The reason for pausing the search is that we have a new goal. A few days ago, I asked various foreign alliance guilds to help find the magic phonology expert. Didn't expect really got results. Ashford deserves to be our veteran ally. He quickly sent me a list. There were 17 people on the list, and all of them were experts. I almost lost my saliva. Don't get me wrong, I'm thirsty for talent, not for lust.

Although there are 17 people on the list, there are actually only three groups. There was only one person in the first group, and the battle video recorded a beautiful lady wearing a big red tight-fitting armor. Her name is Carrie Obi, which has the same name as the singing Goddess in European mythology, and her main profession happens to be a singer. Kali Obi’s career as a singer is a branch of the magic sound engineer. Compared with the magic dancer, the number of magic singers is even rarer, so it is more precious. Similar to Qunrui, Kali Obi is also a dual profession. In addition to the magic singer, she also has a profession as a magic dancer. She has a good interpretation of singing and dancing regardless of family.

There are a total of four people in the second group record. They are quadruplets, and the four sisters are exactly the same. In the battle video provided by Ashford, the four of them obviously have strong battle strength. All four of them are magic dancers, and like the crystal flames that have joined us, their magic dances are extremely offensive. Basically, they can be regarded as a kind of high-sensitivity warrior. In fact, their tactics are very simple. Each of the four sisters concentrates on cultivation a skill. Although the enemy can find a way to resist the skill, once the four sisters fight up and down, they will quickly confuse the enemy, and they don’t know what this corresponds to. Skills are impossible to achieve correct defense, even if they happen to guess right, one of them will be messed up immediately. And when others guess wrong, once they guess wrong, it's over!

The third group is the most, and the remaining twelve people are all from their group. Although these twelve beautiful girls are not related by blood, in the eyes of me as an Asian, these blonde and blue-eyed beauties are all the same. The twelve of them have formed a complete band, and the coordination between the instruments is quite perfect. People who know it are called the twelve scales of angels. But don't be fooled by their beautiful appearance and graceful performance, these girls are simply bandits. The reason Ashford was able to help me find these twelve people is because they are very famous bandits in Europe. Robbing passing players, attacking player cities, looting minerals, they do anything anyway, and relying on their bandit group's speed advantage and battle strength, no one can catch them.

What surprised me more is that these three groups actually belong to the same guild. The information provided by Ashford is very vague. He only knows that this guild is called Angel Bandit Group, and that the other party may have many guild cities, but the specific number of cities in this guild, the location of each city, the number of guilds, etc. Unknown, it is a fascinating crowd. The only certain information that the outside world knows is that there are more women in this guild.

Leaving all the magic musicians in the country, I ran to Germany and found Ashford alone. This guy has a leisurely mind to study chess in the room!

"I guessed you were coming." Ashford was not surprised to see me come in.

I shook the information with me. "The information of these people. Do you have more detailed information?"

Axiu Fude laughed: "If I have more detailed information, I will catch them by myself. Which is your turn?"< /p>

"At least give me some clues? How can I find this stuff?"

"What do you want to do with them? These girls are dead all over Europe It’s not that big guilds like me have not been robbed by them. You can imagine how troublesome they are."

Since Ashford said this, I really need to be cautious. Some more. Even the Iron Crusaders dared to rob, this angel bandit group was indeed crazy, and the strength should be good. Even if the robbery does not have to face the entire guild head-on, the transport team of the Iron Crusade is not so easy to grab. At least it must be strong enough to defeat the opponent in a short time. of.

"I want to start a band, they happen to be players of the magic sound system, so I need to let them join."

Ashford said a little funny: "I want to hear My suggestion?"

"I don’t want to listen, you definitely disagree with me looking for them. But I have already decided, so you don’t want to persuade me. Now you just provide as much detail as possible Just give it to me."

"Speaking of details, there may be something you are interested in."


" You also know that guilds like our Iron Crusade have no reason not to carry out retaliatory attacks after being robbed. Although the other party is a female-dominated guild, theoretically speaking, we must have a gentlemanly demeanor for the young lady, but our gentlemanly demeanor It was not used to treat female robbers. However, our retaliation was never successful. At the beginning, we planned to attack their city. Later, we found that we could not find a place, so we gave up. Then we showed up again. It is a trapped transport team. On the surface, they are carrying valuables, but in fact they are all people."

"This can also fail? Didn't they come?" I asked.

Axiuford shook his head: "If they didn’t come, it’s fine. The point is that they came, and my people failed to catch them. Since you decide to recruit them, I think you have to first It is possible to negotiate with them by defeating them, so you need to understand their characteristics. The battle strength of this angel bandit group is good, but the real trouble lies in their speed. As long as they want to run, you will never catch them. , So no matter what kind of trap we set, we can’t really hurt them."

"What do they rely on to escape? On foot? Mount? Or teleport magic?"

"There are all. And there is more than that. They seem to have a very special way of movement, and everyone in their guild has a high-speed mount. When escaping, the speed is amazing and there is no way to intercept it."

"Is it faster than long spear?"

Ashford thought for a moment: "It's not the same. Long spear is a flying creature. He is indeed the fastest in the air, but he encounters forests. Waiting for the complicated terrain will not work. In addition, the angel bandit group seems to have the ability to move underwater, and many people find that they can't chase them after hiding in the lake."

"I see. Tell me where they were in the last time, I'll talk to them at a meeting."

Axiuford threw a piece of paper over, and I picked it up and saw it. This is a map with a lot of red dots marked on it. It should be the specific location where the robbery occurred, and the locations of the last few times have been specially marked with text. According to the map, the scope of the other party's crimes is roughly in France and Germany, and occasionally they will travel to several nearby countries to beat the autumn wind, but the main crime sites are concentrated in France and Germany. Connecting the places where they committed crimes in recent days with a red line, you will find that the line is roughly straight, and it can be judged that they are moving towards a certain place, and the recent robberies were carried out along the way. Check the map and extend this line to know their next goal.

"Thanks." I took the map and turned and left the room.

The extension line I drew on the map just crossed a German-French highway. This road was dug out by a German guild in partnership with two other French guilds. Because the border between the two countries was divided by mountains before the start of the national war, and the Transmission Formation of different countries was not connected to each other, it was dug out. It is very necessary for the land transportation line to change. The three guilds dug out channels to build simple roads, and then set up checkpoints to collect tolls. Because the two countries have such a channel except for the sea, people are constantly coming every day, and business is very good.

The angel robber group obviously has to pass through this place to go to the territory of France. Before, their crime locations were all in a straight line, and the intersection of this line and any city or traffic artery would become the crime scene. , This time they are going to pass this level, most likely they have to do it smoothly.

After confirming the information, I decided to go to the front to stop them, and I will meet them again after their crimes in the city are over. At this time, they have a lot of things in their hands. It's a good time.

I took a look at this legendary transportation line while it was still early. On the border between the two countries, a huge mountain range like a city wall stretches out, easily separating the two countries. This line of communication is a large tunnel dug out on the mountain. The Dao Idol tunnel should be wide and divided into two-way traffic lines and emergency traffic ditches. It is almost like a seabed tunnel in reality.

There is a city at each exit of this tunnel. This city is a checkpoint and also a very lively cargo distribution center. People from both countries transport the materials to the checkpoints of the other country, and then resell them to people in the other country, and then they can return to their own country. After all, people in other countries know how to do business and sell things in other countries. The safety is not guaranteed. Therefore, most people like to transfer goods at these checkpoints. Over time, a large trading market has been created on one side, and the daily throughput of goods is terrifying.

With developed business, there will naturally be more money. I believe the Angel Bandit Group will not let go of this delicious cake. And I just need to be ready to be a siskin now. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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