"Stop, who are you?" An angel suddenly appeared at the entrance of the garden. He screamed without waiting for us to answer. "Invaders, guards, guards!"

The crash-bang's footsteps suddenly sounded, and the soldiers in the heavy armor of the battallion rushed in from the outside with the long spear. These people seemed to be ready for a long time. The same, as soon as we came in, it quickly expanded into a circular encirclement, enclosing us in the middle.

The angel who first spotted us suddenly noticed the two angels lying under our feet and immediately screamed. "These people dared to hurt the Angel Guard, and immediately arrest them all."

oh la la The long spears of the soldiers slanting upwards all straightened and pointed at us. I hurriedly stretched out my hand: "Hold on!"

The soldiers didn't hear at all, still holding the long spear to move closer to the center. I look around, there is really nothing I can do, I have to find a way to go out before talking. "Everyone, get ready to fight. It seems that you can't be good today!"

"Fearing that he would have a ball, I slapped it and rounded it to see if they were still arrogant." Gold coin pointed the Heavenly Venerable sword at Standing in front of him. "The gods came to the world-coming to the army." As she said, she threw out a handful of small red pills. As soon as those red pills fell on the ground, a small cloud of smoke exploded, and then a person wearing red appeared on the spot. Soldier in crystal armor. Gold coin was relieved after seeing these soldiers. "Huh, fortunately, I have just trained into this big formation recently. Otherwise, I will suffer!"

True red patted her, and gold coin looked at it suspiciously, not knowing what she meant. Zhen Hong pointed at her back, and Gold Coin looked back and found a golden gate standing behind her. I am leaning against the door frame. "You blocked the exit!"

Gold coin hurriedly saluted us, then flashed aside dingyly, causing the girls behind to burst into laughter. Although scattered beans turns into soldiers very difficult to deal with, but after all those soldiers, the gold coin is not so great that you can throw a Legion out. But I am not the same, we are crowded. The Ringtone Knights rushed out with the evil spirit Knight. The soldiers on the periphery were not able to look at him enough, and they were all brought down soon. I rushed over and pressed the angel to the ground, with the Eternal Sword on his neck.

"Be honest."

"You don't want to get any information from me." This angel is quite stubborn.

I input a little magic power, and the eternal tip immediately burned with a small black flame. Putting the tip of the sword against the angel's facial skin, there was a scream of exhaustion. I pressed the angel's body hard, although he couldn't move but he was still shaking. "How are you now? Tell me what I want to know, or be slowly burned by me? A soul like you is the best fuel for the soul flame. Do you want to be a firewood or a guide?"

"I... I said... What do you want to know?" The angel couldn't bear the piercing pain. The flames of hell burn the angel's body more vigorously than other things. No wonder angels and demons are enemies. It turns out that even the basic attributes are hostile to each other.

Since this guy is willing to cooperate, it will be easier. I took a breath, the flame went out instantly, and the angel immediately fell silent. "Now tell me where this is."

The angel's eyes flashed with suspicious rays of light. "You sneak attack, don't we know where this is?"

"If you know, I still ask you? We followed those two guys."

"You are Frost The person?" The angel looked towards me in surprise.

"Just know." I patted his face and said: "Tell me where the stinky girl Marilyn is, I'll go find her to reason."

The angel was stunned. one time. "Who are you talking about?"

"Mariline, Marilyn Xiyuda, who else can there be? Women's mental disorder Goddess!"

"You You...!" The angel was very angry and surprised. He was angry that I actually called their Goddess mental disorder, and he was surprised that I actually knew the name of Goddess. What's more, he didn't even know what Goddess of Light was. The name of Goddess in the temple is taboo, not everyone can know.

"What are you? Beware of me burning you again. Take me to Marilyn."

"If you burn me to death, I won't take you there. See Goddess." The angel suddenly turned to death, and it was probably stimulated!

I suddenly heard a strange sound of footsteps outside. The angel who was suppressed by me showed a proud danger. "Haha, you're done, the angel guard is here, and you are dead this time."

Before I had time to sneer, a large group of angels rushed in. Those who were subdued by Ringtone Knight and the evil spirit Knight just now are only human guards in the temple. They serve as any usual patrols. It is these angels who really have battle strength, but they are like special police. When it's their turn to go out, they won't show up as soon as they come up.

The angels who rushed in saw me squatting on the ground while pressing an angel, and immediately rushed up. First, an Archangel long sword swept it from bottom to top like a golf ball. when. After a metal crash, Archangel took a long back four or five steps to stop, and another pretty silhouette was completely motionless in front of me.

Lingling glanced back at me. "Is the master okay?"

"Of course. Such a small character can't hurt me."

The Archangel who was opposite looked surprised at the angel sword in his hand, then A huge gap was cut out on the thing, and it was almost broken. Archangel's long angel sword is not an ordinary commodity. It can be cut into this by a sword to show how powerful the opponent's weapon is. Not to mention that I was shocked so many steps by the other party, but the other party didn't even shake it.

Lingling herself is one of the seven guardian angels, and her battle strength is naturally much stronger than that of Archangel. Although she can’t play her original strength after being restricted by her level, my level has now reached as high as 98Level 2 is now, and the full level is already not far, so Lingling's battle strength has basically returned to the level before joining us. Even if she can't fight against guardian angels in full condition, she is at least stronger than these Archangels.

"Who you are?" Archangel asked, glaring at Lingling. Lingling's white wings peng sound spread out behind her, and the golden feathers on the tips of her wings clearly showed her identity. "Are you a guardian angel?" Archangel glanced at the number of golden feathers in surprise. "Which state are you the guardian angel of the temple, why come to the main temple?"

There will be a few golden feathers on the tip of the guardian angel’s wings. The main temple of Europe is the highest temple of all temples. The guardian here There are three golden feathers on one side of the angel, and Asia, North America, Africa and other continents have their own main temples, where the guardian angel is two golden feathers. In addition to these, each country also has its own main temple within its own country, and the guardian angels of these temples are all golden feathers. However, as far as I know, the wings of Marilyn, the main god, seem to be fully golden, which means that golden feathers represent the level of strength. I haven't counted the number of Xiaochun's golden feathers, but there are definitely more than three.

The opponent was stunned by Xiaochun’s golden feathers. For the angels, these golden feathers are a sign of superior strength. Who is not afraid? Suddenly a sharp-eyed angel pointed at Lingling's weapon and cried out. "Isn't that a holy sword?"

"Idiot, this is the holy sword of the other side's temple, not ours." The archangel gave the angel a kick.

"But they look exactly the same, and I don't know that other temples also have holy swords!" The kicked angel complained.

"Otherwise, I can slash my angel's sword. It turned out to be a holy sword." Archangel shouted to the angel behind, "Go and ask Master Dideros, our weapons can't hurt them. "The angel hasn't gotten far away, he shouted again: "Just invite all the seven guardian angels, and say that there are guardian angels from other temples."

Ling suddenly stood up. Lingling's side. "Don't forget to say that there is still the Lord Divine Grade Archfiend, so it's better to ask Marilyn to come?"

Archangel can see the demon wings unfolding behind Ling and almost holy The evil aura, which is pressed and extinguished by light, naturally does not dare to neglect. "Quickly, please go to Lord Lord God."

The angels outside did not dare to move after seeing this posture. The guards in the yard were all stepped under the feet of the evil spirit Knight’s mounts, but they could still hum. Humph, it means it's okay for the time being. Marilyn ran over with seven guardian angels energetic and bustling shortly afterwards. She was stunned when she saw the chaos in the yard.

"Purple Moon, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, I just wanted to come to the door. Didn't expect your dog to pounce upon him as soon as he walked in. I have no choice but to subdue them all first. Don’t you want to watch me get bitten?"

"Then I’m here now, let them go soon." I snapped my fingers. , The evil spirit Knights immediately commanded the mounts to take off the feet that were on the soldiers, and then the ring tone Knight commanded the evil spirit Knight to retreat into the space door. The half-dead soldiers who were trampled crawled towards the exit of the courtyard, which seemed miserable enough.

Kalliobi drew my ear and whispered: "Boss, I admire you so much. Do you know the Lord God of Light God Palace? These high level NPCs usually treat us like players. I don’t care, it’s hard to meet each other! Except for the service NPC that sends tasks, there are few such NPCs?"

"Hehe, you will know by learning more from me. Didn’t I promise you to rob the temple in the future? Now I believe my promise is not false, right?"

"Well, I believe you completely now."

The angel who was stepping kicked him beside the chief Archangel. "Give you back."

Marilyn looked at the black burn on the angel's face, then gave me an angry look. "If you have something to tell me, let's talk about it!"

I immediately pointed to the group of MMs behind me. "They are with me."

"What I want to say is confidential."

"Oh...?" I deliberately pulled a long tone.

Marilyn really couldn't bear it, but she had to bear it any more, turned and said to Archangel long: "Entertain them well."

I laughed, and then said long to the Archangel: "I heard? Entertain them. My people are very hungry. What kind of life fruits are real, magical treasures, take a little more. Oh, by the way, this month, the golden fruit should also be mature. , Then take a little too. This is Goddess's order, don't give me a discount!" After saying that, I turned back and winked at Zhenhong and gold coin.

Kalliobi and others don’t know, so they were very upset to entertain them for dinner, but after the two insiders, Zhenhong and Gold Coin, gave them a whisper, they immediately laughed. They should have laughed, but they were still smiling and not talking from ear to ear. The things I ordered are definitely high level goods that I have no money to buy. Just listen to the name to know what life is actually doing. That thing specifically increases the upper limit of life. A raw Life Fruit the size of a grape can actually add 20 points to the upper limit of life. As long as your belly is big enough, it is not trivial to eat a few hundred health points in one breath? As for the magic treasure, this thing adds the upper limit of the magic power, and can increase the magic attack power. However, the magic treasures are relatively large, and it is impossible to eat too much. Fortunately, their bonus ability is very good, and eating a few can increase a lot of magic damage. The final golden fruit is a kind of strengthening fruit, and can improve attack power and defensive power at the same time. It is definitely a very rare treasure.

I didn't forget to turn around and remind them before I walked out the door. "It's not easy for farmers to grow fruits, so remember to pack them if you can't finish them." The MMs behind them all laughed, and poor Archangel looked depressed.

I followed Marilyn to a very luxurious room, but it didn't look like a reception room, it might be a study room. As soon as Marilyn came in, she closed the door with her backhand, and then she was very angrily sitting on the chair behind the desk, and did not entertain me to sit down.

"Tell me, why are you here with me?" Marilyn asked me angrily.

I walked over and deliberately sat on her desk. "I should ask you this. Why did the angel of Light God Palace appear over my Isengard? Should I give me a reasonable explanation?"

"Ah?" Mary Before seeing me, Lian had only heard of an invasion. I didn't know that it was because the angel sent to Isengard was being followed that attracted us. Now that she suddenly heard this question, she was stunned. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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