Facts have proved that the unlucky person recently is Nobunaga Onishu. This guy actually plans to expand the city in the occupied area of ​​Indonesia. I'm impossible to let him build the city safely. As for the person who messes up the work... Isn't this ready?

"Kaliobi, take your sisters, there is something to play."

"There will be a robbery target so soon?" Kaliobi asked excitedly I.

"Of course. Our guild has always been very busy."

"Tell me who is the target? How many manpower do we have? What terrain? What is the opponent's strength? What to use Equipment?...What...?..."

I suspect that Carlioubi is a professional robber in reality. This girl is really a professional doing this. She is so familiar with all kinds of things. There are also many problems. When have we conducted such a thorough investigation before? Every time you attack someone, it's basically OK to figure out the power balance of the two sides and the other's special methods. Especially in large-scale wars, dozens of cities have to be wiped out at a time. How can there be so much time for reconnaissance one by one?

"Kalliobi. Calm down first. We just decided to act. We haven't figured out how to act. How about giving us some time?"

" Do you want me to help? I used to be a top-notch expert in intelligence."

"Not for the time being, you may not be able to adapt to the working style of our guild for a while, so let our people do it first."< /p>

"Then I have to watch it a few times, and I can do it by myself in the future."

I hesitated a little bit and wanted to let her touch the secrets. The content is nothing, besides she wants to work for me, she can't hide everything from her, otherwise when the time comes, the relationship will be broken. After nodded, I asked Kali Obi to take her squad and walk with me. At the same time, I informed Ying and Hong Yue that something was going on.

Summon all the elite squads of our guild and send them to Sentinel City in Indonesia. The land we occupy after Indonesia is destroyed is even within the borders of China, so it can be sent back and forth using normal domestic Transmission Formation. Sentinel City was expanded from the original Indonesian city of Mataram, and now the entire Lombok island where the city is located has been expanded into the city. Not far to the east of this island is Sumbawa Island, which is much larger than Lombok and has two cities on it. This area was occupied by the Americans during the last battle against Indonesia, but it was later sold to the Japanese. The new city that Onizu Nobunaga will build this time is located on this island, right next to our Sentinel City. If this city is built, it would be funny. Everyday all can play artillery battle on the city wall of the two cities.

There is a whirlwind in this place. The east wind blows in the morning and the west wind blows in the afternoon. It depends on the season at night. In the northern hemisphere, there is a southerly wind at night in the winter, and a northerly wind at night in the summer in the northern hemisphere, and there is no wind at night in the spring and autumn. This cyclone will interfere with the range of the artillery, so Sumbawa Island will be downwind every morning from 6 am to 12 am. If the city is built, the Japanese will have six hours to shell our Lombok island every morning at noon. It happened that there was no wind during the meal. Everyone had a rest. There were strong westerly winds from 1pm to 7pm. Our Lombok can bombard the Japanese island of Sumbawa. Of course I don't want to see such a situation, so I can't let the Japanese build this city.

Currently the city is still under construction. In order to ensure that the construction will not be suppressed by us during this period, Little Japan specially invited a division team from abroad to come back, relying on large-scale battlefield magic to forcibly shield this strong wind. Let us not be able to bombard the cities they haven't built yet. As for harassment with fleets, I won't do this kind of trade at a loss! Battleship, don’t you need money? I don't plan to land on the beach, and shooting against the coastal defense battery is purely stupid.

The target of the robbery this time was mainly the enemy's material storage yard. There were quite a lot of materials used to build the city, all of which were piled up in a Japanese city on the other end of Sumbawa Island. Because this Sumbawa Island is long and narrow, it is not within our firepower coverage. With the help of Kalliobi’s professional skills, this robbery should be easier to complete. After all, this is just a small island and the Japanese can’t gather too many troops. As long as the Transmission Formation can be destroyed, there is basically no need to worry. The enemy's reinforcement problem.

All the plans went smoothly, but when we touched the island and were about to dive into the city, a system hint suddenly sounded in my mind. "Attention, the emergency call mode is activated, and it will be forced to exit after ten seconds."

"Huh?" I was taken aback for a moment, and quickly explained the phantom with me and my body state. "You will command your body, and Ling will command me when I'm away." After explaining the phantom, I quickly said to Hong Yue: "Hong Yue, someone called Ling, here you command for me." Almost The screen suddenly went black as soon as I finished talking, and I was forced to quit.

The emergency call function is a way for people outside the game to wake up the players who are playing. There is a probability of 1 in 1 million that will cause semi-permanent neurological trauma by directly holding the helmet, so a forced back button is set. Tap the person in the game to get a prompt and exit autonomously. If you press and hold it, you will be forced to exit after ten seconds. My current situation is forced to quit.

After I regained control again, I suddenly felt that my body was strange. First of all, I couldn't feel the body anymore. The tactile sensations of the arms and limbs are all gone, and no information can be received. In addition to the sense of touch, I also found that the eyes were also out of sight. Not the kind of visual impairment caused by darkness, but no visual signal at all. Hearing is the same as vision, I can't hear anything. With my current physical condition, the heartbeat sound can be amplified to a drum-like sound. How can it be completely inaudible? In any case, my five senses are all malfunctioning, and my body is out of control. Don't move, I can't even feel it.

Just when I was very anxious, a red bright spot appeared in front of me, and then the bright spot quickly extended to both sides into a bright line, and then the bright line spread out and displayed a picture. My vision has finally recovered, but the problem is that it feels like something is wrong. Wait, how am I in midair?

I found that my line of sight was five or six meters above the ground. There were a large group of workers below who were busy, many of whom were still looking at me. A young researcher was talking to a few old researchers. They seemed to be arguing, but I couldn't hear anything. The youngster kept drawing on my side, and at the same time yelled to the old researchers blushingly.

I tried to turn my eyes, but found that these all are in vain. I couldn't move at all, and I couldn't even turn my eyes, because I couldn't feel the existence of eyes at all.

The young researcher directed a group of people to push a squad over. This thing is about the size of a bedside table, much like a medicine cart used in a hospital. A long oval hemisphere is embedded on this cart, which looks familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere. There are a lot of wires extending from the bottom of the trolley, and they are all over the room, but because I can't turn my sight, I can't see where they are all connected.

The youngster took a microphone from another person who ran over in a hurry, and then pointed the plug of the microphone at a small hole in the hemisphere and inserted it in. Suddenly, I heard a burst of noise, as if someone was blowing a breath into the ear, but there was only a sound, without the itching sensation of ears.

On the youngster patted microphone, the loud noise of dong dong dong made me dizzy. "Wow, tap it!" I couldn't help but yell.

All the people in the room stopped at the same time and looked at me together. The youngster picked up the microphone excitedly. "Haha, you can finally hear it. These idiots, I said you can just type it in! They don't believe it!"

"Hey, what's going on? Also, speak quietly and leave The microphone is so close, blow your ears!"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" He quickly moved the microphone a little further away. "That's the way it is. Didn't you just do a brain-independent transformation?"

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"There is indeed a problem." Youngster said: "A few days ago, we suddenly discovered that your body functions are beginning to fail and you are in a state of dying. Fortunately, your electronic brain can operate independently, so we have dealt with you urgently and took your electronic brain out. Because you are still connected to the game, you can’t feel it."

"You are not telling me that our body is dead, right?"

"Of course not." Youngster said. "It's like this. Our research found that the main cause of body failure lies in the position of RH16...!"

"Stop. I don't understand too professionally. Tell me something straightforward."

"Simply put, the balance of the brain's micro-current is disrupted, and the body enters a state of suspended animation similar to that of a vegetative person. After a long time, the cells will automatically decay."

"What should I do? How is my body now? And what is going on with me now? Why can't I control my sight and other organs?"

The youngster laughed, and then patted the oval hemisphere in front of him body. "Haha, don’t think about it, you don’t have anything to control? In addition, the line of sight you see is actually from the monitor on the roof, and the ball next to me is your brain. So you actually Up here, the one above is just an illusion caused by your line of sight. How? It’s weird to be able to see yourself directly in your line of sight, isn’t it?"

I am dizzy. After working for a long time, the thing on the trolley is my electronic brain. The outer layer is a reinforced metal shell, and my brain is wrapped inside. The wires below should connect my brainwave signals to these instruments. I said that I feel that the position is so high. It turns out that this is the signal transmitted by the monitor on the ceiling to my mind, so the position of the picture appears so high.

"You haven't said how my body is? Also, how are my wife and my subordinates?"

"Don't worry, they are all right. They They were all extracted just like you, and the body was temporarily frozen. For these two days, we didn’t move with our eyes. We finally found a solution, but in order to prevent any accidents, we need you to cooperate with us to do some experiments."

"What experiment?"

The youngster patted hand, a group of researchers pushed a fixed frame, and I recognized at a glance that the body tied to the frame was myself. "What's going on?"

"That's it. Because your body's micro-current is out of balance, we help you artificially implant some electronic components, but considering many factors, we will Just be thorough, and install the second-generation power system that is still in the experiment directly on your body. Although it has caused you to increase your weight by 30%, it has increased by more than 300% in terms of capacity, so it is still very cost-effective. Yes."

"Hey, what did you change me to?"

"You can only feel this after you go in. Now listen to me first." He Pointed to something similar to a thermos on the table next to it. "This is a wireless terminal access device. I heard that your electronic brain has unlimited access capabilities, so you first connect to that thing, and then you can continue to exchange opinions with us when we do the transplant."

"Okay." I focused on that thing, and quickly sensed the access radio frequency range of that thing, and then simulated the corresponding signal value. The green light on that device suddenly jumped up.

Youngster took the booklet and walked back to the screen, but after seeing the green light he was surprised: "I haven't given you the frequency data yet? How did you get in?"

< p>"It’s okay. Longyuan’s wireless devices have protection signals. As long as you find areas that are not shielded, you must use the band."

"Then I will help you do the transplant now, what do you have I feel like telling me right away. Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce it. My name is Sunny, and I am transferred from the Fourth Special Zone."


I unplugged the microphone on my electronic brain, and then began to pull off the circuits connected under my electronic brain one by one, but since I was still connected to the terminal wirelessly, the picture and sound were still there. My body was pushed to the center of the screen and transplanted directly in a standing position. Sunny picked up something and touched it on the back of my neck, then my head suddenly lowered forward, and it was disconnected from my neck. But it was not completely broken, the front of the neck was still connected, but the back was opened, and the back of the head was also fully expanded. It turns out that the head of this body is completely empty, the whole is a large cavity, from here you can also see the inner composite material inner wall and some contact points.

A researcher wearing sterile gloves picked up my electronic brain from the cart, then came to the back of my body, and carefully put the electronic brain in with the sunny day. Because my brain has been connected to the shell of the electronic brain, I have already made a large-scale integrated circuit in the computer chip equivalent to. Now the work of connecting the electronic brain and the body is actually equivalent to inserting the chip into the computer. On the motherboard, there is nothing very complicated at all.

After the electronic brain was in place, they closed the shell behind the head on the body, and then straightened my head. I can hear a click of the locking mechanism in place, probably the connection is complete. The muscle tissue outside the body was carefully dripped with the original solution, and the wound quickly recovered at a speed visible by the naked eye. After a few days, even the scar would be invisible.

The sunny day made an OK gesture to the camera. "Okay, cut off the connection between you and the terminal. Once your consciousness is free, the body will automatically detect your consciousness, and then you should be able to regain control of your body."


I cut off the connection to the terminal, and all the sensory signals disappeared. After waiting for about two seconds, an echoing male voice rang in my mind. "The main program detects the consciousness signal and starts to synchronize."

The voice paused for two seconds, and I suddenly saw a green picture, not just the lobby, but a three-dimensional information bar. The sound resumed again. "Synchronization is complete, the signal is well matched, and the degree of completion is 100%. The system starts self-checking."

"The main power system is turned on." The sound stopped for half a second. "The state is normal, and the remaining energy is 9999."

"Neural network detection." A great pain came, but it disappeared in less than a second. "Good."

"The vision system is on for testing." My eyesight was restored in an instant. What I saw in front of me was a sunny day when I was looking forward to the expression constantly saying something, but the three-dimensional graphs I just saw still showed The translucent form hangs in my sight. After the line of sight was restored, the focal length was automatically adjusted from zoom in to zoom out, and then restored to the normal focal length, and then the color changed to black and white, then it jumped to green, then pure blue, and then jumped on several single colors. After several times, the normal color world suddenly resumed. The voice sounded again. "The visual system is normal, the zoom device is in good condition, the spectrum analyzer is in good condition, and the assistive vision device is in good condition."

"The hearing system is turned on for the test."

"What are you doing? That's it? Speak? Don't worry us!" As soon as we recovered our hearing, I heard the problem of the sunny day, but the sound was loud and small, and it was constantly adjusted, and it became thicker and thinner for a while.

The reminder sounded again. "The volume setting is complete, the sound pickup equipment is in good condition, the range analyzer is in good condition, the crossover is in good condition, and the resonance sensor is in good condition."

"Start the sound device test."

When I heard it, I knew I was able to speak, but one mouth sounded wrong. "Ah ...... ah ...... Ahhh ...... ahhhh ......?" Not only does not sound correct frequency, and the volume is also a mess, suddenly large and under.

"The volume test is normal, the multi-range test is normal, the full frequency test is normal, and the tuner is normal."

"Damn, I can finally speak." The sound will be heard as soon as the voice detection is over. It's completely normal.

Sunny day excitedly said: "How do you feel? How is the effect?"

"I can't move yet, how do I know the effect? ​​Also, what is this broken system? Why? There is also a self-check? Knowing that this is my body, but I thought it was a large computer power-on test! Wouldn't you modify me into a robot?"

"Where is it?" Sunny day Explain now, but my self-check is still going on, and it seems that it will take a while to complete. Let me listen to Sunny's explanation first. Introduced on a sunny day, dancing and dancing: "In fact, your body simply doesn’t have all-metal parts. Even if you have passed the airport security equipment, it’s okay. As I said earlier, your body is equipped with a second-generation electric system, or a bioelectric system. All kinds of equipment in the era of human electrical appliances are nothing more than four aspects: electromagnetic effect, electrical energy effect, electrochemical reaction, and electrical wave effect. No matter what device it is, it will not exceed the scope of the four effects. Electric light is a typical electrical energy effect. The equipment converts electrical energy into heat and light energy. The motor is the electromagnetic effect, the electroplating bath is the electrochemical reaction, and the wireless device is the electric wave effect. Anyway, any electrical equipment is within the scope of these four effects, nothing more than the complexity."

"What about me?"

"Your body also has these four effects, but they are implemented in different ways. For example, the electrical energy effect. When current flows through a certain conductor, the conductor will emit light or Heating. For example, heating wire is a typical heating effect, while rare gas lamps use electro-optical effects, which are all electric energy conversion. Since some rare gases are energized to emit light, the photothermal effect does not necessarily have to be completed by metal parts. We have installed heating and light-emitting devices that can replace metal in your muscles and skeleton."

"Light? You think I am a firefly?"

"Don’t get it wrong , Your body cannot emit light. Luminescent materials are only used for a few specific functional organs, such as your eyes."

"What? My eyes can emit light?"

" Yes. We have set up a bio-light generator in it, inspired by deep-sea fish, but you emit stronger light than them, and can emit directional light. This function is mainly to provide you with the ability to focus your eyes. Your eyes can shoot out of the bottom The power beam can provide direct beam guidance for laser guided weapons. Equivalent to put the laser guidance beacon in your eyes."

I said with a guilty conscience: "Fortunately, it is invisible light. Otherwise, it will really become a monster. Two light bulbs are on at night. It must be scary."

The sunny day smiled and said: "Don't worry, normal people can't see the beam of this wave." (To be continued. , If you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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