"What do you want me to do?" I took a few deep breaths and said: "If you have any requirements, just say it! If it's not too much, I will consider it."

"It's good to have you." Al Nixie smiled and handed me a scroll. "Look at it for yourself."

I unrolled the scroll carefully, for fear that Al Ni had installed some mechanism inside. It is entirely possible to do it with Arni's character. However, as the scroll opened, the mechanism I was worried about did not appear. Instead, I saw a map. I turned the map upside down and looked at it for a long time and couldn't compare the map of where it was. It seems to be very detailed, it should be a detailed map of a small area. Unless Al Ni tells where it is, I can't see it at all.

"What is this?" I asked Al Ni.

"The map! Can't you see it?"

"I know it is a map, but what do you give me a map for?"

"Because he is only right You are useful." When I heard it, I looked at the map in confusion, but I still didn't find what it was. It seems that this is just an ordinary map. The only special place is that a red cross is marked on a location number. It is obvious that there is something in this location.

"There are a lot of things that are useful to me. I don’t know what is marked on this?"

"It is the stone of commandment." Al Ni calmly said a Name directly knocked down.

"Discipline... Discipline Stone?" I was a little stuttered. "Then...then your request is...?"

"All six strongholds are saved for me, and I also want a Light God Palace city as compensation. If you can do it , Then I will tell you where is the superscript on this map, and no matter what type of unit you request, I will agree to you, and it will be half price."

I immediately fell into thinking. This is obviously a big hook, but the bait hanging on it is indeed too attractive. How to do it? If you bite the hook, you will have to peel off the skin if you don’t die. If you don’t bite, what about the bait? Thinking about it is still more important for Japan's strategy, so that bait must not be given up.

"Will I have a discussion?"

"No discussion." Al Ni was determined to kill me. "Either help me get the city back, or you just get out."

"Then you have to lower the price again." Anyway, if you bite the hook, you will be unlucky. If you die, eat more bait. real.

"Okay." Al Ni just cares about the big head, too lazy to care about me. "You only need to get these cities back for me, and then give me a Bright City. In addition to the previous conditions, I can give you a 30% discount on the purchase of troops."

"it's a deal."


After confirming the agreement, I have to go to the Light God Palace first. Anyway, there are some units that need to be purchased in Mijal. After bidding farewell to Al Ni and Domingue, I left Death Canyon, Ye Ying carried me through the Black Forest, and I was thinking about how to convince Misor to give up those cities. It is not possible to grab it by hand. Firstly, our guild may not have played the Light God Palace, and secondly, it seems inappropriate to fight a civil war at this time. As I was thinking, I suddenly felt a pain in my back, and I was taken away. With a thud, he bumped his head and feet against a big tree, and his neck almost didn't twist off. "Damn, which bastard sneak attacked me?"

There was silence in the woods, and no one answered me.

"Yekage, did you see anyone attacking me?"

"No. Maybe the other party is invisible."

"That's bad! Ai Menis is not by his side now, I don’t know if Xingtong can see through the other's invisibility."

As she said, Ye Ying suddenly hissed, and I turned my head, but saw that Ye Ying’s neck is too much. There was a big opening. I hurried up to help him hold it down, and then used healing magic to deal with it a bit. Since the trainer relies on demonic pets to fight, healing is of course a must. I just seldom use it because of the presence of Xiaochun and Aanna.

"It seems that I will only drag you down here, let me go back first." Ye Ying said.

I took Ye Ying directly into the Phoenix Dragon Space, and at the same time, Summon came out with white waves, rose vines and darts. My familiar and summon creatures have basically been sent out to perform tasks. The remaining big guys are not suitable for this kind of battle, only three of them are suitable!

As soon as they came out, I hurriedly asked: "Can you determine the enemy's situation?"

White waves immediately sniffed the smell in the air, and then he grinned with a smile. "There is only one enemy, and it is a woman, and her body scent is in the air."

"Where is the rose vine? Can the position be determined?"

The rose vine is in my mind Send back a signal: "No, the other party hasn't moved at all after I came out, and can't catch the vibration. Wait, this is...be careful..."

"Ah!" No reminder from Rose Vine When I finished talking, I was directly knocked out by a force. "Fucking! Who is so fast!" Although I didn't dodge just now, I saw a shadow flashing past. The other party is obviously not invisible, but the speed is too fast to be invisible at all.

The dart suddenly showed its cute little fangs, facing a tree next to it, and then suddenly disappeared in place. There was a woman's exclamation from behind the tree, and a smile appeared on my face. hehe! At least the darts can keep up with the opponent's speed.

A white silhouette jumped out of the tree, and the white wave was about to pounce on it, but after a dozen consecutive backhands after landing, the silhouette flashed out more than ten meters and then disappeared into a big tree. Behind. When Bai Lang rushed to the tree again, the opponent was gone, and the rose vine did not catch the opponent's vibration at all. Obviously, this guy can fly, at least there is a way to prevent the ground from shaking.

"Who? Why do you want to hide her head and show her tail?" I began to think of a way to excite her with words, at least let me determine the location of the enemy!

The forest is quiet, no one cares about me at all. At least this guy is not too stupid, knowing that he can't talk nonsense at this time. The dart is motionless on a big tree next to us, and we are also motionless underground to capture any possible sound.

Crack. A not-so-large branch breaking sound came from my right front. I turned around like lightning, and the Eternal Sword threw away a red glow in the form of a whip sword. After the blade swept across a large area, oh la la retracted the hilt with a sound, and the scene fell silent again. After a pause for five seconds, the trees in front of them began to tilt one after another, and then crashed to the ground. The Eternal Sword was too sharp. The tree hadn't fallen down the moment it cut through the trunk, and it took so long to fall to the ground. However, the tree fell, and what appeared behind the tree was a big mouse with a different body and head.

A voice rang from the tree behind me. "Purple Moon Great Demon King's battle strength is really not a rumor, it's really accurate!"

The woman's voice didn't mean taunting, she probably really felt that my attack was accurate. In fact, it was really accurate, but the goal was wrong. If the woman was behind the tree just now, it might already be two cuts.

The darts jumped past after the sound was made, but they found nothing behind the tree, and the opponent's speed was too fast.

"Why? Do you want to catch me?" The voice suddenly appeared behind a big tree I was up ahead.

Swipe. The big tree fell before the sound was over, and rotated back to my back for two and a half months. Just when those big trees fell to the ground, I had already launched Banyue out, just waiting for the opportunity. But the attack obviously didn't work. After the big tree fell to the small tree, a white person appeared.

This is a woman, but I don’t know what she looks like, because her face is blocked by the armor. She was wearing a tight-fitting white armor, wrapped tightly from top to bottom, with no gaps at all. However, because the armor was tightly wrapped, it was certain that her figure was quite perfect, belonging to that thin, tall, slender shape. It's a pity that she is too tall. I'm only one meter and seven. This woman still wears Kogan in her armor. She stands there for at least one meter and eighty-five meters or more. It is really inferior to stand beside her as a man.

The other party's body is very tightly wrapped, but the blonde hair from the helmet judges that she may not be Chinese. Although domestic players can also choose hair color, few people dye their blonde hair, and it is still such an exaggerated golden. It looks like a burning golden flame.

"Who you are?"

"Me?" The woman dragged her chin in thought. "Some people call me a dancer, but I like others to call me lightning."

"Lightning? Are you the ultimate player in France?" Lightning is just a nickname. Dancer is the woman's real game name. . She is different from ordinary players. All the attributes have been strengthened to the speed. It is almost invisible, almost like lightning, that's why she has such a nickname. She may be far behind me in terms of overall strength, but her speed is too fast, and she can't show her strength even if she is stronger than her, she may not be able to beat her. The most important thing is that once she intends to assassinate someone, she usually won't miss it, because her speed is so fast that you can't stop it.

Lightning is nodded. "Didn't expect I'm still well-known!"

"You have killed the presidents of the four largest guilds in France. It may be difficult for you not to be famous. You don't want to be here today. Add one more to your own record, right?" This woman took pleasure in assassinating high-level personnel, and turned to deal with the guild leaders with high level, strong strength and status. I seem to be one of those people who fully meets her assassination criteria.

Lightning is nodded again. "Little Japan gave me 10 million crystal coins. They want me to keep harassing you. It's better to kill you at Level 1. Originally, I didn't plan to take the Japanese mission, but I saw what they gave me. After the battle record, I think you are quite interesting. Since you are here to kill you anyway, it would be nice to be able to get some travel expenses by the way."

"It turned out that the coward of Nobunaga Onishu called you. "

"You don't have to irritate me. If you want to scold me, please scold me. I don't like Japanese people, but it has nothing to do with my challenge to powerhouse. So, if you don't like that short mule, just scold me! Don't mind!"

I laughed helplessly: "Do you have to kill me? Since everyone doesn't like Japanese, there is no need to shake so stiff, right?"

" As I said, I just want to challenge you and take the money just by the way."

"Then it seems that we have nothing to say, let's see how we can speak!" I suddenly flicked my wings, a large group of steel The Hades spread out along with a cloud of purple mist.

Mist and Miasma are my additional attribute, which does not consume mana and can also create an environment suitable for me to fight. Although the speed of lightning is very fast, my fog can block her sight, and I can't see the road. I see how fast you are. As for the Iron Hornet, there are so many little fellows, can they always take advantage of it?

"Miss Lightning, it seems to be foggy, beware of running too fast and hitting a tree!" I deliberately stimulated her, hoping to disrupt her position, but this woman is definitely not an ordinary person, and she does not answer at all. In my case, even the Iron Wraithbee that rushed out could not find her.

Suddenly, I saw something flashing in the distance. The fog will not block my vision, but will make the thing more conspicuous on the purple background. I hurried to one side, and the thing with white light wiped the tip of my nose and flew over, scaring my nose with a thin layer of sweat. Good guy, slow down and the nose is gone!

"Not bad! My trick resulted in six people who claim to be expert, and you are the third person to flash past." The sound of lightning fell from the top of the tree, and I was taken aback. The thing was thrown from a distance just now, and now she was actually on top of my head. A swarm of Iron Wraiths rushed up immediately, but as usual they found nothing.

"Fast speed!" I groaned softly. This woman is really tough!

The sound of lightning sounded again, of course the location was different. "Haha, is your mist very difficult to deal with! It can actually corrode my body. But at this rate, even if I don’t treat, I’m impossible to kill me for more than ten hours. Do you expect to use it to defeat me? Me? Or you just want to block my sight? Then you can put it away. My goal is not to disappear from me, because I have angel eyes, which can break away all fog and illusions."

Sure enough. The mist doesn't work for her, so she can throw a knife at such a distance. But I will not undo the fog, at least they can improve the battle strength of me and my summon creatures.

"Don't you want to withdraw? Then I will help you!" Suddenly, countless golden rays of light shot down from the top of the forest, and my fog of death evaporated in the light.

"Awakening Light? Are you a high level angel High Priest?" I have only heard that this female assassin is not easy to deal with. I always thought that she was a professional assassin. Today, she seems to be dressed differently. , It shouldn't be a priest either! I see, she is a dual professional! The priest's formidable power of Angel Race has at least doubled. She is a difficult woman to deal with.

"Are you from the evil camp? So divine light should be harmful to you?" The proud voice of lightning changed several positions, and then a white light fell from the sky, just covering me. .

I was indeed an evil camp before, but I now have Vina to stand against it. The characteristic of the god of chaos and order is that it can be compatible and packaged. It doesn't care about the conflict of attributes, so divine light is not valid for me.

Lightning quickly noticed that I was not afraid of divine light, so he quickly took it back. "So you are not afraid of divine light. So what about this?"

A yellow golden spear shining with golden flames suddenly flew from the depths of the forest. I hurriedly put the double shield in front of me, and at the same time The phantom in the body state also helped me deploy the protective shield, but...it didn't work! The golden spear passed through as soon as it touched my body, but I was not injured. This is an illusion! "That's bad!" I realized that it was not good, and suddenly turned around to attack, didn't expect her to be behind me.

When. "Ah!" Lightning's sword was cut off. She took a hit on her shoulder, but she quickly jumped back and disappeared behind the tree. But this time she was not so lucky. Bailang arrived almost afterwards, and directly broke the tree where she was hiding. Lightning left the tree again and jumped onto the branch, only to be attacked by darts, forcing her to rush to a long distance, but it was useless at all. Not only my demon, but even the Iron Wraithbee seems to have it. The beacon instructed to rush straight over.

Lightning hid behind the tree and looked at her bleeding shoulder, she seemed to understand the reason. "I missed it this time, but I won't give up. You won't be so lucky next time." The voice suddenly disappeared and the lightning disappeared.

White waves and darts both have good noses, and the Iron Wraith is also very impressed with the smell of blood, so as long as she is injured, she is impossible to hide again. By that little body fragrance, the white waves can only confirm that she is in the vicinity, but the strong smell of blood is enough to determine the specific location.

Since this woman has left, I don't want to stay here for a while. Putting away the pet and summon creatures, quickly set off to leave the Black Forest, but after a few steps, suddenly something with a silver halo flew over.

When. A dart was blocked by the claw that just popped out in the middle of a collision.

"You...?" A woman stood on the road ahead, and it was lightning. She actually came back again. I wanted to ask her why she suddenly came back, but soon I thought of the reason. How stupid! I knew she was High Priest, so I thought she would go back to heal her injuries, because of her habitual thinking. As a dual-professor, Lightning has a High Priest class. Of course, he can heal his wounds by himself. The small opening will heal quickly, and there is no need to go back for treatment.

"You are the first one who can force me to use scams. However, since I debuted, I have not missed my hand, but I don’t want to break the record on you. If I don’t kill you today, my The reputation is ruined. So you still obediently let me kill once?"

"You have the ability to do it yourself."

"Then I'm welcome." Lightning suddenly Disappearing in the same place, she suddenly appeared on top of my head in the next second, and two daggers were cut at the same time.

"The beauty of thinking." I held up two swords with both hands, but Lightning suddenly kicked my back with my feet, kicked me forward, and almost turned over. Somersault. She was gone by the time I stabilized my body and turned around.

"Don't make me angry!" I shouted angrily.

Without warning, another long spear with golden flames flew over. I have been deceived by this illusion once before, and this time I ignored it directly, but didn't expect it was wrong again! This time it was actually true. The Golden Flame Spear directly hit my stomach, and this thing was almost like an illusion, it really ignored defense. With a sound of pu chi, I was penetrated by the long spear, and purple black blood spurted out from the wound, and all the plants that had been stained with blood immediately withered.

"Are you Archfiend? How come the blood is so poisonous?"

I took a hard step back two steps, and then pulled out the long spear forcefully. "You really made me angry!"

"Oh? So what?" This woman really doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, so she dare to provoke me!

"This way." I threw the yellow golden spear and leaned back. "Beastization."

My body suddenly soared, and instantly turned into a werewolf form. Although this state will weaken the magical ability, it can greatly increase the strength and speed, and the perception ability will also be greatly improved. It can't be better to deal with speed-type characters like lightning.

After seeing me turning into a werewolf, Lightning also realized that it would not be easy to take advantage of me anymore. She put away her joking heart and returned to peace again. The real killer would not talk to the person who was killed, just like she did before, she just talked to me with a joke when seeing that my speed was not fast. In fact, he really met someone who was difficult to deal with. At that time, she should be in this completely silent state now. Silence was restored in the forest again, and no sound was heard except my panting.

My ears moved suddenly, I turned around and swept it out with a paw, a white shadow flashed out in front of me, and disappeared in the trees again after several ups and downs.

There is no sound, there is silence around, but I know she is nearby. Suddenly, I caught a little bit of faint information. An imperceptible smile appeared on my face. "Absolute barrier." I suddenly called out this defensive skill, and at the same time, the invincible absolute barrier unfolded instantly. Pu Chi, I hit a sword in the shoulder again, and the blade passed through the shoulder, but this injury was nothing. On the contrary, the lightning that successfully attacked was even more alarmed, because she found that she couldn't get out.

The absolute barrier is an invincible cover, and the moment I opened it, it covered the lightning. No matter how fast she is, she can't perform in such a small space, and I can only kill her. I turned around and looked at her with a wicked smile. "Hehe ……!" (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.cmfu.com, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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