Ling is more ruthless than me. Hearing that I wanted to make money for the sky, I immediately found out a bunch of information and posted it there. "Hurry up and take a look. These are the resources that Guishou Nobunaga can use. We set prices based on these things, and the success rate must be high."

I am dizzy. I only got this thing, and I threw it in the Phoenix Dragon Space before I saw it. Didn't expect Ling to use it so soon.

Xiaochun took the information and drank the nectar of the fairy spring and said: "Nobunaga ghosts have a lot of family properties! How about we completely emptied a resource and broke the Japanese economic chain? "

Ayanna said: "Don't even think about it, Guishou Nobunaga is not a fool, he won't agree, even if we faint him, it's useless. I don't want to take it. If it is affordable, we will take away all his resources. As long as it does not affect the economic development, Nobunaga will not bite so tightly. In the end, the actual benefits we can get may be more."< /p>

"Anna is a good idea." Lucky said: "We want gems, lots of gems."

"Go, you will know gems." The small dragon woman pulled the lucky dial to On the one hand: "The gems look beautiful, but the demand is not large. If they are too much, the more common resources are more useful. High level wood, special stone, various metal ore, energy fuel, these should be It's the key target."

In a frenzy discussed by the familiars, the gun god sat there holding a notebook with Pinot Groove and the Condor and kept burying their heads in records. I leaned over and patted him curiously. "What are you doing?"

"Write it down and go back to study and study how to negotiate. After listening to your discussion today, I feel that my previous studies are all in vain."

After the intermission, we all returned to the rest area to start negotiations. Nobunaga Guishou opened the mouth and said as soon as he came up: "Now let’s discuss the completion of another set of national instruments. My opinion is that you can pay directly with crystal coins? What if you think about five million crystal coins? Huh?"

Ling pulled me away without saying a word. The gunman and the ghost hand Nobunaga were stunned, and only reacted after seeing me walking far enough. "Wait a minute? President Purple Moon, what do you mean?"

Ling's voice came over: "You are so insincere, why are we talking to you?"

"Can I discuss the price if I am not satisfied? How can I make a decision once when I shout prices and pay back?"

Ling took me to stand in the distance, but did not come back. "Are you sure you really want to talk?"

Nobunaga Guishou hurriedly nodded: "Of course." Nobunaga Guishou didn't want to beg us so humbly, but the transaction item has been roughly determined. From the system Apply for transaction protection there. Both the United States and China National Instruments have completed the initial transaction agreement. Although the transaction has not yet been officially completed, there is a mandatory system guarantee, which means it has been completed. However, the Japanese national equipment is still incomplete, which is tantamount to unilateral demand, and they have to treat us nodded. The previous transaction was because both parties have what each other must get, and no one should make the price too outrageous. After all, the other party has what they need. However, there is no mutual restriction in the transaction between Onizu Nobunaga and ours. In order to trade the last part of the ninja suit, Nobunaga has already traded the blood bottle in. Now Nobunaga must get the remaining Demon Subduing Pestle, but we have nothing that must be obtained, just It was because the previous transaction had a condition that the Demon Subduing Pestle had to be traded in this negotiation, and it had to be traded out, but we can set the price arbitrarily.

Ling took me back and sat down, and then said to Guishou Nobunaga: "First, make a statement, we actually don’t want to trade, and now we are forced to deal with you this thing because of helplessness, so you It's best not to play those little tricks with us."

"Yes, yes." Nobunaga Guishou quickly accompanied them with a smiling face.

Ling Zhu said: "We have our own ideas about the content of the transaction. We don’t lack money, so don’t want your crystal coins."

"Then what do you want us to take Come to exchange?" Guishou Nobunaga asked.

Ling looked towards me and signaled Nobunaga Guishou that I was the central figure. Oni Shou Nobunaga immediately turned his gaze to my side, and I said plainly: "Actually...I always think that Guo Hecheng, Changbin Town, Hikone Castle, and Taichu Village are all good places. I just don’t know you Nobunaga. The president is willing to let go."

"What? You want me to cede the land?"

Ling smiled and said: "Anyway, what we have to pay, we don't want Indemnity, then just cut the land?"

Guishou Nobunaga immediately refused: "No, absolutely not. Although I don’t even know the location of the four places you mentioned, it doesn’t matter where they are. Nothing."

Xiaochun also smiled and said: "In fact, those four places are small cities or villages, which are not valuable at all. And there are no resources to dig, so you don’t have to. I care too much."

"This is a matter of principle, not a matter of not caring about it. Things can be given, but land is definitely not. Besides, I am just a recognized leader. If I do this kind of thing, everyone I won’t listen to me anymore. When the time comes, even if I agree to cedes the land, I can’t continue."

I immediately said: "Actually, you can. Now there is a system called the Territory Alliance Leader system. , As long as more than 80% of the players in a country support a certain person, they can be selected as the supreme commander. This commander has the right to cede land and mobilize some NPC forces, so if you are willing to trade, you can first Sign the guarantee contract, and then go back and immediately apply for the territorial commander authority."

"Then you are already a Chinese commander?" asked Nobunaga Guishou.

I smiled bitterly. "Although it is a bit embarrassing to say it in front of you foreigners, the fact is the fact. There will be no such system-level designated commander in China. This is why I am busy with NPC forces all day long. The reason. I can’t mobilize them with the power of the commander, only to appear in the image of their related households. Hey...a big country..."

Ghost Nobunaga was a little confused at first, After listening to my big country, I understand it. Humans are the most complex animals. Although individual differences are small, there are still differences after all, and the more people there are, the more differences there are. It is definitely harder for a country like China to come up with a unified opinion than it is! Don't say 80%, even if it is my current strength, it would be nice to get half the support in China. In fact, I still suspect that the whole of China knows that there are no more than 80% of all gamers like me.

The advantage of fewer people is that the smaller the country, the easier it is to unite. In this regard, the Japanese have a better advantage than us. If you want to emerge as an absolute ruler in China, you will never be elected by the people’s free will, because in the end there will be millions of candidates, and everyone’s approval rate will not exceed 20%. Martial power has to suppress some opponents to unify opinions. For this reason, I didn’t plan to become this leader at all. I just wanted to pull up a team to fight with the Japanese after the national war started. When the time comes, I can attract some like-minded people to fight together. As for the rest of the people, just count them as natural depletion.

I said to Guishou Nobunaga: "I cannot become the recognized leader of China, but you can become the recognized leader of Japan. These leaders have the right to cede the land, and after confirmation Your people in this land can’t exert their full strength. What do you think?"

"I don’t think so much." Nobunaga oni said angrily: "Anyway, I’m He won't cut the land."

Looking at his anger, I quickly continued: "It doesn't matter if he doesn't cut the land, anyway, I can grab it by myself in the future. If that's the case, let's use the materials. "

"I warn you, don't lion's big mouth. Although we need it very much, it is impossible to let you charge any price."

Of course I won’t be lion’s big mouth, because the lion’s mouth is too small. I prefer the giant dragon's big mouth, the mouth is big enough, one bite is one bite, it's affordable!

"Don't worry, my price is always fair." I winked at Ling.

Ling instantly threw a scroll in front of Guishou Nobunaga. "This is the catalog."

Guishou Nobunaga picked up the scroll and opened it. It was okay at the beginning, but then his hands began to tremble, but in the end he couldn't read the words clearly, and he pressed the scroll on the table with a ping sound. After taking a deep breath three times, he said to us: "President Purple Moon is going to evacuate Japan?"

"Where? Are you not the Great Japanese Empire? Since it is such a big country, so Is it a trivial matter to point resources?"

Nobunaga Oniteda tremblingly said, "We are Dainippon, but our products are not rich enough. Besides, even if we have rich products, we can’t open it like this! You’re not. Is it difficult for strong people?"

"Where do we have difficulties for strong people?"

Guishou Nobunaga pointed to the catalog arranged vertically on the scroll. "Look. The first item is 100,000 cubic meters of finished timber above Level 10. It is not enough even if the forest around Mount Fuji is cut into barren hills! Finished timber processing loss is very large, you still need Level 10 or above, where can I give it? Are you looking for so much wood? Isn’t your China mostly wood?"

Amona suddenly came out: "We’re happy to buy it back and use it as firewood. You can’t control it, just tell Why don't you give it?"

"I don't have that much wood, how do you want me to give it? Besides, processing requires manpower. There are few carpenters in our country!"

"There are few carpenters? That's easy." Xiaochun immediately said, "You cut down the tree and give it to us. We process it by ourselves, but you will pay for the extra transportation and processing fees. It takes about 300,000 cubic meters of logs for 100,000 cubic meters of refined wood. If you make it out, you have to give us at least 50,000 crystals for a 300-year-old tree. The extra transportation cost will cost about 100,000 crystal coins, plus the processing cost of 10 crystal coins per square, that’s one million crystals. In other words, you only need to subsidize us 1.1 million crystal coins."

"Is it too much? How do you calculate it? How can the processing fee be used so much? "Nobunaga Guishou almost vomited blood.

I waved forward, and a group of demons surrounded them. Of course, it wasn't to beat him, besides, I also played does not raise here. I saw Zhong Magic holding a pile of documents and reports, and the small dragon girl was carrying an abacus, and there was a crackle to show him. The ghost hand Nobunaga who was drowned in his saliva finally reached out a hand. "Stop, can't I give it?"

"Well, very good." I waved, and the demons withdrew again. "You are very sincere, so what else do you disagree with the things on this scroll?"

"The second disagreement." Nobunaga Ghost said again: "You don’t even need wood. No, it’s not a valuable thing anyway, but you actually want 6,000 tons of crystal sand, and you also limit the particle size to 5 mm in diameter. This is too dark? Is it even more than 5 mm called crystal sand? That’s already considered. The finished crystal rock."

"What’s the worst thing about this? Anyway, you have the super mine of Mt. Fuji and don’t care about it." Crystal sand and crystal powder are not the same thing, crystal powder is The powder formed after crystal grinding, crystal sand is a very beautiful sand, and its main function is actually very special. It is the key raw material for magic triggers, and no magic machine can produce it without it. But what is really annoying is that there are only a few origins of this mineral in the game, and the largest of them is in Mount Fuji. What is even more annoying is that there are no such mines in China. How can I do not have more blackmail points this time? ?

Nobunaga Guishou cried and said: "But this thing is so expensive, is it too much for you to ask for so much?"

I waved forward again, and the demons immediately Begins to explain to Nobunaga Onitou why we need so much and why he has to pay so much. Of course Nobunaga Onitou finally succumbed. Do you know what is called singular gold? Today I will show its formidable power.

The demon beasts are guided by my wise guidance in the great spirit of saying the bend is straight, the round is square, the black is white, and the dead is alive. , Launched inhuman's saliva attack on Nobunaga Guishou, and finally Nobunaga Guishou completed the entire transaction in a daze with our cooperation.

The final result of the transaction was that none of the items on the scroll were deleted. On the contrary, Nobunaga Guishou owed us an extra 43 million crystal coins for various processing and transportation for various reasons. And depreciation expenses. Nobunaga Guishou still held the catalogue in tears at the end, claiming to refuse to accept the contract. As a result, I saw me shaking it with a piece of paper. "Thanks to us that we signed the guarantee agreement first."

Only then did Guishou Nobunaga remember that I was afraid that I would not sell the national equipment to him and signed the guarantee agreement. Didn't expect this in turn. He killed himself. However, the agreement has been signed, and he has no choice but to go back. Once enforced by the system, it is not such a loss.

In fact, Nobunaga Guishou just feels a little distressed to pay so many supplies to us at one time, and just like the Chinese don’t like Japanese, they don’t like us either. I can be happy to be knocked out with such a large amount of supplies. It's strange to get up. But the mood belongs to the mood, in fact, he doesn't suffer. The significance of the national equipment is far from comparable to those of the materials. He is very clear about this, otherwise he would not accept such harsh conditions.

After all the negotiations are completed, the item will be officially handed over. As for those materials, they will be delivered to the designated location within three days. Otherwise, the system will be forced to collect, but the amount of forced collection will be doubled. It is estimated that the ghost hand letter Long can't do that kind of stupid things.

I handed the Japanese national artifact to Nobunaga Onitou, and Ginhime Kawashima, who followed him, also handed the small porcelain bottle back. Nobunaga Onitaka handed the knife to Ginhime Kawashima, and then handed over the item with the gun god and the others. It is the safest to exchange items in this non-combat zone. Once the mutual agreement takes effect, it doesn't matter if you give it first, and there is no possibility of cheating equipment.

After the things were exchanged, everyone couldn't wait to install the last parts, and Zhenhong also poured the vial of blood on him. The blood of the dark red just touched the True Martial suit and soaked in like it was dripping on a sponge, leaving no trace at all, but the change appeared quickly.

A space channel suddenly appeared on the top of the really red head, and a loud dragon roar sounded, and everyone around him covered their ears. A golden Divine Dragon, like a train, flew out of the space channel and soared up with that shocking throat. When the huge dragon body comes out completely, the space channel automatically disappears.

This is a leisure area, and there are many players from other countries beside it. At this time, we screamed together. One person shouted in surprise: "Dongfang Long Dongfang Long!"

Although there are many kinds of creatures in this Mochizuki Island Ecological Zoo, it doesn't have everything, at least Divine Dragon doesn't have it. This specific reason seems to be to take care of cultural factors. In China, the Divine Dragon is a symbol of authority and wealth. The Chinese call themselves the descendants of the dragon, which means that they enshrine the dragon as an ancestor. No matter how high-end Mochizuki Island is, it is also a zoo. If you put your parents in the zoo and let people look at them as animals, this kind of person must be a mental disorder. So Mochizuki Island has all kinds of creatures, but there is no Divine Dragon.

Not counting that the dragon went up to the sky, it hovered in the air and swooped down. Looking at his posture, I thought he was going to eat Real Red. Didn’t expect that he disappeared on Real Red as soon as he came into contact with Real Red. Then a large number of Divine Dragon reliefs appeared on the surface of the True Martial suit. The armor is almost turned into a dragon armor.

The system announcement actually appeared above us in the form of broadcast, but it was only sent to relevant personnel before! "God's grace comes to the world, the final collection of the Chinese civilization is complete, the divine force induction is turned on, the divine grace shines on the earth, and all the attributes of the Chinese civilization are promoted."

Just one sentence of the announcement, basically did not mention any useful information. , It's strange that the whole game broadcast is turned on. However, not mentioning does not mean that there is no. The real red equipment has indeed evolved, and the Heavenly Venerable suit of gold coin has also changed. I saw a layer of golden rays of light suddenly appeared on the Heavenly Venerable suit, and then the true red True Martial suit also lit up the same color, and then suddenly there were several golden rays of light between them. These arcs are very active and run up and down, but unlike ordinary arcs that float around, these golden lightning arcs change very powerfully and look more like lightning.

When the arc first appeared, it was still very thin, and then it became thicker and thicker. It didn't continue to increase until it was as thick as two fingers.

gold coin said in surprise: "Wow, there are so many attributes!"

"Your equipment is not already available, why do you add new attributes?" I am very surprised. curious.

The gun god gang gold coin explained: "It is dual-country device induction. This phenomenon will occur as long as the distance between the two sets of national devices is not more than 100 meters, which can greatly improve the combat capability of a single unit, but There is no national attribute bonus."

"Can it be sensed as long as it is a national weapon?" I asked the gun god, he seems to know a lot about this.

"Of course." Gun god nodded.

"Then I have to try." I quickly dig out the Divine Weapon Sifang Zun given by Nuwa from the Phoenix Dragon Space. Anyway, it is just a national weapon. This thing should also be able to add induction.

Sure enough, as soon as the Sifang Zun came out, it flew out automatically, and an arc protruded from each of the two armors to contact the Sifang Zun, and then the three pieces of equipment connected to form an equilateral triangle. A beam of light shot directly into the sky from the center of the triangle, and then a rotating cloud appeared in the sky, and a loud dragon roar came down from the sky.

The system announcement sounded again. "China's affiliated national implements and finished national implements met, and the factions were unified, and successfully opened the door to the starry sky. The three Central Plains protector Divine Beast awakens, the opener has the right to choose one Divine Beast exclusively for the bank, and the other two. It will automatically become the Divine Beast."

The picture around us suddenly went black, and when it turned on again, it turned out to be Earth, and after looking around, we found that we were floating in space. I feel that all around has completely lost the support, I can't touch anything, and I can't make it out of power. Everyone except my demon is gone.

The gold coin business suddenly appeared. It sounds like it's not far away, it's just invisible. "Don’t struggle, everyone, we just entered the movie mode, our body did not leave the scene, but the progress of the game may have stopped. This movie is probably played globally simultaneously, so normal game time was banned and everyone was forced to enter the movie. Picture."

The picture suddenly started moving before the voice of gold coin fell. The camera was advancing towards Earth, and it was falling down at a very fast speed. From this perspective, our target of falling should be China. Regions, after all, this animation was triggered by our complete sets of national instruments.

The picture focused on a mountain peak, and I was stunned. "What kind of creature is this? Why do you look so familiar?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, author support, and genuine reading!)

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