Ling Ye floating beside me said: "Where did I see this thing! Strange, why can't I remember it?"

Suddenly the small dragon girl Cried out: "It's Bi Ling."

"Bi Ling Beast?" We all reacted all of a sudden. The reason why we look familiar is not because we have seen him, but because we have seen his bones, so when we see the main body, we feel familiar.

Xiaochun suddenly said: "That's wrong! Hasn't Bi Ling's soul already formed the Guardian Spirit and entered Isengard? Then what is this?"

"Don't worry. , Just look at it."

The surrounding scenes are changing in the form of movies, while we are completely transparent and floating in the air. The picture entered the Earth and the consequence was that it was aimed at the territory of China, but the topography has changed a lot. The most notable feature is that the two waterways of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River are gone. The mountain peaks on the ground are not like modern ones. What's more strange is that there are no traces of the city at all. There are only some scattered large villages, and they seem to be still Stay in the primary stage of primary humans.

There are a lot of lakes on this land, and there is a huge Snow Mountain in Northwest. The picture quickly flashed across the mountains and rivers, and advanced into a large area of ​​mountains. Suddenly, a loud explosion sound, a huge object fell in the forest, and the forest all split up and in pieces. After we saw it clearly, we discovered that the thing that fell was a rare beast. I have never seen this thing before. To be honest, this thing doesn't look like Asian creatures. In my impression, there should be two kinds of creatures that are closer to its appearance, namely the gorilla and the giant beast. Of course, it is not any of them, because it is too big, and there are two quite distinctive ears on his head. Beamon is a frigid creature with very small ears, but this guy has a pair of windy ears. He walked half-upright like Beamon, all four claws were sharp, his mouth was full of fangs, his eyes were bulging out, and he exuded a kind of crimson rays of light.

Suddenly the small dragon woman yelled: "This is the ruggedness of the Great Desolate beast. It is a creature made up of stones. People in later generations say that the rugged rocks are actually caused by the ruggedness. The corpse turned into a grotesquely shaped rock, so people connected him with the strange rock."

"Do you know this thing?"

"Of course, our Divine Dragon Race is anyhow It is also a relic of the ancients. How can my neighbors not recognize it."

While speaking, a beast suddenly appeared on a mountain next to it. This is the Bi Ling that I just saw. He is now jade green all over, and it looks like a rare beast carved out of jade. Bi Ling's appearance is close to Qilin, and it's really hard to tell if you don't look closely. Of course, since it is a beast of Great Desolate Era, Bi Ling is definitely not small. After jumping up to the top of the mountain, Bi Ling immediately saw the ruggedness, and then directly rushed down from the mountain and knocked the ruggedness to the ground. The two giant beasts roared and entangled each other, and the surrounding mountains burst and ground split. The formidable power was amazing.

The two guys are very fast, they hit the sea from the inland quickly, and then hit the sea all the way south, and finally encountered three large islands. From the topography, it should be near the Taiwan Strait. The approximate shape of the coastline is no different. The only thing that surprised me is that there are actually three large islands. Ordinarily, there should be only one Taiwan island at this location, and there should be no other large islands. However, the three islands arranged in an equilateral triangle on the sea are indeed standing there, and we are not sure whether this is a Chinese region. After all, there are too many iconic landforms missing.

Just after we saw the three islands, the giant beasts at both ends rolled over. Bi Ling threw him into the sea, but they were all too big, and the water surface would not cover their bodies. Lying on the seabed awkwardly, with his legs kicked up, Bi Ling was kicked out directly. With a loud boom, Bi Ling hit one of the islands. Suddenly turned over and jumped up, suddenly put down his two forelimbs, and turned into four limbs, and then he opened his mouth to Bi Ling. We can clearly see countless points of light flying towards the wide open mouth, and Bi Ling jumped up like lightning after seeing it. Almost at the same time as Bi Ling avoided, a white beam of light shot directly from the craggy mouth, hitting the island where Bi Ling had just landed. After a piece of while light flashed, the three big islands had lost one.

Jumped to the attacked position and looked around. It seemed that he wanted to find Bi Ling's body, but didn't expect in the sky but suddenly shot down a green beam of light. Jumbo did not react as fast as Bi Ling, and the beam of light hit the front, causing a big explosion at the same time. When the beam of light and the flame disappeared, Zhang Jia and the island on which he had just stood were gone.

I sighed in my heart: "It is estimated that the rest is Taiwan Island! Damn, these Great Desolate beasts are really extraordinary. They just took a few seconds to hit such a huge might. Time preparation, according to normal conditions, their ultimate strength should be able to erase the area of ​​two provinces at a time."

After Biling successfully dried out the turbulence, the screen suddenly opened, and only Biling stepped into the water. OK, run directly on the sea. Since the screen is moving faster than Bi Ling, we got to the place first, but I don't know where it is at all. The picture seems to be heading east, if nothing else, it might be time to go to Japan. Of course it may be just a big island.

I saw a sudden explosion on a white mountain, and then a snake head came out. The snake head looked around, and after making sure that there was no danger, eight more snake heads appeared.

"Nine-headed Sea Snake King?" The small dragon woman recognized this thing again. "This is the famous cunning creature of Great Desolate Era, and its battle strength is very high."

Suddenly a nine-headed sea snake came down from the mountain, and then found that there were many wearing animal skins hidden in the forest below. Humans and some other animals. The sea snake opened its mouth and bit at the crowd suddenly, and the big shovel-like mouth swallowed many people in one bite. At first, there was some native resistance. After being eaten by almost half of the people, Native suddenly began to bow down to the big snake, and also actively selected young women and children from the clan to feed the big snake. Just when Da Snake was eating very enjoyable, Bi Ling suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain.

"None of the obstacles, to punishing you to lift the Honshu Island out of the sea is to allow you to open up territory for the locals. Who made you run here as a local tyrant?" Bi Ling will actually teach this Hydra Wang, it was unexpected.

There are even more weird things behind. The Hydra will actually answer Bi Ling's question. "hmph, I know you don’t understand me, but don’t be too arrogant. You can get approval from Heaven and Earth in Central Plains, but you are just like me when you leave Central Plains. Just don’t bother me. Protect your Central Plains land. I am here as my zombie. We are not related to each other."

"Blame me for being too tolerant to you! Let you know today that I and you have What's the difference?" Bi Ling rushed down the mountain to fight with Nine Headed Snake.

The combat contrast is obvious. Nine Headed Snake is arrogant enough, but his strength is far from his bragging ability. Bi Ling beat Nine Headed Snake all over the floor in three or two hits, but when the battle was about to tell the outcome, Nine Headed Snake suddenly entangled one of Bi Ling’s paws and pulled it fiercely. Bi Ling lost. The balance rolled down the mountain. However, there were many local people standing there on the mountain road. In order not to crush them, Bi Ling suddenly turned over and bounced, but when Bi Ling flew over their heads, these natives suddenly used a peculiar His bow and arrow began to shoot at Bi Ling, and to make matters worse, one arrow actually hit the corner of Bi Ling's eye.

One of the leaders of the indigenous people below shouted: "Hurry up and release the arrows to protect our great god. These arrows coated with the venom on the teeth of the great god can kill the evil creature."< /p>

I suddenly remembered something. When Bi Ling's bones were found by the sea, Bi Ling's soul once said how he died. At that time, he said that he was attacked by the monster by the locals when he was eradicating the monster in Japan. In the end, he was seriously injured and died. Putting it that way, isn’t it the scene that Bi Ling mentioned at the beginning?

In the screen, Bi Ling's eyes were injured. Of course, those small bows and arrows did not hurt him much, but there was the venom of the Hydra King on the arrows, which was not easy to deal with. In order to protect these natives, Bi Ling didn't expect to turn over and avoid being attacked by these natives. He was so irritated for a while and was taken aback for a while, but with this, Hydra suddenly rushed down. Biting Bi Ling's body at once. Nine heads are nine heads, and a large amount of toxins are injected into Bi Ling's body. Bi Ling suddenly let out a big throat and waved his claws, and a white half-moon-shaped blade of light flew out. The largest head in the center of the Hydra flew out with the light blade, and the mountain behind the Hydra was also cut off. The mountain body without the top of the mountain suddenly began to emit a large amount of lava. The natives below couldn't run the speed of lava at all, and a large area was burned to death.

Bi Ling was poisoned too deeply, let go of Nine Headed Snake and escaped here, and Nine Headed Snake was rolling all over the floor with pain because of a head cut off. Xiaochun suddenly said: "What is the sea snake king? Isn't this the Japanese eight-headed snake?"

Ling also nodded and said: "Don't say it, it looks really alike. "

Fortunately said: "What is an image? Obviously it is!"

The picture no longer shoots the eight-headed snake, but moves with Bi Ling. The picture quickly returned to the coast of China, and Bi Ling ran back staggeringly, found a cave here and then went into it. I'm very clear about the next thing, what Bi Ling told us was originally this thing.

Bi Ling painfully resisted the poison in the cave, but in the end he couldn't get through it, turning into a pile of bones with grief and anger. The picture suddenly left the cave and began to move westward, and soon we were under a Great Snow Mountain. A snow-white white jade Qilin is standing proudly on the top of the snow peak, and the bright snow-white fur and dragon horn on his head look so beautiful. Qilin Divine Beast is divided into two categories, one is called Golden Qilin, and the other is called Yu Qilin. Both Golden Qilin and Jade Qilin include many types of Qilin. The Vajra Qilin steel teeth I collected belong to the Golden Qilin lineage. Its main feature is that the body is more like a lion and tiger, and the head has various forms. But they are generally more powerful. There are many types of jade Qilin series, but the common feature is that the body is long like a deer, the feet are not sharp claws but hoofs, the head is relatively small, the image is more gentle, and more like herbivores.

The physical attacks of the Golden Qilin series are very powerful and numerous. Jade Qilin is similar to the fairy dragon in Dragon Clan. It is a purely magical damage type. Its body is very weak, but when it comes to fighting, the actual battle strength is much higher than Golden Qilin.

The white jade Qilin is covered in snow-white fur with some very special patterns in the middle, which looks very beautiful and sacred. However, the white jade Qilin does not look very good at the moment, because there is a deep wound on his front leg that is bleeding downwards. The blood of white jade Qilin is not red, but blue and white, which looks like a condensate. It is said that it is actually the magic power after a high degree of fusion, not real blood.

The camera turns to Snow Mountain, where there is a rare beast with cold light shining all over its body. This thing looks like an Insect, and it looks weird. Its body seems to be composed entirely of ice, heavy and strong. At present, this guy is rushing to the top of the mountain like crazy, while the white jade Qilin above is looking at the monster below with contempt.

I quickly asked the small dragon woman: "What is this? Is it also a Great Desolate beast?"

The small dragon woman shook her head: "I don't know. I don't have this thing. I have seen it, maybe one of the Great Desolate beasts. There were too many things in that era. After all, I was born not long ago. I have never seen those things. Only after seeing the dragon ball of the god Dragon Clan did I know some of the information. This should be I didn't see it, or simply not something from Great Desolate Era."

The small dragon woman was talking, suddenly white jade Qilin moved. She stomped her hoof, and then Snow Mountain under her body suddenly cracked a huge gap, and then the ice monster rolled in. white jade Qilin jumped, and then ran in the air like a down-to-earth foot. The entire iceberg overturned and sealed the ice and snow monster under the mountain, but after a while the ground suddenly cracked, and the monster crawled out of it again. An icy arrow hit the white jade Qilin in the air, but didn't expect it was blocked halfway. Then white jade Qilin stopped in midair, and she lowered her head slightly, and then there was a sudden flash between the two horns, and a white ball of light shot straight down. With a bang, the camera retreated at the same time as the explosion, a white mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the icebergs were gone.

The smoke and dust cleared, white jade Qilin still stayed in the air, looking at the Snow Mountain area that was blown into the plain by her without any emotion. After a while, thunder blasted from the sky, and the Snow Mountain that had just been blown up turned into rain and fell again. The huge rainstorm in the rumbling sound swept the earth, the rainwater quickly turned into a flood, and began to rampage on the ground like a beast. A large number of animals and humans who are still in the primordial state lose one's head out of fear. White jade Qilin seems to have noticed those animals and people. A gentle rays of light flashed in her eyes, and then the flood suddenly seemed to be restrained. The child stopped. The rain was still falling, but the floods all gathered together and flowed into a big ditch.

"Why do you look familiar with this ditch?" I asked suspiciously.

Xiaochun said: "Isn't this the big ditch that came out when Zhang Jiao was fighting with Bi Ling just now?"

"No, it looks like something else. "

When the flood was completely poured into the ditch, it began to follow the giant ditch toward the east, and finally flowed into the sea. The Halong girl suddenly cried out: "Isn't this the Yangtze River?"

I was dizzy. After a long time, this movie is the Chinese version of Genesis. It shows how this Central Plains land came from.

White jade Qilin had been injured before, and forcibly restraining the flood has consumed too much force. Her wound became bigger and bigger, and it seemed that she was about to be unable to support it. She began to fly back and forth along the Yangtze River, confirming that the floods along the way did not harm the surrounding animals and people, and then ran to a low mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau alone. Suddenly a tear came out of her eyes, and then she kept standing upright and stopped moving. The drop of tears fell on the ground, and suddenly the whole mountain began to vibrate, and then the peak began to grow wildly upwards like bamboo shoots, and soon a mountain peaked straight into the sky appeared.

My mouth can hardly be closed. "Isn't this too ridiculous? Isn't this Mount Everest?"

No one answered me, but I didn't ask people specifically, I just couldn't believe it.

On the top of Mount Everest, the white jade Qilin still maintains a standing posture, but everyone can see that she is dead. A gust of wind blew the white jade Qilin into a stone sculpture, but it still stood there and looked down on the entire Chinese land.

I suddenly remembered. "Ling, remember it for me, and go back and remind me to go to the city of commandments."

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you see that white jade Qilin? She died here. On top of Mount Everest. Our city of commandments is also on top of Mount Everest. At that time, we found a stone that resembled Qilin. We thought it was formed naturally. But because the image is relatively good, we put it in the city as a The sculpture is used. If it is really one of the three Divine Beasts, I shouldn’t get her down quickly? What if someone finds out that I’m using her body from her previous life as a sculpture, why not take me apart?"

"That's what I said."

Then the picture shifts again, this time the target location is in the north. Two Divine Dragons, which are bigger than Azure Dragon, entangled and wrestled with each other. These two dragons, one gold and one black, are both big and scary. Azure Dragon, as the four Sacred Beasts, is already an extremely rare giant creature, but compared with these two dragons, it is like the difference between a gymnast and a strongman. It is obvious that there is a big difference in body shape.

Two Divine Dragons are tumbling and entangled in the sky and the ground, flying sand running stone around them, falling to the ground, falling down on the mountain, and they are simply two destruction kings. The Black Dragon screamed suddenly, and then the body suddenly lost its strength and was completely twisted into twists by the Golden Dragon. A large amount of black blood was sprayed out, and a long black river appeared on the ground.

Damn asked the small dragon woman in a cold sweat: "This is not Black Dragon River, right?"

The small dragon woman is also a little uncertain and said: "The location is similar, but This way of formation is too outrageous, isn't it?"

Because Ling has accepted the knowledge of the real world, it is easier to accept it instead. "It's just a game. There is no need to engage in historical facts, right? This movie is probably to introduce the three major protection countries Divine Beast that has just been activated by the system notification. It has nothing to do with things in reality."

Xiaochun Suddenly asked me: "Why didn't you see the Yellow River?"

As if in response to Xiaochun's answer, Golden Dragon was exhausted when he returned to the Central Plains and eventually fell to the ground. The golden blood flowed out of his mouth, and then the ground began to sink quickly to form a golden river flowing with golden blood.

I pointed at the front and said to Xiaochun: "See? This is the Yellow River."

The movie screen suddenly ended, and everyone returned to the normal game state. As we expected, the system was indeed paused just now, and now the nearby critters remain as they were when we entered the movie mode just now after resuming. With their liveliness, if the game were not for a pause, they would definitely not stay in place.

The sound of broadcasting rang above my head, but even though it was broadcasting, this time I started to distinguish the objects. The sound only appeared above my head, and people nearby could also hear it, but it was not specifically broadcast for them.

"Purple Moon player, as the president of the Frost Rose League, please choose Divine Beast for this bank. You have ten minutes to choose. Now the countdown will begin."

My hand The wedding ring on her suddenly rang, and the voice of Rose appeared quickly. "Husband, is the movie just because of your side?"

"Yes. Because our Chinese national equipment is completely complete, so suddenly we have so many functions."

Sumi's voice suddenly appeared in the ring. "Purple Moon big brother, we have also heard about the Divine Beast project. What are you going to choose?"

"Of course it is Biling."

"Why Bi Ling?" Hong Yue's voice also appeared in the ring.

"First, we have a better relationship and easy cooperation. Second, Bi Ling was indirectly killed by the Japanese. He will be very proactive in supporting our war with Japan. Third, Two of the four Sacred Beasts are his dísciple, the other two have also received his guidance, and the black Qilin is also his good friend. Accepting him is equivalent to accepting so many connections. This is called the Imperial court. Someone is easy to handle. With the direct support of the four Sacred Beasts, we will be able to say something in Celestial Court in the future."

Rosé said: "You are about the same as we think, but we are a little bit more than you think, no matter what Whatever you choose, Biling. Besides, isn’t that white jade Qilin the sculpture we placed in the City of Commandments?"

"Have you found it too? I doubt it. It's really her."

Rose immediately said: "Then I will move her back to Isengard to give it up, lest she be unhappy."

"Yes. Reason."

After cutting off the communication, I chose Biling to confirm it as a Guardian God beast, and the system passed the verification immediately. I thought I would get this guardian creature right away, but didn't expect system sent a scroll to me, and then the broadcast rang again, but this time it was a broadcast aimed at players from all over China.

"For players in China, the Divine Beast task of protecting the country has been triggered. From now on, all players can participate in the task of searching for the Guardian God beast. Any player in the country can find Divine Beast and help it escape The dilemma can enable the national guardian beast function. Players who complete the task will receive Divine Beast rewards. The specific reward content is determined randomly. Please work harder."

After listening to the system announcement, I started to play again. The scrolls in it turned out to be dizzy at first sight. system Sure enough, I gave me a task scroll, the content is to complete Bi Ling's resurrection ceremony. There are more specific content, and it is not suitable to watch it now, so I had to put away the things first.

The ghosts of Nobunaga and the Gunshen were all put on after they got the national equipment, and as a result, they also had equipment induction phenomenon. Once the two sets of national equipment between their own countries were close to one hundred There will be induction within a meter, and battle strength will greatly increase at this time. Nobunaga Guishou asked the two players around him to put on the national weapon and circled them suspiciously. "This is the end?"

Incheon will take a look at his Demon Subduing Pestle. "It seems that this is the case."

Nobunaga Guishou supported his chin and said: "That's not right! Purple Moon they also opened the Divine Beast mission to protect the country, why didn't we?"

The gun god also said: "We don't have it here. Is this task only for China? Isn't it too unfair?"

I took the Quartet and said: "Since it’s a country The tasks must be evenly distributed, and every country should be the same. You did not appear there probably because this is missing."

"What is this?"

"Single national implement. It is a complete set of national implements by itself. It is regarded as the third national implement, and it seems to play the role of a comprehensive attribute. Only with it can it be regarded as a real pool of all national implements. Only at this time can the protection of the country be opened. Divine Beast mission."

"Where did you find this thing?" Guishou Nobunaga asked me excitedly.

I smiled at him, and Guishou Nobunaga chuckled in his heart, because every time I smiled at him, I was planning to ask for money. "Hehe, 30 million crystal coins plus 150,000 tons of refined steel. If I agree, I will tell you the detailed process of finding this thing. Would you like to hear it?"

Nobunaga Guishou shook his head quickly: "Isn't it enough to be fooled? You are a fool who believes in you."

"Che, don't listen and pull it down."

I turned to the gunman again, but I didn't even speak to him. Shook his head. "Don't tell me, I can't afford news that you are so expensive."

"hehe, our Sino-US relations are not as tense as Sino-Japanese relations. If you want to hear, I will give you a 20% discount. "

"I won't listen to a discount. If you continue to blackmail me, I can't even afford the transmission fee for returning to China."

"che, a group of poor ghosts. Investment equals Output, you are spending a lot of money now to make more money in the future. With Divine Beast to protect the country, you can make sure that you can earn back what you spend."

"We don’t have you. Forget it, it's better to be a miser."

I laughed. "Since you don't want it, then I can go. Anyway, the transaction is over. There are still a lot of things in the guild waiting for me to deal with!"

The gun god nodded said that he is also very busy and plans to immediately Leave. Nobunaga Guishou called us suddenly, then he took out a strangely shaped object from behind and handed it in front of me and the gun god. "This is a parting gift. It is considered a kind of etiquette in Japan. Although you are all my enemies, this etiquette cannot be abandoned."

I looked suspiciously at how it looked like a great Something with grenade. "Why don't you send me a bomb? Why do I look at this thing like a grenade?"

The gun god also frowned, "Do you want to play tricks again? It's really amazing to deal with you Asians? Trouble!"

Guishou Nobunaga quickly explained: "This is not a bomb." As he said, he twisted the buckle under the handle, scaring me and the gun god back quickly, I thought He wants to be a human bomb! As he pulled, the big part of the top suddenly unfolded, and there were many kinds of small fruits inside, as if they were specially made for snacks. "This is Baiguo Umbrella. Our youngsters like it very much."

The Gunmaster was relieved when he saw that he was only eating, and took it smoothly. I hesitated for a long time and still took the thing, but I immediately said: "Talk to courtesy, you give us a gift, I don't tell anyone who would say that our Chinese nation is not polite." I smoothly pulled out from the Fenglong space. A crystal ball the size of a basketball. "This is a little thing that can check the value of luck. It is also a plaything type equipment. It has little practical value. As a gift, thank you for the snacks."

Nobunaga accepted it without any doubt, I He turned over with a smile, but there was no extra expression on his face. In order to show equal treatment, I gave another gun god. But the gun god did not bring any gifts, and there is no way to exchange gifts with us.

Because we came from different transmission stations when we came, we did not go in one direction. Nobunaga Onitou is alone, and I and the gun god are on the side. When returning from Mochizuki Island, it can only be sent back to the Transmission Formation. If you want to go to other places, you can only go back and pass it again. The main purpose is to prevent some players from using Mochizuki Island as a springboard to indirectly send them to foreign countries. In this way, the way that it can only be passed back to where can only limit the player's probability of using Mochizuki Island as a springboard.

As the Transmission Formation approached, I looked back and confirmed that Nobunaga and the others were gone, and then I threw out the grenade-like snack box. The Gunmaster looked at me and thought it was quite strange, but he is also a region's Overlord after all, his brain is not stupid, think about it and you will understand. He also threw the thing in his hand hard, and then asked me: "Is the gift you gave Guite Nobunaga a real gift?"

"Gift? What if I give a Japanese gift? There is only one possibility."

"What is possible?"

Boom. There was an explosion in the distance, and the ground shook. I pointed in that direction: "That's it."

Of course, I gave the ghost hand letter long a bomb, and it was a super bomb that was disguised as a crystal ball by Emenes with the high level Camouflage Technique. . Unfortunately, I forgot that the timing was too short. Now it's exploded here, then there is no formidable power. This is a no-arms zone. Even if a bomb explodes, it will only have a photoelectric effect and will not really hurt people.

The gun god hurriedly took out his crystal ball nervously, and desperately pointed at the crystal ball, the meaning couldn't be more clear. I comforted him and said: "Don't worry, you are just an ordinary crystal ball, not a bomb. I am going with you, even if you put a bomb, I can't put it!"

Listen to my explanation. I safely put away the crystal ball. Both Binoch and Condor felt that they had a deeper understanding of my sinisterness, and they could even put a bomb into it when they gave gifts. Although there is compulsory system protection here, the thing only cares whether the human body is injured or not, regardless of other things. I guess Nobunaga Onishu must be in a beggar outfit now, plus an explosive release. Maybe the face is black, it must be very similar to the African natives.

Actually, Nobunaga Onishu is scolding his mother over the Transmission Formation. He didn't expect that I will send him a bomb. The thing was in his arms when it exploded, and the formidable power was directly endured by him. The system forced the cancellation of the injury. There was no damage to his body, but the anger in his heart almost stopped vomiting blood.

Nobunaga, with a dark face, returned to his own city from Transmission Formation. The teleportation station here is already full of soldiers, and it seems that they are waiting for someone. As soon as Nobunaga Guishou came out, the Kanye family gathered people around. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

Guishou Nobunaga looked at Kanoichi, and then suddenly roared. "You bastard, it's me!"

Incheon Huizuo and Kawashima Ginhime came out from behind. At this time, Kano Kazun realized that the African chicken-like guy in front was Nobunaga Ghost. "Nobunaga-kun? How did you make it like this?"

"Don't mention it, or get ready to deal with Purple Moon and their Formation. It's too late. I must break Purple Moon to pieces. The corpse is ten thousand pieces." He was proud again: "hmph, you will send bombs, and I'm not welcome. I will see how you cry later. My gifts are not so easy to collect, even if you throw them away later, they are useless. If you touch it, it’s already glued, unless you chop off your hands, or you’ll be dead.” Genuine reading!)

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