"What is it?" The Gun God asked.

"That is, I have the coercion of the undead creatures, but also have a high degree of friendship with the undead creatures, plus my psychic attributes."

"What's the matter then?" The gun god still didn't understand.

"What's wrong? I don't understand this? The undead under this kind of favorability are idiots who can negotiate."

"Negotiating? With monster?"

< p>I ignored him and walked straight out of the woods where the sound was hidden. The heroic spirit found me immediately, but he seemed hesitant under the dual effects of coercion and goodwill. The dual attributes of coercion and favorability do not interfere with each other. Coercion is just a pressure from its own strength. I will think about it before letting creatures that can feel this strength attack me. Favorability is pure intimacy, which can also prevent the undead from actively attacking.

"Hello, my name is Purple Moon, can I talk to you?" I took the initiative to greet the hero.

He didn't answer me, he just stared at me, and his hand was always on the hilt, and he could pull it out whenever needed.

"I think you should know the current situation, we..."

The hero spoke before I finished speaking. "What happened here? I don't remember!" The heroic spirit's voice was thick and hoarse, and it seemed to be coming out of a huge tin tube, with harmony, which didn't sound very good, but I I think girl would like this kind of voice because it is very masculine.

This guy actually doesn't remember what happened. According to the small dragon woman, the monsters who came to protect these towers should be voluntary, and it doesn't make sense to not know the cause of the matter. The only reason this heroic spirit didn't know what happened was his amnesia, and I have seen this situation a lot. Eighty percent of Big Lich can’t remember their previous life, because Necromancer’s death rate was as high as 70% during the transfer to Lich, and more than 80% of the remaining 30% will lose their previous memories. This is The price a person must pay if they want to forcefully become Demi-God.

This heroic spirit was just a combat soul with a little bit of strength before. After several enhancements, he must have crossed the same steps of Lich and entered the Demi-God stage. He lost his memory during the transformation process. This kind of amnesia should be permanent and irreversible, because never a Lich will restore the memory. Of course, Lichs often think back to the year in memory, but in fact it is not a pretend. Most Lich knew the side effects of the transformation process when they were still Necromancers, so they will record their life memory in a crystal ball in advance, and after the transformation is completed, the memory will be reinfused back by the pre-set delay release mechanism. Don't worry about amnesia. But this trick was useless for this hero, because he was originally not a Necromancer. Besides, he was not prepared for this promotion. He would not prepare a crystal ball to record his memory at all. Amnesia is an inevitable result.

hehe, since he has lost his memory, it is easy to handle. I've done something like abducting the dead spirits of Liang's family. It's not one or two times. I don't care how many times I come.

"Don't you remember the situation now?" I asked seriously.

"I don't remember." The hero looked at me: "Who are you? I feel...as if...we should know each other."

"You think so Is it?"


I laughed: "Unfortunately, we don't really know each other."

"Then how I feel... …?"

"This is because of my undead attribute. You are Undead Race, and I have the intimate attribute of Undead Race, so you will feel that we are very familiar." It’s best in this kind of little thing. Don't lie. Abduction is also an art. Lying completely will definitely help.

The hero thought for a while and believed me. Although he has amnesia, he is not stupid. He knew that in this case, I had to believe it even if I admitted that we knew him, so I didn't have to lie to him, but I took the initiative to say my attributes and seemed to be honest.

"Can you tell me why I am here?"

I laughed, and it's time to lie. Of course, there is still a need to mix the truth and the false. "Actually, your task now is to destroy us."

Originally, the gun gods were still hiding behind the tree. When they heard my words, the gun gods couldn't help but ran out. My demons knew me very well. , They rushed to try to stop the gun god, but failed. The kid rushed out after moving too fast. "Purple Moon, your head is broken? If he loses his memory, just say that we are friends, don’t you just have to?"

The hero has no face, so he doesn’t make an expression, but I believe his heart must have been completely messed up. NS. Although I heard that his mission is to kill us, he instinctively felt that he shouldn't fight me, so he didn't turn his face right away, but said to me: "You are really sure that my mission is to kill you."

"Of course." It is not ours or the heroic spirit who speaks, but the ghost Nobunaga. This guy had been hiding just now, but now he suddenly appeared. "Heroic, kill these guys."

Heroic looked at Nobunaga Guishou, the red flame in his eyes flickered a few times, obviously quite hesitant. "Let me figure out the situation first?"

Nobunaga Onihand immediately roared: "It's nothing, I paid such a big price to invite you, and now you have absorbed so much. The power of this is to kill them."

"But why should I trust you?" The heroic spirit almost choked to death when Nobunaga asked Guishou with a question.

As soon as Nobunaga Guishou was about to speak, I cut off first. "Heroic, he is telling the truth. We are enemies with him. He has collected a large number of monsters to deal with all my monsters and arranged a big formation. The power of guarding sanitary items that died in such a Formation will be transferred to other sanitary items. On his body, you are the last guard here, so all your power is concentrated on you, causing you to forcibly evolve into a heroic spirit in the Demi-God state. You lost your memory because of this evolution. Although your memory has been lost a lot , But the basic knowledge should still be there. You should know what I said?"

"Yes, if my strength has indeed been greatly improved in a short period of time, it may indeed cause amnesia."


I continued: "You are the guard he invited to deal with me, and I don't want to fight with you, what about following me if you want?"

"I... "The heroic spirit began to hesitate. The previous memory loss caused him to forget all of his past, and now he can remember some basic knowledge, which made his perception of everyone be cleared. Now anyone's performance in front of him will be re-examined, there is no regional favorability and preconceived characteristics. Under fair performance, Nobunaga Onishu is definitely not as attractive as me. Anyway, I am also an existence with a very high charm value, coupled with the undead's favorability and coercion, as long as I don't take the initiative to insult or attack the undead, they will be willing to follow me. The only advantage of Nobunaga Guishou is that he is Ghost Clan, who is born with the ability to manipulate undead, so he can invite a lot of demons and ghosts.

Seeing some signs of the heroic spirit being loose, Nobunaga Guishou immediately called out: "You can't violate the faith."

"But I don't remember." The heroic spirit is very straightforward. Answered.

I said to Guishou Nobun a long time: "Have you signed a contract with him?"

"Contract?" In order to prevent fraud, players rarely do not sign a contract, but it is against Because of the high reputation of NPCs, few players thought about signing contracts with NPCs. Nobunaga Guishou just wanted to mobilize monsters to participate in battle. He never thought of signing contracts with monsters.

The gun god finally understands what I mean. "Since there is no contract, then it is not binding, and you said you agreed to agree? No one here sees it. The only party has amnesia. What do you say is what you said?"

I also made up my mind to give up Guishou Nobunaga, and immediately said: "I have decided, I will not help you anymore, at least I am neutral now."

I immediately winked at Ye Yue: "I heard? He said he was neutral."

Ye Yue immediately showed an unusually charming smile and turned to face Nobunaga Guishou. "You are alone now, let's have a good time? Let's do some aerobics first." As Ye Yue had already rushed up, the six-handed snake sword was flying up and down, and the beating Guishou Nobunaga had to retreat again and again.

Xiaofeng suddenly turned over and jumped up, and then turned into a sword in the air and fell towards Yeyue: "Use me." Yeyue put away a snake sword and caught the flames of Xiaofeng's transformation. Sword, knocked against Nobunaga's Toyo sword at once. The strength of two people is obviously not the same level. Nobunaga is also a player no matter how powerful it is. In terms of basic strength, it is definitely not the opponent of the devil beast born Yeyue, but what is more terrifying is that his sword was burned red as soon as it touched. The flame sword that Xiaofeng changed was really not too cold.

Ye Yue looked at the flame sword in his hand and suddenly swung forward, a flame burned directly along the ground, and the scared Guishou Nobunaga quickly jumped aside. This guy knew that it didn't make any sense to fight with us now. Taking advantage of the opportunity to jump to the side, he got up and jumped back again, and he disappeared after a few ups and downs. Ye Yue threw the sword into the sky, and the flame sword turned into a Fire Phoenix in mid-air, and then landed again in a human form.

I turned and looked towards Heroic Spirit: "Will you follow me?"

"I am not used to living in a human city."

"I can build A city of the undead, besides, I rarely appear in the city. What do you think?"


It is done without damage, abducting the undead is better than directly defeating him and then catching it. It's much simpler to become a demon pet. I first gave the hero a name called King, because he said that he vaguely remembered that he was a commander before. I guess he may have been a general before, and following me can command a large number of undead, just to give full play to his specialties.

The king is counted as a humanoid familiar, and unexpectedly, his two familiars are full. Before this, only Emenes brought a pioneer when he became my familiar, and this king brought me two familiars at once.

The king’s own attributes are not bad. After all, they have been strengthened so many times. The basic attributes are quite exaggerated. However, because the familiars around me are all rare and powerful combat familiars, this point is not outstanding. NS. What I really like is the special attributes of the king. The first is that the king can increase his favorability with the undead, and the second is his skill. The King’s skills also have the fog of death, which can be overlapped with my skills. When the two types of fog expand at the same time, the living creatures in the fog may gradually be transformed into undead creatures, and it can also actively suppress the attributes of non-dead creatures. There is also a skill called Soul Capture. This skill allows King Wang to absorb the soul from the creature's body to strengthen his own attributes. This strengthening is not temporary, but permanent. That is to say, the late development of the king is very high, and the more creatures he kills, the stronger it will be. In addition, this skill has a side effect on the player when it is used, that is, the player who is killed will additionally drop Level 1. This level does not affect the normal death penalty, but an additional Level 1 is lost.

The king’s two familiars are more interesting than him. These are two little fellows who seem to be only eleven or twelve years old, wearing a very simple Tang suit, looking like a pair of porcelain dolls, very cute. But seeing their names almost fainted. That boy is called Ghost, and the girl is called Ghost. Together they are the most difficult demons and monsters in the legend. They are known as the second only to Ghost King in the ghost world. Originally, I was very satisfied with the king who bought one and get two free. I didn't expect to send two such little fellows with such personality. In fact, demons and monsters are also considered humanoid pets, but unfortunately they have already been linked to Ghost King's pet grid, otherwise they can help me earn two more pets.

Yan Mei is a little boy who looks very shy. As long as there are people around, he will definitely hold his legs. But don't think that he is holding a person's leg to act like a baby with you. This is absorbing Yang Qi. As long as he is hugged, he will continue to lose his health. When his health reaches the bottom, he will die. And while he is holding you, attacking him is equal to attacking yourself, but it is different from the situation where you usually attack yourself, which is not considered damage. This kind of attack will be considered damage, but the damage is added to yourself. If you want to get rid of him, unless he takes the initiative to let go, or if you have a way to shake him away with magic against the undead, otherwise, just wait for death. It is said that the king of Hades said that the little ghost is difficult to deal with, and I finally understand a little bit after seeing his attributes. The little girl of Sprite is basically the same as the attribute of Sprite. The difference is that she absorbs magic power after holding someone. Once the magic power reaches the bottom, it will cause immediate death, and she has a more troublesome problem. She sometimes rushes. you laugh. Seeing Sprite’s smile equivalent to a magic disorder spell, after a certain period of time, the cost of using magic is doubled. At the same time, the little boy Yunmei also has a special method-crying. As long as he cried, the hostile personnel who heard the cry would be double-damaged, and any wounds would not be healed. It would take several times to use healing techniques to completely dispel this effect.

In general, the king’s battle strength is very strong, and the potential for development is infinite, while demons and monsters are super auxiliary creatures, the kind that can definitely annoy people alive, and finally I didn’t waste it. To subdue them vigorously.

Because the Ghost King gave up guarding the Star Tower, the entire array has completely lost its guarding power, and our surroundings suddenly become brighter. All the nodes on the Formation ejected high-intensity energy beams upward, which is a sign that the formation is about to run out of control.

Originally, I was still waiting for the big array to disappear so as to make people shine, but the small dragon girl suddenly found that things were not right. "This is not the state of disarming the formation. The damn bastard has added a setting to automatically detonate once it is destroyed."

"What? You said this place is going to explode?" the gun god asked .


Seeing the gun god panicking, I immediately reached out to stop it. "Don't be nervous, we still have a double insurance!"

The gunman immediately relaxed when he heard it: "Then you open it quickly."

"OK, but yours Money?"

"Just pay you as agreed before."

"Haha, happy cooperation. Yeyue, open the space and let them all in."


Ye Yue opened her Cave Mansion space in an instant. Before I could explain, I pushed the Gunners in with them, and then I jumped into it myself. The space door closed immediately after we all entered, and the Zhuxian Array detonated almost at the same time. With a bang, all the space in the formation was torn apart by a huge force. This kind of damage Space Power could not resist at all. If we stay in it, we will be finished. Nobunaga Ghost is really cruel. However, speaking of which, in fact, the Kanno-Kazou next to Nobunaga Onishou is more dangerous than Nobunaga Onishou. I used to think he was a non-main battle professional and never paid much attention to him. Now I want to come, since this guy can become the second-generation leader of Japan, he must have two brushes. And think about it carefully, my ordinary troubles during this period are actually not how strong Nobunaga Onishou is, but that the Formation layout technology of Kano Kazho is too strong. This guy is actually more dangerous than Nobunaga on the front desk.

We waited for a long time to estimate that it was almost safe outside before we reopened the door of Cave Mansion. At this time, the Zhuxian Great Array no longer exists, and the opening restrictions of various space channels are gone. I first sent all the familiars back to Fenglong Space. After completing the transaction procedures with the Gun God, we were sent to Fulcrum City together, and returned to Isengard from the transnational Transmission Formation here. This side is almost messed up. All previous contacts were interrupted, and it was impossible to communicate with the outside world at all. Rose knows that I and the gun god are both carrying national weapons. If this is destroyed, what's the matter? So he is gathering troops and sending people to search for our whereabouts. Once found, he can send troops to rescue immediately.

When I saw Rose suddenly appear, I immediately relieved my heart and waved to let everyone send the assembled troops back to the original station. The others followed me to the reception hall, and Yusina was still waiting here. Now, Pinot Groove is hers, she is impossible to leave by herself.

After talking to them about the general situation, the Gunslinger took the people and prepared to leave. Our two sides are still half-hostile, and there is no relationship between them. Of course, Usina had to leave together. I was politely teleported with them to the starting point of the United States, and then sent them to the Transmission Formation in the United States, which is considered to completely send them out of my sphere of influence.

The Gunslingers stood on the Transmission Formation and waved goodbye to us. I was about to help them start the Transmission Formation. Suddenly, I felt the darkness before my eyes and I was isolated from the game. The people around me are gone, and there is nothing around me, just like floating in endless void, without gravity and no light.

Just as I was about to study what happened, a white bright spot suddenly appeared in front of me. The spot of light flew towards me quickly, and arrived in front of me almost instantly. Only then did I see clearly that the light spot turned out to be a white door, but it looked like a spot because it was farther away. A soft female voice appeared in my ear. "Please don't worry, this is a server-wide synchronous broadcast. The game has been completely stopped and will not affect your game progress. You can listen to the broadcast content inside the door. This announcement is extremely important, please try not to go offline."

I’m very curious about what announcements are so exaggerated. In the past, even the server upgrades were just broadcasts in the game. This time, the game was completely stopped. Isn’t that an exaggeration?

I stepped forward and pushed open the door, there was a huge space inside. This space feels like a super cinema, and its size is its only characteristic. The place where I appeared was not at the entrance of the cinema, but opposite to a seat with my name on it. I walked over and sat on it, and the door disappeared at the same time.

"Husband?" A door suddenly appeared on my left hand. After the door opened, the rose came out of it. "Why are you here?"

"You came in through an open door like you. Come here, this seems to be your seat." Rose's seat is next to me.

As soon as Rose sat down, the door behind her disappeared, but another door opened on the other side, and the eagle walked out of it. I quickly took a look, and sure enough, the name of the eagle was written next to my right hand. I simply stood up and looked back. Good fellow, countless Transmission Gates are being opened in the entire venue, and a large number of people are walking out of the rice noodles.

"Wife, look back."

Rose looked back. "Why are they all from our guild?"

Hawk said: "Before I came in, I heard that everyone in the game would participate. It might be a meeting place divided by guilds. A guild. Everyone is assigned to the same space as a movie theater. The people in our guild have probably all arrived."

Because I was suddenly sent to such a place, everyone was very curious, so the meeting place was full of discussions. I sat down and exchanged opinions with Eagle and the others, but it seemed that I couldn't think of any reliable answers. Fortunately, the announcement started soon.

Suddenly four holes were opened in the four corners of the big stage in front, and four camera-like things rose from the inside. The hall suddenly became dark, and only the stage was still lit, but the light was obviously dimmed. All the lasers at the four corners of the stage were suddenly activated, and they projected a giant three-dimensional portrait in the center of the stage.

"Damn, isn't this the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?" Eagle immediately recognized the man in a suit on the stage.

The full analysis projection is more than a hundred meters high. Although the venue is large, people behind can still see the projection clearly. At present, the projection is still static, I know this means that the projection is not over yet. Sure enough, another figure gradually appeared next to the Secretary-General.

"It's the chairman!" This time it was called by Hong Yue. As a Chinese, one's own **** is certainly recognized. We were all stunned. Why does an announcement need to use the full analysis projection of national leaders?

The president of the United States, the rotating presidency of the European Union, and the president of Russia followed. Four super-political bosses plus one current UN Secretary-General, and the projections of all five people confused everyone as soon as they came out. Among these five people, except for the general rights of the UN Secretary-General, the other four are people who can kill a small country with just one sentence. These four bosses appear together with the UN Secretary-General, and their significance cannot but make people doubt. But suspicion is suspicion, if these five people plan to collude and do something, no one can stop them.

Suddenly the five stationary projections jittered, and then all began to regain movement, as if they had been synchronized with Daoist. The first to speak was the Secretary-General of the United Nations. He stood behind a podium and said to us under the stage: "Hello, people of the world, live, in front of the TV and computer, and in the Longyuan Network. Today, we are here to issue a world-wide announcement. "The Secretary-General's words clearly indicate that the broadcast is not only for game users, it should be a world broadcast. This broadcast is currently using all-channel broadcasts in all known human communication methods. In order to cooperate with the broadcast, all websites in the world are required to be shut down for 30 minutes. During this period, everyone will only open this broadcast video regardless of which website they visit. . TV stations are all transferred to this broadcast. Any TV station, including private TV stations, dare not to broadcast, you just wait to be shut down by your country's propaganda department.

The speech continues. "Rain Dragon Fate Group requested that the United Nations established a special seminar on human ethics before last year. Today, the seminar finally passed a consensus. From this moment on, the United Nations will recognize the high in Dragon Fate’s online game "Zero". level Intelligent humanoid life has human rights."

Boom. The audience exploded. Not the bomb exploded, but the crowd exploded. Acknowledge that humanoid NPCs have human rights? This announcement is more than shocking to describe? The Secretary-General of the United Nations probably also knew that everyone couldn't accept it for a while, so he shut up wittily and waited for everyone to discuss it for a while.

About five minutes later he continued to speak. "After confirmation by scientific researchers from many countries, the simulated neural unit developed by Longyuan already possesses basic personality and can be considered as a natural person without a body. Taking into account the concept of human rights, we announce that these simulated humans without actual bodies will be granted human rights qualifications. In order to make this qualification have legal benefits, countries have urgently passed special bills."

The UN Secretary-General stepped aside, and our country’s **** came to the back of the podium. "Dear Chinese who are watching this announcement, please note that all virtual characters with personalities in China that have officially passed the "Special Human Rights Act" at this moment will officially receive human rights protection in China."

Chairman of China After speaking, he stepped aside, and the President of the United States came up and gave a similar speech. After the four bosses finished speaking, the Secretary-General of the United Nations walked back. "Not only these countries, but all the member states of the United Nations have passed the bill. The specific content of the bill will be explained in detail in a subsequent announcement."

The five bosses are very tight in time, and the announcement ends. The five people on the screen disappeared at the same time, and then two new faces suddenly appeared. One of them was wearing a black costume, as if it were court clothes. The other person was dressed in a suit, and he knew it was a business person at first glance. But what surprised me more was that I knew the man in the suit. This person is called Liang Shouren, Awei father.

A Wei, his father first said: "Hello everyone, from now on the broadcast content is carried out by country. What you see now is the broadcast content in China, and the scope of action is only for China's borders. All the radio, television and Internet users in China. I’m Chief-In-Charge Liang Shouren, Chief-In-Charge of the Longyuan Technology Department, and the person next to me is the highest inspector of the Ministry of Justice of China. The scope of virtual personnel."

This is the actual content, you must listen carefully. Everyone is attentively waiting for the detailed classification criteria.

Awei and his father continued: "In fact, the real dividing standard is the calculation method." He gave a side to the back of his finger. A huge video screen was projected behind him. The picture in the picture is a huge warehouse-like room. The center of the room is Nuwa Type II, the central server of "Zero", and the surrounding bookshelves are filled with metal balls the size of a watermelon. Each sphere has a cable connected, and the cables are all connected to some refrigerator-like devices on the ground. These devices are connected to larger devices with thicker cables, and those larger devices are directly connected The central main server. "What you see now is the "Zero" main server Nuwa Type II."

The scene is chaotic again. The legendary main server of the game, a neuro-like computer that has been heated up before the launch of "Zero", is the first public appearance. Although nothing can be seen from the shell, it is really exciting to see the host after all. Of course, Rose and I have seen this thing a long time ago, and the host in this screen was actually disguised. The case was obviously changed temporarily. The original case was written with white paint with many equations, but now this case is flashing silver white. The metallic luster is simply not original.

After a short pause, Awei’s father continued to introduce: "The various NPCs and monsters that you usually encounter in the game are all virtual lives artificially simulated by these things here. Monsters with low-level intelligence are all simulated by the central host, while humanoid creatures and creatures with high-level intelligence, such as magic apes, are simulated by things like the big freezer outside. However, you may have noticed, In "Zero", there are some creatures with IQs comparable to ours, and even some creatures show intelligence beyond us. For example, Dragon Clan, some high level NPCs, and some special creatures. These creatures are the real high. Level creatures. And the high level intelligent creatures you encounter are actually independently calculated by things like these watermelons. Each watermelon is actually equivalent to a human brain, and they are physically independent , The intelligent lifeform generated by its calculation is also single. The virtual personality protected by the law actually refers to the intelligent lifeform simulated in these iron watermelons."

After a pause, he continued: "Another thing that needs to be explained is that there are a large number of ordinary humanoid creatures in each city in the game, mainly humans. Although these creatures have human shapes, they are actually simulated by these freezer-like devices. Doesn’t have a real personality. However, as you interact with you, some lifeforms will evolve. At this time, the main system will issue an upshift request, and then the simulation calculation of this lifeform will be extracted and injected into an “iron watermelon” separately. For independent processing, even if the personality is completely humanized at this time, he will also be protected by the law. However, this kind of intelligence boundary is not easy to intuitively divide. Everyone is impossible to see an NPC and give him an intelligence test immediately. Therefore, the system will give a new intelligent reminder function. At any time, just ask in your heart, and the help system will automatically mark all NPCs with virtual personality in the visual range around the player. A green NPC with virtual personality will appear on the top of the head. The humanoid logo, except for the inquirer, can not be seen by other players and NPCs. The logo can be displayed or cancelled at any time according to personal requirements, and can only be seen by oneself, and does not affect the normal game of others. In addition, remind everyone, It is not only the humanoid life in the city that has personality. It may also be mixed in the wild monsters. It is best to develop the habit of checking at any time. Then, please let the head of the peak inspection field explain the detailed regulations of the legal content for you. "

The judge immediately stood in the middle of the podium and began to explain. "First of all, please don't worry, this time the legal regulations will not affect everyone's normal games. Maybe some players are already worried about whether they will be convicted of homicide by accidentally killing a smart NPC."

Not to mention, even I am a little worried. What the UN Secretary-General said just now was too vague. He only said that human rights should be given. The first of human rights is the right to survive. If you kill an NPC to pay for your life, how can you play this game?

But the judge immediately relieved our worries. "In fact, don’t worry, the game is still a game, and the protection of human rights does not conflict with your games. Everyone is a living person. Attacks on each other in the game should also happen frequently. The public security department has not arrested everyone for homicide. Get up? In fact, the solution Longyuan Group has already helped us solve it, which is to resurrect the system like a player. The intelligent NPC with personality will not really die, unless there is a need to fall out of treasure in special tasks, generally There will be no loss if you are killed, and it will only be automatically resurrected after a

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