After a sunny explanation, I finally understood what the second generation power system is. To put it bluntly, it is exactly the same as the electrical system we use now. The only difference is that the material is not a common metal wire and silicon block semiconductor, but a special conductor composed entirely of organic matter. For example, the human nerve fiber is a kind of excellent electric wire, and almost no current loss occurs when the current is less than one microampere. The nerve node, the reflex nerve center, is a perfect multi-voltage semiconductor with characteristics. It is even higher than that of silicon crystal semiconductors, and its unique multi-voltage semiconducting characteristics can generate nine different signal base points. Based on this, an electronic system that directly uses octal machine language can be manufactured.

The computers used by modern humans uniformly use binary machine codes, but Nuwa, the main brain of Longyuan, is a product of alien technology. It uses a completely different octal code inside, which has an extra signal base point. It is used for error correction and encryption identification, so that the accuracy and confidentiality of this second-generation power system are higher than that of the first-generation power system. And because the basic complexity of the octal system is higher, the same program code, written in octal machine code, has a significant decrease in information capacity. The program that was originally very large now only takes up a small space, which is equivalent to increasing the data storage capacity of the computer out of thin air without changing the peripherals. Moreover, as the program size is reduced, the reading speed is significantly increased, and the computing speed of the machine is greatly improved. . At the same time, due to the increase in the complexity of the machine code, the upper-level language has become much simpler, making the program itself easier to write, and thus once again increasing the machine's computing speed. Simply put, the second-generation system is faster, more stable, safer, and easier to use, completely surpassing the first-generation power system.

Modern electrical products have limited use of lifespan due to the electron migration characteristics of metals. This is why many electrical appliances have low durability. The second-generation electric power system uses organic media. First, it has the ability to self-repair, and secondly, it has completely different conduction methods. There is no electron migration. The durability is almost infinite. As long as the lifeform itself does not die, these power systems can work indefinitely. . Will not die, nor will it age.

This second-generation power system is implanted in my body, and in addition to manufacturing auxiliary electronic systems, there are some power facilities and special functional components. First of all, my skeleton has been strengthened, which will produce an electro-hardening effect during strenuous exercise, which indirectly increases the hardness of the skeleton without increasing the weight. In addition, the joint parts are all made with the second-generation power system to make the auxiliary power system. In addition to the muscle strength, the skeleton itself also contributes, which is equivalent to twice the strength for me.

Strengthened muscles strengthened skeleton, even organs and tissues have strengthening properties. The most prominent is the addition of strengthened tissue fiber support nets for various organs and even the brain. Human beings are increasingly unable to withstand the gravitational acceleration of modern vehicles. Fighter pilots often experience ischemic shock or red vision caused by congestion during aerobatics. This is caused by the poor compression resistance of human tissues. Especially the brain, this thing is simply a large piece of tofu. Although the skull is very hard, an emergency turn can even threw away the pilot's brain from the eyes or nostrils on a super fighter at high speed, causing the pilot to die. There are also the drivers in the tank. Sometimes the tank is hit by a shell and the tank itself is not penetrated, but the people inside are shaken to death. This is all caused by the fragile tissues in the body.

Although my body has been strengthened, my brain and internal organs are still very fragile, and excessive acceleration can still kill me. But this time the strengthened body has been added with a reinforced fiber network. These things grow like muscles in my internal organs and brain. When encountering acceleration, they act as a safety net, replacing these fragile tissues with acceleration. Strength, protect my internal organs and brain.

After all the strengthening projects, my body strength is not much worse than that of the robot. Although the hardness may not be very high, the anti-damage performance is better than steel and steel. With its own rapid recovery characteristics, I want My death is probably not easy.

When the explanation was finished on a sunny day, I also heard the sound of the second-generation computing auxiliary system in my head. "All the self-checks passed, the active neural response was turned on, and the body control was restored."

I instantly felt the sensation from my body, it was a feeling of full body full of strength. I wanted to look at my hand, so I raised my hand and heard only a squeak, my hand was raised to the front, but the metal bar on the fixed frame was completely broken, and I only felt a slight resistance. "Damn, a lot of output power!"

Sunny day smiled and said: "Your muscle strengthening in the past has been very difficult to deal with, and now you add the power of the second-generation power system that directly acts on the skeleton. It is equal to twice the previous output. Of course, these iron bars can't hold you down. But don't move, I will help you open the other fixed iron bars."

"No need." I I directly pulled the other hand off the shelf, and stepped off the fixed shelf in one step. The metal fixators that fixed my whole body were all snapped like noodles, and they couldn't stop me at all.

Sunny day said to me: "You move around first, and see if there are any problems, we will help you figure out a solution."

I obediently turned around and moved around. I clicked on my limbs, and then I wanted to do two small jumps in place, but with one flick, the whole person swished up to the roof. With a loud bang, my head hit the ceiling, and then I fell down again, sitting on the cart just now and smashing the car. "Damn it, it seems that I have to get used to it for a while!"

"haha, there are still some problems with the intensity control of the control signal, just adapt to it. Now you have twice the power before, you feel If you use one newton of power by yourself, you will actually use two cows, so you must control it yourself. Don’t worry, your body has an auxiliary control system made by the second-generation power system. You are writing a program and resetting it. Just one click."

I supported a console next to me and climbed up. As a result, a squeak left five finger seals on the console. "It doesn't seem to be that easy to control!"

"Try to adjust the power output system, or simply turn off the auxiliary afterburner system on the skeleton."

I close Eyes used the mind to control the electronic system in the body to turn off the auxiliary power, and then tried the power again. Holding a glass cup, shook it up and down, but luckily it didn't break. "It seems to be back to normal. As expected, it's better to not need auxiliary afterburner."

Sunny day reminded: "Usually you'd better drive it, it's best to be able to adapt. After all, you still need to use it in battle. Arrived. And I’m honored to tell you that you will be honored to be the first qualified pilot of the fighter plane dug up in the fourth zone."

"Why do you want me to drive?"

< p>"Because the speed of that fighter is amazing, the previous test flight caused the death of a test pilot and a stroke of the brain. The only people who can withstand this killing acceleration are you and the soon to accept it. Those artificial humans that have been transformed by the same body as you. We ordinary persons who have thin arms and legs sit on it, and as long as we accelerate, we will turn into a thin human patties and stick them on the seats. Mysterious said: "Hehe, tell you, Lao Mei has also dug this kind of fighter, but she is still sleeping in the laboratory. I heard that more than a dozen test pilots have died, and no one dares to board it now. All you have to do is If you can drive this thing to the U.S. for a round, the Pacific dispute will never turn your face with us again."

"Then you have to plan first. I can't just drive the plane and go for a ride right now. "

"Of course." A voice appeared behind me. Father came over from behind. "How does the new body feel?"

"It's okay. It's just too strong and it's hard to control. It's best not to contact others until you are fully used to it." I pointed to the one that still has my fingerprints. Console. "I'm fine, and it's troublesome to hurt others."

The two officers behind the father looked at the table, and they both felt chills. After more than ten years of hard training, it is still a human being. The console is made of stainless steel. They are also impossible to print their fingerprints on this table without their hands.

"Yes, with your level, one or two special forces probably can't help you."

The officer behind the father said: "If you encounter a sniper, Sure."

I confidently said: "If nothing happens, I should be able to get out of the way."

"Go out of the way?" The officer said with disdain:" A sniper’s stunt is camouflage. You are absolutely impossible to spot them before you shoot."

"I’m not talking about getting out of the sniper, I’m talking about getting out of the bullet after finding the bullet."

"What? Can you flash a bullet?" The officer's jaw almost fell.

I usually said: "Generally, sniper bullets should be kept away from a distance of more than 150 meters, at least to let the key points pass. Of course, if you use an anti-material weapon If you shoot my forehead, of course I will die. But weapons such as pistols are probably useless against me." I knocked on my forehead. "There is the armor layer, and the pistol probably won't be able to be shot through. It's superficial wound when it's dead."

Another relatively stable officer pointed to my heart. "What if you get shot here?"

I looked down. "I have a second circulatory system, and it’s okay to pierce the heart. As long as it’s not sieved, even if both systems are damaged, you can still fight for 24 hours normally. After that, the electronic brain can last for more than 12 hours. Out-of-body circulation. Just run back and fix your body during this period."

Sunny day suddenly interrupted: "In fact, you don’t need to fix it. We can use your cells to clone countless bodies for you and transform them. It is exactly the same as it is now. If the body is blown up, just take out the electronic brain and replace it with another body. So unless your head is directly hit by a high formidable power weapon, it’s okay if your body is blown off. Judging from the hardness and curvature of your electronic brain shell, the only damage that can cause this kind of damage is the direct hit of a large missile, or being fired at close range by anti-material weapons, or your brain is not good enough to put your head in the cannon barrel. , Otherwise, It shouldn't be destroyed. Besides, the skull of the body itself is made of synthetic material, and its hardness is not worse than that of the armor plate. Even if it is hit, it may not be penetrated."

The relatively stable officer To the father: "The central government has always doubted the reliability of Dragon Fate. It seems that there is no need to worry about it. As long as the man-made Heavenly God like your Young Master has a squad, no large corps can do anything to them. Regarding the current local wars , It’s an extremely sharp dagger, it can kill the enemy if it is pierced on the enemy."

"haha, General Zhang is too exaggerated. But the martial power you mentioned last time is really deterrent. Considering that the Americans don't give face at the negotiating table, we have no choice but to move some little hands and feet."

Father and the two officers left here while plotting how to deter the Americans. I Then I was asked to do some small tests, after which I called Rose and my Familiars all offline and modified them. Because the transformation is not very difficult, everyone quickly succeeded, but all of them have lost control of their strength like me, and need to adapt to work properly. But we don't have to worry before, everyone's body strength is very high, even if you don't converge your strength, you will not hurt others. The only thing to be careful is not to hurt the researcher. Their bones are not as strong as a steel plate.

Skeet joked that it is more convenient for this body to go downstairs now. You can jump down directly below the height of the 10th layer without climbing stairs. Because it is said in a sunny day that with our current body strength, we can jump directly from the top floor of a building below the 10th layer. As long as we can ensure that our legs touch the ground first, even if we don’t use any protective equipment, our legs are a little numb at the moment. There will be no problems. And in extreme cases, if you jump down from the 10th layer building, you won’t die. Of course, you’ll be injured, but with our recovery ability, it’s OK in a few days.

Sunny day suddenly said to us: "Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered that there is still something I haven't shown you."

"What is it?"

"I will know when I see you, I promise it is something you are very interested in."

The sunny day refused to tell us what we were going to see, so we had to follow him. Finally, we were taken to a huge laboratory. A row of huge cylinders stood on the wall opposite the gate. I knew that they were incubation chambers, but they were all wrapped in a radiation shield. The culture chamber is used for the later shaping of organisms. As long as the complete biological embryos are put in, they can be directly cultivated into organisms. As for the metal layer wrapped on the outside, it can actually be understood as a light box. There are a large number of light radiation ports on the inner side of these metal layers, which can release various forms of trace radiation, among which is included λ-rays, γ-rays, α-rays, β-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, electromagnetic radiation, etc., for special use In the later stage of the organism fine-tuning.

Ling walked to one of the tanks, then stood on the base, stretched his head and glanced in from the observation port on the radiation shield. "Oh my God, it's Yeyue. Come and come and see it."

"Yeyue?" I ran over in three steps and two steps, leaning over the narrow observation port and looking inside. There should be light green culture medium in the culture chamber, but at this time, the inside is dark red, and it is obviously undergoing infrared heating. The temperature of the culture chamber is very important for the growth of the finished body. Impossible is heated by electric heating wire, and only infrared rays can be used for uniform heating. In the liquid, a snake-tailed living body is quietly suspended there. Her figure and face are completely a replica of Ye Yue. The only difference is that she is not wearing clothes now, which is easier to make people excited. Fortunately, my blood vessels have also been reinforced, otherwise, I must have been madly spraying nosebleeds now. Although my resistance to female sex is very high, but a figure like Ye Yue, if she is naked, it really can't stand it.

Just as the others were about to encircle, there was a sudden sound of exhaust from the radiation shield, and then the whole shield rose up. Almost at the same time, the surrounding row of covers all rose up, and the training cabins in the hall were directly exposed to our sight.

"God!" I was stunned by the sight of my eyes.

The training cabins in the hall are all full, and everything inside is different. Floating in the tank on the left of Yeyue is a beautiful woman with a fish tail, and her appearance is clearly my favorite, the mermaid, Amina. Below her waist is a fish body covered with scales, while her ears are shaped like shark fins. There are fish gills behind both ears, which can be used for water breathing. We have an extra layer of eyelids, probably to protect the eyeballs underwater.

Floating in the training cabin on the right of Yeyue is a silhouette that I am very familiar with, but after seeing her, my expression becomes very unnatural. "Hey, sunny, what's going on?"

Sunny ran over with a smirk. "Didn’t you recognize it?"

"It’s because you recognized it, that’s why I asked you what’s going on." There is a standard human body floating in the training cabin. The trumpet Yinyue used in the game, but the only problem is that although Yinyue looks feminine, it is still male, but the women in the training cabin now have the same facial features as Yinyue, but they have a complete set. Full female body.

Sunny couldn't help but laugh. "It's not my business. It's all a joke made by the old perverts at the headquarters. This is a human body that was cultivated from your DNA. Of course, it didn't cultivate the brain, so she is just a corpse. We will wait until the development is complete. Will give her the same second-generation power system as your current body, as your replacement body in emergency situations. Don’t worry, this is completely cultivated by your somatic cells. We just modified the sex chromosome, and everything else Nothing. She and your brain can exchange blood without rejection. If you want to try the feeling of being a woman, just connect your electronic brain."

" I'm not that interested? Beware that I castrate you and ask those perverts to perform sex reassignment surgery for you."

Rose smiled and joked with me: "It’s okay husband, I don’t mind multiple sisters. "

Said with a smile in the sunny day: "In fact, not only this one, but all on our right hand side are all spare lifeforms cultivated based on your DNA, and none of them Cultivate your brain, as long as you connect your electronic brain, you can use it directly."

I saw that there were dozens of bodies. What's more terrifying is that more than half of them are non-human.

Sunny day pulled me to introduce me. On the right side of the silver moon version of the spare body, there is a mermaid body that is the same as A Dina. Fortunately, this is a male. Sunny introduced: "This is a mermaid version of the spare body specially designed for underwater operations. It is characterized by high muscle power and high output when swimming; there are fish gills behind the ears, which can breathe underwater; the body is more cold-resistant and can adapt to the deep sea. Low temperature environment; strong skeleton and muscle resistance to pressure, can dive into deep seabed; the skin has good waterproof performance, and will not be rotten by blisters like human skin; the eyes have infrared vision, and objects can be seen in the dark deep sea; the ears have The sonar receiving ability can detect the surrounding environment by receiving the sonar echo from the forehead. By the way, there are odor glands on both sides of the dorsal fin of this body, which can emit pungent odors, so as to avoid the huge ocean rare beasts such as the king squid I swallowed you like a fish."

"Damn, isn't it the frogman equipment?"

"This is much better than the frogman. The frogman can get it in an hour. Come back and change the oxygen cylinder, you may be able to stay underwater 24 hours a day."

"That's also a frogman, it's just a high level frogman."

Sunny smiled and pulled me to the front of the next training cabin. "If the mermaid doesn't like it, how about this?"

Rose screamed before I could speak. "Isn't this your transformation model?"

The creature cultivated in this tank is up to two meters, and its appearance is completely a werewolf. Strong body, strong muscles, sharp fangs, sharp claw, and a lovely big tail. "You guys are too spoof? This stuff came out?"

Sunny day proudly said: "This is my idea, and it has a relatively high score in the computer simulation score. It seems that It is powerful enough, powerful, and lethal. The most important thing is flexible skill and lightning speed. If you use this body, no enemy in the forest can catch up with you."

"Yes! I'm going to use this body to make a circle around Shennongjia, and maybe I'll be caught back as a savage."

Sunny day immediately pulled me to the side. "It's okay, you don't like that werewolf. There is a bear human body here."

"Damn, is this a bear man or a troll?" This training cabin is relatively large, and the body inside is about three meters tall. , The size is strong and scary, if it is on all fours, it will be a big bear.

Introduced on sunny days: "This bear has four and a half times the muscle mass of the werewolf, and the strength is more than half a little bit stronger. If you put on this body, I promise you can overturn the tank directly. Here it is. You can handle a ton of sledgehammer and you can use it as an anti-tank weapon."

Skeet continued to make bodybuilding movements in front of this tank and said: "Wow, I want to look like this. What a great muscle! Look at this arm, it's thicker than my thigh."

Ling Bi lowered his waist and said, "Don't talk about your legs, they are thicker than my waist. Circle."

Qing Heavenly Dao: "This is basically a human tank. Generally, bullets can be ignored. Just protect your eyes."

"It looks too violent. , Going out will scare people."

"It’s okay, there are other types here."

Sunny day helped me one after another and introduced all the spare bodies, except ten Except for the normal spare body that is exactly the same as mine, the other ones are really myriad. After the Werewolf Bearman, dozens of alternate forms appeared, including Angel Form, Fiend Form, Flower Fairy Form, Caucasian Form, Black Form, Shepherd Form, Giant Eagle Form, Giant Dragon Form, Alien Form, Giant Insect Form, etc. Sunny days are also beautifully called in order to adapt to the needs of various environments. For example, if you need to penetrate the environment of Europeans, the white body is very advantageous. Or if you need to do something shameful, then use the alien form. Anyway, even if you are seen, others will definitely think it is a prank or an alien attack. Anyway, I can't think of me. There is also the form of a shepherd dog, disguised as a dog, it is too easy to track an enemy. Anyway, these bodies have their own uses.

But among these bodies, the larger ones, such as the giant dragon-shaped spare body, I am very interested. The body of this giant dragon is cultivated by my DNA transformation, and the brain is also empty. However, in order for me to adapt to manipulating such a large body, the body of the giant dragon has been equipped with an auxiliary control system with the second-generation power system. I can simply manipulate this large body to experience the feeling of being a giant dragon.

In fact, compared to the peculiarities of these bodies, I am even more curious about what force caused Longyuan to let go of his hands and feet to make non-humanoid creatures. Although the previous human experiments were taboo items, they still looked human after all, but now they are different. Semi-human lifeforms like Yeyue and Amina have surpassed the boundaries of human beings. No matter from any point of view, they are already a brand-new species, completely out of the category of humans. I don't mind to engage in biodiversity, but I am worried that once these things are known to outsiders, how will those people react?

Create inhuman creatures, so that we have powerful biological weapons, but others don’t, these people who don’t have will find a way to attack us, anyway, they can’t see that others are better than them.

Alternative racists who think that they are the noblest race and that humans are above all other species will also attack us. In their view, the emergence of creatures that surpass humans is unacceptable. They don't care whether human beings evolve or develop. Even if human beings are eliminated by the universe, they will be satisfied that human beings are the strongest creatures in the world before they become extinct, and then they will call it the name of protecting human dignity. To be honest, I always think that extinct creatures have no dignity to say, just like the people who are defeated in history will be demonic transformation. There is no dignity in the competition between species. To tell the truth, the one that reproduces to the end is the most successful. By the way, the most successful species on Earth at the moment is probably the cockroach. Probably they will survive tenaciously after human beings are extinct!

Finally, those who spread world doomsday will still attack us. Anyway, they don't care about how to resist the doomsday, they just keep imagining all kinds of probabilities to cause the extinction of mankind. I suspect that these people probably have masochistic tendencies and persecutory delusions, but unfortunately this group occupies a considerable proportion of humans.

Anyway, once any non-human creature's information is leaked, even the slightest clue will lead to unpredictable consequences. The hostile force does not necessarily come from abroad, and people at home will also oppose us. Although ordinary people are simple, they are also easily incited. In the social species of humans, the shortcoming of Sui Da Liu is written into human instinct in the form of DNA, and it is almost impossible to eradicate it. As long as there are foreign forces showing evidence that Dragon Fate creates semi-human creatures, and then appropriately spreading some crisis theories, things will be very lively afterwards. The last scene where a little bit appeared on the streets of Changsha City has caused an uproar. Although the subsequent clearance of evidence was done very well, there are still many doubters. I am really worried that a small omission will cause the giant wheel of Longyuan to turn over in the gutter.

Sunny day didn't seem to notice my worries, and introduced the species on the other side. I saw a large number of species such as the Heavenly Fire fox red feather, Vajra Qilin steel teeth, knife-footed spider sickle, giant beetle tank, etc. Almost all of my familiars have been copied. But at present these are all just the flesh, and the soul has not yet been connected. According to Sunny's statement, these creatures will use electronic brain transformation like me, and then prepare backup bodies for them. For half-human creatures such as Amina and Yeyue, the base plans to make all-human bodies for them so that they can be replaced when they want to appear in human society.

"What is this?" I suddenly found a large insect floating in a small cultivation cabin. This thing is white and fat, about fifteen centimeters in length, slightly thinner than the wrist. Had it not been for the huge sharp jaws in front, I would have thought it was a big maggot!

The sunny day came over and asked, "Don’t you know?"

"Is this my favorite too?"

"That’s not it, but This thing is also one of the creatures you brought."

I looked at this thing again. From the morphological point of view, it should be some kind of larva, but the things that can be regarded as worms around me, it seems that there are only Spirit Armor worms and Iron Wraith bees. "Is this instructor the Spirit Armor Worm or the Iron Pluto?"

"Hehe, this thing is actually a new species modeled after your Iron Pluto. The basic gene blueprint comes from a hybrid species."

"Don't tell me this is an improved version of Killer Bee!"

"You guessed it, this is an improved version of Killer Bee."

< p>The killer bee that makes people become terror-stricken at the news is actually something made by the Americans. At first, Americans discovered African bees that are six times the size of house bees. Then they wanted to use African bees and house bees to hybridize to produce new types of bees that produce more honey. As a result, high-yielding bees did not come out, but a little devil came out. The super killer bee is three times the size of the house bee, the poison content is 36 times that of the house bee, and is extremely offensive, which is basically impossible to be domesticated. A strong adult white man can die if he has more than twelve shots, and a child under the age of twelve will die with three shots. There have been records of horses and cattle stinged to death on the farm.

Qing Heavenly Dao: "This little thing is still in the larval stage. When it becomes an adult, it will have the ability to attack. But regardless of the size of the larvae, the adult body will actually be smaller. It’s only about ten centimeters.”

Ross said: “A bee that is ten centimeters long can also sting to death!”

Corrected on a sunny day: “Attention, this is not a bee, but a super A version of the killer bee. Now we see the queen bee. After mating, it can breed slightly smaller worker bees and a small number of drones. The life span of this queen bee is fifteen years. The lifespan is only six months. Each worker bee will be about seven to nine centimeters long, with a large masticator in the mouth, which has the ability to bite. There is a one-centimeter long poisonous needle in the tail section. There is a poisonous needle in the worker bee’s A powerful neurotoxin, it will cause severe pain after being poisoned, and cause muscle twitching, leading to respiratory failure and death. This worker bee can bring down a large hunting dog with just one shot, and an adult with two shots, and more than ten shots. Sting elephants. In addition, unlike bees, this killer bee will not die after stinging people. The poisonous needles will grow out after three to five days. As for the drone, its body size will be as large as the queen bee, up to ten centimeters long. There is a two-centimeter-long poison needle behind the tail, which is about twice as toxic as a worker bee."

Xiaochun suddenly asked: "How do bees such a big bee collect nectar? When they fall, they probably even have flowers. Overwhelmed."

"I emphasize again, this is not a bee, but a killer bee. Their offensive comes from their appetite, because they are Carnivorous Insect. Their predation method is to sting the target. He died of respiratory failure, and then used a huge chewing device to tear off the skin of the prey and take it back to the nest to feed the young bees and queen bees."

"Is carnivorous Insect too dangerous?" Wei Na asked. "They are Insect after all, unlike me and Ling, although they are very strong, but they have rational thinking. Insect will survive by fair means or foul."

"Of course we know this, so we Defensive measures are set up." Qing Heavenly Dao: "The queen bee is actually equivalent to a Level 2 arithmetic unit. Shenlin and you can issue commands to it. It only has the intelligence to receive and simply analyze commands, and the commands will be analyzed by it. Then it sends radio signals to other worker bees to execute. All members of its group are under its management, and we have added an instinct to its genes, which is to attack any worker bees and Drone. Because Insect will evolve by itself, it is impossible to guarantee that individual uncontrolled workers or drones will not appear due to genetic mutations. But even if mutations occur, it is impossible for the entire colony to mutate together? A single mutant individual will be caught in the larval stage. If you kill it yourself, there will be no separation from the group. As for the mutation of the queen bee itself, don’t worry about it, because the queen bee is artificially made and will n

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