"You will be at peace when you die." Xuan Xin pulled out a spare weapon from behind and attacked me.

I shook Eternity and waved forward. Since the blade has been in high-speed rotation, the stability produced by the rotating object makes the loosened blade not soft, but straight forward. I used this force to stab forward, and it felt like I was holding a seven-meter-long lance attacking, but in fact it was only caused by the rotation of the Eternal Sword.

Seeing my straight-line attack, there are experts in the opposite crowd. They understand the formidable power and power of such attacks. A big man stretched out his hand to pull Xuanxin to one side, and on the other side a strong guy was holding a shield. Blocked my attack route. It is a pity that hero saving the beauty comes at a price. The penetrating power of the Eternal Sword has always been incomparable, not to mention that it is still spinning. The tip part of the high-speed rotation is almost like an electric drill. As soon as it touches the guy's shield, it sparks flying in all directions, and at the same time my sword hilt and his shield light up at the same time.

Double attribute excitation!

My sword and his shield seem to have accidental damage attributes, and didn't expect it happened at the same time. The red light flashed at the eternal grip, and an electric arc passed down the sword body, the shield on the opposite side also shone, and a white halo passed back down the sword body. But at this time the difference between eternity and the shield was immediately revealed. With a click, Eternal cut the connection between the heel of the blade and the hilt after the red arc passed. As the arc passed along the blade to the center of the shield, the white halo reached the end of the blade. A red arc flashed on the shield instantly, and the big man screamed and was flew out by electricity, but when the white halo reached the tail of the sword, there was nowhere to vent. The blade had been disconnected from the hilt, and the white halo could not be transmitted.

The sword body that lost its support, oh la la, fell to the ground with a sound, and the ground near it instantly formed a thick layer of hoarfrost. The white halo just now is most likely to be the ring of frost. Didn’t expect this guy’s shield to have such a high level of counterattack magic.

The big man who was hit by the electric arc got up from the ground with his mouth full of blood. Suddenly he noticed the shield in his hand and was surprised to lift it to the front and look at it over and over. The people around also discovered that there was a smooth and slippery hole in the middle of the shield, and it had been clearly penetrated. The eternal rotation turned out to be like an electric drill, making such a smooth hole. After reading the shield, the big man suddenly remembered something and touched his chest, but he suddenly lowered his head after feeling the strangeness from his hand, but found that there was a hole in his chest, but the hole was not deep, and the armor had just been penetrated. Little bit, there is only superficial wound on his body. If it weren't for Eternal's later disconnection and loss of propulsion, Waigahan was hit by an electric arc, Eternal must have passed through him. Divine Item is Divine Item, always impossible and the same as ordinary player equipment.

After discovering these injuries, the big man did not give up resistance, but raised his shield again. "Your weapon has been destroyed, depending on how you attack this time."

I laughed. "Don't you know me?"

"Yes, you are Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League."

I nodded: "It seems that you are just acquaintance. Now."

"What do you mean?"

"Because you simply don't know my profession and equipment."

"Your profession?" Dahan He was puzzled. "Aren't you a warrior?"

At this time, a player watching the show exclaimed: "Damn it, I almost forgot, the boss of Frost is a special person!"

"What special personnel?" A player who obviously didn't know this asked the player who knew.

The player began to explain: "There is a foreign forum that only a few people know about the battle strength reviews of the more well-known high level players currently appearing in the world. Among them, the Purple Moon in our country is a comparison. Special personnel. He usually likes to use close combat. Many people think he is a warrior, but you are all fooled. This guy's initial career is a dark warrior plus a trainer, which means that this guy develops in both directions. And that website The above analysis says that 80% of Purple Moon’s battle strength is concentrated on summon creatures. Have you seen anything in his summon now? He can do nothing but mounts."

" Damn, doesn't that mean he didn't make all the effort?"

The third player joined the discussion. "He is the boss of China's top guild. Anyone can stand him up, so he is a fart?"

"Yes." The more profound player said: "Actually, Purple Moon Usually, if you don’t use summon creatures, you don’t need to use them. He must be sure to win this battle, so he doesn’t use summon creatures. Do you know how many summon creatures he has? Light demon pets are in double digits."

"Two digits? How much is that? Didn't that website write about it?"

"The webmaster of that website only counts some of the more frequently appearing favorites that have been confirmed so far. There are nineteen, but the webmaster estimates that there should be more, because Purple Moon is always only in one environment, summon the special pets suitable for the environment at that time, so there should be some special creatures for dealing with extreme environments. In addition, this The guy seems to have a summon creature Legion. It is said that once this Legion and all his familiars cooperated to destroy a Level 2 town. That was the battle a long time ago. Later, did he add new familiars and troops? Not necessarily. Do you know what the website’s battle strength score for Purple Moon is? More than 700 million."

"Is this a big score?"

"Of course, I put The evaluation of my own battle strength is only 200,000 points when the test machine calculates it. I later filled in the attributes of some friends to calculate the results. The average player’s battle strength is roughly between 400,000 and 40,000. Expert players generally have battle strengths around one million, and the battle strengths of guild leaders are generally close to 10 million. Large guild leaders usually have more than tens of millions, but the entire world with more than 100 million people only has more than 40 people. , On average in the whole world, each country can’t even get one. As for people with battle strength over 500 million, it seems that people with battle strength are only in single digits all the time."

"Who is the highest? Is it Purple Moon?"

"That's not it. There is a mysterious person whose name is unknown. According to the webmaster, he personally saw this player in Europe. It seems that the battle strength is 800 million points. Around 20-30 million points higher than Purple Moon."

The lively discussion below, the big guys on the court can't hold back their face. After being beaten so badly by others but said that the other party hasn't exerted all their strength yet, can you not be angry? Ya pointed at me and said: "Your weapon is gone, and I unfortunately cannot beat you by my old man. Lao Tzu sees many people who exaggerate, and they are all beaten by Lao Tzu lying on the ground and humming, you are also an idiot. "

I still smiled and said: "It was not what I said, the friend over there, although I am very grateful to you for helping me raise my name, but please be quiet? Maybe the system will count your red name!"

"hahahaha!" There was a burst of laughter on the side of the road.

I took Eternity and walked to the edge of Eternity that fell on the ground, pointed the hilt of the sword up, and the frost on the ground instantly collapsed. A fiery-red flame burned, and the frost was instantly dissipated. After the frost was dissipated, the sword body shook, and suddenly it flew up to butt against my sword hilt.

I looked at the big guy and said: "My weapon is automatically disconnected just to protect me from your magic counterattack, do you think you interrupted it? This is the eternal Divine Item, you ask Ask the friend who watched the excitement what weapon is this."

Before the big guy asked, everyone around him noticed the player. The guy immediately said proudly: "If the information on that website is correct, this eternity is a fusion of Divine Item with multiple handles, and its value has long surpassed the ordinary Divine Item. It is said that there is also a Divine Item dedicated to destroying it. Weapons are integrated, so Eternal’s biggest feature is equipment destruction. Any weapon that confronts it will be broken at one touch. I heard that after it is completed, no one can collide with it. And the site of that website The eternal appearance of the information obtained from many different people is different. At the beginning of today, you also saw it. It was originally a sword, but its back face turned into a whip, and then it can be turned. A lot of things, the conclusion from the Wangzhan station master is that eternity can actually be arbitrarily deformed, at least it can be cut between many forms at will, as if you don’t have to pay any price. And this sword has been smelted by Fire of Life. , Natural magic sacrifice and attack rebound, the formidable power is doubled when fighting against magician. Oh, by the way, it seems that the last time the President Purple Moon took a Japanese magic sword when he was alone in an adventure in Japan, it also merged into it. Now His weapon should already be equipped with soul. I don’t know how to describe it except it is very strong. It is estimated that if the website sells, even if it sells for 10 billion crystal coins, some people will rush to buy it."< /p>

The more the other players listened, the more dizzy they became. Later, they all stared at my eternity with their eyes and drooling. However, considering my identity, they all gave up the plan to grab the item, which is to pay tribute to the legendary Divine Item. It's just a collection.

I nodded to the commentator: "Thank you for your comment. As a thank you, let you watch something." As I said, I put the eternity on the back of my hand, and the long sword once again shrank Small Accomplishment a red The ball returned to the back of my hand. "Do you understand?"

The player immediately slapped his thigh and said: "Understood, eternal possesses the characteristics of liquid metal. In theory, any form can be simulated. Haha, go back and send the information On the website, I can be promoted to a high level member and enjoy VIP-level intelligence services. Thank you!"

I looked at the big guy over there and said: "I don’t bully you, forever is for you The formidable power is too big. I will let you know why a high level player is a high level player.” As I said, my body began to grow rapidly, and soon entered the form of a werewolf. Looking up to the sky, there was a howl of a wolf, and the claws on both arms popped out instantly, and then there was another claw that stretched out again. My claws have two section length degrees, but usually they don’t use that great attack depth, so I don’t think about it. Now, when dealing with power players, I need to increase the damage to produce a quick bloodletting effect.

"Werewolf! I didn't expect Purple Moon to have this kind of bloodline!"

I screamed again and jumped up, and the big man immediately slammed his shield at me. My body bowed in the air, and my feet first stepped on the shield face. The man wanted to push me out, but the impact inertia and my weight were not driven by him at all, and I stepped on the people and shields and moved straight back. I glared hard on the shield, my body fell to the ground with a backflip, and my claws penetrated deeply into the ground and grabbed the ground. The thighs exerted fierce force, and the body flashed out again.

A warrior on the opposite side unexpectedly ran up to help the big guy, but my body suddenly appeared behind him and continued to rush forward. Several of his companions came to block me, but I dodged them all the way. A knowledgeable player on the side of the road shouted in surprise: "It's a werewolf with nine flashes and a transmission attribute. You can't seal him with your body." Xuan Xin understood it, and immediately activated Taoism, but it's a pity Her speed was not fast enough. I touched my back like lightning with one hand, and moved forward in a flash. Half a month of lightning went straight out and stuck on her shoulder, knocking her down and flying out and fell into the crowd of onlookers.

The big man roared with crimson eyes, his body suddenly swelled, and his whole person was a big circle. "It's actually Berserker," one of the onlookers said.

"I don't fight with you, what's the use of your madness?" I quickly rushed to his side, and the claws pushed into his stomach from bottom to top without warning. His right fist hooked horizontally. I bowed my head and squatted around under his arm. The claws in my hand were twisted on his stomach and brought it to the side, and I just pushed his belly on his stomach. Three deep trenches were opened with the armor.

I slammed behind him, and the claws broke away from his body, and blood spurted out from his abdomen like a fountain, and it seemed that there were some crushed pieces in the middle. Visceral fragments. He was covering the wound in a panic, but I returned to my normal standing posture, raised my arms and shook it, and the blood was shaken clean. With a loud claw, I turned around and panicked the man covering the wound and said: "Don't cover it, the claws are poisonous, so let's die early!"

"You...!" The man didn't. I fell down willingly. The poison was quite strong, and I was a little surprised to put him down so quickly.

"If the technology is not as good as people, don't speak big words, so as not to be ashamed."

"Streamer bomb." A voice suddenly appeared behind me, actually the voice of the ambassador to the United States.

"Hold on."

"Slow your mother." Daqin Jianshen suddenly jumped up and shot an arrow down from in midair, I suddenly turned around and flew with a sword The blue purple magic ball, but Daqin Arrow God’s arrow was too late to block. This guy will take advantage and let his arrow fly out with the magic ball of others. Of course, it is unlikely that I will block two attacks in a row.

When. With a crisp sound, the feather arrow was easily knocked off, and the Ye Yue horizontal sword stood in front of me.

"Wow...!" There was a small voice of surprise around, and then began to talk noisily.

A young player who was obviously in the period of thinking about spring was surprised and said: "Look, what is that? It's so beautiful!"

"Damn, there is a snake tail below."

"It looks like a beautiful snake."

"Idiot, that's a snake demon."

"The snake demon doesn't have many little snakes on its head. Is it?"

"You are talking about Medusa, this one looks like...like...I really don’t know what it looks like."

A player whispered: "Yes Isn’t it Nuwa?"

"Damn, are you stupid? Nuwa belongs to the Ancient God clan. If Purple Moon had that kind of demon, it would have wiped out Japan."

< p>"But let alone it looks like it!"

"Will it be a member of the Nuwa clan? If it is just a descendant, it is very possible!"

" It's really bad."

The surrounding players discuss spiritedly, but none of the people in the field are in that mood. These people are staring at me and Yeyue nervously. One of the laws of NPC biology in "Zero": the more beautiful the humanoids are, the more fierce the non-humanoids are, and the safer the plant-like creatures are, the more dangerous they are in fact. This law is the long-term experience of players. Although it is not absolutely accurate, it is reliable most of the time. At least the humanoid creatures I see are indeed long, the better they look, the more troublesome they are. Creatures are usually small soldiers, and big bosses are all handsome men and women. Judging by this law, Yeyue's appearance should definitely be classified as an extremely dangerous creature.

"What are you?" The ambassador to the United States asked Yeyue stupidly.

Xuan Xin gave him a hand. "I knew it was Purple Moon's demon at a glance, so stay away from her."

Ye Yue slowly backed up and circled me a few times, using his tail to defend me in the middle. "Are these all are enemies?"

I clicked on those people in the field. "Everyone is watching the excitement. These are the enemies. Pay attention to that guy. The thing on his back is the goal."

"Would you like to destroy or snatch?" Ye Yuezhi said simply.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Yue turned her head and looked at me. "The character of the owner is most likely to be used for oneself."

"If you know, you still ask?"

"Is there any harm in confirming it!" Yeyue used both swords I took it out and activated the battle mode. My arms turned into six arms, and the six-handed snake sword flashed with emerald green cold light. Ye Yue used Two Swords to cross and rub each other, and a string of fire stars was drawn from the blade, and everyone around couldn't help covering their ears. But people only have two hands, so don't expect to take weapons if you cover your ears. What Ye Yue wanted was this effect, her body suddenly started to bounce out, and the people on the opposite side didn't even react to what was going on, and saw the silhouette flashed to the front.

The player in the front hurriedly backed away in fright, but suddenly felt something under his feet. When he lowered his head, he saw Yeyue's tail. Before he could react, Ye Yue had hung him upside down by curling his feet with his tail, and then cut off his head with a horizontal sword, and then threw his body at the crowd over there. Those few guys who wanted to come up to help were all knocked down, and Ye Yue rushed to the North Korean ambassador to the United States straight.

Xuanxin and Daqin Arrow God suddenly rushed out sideways and blocked the route. Da Qin Arrow God swung open in one step, and the long bow in his hand was quickly full, but Ye Yue’s eyepiece suddenly bounced off. The people around only saw her killer eyes, and then Da Qin Arrow God instantly turned into a gray stone sculpture, and even the profound heart behind him was petrified with an arm. In fact, not only the two of them were recruited, but several players in the public behind were surprised and screamed. "Damn, what's going on?"

An onlooker shouted: "It's the high-level petrified eye, my dear, it can completely petrify everything you see, the formidable power is too big, right? ?"

"I'm dizzy. Who am I to provoke someone? You can be petrified even if you look at the excitement!"

Yeyue's speed is unabated, and it has become a sculpture of a archer after she swayed. Daqin Arrow God, Xuan Xin was flustered and threw a stone charm on Ye Yue's body. When it was thrown out, she remembered that the charm had been petrified and could not work at all. At most equivalent to she hit Ye Yue with a stone. Just one click.

Ye Yue arrived in front of her in an instant, and the six snake swords attacked at the same time. One of the swords was holding Xuanxin, and the other five were all inserted into her body. Xuanxin groaned, and Ye Yue quickly slid the five-handed sword in five directions, and Xuanxin was thrown into the air, causing the surrounding players to scream.

The ambassador to the United States stumbled backwards, Ye Yue swayed in front of him instantly, slightly smiled, and the eyepieces popped up again. Not to mention, this stupid mage reacted quickly this time. He suddenly sat down on the ground. He didn't know if it was really quick to react or he was paralyzed. Ye Yue didn't see him anyway. However, there are people behind the ambassador to the United States. The flash of the ambassador to the United States does not matter. The people behind immediately realized that it was wrong. All kinds of defensive magic and defensive postures came out. Unfortunately, their eyes were unable to defend. Row sculptures.

Yeyue was about to bend down to cut off the ambassador to the United States sitting on the ground. Suddenly she felt that her tail was being pulled by someone. When she turned her head, she saw that it was the people who had been overturned just now. A player shouted at the ambassador to the United States: "Go to the boss, we will help you with it. Run."

Yeyue gave up the ambassador to the United States and swam over those guys directly. He ran outwards in parallel, but suddenly bumped into someone. He was shocked when he looked up. What he bumped into was a headless corpse, and it was obviously the guy whose head had just been shaved off by Ye Yue. This guy was originally his companion, shouldn't be right with him, even more how now he has no head, and he can actually get up to fight, which is really scary. Some timid MMs around nervously hugged the arms of the people around them, and the male players who took advantage of them all looked like Brother Pig. If you see such a scary thing in ordinary MMs, you should have run away, but this is a fantasy game after all. There are a lot of zombie skeletons, and the MMs have almost adapted to them. Although they are still a little scared, they should not be too radical.

The headless zombie did not stop long after being hit. It slowly raised the sword in its hand, and then slammed it down. The ambassador to the United States hurriedly backed away, but was still caught Cut off a bunch of hair.

An onlooker called out: "Damn, resurrect the killed person as his own puppet. What kind of perverted attribute is this?"

The other one is obviously from Dark Element Knight. The guy said: "Purple Moon has a Dark Element combat career. It is feared that Knight can naturally turn killed enemies into his own undead men. Isn't it strange that Purple Moon has such a skill?"

< p>"That's true."

The ambassador to the United States was very scared by this sword. He was attacked by the corpse of his companion. This kind of incident has a much more serious psychological blow than the actual physical blow. The ambassador to the United States got up in embarrassment and sent in other directions. The slow speed of the zombie is recognized. He knew that as long as he ran away, the zombie would not be able to catch up with him, but he had forgotten something.

The ambassador to the United States ran into someone again this time. After he looked up, he saw that I was still smiling in the form of a werewolf. "Did you forget something?"

Only then did the ambassador to the United States realize that I was the one who really attacked them. Yeyue’s attack method is too oppressive, and they forget me to be right. Lord. I didn't give him a chance to regret, I went up and kicked him over, pressed his shoulder to turn him over and pressed him to the ground, and pulled out the box on his back.

"You can't return it to the Americans. This is a traitorous act." The ambassador to the United States rolled over and hugged my leg.

I ignored him and forcibly opened the box, but the situation inside made me instantly dumbfounded. The box is empty. There is only a sponge liner inside. There are some grooves dug out for the special item on the liner, but there is nothing in these grooves, and the box is empty. "How is this possible?" I smashed the box to the ground with a bang.

When he turned his attention to the ambassador to the United States again, he had already changed his appearance. "Xuanxin?" The person holding my leg on the ground was Xuanxin. But Xuan Xin was dismembered by Ye Yue?

Xuan Xin smiled triumphantly, then raised his hand and stabbed me with a sword. I reacted fairly quickly and kicked her out. "How could it be you? What about the ambassador to the United States?"

Although Xuanxin fell miserably, she still said with a smile: "hahahaha, can't you think of it? The ambassador to the United States has long been here. ."

"Make it passed away?"

"Yes. When you stopped us, the ambassador was already not in. I have been pretending to be an ambassador."

"Who was dismembered by my familiar just now?"

"That was disguised by another female player in the team. My special skill is that it can be used for three people It provides six hours of complete disguise, which can fool most of the eyes of detecting magic and people. Now the ambassador should have gone away with things, and you can't get anything."

"Okay, Very good." I was so angry that these guys dare to play me like this. Going up and kicking Xuan Xin flying out, she directly slammed into a big tree hugged by the two. With a click, both Xuanxin and Dashu broke in two. Ye Yue also solved the few people who responded at almost the same time.

Now I want to understand why the other party only sent so few people to rescue them. These people are actually simply not here. They knew that no amount of people could stop me, so they simply sent someone to pretend to be an ambassador to the United States, and let the real ambassador to the United States come to a Golden Cicada to get rid of the shell.

As soon as I stretched out my wings, the large feathers fell off and turned into iron bees and the little fairies flew out to all directions. At the same time, the wormhole space opened, and a large number of ghost worms also flew out. "Find it for me. Hold him anyway,"

One or two insects can’t hurt people, but as long as an insect attacks the ambassador to the United States, no matter whether it succeeds or not, it will definitely He pulled into a fighting state and he couldn't send it. The display time seemed to have exceeded five minutes, but I want to bet on the probability that the ambassador to the United States forgot to send it. After all, the ambassador to the United States is on the run, and when the scared witless is chased, few people can display their usual intelligence.

Receiving Yeyue, I took out the white waves summon, and stepped onto Yeying. "Look carefully." I handed the box to the front of Bailang.

White waves sniffed on the box, and then immediately began to turn around three times, and then suddenly ran out in one direction, and I quickly let Ye Ying follow.

After I left, the surrounding players said: "Damn, this guy is really a lot of monsters, and there is actually a police dog specially used for tracking."

At first, that's right. The player I know very well said again: "Please don't know what to say, is that a dog? Can your dog grow to the size of a giant wolf?"

"Is that a giant wolf?"


"Of course not. How many level creatures is a giant wolf? That thing is called a shadow beast, and its battle strength is many times more powerful than those of you who don’t know. And the three tricks of this thing are absolutely terrible."

"Three tricks?"

"Of course, don’t you know? It is said...!"

When that player was bragging proudly, I had Riding Ye Ying to chase for many miles. Bailang tracked a very strong breath, and didn't need to stop to confirm, and ran all the way frantically. Ye Ying was not slow, and ran along all the way. Players on the road only saw two shadows flashing past, and many people were also blinded by the wind and sand that they brought up, and they yelled at them all the way. Of course we can't hear it anymore. We are too fast. I was already more than a mile away when they started scolding.

Good luck this time, the ambassador to the United States really forgot to use Transmission Scroll in a panic. Because I got the general direction given by Bailang, I directly sent all the bugs in this direction. After a web search, a ghost bug soon found the ambassador to the United States. This small insect quickly rushed up and took a bite of the ambassador to the United States. The attack was blocked, so it did not break the defense, but it still forced a little blood deduction and caused a fighting state.

Although the ambassador to the United States does not know that I have a Spirit Armor bug, he can be sure that this is not a natural monster, it must be a player’s thing, and in this state he can directly think of me only . After confirming the attack, the ambassador to the United States fled in a panic, but it turned out to be even more inefficient.

Actually, I love China. They have always arranged these things wrong. In order not to be discovered by me, they specially did not send anyone to go with the ambassador to the United States, but let the ambassador to the United States leave alone after the Golden Cicada was released. On the surface, this decision controlled the number of people around the ambassador to the United States and reduced the probability of exposing the target. In fact, it caused the ambassador to the United States to become excessively nervous, which actually affected his escape process. If there is one more person next to the ambassador to the United States, he will definitely calm down, and 90% of the probability thinks that the five-minute limit has passed, so he can use Transmission Scroll. It's a pity that there is no one around him, and it is unlikely that other things will come to mind when a person runs away, and as a result, he will forget. By the time he now thinks that he can still use the scroll to escape, my ghost bug has dragged him into combat again.

All the ghost worms maintain direct telepathy with the queen worm. If a ghost worm finds the target, it means that everyone has discovered it. Millions of ghost worms began to gather in one direction, and the Iron Wasp and the little goblins quickly got my instructions and followed.

When the ambassador to the United States ran well, he heard a buzzing sound from behind, and he was startled when he turned around. Whether it is a bee or a wasp, it will arouse most people's fear. Of course, some courageous people are not afraid of bees. However, no one is not afraid of the Iron Hornet. The giant bee-like creatures with a body length of one meter are already very scary, not to mention that there is still a foot-long stinger behind their buttocks!

The ambassador to the United States hurriedly withdrew from the mount. The decent horse immediately played twice as fast as usual, but the speed of the Iron Hornet was faster. Seeing that the distance was getting closer, the ambassador to the United States quickly sang the incantation, but a loud explosion sound interrupted his chanting. An adult giant dragon slammed into his escape route in an attacking posture, and his horse frightened his front hoof and lifted up and threw the ambassador to the United States from its back. Knight can barely manipulate the horse in front of the giant dragon, but the ambassador to the United States is just a mage, and his mount is also a horse from the system transport team, which is absolutely uncontrollable by him. After the war horse fell off the ambassador to the United States, he ran to the side. We weren't here to catch the horse. Of course, we didn't have time to care about it. Large groups of flying Insect and giant dragons joined forces to surround the ambassador to the United States, and followed me on the night shadow.

I took the Iron Pluto Bee back. Their flying sound was too loud, and the shocking people’s ears hurt. The remaining little fairies and ghost worms still stared firmly at the ambassador to the United States to prevent him from escaping. However, if you are lucky to watch it by the side, unless you use Transmission Scroll, it is not so easy for him to run.

"You really can run? Golden Cicada came up with shelling." I deliberately satirized the ambassador to the United States. Although his patriotic enthusiasm is very high, it is a pity that the mindless patriot is actually different from the traitor in the original i

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