The Jade Emperor gave me enough face this time. After I got the Fire Qilin quota, I almost agreed to give the remaining things without any disputes with me. But apart from these three arms, the rest is not very important. Before leaving, the Jade Emperor gave me an old-for-new benefit. Celestial Court will take back from me the thousand generals that were sold to me last time, and then replenish my newly bought four thousand Lingxiao Palace Guards. Five thousand is equivalent to replacing me with a one-thousand one-thousand-level celestial guard last time with a one-thousand-two hundred-level Lingxiao Palace Guard. The five thousand Fire Qilin will be incorporated into the special Legion as the mount of these palace guards, not a separate army.

The Loose Immortal sold by Celestial Court is a one-thousand-level all-rounder. The single spell and auxiliary spells that mainly attack the huge might will be good at layout and everything, but they are not very prominent. Loose Immortal's mounts are long spears provided by our association. One is because only long spears can follow Fire Qilin's Spatial Teleportation technology, and the other is because I really don't have the money to equip them with Celestial Court mounts. Those Fire Qilin are more expensive than Lingxiao Temple Guards, rationing Lingxiao Temple Guards is already an extravagant act. If even a 1,000-level soldier like Loose Immortal also carries Fire Qilin, then it is better to get a Fire Qilin Legion. Anyway, Fire Qilin is also a monster.

With these six thousand soldiers, Celestial Court is over here. After bidding farewell to the Jade Emperor, I went directly to Xianshan to place all orders for the arms, and then left a few evil spirit Knights to bring these heavenly soldiers back to the guild for a while. They could still handle this. The animal trainer is known as the only job in "Zero" that can be practiced on-hook. The reason is that our animal trainer’s pet has a higher intelligence and can do things on his own. Players who are not professional beastmasters can only fight under their command even if they catch an angel. It is better to ask someone who you don’t know to do it if you expect them to do it. Maybe the hope is bigger.

The other nine thousand soldiers and horses on the list given by the military god are also very special units. I checked it according to the list. The next unit is called the Poison Eye King, which has a fixed amount of one thousand, and only specific variant types are required. . Attribution belongs to the Dark God Palace. To be honest, I really don’t want to see Al Ni, that girl. Now when I am an enemy, I want to kill when I see me! But you have to make a trip to order the arms!

Different from Celestial Court, the teleportation point of Dark God Palace is not open to the public, even if it is a related party. It's been a long time since I came to the Death Forest. It's still as peaceful as before. Maybe the dead don't want to be disturbed! Passing through the valley of death and entering the deep mountain where the temple is, there are countless zombie skeletons along the way, but they will not actively attack me. Once the national war has begun, the monsters of this country will not actively attack the locals. Secondly, Death Aura on me is better than They are still strong, they are probably regarded as the same kind!

I walked until the barracks of the Dark God Palace forward army were blocked. From here, it was the regular army of Dark God Palace, which belonged to the humanoid NPC with intelligence. The forward army is the first level when it is not in battle. It is mainly responsible for intercepting the intrusion of low-level creatures. If it is too high level, they can only block one block temporarily.

I thought it would take a lot of talking, but the gatekeeper didn't expect to know me and took the initiative to find Small Captain for me. The Small Captain confirmed my identity from the guard and quickly politely led me to the rear. In Dark Legion, the evil aura on the body is generally proportional to the strength. Like me, the whole body is full of wraith breath, and the person who is riding the nightmare underneath is simply Demon King II, plus that Small Captain heard his men say that I am Domingue’s brother, he became more enthusiastic.

When I first met Domingue, he was just a small coalition commander. Now he has been promoted to the position of the Great Marshal of the Dark God Palace, and his strength has also increased a lot. However, his feelings towards Clark and me have remained the same. It is not unreasonable for the senior officers of Dark God Palace to call us the Dark Three. Although Clark is now only a super blacksmith in our guild, he was also the highest army commander of Dark God Palace before he retired, a high-level officer of second only to Goddess, and a real power figure. Domingue doesn't need to talk about it, people are now in Clark's position, Goddess is the first in the Dark God Palace, and he is second. Although I only have an empty job as City Lord, our reputation is outstanding! Kidnapped took the post of Goddess and ordered bombardment of the temple. The current Goddess has nothing to do with me. It’s already very difficult to deal with, and I’m the one who doesn’t listen to either, the real Dark God Palace number one.

Domingue looked very excited to see me. "Haha, long time no see, do you finally remember that there are old people in our ravine?"

"Didn't I come here!"

Dominguewei I turned around three times, and then said: "Yes, it's much better than when I first came back."

"Do people always improve! Second brother, don't you also improve." Not a lot? Remember when you first met you were level 750? Now it looks like you have to be more than one thousand and five hundred, right?"

"hehe, just one thousand sixteen. "

"It seems that I'm still conservative!"

"hahahaha! Let's talk? You little Ox Demon King come here today, what do you want?"

"Little Ox Demon King?" I was stunned by Domingue's name.

Domingue smiled and said: "Do you know that our three brothers are called the Three Great Demon Kings by the people of the temple?"

"Have heard a little."

Domingue nodded. "The entire Dark God Palace has the ability to snatch one Goddess and cry the second Goddess. You are Number One Person. So everyone says you are the number one in Dark God Palace, plus your title of Demon King, Some naughty ghosts gave you the nickname Ox Demon King, because you are the youngest of the three of us, so you are called the little Ox Demon King."

"Halo! It turns out that there are also people in Dark God Palace. Gossip!" I shook my head with a wry smile, and then said resolutely: "There are so many things, I do have some things today. That...... Is Alni here?"

Domingue asked a little embarrassedly. Me: "You want to see her?"

I'm nodded. "What's the matter? Is she not there?"

"Yes, but I advise you to come back in the last two days if you are not in a hurry."



Boom. Before Domingue could answer, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the mountains behind, and then we saw a man flying over with a scream and thumping in front of us without moving. Domingue pointed to the guy lying on the ground. "It's because of this."

"Good fellow, has Al Ni been taking gunpowder these past two days?"

Domingue said: "Gunpowder? Goddess has more temper than dynamite now. Meng, what is gunpowder?"

"Why did she make such a big fire?"

"You have to blame you for speaking of which. So you'd better not meet first. She, if I let her see you in the past two days, I can’t guarantee what will happen."

"che, I’m afraid she will rape me. But you said it’s because of me, why don’t I know? Why did you offend her?"

Domingue said: "It's not all Light God Palace! Since you helped Mijol clean up the internal forces of Light God Palace, people have now put the entire system It's all clear. Without so many internal constraints before, Light God Palace is now completely centralized. Although this is easy to cause some accidents due to the leader's problem, the army's response speed is several times faster after the monopoly. You don’t know that crazy woman. In the past two days, I don’t know which of the tendons is wrong. I have pulled out five strongholds in our temple, and even the black flame beads my Royal Highness’s favorite is snatched away. Uploaded today. According to the news, Light God Palace is planning to attack the sixth stronghold again. No, I am angry! I was so scared that I didn’t dare to stay in the Conference Hall anymore. I ran here to take refuge!"

Pointing to the man on the ground: "Who is he?"

"He is the highest commander of the stronghold that Light God Palace is about to attack. He will come in the morning for reinforcements. Maybe Goddess doesn't want to give it, so he throws him away. Come out. If you go in now, you will just hit the gunpowder keg and wait for it to explode!"

"Although it seems that the time for my arrival is not right, but you are right, I really I’m very anxious, I don’t have time to wait. You should let me know!"

"I want to live two more years! I don’t want the soul flew away and scattered so early." Domingue smoothly. Gave me a waist token. "Go in by yourself!"

"The position hasn't changed, right?"

"Oh right! I forgot that you haven't been here since the temple was repaired!" Domingue handed in hand. Pass a guard. "You take him."

Although the guard didn't seem to want to go, he still gave me a please gesture. I waved to Domingue and followed the guard to the temple behind.

The newly built temple is much more magnificent than before. The Dark God Palace is still full of money. If I were to build such a large complex, I would have to go bankrupt. Following the guards into the real main office temple in the rear, the guards told me that it was in the middle room on the second floor, and then ran away like an escape.

I reluctantly walked to the stairs ahead, and there was no one here. Needles can be heard inside a building with an area comparable to a large gymnasium. Suddenly, I heard a rush of footsteps coming down from above. Only a dozen maids of the vampire tribe ran down holding a pile of debris in a panic, and then disappeared outside the gate without looking at me.

Walking up the stairs to the second floor in doubt, there is a huge banquet hall on which can be used to practice car driving. Obviously it uses magic space technology, because it looks countless times larger than the first floor. . Except for the stairs on the side where I came up, the hall has doors on the other three sides, but there is a large door directly opposite, which should be the Conference Hall.

I just walked near that door, and before I had time to knock on it, the door suddenly opened. I was taken aback, and quickly jumped to the side. I saw a man flipping his head and falling out from the inside, followed by a small plate and a cup flying out behind him. These things banged on that guy's ass, and smashed the guy who had just turned over and got up again. A familiar female voice came out from the door in an angry manner. "You bastard, what do you do to raise your trash?"

With the roar, I saw Al Ni rushing out from the inside waving a scepter. She took the scepter and chased the guy who came out first, while shouting: "Let you run for me, let me abandon the city! Dark God Palace does not have a City Lord like you, I will kill you as a waste, you I'm so embarrassed to come back! Go and die!"

The man in front yelled, "Goddess, spare your life! I have no choice! The enemy is thirty times ours, I That bit of force is meaningless even if you stay on guard!"

"If it is meaningless, can you run?" Al Ni suddenly turned over and flew in front of the guy, then waved his scepter like a baseball Turning a half circle in the middle of the guy's chin, he hit the guy back and flew up.

"Home base!" I shouted at the door clapping.

The pitiful person fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth and was knocked out. Al Ni's eyes focused on me in an instant. "Why did you come in?"

"That...this..." Al Ni's gaze was completely murderous, and I started to stammer! After calming down, he said, "I have something to do with you. As for how to get in, you should know this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Al Ni suddenly turned around and turned his back to me. Then I saw her upper body lifted up and down, as if taking a deep breath. After seven consecutive times, Al Ni turned around again, but at this time she was all smiles, and she couldn't see the angry state just now. "Is there anything you need to talk to me?"

I smiled and looked at her. "Wow, when did Al Ni you learn this trick? Change your face faster than flipping a book?" After listening to me, Al Ni's expression was a little different, and his smile looked stiff, but from time to time. She turned into an angry face, but soon returned to her smiling face, as if two people were constantly fighting for control of her facial muscles. As her expression changed, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her smile suddenly got out of control after one minute. "Can't hold back! You bastard go to death!"

"Hey, what are you going to do? Don't get excited!" I quickly made a defensive action.

Al Ni rushed over like a mad bison. Although she is not a physical battle-type, she is a Goddess anyway, and her strength is really nothing to say. I just felt as if I had been hit by a giant dragon. I suddenly flew up and flew directly through the door into the room that Al Ni had just rushed out of. With a bang, I landed on a table with my back. The huge long table was smashed to pieces by me, and everyone on both sides walked back in shock. After a long time, the room is not empty, there are still many people in it!

Here are the people from Dark God Palace. Who dares to help Al Ni when he hits people? I struggled to get up from the fragments of the table, but Al Ni had already rushed in and hit me with a cane. "It's all caused by you two-faced faction!"

"What am I..." Before I finished speaking, I hit the scepter. I hurriedly set the scepter with my hands and face protection, but it was huge. The power cannot be offset, and I was blown out again.

Domingue didn’t plan to come, but thinking about Al Ni’s emotions now that I might suffer if he doesn’t come, so I decided to come and have a look. If something happens, it can save my life. Who knew that he had just walked outside the great hall, and suddenly the window on the second floor was smashed with a bang, and a person flew out of it. Domingue almost instinctively reached out and caught the man, his face was startled. "Ah? Your Highness Goddess!" He quickly put Al Ni down.

I appeared in the window on the second floor and shouted at the bottom: "Al Ni, I think you are a woman who doesn’t care about you. I really think I’m a bully?"

" I won’t even recognize the elder sister if I don’t beat you today. I’m not Al Ni!” Al Ni kicked the ground and jumped up to the second floor, and flew back directly from the window that just flew out.

Domingue stopped walking up the stairs, and jumped directly up, only to see a wolf in the room, like a typhoon passing by. He looked around and found that there were several great characters from Dark God Palace, but at this moment, they all shrank like quail in the corner for fear of sweeping to the end of the typhoon. In the middle of the room, Al Ni and I were squabbling with each other in an unmannered manner, which was exactly the trick of the little hooligans fighting.

Domingue entered suddenly, and all the bosses saw it. They cast questioning eyes at Domingue, and Domingue directly waved both hands back, and those people immediately slipped out knowingly. When will you stay if you don’t run now? And the others, Domingue deliberately coughed to remind us to converge a little bit after they ran away. But we didn't give him face, he coughed him, and neither of us meant to stop.

Al Ni seemed to be addicted, suddenly kicked me away with a kick, turned over and picked up the scepter and pointed at me. "The Judgment Ball!"

"Damn, you shit!" I quickly stepped forward and let go of the black ball of light. Domingue's'coughing more than ever' made us stop. I didn't expect a sudden flash of light and a ball of light flew over. Unsuspecting Domingue suffered immediately. As soon as the ball of light touched him, it melted in, but an arc immediately covered Domingue's whole body, and he immediately jumped into a cramp dance, and fell down with a plop a few seconds later.

I looked back at Domingue who fell on the ground. "Damn, you are so insidious? Look at my super leg sweeping."

Al Ni hurriedly jumped up to hide from my leg, but didn't expect me to get out of my leg, go up and take her with my arm A ring of her shoulders jerked down and put her head directly under her armpit. He raised his left hand and flicked hard at her forehead. "Tell you to beat me again!"

Al Ni wanted to struggle unconvinced, but it was a pity that he couldn't make it. Although she is not weak, she is still not bigger than me. Fighting is not her specialty, and certainly not my opponent. After struggling for a while, I found that I couldn't get away. Al Ni simply spread out on the ground as soon as his body became weak, and I had to sit down with it.

Domingue got up from the ground in smoke. "Huh! It turns out that I haven't been beaten yet, the soul flew away and scattered! Purple Moon, you bastard, you killed it, you almost died!"

I laughed. "What Al Ni threw was the Judgment Orb, not the Judgment Orb, it can't kill anyone." As I said, I knocked Al Ni's forehead again. "Hey, if you are willing to be honest, I will let you go."

"hmph!" Al Ni only uttered a nasal sound, but the nasal sound has a lot of meaning, and now this tone is completely the little girl’s The awkward sound is not the kind of angry state.

I slowly let go of Al Ni, and she immediately flashed out like a little mouse. After finishing her appearance quickly, she immediately asked me seriously. "You said you have something to do with me, what the hell is it? Did someone find the Stone of Commandment?"

"That's not it. I just came to you to approve the purchase plan for some units, and there are also some things to get Buy from you. Our guild will immediately prepare for the first battle after the start of the national war, which requires a lot of materials."

"This is simple, give me the list."

" Don’t you ask me what I want?"

"Don’t you show me how do I know?" Al Ni said as he searched among the ruins, it took him a long time to finally pull out a complete chair Sat down. "If it is not convenient for me to show it, tell me what you want."

"There are not many things, but I need some special units, and they are very special units."

< p>Al Ni stretched out a hand to stop me from continuing. "You can be a soldier. You should know the situation that our Dark God Palace is facing now. As long as you have the ability to help me solve the problem, even if you and I want to kill the god squad, I will give it to you."

"Yi ! How do you know that I want to kill the god squad?"

"What? You really want to kill the god squad?" Al Ni is just an analogy, didn't expect that I would really tell her Such a high level of troops. The God Tu squad is a class of 1,800, and after a special combination, the formidable power is doubled during collective action, so it is called the God Tu squad. This kind of team is specially responsible for assassinating the high-level existence of the enemy forces in the Dark God Palace. The battle strength is absolutely terrifying, but the number is relatively small and pitiful, so it is more valuable. Although surprised, Al Ni quickly reacted. "Okay! As long as you help me fix the Light God Palace, I can give you the squad of God Slaughter. Say, how many people do you want?"

"I want a team of seven."

"Are you crazy? Seven teams? I have only six teams here, so it's not enough to give you all!"

"Six teams are six teams. I suffer a little loss, so let's just forget it. ! But you have to give me a 50% discount, I know this unit is not cheap."

"I want to be beautiful. Up to five teams, the price is good to discuss, but you have to help me do another one Matter." Al Ni smiled and approached me after speaking, making my whole body chilly. Instinct tells me that there is a conspiracy in her smile. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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