After reading the provisions, I found that everyone’s reaction to these new laws have nothing common with each other. Most people said that the punishment was too severe, but they did not have a more direct opinion. After all, strictly speaking is still not much changed from the previous family planning policy. Normal couples are actually not subject to any restrictions, and many people are already planning to find virtual partners, and are simply not affected by these legal provisions. Of course, there are also objections. Some criticize the United Nations and Longyuan collectively, and some people lament that this world is crazy. I just feel that this plan is a bit too exaggerated, even if the fact that we know about it is too exaggerated, I really don't know why such a law was created.

After asking Rose’s opinion, we went offline to find father and asked about the specific situation. As a result, father and Ben were not at the base. Fortunately, father was not the only one who knew the reason. I ran to ask Nuwa directly, as the host computer of the base, she sometimes knows more things than father.

Me and Rose opened the TV wall in father's office. "Sister Nuwa, can you tell us what happened?"

Nuwa's avatar quickly appeared on the TV wall. "You mean the law just passed?"

"Yes. Why did you come up with such a law? I know that in the future, large immigrants need to reduce the population. The question is that such a reduction is Isn’t it too radical?"

"You might be more radical after watching this." Nuwa’s avatar was moved to the side, and a star map appeared in the center of the screen, showing a giant planet with a large piece of it. The mess is flying at high speed, and the scene is extremely spectacular. "What you see now is the real-time digital image sent back by the space reconnaissance satellite Clairvoyance beyond the Dragon's Edge. Of course, this is an encrypted signal. This solar system destroyer was originally expected to contact Jupiter and make Jupiter in 150 years. Deviated from the orbit and hit other planets, and eventually reached a critical volume, causing a supernova to explode. According to the original plan, the population reduction plan was slowly implemented and a mandatory bill was finally passed to increase the speed of spacecraft construction to ensure the transfer of as many humans and Earth creatures as possible."

"Yes, these fathers told us."

"I know." Nuwa continued: "But the plan can't keep up with the change. This change occurred 174 hours ago "The real-time image on the screen has become a three-dimensional simulation image. First, the solar system is shown on the image, and the position of Earth is also indicated with an arrow. Then a red line was extended on Earth and moved towards outer space. "Two weeks ago, the Americans launched a super nuclear bomb. Its formidable power can explode a large crater equivalent to the entire Australia on Earth. The red line you see now is its flight path."

"The Americans want to use a nuclear bomb to prevent this alien body from invading the solar system?" Rose immediately understood what the Americans wanted to do.

"In fact, this is not just an American business. The rocket launched was built by us for them, and the nuclear bomb came from Russia, the control circuit was designed by the Americans, and the flight stability system came from France, anyway. Every country in the world has contributed. After leaving Earth, this big guy first passed through the fire star, and then was captured by the fire star's gravitational force, followed by a circle around the fire star's orbit, and completed the first acceleration with the help of the fire star's gravitational force. After that, it will cross the asteroid belt. Enter Jupiter’s extreme orbit and have another gravitational acceleration. Due to Jupiter’s huge mass, this supergravity acceleration can reach an unimaginable speed. We have never done this before, only theoretical data, but this time it has been proven to be feasible."< /p>

Gravity acceleration technology is a mature technology that mankind has mastered for many years. When a spacecraft needs to travel long distances, it can deliberately cut into the orbit of a certain cosmic body, and then it is like a hammer throw game in a sports meeting. This planet will become an athlete, gravity will act as an iron chain, and spaceship will be the ball. After the spaceship enters the orbit, it flies at full speed, and the gravity will pull the spaceship around the star to accelerate. This is the universal gravitation and centrifugal force that will provide a propulsion force equal to twice the spaceship's own gravity, and this propulsion force will continue until the spaceship leaves the planet orbit. The effect of orbiting acceleration depends on the height of the cut into the orbit and the mass of the planet. Jupiter has a very large mass. This time we used a near-adventurous low-orbit breakthrough. The acceleration effect is quite terrifying. You can accelerate the nuclear bomb to surpass anything before. The speed of the Earth aircraft.

Nuwa continued to be introduced: "After this acceleration, the nuclear warhead will have to accelerate on Neptune, and then it will fly straight to this destruction." The red line in the image is connected to one in the far space of the universe. point. "Now what you see is the Destroyer. The nuclear warhead will make contact and detonate in front of it as planned. Originally, our plan was like this." The star in the picture decelerated slightly after being blasted, and it orbited sideways. Deviated from the flight angle of a few tenths of a degree. Don't underestimate this few tenths of a degree, the star is still very far away from us, and it can be hundreds of millions of kilometers away from it by one degree.

Nuwa said: "This destroyer will pass the solar system after deviating from its orbit, but its gravity will still cause the planetary orbit of the solar system to be disordered, but it will take three thousand years for this disorder to affect human life. We It is equivalent to three thousand years of preparation time, enough to safely evacuate everything that we want to evacuate. We even still have time to take a picture of Earth mother as a souvenir."

Rose asked: "But you said it was like this, so That is to say, the result is not like this, is it?"

Nuwa said with some regrets: "Good intentions do bad things. This nuclear bomb did hit this big guy. The only problem is that the exploded formidable power is too strong. As a result, this The deflection trajectory of the intruder is too large."

"Can it be too far away from us?" I asked.

"It’s good to simply deviate from the orbit, but after this guy deviated from the orbit, he passed a comet that happened to pass by. As a result, it continued to deviate and entered the orbit of another giant planet. A giant star has experienced a twin-star system's unique twisting acceleration phenomenon."

The twisting acceleration is similar to the spaceship's use of the planet's gravitational acceleration principle, but this time two big guys throwing each other, the result is two guys All fly out of the original orbit.

Nuwa said: "These two big guys waltzed for a while in the universe, and then they parted ways. The problem is that the intruder's orbit was corrected again."

"Then our nuclear bomb was not released in vain?"

"It is worse than the release in vain. The new target of this big guy is not Jupiter but the sun, which means that the formidable power of supernova explosion will increase. In addition, There are two more problems. The first is that the Destroyer has been accelerated. This waltz has allowed it to gain a faster speed. Our time has been less than one hundred and fifty years."

"That How long do we have?"

"Seventy-four years and three months. Also, it’s not just its speed. I have to say that this guy is too savage, and its quality is too big. After dancing the waltz, it actually tore its dancing partner to pieces. The planet split into three parts, one of which was thrown into outer space, and the other stayed in place, and in the end one third actually followed this The big guy is rushing towards Earth. The things you see in the previous picture following it are the followers of this big guy. These followers will arrive at Earth one or two months later than the big guy, but the problem is they It will just block our sailing route. The immigration ship leaving Earth has to rely on planet gravity to accelerate if it wants to reach the immigration target before the energy is exhausted, but this meteorite rain will smash all our immigration ships into cosmic junk. Instead of taking the original route, the spaceship's flight time must be extended. In other words, in order to ensure that the target planet can be reached, each spaceship has to reduce the number of people. Originally, our transportation capacity is not enough, and reducing the number of people means more. People will be sacrificed."

"Is 74 years the time of impact or retreat?" I asked.

"It is the time of the impact. To avoid the impact, we have to board the ship at least two years in advance. That is to say, after 72 years, the immigration plan must be fully completed so that everyone who should go on the road. It is estimated that the entire launch plan It will take two years, which means that it will start in seventy years."

"So the time is so short that I have to start reducing the population right away, right?" I asked.

Nuwa said: "Yes. Time is shortened, the number of spaceships is reduced, and even the carrying capacity of each spaceship must be lowered. I am afraid that the government will have to use extreme inhuman methods to select transport personnel."< /p>

Rose said: "Does our country think about what to do? How many people can be transported?"

In addition, up to 300 to 400 million people can be transported."

"That means to give up nearly 80% of the population, right?"

"Don’t be so exaggerated. The new law allows and virtual The combination of people, the company has decided to greatly improve the appearance and inner beauty of human beings in NPC, in order to attract youngsters as much as possible, and reduce the birth rate of the new generation of population. By 70 years, the actual population of our country may only be 800 million. This means that we can transport half of the population. In addition, the country has raised immigration requirements, and from now on, we will only be able to enter and exit, unless it is a scientific researcher who has scientific and technological achievements. Others are not discussed."

"Half of the population, this is too strict, right? How about other countries?"

Nuwa said: "The United States seems to be able to transport 80% of its population, the European Union Less than 30%, Russia at most 20%. Japan seems to have 10% carrying capacity, and other countries can basically consider waiting for death. In general, the country has the strongest carrying capacity, but it is a pity that the population base is too large, so the transportation ratio is not High."

"How is this half divided? Who will go and who will not go?"

"People over fifty years old will be eliminated unless they are human elites in any aspect. A comprehensive ban on childbirth was implemented ten years in advance to prevent the emergence of children under ten years of age. People with disabilities, mental disorders or severely ill patients, and criminals all give up."

"Even if it is screened like this, there must be more than 400 million people. ?"

"The remaining personnel implement a sponsorship system. Those who are usually seriously discordant, low-spirited, and unmotivated will be removed from the mass selection. If they are still overcrowded, they will be removed according to their cultural level. The overall balance of physical fitness is gradually eliminated from low to high until the final number of personnel meets the requirements."

Rose held her forehead and leaned on a chair and exclaimed: "This is really a human disaster! I can hardly imagine when the How time comes to maintain law and order."

Nuwa immediately followed up: "Longyuan’s ten fully automatic production lines are producing military and police robots 24 hours a day. When the time comes, they will be responsible for maintaining law and order. Any resistance. All actions will be allowed to shoot directly. At this time, there are already too many people to have luck, and leaving behind is also dead. The state has instructed to allow about 100 million casualties, and no humanity can take care of it at this time. or Cold-blooded preservation of human fire, or As extinct as dinosaurs, although helpless, it must be done. "

"What about us people?" "I asked.

"Do you mean a human being?" "Nuwa said: "You are the pilots of the escort fleet. You can't throw anyone away!" "

"I mean the people in the Dragon Yuan base. "

"The employees recruited by Longyuan have relatively high standards. Even according to popular screening standards, these people will definitely be included in the transportation list. In addition, Longyuan will collect DNA samples of those who have been left behind, and it can be regarded as preventing them from being extinct, and has already done everything it can. There is no other way! "

Rose said: "I can already imagine the miserable scene of life and death when pedaling!" "

"It shouldn't be too miserable. When selecting the list, kinship will be considered as far as possible to avoid the situation where wives are scattered. "

"I hope so! We got it. "

I reluctantly prepared to turn off the screen, but Nuwa suddenly called to stop. "Wait a minute." There is one more thing to tell you. Originally, your dad didn't let me say it, but I think I should tell you. "

"What's the matter? "

"The base has a headache for this disaster, so I'm thinking of other ways to see if we can keep more people's lives. "

"Is there a way? "

"A researcher proposed an idiot-looking method, but it might be possible. "

"Oh? Tell me quickly. "I and Rose are in spirit. Although I am not the kind of person who is prone to overwhelming love, it is really cruel to hear that less than 10% of the population can survive at all times.

Nuwa said. : "The reason why some people were sacrificed was because of the insufficient carrying capacity of the spaceship, but the researcher inadvertently said that it would be better to just transport the head over. "

"Only shipping head? "Me and Rose were shocked.

Nuwa explained: "From the "Zero" you played, you can see that the essence of a person is actually only in the brain, and the body in the game is Fictitious. So we said that as long as the brain and spine are there, other things are completely unnecessary. "

"But if you chop off your head, you're done?" "

"This involves another technology. Longyuan has a technology that has been sealed, called the human brain electronic technology. The core of this technology is to use surgery to remove all parts of the human brain and spinal nerves, and then put them into a special device made of metal. This device can exchange data with the brain just like your game helmet, and at the same time can play the role of a dedicated life-saving capsule for the brain, ensuring that the brain will not die, and at the same time, it can still exchange information with the outside world. If this step can be achieved, then everyone can only transport one brain to the spaceship, and our carrying capacity will be equal to ten times more than that. Not only can we transport all the Chinese people, there is still space to support other countries. In the past, it was forced to be sealed because of ethical problems, but now everyone has seen it in a very time, so it was brought up again. "

"How far has this technology progressed?" "

"I once did a successful case on a monkey by personally operating the electronic arm, and the effect was very good. "

"Then the monkey has no body?" "

"The brain is actually equivalent to a computer chip. When you see an object, the light does not shine on your brain, but on your eyes. The eyes convert the light into bioelectricity. The signal is then transmitted to the brain by the nerve, and at this time you see the object. Some senses such as touch and smell are the same. The only thing your brain can accept is electrical signals. And our physical activity is the reverse operation of this process. The brain sends out electrical signals, and the nerves transmit the signals to the body, and the body can move according to the electrical signals. We implanted an electronic spine and a temporary terminal in the monkey's body. When we put the electronic brain into the monkey's body and connected with the electronic spine, the monkey returned to normal. There was no change at all, except for a slight increase in weight due to the weight of the electronic brain. And as long as the electronic brain is taken out, the electronic spine will put the body into sleep mode, and the signal sent out at this time will be the same as when the human body sleeps. In addition, if necessary, install an infinite transmitter, and the electronic brain can even remotely control your body. "

"I'm dizzy, do we also have this kind of technology? "

Nuwa said: "Of course this is not human technology. This thing was made from the ship in the Fourth Special Zone. We found similar technology in their medical laboratory. It is probably something aliens used to rescue severely wounded people, but it's just fine to use it now. "

"What about the success rate?" "

"The success rate is more than 999 per thousand. It can be said that the probability of failure is minimal, even safer than ordinary appendectomy. The technology on the spaceship in the fourth special zone is quite perfect, and all the minor drawbacks have been solved by them, so it can be said to be a mature technology. "

"Why didn't father let you tell me." "

"Because the laboratory hopes to give you electronic brainization first, then reconnect to your body, and re-enhance your body. But your dad seems to be reluctant to do this emotionally. After all, the previous adjustments are harmless to you. Even if it fails, there will be nothing. Although this experiment is relatively safe, it is not guaranteed to be 100% safe from accidents. "

"I see, tell father I did it voluntarily. When can it be done? "

"Anytime. The brain will die soon after being separated from the body, so the operation time cannot be long, only I can come and operate. Using my control ability to operate three hundred micro-manipulators at the same time can help you complete the connection between the neural network and the microcirculation system in just fifteen seconds, and the subsequent work will be completed in a few minutes at most. "

"Will there be adverse reactions after the operation?" "Rose asked with some worry.

Nuwa honestly replied: "In the first week, there may be dizziness and vomiting, mainly due to the adjustment of electrical signals, and then there will be no problems. In addition, the electronic brain provides a variety of auxiliary capabilities, among which is included remote control electronic equipment and special functions such as assisted aiming, calculator, and micro-operation stability. Equivalent to put the portable computer in your head. Oh, by the way, even your eyes will have the digital zoom function of a digital camera, which is very special, right? "

I rubbed my head and said: "It feels like I am getting less and less human!" "

Speaking of which I was really scared, but since Nuwa promised that there would be no problem, I had to do it. Several Chief Managers in the base came to help, and the scope of the operation was expanded They said that if my operation is successful, I will immediately help all of our artificial people do it again. And once it succeeds, it can also have a special function-swapping the body. Anyway, the electronic brain can be separated from the body, as long as the two people’s The electronic brain can be exchanged to operate other people's bodies. As long as the body interface is universal, you can change it at will, of course, you can also remotely control it. Nuwa also suggests that we use cloning technology to make more bodies, in case of serious injury You can change your body and use it again. Immortal Body probably means that!

The operation is indeed very fast. It only takes ten minutes from when I entered the sterile room to when I walked out, because my body itself has been strengthened. The wound healed super fast, and the only thing that was depressing was that the hair was gone. The electronic brain simply couldn’t feel it in the body. After the operation, I did not experience dizziness as described by Nuwa. Nuwa analysis may be that my body is too adaptable. After using the electronic brain, the internal circulation in the body will be connected to a special location. After the electronic brain is connected, it can be connected to this pipe, and then the brain can still exchange blood and various substances with the body as before. The only difference is that This connection pipeline can be disconnected at any time. When the pipeline is disconnected, the internal device of the electronic brain will take over the circulatory mechanism. At this time, the brain can complete the closed loop. However, this cycle can only last for one hundred hours, which means that the electronic brain cannot actually To work independently for a long time, it must be connected to the external circulatory mechanism. After all, the brain consumes oxygen and needs blood sugar to provide energy. The exchange of these substances is indispensable. It is good to rely on the electronic brain to maintain for 100 hours. There is also the actual electronic brain. It needs to be charged. When it is connected to the human body, it can obtain bioelectricity from muscle tissue to supplement its needs. After it is taken out, it can be powered by an AC power supply of any voltage. It can work independently for 200 hours under full power, but the brain I can only adapt to a hundred hours of out-of-body circulation, so no amount of electricity is useful.

With an electronic brain, I feel a lot more convenient. I can control the visible colors in my eyes with my thinking. For example, turning the world I see into black and white, or activating the same effect as night vision, infrared and ultraviolet rays are also nothing difficult. What’s particularly funny is that I can actually mosaic a specific object I see in my eyes. I can draw a crosshair in my eyes when I take the gun, and I can perform sniper-level precision shooting without relying on the front sight on the gun.

Because of my success, Nuwa helped Rose and other robots After that, she even made her own claim, even the person from B1 was called back to do the transformation, but she didn’t do the ordinary person part. , The main reason is that their frail body makes an accident. Those of us biochemical people are like cockroaches, and it is not easy to die, but ordinary people are like crystals that break at the touch of a touch.

After the full strengthening, I felt very refreshed. We went to visit Xiao Shi Dian together. Nuwa said that there is a chance to help Lucky and Silver also perform an electronic brain reconstruction operation, so that we can also exchange our bodies with Lucky and experience the feeling of becoming a giant dragon. I guess Nuwa came up with such a scary suggestion. After hearing this, Rose said to me: "Husband, how about the two of us exchanging electronic brains when I am about to give birth to a child? I am afraid of pain!"

Halo! How does it feel for a man to have a child? I broke out in a cold sweat almost instantly. Only when I saw Rose’s smile did I know that she was joking, but luckily she didn’t take it seriously!

We left early after playing with the little fellow for a while. This little fellow had been missing for a few days and was a big lap. Thanks to us, if ordinary people play games with him, they have to fracture. After going online, I went to Feng Yin Piaomiao and Yanyu to talk about the issue of the national equipment. They agreed that it is better to keep a large alliance of three guilds in the current state. The merger of guilds will cause too much trouble, even if they are willing. Decentralization makes it difficult for the people below to appease. My opinion is the same, it is better to keep the status quo.

After sending away Feng Yin Mimiao and Misty Rain, I originally planned to choose a place to build a completely undead city. When I subdued the king, I promised him to build a city of the dead. It must be done. It is not good to lose faith. Just ready to go, I was suddenly stopped.

"Brother Purple Moon, Brother Purple Moon." Bingbing, who hadn't seen her for many days, unexpectedly ran out of the Transmission Formation. "Quick, Jianghu, help me, hurry up and follow me." Bingbing, the lady who pulled me into the Transmission Formation in an unimaginative way.

"Why are you pulling me to do?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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