"Aren’t you very fast? Are you running again?"

The lightning retreated to the edge of the protective cover in a panic, but the thing was just that big in total As long as she can't get out, she can grab it back by just reaching out her hand in any position she hides.

"You...what do you want to do?" Lightning swallowed nervously.

"It’s nothing right now, but it won’t be possible after a while." I showed a devilish smile, and a cloud of purple smoke quickly filled the inside of the shield, turning the absolute barrier into A big purple ball. "Ah! What are you doing?" The scream of lightning came from the absolute barrier.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a pervert, at least I won't see the previous one. The lightning scream was normal because I left four sharp scratches on her body. I am still in the form of a werewolf, and my claws are not much worse than the blade. Lightning's armor didn't seem to be very good defense, but it was simply cut a few times.

Lightning panicked and discovered that the surrounding smoke was infiltrating her body from her wound, and the speed was getting faster and faster. "What did you do to me? What kind of smoke is this?"

"Have you never seen the fog of death?" The protective cover has disappeared automatically after more than a period of time, but I didn't mean to pursue it, because It's not necessary at all. "Others always remind me that if you want to be a leader, you have to be a bit arrogant, saying that you can convince the crowd. But I think that thing is not much better than the ass, but my Evil Qi is more effective. A group of people worship the arse. The fools under the breath are at best a bunch of mobs, and my fog of death can directly create necromantic creatures. No matter what the battle strength is, at least they will sacrifice themselves and put my order first." Looking at the ground is already because of evil. The lightning that was contaminated and began to twitch, I suddenly squeezed my fist. "This is called absolute control."

There was a thread in Lightning's heart that broke at the moment I made a fist, and then she sank into the darkness, and was already in the Palace of Resurrection when she lit up again. At this time, on the edge of the Black Forest, I was spinning around a woman who looked exactly like a lightning bolt. Except for the black armor, this woman is completely a copy of the lightning that I just fought with. There is no difference at all.

I nodded in satisfaction. "Well! Not bad, at least it looks good. Take off your helmet and let me see your face."

The woman immediately obediently took off her helmet, golden hair is already It has completely turned into long purple hair, but the beautiful face has not been affected in any way. It is just that the eyes that did not know what color have become scarlet, and they are still shining, which looks quite scary. If the lightning is still here, she will be very surprised, because this woman is exactly the same as hers except for the color of the eyes and hair and the color of the armor. In fact, they should be exactly the same, because this body is hers. In addition to slowly weakening the opponent and blocking the opponent's line of sight, the death cloud has a special feature that all enemies who die in the death cloud will become my puppets. I usually don't bother to command those low-level puppets, so I haven't enabled this feature. Even if there are puppets, they will be disbanded when they are used up, and I don't bother to bring them with me. However, this woman is different, her battle strength is very useful to me, so I reluctantly decided to take her.

The puppet’s battle strength does not entirely depend on me, but depends on the relative strength of the opponent and me. Under normal circumstances, it will retain most of the opponent’s strength during his lifetime, and sometimes good luck can be replicated in its entirety. There are even situations that surpass the strength of the body. This corpse of Lightning retained ninety-nine percent of her abilities, which was basically equivalent to a copy.

Although puppets have many advantages, they also have many disadvantages. The main reason is that this thing has no brains. The corpse transformed by the cloud of death has no intelligence at all. All that is left is instinct and obedience to the master. This is also one of the reasons why I don't like calling puppets. But if there is only one, there is no problem. At worst, you can just give the command directly. If it doesn't work, let the Phantom temporarily manipulate her body.

After confirming her appearance, I asked her to wear the helmet again, and then helped her heal the wound. Although the puppet was raised by magic summon, it still has physical strength, and it will be damaged if it is seriously injured. But I can treat her, as long as it is not broken up, it will be fine. The ability to resist is far beyond its own. It is also a zombie, and the resistance is affirmative.

Leave the Black Forest with this puppet, and then go directly to Goddess City to find Mishale. When I entered Goddess City, the guards on both sides of the city gate stared at me for a while, and I could clearly see that the fingers of the two guys holding the long spear turned blue. I leaned over, took out a medal at random, and he looked at it. The guy immediately softened like a frustrated ball.

"hahaha, what are you doing so nervously?" I patted this guy's shoulder. "Inquire about something."

"Sir Envoy, please." The guard was very polite. What I just showed him is the special envoy medal, which represents the liaison between different forces, so even if the camp is different, it is a person who needs to be respected.

"Don't you know Lord Goddess is in the city?" The transcendent position of Mijoller, of course, the minions don't know the specific position, but they should know if they are in the city.

"Yes, I only came back this morning." The little soldier replied respectfully.

"That's good, I'm still worried about go on an errand for nothing!"

When I turned around, I saw a sword on my neck. The sword-bearer also wore a sword on his neck.

"What's the matter?" Lightning was holding the sword against me, and at this moment she was holding the sword against me in one hand, and the other finger against her puppet with the sword against her. She obviously found that the puppet was exactly the same as hers, so she reacted so much. Otherwise, she shouldn't be against me at the city gate anyway at her level.

"What's going on?"

"Why is there a person who looks the same as me here?"

"Oh, you said this Huh? She is not human."

"You...!" Lightning thought I was scolding her on purpose.

I looked innocent and said: "She is a puppet, I used the corpse summon to come out, similar to the skeleton zombie brought by Necromancer, only a little higher level."

"The corpse?" Lightning calmed down at first, but suddenly became more excited again. "Are you saying this is my corpse?"

"Hehe, waste use! Throwing in the suburbs will pollute the environment. It's better to use the residual heat." I just finished talking and hurriedly reached out and squeezed it. The tip of the sword on the neck. "Don't get excited. I want to remind you that your corpse has the same speed as you now. If you want to stab me, she will stab you without the slightest hesitation."

"You bastard!"

"I'm not a bastard, you messed with me first."

"Go to hell!" Lightning suddenly shot, she didn't believe me summon The puppet can retain all the previous abilities, so she decides to attack. With a bang, two blood flowers flew out, one was mine and the other was lightning. She wiped a small hole on the edge of my neck, but at the same time she also had a hole in her neck. Saying that I didn't lie to her, her body really has the same speed as hers.

Lightning clutched his neck in surprise. "Count you cruel!" After she said, she flashed onto the city wall, and I wiped the neck of the puppet beside me. The puppet nodded to me, then suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared beside the lightning in the next second. The lightning was forced to dodge, and two identical people chased and disappeared behind the distant building. It seems that she will not be able to return in a short time. It is much more difficult to kill her puppet than to fight with others, because only she knows her weaknesses best. Although the puppet has only instinct, it is definitely not easy to deal with.

Watching them run away, I went to the temple alone. The Light God Palace in Goddess city was built on a hill in the center of the city, and the way up is a long staircase. As I walked up, people on both sides looked at me with admiration. At first I thought they knew who I was, so they looked at me with admiration and admiration. I didn't figure out the reason until I heard the dialogue between the two people. After a long time, they saw me, a typical dark force person, who dared to walk towards the Light God Palace in a big way. That's why they showed this expression.

When finally climbing to the top of the mountain, the angel guarding the gate immediately focused his gaze, but one of the angels seemed to know me. After a while, he quickly explained to the angel next to him and then turned and rushed in. In the temple. I stood at the door and did not go over to speak, because I knew that the angel must have gone in to report the letter.

Sure enough, two high level angels walked out a few minutes later.

"Are you Purple Moon?"

I am nodded. "Missor asked you to come?"

These two guys were obviously under the guidance of Ms. Will fight with me first. "We are the guards of His Royal Highness Mijol. His Royal Highness knows that you are here, so let us take you in."

I am nodded. Of course I won't find fault when people are so polite and don't hit the smiley. "Take me in."

I followed the two Archangels inward, and the angels at the door questioned each other suspiciously. For them, it is a world anecdote that a fellow like me, the Great Demon King, can be treated by their officers. There are the players here who have the same idea as them, but there are some players who are not surprised because they also know who I am.

The atmosphere inside Heaven Temple today is quite weird. Everyone I saw along the way was in a hurry, and I also found a lot of angels with strange shapes, which seemed to be different from those guarding the temple. It's the same, but I can't tell the difference.

As I was thinking, the angel leading the way suddenly stopped in front of a gate. "His Royal Highness Goddess is receiving guests, please wait here first."


Two angels helped me open the door. Inside is a small reception room. . I randomly found a place to sit down, and the two guarding angels brought the door up again. Mijiale didn't make me wait any longer, but she was not the only one who came. I was stunned when the door opened.

"Filendil? Are you...?"

"Didn't expect?" Felendil was not surprised at my appearance.

"Mi Shaile?" I stared at Mi Shaile with questioning eyes, waiting for her explanation.

Missol sat opposite me casually, and then signaled the guard to close the door. Waiting for the footsteps of the guards outside the door to go away, she explained: "I already knew about your battle in France some time ago. The temple of Europe was beaten to pieces by you, and it has lost its cohesion."

< p>"Is your news fast?" I stared at Mizol.

Missol laughed. "Although I know everything about you, you don't know me." She said that she took Filindil into her arms. "Do you know what our relationship is?"

I stared at them both in surprise for a long time. Seeing that they are so close, it is obvious that the relationship is not ordinary. Looking closer, I was surprised to find that the two of them have several points of similarity. Michelle has a pair of shrewd eyes, and Felindir also has them, but they can only be regarded as intellectually similar. What is more distinctive is their eye sockets, the curves and angles of this part are almost exactly the same. "Don't tell me you are twins."

Missile laughed. "It's not right, but it's about it."

Filindier asked: "Do you know the intermarriage between royal families?"

I am nodded.

Missole continued: "It’s good to know this. In various human countries, royal families generally intermarry with each other, so no matter who defeats or overthrows whom, the result will be The same, because the bloodline of the royal family will not be interrupted, they are already connected. The final result is actually only one, which is to fool the people. No matter who the people go to war with, the upper class is ruling them. , And among these people, except for very few people who can climb to the upper position in the change of power, in fact, the descendants of these upper people have been continuing their rule in various ways."

" Why are you telling me about this?"

"This is why our relationship emerged." Misong tightened his arm around Felindir's shoulder. "Similar management methods are also used in theocracy, and the goal is naturally to fool believers and lower races. You are also considered a superior, so I don’t have to deceive you. There will also be changes in interests between Gods and Gods, and you know this too. . Therefore, in order to preserve our existence, we must continue to use methods similar to the human royal family. Me and Felendier are the products of such an environment. Do you know what my full name is?"

I shook my head.

"Missile. Shengyao. Brilliant. Antimis."

Filendil followed: "My name is Felendil. Shengyao. Brilliant. Dulu Lante."

Misselle continued: "We are half sisters, I am an elder sister, and Felindir is a younger sister. I inherited the family name of the mother after I was born. And in the first division of the temple, he left the headquarters of Light God Palace and came to Asia to stand on his own. The younger sister was born three hundred years later. She inherited the family name of father and eventually became the alternate Goddess of the temple. Know why the Elder House So help her and reject Marilyn? Because there are two Elders in Elder's courtyard, our father and grandfather. This is why Filindir is unconditionally supported. The two parts in the middle of our name are the same, That's the evidence that our bloodline has the same source."

"You two will actually be sisters! Your theocratic aristocracy is...it is..."

"Promiscuity is Is it?" Mijelle said words I dared not say. "We don’t mind, at least our bloodline will never disappear. No matter what the state of the theocratic war, our descendants will inherit the bloodline of the previous generation, so that the blood of the family can inherit, even if the surname is different, and even the appearance has changed, but Can't obliterate the bloodline of the family."

Through it out. Sure enough, Europeans have different views from Asians. They seem to pay more attention to their own feelings, while Asians pay more attention to the feelings of others. In the event that the bloodline cannot be maintained, the Easterners will consider adopting a child. Although the child inherits the family name, it has nothing to do with the family at all. However, others will feel that this family is still continuing, so the family's face is preserved. Westerners are different. They don't care about the child's surname or what others say. Anyway, the child has his own bloodline.

I said to Filindier: "So, this time you came here to ask your elder sister to help you, right?"

Missile opened the mouth and said "Of course I will support her unconditionally. She has the best relationship with me in the family, so I will help her without her opening. She came here to ask me to be an intermediary, and the person who needs to request is you. "

"It looks like I hit the muzzle!"

"The gun is in your hand, you hit the handle of the gun at best." Mijiale said indifferently. : "Now it's up to you whether you can give me this face."

I laughed: "We thought of going together."

"Oh? Do you have something to ask me too? ?"

"Of course." I am very sincere and nodded. "Do you think I came here to date you all the way?"

"I don't think you are such an affectionate person." Misiel actually joked with me, this Is unprecedented. However, she quickly recovered and said: "Let’s talk. Your request."

"I just went to Arni. She has several types of troops that I need urgently, but she refuses. Sell ​​it to me. You should guess the terms."

Missol replied very quickly: "Okay, I don't want to attack Buffalo."

plate. "Miss Misangle, don't make jokes, okay?"

Misangle smiled and said a little bit: "Okay. I will give her back to the five occupied cities."

"Add another Bright City." I added.

"That stinky girl is she crazy?" Mi Jangle almost jumped from his seat.

I said indifferently: "Seriously, I actually don't think you are like Felendier at all. On the contrary, Al Ni is more like your younger sister! You two have the same character The mold is poured out."

"That mad woman, who is like her! I am a person of identity, like her kind of stinky girl who climbs up by nepotism?"< /p>

Huh? Al Ni relying on nepotism? Isn't she Ling's younger sister? Could it be...Could it be that Ling is bisexual, right?

"Well, please calm down first. I didn't make this request. Of course, I don't want to give her so much benefit, but I have to ask for help. There is really no way to do this! Otherwise Look, are you talking about your needs, I'll help you weigh it?"

Mi Sang Le took three deep breaths in a row, and then returned to his seat. She patted Filindil on the shoulder and motioned for her to speak. Felindir looked at me and said, "Since you left last time, there have been a series of situations in the Light God Palace headquarters here in France. The slut of Marilyn killed all my cronies after returning, Elder The courtyard was described as a traitor by her, and she was mobilizing her followers to attack us. We just joined Constantine Marshal Ding’s army, and the strength in our hands was not enough to resist her counterattack. My grandfather has died in the battle, and I am only here. The remaining three Elders are still alive, and the military seems to be on par with Marilyn. What’s worse, adventurers like you only seem to recognize the person occupying the main temple as Light God, so none of the quests we posted will pick up , On the contrary, adventurers are constantly coming and having trouble with us!"

After a little thought, I understood what the situation was. Players will not have any interest in the Battle of Supremacy of the two Goddess, unless it is a large guild like me, and there is enough power to intervene in a large guild of theocratic faction. The intersection of ordinary players and the temple only covers things such as the release of tasks and the promotion of professions, and these things are usually done in the temple. If you meet an angel in the wild, and he says he can help you with the transfer procedures, you will most likely think that you have encountered a liar. Similarly, the dedicated mission release channel of the temple is also the office of the temple agency. I haven't heard of angels sending missions all over the street, so few people will pick up Felindir and their missions. Such speaking of which seems to have to blame me. At first, I wanted to put Filendil and Marilyn in a state of balance, so that I could check their strengths. But I forgot to factor in the player's factor. As a result, the current Marilyn side seemed to be a bit too powerful, and Filindil was obviously about to be overwhelmed. If it weren't for being forced into desperation, she shouldn't have gone all the way to China to find Misangle for help.

"It seems that your situation is really bad enough, but I am unlikely to help you at the moment, because you should also know that the national war has begun. As the leader of the guild in the adventurer, There are so many things. I’m impossible to deploy my army to help you fight at this time, so that my people will not be enough!" , I know you have other methods. As long as you are willing to help my younger sister, I agree to your request."

Although I am happy in my heart, I still can’t agree to it immediately. NS. "That's it!" I deliberately pretended to be embarrassed. "The solution is not absolutely impossible, but it requires a lot of manpower. If you help me solve some of the strength problems in Mishale, I can consider drawing the second-line reserve team to help."

I have already agreed, and there is no reason to care about my little head. Mishaile said very readily: "As long as you don't drag me to help you fight, you can pick the other arms."

"I will be relieved with your words." I am proud. He stood up and said, "Then I will let the French side adjust its strategic deployment tomorrow, and take care of your forces. The little girl Marilyn is just developing more vigorously, and she is still a little girl no matter what. Too worried."

After hearing my consent, Mizile immediately began to comfort Filindil, and Filindil left the room happily. Mischel asked me exactly which units I wanted, and the quantity requirements, so that she could prepare.

Second day, I told the guild personnel in France to make strategic adjustments. Mijelle also quickly evacuated the people who occupied the city, but the city she let out was only more than 20,000 Population of micro cities. However, no matter how small it is, it is a city. I took the contract of this city and blocked Al Ni's mouth.

The conditions on both sides have been fulfilled, and both sides are very face-saving, and the soldiers I want are also concentrated in Isinger according to my requirements. Standing on the small square, I checked the general situation of the soldiers.

Celestial Court: The 1200-level Lingxiao Temple Guards have a total of 5,000 people, and the mounts use the 1,300-level Fire Qilin. The thousand-level Loose Immortal has a thousand people, and the mount is a six-hundred-level long spear.

Dark God Palace aspect: As the squad of the squad, there are 50 purgatory demons of the 1800s, which happens to be the fifth team. The mount is not needed, anyway, the devil can fly by itself. There are three thousand black demon archers of 1,500 level, and the mounts are 700 level shadow beasts.

Light God Palace: There are 1,000 guardian angels of level 1100. Because they can fly, they are not equipped with mounts. The 1,500-level rays of light Knight are 3,000 people, and the mounts are the 800-level light-winged Pegasus.

The three parties have a total of 13,050 people, and there are still 1,950 people short of being full, but there are few others. As long as the force in front of me has enough strategy for them to maneuver, it will not be a problem to kill hundreds of thousands of enemies. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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