Guishou Nobunaga triumphantly said: "Didn't expect there is another person who knows the goods. That's right, this is the Zhuxian Great Array."

" Is this formation very strong?" the gun god asked.

"Strong?" The small dragon female shook her head: "Strong is not enough to describe its abnormality. The Great Array of Immortals is composed of 36 lotus petals, and there will be one at the top corner of each petal. The fixed star tower, each fixed star tower has eight guards General. The lines that make up the petals on the big array are composed of densely arranged shrines, and each shrine has a niche god. We are standing in this center now. The location is called Lotus Heart, where there is a Formation that absorbs power. Those who fight on it, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, will gradually absorb the various powers used by the large array. That is to say, you release a magic, and the magic power will not be lost after the spell is completed. It will dissipate, but will be absorbed by the big formation. This does not affect your current combat situation, but these absorbed forces will eventually be transmitted to the last attacker here."

"Attacker refers to It’s these people?"

"It’s not these people, but the generals in the fixed star tower and the niche gods in the shrine."

"Can they take the initiative to participate in the war ?" Condor asked.

Small dragon female said: "The niche god can take the initiative to fight, but the guarding General cannot leave the fixed star tower 500 meters. But it makes no difference, because all the guards in the formation and the General If the gods of the niches are killed, this big formation is absolutely unbreakable. The principle of this big formation is actually very similar to the monster insect technique. To break the formation, you have to destroy the fixed star tower and the shrine, but to destroy them, you have to kill the guardian General and the star guard. The niche god, and every time we kill a guardian General and a niche god, his power will be equally distributed to the other guardian Generals and niche gods, until in the end there will be a strongest guardian General and a strongest niche. God. Oh, forget it. The guardian General and the niche god and power are accumulated separately. Killing the guardian General will only distribute the power to other guardian Generals, and the niche god will not get power from the guardian General."< /p>

The gun shook his head sternly. "Why do you oriental things are so perverted?"

Really red pushed the gunman very angrily: "Speak carefully."

Look at the gunman to turn his face, I Quickly stop them: "There are so many enemies, and there are places to vent your strength, what are you fighting?"

"I don't think they are their own." Zhenhong stared at the gun god angrily.

The gun god also not to be outdone’s response: "I am too lazy to cooperate with you."

"Hey, don't mess with me, okay."

The small dragon woman also helped me persuade me: "Executing Immortal Array is very strong. You will never get out if you don’t cooperate. Maybe you can do it alone before, but the more you kill the guardian General and the niche god, the stronger we will be. There is no chance of success in cooperation. Another point is that the guardian General and the niche god are not fixed, and the use of different guardian Generals and niche gods when setting up the formation will directly affect the formidable power of the entire formation. The immortals that could be trapped back then In the big formation of Monster Sovereign are the Monster Generals under Monster Sovereign. Nobunaga Demon definitely doesn’t have the ability. He should only be able to act in general ruthless characters. However, no matter what the strengths of the previous guards General and Niche God are. , The last remaining one will definitely be very strong."

The Pinot Groove said more worriedly: "But before that, I think we should be worried about the problems in front of us."

The so-called immediate problem is the soldiers who are coming over like a tide. Although they are only Ordinary Level soldiers that can be hired in large numbers among NPCs, even if they are ants, they are very fatal when they reach a certain number. Not to mention these genuine soldiers.

When martial arts expert fights, you can often see them jumping up and down, all kinds of tricks are like dancing, nothing more beautiful can be imagined. But on the battlefield, you rarely see this kind of scene. There is only one reason-not enough space. Hundreds of thousands of troops rushed in and squeezed us completely in a very small area, and simply couldn't do it. I don't know whether it was Nobunaga Oni's intention, or this kid didn't have enough money. He actually hired the primary level ninja soldiers that can be hired indefinitely in any Japanese city. High level Ninja soldiers are only 600 level, let alone the primary level? A 300-level pawn is cheaper, but the battle strength is a mess, and the only advantage is that it is annoying.

"Who can spell on a large scale?" Gun God asked nervously.

The small dragon woman did not answer, but acted directly. "Heavenly thunder nine...!"

She was caught by me as soon as she yelled three words. "These all are garbage soldiers, change to a formidable power with a small area and a larger area." Heavenly thunders are all high formidable power spells, and it is too wasteful to fight these 300-level minions.

"Let me come." Xiaofeng suddenly fell to the ground, his back arched upwards, and then the whole person began to grow bigger and quickly became a giant Fire Phoenix. With a clear phoenix cry, Xiaofeng rushed directly to the cloud. Although she did not hear the name of the skill, a ring of flame suddenly appeared five meters around us, and then the ring of flame expanded to the surroundings like lightning, instantly sweeping the entire range of the array. Fortunately, the system no longer provides damage notifications. Otherwise, I will receive at least hundreds of thousands of attack notifications at this time.

The formidable power of the ring of flame is not big, but the Fire Phoenix of level 90082 has been released, and the formidable power is still too large for the soldiers with only level 300, so all the soldiers will be swept down in one shot. land. Most of Xiaofeng's flame magic are strategic magic, with large formidable power and many side effects. All the soldiers that this guy swept down suffered burns to varying degrees, and none of them got up.

Nobunaga Guishou clearly miscalculated this time. I usually do secret missions, and Xiaofeng is too active and rarely participates in the war. Guishou Nobunaga lacks relevant information. He knows that I have a Phoenix, but he doesn't know that this Phoenix can use such a large range of magic with such high formidable power. Otherwise, he would not buy a low-level 300-level just for the large number of pictures. Class of arms.

After a flame ring was swept, it was not over yet, Xiaofeng screamed again, and a new flame ring formed again, quickly sweeping the ground. Oh la la cleaned up all the junk soldiers inside the formation. The ground was full of corpses with green smoke. Hundreds of thousands of low-level NPCs covered the mountains and plains. That scene was really enough. marvellous.

Xiaofeng quickly changed into a human form and fell among us. "Okay, the low-level soldiers have been cleared out. Those who can resist this flame ring should be above level 500. I believe they will not appear in large numbers."

Ghost Nobunaga was about to vomit blood. NS. It is indeed his fault to underestimate my large-scale lethality, but the loss of hundreds of thousands of troops at once is indeed a bit too big. But he can't blame people. After all, the current Xiaofeng is made of two Phoenix and body of grade 1000. Although the large-scale magic is only a method to provide the user with face-to-face killing and damage, it is not a fatal trick, but the level difference of more than six hundred levels is too big, and any small magic under this level cannot be ignored. This is almost the same as the first time I met the lucky meeting, he killed me with a sneeze checkpoint.

I rushed over at the moment when Nobunaga Guishou was in a daze because of a major reversal of his form. Although killing him can't help us get out of this big formation, at least it can relieve our breath. But this kid knew that today was not the day for a duel, so he was determined not to contact me, and he started running as soon as he saw me rushing over. Although I couldn't catch up with him, I found that this Executing Immortal Array seems not so simple. I have fought with Nobunaga Onitou before, knowing that he is faster than me, but today it feels like it's a lot worse. Either this big formation has a bonus on Nobunaga's side, or it has reduced our side's attributes, or worse, both.

If I can’t catch up with Nobunaga, I had to break the barrier obediently and honestly. According to the small dragon woman’s suggestion, we should deal with the shrines first, and then move the fixed star towers. This can prevent the two enemies at the same time. Strongest existence appears, which is convenient to deal with.

There are many shrines, and the lotus-shaped road on the entire mountain is surrounded by these things, and there are shrine gods in each shrine. In fact, the niche god is simply not a god, no matter what kind of creature, as long as he agrees, the people in the formation can put him in the shrine as a niche god. There are not many things that Guishou Nobunaga can find, not to mention those fixed star towers are the key, so there are little monsters in the shrine. We cleared it all the way in the moment of the road, almost all of our lives were killed by one move. Later, we simply divided our forces. Anyway, before the closure of the Great Array, Nobunaga can no longer invest in new forces. We don't have to worry about a situation where a large number of enemies will surround us again.

A few hours passed and most of the shrines were cleared, and finally we gathered in a specific location. After killing the penultimate niche god, the strongest niche god finally appeared. But we are not worried at all, because this niche god is our deliberate stay. According to the female small dragon, the complete Executing Immortal Array is extremely powerful, but the people who set up this array obviously only learned a general idea, and actually put an auxiliary monster in the array as a niche god. What we left here is such a monster.

This thing is called the green light. Although it is only one word short of the green and red light, its ability is million miles apart. Cyan Lantern is a pure auxiliary monster, and its only characteristic is that the conversion rate of undead creatures in a certain range around it increases. Normally, this guy's conversion rate increase value will not exceed 3%, and the range of action does not exceed a 20-meter radius. However, this is just a super blue light that the demon powers of all the niche gods have assembled. Its radius of action is as high as 300 meters, and the conversion rate has reached 100%. However, no matter how strong the conversion rate is, nothing to make it turn is in vain, and the blue lantern itself has no offensive power, and the defense is as low as the 200th level. Still can't fight independently. As a result, not only didn't cause any trouble for us, but I was arrested as a favorite.

The attribute speaking of which is a mess, the grade is not high, and all the basic attributes can be ignored, but to me he is a treasure. I started from the undead, and the newly acquired third-class spirit master is actually an enhanced version of Necromancer. If all the creatures within the range around me die will be transformed into undead creatures, the probability of my evil dragon guardian ring turning them into my puppets will be much higher. Even if it is not controlled by me, as a neutral creature, the coercion of my undead system can guarantee that the undead will not actively attack me after they are resurrected. Another advantage is that the creatures killed during leveling will rise up and become undead. I can kill it again to get double EXP.

Changed Qing Deng's name to Gui Deng, and then handed him to Lingling to hang him under her pet spot. It just happened that the Phoenix Dragon space couldn't be opened temporarily, so this ghost lamp was temporarily brought by me to level up. After knowing this situation, Nobunaga Guishou almost didn't vomit blood, and I was planning whether the star guards who guarded the star tower could also be used as demon pets. Anyway, this large array will concentrate the power of the creatures in the fixed star tower on the last member, which is equivalent to fortifying a creature that is easy to grasp and practical. The enhanced creature will not increase the level, so the primordial rank is more convenient to capture, and its ability can reach the level of higher creatures. Naturally such a cost-effective thing cannot be let go.

Because it is considered in advance to catch the magic pet, the order of clearing the fixed star tower must be paid attention to. We ran through all the star-fixing towers on the top of the mountain first to confirm what Guishou Nobunaga put inside. The result of the inspection was similar to what at first expected. The monsters and mountain monsters in the tower are still dominated, but the level is generally very high.

I was just planning to clean up the monsters in order, but the bastard of the gunman suddenly stopped me. "Wait a minute."

"What are you doing?"

The gun god said very seriously: "The monsters in this big formation are getting stronger and stronger, so the last monster must be difficult. Deal with it. According to normal considerations, should we kill all the main combat creatures first?"

"But Purple Moon needs to catch a familiar." Zhen Hong said to me.

The gun god nodded: "It’s good if you know it. It’s you who want to catch the pets, not I want to catch them, but if you don’t clean up the monsters in the normal order like this, we have to follow the adventure, do you have to pay? Some dangerous subsidies?"

"Dangerous subsidies?" I looked at the gunman in surprise. "Why did you think of asking for a dangerous subsidy?"

"Learned from you." Gun God looked as it should be by rights. "You even have to pay for the final life-saving method. Why can't I ask you for a dangerous subsidy?"

"Because we are not an employment relationship." I said sincerely: "The dangerous subsidy is only It is used when you are fighting for your owner, but now we are fighting for our own freedom. Both of us are only temporarily cooperating. If you don’t want to follow our attack order, you don’t have to follow us and go by yourself. Just follow your order, we don’t mind.” Seeing the gun god wants to speak, I immediately continued: “Furthermore, our cooperation is based on the previous helplessness, not our ally. In fact, I remember us. The relationship seems to be semi-hostile. Since the relationship between our two guilds is so bad, what right do you have to ask us to pay you dangerous subsidies?"

"Then you at first also said that if you use I want to pay you money to store the national instruments in your space?"

"Of course. I charge a storage fee. If you think it is unreasonable, you can not put things in, and no one insists on it. You. Doing business can't be forced to buy and sell, right? Your dangerous subsidy is unreasonable, so we refused. Do you have any questions?" I almost asked through the nose of a gun god.

The gun god shook his head: "It's okay."

"It's okay. Humph, I want to make money from me, don't you know my nickname is cheapskate? "

The gun god is an American, and I don't know the Chinese proverb. Turn around and ask gold coin. "What's wrong with the nickname cheapskate?"

Gold coin stretched out a hand: "Thank you for the consultation fee and two gold coins."

The gun god's jaw almost fell off. "The people in your guild are all monsters." After all, he still gave the money to gold coin. Gold coin explained it to him immediately when he got the money, and the gun was nodded. "Really an appropriate nickname."

Although it threatened us symbolically, the gun god knew that it would not be good to turn our faces with us at this time. I have a retreat. If I am really impatient, I will sacrifice a life according to the plan of at first in exchange for the probability of forced detachment. For me, the loss is not big, but the gun god must pay for the cost of storing our national equipment. The risk compensation is much higher, so we are still more cost-effective.

After comprehensively evaluating the abilities of all monsters, I set a rough route for eradicating monsters. All thirty-six towers were attacked by us in order, but only twenty-seven towers were completely destroyed, leaving a varying number of monsters in each of the remaining nine towers. These all are the seed monsters I have selected. I plan to see their enhanced strength before deciding which one to choose. It is said that the power of the monsters is evenly distributed, but in fact the growth of each monster is not the same. Some monsters have special abilities, and simple growth can cause a large increase in formidable power. However, the increase in attributes of some monsters actually has little effect on battle strength.

After repeatedly determining the level of the remaining monsters, three more towers disappeared. One of the remaining six towers retained three monsters, another had two monsters, and the remaining four had one monster each. The strength of the remaining nine monsters is already very terrible, because the tenth last monster that was killed before almost requires four national device users to participate in the battle to solve him without damage. The following nine should become more powerful. But before dealing with the nine of them, I plan to make a small implementation first.

First I found the one I disliked among the nine monsters, and then asked the four national implement users to go with my familiar, quickly subdued him, and then captured it and turned it into a familiar Egg. After obtaining this Familiar Egg, we went to conduct experimental battles with the other eight monsters. I am very satisfied with the test results. My experiment is to verify that if a monster is captured as a familiar, will the remaining monsters continue to grow stronger, or whether the monster will no longer strengthen because the monster has not been killed. Experiments have proved that their strengthening has nothing to do with whether the monster is still alive, as long as the monster is taken out of the guard camp, other monsters will naturally strengthen.

After knowing this attribute, I plan to turn all the remaining eight into beloved eggs. Of course, I don’t want them all by myself. I only want one of them, and the remaining seven plus the one captured just now, I plan to deal with them separately. Eight extra eggs and four attributes were sold to the gun god. The other four were sold to the guild for internal auctions. Outsiders were not allowed to participate, which was regarded as a disguised guild benefit.

Simply talked with the gun god, as a reward for assisting in catching the beast, the egg with the worst attribute is free, and the other three eggs gun god will pay, but he should not be the worst Three of them, but to be sold together. We numbered the monsters in descending order, and the one with the strongest from the bottom was naturally mine. The gun god still had the second, third, and fourth one from the bottom. I didn't agree. In the end, the negotiation turned out to sell him only the third, fifth, and seventh.

The ninth from the bottom was given to him as a reward. The seventh from the bottom was sold for 3 million crystal coins, the fifth from the bottom was 7 million crystal coins, and the third one was 1,700. Ten thousand crystal coins. I swear this is definitely a discounted price. These rarely seen monsters with high formidable power and low requirements are even better than the best ones. I sell this price because the gun god also helps to catch them. Otherwise, I will add 10% to the back with my personality. He is about the same. Of course, there is another reason that I am selling futures. I pay the money first and then catch the familiar. I have said that if the last knife is cut by the Americans in the process of catching the familiar, the monster will die and cannot be captured. In the case of the situation, then the loss shall be borne by the Americans, and we will no longer refund the purchase price. And if similar incidents occur during the capture of those familiars belonging to us, the Americans must compensate us at the price.

These things of mine are basically overlord clauses, but anyway, now the pet market is priceless, it's completely a seller's market, so I can bid whatever I like.

After the order of arrest is determined, we will start to clean up one by one. The fifth to eighth from the bottom are not difficult. Anyway, we are crowded now. Nobunaga at first intends to rely on quantitative superiority to trap us. Didn't expect that the low-level arms will not be fought, so soon they have brought out a major reversal of the form, and we have gained a partial numerical advantage. The Executing Immortal Array still restricts the circulation in both directions. If we can't get out, he can't get in, and we can't add soldiers.

The last four monsters belong to the four towers, which are located exactly on the diagonal of the lotus formation. According to the small dragon woman, this is to improve the formation eye set for Formation formidable power, so the four corners must be the strongest guard.

The fourth to last monster belongs to us. This guy is a ghost with a red skin. I often encounter such monsters, but they are not very eye-catching, but this is just the king of evil spirits, and it has been strengthened so many times, and it has become as big as a Titan. They strengthened and added formidable power, he strengthened the light and long, but at least the attack power is very strong, it is a good demon familiar.

The third to last monster is the White Mist monster ordered by the Gun God, which is super troublesome. The White Mist Demon is a large mass of white mist, its attack power is average, but its defensive power can be said to be infinite, because no one can hit him. Magical attacks and physical attacks hardly worked on him, and he didn't even know how to eliminate it. In fact, the previous White Mist Demon was not so powerful. A normal White Mist Demon can form a cloud of about seven or eight meters in diameter and four to five meters in thickness. Once he wraps someone in, this person will continue to lose blood, although the speed is very slow, but it will always be finished if it continues to consume like this. Moreover, the white mist demon will move with the person he is attached to, although its diameter is only seven or eight meters, but if it always moves with a person, then the person is actually in the fog at High Level, and there is no way to see the road. .

The only attack method of the White Mist Demon is this way of interfering with the line of sight and the way of uninterrupted blood loss. It can be said that the harm is very low, and his defense can also be said to be very good. The White Mist Demon is like an earthworm. It can regenerate infinitely no matter it is cut or burned by magic. As long as you can't completely destroy him all at once, you can't kill him. But despite this, he is still very easy to deal with, the advanced warrior's flame Blade Qi and other magical attacks can easily kill him, and the wizard can generally easily do it as long as the use of large-scale magic.

Of course, the gun god is not a fool. He still buys such a trash Familiar because this monster has been overstrengthened. A monster with a diameter of seven or eight meters is indeed easy to be killed by a large-scale magic, but now this white fog monster can cover a radius of tens of kilometers after being fully deployed, and its thickness is as high as more than seventy meters. Such a large area will be covered in a dense white mist like cotton candy, no one can recognize the direction inside, and it is not easy to wipe out such a large thing all at once. Except for a few people, most people have no way to meet this guy. After all, not everyone can cover a range of tens of kilometers with super magic. As long as the gun god gets this familiar, he can hide himself in the white mist and attack the enemy. As the master of the White Mist Demon, he knew everything within the mist range, so this White Mist Demon was more useful to him than anyone else.

But a powerful Familiar means that it is more difficult to capture, and this guy can't do it hard, but I have a special method to get him easily.

We haven’t gotten close to the fixed star tower that hides the white mist demon, and we can see the white mist around the tower, but now his body is all contained in the tower. Once we release it, we The position of the station now will be within his coverage. The trouble with the White Mist Demon is that any part of the loss is invalid to him, and the entire blow must be effective. And I just have the ability to strike at a large range, or control.

"Shhh." I motioned to the gun gods to be quiet, and the white mist demon is very sensitive to vibrations.

Click. Pinot Groo seems to be against me deliberately, and as soon as I whispered, he stepped on a branch. The tower door in front was suddenly opened, and a large white mist quickly rushed out and enveloped a large area around the tower. A face suddenly appeared on the edge of the white mist. "Hahahaha. Want to sneak attack me? With that big guy, do you think I can't feel it?"

"What if you found out?" Xiaofeng waved his hand, a flame The ring quickly swept over, but the white mist demon quickly spread out himself, the coverage of the flame ring was obviously not as large as his volume, and the influence of the flame ring was not high enough to wipe out the entire white mist demon.

"It’s useless, don’t try to defeat me. You should regret not being the first to kill me. I am invincible now."

"Actually, you can deal with it very well. ." A whirlwind rolled from my feet to the top of my head, and colorful armors scattered down and wrapped my whole body. The three of them, the Americans, are all sucked in a breath of cold air.

"You, you...?"

"I am still me, haven't you seen a trumpet practicer?" Yinyue's appearance is too feminine, plus an oath The color of the suit is too gorgeous and it is natural to cause misunderstandings. Turning to face the white mist demon, slowly raised his right hand. "In the name of the god of creation, I ordered the tearing of these mixed elements."

Mist is the suspended drop of water. The force of creation can control the form of matter. The result of tearing the Water Element is a large amount of The hydrogen and oxygen, as for what's next...hehehehe. "Xiaofeng, borrow a fire." Boom. A small fire star directly caused a big explosion, and the formidable power is definitely heaven shaking, earth shattering. The air-fuel bomb is probably just this.

Because the decomposition and explosion are the elements of the mist itself, the basic damage to the white mist demon is very strong, and it even caused a short pause. Of course, this kind of explosion is not enough to kill him directly, at least two or three more times. But I have no magic power. Borrowing divine force has always been cool, but the magic is also very cool to consume. I just tore the element and drained my magic completely at once, so that when I finally detonated, I had to ask Xiaofeng to do it.

At the moment when the white mist demon is weak, I have converted back to Purple Moon and confiscated it. The advantage of the double number is that one number is exhausted, while the other is still full. Qingqing rubbed the guardian of the evil dragon on his hand, and the black mist quickly diffused. When the white mist demon reacted, he found that he could not spread. I wrapped him in the fog of death, and my fog of death has the same effect as him to weaken and devour the life within. The White Mist Demon's power disperses. When he spreads, as soon as the mist diffuses into the range of my death mist, it will be assimilated by the death mist. This prevents him from being restored to a complete state and can only be continuously compressed.

"Do you feel the fear?" I appeared in front of the white mist demon. "Feeling near death?" I smiled evilly.

"I am not willing to."

"Everyone is not willing to die. Go to sleep, poor monster." The capturing skills are compressed into glass marbles in the white mist monster. It was used when it was that big, and it was a success. The size of the white mist demon is his weakness, and the size of the winning glass marble is about the same as dying for him.

I handed a white crystal to the gun god. "This is your 17 million. We have cleared them."

The gun god smiled like an idiot holding the white crystal, his mouth almost reaching his ears. High-level familiars suitable for their attributes are something worthy of surprises for anyone, especially powerhouses like ours, because their strength has reached the peak, it is very difficult to improve solely by exercise, only to accept powerful new familiars. You can improve your own strength by advanced by leaps and bounds.

"Don’t smirk, your task is completed, ours hasn’t been solved yet. There are two left, definitely better than this guy. You better pull yourself together."< /p>

The Gun God smiled like an idiot just now, and he changed his expression back in a single click. "We are not under yours. Don't use the tone of command."

I waved a piece of paper and quieted the gun god without saying a word. You must remember that sometimes a piece of paper can be more powerful than the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, especially when the finger has the signature of the other party. In order for me to help him catch the pet, the gun god signed a contract. The content is that while I help him to catch the pet, he must also help me. In this process, he must fail to capture the pet because of his reason. Pay me a certain fee. The compensation we set for the penultimate pet is 50 million crystal coins. If the capture fails because of the gun god, he will have to pay me 50 million.

The penultimate monster is actually not dangerous. She is only an auxiliary monster, but the effect is quite troublesome. The body of this monster is a crystal ball, but her attributes are strange. She can make very pleasant music, and she can also flash different colors of light with the music. Said to be an auxiliary monster, in fact, this guy's attack power is not bad at all. Her attack is based on music, and the mode of action is the same as that of Bingbing's flute and Bingling's harp. Not only can she use auxiliary magic, she can also directly hurt people with offensive rhythms. I want to catch this monster for the two of Bingbing and Bingling.

The precious equipment in "Zero" is not Divine Item, but team battle equipment. The equipment that can provide auxiliary attributes for everyone on the battlefield is the most precious thing. The two sisters, Bingbing and Bingling, as players, actually embody this attribute. They are just generalized fighting alone, but the formidable power in team battles will be extremely huge. I didn't know this before, but Rose discovered their importance, so the guild now every day all Sect people follow them to compensate them for leveling or doing tasks. Our goal is to bring them to the highest possible level before the start of the national war, so that they can play a role similar to that of a national weapon. This musical monster is just right for them. Bingbing's Familiar Grid is full, but Bingling should still have a place.

We have tried these monsters before, so we all know the ability of

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