Attacking this guild is not a major event for us. Small guilds of this level are generally crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood as long as we are willing to do it. However, the meaning of this offensive is different. This is our first battle in Russia. After that, we will officially begin to integrate into Russia's sphere of influence and must be treated with care. The city built now will also be a stronghold for us to move forward, so we must take it seriously.

It takes a lot of time to build the city and move it later. I plan to use this time to help the military band of the guild do a few tasks to solve the problems of musical instruments and pets. The transnational Transmission Formation, which was flown over by Dragonfly Castle, returned to Isengard first. The band members finally assembled were all training collectively, and at the same time, they exercised their coordination problems.

The person who was arranged by me to guide the leveling of these girls said that the leveling method of these girls can be called euthanasia. The monsters become silly in the music. The low-level monsters are all half-sleepy. The high-level monsters are shaking like drunk. Even if they encounter a particularly powerful monster, they can completely resist all kinds of hypnotic music. , Will eventually be killed. Because no matter how strong this monster is, after being superimposed by the negative effects of so many magicians, it will be weakened into a low-level monster state, and it will be killed in just a few clicks. I used to worry that their attack was too low and it was inconvenient to level up. Now it seems that they are simply too strong and there is no suitable monster to kill them.

24 music system MM plus two national implement holders, True Red and gold coin, totaling 26 beauties. I took twenty-six MMs back to the nearby city from the leveling area alone, and the surrounding players all paid attention to us. There are appearance changes in the game, even if the original MM is not very beautiful, it will not be worse after the modification, but the sudden appearance of twenty-six top beauties is still quite shocking. The most important thing is that our lineup is too luxurious. In order to facilitate their leveling, I have equipped these MMs with unicorn flying horses without a single hair, plus the white cloak prepared by the MMs to match the mounts. It is almost like an angel parade, and the return rate is absolutely 100%.

After entering the city, select Transmission Formation, and the goal is directly the Central Transmission Formation of Isengard. After heading to the Ruyi Altar from here, I asked them, "Do you want to get the familiars first or equip them?" The characteristics of the personnel are clearly understood, and a little basic understanding has been cultivated. Except for the two national implement holders who are my special guests, a basic division of labor has appeared in this twenty-four-member band. As the only singer in the band, Kali Obi, who has the most ostentatious personality, obviously has a tendency to become the leader of everyone, while Qunrui, who was originally a relatively strong female, has become a second-in-command. In addition to the two of them, Bingbing and Bingling have also become two special beings. Bingling relied on Bingbing's status and was more active, probably counted as the number three character in the band. However, Bingbing is a special person who usually obeys other people's orders, but has the right to veto everything. Usually listening to other people's command is because Bingbing belongs to that kind of introvert and quite shy personality, so she is not used to making decisions on her own, and she must be instructed by someone to exert her strength. But on the other hand, Bingbing’s status is too high-end. These other MMs are workers at best. Bingbing was the basic staff at the beginning of the guild. If it weren’t for she was not a commander, at least she is now Elder’s guild. A member of the Council. But no matter how shy she is, she is one of the highest-level members of the guild after all, and no MM in the band dares to offend her, which has established her unique status.

After hearing my question, everyone was not messed up. They just discussed briefly, and then Cariobi, who had vaguely become a Captain, said to me: "Compared to the devil, we feel equipped More importantly, let's equip it first."

"That's good." I took out a box. "Let’s draw lots."

"What are you doing?"

"You draw first. In addition, for the four dancing angel ladies, you only need to send one person to draw. There are ten more. The two scale angels only need one representative to draw."

The MMs completed the draw in confusion, but they didn't have any expressions, because they didn't know what it meant to get these draws. I waited for them to get the lottery before explaining: "The lottery you draw has numbers, from one to ten representing the order of your equipment task arrangement."

The twelve scales known as angels. The twelve MMs immediately asked: "Then why do the twelve of us only get one lottery?"

"Yes! Why do our four sisters get only one lottery?" The quadruplets also protested .

"You are all teams, so your equipment cannot be decided randomly according to personal needs. You must consider the whole team's attributes comprehensively, so when you apply, you can directly apply for a team task with cooperative ability."

"so that's how it is." The group of girls nodded expressed that they could accept this arrangement.

Kali Obi suddenly turned around and asked: "Which one of you got the number one?"

"Here with me." Qunrui raised his hand.

"Where is Number Two?" Carrie Obi continued to ask.

"I am here." This time is the representative of the four sisters. "Haha, didn't expect us to be ranked second."

I poured cold water for them: "Don't be too happy. The difficulty of the task will not be adjusted by the quality of the personnel, but only by the personnel. Quantity influence. The initial task is more difficult because it needs to be done so directly, and the probability of failure is also greater. Those who do it later have already got the equipment and their strength has improved, which will inevitably make the task difficult. So it’s good luck to be in the back, and it’s not a good thing to be in the front."

Kalliobi smiled and shook his sign. "Then it seems that I am unlucky, it is actually number three. The next ones will tell me the numbers in order." The sixth is the Crystal Princess, the seventh is the twelve scale of the angel, the eighth is the crystal flame, and the ninth is Bing Ling. Bing Bing is actually the last, so good luck!

According to the order drawn, you need to let Qunrui complete the task and equipment replacement. Taking into account the terrifying ability of the altar to ensure foolproof, I first let Qunrui describe the functions of the whole body equipment that I hope to obtain. After confirming it many times, 24 of them were allowed to stand on the altar, and then I took the real red and gold coin to the altar. The player who was operating outside signaled that it was ready to start, and that player immediately activated the energy device of the altar. A lot of magic power was drawn into the altar, and the magic array under our feet immediately lit up the white rays of light.

Everyone is suffocating motionless, let me speak out the wish, this is to prevent the task deviation caused by unclear expression. This kind of thing has happened and it’s not one or two times. This altar is open to the official players of the guild. Many players have come up with wrong tasks because of their poor expression ability. The rewards and wishes after completion are seriously inconsistent with their wishes. The way to blame the system, I can only blame myself for not being detailed enough. I have repeatedly confirmed that Qunrui’s needs are to prevent mistakes. Now it's up to me to relay my wishes, and the probability of making mistakes with my expressive ability is relatively small.

As soon as the wish was finished, the white magic array under our feet suddenly became radiant with rays of light, and the surrounding area turned into a vast expanse of white. When the light dimmed again and recovered to be able to see things again, we suddenly found ourselves The place where you are standing is extremely dangerous.

"Damn, how did you send us here?" Gold coin exclaimed as he looked at the raging lava below.

We actually appeared in the center of a lava lake, and still at the top of a stone pillar protruding from the lava. The stone pillar is only a dozen meters away from the lava lake below. The hot steam smoked with a strong sulphur smell has sore eyes, and the top of this stone pillar is not as big as the altar. We stand on it almost to the side. If you move one more step, it will fall down.

Kalliobi bent over to take a look at the following situation and said: "Good guys, we were thrown directly into the volcanic crater."

"Don’t worry, the task must be There is a way to complete it. Qunrui’s request is not to obtain new weapons, but to strengthen her existing equipment, so it should not be too difficult, and there will be no mortal situation. Let’s take a closer look at what is worth noting nearby, If it doesn't work, let's fly out first."

"Does that count?" Qun Rui pointed at us diagonally above. There was a hole in the direction she was pointing.

Calliobi patted me, then pointed in another direction. "Whether it counts or not, shall we go ahead and say it?" I followed her fingers and saw that the dorsal fin of a huge creature in the lava had risen, and this thing was rushing towards us at high speed. Judging by the opponent's speed and size, the rock under our feet is most likely to be unable to withstand his collision.

"Xiaofeng, plague, go and stop that guy. Lucky to take everyone there."

The Black Dragon clan among the giant dragons is not afraid of lava, and the plague rushes directly to lava. In the monster, that thing was immediately pressed under the lake by the plague. Xiaofeng retracted its wings in the sky and plunged into the lava. Carrie Obi asked me with some worry, "Are they okay?"

"It doesn't matter, Xiaofeng is the Black Flame Fire Phoenix. The higher the temperature, the more severe she becomes. In this lava lake, she almost It's invincible."

As I said, a huge flame suddenly exploded on the surface of the lake, and Xiaofeng had returned to its original shape, flapping a huge wings more than a hundred meters long and carrying the billowing lava away. On the surface of the lake, there was still something under her paws.

"Flaming King Snake!" Crystal Flame pointed at the thing and cried. "Don't kill it! That's a thousand-level monster, the best!"

I'm nodded. "I know, I will let Xiaofeng knock him down."

Crystal Princess suddenly said: "That snake is really pitiful, I remember the bird devil beast seems to be a snake. devil beast, Phoenix is ​​the Bird King, and the flame king snake is a serpent, which just happened to be completely restrained."

Kaliobi suddenly said: "Strange, where is your dragon?"

"Hey...?" I suddenly reacted when Carrie Obi said that. How come two demon familiars only come up? Where is the plague? Hurry up and use contact. "Plague, where did you go?"

"I'm at the bottom of the lake."

"What are you running down to do? Come up quickly."

" There are good things down here. You'd better take a look."

"Below? What good things are there?"

"It's very valuable anyway, don't be a pity."< /p>

"Value?" Green rays of light flashed in my eyes. "I'll get down right away." Turning around to Kalioubi said: "You are lucky to sit in that cave and wait for me. The plague finds something below, I will go down and take a look."

"Go down?" Card Leo Bi was taken aback. "You mean to go down to the lava?"

"Hehe, don't make a fuss about nothing like that. The Divine Item set is not for you. Go ahead, I'll be up in a while. "After speaking, I put the mask down, and after making sure that it was locked, I directly pressed the flaming drill on my body. The red rays of light immediately covered my whole body, and at the same time, the flaming Hell Raging appeared on the surface of my armor. Flames. I walked to the edge of the stone pillar and stepped out. With a plop, the whole person fell into the lava, just like falling on jelly. But this thing was not solid after all, and my body sank quickly.

The bottom of the lava lake is far less viscous than the surface, the lava becomes thinner as it goes downwards, and it feels almost like water. But Lava's heat is no joke. Although the Fire Attribute of the Devil Dragon suit is good, it is not yet fully resistant to the high temperature of lava. But my armor is inlaid with fire diamonds, and the energy-absorbing Hell Raging Flames can absorb high temperature, so there is nothing at worst in the lava, it just feels very hot.

I'm stealth all the way down, the lava is not as translucent as water, although the lower lava is relatively thinner than the upper one, but the visibility is still not more than 20 cm, basically it can be said to be out of reach Five fingers. Nothing can be seen except a crimson. Fortunately, I can sense the location of the plague based on my telepathy, as long as I run after him.

Soon I came to the plague. The plague was inconvenient to talk in lava, so I could only talk to me through contact with my heart.

"Master, look at the things under this."

"My eyes are red, I can't see anything!"

"Oh, then you Now go down a bit, reach out and touch it, yes, there, pick it up." I followed the plague's command and touched a hard object with sharp edges and corners, like a stone. The magic dragon suit can transmit the sense of touch to my fingers, but it is not my skin after all. I can't feel the fineness of the surface. I can only roughly judge the hardness and lines. I took this thing in front of me, almost in front of the crystal eyepiece on the mask, and finally saw what it was.

What I got is a gem, which looks bright red at the moment, but this is not necessarily its original color. There is a fiery red everywhere under the lava. The gemstone this thing has such a high degree of reflectivity. Of course, what color light is around it is what color it is. "You can't see the colors at all! The plague can you see the colors clearly?"

The plague said helplessly: "Master, you are really negligent!"

"Hey?" Why?"

"You have four dragon pets anyway, you don't even know that giant dragons are color-blind?"

"Ah? Are all giant dragons color-blind?"

"Yes. All giant dragons are born with color blindness. But we have a magic called Seven Color World, which can give us temporary color vision, but I can't use this magic under lava."


"Halo! Wait first, I'll go up and see what kind of gem this is."

Let the plague wait below, I directly rise out of the lake, reaching out and holding it. Came out. The surrounding light was still too red to see the color, so I had no choice but to open my wings and fly out of the lava. Just less than one meter after leaving the lake, a black shadow flew over his head suddenly. Xiaofeng and the snake are still fighting! Xiaofeng grabbed the king snake and violently fell to the cliff of volcanic crater. With a loud boom, the serpent was embedded in the mountain and almost turned into a sculpture. However, when Xiaofeng flew over and wanted to attack, the big snake suddenly bounced off the cliff, entangled Xiaofeng in the air, and the two big guys fell into the lava together, splashing lava balls flying around.

I flew directly to the edge of the other side of the cliff and climbed up to the hole on the top where Cariobi and the others hid. Take your luck first, and then get into the hole. The light here is still relatively dim. I asked gold coin to use lighting to create a little white light, and at the same time use wings to block the red light outside. Now the color of the gem is completely clear.

This thing is red, and the surface is still burning with flames. Gold coin's eyes flashed with stars and said: "Oh my God! I have never seen such a pure Fire Crystal stone. The flame element is so strong that it can burn without activation. Isn't this too abnormal?"

"Hehe, no matter whether Qunrui's equipment can be upgraded or not, at least this trip was not in vain." I put the Fire Crystal stone on the ground. "Which one of you has fire prevention, seal it up and put it away. There are a lot of these things underneath. I'll go down and get them all up."

"Wait. Ah...!" gold Coin was so excited that he wanted to hold me, but as soon as he touched my armor, there was a loud noise. Gold coin screamed and jumped back. There was a smell of teppanyaki in the air. "Wow! I'm burning to death! Who... Who knows how to freeze? I can't stand it because of the pain, and I can't use it anymore!"

"You really are. I just came up in the lava. , The temperature is still high, don’t get excited if you have something to say!"

"I'm not doing it for you." Gold coin said unconvinced: "It is true that the fire element naturally condenses into Fire Crystal stone. Yes, but with such a high concentration of Blazing Crystal Stone gathered in a large area, do you think it is a natural formation?"

When I was reminded by gold coin, I immediately realized that something was wrong. The temperature of lava is high, but it is not so high that it can naturally condense into Fire Crystal stone, and there should not be such a high purity thing, let alone such a dense appearance. Then the only possibility is that some creature has gathered this thing together artificially. Generally speaking, the probability of humanoid creatures is not high, because humanoid creatures are social animals. They will trade gems instead of hiding them for fun. On the contrary, many devil beasts have the habit of gathering treasures, such as giant dragons. .

The king snake that was just discovered was originally a big suspect, but as far as we know, the flame king snake has no habit of collecting gems. On the contrary, this guy likes to collect enemy bones to decorate his nest. Since it is not a king snake, there should be other more dangerous creatures in this lava.

As soon as I thought of the crux of it, it was messed up outside. Xiaofeng just threw the king snake out again, and the king snake hit the stone pillar we just appeared, and the stone pillar collapsed. Xiaofeng was rushing to think about the outcome of this guy, but when he flew halfway, the lava below Xiaofeng suddenly exploded, and a dark figure flew out and directly collided with Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng had planned Haibian to hit his enemy, but found that it was the plague that hit him, and the plague was obviously thrown up by others.

"Why did you do it? Who was beaten like this?" Xiaofeng was surprised to find that not only was the plague thrown up, but he suddenly had three big holes in his body, as if caught by something. . Dragon scales have always been High Level materials for building armors and shields. It can be seen how high the defensive power of dragon scales is. In addition, many people don’t know that Dragon Clan’s skin is also impervious to sword and spear except that the scales are hard enough. Even if the scales of a dragon fall out, no one is hurt by anyone, but this guy can actually grab three blood holes on the back of the plague, which shows how abnormal the attack power of this thing is.

"Xiaofeng, bring the plague up there, leave the dead earthworm alone. There is a more ruthless one below." I yelled at Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng obediently brought the plague to the top. I was once again summon lucky to come out and transfer everyone up, and then hurriedly fly upwards, because the surface of Lava Lake has begun to rise. Just now, the flame king snake lost one's head out of fear and fled to the outside, and then got into a very hidden gap. Obviously, this thing to come out is much more powerful than him.

The whole lake of Lava began to spin, and a huge whirlpool appeared in the lake. The lava whirled while rising, quickly flooding the cave we just avoided. Thanks to the name of foresight, I brought everyone out ahead of time, otherwise we would all be smoldering chickens now.

The center of the spinning lake suddenly exploded, and the lava gushed up. A huge object rose up from under the lava, pushing the lava all up.

"Oh my God! How could it be this thing?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! )

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