Under our inquiry, the Martial God opened the screen displayed by Babel Tower. Two mountains appeared in the screen, but the area between the two mountains was completely dark. "This was called Gates of Hell before, but a sudden change occurred when the national war started. The black that covered the mountain suddenly appeared, and now there is an additional pass between the two mountains. After crossing this level You can enter the whirlpool of black, and when you walk out from the other end, you will find that you are in Japan."

"You mean this is a Transmission Gate?" Rose asked.

"Not only the Transmission Gate, there are even defensive checkpoints arranged for the convenience of defense. Moreover, because such Transmission Gates all appear in the central position of each country, once the checkpoint is lost, think again. Blocking the enemy, the probability is not great."

"In other words, the system has artificially set up a place for us to fight, right?"

Hawk said: "Compared For this, I think we should send people to control this place immediately. Once the Japanese occupy this place first, won’t we consume a lot of power to attack the city?"

"This is temporarily Don’t worry.” Jun Shinto: “At present, about 10 million players have spontaneously organized to block this level. In addition, in fact, it is not the Japanese who are currently attacking our level, but our players are attacking Japan. Human level."

"Didn't expect our country's players to be quite fierce?" Da Guofan said jokingly.

Military God corrected again: "It’s not fierce, but too much. Although our country’s current players assembled in this level are not organized, the basic number of players has already broken through 10 million, and Japan may be still I did not fully react. At this time, only local players were spontaneously blocking players from our country, and their number was only over one million, which was only one-tenth of our country’s attacking players."

Hong Yue smiled and said, "Is it good to have a large population!"

"The population of China is more than just a description." The military god showed us the picture of Haotianjing again. . What I saw in the mirror was a sea, and countless ships on the sea were fighting. However, unlike the previous naval battle between us and the Black Dragon, the ships on the sea are messy and there are all kinds of ships, and most of them are small wooden ships with a displacement of less than one ton.

The King Chuang, who is in charge of the maritime affairs of the bank, almost stuck to the mirror in surprise. "Damn, what are you doing? Is this a battle of a thousand ships?" The military god said calmly: "To be exact, it should be two hundred and seventy-three thousand and two hundred and four. This is The number does not include the opponent’s ship."

"Damn, more than two million ships? What a huge fleet!"

The military god said again: "Although the number is a lot, it exceeds Seventy percent of the ships have a displacement of less than one ton, and the total displacement is actually less than one third of the guild's fleet. In addition, this is not actually a fleet. First, they are not battleships. Second, they have no affiliation with each other. It’s just fighting together. In contrast, the Japanese ships are slightly better organized, but they are basically unorganized."

Rose said: "This is just a battle for ordinary idle players. The real Will Daxing participate in this kind of naval battle? With the displacement of the Biling-class battleship, even if it is driven from the middle of the battlefield, the waves it brings can overwhelm hundreds of ships."

Military God said again: "Because the storm belt on the sea is cancelled, the sea between the two countries is very calm now, so small ships can also communicate with each other, so there is the current battle. Before our guild participated in the war because of the impact of the storm belt , Battleships below 1,000 tons cannot cross the storm barrier at all, so most battleships are giant battleships. The national war actually started a long time ago. Our guild has been fighting against other countries. The current national war system is just Lowering the threshold, so that some ordinary players also get the opportunity to participate in the battle."

I am nodded. "Military God’s intelligence analysis is very accurate, but what I want to know is what can be used by us, and those things that need to be paid attention to." The first is the security issue. The National Warfare system comes with a national channel system. The Ghost Sect channel between the two mountains is one of them. According to reliable intelligence, there is actually more than one channel. Like Gates of Hell, it can be scaled by tens of millions. There may be two or three large passages in the town where the army is in formation, but we only found this one at the moment. In addition, there are some sporadic small passages that may be only a few meters wide, which will be as many as hundreds or even up. Thousands, all are hidden in various places in the country. For these reasons, after the start of the national war, infiltration will become relatively easy, our probability of being attacked will be greatly improved, and the days of peace as before will no longer exist. There is another one. Note that our enemies will not necessarily use conventional tactics. As a result of multi-channels, we cannot accurately estimate the enemy’s offensive intentions. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately intercept every attack of the enemy as before, so it must be set up. Mobile troops to deal with possible emergencies."

Asura purple clothed, who doesn’t know the identity of a military god, said: "A military god, are you studying military in reality? The analysis of the situation is very thorough. Ah!"

The military god replied at will: "I am from the military academy, this is nothing." This is a fixed rhetoric we arrange for the military god, and it can definitely comfort most people. Of course, those who really understand this line can still see that the military god is not simple.

After the military god said the precautions, he began to talk about things that could be used. "Things are always relative. There are many space channels, on the one hand, it increases the difficulty of our defense, on the other hand, it also reduces the difficulty of offense. The best defense is offense. Constant offense, the enemy has no time to fight back. Then you don’t need to defend at all."

Eagle frowned said: "That’s right, but the constant offensive requires too much investment. You should know when you fight, even if you punch frequently. It can oppress the enemy, but punching itself is a kind of physical exertion. If we keep standing in the offensive position, our consumption will be very great."

The god of war simply said: "I didn't Said to fight on their own. The national war is a full-scale war between countries, not a competition, and does not pay attention to the principle of one-to-one fairness. We also have two alliances, the Northern Alliance and the Warm Blood Alliance, and there are some in the country. For idle guilds and individual players, we don’t have to do everything on our own, so that our allies can share some of the things appropriately. There are hundreds of millions of players in our country, and at least half of them will participate in national wars. We have more manpower than enemies. , Although continuous punching consumes physical strength, we consume it, so there is no need to worry."

Rose nodded: "What about other aspects?"

"Other aspects should be paid attention to. It’s the penetration of NPCsystem. Just like what we did before, the NPC forces in Japan are actually not monolithic. Penetration and buying are feasible. At this point, Purple Moon has experimented countless times, and almost every time it succeeded, we You can continue to promote it."

The rose took me and said: "Yes! From now on, the part of the NPC in Japan will be handled by you."

"Don't! You guys! When I am a god? The two-faced factions can be divided."

"We want you to separate the two-faced factions. Guardian God in areas like Tianzhao is fundamentally impossible to rebel, and we do not expect you to win them all. Come here!"

"Scare me."

Military Shinto: "There are so many things to pay attention to, and the following is the overall strategic arrangement. Because we are already in Nine Provinces The island has established a forward base, and the Japanese power of Nine Provinces has been dispersed. Therefore, the first strategy is to fully control the Nine Provinces island and strive to completely integrate it into our territory."

Eagle Said: "Nine Provinces say it is big and small, and it is not small! Guerrilla warfare is no problem, complete control is impossible?"

Military Shinto: "Control is not equal to passive defense, as long as we The Japanese’s strategic offensive form remains the same, and the Japanese have no intention of dividing forces. Moreover, strategic defense does not focus on the battle between one city and one place. We can set aside mobile troops to engage in strategic defense and fight where the enemy is. Anyway, with ours Strategic delivery capabilities, this is easy to do."

Rose also helped the military gods: "The military god said that it was right. This time I dealt with Guangming Legion and I fully learned the combat capabilities of the special forces regiment, so we thought of a very special defense plan. "Speaking of Rose, he gestured to the military god for him to explain it.

The military god immediately said: "Based on the combat effectiveness of the celestial generals ordered from Celestial Court last time, we deduced a cost-effective formula and calculated from it. The results showed that: For Celestial Court pawns, the higher the level, the higher the cost-effectiveness. Therefore, we decided to expand a five-thousand-man battallion from the previous one-thousand-man scale, supplemented by some special forces of individual special arms, to form a fifteen thousand-man special battallion. The standards followed by this battallion are super individual strength and super high mobility. These 5,000 people must have the ability to face up to 150,000 regular troops, that is to say, at least a battle strength of one to ten. In addition, the speed must be fast, and it must have an absolute speed advantage. Even if the conditions are unfavorable, it can easily escape. "

I frowned and said: "Such a special Legion can definitely be formed, but it may cost more than an army of 150,000 people. "

Military Shinto: "That's right. Such a special Legion with a size of 15,000 people may cost equivalent to the cost of 300,000 regular troops, and its battle strength can only face 150,000 regular troops. However, such a team is destined not to be Used to fight the enemy head-on. They are daggers, they can't pierce shields, and they can cut swords constantly, but they can be inserted into the throat. Understand? "

"Understood. "I'm nodded. "Have you planned for arms procurement?" "

"Of course. "The military god handed over a scroll. "All the troops and equipment are available, but the price depends on you. "

I found that this list is like a drum-shaped napkin roll, grabbed the middle shaft and pulled it, but it didn't fully unfold. After pulling out almost ten meters of paper from it, it didn't reach the end. "Damn, why are there so many things? "

"Special Legion consumes a lot of money. What is this? "General Wu came in from the outside. "Regular special forces use more materials than this. Otherwise, why do you think that even the Americans dare to set up a few special forces instead of all special forces?" "

"Good fellow, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of items, right?" "I looked at the list and said: "Longer than the telephone bill record of the telecommunications bureau!" Wu grandfather, don't you think I can accomplish these things by myself? "

General Wu walked over and sat down and said, "It's not I think, but they think." "He finished speaking and pointed to the God of the Army. In fact, I know that General Wu is probably here to listen to the strategic arrangements of the Army God, and use this as a reference for reporting to the domestic high-level leaders.

After receiving the list, the military god began to arrange specific strategies. This part is quite professional. Almost all the people in our guild were deceived by the military god. Only the military general happily kept nodding his head. Anyway, there is a real military general. The soldier nodded admitted that the plan is feasible. Those of us who don’t understand strategy can just do it. It’s better than blindly commanding ourselves.

After the meeting, everyone will go to their own affairs. I But I started to worry about the list with the same volume of Toilet Paper. Everything on the list has a number. The first number is five zeros. I looked at the last mark and it turned out to be more than 70,000. There are more than 70,000 items to buy, not to mention the same kind of purchase, all of them can be exhausted by looking at them.

First, I went to ask Rose for help, but she was rejected and she wanted to arrange other things. , I have to do my own work. First find a place where no one can call out all the familiars that can appear in human form, and then release the ring tone Knight. Carefully classify the more than 70,000 items, of which there are 60,000 Many items are very common items, and they are directly handed over to 21 Ringtone Knights to help me handle them. Because the number is too large, I arranged for each of them two hundred evil spirit Knights, so the division of labor should be no problem. Yes.

There are more than 7,000 items remaining. I screened some of the less important items, and then found more than 6,000 items to distribute to those familiars with ordinary ability to do things separately. In the end, five more intelligent familiars, small dragon girl, Ling, Xiaochun, Yeyue, and II, are left, and then they are allocated one by one. The remaining 1,000 supplies are divided into most by five of them, and the rest are Some of the more than a dozen items are the most difficult things to do, and some just happen to be handled by me. I will be responsible for all of them.

I waved my hand after I assigned the task, and thousands of people hurried out and hurried out. This damn military god, I found out the last time I played Bright Legion. This kid is going to drain every bit of every soldier’s strength. The list given to me must be even my summon creatures when it was made. I also calculated it together. I just sent all my people out to complete all the tasks, and deliberately didn’t let me rest.

After the demons set off, I also started shopping. The first stop was Celestial Court. . The first item on the list is the general. These days will be the main unit of the special forces regiment, of course, it must be ranked first. Now we are in the honeymoon period with Celestial Court, and the relationship is very good. Celestial Court also has Transmission Formation, I Have relevant permissions, you can send it directly go. Once out of the Transmission Formation, South Heaven Gate is next to it. The guards knew me and went in after saying hello.

Passing through South Heaven Gate, I don’t have to go to Shenshan to purchase celestial troops and generals. I ran a lap first and found both Erlangshen and Sun Wukong. Erlangshen has always had a good relationship with us. I rescued Sun Wukong. Of course, I have to show some face. I explained my situation to them, and then asked them to be a support, and then went to see the Jade Emperor with me.

The Jade Emperor met me in his back garden. "It turned out to be Purple Moon! It's going to be a war soon. Why do you think of running me here?"

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the war." I smiled and said, "It's not There are not enough soldiers, are you here to buy soldiers?"

"Aren't you going to bargain again?" Yu Imperial Capital made me even scared to bargain. "Don't tell me, I won't do it. What else do you want to buy one get one free for 30% off takeout? I sell Heavenly Soldiers and not clay figures. Can you pay attention?"

"Me too I didn't say to counter-offer!" Actually, I was just about to say it, but it's a pity that the Jade Emperor is faster than me.

As soon as the Jade Emperor heard that it was not a counter-offer, he immediately eased a bit. "Since it's not a counter-offer, what are you doing here? Go to Dianbingshan to find Marshal Soldier and Horse."

I hurriedly said: "I'm not here to counter-offer, but...this We need some special units this time, but this is not a unit that can be sold, so we specially asked you to apply for it."

"The units that didn’t exist before? What do you want to buy?" The Jade Emperor gave me first. Take the vaccinations: "Say it first. I just listen to what soldiers you want, but I don’t necessarily promise you. Otherwise, would you also sell you if you want Chang'e from me?"

Why don't you buy Chang'e? Is it a comfort woman? Of course, this cannot be said, otherwise even if the Jade Emperor doesn't blame it, Chang'e will definitely be with me. She didn't have much power, but there were a bunch of nymphs behind her skirt, and I could be buried as long as I lifted my fingers. "Jade Emperor don’t be nervous, I only need three unique units. One is Loose Immortal."

"Loose Immortal?" Jade Emperor frowned said: "Theoretically, Loose Immortal is indeed a subordinate of our Celestial Court. , But it's called Loose Immortal, which means Idle Immortal, I can't adjust it!" The Jade Emperor meant to decline.

This old bastard, if you don’t see the rabbit, you will never scatter the eagle. I had no choice but to pretend to be indifferent: "Then the ring of discipline has been left for too long and I don't know if it can be used. I am planning to find a chance to test it!" This is to send the message to the Jade Emperor. You sell Loose Immortal to me, and I will let you try the effect of the ring of discipline once.

The Jade Emperor’s eyes rolled up in his sockets immediately, and then decisively said: “Since you asked for it, then I’ll try it! Although these guys don’t listen to the announcement, they are at least nominal. You have to listen to me. I will give them some benefits and then convince them. It should be no problem. But how much do you want?"

"One thousand."

Jade Emperor's The brow frowned again, but soon let go again. "One thousand is one thousand, you can afford it! But this price...?"

"Isn't it! The big head is for you to figure it out for me, and the small head still cares about me?"

The Jade Emperor is right to think about it. "Let's do it then! Sold at the highest price of the heavenly soldiers, so you don't need to pay the excess."

I smiled and nodded: "second, I want four thousand generals."

"Don't you have a heavenly general? You just buy it, and ask me what to do?"

"I don't want those ordinary heavenly generals, I want that kind." I pointed to the distance and stood at the garden gate Two days will be. This is the Jade Emperor’s personal guard level generals. The system attribute shows that they are over a thousand level characters. After the national war is started, the thousand levels can be displayed normally with the High Level level display, so you can definitely see that these guys are A superman of level 1,800 can be pushed to fill the sea with just a click, and battle strength can scare people to death. Of course I don't really want this kind of soldiers, because they don't have enough 4,000 in total. My name is Mantian bidding, and then I will wait for the Jade Emperor to land and pay back the money. The Jade Emperor was indeed frowned and refused. I pretended to be embarrassed and thought for a while, and then changed my words: "Since this doesn't work, how about the one that guards the Lingxiao Temple?" The existence of the thousand or two hundred ranks is not as perverted as these big bosses, but it is definitely a super powerful unit.

The Jade Emperor has already rejected it once, and it is difficult to continue to oppose it. Although he was not happy, he finally agreed. "Okay! Four thousand, right? Good guy, the Lingxiao Palace guards have been completely wiped out by you. It seems that the Lingxiao Palace will have to be guarded by low-level heavenly soldiers in the future!"

" Hehe, the Jade Emperor is really broad-minded and can tolerate Heaven and Earth!"

"Okay, stop shooting horses. Say, what do you want for the last unit?"

"I want five thousand Fire Qilin."

"Do you think it's a sheep? Where can I find you five thousand?" The Jade Emperor said angrily.

Actually, I know that the Jade Emperor has so many Fire Qilin, but he just refused to give it. However, I brought the support, so he won't let him go easily. Sun Wukong immediately said: "Isn't there a lot of Divine Beast farms in the Jade Emperor? Why are they not enough?"

"You...!" The Jade Emperor looked at me and finally figured out why I did it. Bringing two people here, it turned out to have been prepared long ago. "That's it! You guy deliberately came to suck blood! Okay! Five thousand Fire Qilin is five thousand Fire Qilin, but the price will not be too low, you are mentally prepared."

" At any rate, it is a Divine Beast of 1300, I know it in my mind." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support the original reading!)

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