When I’m not online, Phantom is manipulating my body on my behalf. Generally speaking, he will not proactively provoke others. After all, the master is not present, so he should be more cautious in his decision-making. Before I went offline, I asked Ling who I didn't understand, but they also went offline in order to cooperate with the transformation, so Phantom has been manipulating my body by itself, and didn't expect to be attacked by others.

I felt it as soon as I launched Phantom, but he was not sure whether I would take over the control immediately, so he was still fighting autonomously. A knife that flew in the sky was blocked by the phantom's control of my body with my left arm, and the long knife slashed on the shield, making my arm numb. This guy has a lot of strength.

"Phantom, let me come." After blocking the flying sword, I started to take over my body, leaped back, and after jumping up, I looked down at the landing site and found that I was actually in midair. I'm dizzy. I haven't paid attention to the surrounding environment when I was online. I didn't expect that I was standing on the edge of the cliff with my back facing the cliff. Just now I just wanted to take a distance and observe the environment. . Fortunately, I still have a pair of wings!

With a whirr, both wings spread out, hovering in midair, but a long knife flew up without stopping on the opposite cliff. This enemy uses a straight knife. The shape is somewhat similar to that of a saber. The blade is wide and straight. There is a hook perpendicular to the blade at the head of the blade. From the side, the entire knife looks like an Arabic numeral 7. The length of this knife is more than one meter, and the blade is wide and thick, and the weight is amazing, so the lethality of flying over is quite terrifying.

As I just stabilized my figure, it seemed that it was too late to block me. Who knew that a red silhouette suddenly fell from above. "Thousand catties fist." With a sound, the long knife was interrupted by the volley and moved towards the bottom of the cliff and fell. Zhenhong also flapped her wings and hovered in front of me. "What did you do with the Phantom? You jump back when you know the cliff is behind?"

"I've come back."

"Huh?" Really red froze for a while, but immediately Reacted. "You're online? What I said. Yo! Be careful." In the middle of talking, Zhenhong suddenly punched another throwing knives.

"Damn, who did you provoke?"

"Orcs." Zhen Hong said very bluntly.

I was looking ahead. It turned out that the cliff was full of enemies. A small piece of the cliff was full of orcs, and the front row was actually all centaur throwers, but they were all throwing throwing knives at the moment. It's just that the weight of these flying knives plus their strength, it is said that they are flying knives, and they are almost the same as flying axes.

"Why did you provoke these people? And, why are you here. Didn't you let you come? And where did Cariobi and others go?"

< p>"It's not that we provoke them, but they provoke us. This is not Indonesia at all, we are in Russia now."

"Didn't I still return to Indonesia when I was offline? It's only a few hours. Why did you get to Russia?"

"Remember the giant artillery they used when they attacked Japan last time?"

"Remember. Isinger was shot out by that thing There are several big holes."

"We all know that the source of that thing is Russia, and Ashford’s fleet also encountered the Russian battleship and our spider fortress in the battle for Fulcrum City. It was also reported that they had fought against the Russians on the road. There are various signs that there is a Russian force behind the Japanese who are supporting them, and now we are dealing with the guild troops."

Really red. Say I can understand it. Since this guild gave Japan a lot of support before, and even sent troops directly to the war, it is understandable to help the Japanese build cities this time. We went to the Japanese-occupied islands to do sabotage, and it was logical to meet the Russians. If the other party has something similar to a transmission agency, it is not impossible to be brought to Russia. It just seemed that we were beaten badly. There were only me and Zhenhong nearby, and all the others were gone.

"Where did everyone else go?" I asked Real Red: "And how did we get here?"

"The Russians have a magic device in their hands, which is similar to Transmission Formation. , But it can transport itself together."

"You mean the Space Jump device?"

It's really red and nodded. "Yes, yes, that's the kind of thing. Our actions were discovered by the Japanese, and the two sides fought, and then before Rose was off the assembly line, we were transferred to reinforcements. The fight between the two sides was impossible. The Russians seemed to want to leave here. So I started that thing, and the two of us were too close and we got involved. The others should still be on the Russian side."

"Damn, don't you fight alone?"

True Hong laughed. "It's not fake to fight alone, but it's enjoyable to kill! There are people all around, how to hit it, it feels good."

The true red national equipment suit is complete, and the formidable power is very scary. She is usually single-on-one and no one has done her trick, but being surrounded by people now shows her terrifying attack power. Although there are many enemies on the cliff, there are more dead bodies. It seems that Real Red has already killed a lot of people before I went online. "You're really wild enough. Go, leave here first, and then you will suffer."

Zhen Hong followed me on summon and flew away. The speed of the flying bird is not counted, even the guardian long spear from the true red summon is not the speed of the flying devil beast of the Russians. It seems that when I remembered, it was really wise to equip the guild with a long spear to protect the beast.

While flying, I asked Real Red: "Will there be a problem in Indonesia? How many reinforcements have you come?"

"This...!" Real Red seems a little bit Embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Is it dangerous in form?"

"Dangerous to not dangerous, but more money is spent."

"Spending money?" I don't understand the meaning of true red at all.

Seeing that I was confused, I told me about the situation at that time. It turned out that the mission didn't end after I was offline, and Cariobi still insisted on robbing. This girl had already reached a frenzy against the robbed hobby. But then I called the monsters offline. Ling and I were not there. The Phantom couldn’t command the other monsters, so I had to send everyone back to the Phoenix Dragon space. Only he himself manipulated my body to fight with Carlioubi. . But soon we were discovered by the enemy, so the two sides fought. During the melee, Kalioubi found that there were too many enemies and proposed to call reinforcements.

I and Rose are not there. Hong Yue and Ying are the highest performers in the guild. Considering that it was so easy for Kalioubi to get into our guild, if she was disappointed in the first battle, it would have a great impact on her emotions afterwards. Maybe she would leave our guild. In desperation, the robbery task became an image project. The characteristic of image engineering is that it does not consider immediate benefits. After all, image engineering is for long-term planning. After the general opinion was determined, the guild believed that everyone’s safety must be guaranteed, so the robbery task became a complete attack. Our guild's fleet in Indonesia launched a full-scale attack and sent hundreds of thousands of regular troops to Sumbawa Island under the advantage of strong artillery fire. After seeing those teams, Cariobi was very happy. She was found by the enemy only to run. This time she turned the robbery into a slaughter city. This time she was over-excited and led the team to rush into the Japanese first. In the city. Although Ying and Hong Yue were planning to do a face-saving project, their original purpose was to destroy the Japanese city and rescue the discovered Kali Obi and others. Who knew they had rushed into the city of others, there was no way. The large army also followed in.

I don’t know if it’s luck or bad luck. Kariobi, who broke into the city, found a lot of Russians in the city, and also found some large magical equipment in their gathering place. . Players in the game know that the magic equipment in the game is the most expensive thing. No matter how powerful the familiars and equipment are, they are also personal equipment. The effectiveness of magic equipment in public facilities in the city is very terrifying. Especially the super magic equipment like Isengard’s super magic cannon is more expensive than the city itself. Although Kali Obi didn't know what the equipment she saw was for, she knew that even the rubbish magic equipment was more valuable than the gold gems, so of course she took the initiative to grab it.

The Russians obviously didn't want to lose this thing, so they activated the transmission equipment and planned to withdraw the equipment and personnel to Russia. Caliobi's eyes were shining green at the time, and she could only see the magic device, and couldn't notice the danger at all. Real Red reluctantly went over and threw Caliobi out. Phantom was manipulating my body to follow Zhen Hong at that time, but Kali Obi was thrown out, but Zhen Hong and I were teleported to the base camp in Russia.

The return location happened to be in the middle of the barracks, and the result was besieged by the army. Fortunately, the battle strength of Zhenhong and my body have surpassed the limit of ordinary players, and the number advantage is not very obvious to us, so we have all the way to the edge of the cliff. The next thing is the one I saw after I went online.

Zhen Hong ran a long distance with me before stopping. Here is an endless permafrost. If you activate the star pupils, you can see the orc Legion chasing in the distance. There seem to be a lot of orcs in Russian troops and players. I have always wondered if the orcs in European mythology are based on Russians. Because the mythical orcs seem to be a race living in the Northern Wasteland, which just fits the geographical location of Russia, and the tall and hairy bodies of the Russians are indeed very reminiscent of wild beasts. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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