Dame raised her elbow and hit my waist without hesitation after being rushed down, but I moved faster than her, and kicked her when she turned on top of me go out. The moment Dame flew up, he rolled over in the air and stabbed me below. With a sound, the tip of the sword was cut off by me forever, and the tip of the sword without the sword head had no effect on my armor. The eternal ball of eternal automation rolled out to free my hands. I supported the ground with both hands backward and upward, and pressed hard, the waist and abdomen made the head and the feet stand upside down, the arms again exerted force, and the whole person was spinning He flew up and kicked out at Dame who had already begun to fall above. Dame originally wanted to block it with her hands, but unfortunately her arms were too short, far from the range of my legs, and I was kicked into the sky.

"Protect the eldest sister." A Knight jumped off his mount and swept the lance-dancing wu wu with the sound of the wind.

"It’s up to you?" I was in the air with a wing and my body straightened up, blocking the shot with one leg forward, and my body fell forward. I rolled my head in the air and landed on my feet. I immediately used my inertia to move forward and threw the guy from my back. As the guy flew over my head and came in front of me, I jumped up and kicked him to the sky. Knight is a marine unit. I won't let you land, depending on how you fight.

"Boss, I grabbed his wow ...... ah ...... ah ......" A Knight excited cries because hereby bunch of it current voice and stopped, when I look back When a guy who looked like an African was holding my eternity in his hand, his mouth was open, his helmet was gone, his head exploded, and his body was still smoking. "Woo... so cool...!" Boom. The guy fell straight down, and Eternal rolled out of his hands.

That Dame was about to fall down, and I rushed up and another high flying kick kicked her into the sky, followed the backhand to catch the other Knight who had fallen, and sent him to the sky again. "Let’s play more on it! Asuka, lucky, don’t let them down."

Under my command, Lucky and Asuka will harass them in the air in turn, and catch them when you find the right opportunity. They take them to a high place and throw them away once they want to attack. Anyway, don't let them land. Practice has proved that Knight flying in midair can't even exert one-tenth of the usual battle strength.

The remaining Knights on the ground also gathered around, and one Knight was riding a mount first. When the horse rushed to my side, people stood up suddenly, Knight almost stood up from the mount, and the lance pierced me with the force of the horse's front hoof falling again.

"A bunch of fools." I pointed to the sky, and the Knights looked up in surprise, only to see a huge dragon tail sweeping over. With a bang, a row of Knights were all knocked out.

The Dame in the sky was lucky enough to be thrown down, the plague and crystal flew up to the sky to play table tennis, and Asuka served as the referee. What? You asked where did you get some Knight? Isn’t that the one that flies back and forth between the plague and the crystal?

Dame has been fainted by Lucky and Asuka, but this woman's sense of balance is pretty good. I motioned for luck to throw her down, but when she was about to land, she suddenly turned over and landed steadily, and immediately jumped onto the mount that was right next to her. She raised the Knight gun hung on the side of the saddle to the sky. "Needless impact."

To be honest, there are really not many horsepower skills in "Zero". It was the first time I saw the complete Knight skills. Dame's mount suddenly accelerated, and it was obviously beyond the normal speed of the horse. I only saw a bright line, and then I felt myself flying.

Damn, this skill is too fast! I was thrown in a straight line for more than ten meters before falling heavily to the ground. Fortunately, the grassland ground was not too hard and the fall was not heavy. But when I just turned over and wanted to stand up, I saw the white light flashing over again. I only felt that my chin was hit by something, and the whole person flew out again. Japan is actually a continuous retracement attack!

After landing again, I learned my lesson and no longer rushed to get up. Instead, I rolled out to the side and stepped out of the attack line. But this time it was even more miserable. Dame and her mount were almost out of sight. They just passed by in a flash, and suddenly something seemed to be hit on my back. The whole person was facing down. Stuck in the mud. Stepping on me without hitting me, this Dame is really creative!

"Duankong Dance." Banyue suddenly left my back and flew up, and then the knife wheel was divided into three, and then divided into two symmetrical half moons, six crescent blades surrounded me A knife net spread out above and quickly rotated up, and I stood up supported on the ground.

I don't know if Dame's skill cannot be stopped once it is activated, or if she didn't see it, she rushed over anyway. There was a bang first, followed by the sound of puffs one after another. Dame tried to disperse my half-moon with a weapon before touching the whirlwind of blades, but unfortunately it was not half-moon that was dispelled but her Knight gun. The steel gun was spinning and flying disappeared without a trace, and she hit the knife wheel area herself. Her mount was the first to strike, and those popping sounds were the sound of a blade piercing the horse's body and flying out. Due to the relatively large inertia, the knife wheel did not fly high, and only the horse was injured. Dame flew over the knife wheel, and I was hit again, but this time the power was not strong, and it just turned over and somersault.

Dame's horse fell down as soon as it left the knife wheel area. Dame just fell beside me. She was about to get up, and I had already rolled over and rode on her one step at a time. She immediately wanted to struggle, and I pulled two and a half months from above with my backhand and stuck it above her ankle. Unless she didn't want the leg anymore, she couldn't move her leg. But she immediately began to want to hit me again, and I dragged the other four scattered crescent blades down and stuck them on her two wrists, neck and waist.

"Look at you moving again?" I looked at Dame proudly.

She seemed to be irritated by me, and suddenly yelled: "Indecent!"

"Oops!" As soon as I had this idea in my heart, something unfortunate happened. A huge force threw me into the sky, and even my half-moon and eternity were not left, and they all flew out with me. Why do you forget the protection of women? Really dizzy!

The new female protection system uses catapult to force the separation of the male and female parties. Although this system is called the female protection system, it not only protects women, but also can be used by male players when encountering female satyrs, but today’s situation is obvious. My posture is more aggressive, and the result is... When a horse stumbles!

Before "flying", I only came to remind the only few monsters on the scene to help optimise the target. I am powerless. The catapult of the female protection system does not consider the attribute issue. No matter what skills you can withstand.

Outside the city of Hot Blood, Yin Misty’s army has just killed all the cavalry who came for reinforcements. Misty Rain asked Feng Yin Miomi: "Did you see Purple Moon where they went?"

"Over there." Feng Yin Miomi pointed a direction. "There is a connection between the pet and the owner. Most of Purple Moon's pets are here. Just ask for it." Are you Xiaochun? Do you know where Purple Moon is?"

Xiaochun nodded: "The master seems to be coming towards us, the speed is still very fast."

" Huh?" The two looked at each other, and then suddenly they found a small black spot in the sky approaching.

"Ah...!" A cry from far and near gradually expanded, I fell from the sky, fell to the ground with a thump, and ran to the ground for dozens of meters before stopping. Down.

Feng Yin Miaomiao and Yanyu rushed over and were surprised to see my embarrassed posture. They didn't know what to say. Feng Yin Miaomiao finally calmed down and asked: "What did you do?"

"I met an expert!"

"Expert?" Yanyu was even more surprised when I heard it. NS. "What expert is so powerful? Can you fly you from a distance to this side?"

I shook my head with a wry smile: "It's not a combat expert, but a system expert. It can actually make women's protection effective You can touch it so thoroughly!"

"Isn't it?" Feng Yin's expression was strange. "You were thrown back under the protection of a woman?"

"Do you think someone else can throw me this far?"

"Are you doing something to a woman? "Feng Yin asked me cautiously.

"Who are you me? That woman is too cunning and shameless! She was already under control, and she forced me to bounce off by that kind of sordid trick!"

Yanyu is much smarter than Feng Yin Miomi. Hearing what I said, he immediately said: "Purple Moon doesn't know how to do that. There is no doubt about it. Besides, even if he has that idea, he won't do it at this critical moment. That kind of thing. Then the only possibility is that a woman in the other party used the system vulnerability to activate the female protection function. This kind of thing does not happen in the generally speaking "Zero", because the system has active conscious judgment and rarely makes mistakes, but there is one The exception is the case."

"What's the situation?" Feng Yin Miomi has several women in the game, so she doesn't need to harass women at all, so she has no idea about this kind of thing.

Amidst a little embarrassment, Misty Rain said: "When the third type of contact occurs, the system’s active judgment will be abandoned because the consciousness reading system can’t keep up with the reaction speed. The premise of protection is that the reaction speed is fast enough. When the consciousness analysis is completed, the violation is completed, so this consciousness reading is only applicable to the first and second types of contact. When the third type of contact occurs, the system adopts a preconceived judgment method."

Feng Yin Misty still shook his head: "I don't understand what kind of first or second contact, and what is preconceived. This doesn't mean thief crying, "Stop thief!" It's okay?"

"Correct. That's all right. thief crying, "Stop thief!" The goal of the system is to prevent any form of sexual harassment from happening, whether it is a criminal or a victim, as long as one of the parties applies for protection, the incident itself will not happen, even if the wrong person is impeached, at least not It will have a psychological impact on the player. You also know that the lawsuits for mental damage these years are all sky-high, and the system will not let this happen. Besides, if you are a rapist, you will take the initiative when you are about to succeed. Report the crime? So under normal circumstances, there is no problem in doing so. As for the three types of contacts, they belong to the classification assessment. Language molesting is counted as the first type of contact. As long as the other party applies, your language molesting may also lead to the activation of the female protection system. No. The second type of contact is only physical proximity at any position except the official, including hands and hair. However, the first and second types of contact are subject to the subjective judgment of the system. As long as you are not approaching with the purpose of sexual harassment, the system will not The protection of women is activated. But the third type of contact is more troublesome. This refers to the dangerous approach of the police officer. In this case, the system will not activate the active thinking judgment. As long as the facts are established, whether you are intentional or not, it is equally possible. Start. And the second type of contact and the third type of contact mentioned in the situation are close, rather than encounter. The second type is good, only the distance is less than one centimeter will happen, the third type as long as the range of ten centimeters It can happen inside, you don’t have to touch it, as long as you get close enough."

Feng Yin Miomai looked at me in surprise: "Did you touch her?"

"Damn, do you think I am a porno? To prevent her from resisting, I rode on him and pressed her to the ground. Of course, she would enter the super close range. She took the initiative to push her body upwards and shorten the distance. When I was within ten centimeters, the protection application was successful, and I was thrown out. Not many people know about this protection method, and girls are generally shy. Who would have thought that a woman would take the initiative to approach with her own police officer The enemy achieves the purpose of fighting? Damn, I was really planted today, and I have run into such a woman. I don't remember anything in shame!" Yan Yu reached out and pulled me up from the ground. "Don't be angry, just jump when you meet immortal!"

"Immortal jumping has its own subjective factors in it, but I don't have any idea! It's more wrong than Dou E!"

Feng Yin Miaomiao smiled and patted me: "Isn’t it just being thrown out! There is nothing to be angry about. Where did that woman run, let’s catch her and kill her."

"No hurry, my dragon pets are all over there. The female protection does not include the magic pets."

"Isn't it included?" Feng Yin asked in surprise, "What if... "

Amidst a smirk, Misty said to Feng Yin: "You can just try it yourself!"

A player from a passionate alliance is close, and hurry up after hearing what Amidst said. Misty said to Feng Yin: "Boss, don't experiment. If you order the familiar to sexually harass other players or NPCs in "Zero", the familiar will come over to yourself, which is worse than being bombed."

Feng Yin trembles as soon as she hears it. "Amidst the rain, you bastard, you want me to grow old?"

"Haha, who is the blame for your unhealthy thinking? There are so many Purple Moon monsters, have you seen him do it?"


"Nonsense, his demon pets are all women, isn't it that you are looking for a loss?"

I immediately pointed to the second world who was solving the last enemy not far away: "Now There is a man, but I won’t let him come near you. My demon doesn’t like to come down from Brokeback Mountain."

"You two don’t have to unite to bully me, right? Isn’t it this time you guys Didn’t I pay any benefits for sending troops to rescue?"

"Damn, so you know?" I and Misty Rain finally let this miser know what we mean. It's really not easy!

Clean up these cover-up enemies outside the city, and we started chasing the fugitives in front of us. In order to ensure that the parts of the national equipment that have been obtained will not be taken away by the other party, I asked a ringtone Knight to help me send this thing back to Isengard, and Rose will transfer it to the United States.

That Dame used shameless to bounce me out, but she still couldn't get far. After I was bombed, they came to a group of people to respond, but unfortunately they still failed to get away under the urgency of the three giant dragons, and more than a dozen people were killed.

Although the monolithic battle strength giant dragon is not as good as the Divine Dragon, the dragon is a dragon after all. Anything with the word dragon, even other species, is quite powerful, not to mention that the giant dragon itself is unique among dragons. A kind of it. For the average player, the appearance of the giant dragon represents the death of a film. The fact that the opponent can lose only a dozen people has shown that the strength is not bad. However, although the three giant dragons stared closely enough, the opponent still crawled to the next city, and things became more complicated as a result.

Only lucky, plague, crystal, and birds were present. Lucky has the highest level of intelligence, but he lacks one very important thing-common sense. Fortunately, it is an artificial lifeform, his knowledge is taught by us. Scientists at the Longyuan Base grab a handful of them, but they lack sociological talents. To put it bluntly, there are no communication talents. After all, the base is a research unit, not a commercial unit. The direct result is that the knowledge that is fortunately accepted is all scientific knowledge, and there is no knowledge of dealing with others. That Dame ran into the city with other people, but this city belongs to a third party. According to the situation, if you are lucky, you just need to carry us out. Now the guilds in China basically sell our guilds to save face. , Even if we don't help us catch this Dame, at least it won't stop. But fortunately, I didn't understand this, so I took the other two dragons and Asuka directly into the city to continue fighting.

The people in this city just knew that three dragons and an Unknown Creature appeared above the city. Everyone thought it was a monster attacking the city. As a result, they started attacking lucky them. Lucky was attacked and immediately began to counterattack, pushing the entire city into the enemy's camp for no reason. When we arrived, the scene was already in chaos. The three dragons living in that small city were tossing about, and even the city wall was down for a long time. It looks like this is still a small town that has just been upgraded to the urban stage. It doesn't even have a fort, or it can be blocked for a while, but luckily they didn't forget the task, otherwise the city would have been flattened by them.

Seeing the flags of the three major guilds outside the city appeared at the same time, the players in the city immediately became nervous. At first, they might think that lucky they are wild creatures, but as soon as they fight with lucky them, they will know that they are the familiars of their masters, and then they will know that they are my familiars. Of course, many people in such a big city know who I am. They thought I was going to attack the city, so they became more nervous when seeing the banners of the three major guilds.

The City Lord of this small city was almost crying. He stood on the ruined city hall and shouted to the guards beside him: "For the city. We did it."

"Fight!" The guards regrouped in unison.

These people were just getting ready to go desperately when a loud voice suddenly appeared over the city. "Attention residents in the city, I am Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League. What happened just now is just an accident. Please stop the fight immediately and our bank will be responsible for compensation for all losses."

People in the city They all looked at each other, and finally they all focused on City Lord. The City Lord almost slumped in tears, apparently he believed our words. I rode Ye Ying to land next to the City Lord, Feng Yin Misty and Misty Rain followed and landed.

The opponent’s City Lord was already too irritated and stood there in a daze. Instead, the player next to him rushed up angrily and asked us: "Why are you attacking our city?"

"Sorry, today’s things are well-known and misunderstood, you and we are both half-responsible."

The man immediately said angrily: "You attack our city, what responsibility do we have? "

"Your responsibility lies in the first half of your sentence."

"What's the matter?"

"The situation is simply not that we attack you City." I beckons with the hand to the sky, luckily they all landed, and the player took two steps back in fear. I said to him: "They are all my familiars. Something happened today. I asked them to help me chase some people. As a result, those people ran into your city, and then they chased in and attacked those people. But you Actually attacking them actively, my Familiar will of course fight back when attacked, do you think you are responsible?"

"I...we thought they came to attack the city!"

In fact, no one can blame this. Those few people are mixed in the crowd, and no one will pay attention to them, but when the giant dragon attacks the player, other players will think it is attacking the city, and counterattack is normal. This kind of thing is purely due to lack of communication.

The other party still wanted to explain, I quickly calmed them and said: "I didn't want to be held accountable, after all, we also have some places where we didn't do it in place." I said this was purely polite, and a player chased them down. This kind of thing is very common for another player, as long as it is not a red name, in theory, the city guard should not interfere. The difference today is that I did not directly do it, but sent the familiar, and my familiar was a little bigger. In the final analysis, this is actually a battle between players, but the City Lord’s troops took the initiative. Attacking my familiar is a violation of the rules and interference with the player's battle.

Feng Yin Miaomiao also said: "We will recognize the loss, and we will help you restore everything to the way it was before. Now you do us a favor and check the Transmission Formation record for us right away. We need to know that The whereabouts of the few Knights who left."

The City Lord in the player city has the right to look up the transmission records. Just now, Dame ran away through Transmission Formation in the chaos. We must find out where she went. NS.

This City Lord is very cooperative. After all, they didn't take any reason. Besides, we promised to pay compensation. What else did he say? Besides, it’s not a good thing to offend our three major guilds. Even if we don’t take the initiative to harm him, people know that they and our three major guilds will definitely avoid them, and even think that attacking them can get our three major guilds. Good impression, maybe this is all.

The Transmission Formation administrator is checking the list, and we are looking at the portrait of the crystal recorded in the Transmission Formation. The portrait was scrolling fast, and suddenly I saw the familiar faces. "Stop. Go back."

The record quickly freezes and backs up a few frames. The Dame who was playing against me and some other unknown people appeared in the formation. These people are obviously in the same group, probably those who came to support them later. Feng Yin Miaomiao asked the Transmission Formation administrator. "Check his destination."

"Okay." The guy put his hand on the crystal, closed his eyes and started searching. In the air, oh la la popped up a Transmission Formation name.

"Isinger Transnational Transmission Formation auxiliary transfer array No. 38?"

Everyone's eyes gathered together to me. Feng Yin said in surprise: "Purple Moon, isn't that your city?"

Any rain immediately said: "No, Isinger's transnational Transmission Formation can be connected to foreign countries. These people are probably Going abroad, didn’t you see that the target point was Isinger’s Transnational Transmission Formation transfer formation?"

"Hurry up and go to Isinger." As I spoke, I started the teleportation ring first, and went straight past. . Feng Yin Mimiao and Yanyu soon followed, after all, Transmission Formation was by their side.

After the Transmission Formation, I didn’t even think I went to check the records of transnational Transmission Formation. Anyway, it is my own thing, I have the highest permission. The crystal quality of our guild is relatively high, and the query speed is much faster. I quickly saw the woman and the group of people around her, but unexpectedly, I saw the ambassador to the United States and the people I love China. It's all here. Query the transmission target, the location is Fulcrum City.

"This group of guys went to Japan?" Feng Yin misty cried.

"They can't run." I directly took out the leaves of the city tree. "City Tree, activate the Babel Tower communication equipment and temporarily take over the operation of Fulcrum City."

"Understand." The voice of the city tree was uploaded from the leaves. "The takeover is complete. Waiting for the order."

"Close all the entrances and Transmission Formation of Fulcrum City, show me these people, the appearance is on the display page of Transmission Formation, you can see for yourself."

"Received, the target has been found, they are in the teleportation hall of Fulcrum City, I will transmit the image immediately."

The operation crystal of the transnational Transmission Formation was temporarily used as a display. The image appeared in the crystal. I saw the ambassador to the United States and I love China, as well as a large group of people from Dame walking towards a small Transmission Formation. This Transmission Formation is a normal Transmission Formation, which means that it can be transmitted within Japan, but it cannot be used by people with Japanese nationality. These people obviously have non-Japanese nationality in the game. This is easy to do. As long as they don't establish a number in Japan, they won't have Japanese nationality.

The ambassador to the United States was still talking to Xuan Xin as they walked. They walked to the little Transmission Formation and stopped. Obviously they were waiting for the transmission, but there was a sudden bang, their feet The Transmission Formation goes out.

"What's the matter?" the ambassador to the United States asked nervously.

I love China so much that I am very calm. "Probably the transmission crystal has no energy. I have encountered this situation before."

I love China and I said that it is true that the crystal has no energy, but this is the same as the general city. Are two different things. If I love China and have seen the city design drawings of our Frost Rose League, he will now scream at what he has found and call everyone to run. The urban energy system of the guild is similar to the model of power station + grid + electrical appliances in modern cities, but the general urban energy is the model of battery + electrical appliances. In other words, other cities install magic crystals for Transmission Formation as energy sources, and they will need to be replaced when they are used up. However, our guild cities send magic crystals to the central energy extraction facility and then provide them to each device. Here we are. If something stops because there is no power, it can only be said to be artificially turned off, or the entire city has stopped.

Transmission Formation is down, they only need to switch to another Transmission Formation. In their impression, the lack of energy is only a problem of a single Transmission Formation. It is rare that two Transmission Formations have no energy at the same time. Case. But today they saw it. After these guys switched to another Transmission Formation, this Transmission Formation was also destroyed.

"Damn, isn't it that bad luck?" Sparrow Li San couldn't help cursing.

At this time, they switched to the third Transmission Formation. For a city of the size of Fulcrum City, the number of auxiliary Transmission Formation is one or two hundred. They thought it was because our players were negligent in management. Caused. As a result, the same situation happened to the third Transmission Formation. In the end, they simply divided into several waves and went to more than a dozen Transmission Formations, but all failed. What is even more strange is that there were other players who came in and out at the time, and they used Transmission Formation normally. Even if the ambassador to the United States had experimented with a failed Transmission Formation, other players would immediately return to normal as soon as they stood up.

Xuan Xin thought it was her own problem, she ran to the side specially and got together with a few Korean players who had just entered to try if it could be used, but even those Koreans People also found that Transmission Formation failed. The few Koreans walked down for a change, but Xuan Xin didn't follow, but the few people successfully teleported away.

At this time, if you can't find the problem again, you will be a fool. Xuan Xin quickly loved me and said: "They have done tricks, and Transmission Formation can no longer be used."

"Did they arrive first?" the ambassador to the United States asked in surprise.

"I don't know, there is a problem with Transmission Formation anyway." Xuan Xin said.

"But didn't they catch up behind us? How could they rush in front of us?" The ambassador to the United States still didn't believe it.

"It's a remote control." The Dame who bounced me off said: "The Frost Rose League has a kind of city tree, equivalent to a central control system, which can operate city facilities remotely. They should have noticed us. ."

"Then let's get out of the gate quickly, that thing cannot be controlled remotely. Even if there are guards, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"Of course there will be hope, but not stay Here you are." My voice appeared at the gate of the teleportation hall, and the ambassador to the United States wanted to run to the transfer formation in a panic. I laughed. "No need to try, this is my city, I won't let you go, do you think you just ran away? You are really brave enough to run back to my hometown. Matsumoto Masaga was Japan The boss didn’t have the guts to break into my city. You little mice dare to use my things to run away."

"hmph, even if we die here, as long as we can use the national equipment We will win if we take it out."

"The problem is that you can't take it out."

"That's not necessarily." Xuan Xin suddenly rushed over. "Self-destruct."

I am dizzy, the sacrifice spirit of Little Japan is really nothing to say, and he actually used self-destruct when he came up. But I have to admit that this is the only skill that poses a great threat to me. A loud explosion sound The gate of the teleportation hall was blown away, and Feng Yin Miaomiao and I were also blown out by the strong wind. In the smoke, I saw a few people running out of it. I jumped over and pressed one down. Turning over, it turned out that it was not the ambassador to the United States. "Damn, who are you?" This guy is simply not a member of those people.

"I am a little bird, just coming from China. I saw a lot of smoke as soon as I burst out. I thought I was on fire and ran out. How can I know...?"

" !" I set the people here to refuse transmission, but other functions of Transmission Formation are not closed. If someone wants to come to other places, they can still use Transnational Transmission Formation.

I was talking about someone running outside in the smoke, and there were so many people this time. I didn't know who was right. I went up and grabbed one and then said, but when I turned it over, I caught the wrong person again. "Damn. Who knows Wind Element magic?"

The people we brought around understood me as soon as they heard it. Several small dragon rolls quickly pumped the smoke into the sky. After the sight was restored, I saw at first sight that the ambassador to the United States had gone far. "Over there, stop them."

The Fulcrum City is our forward base in Japan, absolutely Fortress City. The number of garrisons is not ordinary. Formations of heavily armored infantry appeared on the road in phalanx, sealing the entire street. The Dame screamed as soon as he looked at the buildings on the left and right. "Go to the room."

Those people moved really fast, oh la la went all at once. The guards on our side did not react too slowly, but unfortunately they were a little too quick. The roof is not for people to leave. How can there be hundreds of people who don’t collapse? With a bang, all the people who had just climbed up fell into the room again.

"My day, what are you dancing with? Where are the air cavalry? Go up and block them."

These guys are as slippery as soap. The streets in the city are narrow and

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