There is no explanatory reminder. System just broadcasts the news that the national warfare system is about to open, and nothing else is said. There was a 30-second countdown before twelve o'clock, but when the time arrived, there was nothing. Many people waiting at the guild headquarters to prepare to participate in the national war together looked at each other dumbfoundedly.

"This is the beginning?" a player somewhere asked.

"Probably so?" The player next to him answered uncertainly.

In fact, there are many people like them. Everyone thinks that the beginning of the national war will be chaotic, and then there will be a large-scale war immediately, but the result is peaceful terrifying. However, things are not as simple as they seem on the surface. Although the system does not notify anything, it does not mean that nothing happened.

The people of our guild are all gathered in the communication command room used by the military god, which is connected to all the communications and intelligence system of the guild, so any information can be checked at any time here. I said to the military Shinto: "Under collecting the situation, the national war will not be nothing."

The military god replied with a dull voice: "The intelligence system is collecting the situation, and the result will not be available until tomorrow morning. Come out."

I helplessly say to everyone: "In this case, everyone should take the time to rest. Now that the national war has begun, it will not pass so easily."

Everyone follows My request was to go offline and rest, while Rose and I continued to stay and stare at the situation. Military God's prediction was a little more optimistic, and it wasn't until two or three o'clock in the afternoon on the 1st that all kinds of intelligence were gathered. Everyone gathered here again to listen to the military god's report.

The military god did not turn his head back. He continued to operate the console with both hands while still talking to us about the situation. "The intelligence shows that the national warfare system has indeed made a lot of adjustments, but there is no public notice. The first modification is that all NPCmonster EXP in the country is reduced to one-tenth of the original, and actively attacking monsters and killing the opponent will increase evil. Value."

The king of Chuang immediately asked in surprise: "Killing monsters also add evil value? How to level up?"

"The evil value is only for the monster in the country, any If a country’s patriarch attacks and kills monsters of the country where one’s nationality is located, they will be dealt with according to the player's PK, and EXP is greatly reduced. However, when attacking non-national monsters, EXP not only does not decrease, but instead increases by 5%. Killing. The monster of another country does not increase the evil value. If you kill the monster of the hostile country, you can increase the justice value or offset the evil value."

Rose rubbed her temples and said: "That is to say, the system puts the country within the range The division of NPC forces into the nation’s battle strength is one of the nation’s battle strengths. Military god, did the system also cancel the active offensive of monsters at the same time?"

"Yes." Answered: "The monsters of their own country will no longer actively attack their own players. Unless it is an organized NPC team like the Temple or Celestial Court, and has a high degree of evil with someone or a certain force, they will actively attack, otherwise the monsters will not attack. Actively attack their own players. However, the monsters of each country will treat non-national players differently. If the two countries are allies, they will not actively attack. If the two countries are unrelated countries, they will decide whether to actively attack according to the previous habits of monsters. If the country is a hostile relationship, the monster will take the initiative to attack unconditionally, and it will be extremely ferocious."

Gold coin said: "The rose, you guessed it, is true! In this way, the invaders will not be equivalent during the national war. Is it hard work?"

I said: "The system is to make the intruder more difficult. This is a balancing measure. But fighting a defensive battle will become relatively simple, so that it will be relatively fair to the weaker forces. "

Military God continued: "Monster counterattack is only one of them. According to information, there are free NPCs in the city in the same situation as monsters."

"Free NPCs Isn't it not offensive?" Hong Yue asked.

"After the national war starts, all free NPCs will have a certain attack power according to the plot setting, and show different reactions according to their own personality settings. All free NPCs have emotional attributes and become patriots, Neutrals and traitors. The Patriot NPC will actively support allies and players in the country, and attack the enemy players. Neutrals are neutral to everyone. Traitors and patriots are completely opposite, and will take the initiative to help enemy players and attack players in the country. In addition, in addition to free NPCs, community combat NPCs like Celestial Court members and Monster Race will also have similar personality tendencies, but will not be as messy as free NPCs. Most of them will tend to be patriotic, and such groups will appear. The probability of a traitor is very low."

Rose interrupted: "Can these NPCs be bought?"

"According to intelligence, it seems that they can be bought, but most of them can be bought. The members are concentrated in an organized NPC team. Among free NPCs, only neutrals can buy, traitors do not need to buy, patriots cannot buy."

"That's good." Rose nodded with a smile. "It seems that we have something to do in the future."

"Are you going to buy people's hearts again?" Gold coin asked.

"I am trying to minimize unnecessary wars." Rose retorted and asked the military god: "What other changes are there to tell us."

The military god continued: " In addition to the changes in NPC, there are also changes in the natural environment. First, the isolation zone disappeared."

"It disappeared? How did it disappear?"

"It probably disappeared suddenly. "Jun Shendao: "I checked with the Babel Tower's detection capabilities. The storm zone between China and Japan has disappeared, and a large number of passages have appeared on the mountain range with neighboring countries. The German side The intelligence personnel said that an earthquake was discovered, and then a lot of passages appeared between Germany and neighboring countries. I guess that all countries are the same and have established passages between each other. There is even a spatial connection between Japan and the United States. Underground passage. After entering the passage in Japan, it will appear in the United States. There must be a space for system connection."

Rose nodded and said: "These are probably for the convenience of different countries A passage specially prepared for national warfare. However, is it only the removal of sea passage restrictions between us and Japan?"

"Of course it is more than that." Jun Shinto: "We have another major discovery. "

"Oh? What is the discovery?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support the original reading!)


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