After waiting less than three hours on the German side of the border passage, a very special team appeared in my sight. Ling and I were sitting in a hotel near the city gate, and the entrance and exit of the entire city gate could be monitored from the window. The reason why it’s only called Ling is that it’s too conspicuous to sit alone in a hotel for three hours, but if you sit on the opposite side of a beautiful lady, you will sit for six hours and no one will doubt you.

Ling took a crystal ball, compared the features of everyone in the team below, and said: "All of them have done a certain amount of disguise, but a few key personnel can still recognize it, it should be They are right."

I carefully observed the entire team. There are a total of fifty-three players on the other side, except for two men with Knight professions at the head and the tail, and the rest are all women. In addition, there are many NPCs in the team. If it weren’t for the star pupils, it’s really hard to confirm which are players and which are NPCs. However, most of the more than one hundred NPCs are men, and there are actually two rock trolls mixed in. Instead of a horse-drawn mule cart inside, it's really good.

The player professions in the team are quite comprehensive. Except for the 17 music players I plan to recruit, the remaining 36 players obviously include all the major professions, professional NPCs, it seems All are occupations such as light cavalry. The bandit regiment wants speed. The heavy cavalry is far not as fast as the light cavalry, so they are not suitable to be robbers.

In addition to the personnel, there are actually goods in the team. Two seemingly ordinary light carriages walk in the front, respectively towed by the two rock trolls, and behind are six heavy carriages with lengthened and reinforced carriages. Each car is towed by eight heavy-duty horses. The speed should be It's not slow.

I was watching, and Ling suddenly laughed. I curiously asked her why she was laughing, but she asked me to use the star pupil to zoom in and observe the cargo on the third heavy-duty carriage. After zooming in, I was shocked to find a shiny iron cross badge embedded in the side of the box on this car. "I rely on the materials robbed by the Iron Crusade. This group of people really dare to do it! They dare to go so openly without digging the signs. If they are discovered by the Iron Crusade, they must be attacked again."

Ling said with a smile: "Their personality is really lively. Look at those girls, it seems they are going to leave the team."

The following is indeed as Ling said, I decided to be The seventeen girls of the target left the team, and the rest escorted the team to move forward. These seventeen girls who are engaged in music seem to be high-ranking members of the guild, or they have a better relationship. Seventeen girls chirped and left the line and moved closer to the trade hub in the city. The line continued to move forward, and I pulled Ling away from the seat. "Go."

Track all the way to the trade distribution center, where there is a huge stacking point. A large amount of materials were transported from one gate to the square inside, and there was a gate on the other side. Some empty carriages would continue to enter the interior to take some materials and transport them into the German trading system. The distribution center is actually a cargo storage yard. The real transaction has been completed in the trading hall in the city before the arrival of the goods. This is just the transfer of goods. French merchants transported the materials here, obtained the certificate of the materials after inspection, and then went to the exchange to trade these certificates with others, and then the other party could take the certificates to pick up the goods at the distribution center.

These girls seem to be shopping along the way, but in fact they exchanged some small pieces of paper with some mysterious person joints, and then pretended to be shopping again and gathered together to exchange and circulate everyone’s papers. . After reading the paper, they arrived at a building near the distribution center, and then they did not come out. I waited outside for more than ten minutes. I felt that the situation was not right. So I hurried to go under the Summon Rose Vine to conduct reconnaissance. It turned out that there was a tunnel under the building, and the other exit was actually inside the distribution center.

The other party's intentions are already obvious. They didn't bring the goods themselves, so what else could they do when they got into the distribution center?

"Rose Vine, use your eyes to send a signal to me and let me see what they are doing." I informed Rose Vine by contact.

The wide distribution center is filled with goods like a modern container terminal. Rose vines drilled out from under the pile of goods, and a vine with green crystal eyes emerged from between the containers. Stretch out your head, then turn left and right to find the target. Soon I saw the traces of the seventeen MMs. They were scattered and walking around inside the distribution center. Soon a certain girl found a pile of very ordinary goods, and then she immediately moved her mouth, but I didn't hear it. sound. Rose Vine has a voice perception ability. If you don't hear it, it means that the voice is very small or she is just moving her mouth without making a sound. On the other side, the other girls gathered towards this place as if they had been given instructions. They quickly reached this position and then did not speak. The pair of quadruplets quickly jumped onto the nearby cargo pile and lay down. On the contrary, monitoring the surrounding situation, obviously watching the wind. The girl who called her companion and the other girls began to untie the rope. Soon the ropes that bound the goods were untied, and several girls worked together to remove the pile of goods and turned a box that seemed indistinguishable from under the pile of goods.

I wonder why they didn't directly take the top one, but instead turned out the most central box. But soon I guessed what information they might have obtained. There must be special goods in this box, at least different from the things in the boxes outside.

After the box was turned over, the magic singer Carlioubi, who is the president and the leader here, walked to the side of the box, quickly turned the big iron lock on the side of the box, and carved on the back of the padlock. Holding a small balance. When she saw the balance, she put the lock down, and then stepped back to the other MMNodded. The MM quickly squatted to the side of the box, took a small tool into the keyhole and closed his eyes and started to do it. didn't expect this MM is actually a part-time thief, but also unlocks skills! The lock was quickly opened, and there was a whole box of magic crystal in the box, but they didn't rush to get it. Several MMs next to him quickly spread a carpet-like thing, and then turned the box upside down and poured all the magic crystals on the blanket.

After the box was emptied, the thief MM got into the box for a while and fiddled with it. After a while, she handed out a wooden board, and then she smiled triumphantly. I saw that she took out a huge red-patterned magic crystal from the box. Judging from the color and size, this red-patterned magic crystal is worth at least seventy to eighty thousand crystal coins. A few MMs next to him caught this red-patterned magic crystal, and then the thief MM took out another one that was about the same size. After taking out three pieces in a row, the thief MM took the wooden board that was handed out and put it back in the box. Then she got out of the box and wiped it with a cloth to remove traces such as footprints. The four MMs next to each other forcefully picked up the four corners of the blanket and poured the white magic crystal back, and then re-covered the box and locked it back to its original position.

The pile of goods was quickly restored to its original appearance, as if no one had ever moved. The group of MMs wrapped the red-patterned magic crystal with cloth, and then quickly ran to a small wood house. This wood house is a utility room for loading and unloading tools. Several MMs carefully cleaned up the traces, and then entered the room and closed the door. I judged that there was a tunnel under that room. Sure enough, a few minutes later they walked out of the house they had just entered, and the red patterned magic crystals were gone.

I see a lot of such tricks. After the first theft, the item will not be taken away directly, but the item will be stored in a concealed place. After a while, the other party will give up the search and then come and take it away. But it is not entirely certain, maybe they have items like space bracelets, and it is possible to put the red pattern magic crystal in it.

Recruit the rose vines, and we will follow them again. This time they moved very quickly and quickly returned to the main road. After crossing the big tunnel, they rejoined their team, but they didn't seem to plan to leave. When they reached the checkpoint on the French side, their team turned to the distribution center here. They paid the management fee to the management staff of the distribution center here very strictly, and then the management staff took them to open the materials and check them in the same way. At this time, I saw the contents of the goods. They turned out to be very rubbish ore, which was not worth any money at all. These boxes are indeed from the Iron Crusade, but the goods are not the original item, because the Iron Crusade does not use such a carriage to transport ore.

After the inventory was completed, these materials were transported into the distribution center, and then proceeded to the designated placement location under the guidance of the management personnel. According to the regulations, NPC guards must stay outside the distribution center and cannot enter the interior. Therefore, the players of the Angel Bandit Group just pressed the goods into the distribution center by themselves. When the administrator led the way, those guys were observing which way was suitable for escape. There is also a girl in the team that is very strange, she has been staring at the boxes passing by. There is nothing special about these boxes. She looked at it so carefully that it was obviously wrong. I think she probably has the ability to see through the box and can see the contents of the box. She should be looking for a target.

Soon they arrived at the placement point, and the administrator who led the way turned around and said: "Okay, let's put things here."

"Okay." Kali Obi, the leader of the Angel Thieves Group, immediately jumped off the carriage and directed everyone to prepare for unloading, but when everyone jumped out of the car, the male player standing behind the administrator suddenly swung a short stick and slammed it at the administrator. The back of the head. The power of the short stick was not great, but the administrator was unprepared. Besides, the back of the head was also one of the most vulnerable points, and he was knocked out at once. The administrator also brought two guards. As soon as the administrator was attacked, he immediately prepared to resist, but the male knight professional had already prepared a plan. After the administrator was brought down, he did not hesitate to take a counterattack. , In the middle between the guy's legs, instantly let that guy fall down under his covers. However, the other assailant lost his hand, and the guard rolled out. He stepped back two meters and suddenly took out a paper tube from his arms and threw it into the air. The people in the band of thieves saw that it was too late to intercept it. As soon as the thing was let go, a flame burst into the sky, and the bang burst into a bright firework.

The guards outside the distribution center heard the sound at the same time, and suddenly turned their heads to see the fireball in the sky that was shining with dazzling red light. The guards suddenly realized that it was not good after seeing the firework, but before they turned their heads, they were suddenly attacked by the NPCs who remained outside. Although these NPCs only had more than one hundred people, they were far from the opponents of thousands of guards at the distribution center, but they suddenly attacked and controlled the area of ​​the door within a short period of time, making the guards behind them unable to rush through.

At the same time as the chaos outside, inside the distribution center, the angel bandit players quickly kicked away the boxes on the portable carriage pulled by the two rock trolls in front. Both of these carriages have only one box, which was strange at first, but now I discovered that the box is a space item. Like the Storage Bracelet, it can be loaded with a large number of items, and the carrying capacity is quite large. The two rock trolls just like Crane lifted the designated boxes and threw them at the two spatial treasure boxes. After the lid of the treasure chest is opened, the upper space is an absorption vortex, as long as the chest is thrown through this area, it will be sucked into it immediately. The two trolls obviously do this kind of thing often, throwing boxes is as accurate as shooting a basket, and throwing one is accurate. A large number of boxes were thrown into the storage treasure chest.

Moving for a while, the guards rushing from the other door are already close to them, and Carrie Obi stands on the carriage yelled: "It's time to flash."

The robbers who were still moving just now threw things away, and Summon got out of his mount and jumped on it. The two trolls put the last box into the space treasure box, and then went to carry the lasso to lead the light carriage and start to run. Kalioubi kicked the lid of the box with a kick, and directly rode on the box to direct everyone to run.

The last few Knights quickly loosened the lasso of the six heavy carriages, and then led the horses to start running. In the end, the female player pulled out a thread from under the heavy carriage, then pulled the thread hard, turned and jumped on the mount, chasing the large group and ran out.

After the chaser rushed over, they didn’t have time to care about the carriage. They went straight from the side of the carriage and started rushing forward. But when there were a hundred people in the past, there was a loud explosion sound. All six carriages exploded. Hundreds of people passing between the carriages were engulfed by flames, and the ground was full of wounded and broken limbs. The scene was chaotic.

When the bandit players rushed to the exit, their NPC guards were still guarding the exit. Although they had lost more than half of their manpower, the passage was still in their hands. The NPCs of the bandit group saw that the team inside came out, and immediately gave way, and the carriage rushed past, at an amazing speed.

I stood on the spire of a church on the side of the road and watched the scuffle below. "Ling. Did you notice?"

Ling nodded. "Those rock trolls have a problem. I have never seen a rock monster that can run so fast, and this troll seems to be a bit slimmer than normal trolls."

Let’s say a few words. At the time of the words, everyone in the Angel Bandit Group had already crossed the blockade and ran towards the city gate, while those NPCs helped them block the chasers behind. Although "Zero" is just a game, all NPCs here have the attribute of loyalty. If you have enough favorability, the NPC is willing to die for you, but if you use it like the bandit group, the NPC will lose a lot. Where can they find so many NPCs who are willing to sacrifice for them? If this is consumed, no amount of NPC will be enough?

When I was thinking about this problem, the NPCs all fell apart with a bang, and every soldier turned into a pile of yellow sand. I rely on, it turns out to be a yellow sand puppet, no wonder you can give up at will. These magic creatures have summon time, even if they are not hacked to death, they will still turn into yellow sand when the time is up.

Although those NPCs have turned into yellow sand, they have bought enough time to escape for the angel bandit group. Seeing that the team has reached the city gate, and the city has already sounded the alarm, the guards of the city gate are also closing the gate.

When the angel robber group was away from the city gate and several hundred meters, the gate was already closed. The player in charge of the city guard laughed heartily at the angel robber group, but his triumphant smile failed. How long does it last. On the surface, it seemed that the gate was closed and the opponent could not run away, but the speed of the angel bandit group did not mean to drop at all. Just when they were less than 100 meters away from the city gate, the two trolls running in front suddenly exploded. No, it's not right, it's not an explosion, but a crack. A layer of rock outside the rock troll suddenly burst, and two fierce creatures with wings appeared under the rock.

"Ghost Statue King!" I finally recognized these two things. "How come I am so slim, it turns out that it is not a troll but a Ghost Statue."

In fact, the battle strength of the Ghost Statue is not as good as the troll. Even the King of the Ghost Statue can barely fight the troll. Tie, but there is a feature that trolls are definitely inferior to Ghost Statue, that is, trolls can't fly. The Ghost Statue with the disguise removed suddenly spread its wings and soared into the air. The light carriage behind it suddenly bounced off a pair of wings under the control of Kalliobi, and was taken by the Ghost Statue to fly. The mounts under the players of the angel robber group behind suddenly all threw away their armor. It turned out that these were not war horses, but flying horses. As soon as the armor was thrown down, the wings stretched out immediately, and the whole team flew up, flying directly over the city wall from the top of their heads with the grin on the face of the goalkeeper.

"Is this the secret of never being caught?" I muttered to myself: "Camouflage Technique plus all flying mounts, a very good idea." I pulled Ling and jumped directly into the air. "Flying bird."

Flying bird suddenly appeared under me, and Ling and I landed directly on the flying bird's back. The blue flame behind the flying bird spurted more than ten meters long, and the whole body soared like an arrow. go out.

Although the carriage of the Angel Bandit Group is lightweight, it still has weight. Ghost Statues can’t take this thing fast. They left the city wall and fell to the ground again after a while. Then two players in the team summon had two crazy cows. This creature was rarely caught before, because as a mount, their movement was not stable enough, and their stamina was not very good. However, Crazy Bull has two advantages, one is great strength, and the other is fast sprinting speed. The two mad cows pulled up the carriage and started to run wild. The Ghost Statue had no burden to fly by itself, and the others ran wildly with the ox cart.

Although the stamina is not good, the speed is extremely fast. The guards in the city have to raise the city gate before they can come out to chase them. The delay is even invisible. When the mad cow running slowed down, the player actually summoned two mad cows and put away the original mad cow. For a long time, these crazy cows are not magical familiars but magical summon creatures, which are the same thing as those yellow sand puppets. This MM is probably the maker of those puppets. It seems that this angel bandit group still has some real abilities, at least their ability combination is perfect. I originally planned to let them become members of the music group, but now that their music innate talent hasn't been shown at all, it is the bandit innate talent that is undoubtedly revealed!

Just when I was staring at them and thinking about how to recruit them, one of the MMs suddenly turned around and threw away a small thing from his arms. The thing suddenly became bigger and became one when it was thrown out. The hand-held harp fell down. MM caught the harp directly, I thought she was going to play it, but who knew she squatted and pulled an arrow from the back to the string, pulled it hard and loosened it, and the arrow shot in the sky like lightning. I. Damn, if you are a MM who can't play the harp well, you actually use the strings as bowstrings. Although the hand-held harp is really like a bow, you can't use it like that!

Asuka turned a blind eye to the flying arrows, and let it pass by one side, but the MM below all noticed us in the sky. Cario Bi leaned over to the archery MM. "Who is that?"

"I don't know, he is staring at us when we are in the city, and he has followed until here."

"This way he couldn't get rid of him. ?" Carrie Obi asked in surprise.

"Look at that mount and you should know. There is only one type of jet flying devil beast, and the person who can ride that thing must be the Frost Rose League."

"We didn't Have you offended Frost?" another MM asked.

"Probably they came to avenge the Iron Crusade. They are an alliance guild. I heard that their president Purple Moon has an ambiguous relationship with Ashford, maybe it's that kind of relationship."< /p>

"Yes, yes, that's the kind of men and men, wow so disgusting!"

This group of girls began to spread the improper relationship between me and Ashford. It’s also thanks to my flying high that I didn’t hear it, otherwise I would definitely be mad. Calliobi suddenly said to everyone: "Into the forest, how about his mount flying fast? Can he fly fast in the woods?"

Under the leadership of Calliobi, the team suddenly Turning off the road and rushing into the forest on the roadside, the bird dived and landed on the ground. Ling and I jumped down and picked up the take-off bird, and sent Ling back by the way. The forest is not suitable for activities like Ling's master character. I called out Bailang and jumped directly into the woods. Although Bailang is an authentic devil beast, he looks like a wolf and has good flexibility. He is also fast in the woods. The most important thing is that he has a good nose and can be easily tracked.

We ran all the way through the forest, and suddenly a huge open field appeared in front of us. The angel bandit group was standing far away from me and waving to me. Their shining light represented that the teleportation was about to begin. Magic rays of light, the teleportation is almost complete. It turns out that they entered the forest because they wanted to keep a distance so that they could use Transmission Scroll to return to their base camp, and now I am still far away from them, and I can see that they are teleporting, but there is no time to stop them in the past. That's why they smirked triumphantly and waved goodbye to me, completely offended me.

The Fenglong Space suddenly appeared on my side, and I pointed forward: "Darts. Punch!"

The white light flashed out with a whistling sound, and the opposite side represented that the teleportation was about to begin. The rays of light suddenly went out, and almost at the same time, a MM screamed. "Oh..." It turned out that this MM was caught by a claw by a dart. As long as there is a substantial attack, the opponent is drawn into a combat state, and it cannot be transmitted at this time. The angel bandit group who just played the city gate guard immediately tasted the mood of those guards who were played just now. Their triumphant smiles are still frozen on their faces, but the Transmission Scroll has burned to ashes, which is a symbol of transmission failure. .

"Is Ashford so small?" Carlioubi suddenly recovered and said to me: "No matter how much you say, it's just a small amount of money. Will you be a big business? Do you care? Why kill to the last one?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Haha, is Miss Carrie Obi's Chinese learning well!" Carrie Obi just said Chinese, and even the idioms are very standard.

Kali Obi replied naturally: "My grandfather is Chinese, and I have a 1/4/2021 Chinese bloodline. According to the Chinese, we should be considered compatriots, right?"


"It is not wrong to say that it is a compatriot."

"So how about letting us go for the sake of compatriots? Then I will return Ashford's things to him. , I'll give you an explanation. How about my proposal?"

"Haha, your proposal is very good, but it has nothing to do with me, because I am not the one that Ashford invited to collect the debt. By the way Now, the cute Little Sister behind you should stop making small movements. My pet's claws are very sharp." In order to comply with my words, the darts deliberately lit up small sharp claws on my shoulder. "It wouldn't be good if there were a few blood imprints on that delicate skin?"

The little girl who was preparing to do bad things immediately stood up and flashed to the side as soon as she heard it.

The little MM who shot me with an arrow next to Kali Obi suddenly said to me: "Since you said you are not a debt collector, why are you following us? Isn't it because of my elder sister? "

"You are really right. I really fell in love with her, but she is not the only one. I fell in love with all of you seventeen."

"Ten Seven? Did you count me in?" the girl pointed to herself and asked.

I am nodded. "The angel's twelve-tone scale, although I don’t know how your playing level is, but after seeing today’s performance, even if you don’t know how to perform, I’m planning to accept you. There are four identical quadruplets and Carly. Miss Obi, the seventeen of you are all in line with my heart."

"So I wanted to recruit us." Carrie Obi said to me, "Then you can go back. We like it very much." In my current life, I don't want to work for others for the time being."

I laughed. "You think things are too simple, right?"

"What are you doing? Are you still planning to use strong?"

I shook my head. "In fact, I don't like to push people, because I don’t have a strict mouth. I often like to see where people’s hometown is, and then I will say it very carelessly. If it’s an ordinary person, it’s fine, but for a profession like yours, In case I accidentally told your address, and if Ashford happened to hear it, how sorry I am?"

"Dare you threaten us?"

< p>"Did I threaten you? I seem to have been self-criticizing!"

"hmph, do you think you can threaten us so easily?" Cariobi said: "Even if you want to threaten We must first know where our headquarters is? Even if you have a big mouth and leaking air everywhere, what you have to know can leak out, right?"

"Follow you and you will know everything, You know you can't get rid of me."

"Who said that?" Kalioubi suddenly stretched his arms to the sides and spread his fingers. "Flash." A large cloud of red smoke filled with a boom, and the crowd behind the smoke disappeared with the swish of the smoke.

"cough cough cough...How come these bastards are like ninjas?" I summon out Ling. "Clean up the smoke."

"Grease." A tornado instantly swept the smoke away. Ling stood beside me and looked around. "It's all gone?"

I'm still coughing around. "What the hell did these bastards put in the smoke bomb? Hurry up to catch up with the mustard tear gas bomb! Aye...Ling, help me under the command and chase after him separately!"

Ling nodded opens the Phoenix Dragon Space And the Space Gate will direct for me. "All come out, now go to catch people, the target characteristics are communicated with each other through spiritual contact, okay, disperse."

Hula, my pets also ran out separately, not faster than the angel bandit group. How slow is it to help guys. Suddenly, there was a flurry of turmoil in the woods, and many innocent devil beasts were killed and were driven by a large number of troops to run around. After I drank some water and cleaned my respiratory tract, I took the night shadow and flew to the treetops. There is a Pegasus flying in the sky ahead, and it seems that someone is planning to try one's luck and run from the sky. Ye Ying didn't want me to ask, so he chased after him.

The flying horse is fast, and the night shadow is even more exaggerated. The four-hooves and the fire are running wildly in midair. The man in front was overtaken before he ran far, and this man was actually Calliobi. Seeing me catching up, Cariobi was taken aback, and quickly let Pegasus dive into the forest.

"Ye Ying, super head intercept her."

Ye Ying plunged directly into the woods, and Kaliobi’s Pegasus folded its wings and jumped forward among the trees. , But after all, it was not as fast as Ye Ying, who didn't touch the ground, and was quickly overtaken. Ye Ying jumped to the front and crossed between the two trees. Cariobi rode a Pegasus straight towards him. There were trees on both sides and me in the middle. She had no time to turn. Ye Ying and Pegasus collided with each other. Pegasus is tall, but it is a little shorter than Night Shadow, and Pegasus is of a relatively tall figure, yet Night Shadow is tall but not thin, and has a full sense of strength. This collision immediately shows the difference. . Yekage was hit by the snorted and moved two steps, but Pegasus was bounced back, falling all over and climbing for a long time, does not raise.

I took advantage of the impact of the mount, and the damn thing is Carly. Obi couldn't sit still, and she flew up from the mount and hit me directly. I only heard a thump, and a huge force on my forehead knocked me off Ye Ying's back.

"I'm dizzy, are you cultivated by al Qaeda? Even if I block your way, you can't commit suicide attacks?" I rubbed my forehead and sat up from a pile of rotten leaves. Although I was wearing a helmet, I didn't put on my mask. The impact was not light, and the bridge of my nose was almost broken.

Carrie Obi got up from one side of the ground, clutching her head and cursing: "Why is your head so hard? It hurts to death! Didn't the Chinese say that a good dog can't stand in the way? What do you mean by this?"

"You got it wrong. That sentence means that all dogs in the way are bad dogs, but that sentence is the evaluation standard for dogs. I am People, this standard does not apply. I call good people to block bad humanity. You are a bad person and a terrorist. Have mercy on my nose! Ye Ying help me see if it has a nosebleed?"

< p>Ye Ying turned her head and looked at her: "I didn't say anything when I blocked a big one for you. What are you complaining about?"

Calliobi looked at Ye Ying in surprise. "Your horse can talk?"

"Miss, which eye do you see that I am a horse? Is there a horse like me?" After Yeying finished speaking, she deliberately snorted. Flames spurted from the nose, and a few leaves were scorched by the fire and instantly withered and curled into a ball. Night Shadow is a purebred nightmare, Hell Raging Flames sprayed out of his nose, which can directly burn life and soul.

Kalliobi was taken aback by the fire emitted by Night Shadow. I have seen a lot of Fire Dragon. Fire-breathing horses like things. However, she soon remembered that I was still next to me and should try to run first, but when she noticed her mount, she gave up. Ye Ying still talked coldly about her. It was clear that it was in good condition, but Cariobi’s own Pegasus was lying on the ground and spitting bubbles. Even if he did not die, he could not move for a short time.

I saw her meaning and asked her proudly: "Do you still want to run?"

"Don't be too proud, even if I can't get away, you have to What good is it? At worst, if you kill once, I won’t let you know where our base camp is."

Looking at her stubborn look, I suddenly felt funny. "Actually I think you won't lose anything by joining us, why must you refuse?"

"Who said I won't lose anything?" Carrie Obi said seriously: "I lost my freedom. The most important freedom, do you understand?"

"Our guild does not want you to be a permanent

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