Guishou Nobunaga is more ruthless than I am. The little thing he sent is no problem in itself, but the handle of the thing is made with hands and feet, and it will stick as long as it is grasped. There are some very special things, and these things themselves are harmless, but it is not good for us to use this thing now.

I walked into the Transmission Formation together with the Gunslinger. The things that Guishou Nobunaga sent have been thrown away by us, so we were not prepared. Mochizuki Island Transmission Formation can't choose the location of the return, it has to be sent back wherever it comes, as long as it is confirmed to start the transmission. After the six of us entered, we started the transmission. After the screen flashed, we successfully arrived at Isinger’s Transnational Transmission Formation. Rose, they were all waiting for us outside.

As soon as the Gunner and I were about to walk towards them, the pillars outside Transmission Formation suddenly lit up again. "En? What's the matter? Why did Transmission Formation start again?"

The gun god ran a few steps and planned to jump out. As a result, the Transmission Formation started when the person was still in the air. white light flashed The six of us were teleported out again. Rose stood outside with a large group of people all stupid. Transmission Formation accidental activation has never happened before. This is not the problem of the probability of errors in electronic equipment. Magic equipment is almost error-free. How can this happen?

After a few seconds, Rose reacted immediately. "Where's Woma? Call Woma and bring the technical team to check the teleportation equipment. Vader, send someone to find Asura purple clothed to form a special team ready to reinforce. Where is the teleporter? Check me Purple Moon right away and they were sent Where did you go."

On the other side, in a mountainous area in Japan, a large number of soldiers are gathering in a secretly built city. The location of Nobunaga Oni's return is also here. At this time, he is commanding his followers to step up their defenses, but his real killer moves are not here.

The mountains around this city are all specially modified. Each mountain has a special building, and each building contains several evil spirit statues. In addition, the ravines and mountain series in the mountains have been artificially processed, and obvious traces of processing can be seen. If you look down from the sky, you will find that the entire mountain road actually forms a huge lotus flower, and those special buildings are the top corners of the lotus petals, and the special Transmission Formation is located at the center of the lotus flower. Even the soldiers surrounding this center stood at specific locations to form the outline of the petals, striving to integrate with the environment.

Such a big formation is really not something that ordinary people can put out, and it is really not worth it to kill a player. Even if an expert drops one or two levels, it doesn't make much sense. The reason why Nobunaga Onitou has put in such a formation is completely prepared for our country's weapons. And the key to this plan is the two small gifts for me and the gun god.

Although the two gifts were thrown by me and the Gunman, the handle of the thing was stained with special magic crystal powder. This kind of crystal powder has been activated, and the internal energy is extremely unstable. After the first transmission, the crystal powder will explode again due to the influence of the energy of Transmission Formation. There is a certain delay in this outbreak. As a result, when we complete the first transmission before leaving Transmission Formation, Transmission Formation starts by itself without control. The accidental activation this time was not manually activated, so there was no transmission location setting, but we were directly sent to the transmission state. If no one makes trouble, we should reappear in the same place, but Nobunaga oni is ready. His large array activates the compulsory traction ability, which has no effect on the transmission with a target, but our non-target transmission will be interfered and automatically set the target to their Transmission Formation. The result is that we have reached the center of this large array.

After the gun god came out, I was still looking around in doubt, but I had already spotted Nobunaga and Kanoichi who were standing outside and laughing at us triumphantly.

"hahahaha! didn't expect us to meet again so soon?" Nobunaga Guishou proudly said to us.

"It was a little accident." As I changed, I put a hand behind my back. The phantom that stayed in harmony with me received instructions from my consciousness, and directly separated from my body and issued a request for harmony with gold coin.

Gold coin suddenly received a system hint that a creature wanted to interact with her. It was strange, but because she knew that Phantom was my favorite, she immediately chose to accept it. The phantom commentary conveyed my meaning in the head of gold coin after the integration was completed. "The master wants you to bring the teleportation ring in his hand, I will immediately use the same method to inform Zhenhong to give you her complete set of national weapons, you will immediately send them out, first to Fulcrum City, and then directly return to the country. . It’s nothing to sacrifice two levels at a time, just don’t lose the national weapon."

After the gold coin confirmed the information, the phantom communicated with the real red body again, and then returned to me. I'm still attracting Nobunaga's attention, and they can't see the transparent phantom. gold coin removed the teleportation ring from my hand behind me, and then Zhenhong took off all his national weapons to gold coin in an instant. The gold coin activated the teleportation ring the moment it received the national weapon, but it failed. Not only did the gold coin fail to be sent away, but the ghost hand Nobunaga gave a burst of laughter.

"hahahaha. Don't use your little tricks in front of me. I designed such a big game, and all aspects have been considered. Your teleportation is impossible."

Zhenhong was a little embarrassed wearing the homecoming suit and said to Guishou Nobunaga: "Even if we can't pass it, we can still fight. We know that you must have arranged a lot of people to intercept us, but you are too arrogant. The four of us national weapon holders don’t count, the gun god with the strongest battle strength in China and the United States and President Purple Moon were brought over by you. Do you think someone can stop them under their joint hands?"< /p>

Nobunaga Guishou said confidently: "Of course people can't stop them, but I didn't plan to let people stop them." As Nobunaga Guishou patted, slapped on the ground around him. Suddenly it shook. With a bang, a big hole opened in the ground, and an ugly snake head crawled out.

"Eight Differences and Big Snake!" All of us here are involuntarily raising the hearts. Area guard. This guy can actually mobilize regional guards to fight, which is beyond my acceptance. I know that the system will not allow cheating and the like, so since the eight-headed snake has appeared, Nobunaga must have a legitimate method to call him, such as task rewards. Although it is unlikely to have complete control of the area guards, the conditions for completing the repaying missions to obtain the support of the eight-pointed snake for one or two battles should not be too harsh.

The gun god stared at Guishou Nobunaga angrily: "Do you Japanese do business like this? What about your credibility?"

Guishou Nobunaga smiled Get up: "This seems to have nothing to do with our credibility? I did not violate the content of the transaction in the slightest, and the transaction has actually ended. Isn't it possible that in your United States, you can't go to war with the other party after a transaction?"

I said to the gun god: "Now it's useless to tell him anything. Nobunaga Onitou made perfect preparations this time. The temptation of China and the United States for national weapons is too great. The approved users of the instrument will not explode all the national instruments because of death, but if everyone explodes one, the national instruments of our two countries will be incomplete. He is very clever to plot against!"

The gun god is snorted with disdain. "Just because they want to keep me?"

As soon as I stretched out my hand, the space door suddenly opened. "Scott, bring the evil spirit Knight out to prepare for battle."

After I finished speaking, the situation suddenly changed, and the open earth gate suddenly began to shrink. Skott was quick to react, stepped out, and the space door closed automatically behind him. I was surprised to summon the space door again and found that it could not be opened anymore.

Kano Ichito stood next to Nobunaga Onishu and said: "We have modified the sealed space last time. At that time, we didn't expect your summon space to have a second exit, and your pet You can act on your own without your command. But not this time. When you open that space, the power of the seal has already surrounded your creatures in that space. They can't do any movement now, and it's impossible to come out. I helped you."

Scott said: "Master, Fenglong Space should still be able to open. Or...?"

"Less is better than nothing." I still quickly summoned Fenglong Space. According to the previous situation, it will also be closed quickly, but this time we are prepared and seized this time to get more helpers out. There are too many monsters, of course, all of them are impossible. The moment the space is opened, only the three monsters Yeyue, the small dragon girl and Xiaofeng come out. The others are blocked in the space, and it is the same as the previous time. Fenglong Space cannot summon again.

Seeing my situation, other people also understand the situation. gold coin stretched out his arm: "Xiao Bai." A snow-white fox appeared on her shoulder. This is the super demon of gold coin. I will go out and do a mission to get the demon egg for her, and it took a lot of money to cultivate it. Of course, this little thing is completely worthy of our investment.

True red right hand raised flat, a dragon roar chanted, a golden dragon flying out and flying around the true red head. Although Divine Dragon is rare, it is not unique. This really red demon has just arrived for a week, and it's an autonomous attribution type, and its battle strength is much stronger than forcibly grabbing it.

The Gunmaster looked at us, and then at Nobunaga Onishu. "It looks like it won't work if you don't have all your strength. Come out, defender."


Pain! My hidden illness recurred and he couldn't sit for a long time. When I raise the table tomorrow, standing and typing should not affect the update! At present, the total debt is 85,000. I will count the number, and I will pay it back. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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