After sprinting the orcs, we found a small city and planned to check the situation in advance. According to our previous impressions, the factions of Russian guilds are very different. Most Russian guilds are pro-European, but there are also a few pro-Japanese, pro-Chinese, or pro-American guilds. The most serious problem is that in Russia, although the number of pro-Japanese and pro-American guilds is small, their strength is not bad, and the pro-European guilds not only have individual strengths, but the number of them is particularly large. The worst is the pro-China guilds, which are too many people!

The Chinese have always admired the strategy of befriend a distant state and attack a neighbouring one. The Russians have also learned these things. The neighbors who are too close to this place are very uneasy. Fortunately, except for the Russian guilds of pro-Japanese forces, other guilds are not as likely to fight as they see the Chinese, so it should be nothing for us to hang out in Russia.

Land land far away from the city and then summon their mounts to enter the city. Since getting the full set of national instruments, the situation has changed a lot, the first is her wings. The True Martial suit restored the ability to fly for the first time, with high speed and agility. In addition, there are more horses in True Red now.

"It's really red."

"Well? What's the matter?"

"You horse......?"

"Look Can't you come out?" Zhenhong smiled strangely.

"Have I seen it before?" I looked up and down for a long time. The horse is as tall as Ye Ying, and at this point, he is probably not a horse because of the wrong size. In addition to being big, this guy's elegant golden fur is also quite eye-catching. I've seen golden retriever war horses, but it is very rare to have golden light on every hair like this. The more weird thing is this guy's head. There are two small pockets on top of his head. I don't know what it is.

True Red looked at me for a long time without guessing it, and said with a smile: "This is Xiaojin!"

"Xiaojin? Your dragon?" Really red devil Chong is a Divine Dragon, and the predecessor has a golden light body. If you think about it, Divine Dragon seems to be capable of Transformation Technique, and it shouldn't be a problem to become a horse.

"Hehe, Tang Seng can ride a White Dragon horse. It's okay if I get a golden Dragon Horse?"

Zhen Hong just turned her head after talking about her mount. "First of all, I let you ride because of your cuteness. If a man dares to come up, I won't be a dragon if I don't tear him into flesh."

Khan, This is still an obscene dragon!

Zhenhong patted him slightly angrily. "What are you talking about?"

Golden Dragon immediately said: "I'm speak frankly, what if this guy wants to ride me? It's okay for me to take precautions first."

Ye Ying suddenly turned to the Golden Dragon who was walking next to him and said: "Don't think about it. Although I may not be better than you in fighting, you may not be my opponent in terms of moving speed. My master is not. I'll be interested in you. Besides, we also have Divine Dragon in our house, which is still a beautiful dragon."

"Beauty dragon? Is that the small dragon girl?" Golden Dragon drooled suddenly. "Hey, please introduce me? Brother, I corrected the majestic appearance in parallel, and I got the Dragon Clan, which is also a generation of handsome dragons! The two masters are colleagues anyway, let's kiss and kiss?"

< p>Zhenhong is True Qi this time, and it hits his head with a fist. "Are you a Divine Dragon or a giant dragon? Is there anyone like you? Be honest!"

Golden Dragon seemed to be afraid of being red, and shook his head helplessly. "Oh! My life is terrible! I lost my mother when I was three years old, and I lost my father when I was four years old. I was finally taken in by a beautiful host. I thought I could live a happy life from now on, didn't expect... Isn’t it okay!”

Yeying and I couldn’t help but laugh straight up. When we were fighting, the golden dragon that was really red seemed very mighty. Didn’t expect to start talking. Come so poor.

True Red said helplessly: "Originally, there was an attribute in this guy's attribute that said entertainment plus six. I didn't know what it meant at the time, but later I found out that this guy is a happy fruit. But. Fortunately, he was full of wind when he was fighting."

Golden Dragon protested again. "People are also Divine Dragon anyway. A sneeze can make the Yangtze River flow back. What a fight! When I regain my full strength, let you see what mountain cry out and sea howl heaven falls and earth rends." /p>

I can’t help saying with a smile: "Are you the Azure Dragon in the Eastern Sea Azure Dragon Tower? Divine Dragon, no matter how powerful it is, I’ve never heard that it can make the Yangtze River flow back! Oh no, small The dragon girl seems to be really capable of his dad."

Golden Dragon has a character again. "What? That lady is still a lady of a big family? Quickly introduce me. Our family is also a famous family, and it happens to be the right one!"

"No matter how poor, I'll give you chees!" Really Red threatened.

"I'm not afraid. At any rate, I am also a Golden Dragon, and I am not enough to grind my teeth!"

"hahahaha! You are really a happy fruit."

< p>"Stop." We were talking and laughing when a discordant voice suddenly interrupted us. I didn't expect it was already at the city gate between talking and laughing. Although I have been joking and not paying attention to the time, I have to say that the feet of the two mounts are very good.

It was the city guard who blocked us, and he was actually a player. The game is a place where freedom is advocated. Few players will do the job of guarding city gates. Of course, there are not all of them, at least we will encounter one today.

I looked towards the guard player and said nothing. The other person looked at us and pointed at me: "Take off your helmet."

I followed his example and raised a finger to his lower body. "Take off your panties."

The guy immediately rushed up with lance, but Ye Ying suddenly snorted, and a ball of flame spurted out of his nose, and the scared guy hurriedly backed away. . I patted Ye Ying’s neck to praise his ingenuity, and at the same time said to the guy: "Sorry, my mount has caught a cold recently." All fools know I'm lying, and I didn't intend to lie to anyone. Anyway, this is deliberately angry. his.

"You bastard, you dare to be so arrogant after entering the territory of Kiros City. You don't want to be confused, do you?"

"It sounds like you are a very difficult to Deal with the city, but what does it have to do with me? I just want to go to the city to find out something. Does this have nothing to do with the strength of your city? Or this city does not allow people to enter at all or only allows special personnel Enter?"

"Everyone was allowed to enter, but I don’t think you are pleasing to your eyes."

"Each each other."

"Also dare Said." He immediately rushed up with a weapon. This time Ye Ying was not as polite as before. The fire is just a warning. This time, Ye Ying directly rose up, and the two front hooves kicked on the guy, and the unlucky ghost immediately flew backwards into the city gate.

From the moment he attacked him, the attack was judged to have already existed, and the guards in the city immediately surrounded him. I reluctantly took the real red and turned my head to leave this place. Although I am not afraid of them, it is not a good idea to enter the city in this situation. The opponent’s city gate only has infantry. We all have mounts and can fly. They can’t catch up. Go around the city and fly directly to another city not far away. It should be possible to enter there.

This place in Russia is a bit strange. speaking of which They are the largest country in area, but the cities in this country are very individual, almost all concentrated in one place. In reality, the cities are fairly evenly distributed. In the game, the Russians gather their cities closer together, and almost as long as you look at the past, you can find three to five cities piled up on the plain. Like the city we are visiting now, the straight-line distance between it and the one just now is no more than three kilometers, and we can see each other, and they are very clear.

The guards in this city are all NPCs, and their attitude is much better than that of the player over there. NPCs only respond to hostile forces and red-named people. If the guild has sufficient strength, for example, like our guild, one or two elite NPCs can be arranged in the city guard. In this way, they will deal with some obviously suspicious people. Also react, even if the opponent is just a neutral player, he may be questioned. However, elite NPCs are quite rare in the game. Even if there are, they are often arranged in more important positions. Like our guild, there are not many big money for elite NPCs to guard the city gate.

After entering the city, I discovered that Russian players seem to really like orcs, and the streets are full of orcs. The largest proportion of these guys are strong orcs. Players can retain their appearance after choosing this race, but the lines will be modified to be rougher, and the muscles will be more obvious. But there are many people who like to taste fresh, so there is no shortage of players with animal heads on the street, and most of them are women.

Female players are different from male players. They also choose the werewolf bloodline. Male players can hardly see human facial features, but female players basically retain their original appearance. If you choose a Lion or other orc race, the same is true. In addition to choosing a strong orc, as long as it is an orc, the male player will definitely have a corresponding animal head, while the female player will only be modified to resemble ears or special pupils. The special modification of, there will be no large-scale changes in appearance.

Riding on the horse and walking on the street, I unconsciously started bloodline beating. The players seen on the whole street are almost all women, and because they are orcs, the figures of each one are called embossed and qualitative, especially a few special races. The leopard girl MM of the slender figure, the tall and strong horse MM, the catwoman with exaggerated curves, and the super cute bunny girl, the people who watch it almost have a nosebleed. Set up and set up, but I am also a man after all, no action shows that I have self-control, no response can only show that there is a physiological problem. Fortunately, I have armor blocking it, no matter how big the reaction is, there will be no embarrassment.

The Russian MMs below are all very enthusiastic in addition to their super good figure. Seeing me and Zhenhong passing by, they can’t help but wink at me. In Russia, the male-female ratio has been out of balance since 2000 AD, and it has not recovered. Instead, it has become more and more serious. Up to now, women account for more than four-fifths of the country’s population. That is to say, even if a man marries four wives, There will be many women who don't want it. Because of this urgent environment, Russian MMs can't be too reserved, otherwise they can only be old virgins. But they are so enthusiastic, and I really can't stand it as a good boy. A man with a weak heart suggests not to come to Russia, so as not to go back.

Even though there is a mask, Zhenhong still noticed my embarrassment. "Haha, what are you doing so nervously? You look at me and I won't go back and file a complaint."

"Huh, it's not a question of not complaining. These Yanmars are enthusiastic, but the problem is It’s because the flames are too concentrated, and you panic!"

"haha! This shows that you are relatively pure. If the two of them are here, you may be happy!"< /p>

"Actually, I think...!" Before I finished speaking, I suddenly felt something breaking through the air, so I leaned back quickly, and a long spear flew in front of me. In the past, Zi Leng Leng was inserted in a nearby building. Turning his head to see the direction where lance was flying, it turned out to be a hotel. Lance doesn't seem to be targeting me, it's just a flying arrow.

With a bang, the door that had been pierced by a hole burst into pieces, and a woman who looked quite strong fell out of it with all her feet upside down, and there was another chaos in it. Seven The woman was thrown out one after another.

"Warsawye, if you coward has the ability, come out and fight us by yourself. What is it to hide under a woman's skirt?" The first woman who was thrown out jumped up and wiped the blood off her face Pointing at the door and cursing.

A red-clothed catwoman covered in Monster Qi walked out of it. She lazily leaned on the door frame that had disappeared and said in a fast-sleeping voice: "Does the poor cat sometimes get angry? But after all, you are not a lion. What can you do if you are angry? If you want to grab a man, let your boss come over and do it with me. You are not worthy."

"Are you bullying when we are a blood lion?" the woman who was thrown out yelled.

"I know you blood lions are not easy to bully, but our snakes are even harder to bully. Get out of the way, don’t make trouble in my city. In addition, Akkad and Warsaw They are all Germans, so you pro-Chinese lower-class people should not get involved."

The more I listen, the more interesting it becomes. It seems that this is a battle where a few women are robbing men, and they have actually risen to the level of a guild. Russian men are too expensive, right? Poor China’s current male-to-female ratio is still 1:2 to 1:1, which is all caused by the stinky thoughts of patriarchs and daughters. Unless a man like me is outstanding in appearance and talent, men who want to find a girlfriend will have to work hard. , Or prepare to bachelor! Even like a man from Russia, he must cover up and bring two bodyguards when he goes out, for fear of being caught by a hungry female satyr and being ravaged.

Although this fight seems to us Chinese to be unbelievable and very interesting, it seems that something involves our interests now, because the other party mentioned pro-China forces. The girls who were thrown out seemed to be members of the guild of pro-Chinese forces, and they were obviously not opponents. The opponent claims to be a pro-European force, so it should be the faction with the strongest battle strength and the largest number.

No matter where you are, it is absolutely necessary to foster the power of your own country. If it is a weak group, it will merge, the brilliant one will protect, and the strong one will form an alliance. This is a general rule. Russia’s pro-China forces seem to be weak, and it seems that only mergers can be considered. Anyway, let's lay a good foundation first.

A few women rushed out of the shop opposite and wanted to beat the other women who were thrown out. Eternal turned into a stick in my hand, and I lifted it out flat and blocked the other side. "Wait a minute."

Everyone's attention was immediately focused. I turned around and pulled out the lance I had just made past. "I want to ask, what's the matter with this thing."

"It's mine. I just threw her at it. I accidentally used too much force." A centaur MM who was just thrown out walked away. Came over to take lance.

"Where is the handsome guy? Why don't you take the helmet off?" The woman who was leaning on the door kept throwing her eyes over, making my eyes dizzy.

At this time, if you want to win over the pro-China forces, you have to contact them as they are, so you don’t mind pushing up the mask. Zhenhong also lifted her mask.

"Yo, Japanese? Chinese? Or Korean?" Catwoman didn't expect us to be Asian.

I didn't answer, my arm was really red, and the Five Clawed Golden Dragon embossed on it can explain the problem.

"It turned out to be Chinese." Catwoman's smile disappeared. "Their helpers?"

When she said that, the few MMs who were thrown out looked towards me together. I asked the MM who seemed to be taking the lead: "Do you need help?"

She looked at her surrounding partners, and then looked towards my nodded. I raised my head to face the catwoman on the opposite side. "I'm a helper now."

"Very good." Catwoman waved forward. "Kaenruth, it's up to you."

"Look at me tearing them all into pieces." A tall Ox Head Man player came out of the shop. Standing on the ground, this guy almost caught up with the height of my horse, and he was really big enough. "Haha, it turned out to be a cartilaginous head." Ox Head Man yelled arrogantly and charged up.

"The cartilaginous head? Do you want to talk about yourself?" Just now it was the eternal sudden deformation of a stick. There is no change in my hand, but the other side has become a crab-claw-like thing stuck. The neck of Ox Head Man.

Zhen Hong laughed. "You are really muscular! I don't know if your head is full of muscles. The only thing you dare to speak wildly without seeing the enemy is that a fool is not a warrior."

"Despicable Chinese "Ox Head Man yelled angrily, but didn't dare to move. The pliers that eternally conjured were all thorns, which stuck his neck in the middle, whether he moved in or retreated. "There is a kind of don't use such a despicable weapon."

I smiled and blinked at Zhenhong to beckon her to cooperate, and then said to Ox Head Man: "I'm doing this for your good. I lose in my hands. When you go back, you can argue that you were not smart enough to be caught by mistake. If you were defeated by the lady next to me, how miserable? People would say that you are a soft-footed shrimp who is not even a woman."

"You fart."

"Will you try it!" I provocatively said: "You two fight each other, you win, I will leave immediately, you lose, these I will take it away. Today’s things have not happened for the time being."

"Okay. But I want to compare with you." The Ox Head Man pointed at me.

I shook my arm deliberately, and Sharp Eternity immediately created a few blood holes in his neck, but it just broke a little. "I'm not a power warrior. Fighting against me will become like this again?"

Ox Head Man was so angry but had nothing to say. In the end, it was Catwoman nodded and said: "Okay, I accepted your betting agreement, but I have to add conditions."

"Tell me."

"We win, then you have to stay and join our guild Do things for our guild."

"Then you failed?"

"We will not fail. Kahn Ruth is the strongest Ox Head Man warrior here, all Attribute points to all the added power, that little girl might be beaten to death with a single punch."

"I doubt your definition of power. I only know the specific situation. So you still need it. Make a gambling contract first and require system notarization. If we win, no matter what happens in the game, we can’t bother us. Besides, how about paying 1,000 crystal coins?"

"No problem, But you also have to add a thousand crystal coins to your bet."

"No problem." I took Eternity back, and said to Zhenhong: "Thank you."

Ox Head Man roared. "Speaking of rules, how to compare?"

I thought for a moment: "Let’s do it. You punch her first, and then she punches you again. If nothing happens, exchange again until one party falls. During the battle, the attacker can use any skills, and the defender can also use defensive skills, but it is not allowed to dodge. What do you think?"

Ox Head Man angrily said: "You are underestimating me. "

The red-clothed catwoman also said: "Ladies first, you should come first."

I knew they wanted to show their generosity, so they would definitely Decided, and I didn't even plan to let Zhenhong get that punch. Now that they really declined, then I'm not welcome. "If this is the case, let's take advantage. Really red, you punch him first, and pay attention to controlling your strength. Is it a friendly match? It's a friendly game, and it's a life-and-feeling!" The meaning of my words should be translated as: " Hit it until you die." But only Zhenhong can understand that the Russians thought I was polite.

Suddenly a Chinese came to the city and wanted to compete with the recognized first force in the city of Kahnruth. The surrounding Russians all rushed to watch when they heard the news. Considering the large number of people, in order to prevent accidents, the duel was changed to the main street in the city center. This side happened to be a square, and the straight main road just led to the city gate at both ends, so it would be fine even if it was beaten up.

Zhenhong stands there and this guy is several levels different, only half the height of others, at home, Zhenhong is not a big beauty with a good figure, of course no one believes that she will beat Kahn Ruth this Ox Head Man warrior. I patted really red on the shoulder. "Fight hard."

It's really red and nodded. "How far?" Zhenhong asked how far I wanted her to fly Kahn Ruth. Although she is very slender, the pair of powerful fists on her arms, coupled with her mighty Heavenly Dragon Fist, is not an exaggeration. This Kahn Ruth is tall and big, with armor, but at most 400 kg is up to the sky. It’s a trivial thing to fly this fist for thirty to fifty meters, and it may not be impossible to hit the city wall. It all depends on how the real red plays.

"I want to see your limits." I really don't know how powerful she is. Since she got a big punch, she hasn't tried it, mainly because no one wants to be a target. .

"Understood." Real Red smiled evilly.

Ox Head Man took a posture, a tower shield that was higher than the real red was held up in front of him by Ox Head Man, and he took a defensive posture, and at the same time he was loudly roared, his body grew violently, Eyes are red. This guy knew that he couldn't underestimate the enemy, so he actually used the madness skill. The mad Ox Head Man is nearly four meters high, it is a hill, but it shouldn't be able to stop this punch.

Those who were thrown out of the MM are all standing behind me, looking at the court very worried. In the ordinary people's mind, there is no suspense in such a battle.

Zhenhong set up a posture, instead of attacking immediately, she stood straight and closed her eyes tightly. "Dragon's Might secret spell, Heavenly Dragon divine force." A loud dragon roar suddenly sounded, and the real red body lit up in a circle of golden light. Five golden dragons flew up into the sky from the relief on her armor, and then turned around in the sky. It swooped down again in a circle, all hitting Zhen Hong's body and being absorbed in. Really red eyes suddenly opened. "Strength of 5 Dragons, Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist final style-Bengshan." I saw Zhen Hong punched out from the air, and the Ox Head Man on the opposite side was confident at first, and found that this posture was not right. , But it's too late now.

A dragon roar groaned, and a Divine Dragon composed of golden rays of light flew out from the red fist, and the huge dragon head rushed directly to the opposite shield. Before the shield was hit, there seemed to be a red protective cover, but it was a pity that it was scraped off like layers of paper. The dragon head hit the shield directly, and then everyone saw Ox Head Man disappearing into the rays of light as if swallowed by the dragon head. The golden Divine Dragon didn't mean to stop at all, still moving forward. Before the loss, considering that the strength is too strong, the two sides may fly backward, so there is no one standing on the straight line between the two. But despite this, some people who were close to the street were blown away by the hurricane brought by the Golden Dragon. The Golden Dragon plows the ground against the slabs like a plow, and the gravel and soil fly around together.

Fortunately, the location of the battle that was originally selected happened to be the central avenue of the city. A straight line in front leads to the outside of the city without any building obstructions, but all the people on the road have suffered. The people in the middle of the road don't say anything, even those hiding on the side of the road were swept away, and some roadsides that stretched too far were almost blown away. The Golden Dragon rushed all the way to the city gate, got out of the doorway, and disappeared with the city guard and the two city gates. The Golden Dragon, which rushed out of the gate, continued to rush for almost one kilometer before finally stopping, but it was still restless before it disappeared. There was a big explosion, which exploded a large pit with a diameter of more than 30 meters and a depth of more than 10 meters. . It has been less than two seconds since Zhenhong hit that punch, and most people should not be able to avoid it at this speed.

Everyone is frozen, except for the triumphant real red, even I was frightened. Zhenhong obviously tried the formidable power by herself, because she didn't seem surprised, but this is the first time I have seen the full power after the completion of the national equipment combination. I really don't know how to describe this formidable power. The people around them all stayed in place as if their jaw joints were dislocated, and their eyes were about to burst. The straight ditch on the ground didn't have any smoke. It was obviously plowed out with brute force. This force was too scary.

More than ten seconds later, there was a loud explosion sound from the city gate, and the city gate collapsed in surprise. The punch just now obviously hit the city gate building, but it was not brought down at the time, and now it collapsed. Although this is only a small city, the defense point of the city wall is not high, but it is too exaggerated to knock down the city gate with a punch. Real red is more fierce than a siege hammer. Until this time, everyone turned their gazes toward the outside of the city gate back to the real red side, and for a while, there was a sound of neat drooling around.

Zhen Hong deliberately said in a very fake voice: "Aiya, really sorry, too much strength! That Mr. Ox Head Man will be fine, right?"

"It's okay. There is a ghost. Even the innocent players who swept to the end of the typhoon and the city gate are finished, and those who were directly attacked can survive. That is a miracle. "This is the voice of all the players around, but none of them are. Will speak out. This is a well-known secret.

"It seems that we were lucky to win the game, then we are leaving." I turned around and said to those MMs with admiring expressions: "Can we leave first?"

They hurriedly nodded and left with us. Because there was a system notarized gambling agreement before, no one dared to stop us. The loss of the city is all the responsibility of the beaten Ox Head Man. It is estimated that he is depressed at the moment. I left the city gate and threw a bag full of crystal coins to Real Red: "This is your 800 crystal coins, and the other two hundred are my remuneration as a broker, isn't it too much?"

True Red throws the bag back to me, it doesn't matter. "You take it, I am not short of money."

I tossed the bag to her again. "This is your hard-earned money for performing arts and crafts. How am I embarrassed to embezzle your labor money! Keep it!"

Zhenhong smiled and put away the bag. "The same thing, why is it so easy to make money if you are there? If you hit someone else, you have to pay someone else's money in normal times. You actually got back one thousand crystal coins, that's ten thousand renminbi! Top The ordinary person’s salary for two or three months! If I keep making money at this rate, it is estimated that next year the richest man in the world will be me."

"hahahaha, you can really tell a joke."

< p>"Unfortunately, there is no such good thing!" Zhenhong sighed jokingly. But in fact, she misunderstood what I meant by laughing. In fact, I laughed at her naively thinking that this fist could become the richest man in the world at a speed of 1,000 crystal coins, and she too underestimated us monopoly. The bet just now took ten minutes before and after the start of the contact belt. On average, it only earns about one crystal coin per second, which is renminbi ten yuan. Father's shares in Longyuan have a net profit of more than 60 billion per year. The equivalent to earns 2,000 renminbi per second, and it earns it 24 hours a day and 365 days a year without interruption. Zhenhong's rate of ten yuan per second is really negligible, and this is the result of the match between me and her, and the profit has to be halved.

Seeing our smiles so heartily, the MM who followed can't help it. That at first the strong MM we saw was thrown out ran in front of us and blocked us. "Wait a minute."

Hehe, you finally couldn't help it. "What's the matter?"

"First of all, thank you for your help just now."

"If this is the case." The bag of crystal coins was really popular. "We are not in vain."

"Thank you for your help anyway. Also, I want to ask you to do us a favor." I was about to speak and she called out again: "Of course. It's not free. We will pay and hire you two to help."

I laughed. "She's good at fighting, I'm good at fighting. I don't know what kind of help you need?"

After a few girls discussed it, the leading orc MM said: "In fact, we are not good at making a decision. If possible, I would like to invite you to meet with our president in our city. I believe she can provide you with satisfactory terms."

"I am really interested in what you said. . Then lead the way."

When they heard that I wanted to help, they immediately became happy and took the lead to lead the way to their city. At this time, I remembered that I knew I didn't leave the city just now, so I just used Transmission Formation. It's a pity that I just thought about leaving the place of right and wrong before those people had fully reacted, and I forgot that I should use Transmission Formation to leave. However, without delay on this section of the road, the other party cannot be allowed to make a request first. We begging others to help others, and others begging us to help are two different things. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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