The huge column of lava erupted like a volcanic eruption. After the lava was scattered, a huge red humanoid object appeared above the lava lake.

"It's Fire Essence, Ivorite!" Calliobi exclaimed. "Why is there a monster of Divine Grade here?"

Crystal Flame also exclaimed: "Run, when he starts attacking, no one can escape!"

"Wait. This doesn't seem to be Ivoryt." It's so red that it's more familiar.

I have the same opinion as her. I have seen the real Ivorite, and it is indeed very similar to the thing in front of me, but this is definitely not Ivorite. The god of forging encountered under Mount Everest once said that Ivorite was originally a mechanical lifeform he built. Later, he himself was attacked by the gods and forced to seal himself in absolute space, while Ivorite was Replaced his power to become the new god of forging, and concurrently as the king of flames. According to the description of the god of blacksmithing, Ivorite should be a completely independent mechanical creature, but although the thing in front of him looks like a mechanical puppet at first glance, his forehead is inlaid with an external command. Flame article, obviously this big guy is a controlled magic body that accepts orders to act, not an autonomous lifeform, at least not a completely autonomous lifeform.

I was flying in the air looking at the big guy below, and he also lifts the head and looked at me. The structure of this guy is like a magic puppet, the only difference is that it is larger and slimmer. The red body is covered with complex and mysterious golden patterns. His eyes are V-shaped flame crystals, and the red ones are scary. The beautifully structured arms and long legs look very slender, but the metal structure of the body should be stronger than ordinary creatures, especially those with angular edges, which are completely a murder weapon. I can conclude that this guy has a super high The speed and perfect attack power.

The red crystals in the eyes of the big guy staring at me suddenly lit up, and I hurried down in shock. A red ray flew past my wings, melting away some of my metal feathers. The ray directly hit the rock behind, and that place instantly turned into a large mass of lava and rolled down the lava lake.

"The sun is a heat ray." Calliobi yelled at me: "That's a forbidden spell of the flame element. Don't block it, you can only hide."

"Of course I know. Damn, I melted my wings!"

The red machine body found that it missed a hit, and suddenly a pair of wings popped out with a click from behind. This is a fiery-red metal wing made of some metals, beautiful and tempting, but I would rather not see this thing myself at the moment. A bright white flame suddenly spurted from the back of the mechanical body, and the huge mechanical lifeform over seven meters high actually rushed towards me directly.

"I'm dizzy, why does this guy have a jet engine?" I hurriedly let go. The mechanical body turned over in the air, hitting the volcanic crater's rock wall with both feet first, and then squatted under pressure to counteract the impact. When the legs were bent to the limit, his jet engine regained its power, and at the same time, his legs straightened out abruptly, assisting the acceleration of the body with the jumping force. The strong power produces the strong speed, and I have no time to react, because in my eyes he seems to be a Fireball on the wall and rushes up again.

"Dragon Flame Jet." A yellow smoke suddenly crossed in front of me. The mechanical body slammed into the smoke and lost the target. I was dragged out by Xiaofeng.

"Damn little reptile, don't you know that flame spirits are not afraid of fire?" The mechanical body showed its shape from the smoke. His voice is full of steel feeling like his appearance, and the tremolo voice is quite clear and penetrating. It can be heard clearly in this volcanic crater with severe echo.

The plague appeared above the guy and said proudly: "Of course I know you are not afraid of fire, but who told you that dragon flames are fire?"

The mechanical body is only at this time. Realizing something, I lowered my head to find that my body was bubbling with yellow bubbles, and brown oxide appeared in many places. "Strong acid?" The mechanical body looked up angrily at the plague. "Are you Royal Family?" Among the giant dragons, only the Royal Family Dragon Flame can choose a variety of forms, and the general giant dragon has only one flame.

"Fool, this is sour, just now I just served you some appetizers." This sound came from a tank, with a huge body floating in midair. Although they are beetle, beetle can also fly. A cloud of dark green solution fell from the sky. The mechanical body hurriedly used his arm to block it, and the green solution hit his left arm and splashed out, making him all over. There was a chuckle on the body of the mechanical body immediately, and smoke began to be emitted from all the places where it was stuck to the solution, especially his arm, which obviously collapsed at a speed that naked eye could see. With a sudden creak, half of his arm was broken, and peng sound fell into the lava below.

The mechanical body looked at the half of his left arm, and then looked at the tank on it. "I will make you pay."

I yelled at the tanks: "Flash, here he takes advantage, let's leave the volcanic crater first."

Listen to everyone. When it came to me, I immediately withdrew. Only then did I know that this huge volcanic crater was in a large desert, surrounded by endless sands. Obviously, this mission doesn't need to travel much, the mission goal should be directly related to this guy.

Although the temperature in the desert is not low, compared with volcanic crater, it can be said to be cool and pleasant! When the mechanical body chased out from the inside, there was no problem in the whole body, which shocked me. "How did he recover?"

Xiaofeng said: "Fire represents creation and rebirth, so fire creatures almost have a certain degree of demobilization ability. Top fire creatures like us can basically be reborn from the ashes."

"Damn, how do you deal with an undead monster?" Carrie Obi asked.

"Simple." I waved. "Anna, take the frozen ray."

The mermaid is a Water Element creature, and the ice attribute is the Water Element high level version, which is mainly to strengthen the attack power and reduce the healing ability. This frozen ray is an ice attribute single forbidden spell, which corresponds to the thermal energy ray emitted by the mechanical body before. As soon as Anna came out, she immediately fired a freezing ray, but suddenly there was a shield burning with a blazing flame in front of the mechanical body. The ray instantly froze the shield, and then the shield exploded with a bang, failing to cause any harm to that guy.

The mechanical body seemed to realize that Aanna's rays were dangerous for him, and turned around to face us, his eyes flashed again. "Not good, it's a heat ray again." I pushed Amina out, but the ray directly hit my arm.

"Ah!" I hugged my scorched arm and fell out in pain.

"Is there anything wrong? The formidable power is so big?" Carrie Obi clapped his hands behind him. "Sisters, it's our time. Can't let the president do the task alone?"

The MMs immediately called out: "Of course."

A large group of MMs are all I took out my weapon from the space wrist wheel on the wrist. I distributed this wrist wheel to them. After all, it was the high level of the guild as the battle strength measurement. It should be better for the welfare. As soon as the piles of musical instruments came out, they immediately set up their posture, and under the direction of Kalliobi, a song "The Voice of Fascination" rang.

The mechanical body looked towards those MMs. "Hahahaha, I am a mechanical lifeform, and my mind is fully immune. Your music is useless."

"What about this?" The four dancing angels bounced forward on the ground and quickly rushed to the machine. In front of the body. The mechanical body completely ignored their approach, and suddenly a lot of things like blinds on his body bounced, a burst of air visible through naked eye swept out, and the sand on the ground quickly began to crystallize.

"Not good, go back quickly, you can't post it." Zhen Hong cried out.

The four angels felt the heat wave of assaults the senses before they approached. They made a neat stop and jumped back. The louvered exhaust vent of the mechanical body closed again with a bang, but the ground under his feet had completely crystallized.

"hahahaha, I said you can't move me." The machine clamored triumphantly.

He was smiling triumphantly, but Zhen Hong suddenly fell from the sky, directly on top of his head. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Type 80-Ground Burst." A Divine Dragon flew out from the red fist, and the dragon head hit the top of the mechanical body directly. The crystalline ground under his feet instantly cracked, and then the whole Turning it over, the whole body of the mechanical body immediately began to sink, and the whole body was shot into the sand, even the top of the head was invisible.

After True Red landed on the ground, he swiftly took off on the spot, and quickly jumped away. The sand where the machine body was photographed just now suddenly bowed upward, with a muffled sound, and then collapsed and formed. A big hole. A shock wave spread out in the sand, and the sand wave swept across our feet like a sea tide, showing how big the impact is.

True Red fell into the crowd, weakly saying: "Almost burnt, this guy is at least a thousand degrees around. Fortunately, I have Heavenly Fire true essence protection, otherwise it must be finished."

"Did you kill it?" I asked Real Red.

Zhen Hong shook his head: "I didn’t hear the prompt, I probably didn’t kill it!"

As soon as Zhen Hong finished speaking, the ground suddenly lifted up, a fiery-red silhouette from Popped out from under the ground. "You bastards completely irritated me, and you have to pay for it."

"hmph, if you have the ability, kill us, if you don't have the ability, don't speak big words." Zhenhong stood up, With a fierce fist and a click, the two dragon heads on the arm of Qianjin Fist slid forward, and the mechanical padlock instantly positioned the dragon head structure, and her both fists were wrapped in the dragon head. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist 3rd Style-water cut." A golden fist wind blew, and the flame on the mechanical body suddenly extinguished. "Quick, chance." Zhen Hong collapsed after speaking. It seemed that the sound from the high temperature was too serious and the body circulation had a problem.

The body protection of the mechanical body has the flame blown away. This is a good opportunity. "Tank." I turned back yelled.

The tank quickly unfolded, and the magic light transmitter was raised on its back. "All away." A white beam of light pierced the space, and even the sun in the sky became dim. The machine body was hit directly, and it was bombed out for several kilometers, and it stopped after hitting the volcano with a boom. The launcher on the back of the tank rotated an angle, and the other barrel was rotated out. "Second shot." Boom, a purple shell flew out.

The mechanical body noticed the flying shells, and quickly climbed out of the pit on the ground and rolled over to let the shelling out, but he didn't run far enough, and the blast wind blew him out, and We noticed that there seemed to be a big hole in his body, probably caused by the magic light attack just now.

The mechanical body rolled over after landing, then stood up and touched his wound, then he roared towards the sky in anger. But I don't have the habit of watching people barking there. "Tank, hit his wound with a strong acid bomb."

Boom. A green slime ball flew out, and the mechanical body was slammed backwards. Then the strong acid burned a huge gap in his waist, and we could even see the dense crystal structure inside. This guy is indeed a magical creature, and his body is actually full of machinery.

After another roar, a red flame suddenly ignited on the mechanical body, and his wound healed quickly at a speed visible to naked eye.

"Damn, this guy can automatically repair it outside!" Gold coin scolded.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw the machine suddenly fell forward, supporting the ground with both arms and turning into a kneeling position. , And then suddenly a red arc flashed on his body. In our sight, the machine parts on the guy's body started to move. His hind legs became a little shorter after folding. Some parts were turned out to strengthen the legs, and the arms were also modified, especially his palms. It turned into a claw. His body did not change much, but a long tail like an iron whip appeared behind his butt, and his head spread out to both sides, a sharp mouth protruded from the front, and then the head merged and fixed the mouth again. Department.

"Damn, how did it deform?"

The humanoid machine body has turned into a rare beast of steel like a lion. After the transformation was completed, he yelled up to the sky, his voice was no longer as crisp as before, and now there was only a vigorous roar.

Carlioubi said: "What the hell is this? How come it became a Garu beast? Everyone quickly collects the instrument and flashes the human, he moves very fast, there is no time for you to play music."< /p>

Kalliobi is so prescient that he just bowed his head and jumped up as soon as he finished transforming. The tank’s launcher turned, but it never fired. I couldn’t help but ask: "Why haven’t you fired yet."

"He’s too fast, I can’t follow."

" Put your cannon away first, this The guy is not suitable for long-range weapon attacks." I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space. "Yeyue, Ling, Xiaochun, come out and help. Give me all the giant dragons, and also the small dragon girls. Scythes and stingers, ready to assist in the attack." Transformed into a silver moon shape, and then put the red feathers and steel teeth also Put it out. Revert to Purple Moon form again. "Walk around and kill him for me."

"As you bid." The demons attacked together.

The mechanical body has been transformed into a mechanical beast, and the speed is more than ten times faster, and it rushes up when running on the ZigZag line. Xiaosan and Lucky rushed up first, the guy was too fast, and rushed between the two in a flash. But fortunately, there was no disappointment, and a smug smile flashed in his eyes. "It's a hit."

The mechanical beast suddenly lost its balance as it ran, and its whole body fell forward violently. It turned out that Lucky and Xiaosan are still pulling a crystal thread. This is the super-high tensile spider silk contributed by the sickle, and it is not afraid of high temperatures, otherwise it can't hold this high-speed moving guy. Taking advantage of the chance of him falling on a big horse, the sickle immediately spewed a white silk ball. There is a thread attached to the silk ball. When the silk is stretched straight, the silk ball suddenly expands into a big spider web. As soon as the mechanical beast got up from the ground, a spider web fell from the sky. He wanted to run, but it was a pity that he got up late, and he was tied up by spider web before he could run.

Actually, spider web simply can't stand the pull of mechanical beasts with the tensile ability of spider web, but spider web has the advantage of good flexibility. No matter how the mechanical beast stretches in the net, he can't make the net be pulled to the limit length. As long as the limit length is not exceeded, the wire on the net will not be broken, which has nothing to do with strength. The mechanical beast trapped in the net struggled desperately, but couldn't get out.

Gangfang leaped up from the side and bit the back of the mechanical beast's neck, then made a fierce force. We all heard a sour metal twisting sound, Gangtooth's mouth was closed, but the head of the mechanical beast was pulled down. Gangfang held the mechanical beast's neck that was about to be broken, and slammed him out with a sharp turn. The mechanical beast entangled in the net fell to the ground with a bang.

Yeyue's eyepiece flashed. "Petrochemical." The wound of the mechanical beast instantly turned into stone. The most troublesome problem for this guy is that it can heal automatically, but the wound cannot be healed if it is petrified. This is our tactic.

"ao!" The mechanical beast uttered a roar, and then rolled to the other side. The wound of Yeyue Petrification actually began to melt into lava, and then healed again.

"I rely on it, this is impossible to subdue?"

"Ling, Xiaochun, it's up to you."

Ling hit me OK gesture, and then one step forward. "The dimension is critical-points." In the sky, a large number of small black crescents suddenly appeared, and then with Ling's staff pointed, those things immediately flew toward the mechanical beast like a rainstorm.

After a silent torrential rain, the mechanical beast oh la la turned into a pile of parts and fell to the ground. He was actually cut into pieces by Ling Qi. Ling fell weakly to the ground. "Huh, it's been a long time since I tried such a high level magic. Last time I used it to deal with High God. This time it's cheaper for you."

"Find the core." Kali Obi suddenly Cried. "This kind of thing that can be automatically reorganized must have a core, and you can deal with it when you get that thing."

After listening to it, we quickly searched for it, and sure enough, we found a burning in the pile of parts. A red crystal ball with flames. "It's that thing."

As soon as I was about to rush over, all the parts of the mechanical beast flew up, and they regrouped in front of us and returned to a human form. "You don't want to deal with me. No one can take the Blazing Crystal Stone from my care, except for the great Jiaha."

"Hold on, who are you talking about? Do you know Jiaha archmage?"

"Huh? Have you heard of it? Father's name?"

"Father?" I was stunned. "Aren't you a magic puppet made by Jiaha like Norin?"

"Norrain? Do you know my elder sister?"

"Your elder sister?"

"Yes." Mechanical body nodded and said: "After my father made me here, he asked me to guard the flame crystals here. He also told me that I have an elder sister named Norin. I still watch I’ve seen the magical image of elder sister. But isn’t elder sister living in the studio on the island of mysterious? Why do you know elder sister?"

Good fellow. After a long time, this guy was actually Jiaha’s creation, and he was made after Norin, so he became Norin’s younger brother. But this guy seems to have never left this place, his mission should be just a guard.

Since I knew it, it was easier to handle. Compared to the level of fighting, I actually have better communication skills. "Since we are our own, it seems we have misunderstood." I said: "Your elder sister Norin is already the technical consultant of our guild. You should join us like her."

"I can't leave here. Father asks me to guard here when he leaves."

"What about the Jiaha people?"

"Father left many years ago."


It seems that Jiaha's whereabouts are still a mystery. "Do you know where your father is?"

The mechanical body shook the head. "I don't know."

It's really troublesome. "So what would you do if your elder sister told you to leave here?"

"Of course I listen to elder sister if my father is not here."

"That's good." hehe, Noreen It has much higher intelligence than this machine, and has not received any direct commands, so her thinking is no different from that of an ordinary person. I have had feelings with us for such a long time and trust us very much. It is absolutely not a problem to use her to get this machine into our guild. "Your elder sister really wants you to come to us, so you'd better follow us."

"But elder sister is not here, what do you do if you lie to me?"

faint! It's not that he doesn't understand anything when his intelligence is so low.

"Then if I bring your elder sister here, would you like to follow us?" I asked the machine body.

"If you can bring the elder sister, and she is willing to let me follow you, of course it will be fine."

"Well, I will ask someone to take her Come."

Now that this place has Jiaha's footprint, it should be a certain location on the normal map, not a special mission space. But I don't know exactly where it is, and there is no way for Norin to come over. The missions of Ruyi Altar are all one-time transmissions. If you want to send someone over again, unless the other party makes a wish to enter this space and then complete a mission to get there, it's too slow. I thought of a simpler way, first let Rose install Norin into the Phoenix Space. Although Fenglong Space cannot hold living creatures other than Familiars, Norin is a mechanical lifeform and is no longer in this category. After that, as long as I use the ring of love summon rose to my side, Noreen will naturally be brought over. But before that, we have to ventilate well. In case Norin doesn't agree with this guy to go with us after Norin arrives, it will be troublesome.

First contact Rose with the ring of love. Rose listened to me and immediately went to talk to Noreen. She did not object to this younger brother joining our guild. Besides, she herself I don’t know if there is this younger brother. This mechanical body was built after Jiaha left Norin, and Norin simply didn't know that there was such a mechanical body similar to himself.

After reaching an agreement, Rose and Noreen took her to my side. When Norin saw this mechanical body, she ran over excitedly. "Didn't expect is really father's work."

"Elder sister, I am Inverite, I am so happy to meet you. I haven't seen my relatives since father left. "There must be a judging mechanism with similar identification codes between the two mechanical lifeforms. Noreen simply didn't know the younger brother before, but immediately after meeting they confirmed the authenticity of each other, indicating that they have their own set of judging system.

The two mechanical lifeforms are like two long-lost relatives. After they met, they chatted happily. I forgot all of us. I had to come out and pull them away in person to end their relationship. conversation. However, the content of their conversations is not worthless. I know from their conversations that Jiaha was still alive thirty years ago, because this mechanical lifeform called Inverite was only thirty years old, that is Said that the completion time is not long.

This Inverite is not the real Fire Essence Spirit King Inverite, but named after the Fire Essence Spirit Inverite. Through Norin, I roughly understand that the original design intentions of Inverite and Norin are completely different. They seem to represent two completely different evolutionary directions of mechanical lifeform. Norin’s design goal is to be infinitely close to humans. Of course, this refers to intelligence and appearance, not to learn with the fragile human body. Norin's abilities are mainly concentrated in academic research and management skills, that is, as a research or engineering staff, or as a leader. Ivorite’s abilities are completely different. His design ideas seem to be developing in the direction of fighter aircraft. Ivorite's body aims at high defense and low weight, with super agility and super attack power, as well as some very special abilities, such as deformation.

Ivrit’s ability to transform is not just a form. We only found that he can switch between a human form and a wild beast form that resembles a lion, but in fact he also has a fort. Form, an aircraft form, and a flying fish form. Human form is his main form. At this time, he can use weapons, and various attributes are relatively average. When encountering too many enemies, using this form can avoid ordinary switching forms. The wild beast form is a form that pays attention to speed and attack power, but the defensive power will be relatively reduced, and the weapon will not be used. The turret form is completely opposite to the wild beast form. At this time, he will completely lose the ability to move, but will gain four to five times the defensive power and recovery speed, while greatly increasing the long-range attack power. Needless to say, the aircraft form and the flying fish form, these are two mobile forms specially used for long-distance movement in the air and underwater.

Ivrit’s energy comes from ambient temperature, which makes me jealous. The guild’s single monster battle strength exceeds the sum of ten players with an average level, and can play a more important role than players in various tasks. Moreover, the synergy of the magic puppet Legion is also very terrifying. The magic puppet Legion can unite the pace like a person, and cooperate seamlessly with each other. At the same time, the magical immunity of the magic puppet to the mind system, curse system, most of the rhythm system, and part of the undead system is much better than the player and the general NPC mercenary. But the magic couple has to be driven by a very rare red-stripe magic crystal, and a magic crystal is full of energy only enough to drive them for a few hours. It really makes me love and hate it. Love them to fight like War God, hate them for spending money like water! But Ivorite can actually rely on environmental heat to work, this attribute is too awesome, right? The number of high level magic puppets in this guild is still only about 1,000. The others are puppets modified with the help of Immortal Technique. The battle strength cannot be compared with the magic puppets. The only advantage is that they can be manufactured in large quantities. But if we can get the technology of Inverite, then we can make magic puppets as much as we want, and no longer have to break the head with others for a red-lined magic crystal mine.

In addition to deformation and energy system, self-healing technology is also one of the core technologies of Inverite. This guy seems to be able to recover any physical damage as long as he consumes a certain amount of energy. Of course, the core must be intact, and there is no way for that thing to self-repair. Ivorite’s energy for self-cultivation comes from the energy absorption device in the body. This thing not only provides energy for body movement and releases energy attacks after absorbing environmental heat, but also serves as a source of energy for self-repair. It is not that the energy in the ambient temperature is zero when it is zero. Only absolute zero is there really no environmental energy at all. Even if the thermodynamic temperature scale is one degree, there is environmental energy. Of course, Ivorite’s absorption capacity is not so good that it can work as usual at this temperature. His limit is one hundred degrees below zero. Below this temperature, he can only switch to back-up energy until it runs out. But as long as it reaches minus 40 degrees, he will lose his continuous self-study ability. If he wants to self-study, he must reduce exercise to save energy. But despite this, self-study is still a very strong ability, especially when he is in a high temperature environment, it is almost invincible.

In addition to the above three main technologies, many of Inverite's small technologies are also worth learning, so I was impossible to let him go. Fortunately, although Norin confirmed that this was her younger brother, she didn't think it would be bad to join our guild. Anyway, they are magic puppets, and the idea of ​​freedom is meaningless to them. On the contrary, they like to be ordered and arranged by others, and they are not used to deciding how to live by themselves. In our guild, everything they need can be met, and things they don’t like will not happen. What else can we do without joining us?

However, after joining the guild, Ivorite did not join the guild in the same way as Norin. Noreen is just a guild consultant, Ivorite has become a favorite by me. I just wanted to try whether the system allows mechanical lifeforms to become familiars. Didn’t expect it to be okay. What makes everyone more depressed is that mechanical lifeforms seem to be more suitable for familiars than other lifeforms, especially ordinary person. Favorite. Because all mechanical lifeforms can automatically shrink the core form of Small Accomplishment. After becoming a Familiar, Ivorite turned into a necklace. The name is Mechanical Heart. If you throw him out when you need to use it, you can naturally restore the fighting form. Unlike other Familiars, they need space magic for shipment. The mechanical pet itself is a space item. Instead of shipping tools, it can provide a small space with a volume of more than ten cubic meters, which is specially used to store commonly used items.

Finally, Ivorite gave me a surprise. He was actually a humanoid pet and gave me two more seats.

After Ivorite became his own, the task of Qunrui was also solved smoothly. These spars guarded by Inverite are mission items, and it is just right to inlay these things on the drums and armor of Qunrui. Qunrui’s great encouragement itself is a fierce and fiery dance. After adding the Fire Crystal stone, it becomes a high level Fire Element attack dance, which can produce fire magic damage. And the red spar matches her equipment and the color of the bass drum is just right.

After the mission was completed, everyone was directly teleported back to the altar, but I encountered a very embarrassing problem. Rose and Noreen were actually left there! At the beginning of the mission, there were no two of them. When I returned, the altar didn't bring them back. As a result, I had to wait for the cooling time of my ring of love to summon them back. But Rose said that before that, she would first look for a way out, and if she could come back by herself, she wouldn't need me to summon her.

We did not rest after we came back. In accordance with the order of the lottery, the next turn will be the outfit of the four dancing angels. After understanding the needs of the four dancing angels, everyone chose the equipment that matched each other in order to meet the problem, and finally came up with a compromise opinion. After I read my opinions and started to make a wish, the altar started again, and we were already there in the next second...Huh? Sky?

"Ah...!" We only felt a collective fall under our feet. How could this damn altar find these dangerous places to teleport?

Our position is obviously quite high. It was already two seconds later when we reacted, but even then we can only see the clouds below, not even knowing what is underneath. The small faces of a few MMs have been scared long ago, the game is too realistic, the excitement of falling high is not suitable for everyone, a group of MMs called it miserable.

I directly came out the small dragon female summon and finished it at once. The gravity array of the small dragon female is very slippery. In addition to increasing the gravity and affecting the enemy’s agility, it is also possible to reduce the gravity of one’s own person. of. When the gravitational force we receive is weakened to 3% of the normal value, the speed of falling has become very slow, and landing at this speed will not hurt at all.

Because the speed of the excitement stopped, everyone became quiet. I rode on Ye Ying and gathered everyone in the chaos one by one. Really red and gold coin don't care at all, they both have flying mounts. In fact, these MMs are equipped with unicorn Pegasus, but they suddenly appeared in midair and were scared.

After everyone calmed down, I asked them to summon their respective guardian long spears. As long as they are regular members, the guardian long spears of the guild will have them, and this kind of ultra-high altitude area long spear is better than Pegasus. After everyone was ready, I also replaced Ye Ying with Asuka, and took back the small dragon girl.

Started Star pupil and looked

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