped over the top of the evil spirit's head, and at the same time took away a piece of meat from the evil spirit's shoulder. The bloody evil spirit roared angrily, and then suddenly threw the long knife in his hand as a dart. Bi Ling moved so fast that he easily dodged the long knife in a small jump, but didn't expect followed a shield and flew over. With a bang, Bi Ling was staggered. Taking advantage of the fact that Bi Ling was smashed, the evil spirit had already rushed forward.

The two big guys hugged and fought together, but suddenly separated for no reason. I didn't see exactly what happened, but Bi Ling actually had more wounds on her body. The evil spirit seemed to be uncomfortable, and rolled to the beach, then suddenly his eyes flashed and he punched the ground hard.

I felt a strong sense of vibration from the dream ball, and a huge crack broke out quickly on the ground, and then the place where the evil spirit stood drifted away from the continent and moved towards the Pacific Ocean. At this time, I can see that the separated area is simply Honshu Island in Japan, because their shapes are exactly the same. What's even more exaggerated is that after the island was separated, the coastline that was somewhat different from the Chinese map was restored to the normal map.

The separated piece of land floated to the current location of Honshu Island in Japan and then stopped. The evil spirit seemed to have suffered a serious injury. He knelt down and ran forward a few steps, then suddenly fell down. His body sank to the ground, only his head was still on the ground. This head turned into a volcano, and the volcanic crater was the big mouth opened by the evil spirit. I took a closer look at this mountain and seemed familiar. "Damn, isn't this Mount Fuji?" I took off the dream ball and said to the military god: "How come the evil spirits on this have become my mission target? This thing do you think I have the ability to destroy it?" The military god gave that This evil spirit is ranked fourth on Zhang's attack list. Although I haven't seen the big turtle ranked third, this evil spirit is the fourth target. The military god has arranged such monsters for me, where do I live!

Military God said calmly: "Your task is to hold them down, you don't have to eliminate them, as long as the other party can't harass our normal actions."

"Hold them?" I frowned: "To be honest, I'm not sure. Besides, how did you make your plan? Why do you want me to hold them?"

"Because in the age of magic Such an existence in China can be regarded as tactical nuclear weapons in the real world. If the enemy can use tactical nuclear weapons at will, then my strategy is useless. I just allow the soldiers to maximize their capabilities, but I cannot change their essence. , When the enemy’s strength surpasses us too much, I cannot recover it. So you cannot allow the enemy to unilaterally use tactical nuclear weapons, and you are a tactical nuclear weapon that checks and balances this ability. When both parties have nuclear weapons, their effectiveness will be negated. , So you have to fight against them. Don’t worry about the outcome, as long as they can’t participate in the battle between ordinary persons under your influence, it means you have completed the task."

"Understood." I nodded . "So, should I just stop these people? Or just stop one of them?"

"Just stop one of them, and you can deal with one of them alone. Not bad."

"What about my special forces?"

"The basis of special forces is flexible tactical command. You are not good at this aspect, so I will do it. . You can just choose one of the targets to stop him."

"Okay! I will finish reading the information first."

Re-take the dream ball and continue to watch the rest. content. After the formation of Honshu Island, a huge sea turtle appeared beside the island. At this time, many ships were taken to the sea due to the separation of the continent. Most of the ships affected by the wind and waves sank, and the people who fell into the water were about to drown. The big turtle heard people's call for help, so dived into the water and dragged these people up, and then the turtle's back became the place where people lived. The sea turtle never moved, and gradually petrified into a real piece of land.

Sure enough, the same as I thought. The animation of this Guardian God beast of each country is basically the creation of the country’s own cultural version, and its content is to show things such as the country’s geographic and cultural origins. These animations of various countries all have high local characteristics. For example, China has the origin of Mount Everest and the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, while Japan has the origin of Honshu Island, Mount Fuji, and the Nine Provinces island where the turtles have changed.

I did not continue to read the following content, because I already felt unnecessary to read it. The last few targets given by the military god are the national guardian beasts of Japan. I still have self-knowledge. This kind of enemy is not something I can deal with.

"Military god, I will go to deal with Tianzhao, you can find other ways to do the rest! Really, I originally thought that the soldiers behind were miscellaneous soldiers, didn't expect one to be better than the other! This tortoise can To become a big island, how big does it have to be? If I can defeat it, doesn’t it mean that I can directly knock down the island of Nine Provinces? Do you think I am really a strategic nuclear weapon?"

He didn't answer me directly, but said: "I knew you would choose this. I have a way to trap them for the rest of the time. You just need to get entangled in the Tianzhao who is in charge of you first." /p>

"OK, the task is clear." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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