Pannon Songlan heard my order and immediately made peace with me, but the complete mode of the dragon armor hadn’t been developed yet, and a loud voice had appeared on me. The top of his head.

"What's the matter? You Monster Race can't be safer? Why do you want me to do everything and want to exhaust me?"

It is a young man who is talking, look It looks handsome like a jade tree, as if it is an ordinary person without any threat. However, I will not offend this guy for nothing, because he is the Azure Dragon who represents power among the four Sacred Beasts. Although it appears in human form, Azure Dragon is Azure Dragon, no matter what form it is, it is equally powerful and dangerous.

Most of the demons below don’t know Azure Dragon, and the little White Dragon is one of them. Even the Three Great Protectors next to me don’t know Azure Dragon. Three Great Protectors had only seen Azure Dragon One time before. It was still in Celestial Court, and more than a hundred Divine Immortal were present. Of course, they would not notice Azure Dragon which was just one of them. There was another person standing beside Azure Dragon, that was Qiong Lin who was going to report. Celestial Court seemed to be paying much attention to this incident and actually transferred Azure Dragon over.

I don't know who is fearless, the little White Dragon looks arrogantly at the young man above his head. "What are you? Go away if you don't want to die, I have no time to talk to you now."

Azure Dragon looked down at the little White Dragon below. "Evil creature, I don't even know how to call myself Little White Dragon?"

"My name is Little White Dragon none of your business?"

"hahahaha! It's crazy enough! Yes." Azure Dragon stepped down from the cloud and slammed on the ground like an iron ingot. Taking the landing point as the center, a circle of smoke rose up violently, and the ground also made a cracking sound, but the Azure Dragon among them did not respond, as if he had been standing there all the time. "I think you are good at strength, give you a chance. Now if I admit my mistakes, I can accept you as a sweeping boy, do you think it is good?"

What kind of temperament is the little White Dragon? He would accept such an arrangement to be called a ghost! "Haha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard."

Azure Dragon shook the head helplessly. "I have done my best, and you can't blame me for begging to die!" As Azure Dragon raised his right hand slightly, a small blue ball of light appeared above his palm. "Tribulation thunder-the anger of the sky."

The ball of light flew straight out, but the little White Dragon greeted him indifferently. Although his body has shrunk, it is still big after all. This light ball, which is not as big as a volleyball, seems to him without threat. However, some things are not measured by volume. The moment the ball of light touched the little White Dragon, it disappeared, and the little White Dragon’s body was covered with blue arcs at the same time. The huge crackling sound was accompanied by bursts of white smoke and pungent stench. The strong flash made people fundamental Can't open the cigarette. A few seconds later, when the bright light disappeared, our surroundings were completely covered by white smoke.

A breeze blew by, and the smoke in the venue completely dissipated. Azure Dragon still stood on the spot with a smile, but the little White Dragon was gone. However, the large pile of ash-gray powder on the ground is quite doubtful. With the lightning formidable power of Azure Dragon, probably the pile of ash is what used to be the little White Dragon.

Azure Dragon turned around and said to me: "Chairman Purple Moon is there too? I really didn't expect to meet again!"

I pointed to the one behind him Pile of ash: "Little White Dragon...?"

"Don't worry, I have incinerated his fleshy body and soul together, and I won't come back to retaliate against you in the future."

The demons in the venue were all in a cold sweat from these words. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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