The other party don't give face so much, I don't know what to say next. But I was not angry. Thinking about it, I can understand that Qunrui's performance is actually normal. Nowadays, many people are very self-conscious. They put themselves above everything and think that others are all around them. As a result, they bump into walls and blame society for being unfair to them. Being able to understand and consider the psychology of others is not just for the good of others, but in fact it is also to help yourself. At least you can figure out what your goals are.

There is a saying in China called "know yourself and know your enemy, fight every battle without defeat." The truth is very simple, but few people can really understand this sentence. If Qunrui is now classified as a woman who is unable to tell good from bad, it would be a big mistake. If you want a beautiful diamond, you have to polish it patiently.

Qunrui is a beautiful woman, and she is also a thoughtful and capable woman. Such a woman can be said to be excellent, but it would be strange if no one noticed it. Because her advantages are too obvious, there are many people who gouge or pursue her. In this case, no matter how good she is, she will lose her patience. Therefore, she refuses to pick up people without leaving a way out. She is simply and thorough. It is impossible to deal with such a storm of bunker, it needs a little trick.

I don't do entanglement, I directly adjust my strategy. First, I brought a few music experts back to Isengard, and then I found a group of experts to take them to leveling. I must pass the 800th level in a short time, so that I can help them adjust some small aspects in the future. problem. In addition to these, I also specially arranged a mission for the “Eye of Hell”, an affiliate of the guild, and asked them to help me collect information on the best musical quests of these musical MMs in the guild, and bring it when I have time. They go to complete the special tasks and help them come up with a set of top-quality equipment.

After finishing the arrangement of these little things, I went offline and made a call to find some professional musicians from the Longyuan Propaganda Department. Their task was to immediately enter the game to help me train these MMs. Their music innate talents are all good, but unfortunately they have hardly received professional guidance except for a few people. Even if there are, they are taught by some poor music schools, which is not good for their later development. However, this plan cannot be realized for the time being, because although the few people I looked for have "Zero" accounts, they are all in Xinshou Village, and no one came out. If you want to train, you must wait for them to reach Level 20 before they can be considered.

After explaining these issues, I sent the ice grab and Hong Yue to the restoration unit to continue to lead the guild construction. I plan to handle the next task by myself. Anyway, there are too many people to use it. Really I need manpower and I still have a bunch of familiars to use.

Recruitment plan 1st stage: intelligence gathering.

First of all, I need to know why Qunrui didn't join other guilds. In this regard, I need to collect information on people who have previously recruited or pursued her. Let the Intelligence Section of the guild collect the information of these people. I used this free time to go to their villages and get to know Qunrui's various characteristics through legitimate and illegitimate methods such as small talk and bribery. , To collect comments on her from those who know her. After I understand these things, the Intelligence Section has collected information about the rejected guilds and those suitors. I will talk to them one by one according to this information to understand the reasons for the solicitation, the conditions of the offer, the comparison of power, etc. Some useful information. In the afternoon of the second day, I had already collected all the things I collected from Gao, and then I started to gather and analyze the most technically tested work. Preliminary information cannot be fully believed, otherwise it must be killed. Those who provide information will provide forged or inadequate information for various reasons. These things need to be screened out slowly to eliminate errors and unreliable parts. This is especially true of the relevant information collected from forums. There are now ten online forums with eight fake posts, and each piece of information must be carefully screened.

I started intelligence analysis after going to fake and unreliable intelligence. This step is mainly to find common ground. There were as many as three-four hundred guilds rejected by Qunrui, some of which have already been disbanded, but from what the guilds that are still alive have learned, Qunrui’s first characteristic is that they do not like male-dominated behaviors. Can. I'm not worried about this. The current ratio of men to women in the Bank is basically maintained at one to one, and because of the existence of Rose, the financial Chief Manager of one hand shrouding the heavens, and Hong Yue, the high level leader of nature like a Raging Fire, this Guilds are basically female-led guilds. As for me and Ying, although we are very men, I have never opposed Rose's opinion. Ying is a "strict wife" and it is hardly a male-dominated guild.

After the analysis, the second point I concluded is that Qunrui is very fond of women with high strength. The only three guilds in the data that almost completed the merger are because there are one or two guilds in the guild. A very good female player, so I specially made a card and put it aside, which is regarded as one of the breakthrough points.

The third point of analysis is that Qunrui likes music, which can be confirmed from the description of her profession and the people around her. The only way for me to do this is to use the music players in my guild for a collective music performance. Of course, we must try to make Qunrui "encounter" our performance, and we can't force her to watch it, otherwise the falsehood will be too heavy. I made another card at this point.

Analyzing one night, I already got a small stack of cards in the early morning of the 3rd day. Throwing all the massive data aside, the more than 30 cards on hand are separated by color. The black cards indicate things that Qunrui taboos and must be resolutely banned. The white cards indicate things that Qunrui likes and will be used as special bait for the abduction plan.

Father said before that the game "Zero" can be used as an officer training equipment, but now I know it. In order to get a player into the meeting, I almost studied the tasks of intelligence collection, formal analysis, and job assignment. It was harder than fighting!

The second stage of the solicitation plan: extreme stimulation

Giving a bite of leftovers to a person who is about to starve to death is more moving than giving a table of delicacies from the mountains and the sea to a person who has been eating. So We must first let Qunrui's situation fall to the bottom, and then our sudden appearance will be as dazzling as the dawn in the dark night. Of course, this process cannot be directly confronted by us, otherwise we will not be the dawn in the night, but the devil in the night. Of course we are actually the devil, but in order for Qunrui to join us, the devil has to pretend.

To make Qunrui feel the pressure of misfortune, she must be attacked in many ways. The first thing that needs to be hit is her guild. Qunrui has never been willing to join other people's guilds. One of the main reasons is that Qunrui thinks that she has the ability to manage a guild well, so she has always retained her arrogance and is unwilling to join others' guilds. Now I let her lose confidence in managing a guild. Once the guild goes wrong, she will lose her pride in her ability. Of course, sending troops directly to attack this small village is purely foolish. First, it will expose us, and second, defeat does not mean that there is no management ability. It will not help to attack Qunrui's self-confidence. I have a better way.

After simple planning, I acted quickly. I helped find a third-party guild through Ashford in Germany. This third-party guild was a small guild in the UK. All the tasks they got were sent to me through Ashford’s liaison staff, so This British guild did not know that the source of the mission was actually our Frost Rose League. The task of this British guild is actually very simple. Their task is to contact an Indian guild, and then through this Indian guild, to contact a second fashion guild in China. Through these levels of agents, I have been around in such a big circle, and no one wants to know who is the original issuer of this task, so that I have washed myself clean.

The Chinese guild that was contacted began to work according to plan after receiving a deposit. First of all, there is a problem with the economic pillar of the Qunrui guild, and the market price of willing to be the only mineral in this village that can be sold has plummeted. After severely hitting their economy, Qunrui's guild was subjected to several consecutive poaching incidents, and more than a dozen high-level personnel were poached away. For a small guild with only more than 300 people, the result of losing more than a dozen experts is obvious.

When Qunrui discovered that these situations seemed to be a malicious act against their guild and planned to resist, the guild began to publicly oppress Qunrui's guild in all aspects. To be honest, the quality of Qunrui's guilds is quite good, but unless everyone is like me, a guild with more than 300 people cannot withstand the oppression of a medium-sized guild. This guild that I hired indirectly has more than 3,000 players, and ten times the number of personnel is enough to produce an overwhelming deterrent.

The guild personnel have been maliciously PKed one after another. After that, the leveling area is always occupied. Many players who depend on this guild begin to consider whether to change to another guild. Under my arrangement, the Hot Blood League suddenly recruited people in this area at this time. Although the current Hot Blood League is not as strong as our Frost Rose League and the Northern Alliance, it is one of the top three after all, and its attractiveness is much greater than a small guild of more than 300 people. The three major guilds usually don’t accept people casually, and suddenly one guild opens its gates, and the attraction is like a whirlpool. Due to Feng Yin Miaomiao's intentional policy inclination towards the members of the guild of Qunrui, more than a hundred people were excavated within two days.

I think the situation is almost the same, so Feng Yin Miomio stops recruiting people. Although only two days of recruitment activities have been conducted, Qunrui's guild only has more than a hundred people left, and the strength is more than half. The guild that was hired indirectly by me started hit a person when he's down according to my instructions here, and tentatively launched a small-scale common sense attack. As a result, Qunrui's guild lost more than 800 NPC guards, and the original defense force with only 1,000 NPCs now has more than 100 people left. To make matters worse, more than 30 of the remaining more than 100 players simply withdrew because they felt that the guild was hopeless. Qun Rui saw that the guild with only a few dozen people was about to collapse.

The guild that I indirectly hired at this time began to aggressively attack Qunrui’s guild as instructed, causing a substantial pressure on Qunrui. There are too few players in the guild, and there are not enough NPC guards. The only way to resist such an attack is to increase the number of personnel. There are only two ways to increase the number of personnel, either by recruiting new members or buying NPC mercenaries. According to the current situation of the guild, those who are still willing to join either have a brain disease or have a special purpose, so recruiting members is impossible, and buying NPC requires money in this respect, but the only economic pillar of the guild is already in Qunrui It was cut off four days ago, and a lot of money was spent on fighting in the past two days, and there was no money to buy NPC at all.

Now, the crucial step is about to begin. Under my intentional arrangement, Asura purple clothed and Qunrui, who have been in charge of the overseas affairs of the guild, had a "coincidence". Asura purple clothed is the main member of the guild, and is mainly responsible for American affairs. It is not well-known in the country. Qunrui is impossible to know her deeds. Asura purple clothed brought the masking equipment I got when I used the Wishful Altar to do missions. Qunrui couldn't see her guild badge, so she didn't know that Asura purple clothed was from our guild.

According to the key cards made in the 1st stage mission, Qunrui’s susceptible population is women with outstanding strength, and she and such people are especially easy to become friends. Needless to say, the strength of Asura purple clothed, the fighting skills and brains are good, otherwise I would not give her responsibility for everything in the Rose area. At the same time, Asura purple clothed can be regarded as a national idea, and quite radical. In this regard, it is easy to resonate with the feminist group core. Coupled with the deliberate approach of Asura purple clothed, the two quickly became good friends in the "encounter".

After a simple exchange, Asura purple clothed "unintentionally" learned about Qunrui's plight, and immediately "generously" offered to help. Although Qunrui wanted to refuse, the other party acted sincerely and really needed help, so she agreed. Asura purple clothed supports a large group of NPC guards in Qunrui, the number is as high as 5,000, and all of them are the special arms of the United States—primary level Musketeers. These soldiers were given to Qunrui in the form of private sponsorship, and Qunrui promised that they would pay it back once they passed the storm.

The hired Chinese guild began to attack the village at this time according to our orders. After the battle broke out, the sudden rain on the battlefield, of course, would not have occurred naturally. The heavy rain came from another Chinese guild that was indirectly hired by us. The division of the guild released a group battlefield magic and caused heavy rain. The rain came and went quickly, but the five thousand primary level musketeers loaned by Asura purple clothed used all front-charge muskets, which were all turned into scrap by the rain. At our request, the guild only dispatched a small number of troops, and quickly killed the five thousand NPCs, and once entered the village, killing the remaining 100 NPC guards, and even the players died a lot. .

In the end, Qunrui was lucky enough to win the battle because the guild "underestimated the enemy", but as a result, more than 50 people withdrew from the guild. Only 30 players and a dozen players remained in the guild. Disabled NPC guards, and a broken village half turned into ruins.

Since then, the professional blow has been basically in place, and Qunrui has begun to doubt his ability, which is considered to have achieved my goal. The next thing to do is to conquer psychologically. At this time, my precious wife is about to be mobilized.

3rd Stage of Recruitment Plan: Emotional Offensive

Rose is on the move, one is the best.

The 30-odd people who can still guard Qunrui despite such a bad experience are all good friends who care about Qunrui. Of course, they will also be in the group when they are sincere to Qunrui. Rui's heart occupies a very important position, and these positions are the satellite firepower points of the bunker of Qunrui. If they are allowed to turn, the rest will be easy to handle.

Because of the previous borrowing incident, Qunrui owed Asura purple clothed a favor. Qunrui is arrogant, and the more arrogant people are, the less can they owe favor, because their arrogance will make them feel that this favor is as heavy as Mount Tai. Asura purple clothed at this time began to contact these friends around Qunrui, and "accidentally" revealed that she was actually a member of the Frost Rose League. Because of the preconceived opinion before, the identity of Asura purple clothed did not arouse disgust, but made everyone admire her.

Under the introduction of Asura purple clothed, Rose officially entered the plan and started work. Unlike Asura purple clothed, the provocative nature of roses is terrifying. She summoned everyone around Qunrui with the reason of inviting dinner, of course Qunrui didn't know about this gathering. Rose used the opportunity of this meal to start a full brainwashing of these thirty-odd people. First of all, Rose said that Qunrui is now facing a huge dilemma and needs everyone's help. This sentence immediately resonated with these good friends of Qunrui, and they all said that they should really help Qunrui. Next, Rose began to help them analyze the status quo. Under the inductive discussion that Rose is best at, these people's thoughts were taken away. The terrifying point of inductive discussion is that it seems that everyone is discussing the problem. In fact, the topic has always been guided by a talented person. Everyone is only passively accepting the indoctrination of ideas, but they will also have the correct result of their own discussions. It can be said that inductive discussions have the great ability to reverse black and white and distort facts. However, in the end, everyone was induced by Rose to think that they must find a strong support to help Qunrui. The next thing will be easy. Do you want to rely on! Then take a few top-ranked guilds in China and analyze them, and see which guild is more appropriate to rely on. With Asura purple clothed and Rose present, who do I need to rely on for discussion?

After a meal, the people around Qunrui became the camp that firmly supported the guild to join the Frost Rose League, and Qunrui became unstable under the influence of these people. In addition, after she knew that Asura purple clothed was actually our frosty person, her favor was naturally transferred to us. At this time, the emotional offensive basically ended, dispelling Qun Rui's emotional concerns.

The fourth stage of the recruitment plan: do what you like

What does Qunrui like? Talking about the strong woman and wonderful music and dancing.

After Asura purple clothed, Rose began to formally contact Qunrui and quickly conquered the woman. Afterwards, Hong Yue, Zhenhong, gold coin, Woma, and Bingbing, these famous women in the guild all contacted Qunrui separately, which made her have a fascinating feeling for this strong man in our guild.

After the superwoman, six music players headed by Bingbing also met Qunrui. There were too many topics in common between the two parties, and they immediately forgot that they had just met each other soon after they discussed it. The music department has a small number of players, and it is difficult to learn from or learn from each other. It is rare that six music experts accompany Qun Rui to discuss it all at once, which broke her music. But when they were happiest in the discussion, the six of them were suddenly transferred away under the name of an urgent task. This is a warning to Qunrui, let her suddenly discover at the peak of joy that the other party belongs to another guild, not the same as her. Qunrui felt a sense of loss immediately after the six people left, and what I wanted was this effect. "Do you want to discuss research with them? Then join us!" This is the subtext I convey to Qunrui.

Fifth Rank section of the recruitment plan: show

After processing the previous part, it is time for us to show our own strength. Before the second stage, Qunrui's self-confidence was almost gone, now let her understand the shocking power of the super guild. After Rose and Qunrui quickly became good friends, they proposed to help kill the guild that bullied Qunrui. Qunrui symbolically refused and accepted, and was invited to watch the battle.

The opposing guild has already collected the money, and the battle will destroy their guild, but they can form a guild immediately with this money, and they can do a better business with this money. Yes, so they are not embarrassed about this task that will sacrifice the entire guild. Of course, we have to show our super-strike ability and let Qunrui know what the power of the super guild is. In the battle, I thoroughly implemented the principle of killing chickens with a sledgehammer, and completely destroyed the entire city with an overwhelming advantage. After seeing hundreds of giant dragons working with the insect race fortress and tens of thousands of NPC battle strengths to flatten the city alive, Qun Rui's last self-confidence was also lost. She now completely believes that she is not suitable to be a guild leader, because the guild she formed is like the difference between the children’s group and the mechanized group army.

The last step of the plan can now be implemented. I call it a "where water flows, a canal is formed" solicitation plan. Under the general trend of guilds falling apart and the popular sentiment that my friends around me have been approving of, Qunrui simply agreed when I made another invitation. But when she saw the information hanging in the Conference Hall where the band was formed, she immediately understood.

The information Qunrui saw was of course the information of the musicians including herself, Qingxin and Mingjing. As a woman who was actually really savvy, she immediately guessed what happened in the last week. The essential. Their guild was suddenly hit so hard, and our guild happened to help her at this time, plus the information that already existed in the room, all of this showed that the whole thing was planned by me. Otherwise, how could it happen that I just wanted to recruit her, and her guild was made like this, and she was forced to join?

Actually, these all are I deliberately let her guess. The deceived companions will not be reliable, and the usual style of our Frost Rose League is to prefer not to abuse, and I do not want disloyal companions. Although Qunrui had guessed what was going on, she had already joined our guild with her thirty or so friends. Now that the raw rice has been cooked, it is not so easy for her to withdraw from the guild. In addition, she was even more shocked that she was caught in such a big trap, and she didn't even know how I did it. This gap in strategic ability was my last blow, and she was completely convinced, and I showed her the information, which is to be honest with her and convince her to lose.

Qunrui looked at me with a smug smile and said: "Since you don’t let me know and let me see this, then I will be more generous. I will not quit you now. Guild, I will follow you to learn your planning ability, until one day when I can surpass you, I will leave this guild and stand on my own." She said very stubbornly, but also very helpless.

I don't care: "Whatever you like, but being able to say this shows that you are still immature."

"Why?" Qun Rui looked at me in surprise.

"It’s useless for you to separate from our Frost Rose League. In the eyes of outsiders, you have been branded with the Frost Rose League. No matter what you do, you are a member of our Frost Rose League. As long as you are regarded as a part of us, you will never be independent. Understand?"

Qunrui's weak sighed: "I lost to you, it seems I can only do a part-time job That's right! But I want to know how you put this trap, I still don't understand what I did wrong."

"You are not wrong."

"Then why...?"

"When a swimmer is washed away by the flood, his swimming style is completely correct, but he will also be washed away, you just happen to the same thing , That's all."

Qunrui nodded. "I understand." The little sheep facing the wolves can only become a good meal for the wolves no matter what they do. This is not because the little sheep has made any mistakes, but the overall strength is too great, and its own behavior can be ignored. No matter what you do, it’s the same. Struggling is death, and not struggling is death. Qunrui is the sheep, she made no mistakes, but failure is doomed.

After getting Qunrui’s joining, there are four remaining goals, but there is no need to find these four people for the time being, and the reason... (to be continued, if you want to know what will happen, Please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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