Shui Xu and their four protectors were asked by me and I don’t know how to answer them, because they know me very well. My character will definitely require very harsh conditions, but they are now facing a very dangerous situation, and it seems that they have no right to choose.

The four Great Protectors looked at each other, and finally they were nodded together. Shui Xu came out as a representative. "Okay, we accepted the request. We can provide units for free, but only those in the catalog you gave, and only this time, not in the future."

I laughed: "Don't worry! Although I occasionally suck some blood, I haven’t gotten the point to suck up the prey. I’ll help you fix this guy outside, and wait for my news!"

"Don’t you want us to help?" Yin Yao ask me.

Bi Tuo also said in a low, muffled voice: "That's right! My muscles are not white. Although the little White Dragon is powerful, we can at least help you contain half of him. Strength, or let's go together?"

"Little White Dragon? Is that guy outside a dragon?" Shui Xu explained: "Which dragon is that! Then? The guy is obviously a dragon python, he doesn't say he is a descendant of the dragon god, he really puts gold on his face!"

"haha, a unique dragon python. Let me see how strong this guy is. To what extent."

Yin Yao reminded again: "You can be careful! Although this guy was originally just a snake, but now his strength has improved a lot, even Divine Dragon may not be able to fight. I've passed him!"

"I know this. Don't worry! Even if Divine Dragon can't deal with him, I still have other demon familiars. Let's go together, I don't believe you can't beat him!"


Under the repeated instructions of the four Great Protectors, I opened the door of the room. Outside Formation is more than one meter away from the gate, and outside Formation stands a youngster dressed as a Taoist priest. Saying he is a Taoist priest, he still feels a little like a scholar. A white embroidered book growth robe, a pink belt around his waist, and his delicate and pretty face, really has several points of the feeling of a weak scholar. However, the sword that was slanted on the back of this guy was overflowing with red light. It was obviously a demon weapon with countless murders.

Seeing me coming out, the scholar stopped immediately. He is evil laughed. "You are the fat sheep that the little ones are talking about?"

The other party was not polite, and I didn't intend to make a relationship, so I countered: "I'm worried about what to eat for lunch, didn't expect you to send it yourself. The goods are here! Okay! That being the case, I decided to eat snake soup at noon!"

"You...!" The scholar was about to get angry, but soon suppressed it again. "Okay, I won't fight with you. I've come out to fight. See who ate who!"

"It makes sense." As I said, I started to move forward, and the scholar also asked Backed out to facilitate the distance.

As soon as I stepped into the protective Formation, the black Hell Raging Flames rose to the sky, and the raging black flame instantly dropped the surrounding temperature by more than ten degrees. With this flame, my life recovery speed and mana recovery speed will be greatly improved. It is not that simple for this guy to defeat me in such an environment.

As the flames rose, the death fog of light purple began to spread rapidly. The Demons around watching the battle were scared and immediately retreated. Most of them were cultivation animals, and they were very keen instinct. I discovered that the fog is very dangerous.

"Do you know who I am?" The scholar was not afraid to see my mist, but asked calmly.

"From this sentence, I can analyze that you are completely out of your head!"


"Don't admit it? Think about it. I understand! I just came out of the room of the Fourth Great Protector, do you think I would not know who you are? Instead, it was you. Did you find out who I was at the beginning? Even I dare to move! Do you know how to get Monster Race Is this Spiritual Qi compelling sacred mountain? Do you know how Monster Race left the imprisonment of Qiankun bottle gourd? Do you know why Celestial Court gave up the order to destroy all Demons? Do you know how Monster King's mana returned? You don’t know. You don’t know anything. You dare to challenge me like this. Do you say you are brave or have no brains?"

"hmph! I can't tell you, but I can eat You."

"Hey! Youngster just has no determination! Let me tell you this! If I need, all the heavenly soldiers guarding the mountain realm can follow me. Do you think you can get from one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers Are you spared from the encirclement and suppression? Or do you think you are too strong to take Celestial Court seriously?"

"Che, what are you arrogant?" The scholar pointed at me and cursed, "You are all alone Monster Qi, who is not from Celestial Court at all, actually said that he can mobilize heavenly soldiers, so you can blow it!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I didn't plan to borrow troops to deal with you. Actually, I brought my own. Some, it should be enough for you to move your lower tibia." As I said, I took out the Divine Weapon Sifang Zun. Turn the gossip ahead to the Divine Weapon position, and then the two Qilins joined forces to hold the golden ring and suddenly a golden flame ignited. I blew lightly at the flame, and a cloud of gold powder immediately drifted out. A group of golden brilliance flashed ahead, and 49 Divine Weapons with golden armor all over their bodies stood in front of me majesticly. I pointed to the scholar on the opposite side. "Break him."

The 49 golden men bent over to me, cup one fist in the other hand, and saluted me, then turned and ran towards the little White Dragon. The armor styles of these golden men are very similar to those of the heavenly soldiers, but some differences can be clearly seen, mainly the quality is much better. Little White Dragon was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he shouldn't be afraid of these heavenly soldiers, so he immediately took the initiative to greet him.

When a golden man and a little White Dragon collided head-on, the two clashed with swords. The golden man was shaken back three steps, but the little White Dragon flew out like a cannonball. With a bang, the building behind was smashed into a big hole, and the little White Dragon fell into the house. Before he crawled out, he saw a group of golden men rushing in. Suddenly the golden light flashed inside the house, and then the little White Dragon flew out, and the house fell down at the same time. The golden men lifted the rubble and jumped out from below as if they were okay, and the youngest White Dragon rushed up again.

Although most of the Demons who watched the battle dared not stand in the fog, some of the powerful ones still stayed. Now they see the battle strength of these golden men are sighing, even the heavenly soldiers are not so powerful.

49 gold men can't actually attack together. Little White Dragon is alone. At most four or five people around him are full. Most gold men just stand aside and wait for the opportunity to fill the gap. However, the little White Dragon located at the center point was miserable. He was completely beaten and had no chance to fight back. The golden people use all the tactics of one sword for one sword. If you slash them, you will definitely have to hit a sword. The little White Dragon knows that he is alone and does not dare to attack the golden people like this, so he can only be controlled everywhere.

Four Great Protectors watched the Formation for a long time, and felt that there was no problem, so they simply removed the Formation and walked out. Faced with the little White Dragon, they are not that absolutely does not have resistance. They are just a little bit weaker, so they want to avoid them as much as possible. Now the 49 gold players have forced the little White Dragon to defend only before they get together. They don't worry about getting injured in this situation, so they just walked out.

I looked back at Shui Xu. "Hehe, how? My secret weapon is powerful, right?"

Shui Xu is nodded. "These Divine Weapons are really much more powerful than ordinary heavenly soldiers!"

"This is a gift from Empress Nuwa, of course it is extraordinary. But speaking of which, this little White Dragon is so good. It’s amazing, it’s been pretty good to be able to do it for so long."

Yin Yao now has no sense of fear, and has restored the seductive voice of the past. "Do you think we are all rubbish? If it wasn't because he was too powerful, we wouldn't have to hide!"

"That's true. The four of you are also very powerful, and can force you to this place. To such an extent, it can be seen that this guy is indeed...Huh? What's going on?" I was talking, and suddenly found that a faint white aperture appeared on Xiaobai's dragon body, and this aperture was gradually increasing.

Shui Xu quickly reminded me: "He is in a hurry, this is going to be true. You'd better make those Divine Weapons be careful."

I haven’t had time to inform. The Divine Weapon little White Dragon over there is going crazy first! A white light flashed by, and all the golden men besieging him flew back. The white aperture swept down a large area like a shock wave. Even though Shui Xu and I were standing far enough, they were still affected. The top of the mountain seemed to have been hit by an atomic bomb. The entire building complex was blown out of sight. Only a tall tower with a purple shield still stood in the distance. It is estimated that it was the place where the Monster King lived.

The little White Dragon dressed as a scholar in the venue has disappeared, replaced by a huge white dragon. The appearance of the Jiao python is similar to that of the normal python, the only difference is the head. There are three horns on the head of the snake python. One is above the bridge of the nose, similar to a rhino horn. The other two extend back along the brow bones on both sides, a bit like a dragon horn, but they don't bifurcate. In addition to the horns, there are two rows of sharp teeth in the mouth of the snake python, which are more dangerous than ordinary creatures, and not only the two front teeth of his teeth are poisonous, but each of them is poisonous, as long as the skin is scratched. , You can roll all over the floor in pain immediately.

The length of the small White Dragon's real dragon is more than 300 meters, and the thickest part may be 18 to 20 meters in diameter. My so-called large monsters are all comparable to him. Up small animals. Monsters are the same no matter how long the cultivation is, and only when they reveal their real bodies are they real. Regardless of the strength of this guy, his size alone is really scary. Among the big guys I know, there are only four Sacred Beasts and Divine Beast that appeared in the last system movie. The body is bigger than him. Others seem to be not as big as him. Even the Monster Race four Great Protector body is poor. Up to Level 1.

Although the gold men were blown away, they were not damaged. They got up from the ground and jumped on again. This time the little White Dragon has grown bigger, and they can go together, but the size is so different, it is almost like a mosquito biting an elephant. Xiaobai's dragon tail swept away fiercely, and a group of golden figures were immediately photographed, and then his head rammed, and several golden figures disappeared into the clouds.

Shui quickly backed away frightened. "Hey, I said Purple Moon, it seems that your soldiers can't stand it anymore!"

"Also! Why didn't you tell me that this guy is so big?"

< p>Yin Yao said in a panic: "We didn't know he was this big before! The last time I saw his body seems to be only the third size now, this is only a few days!"

Shui Xu said: "Needless to say, he must have eaten some high level creatures and upgraded again!" When Shui Xu said that, Yin Yao immediately said in surprise: "The Celestial Court sent someone here last time. I asked the guardian god on a nearby mountain that he disappeared for no reason. Could it be that he ate it?"

Shui Xu was also taken aback: "I haven’t heard that eating Divine Immortal can also be upgraded. Ah!"

I said: "Isn’t there a legend in your Demon that said that eating longevity meat can be immortality? That is to say, you don’t have to absorb the same kind of breath, and the power of Divine Immortal and Buddha should be the same. Useful. But this guy is really reckless! The gods dare to eat too! If this is let Celestial Court find out, he won't be caught and cramped!" Shui Xu said: "This guy It’s only a few years from the cultivation of the ordinary dragon python to the Monster Race. What can I know! This is called a calf who is not afraid of tigers. It depends on a lot of brutality. But now I don’t worry about his fate, Celestial Court is a true school It’s better for someone to help clean him up, this kid is simply a scourge!"

"Celestial Court can of course deal with him, but you can get someone to ask Celestial Court. Celestial Court doesn’t. Knowing that he ate the god general, you don’t say that people are still fighting for power within you, and you will not intervene at all."

Shui Xu and Mao said behind a big rock: "Look at us Are you going out like this now?"

I looked helplessly at the little White Dragon who was going crazy outside, and then said to Shui Xu: "Business is really difficult these days, I have to do it for those orders. Fight. Which of the four of you is the fastest?"

"He." The three guardians pointed at Qionglin, who was silent. "The body of this guy is Heavenly Wolf, and the four of us are the fastest."

I am nodded. "So for a while. Shui Xu, Yin Yao, and Bi Tuo, the three of you will join me. With those 49 golden men and the four of us attacking with all our strength, even if we can't win the fight, it should not be possible to hold him back for the time being. Question. Qionglin, you should take this opportunity to seek help from the Celestial Court and tell them the strength of this little White Dragon, but don’t send any Loose Immortal, it’s a food delivery."

< p>Qiong Lin nodded. I extend the hand and said: "Get ready, three, two, one, rush."

The five of us suddenly jumped out from behind the rock, and Qionglin ran out in the opposite direction as soon as she appeared. , The fast ones can only see a light, and the other three protectors have all been in their original form. Now is the time to desperately, and there will probably be no chance if it doesn't show up.

I am different from them. Instead of jumping out immediately, I opened both the space door and the Fenglong space. It's useless to go up alone by me, and to deal with big guys, you still have to be a big monster.

"Wow! What the hell is this?" As soon as Emenes came out, he found a giant snake in front of him and three other big guys in a ball.

"Good fellow. Bigger than me!" Lucky looked up at this big fellow. The body length of the little White Dragon is more than three hundred meters, and the lucky one is more than a hundred meters, even less than half of the others. Most of the other large monsters are about 100 meters long. The small dragon girl is 200 meters long, but they have a slim figure, which is completely incomparable with this little White Dragon.

Ling sighed: "It would be good if the Vermilion Bird held by the is Master is still there, but unfortunately she was lost in the last battle!"

The tank is quite optimistic. "No matter how old he is, first try to move him, as long as he can be injured." The tank immediately unfolded, and the magic light launcher bounced out of his back. Little White Dragon is entangled by the Three Protection Laws, and hasn't noticed our side for the time being. After the tank unfolded smoothly, a thick white beam of light shot out, but it didn't look too thick compared to that guy's body. When the light beam hit the scales of the little White Dragon, a slight reflection occurred, and part of it was bounced out, but the scales were penetrated in less than a second, and the skin inside was pierced like tofu. The light beam Even punched out from the opposite side.

The sudden pain made Xiaobai’s dragon body stiff, and Shu Xu took the opportunity to scratch his body with a scar. The tank proudly said: "It's just big, the defense is not very high."

Fortunately, they also have some confidence. "Okay, let's go."

Although they are fortunate to be smaller in size, I have four giant dragons, and it is still useful for them to pounce together. Lucky first jumped on the little White Dragon's back, biting his scales, only to find that his teeth were slippery and he couldn't bite at all. This guy is different from the previous enemies. He is too big. Fortunately, there is no place for their mouths to work hard. With this delay, the little White Dragon immediately rolled on the spot for a few laps, fortunately they had to jump away first to avoid being crushed by him.

The plague turned around and shouted at the sickle: "Take your silk, entangle him!"

"Look at me." The sickle immediately shot out a silk thread and stuck it directly to the little White Dragon. But before the sickle was released, the silk thread was violently pulled over. "Wa!" The sickle didn't stick the little White Dragon, but he was taken away. Lingling's eyes were quick and her hands were quick, a sword qi cut the spider silk. The sickle turned over in the air and landed firmly on the ground. But he suddenly noticed that the ground had turned black, as if the sun was blocked by something. He reacted and raised his head, only to see a big tail smashed down.

Boom. Before the tail landed, he was hit by a purple magic crystal shell. Several large scales and a pile of minced meat flew down, but the big tail deflected to the side. The sickle was not stupid, so he jumped back quickly. Emines appeared next to him in the form of a tank. "Remember to owe me once!"

"Well, careful!"


The big tail smashed between the two of them After it came down, the coverage area was really not small, and a large group of us were frightened and fled. However, the tail of the little White Dragon was not well fished. As soon as this big tail landed, Lingling suddenly jumped out from the side. "Lightning cut!" A white light flashed, and the tip of the little White Dragon's tail was missing a ten-meter-long section. When it hurt, he immediately rolled the tail back. The blood was spilled everywhere like a waterfall. The dock was still twisting constantly on the ground.

This is a great opportunity. A whirlwind flashed by my side. After the whirlwind, I had switched to the silver moon state. Although this looks a bit embarrassing, but I can't control that much when I try my best. Raising the right hand and pointing to the dock of the little White Dragon, the water god ring on the finger lit up with a bright light blue streamer. "In the name of the water god Nu, I order you to condense."

Ka. Everyone heard a crisp sound. The little White Dragon’s tail instantly turned into a kind of pink within a dozen meters from the position of the fracture. This is not because his blood is thinner, but because the blood is frozen on the ice. There is still frost, so it looks like pink. Although the change color is only a dozen meters from the outside, I actually know that his blood vessels have frozen about 30 meters of blood inside.

Although the sudden freezing had the effect of relieving the pain, it had frozen his muscles so hard that he couldn't bend at all. Xiaofeng saw the opportunity to hit the tail with a flame jet. As a result, the 30-odd-meter-long tail suddenly exploded, and the frozen meat was scattered like small rocks. The little White Dragon was cut and blown off by us, and the tail was nearly fifty meters long. He almost didn't go mad with anger. No longer caring about the Three Great Protectors who entangled his head, he turned his head and rushed towards us.

A big guy suddenly landed between us and him from the sky. This is my control spirit "Vajra". Vajra used to be a regional guard before becoming a spirit control. He was not small in size. Although becoming a spirit control affected his strength, the foundation was still there. Vajra's legs were pulled apart one after the other, his right fist closed sharply, and then he swiftly struck forward. The strength of this steel lifeform is so scary. Although it is still one size smaller than the small White Dragon in size, it has not fallen to the wind at all in terms of strength.

When. With a loud bell-like crash, Vajra's palm directly grabbed the front horn of the little White Dragon. The little White Dragon just pushed Vajra back for more than 30 meters before stopping, but Vajra actually had a fallback. There was obviously a long steel cylinder protruding from his elbow joint, and he didn't know what it was for. There is also something in this position of my armor, but it is a blade used to cut the enemy. But Vajra's sticking out thing is about the same thickness as his arm, and it has no edges and corners at all, and it doesn't look like an attack weapon at all.

Just when we were puzzled, four holes suddenly opened at the back of the huge column, and four flames spurted out from the holes. The large steel cylinder suddenly retracted into Vajra's forearm under the powerful power of the rocket thruster. But the kinetic energy generated by such a big guy hitting the metal arm in front of it at this speed is unimaginable. We only heard another bell ringing, followed by a click, and the little White Dragon's horns unexpectedly broke.

I understand now, the thing on the Vajra Palm arm is actually the kind of pile driver used in road construction. It can instantly generate dozens of times of destructive power under direct contact, which is a kind of structure. Simple and very practical weapon. Since the little White Dragon dared to hit it with his horns, he must have confidence in the hardness of this thing, and didn't expect it was interrupted by others. In fact, the impact the little White Dragon received not only broke the horns, but even a slight crack appeared on his skull, but it was invisible. However, the impact is indeed too close to the brain. The shaking little White Dragon suddenly retreated several tens of meters before stabilizing.

I yelled to Vajra excitedly from behind: "Throw that horn here."

Vajra obediently threw the horn over, and I quickly put this thing into the space In the door. This is the magic world. The real good materials are the things that grow out of monsters. The hardness of this horn is obviously higher than that of steel, and the weight is still light. It should be good to take it back and change a few sets of armor.

The little White Dragon with a broken corner fainted back and forth again and again, but was wounded by the Three Great Protectors who rushed up from behind, and had no choice but to use his tail first. The guards were forced by the big tail to be unable to attack, so they had to cooperate with our actions to contain the tail.

The little White Dragon who was unsuccessful in one impact suddenly opened his mouth and a red ball of light flew straight over. Vajra is very powerful, but not agile. He was hit by the front. Fortunately, he is Spirit Physique. Injury will only reduce energy. Just go back to rest and rest. But without the shield of Vajra, we wouldn't be exposed at all. This is not easy. Little White Dragon gathered strength again and rushed over, but just before he was about to reach us, Jingjing suddenly appeared in front of him.

The little White Dragon doesn't care about this little bit, but doesn't want Jingjing to throw his shield without fear. "Holy Shield-Life Guardian." Her shield flashed suddenly, and then a translucent energy shield spread out, which looked exactly the same as the Holy Shield. The little White Dragon slammed his head on the energy shield, and suddenly the white arc covered the entire shield, and the ground trembled. However, after a stalemate for a few seconds, the little White Dragon was forced to retreat, and he could not penetrate this protective wall. But as soon as the little White Dragon retreated, Jingjing also fell. This kind of protective shield consumes too much, Jingjing can only block it once.

The little White Dragon who was blocked twice suddenly twisted his body, his huge head facing us. "Well, you can force me to this level, you are also experts!"

"hahahaha! Do you know what an expert is? It's like how senior you are. You are The newcomer is good, don’t talk old-fashioned."

"hmph, I won’t fight with you. Anyway, you will all become my food. Do you think this can defeat me? You don’t know me yet. What is the strength of the body! Since you want to die, then I will satisfy you!" Then, the little White Dragon suddenly lit up with white rays of light, and then on his body, the edge of each scale They are all shining, intertwined with a brilliant light web on him. With a loud explosion, all the scales on Xiaobai's dragon body burst, and the broken scales flew over like a torrential rain, causing us a lot of trouble.

At first we thought this guy was self-destructed! Who knew that after the white light disappeared, we saw a dragon python that was one size smaller than just now, and even the color changed. The current Jiao Python is about two hundred thirty or forty meters long, which is shorter than when the tail was just cut off, and its diameter has also decreased a bit, which is obviously smaller. However, this new Jiao Python didn't have any wounds on its body, and even its tail and gaze grew even. The little snake python is golden all over, with three flame red lines on his head, which looks quite hideous. Although the body has become smaller, it feels more dangerous to us.

"haha, let you know how good I am now." The little dragon speaks, the voice is still that of the little White Dragon, but now he is not white anymore.

When the voice fell, he was already moving. This time Bi Tuo and my dragon pet went up together to block his attack, but they flew back together. The little dragon's body has shrunk, but its strength has been significantly increased. Before Bi Tuo could block it, now he and my dragon pet have been knocked into the air.

After Bi Tuo and the others were knocked into the air, the little White Dragon still kept speed, so I had to do it myself. Raise the left and right hands at the same time and aim them at the little White Dragon who is still rushing here. "In the name of the god of creation, condensing the imaginary earth-the meteorite descends." The dust in the air suddenly gathered up high into the sky, quickly forming a huge earth-rock ball. At the same time, the flame ring on my right hand also lit up. "In the name of flame, ignite the falling star-flaming meteor!"

The meteorite was burned into a lava ball, and it fell straight down with flames and terrifying speed. Little White Dragon didn't expect something like this would suddenly fall on top of his head, no matter how strong he was, he would not be able to withstand the meteorite. Although the speed of my meteorite is not as fast as the real meteorite, after all, its mass is relatively large, and the speed is not slow, the impact is still very strong. Little White Dragon's head was suddenly smashed into the ground a few tenths of a second before it bit me, and the whole mountain trembled.

A big burning pit appeared on the ground. We all looked forward to the little White Dragon not getting up, but we were disappointed. The bottom of the burning pit shook for a while, and the big head with the flame pattern lifted up again. I reluctantly converted back to Purple Moon form. "It seems I have to use a trick! Bannon Songlan."

"Do you use that trick?"

I'm nodded. "Harmony. Open the full mode of the magic dragon suit." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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