The man who came is actually a spear god, and he has arrived in Japan!

"Why are you here?"

"This is not what you should ask." The gun god replied very coldly, and it was clear that he didn't want to pay attention to me.

Hmph, you are too lazy to care about me, fortunately you are too lazy to care about you! "I don't care about you, as long as you don't affect me." I replied, and then rushed directly to the village below.

"Block them." The Japanese in the village shouted. As a result, a large number of NPCs and players flocked to the village.

There were too many miscellaneous soldiers. Although they couldn't hurt us, they bought the ancient martial arts expert time to escape. The Spear God is more miserable than I am. His battle strength mainly centralizes in one point. To destroy the divine spear means to destroy the Spiritual God, but it can't help it when encountering a large number of farmers.

"The first team copied over from the left, the second team went to the right, and the central guard rushed with me." A familiar voice suddenly appeared behind us, and then he saw Sgoth carrying a large number of evil spirits. Knight rushed forward.

The Gun God was originally being hurriedly engaged by a group of ordinary Japanese players, suddenly a large number of evil spirits Knight rushed to relieve him. Gun God gave me a slightly surprised look, I laughed proudly. This is our difference. His battle strength is all centralize in one point, but my battle strength is scattered, so the group P is the fiercest, and the single-handed spearman is the most fierce. It is impossible to talk about who is high and who is low.

At the beginning, I brought summon creatures to destroy a small city. At that time, I brought lesser dragon cavalry. Now the evil spirit Knight battle strength is even more fierce. Such a small village simply cannot stand our gang fights. The wooden fence on the periphery of the village is completely useless. The evil spirit Knight's mount can fly. Besides, the evil Spirit Dragon will jump even if it does not fly. Lingyin Knight's heavy armored dragon was even more fierce, and it even smashed through the village gate. Immediately behind the cavalry, my familiars arrived. The addition of the main force completely crushed the opponent's defensive line, and soon the team rushed into the village. Under the dragon flames of the four giant dragons, there was almost no decent resistance in the village.

I was watching the demons destroy the village in midair, and suddenly I found that the ancient martial arts expert was running towards the back of the village, and a red line in the sky was approaching in the distance. After the gun god noticed the look in my eyes, he looked to the horizon, but he suddenly rushed out. Gun God's reaction clearly represented something happening, but I couldn't see what he saw. My eyesight comes from the star pupils. Although the scope is very wide, it is not precise. The eyesight of the gun god is really good. According to the information I have on hand, the gun god has obtained a special vision-enhancing skill in order to adapt to the formidable power and shooting range of the divine spear, and his sight range is probably much larger than mine. The Hongyun I saw, he should be able to really see its internal situation.

Since the spear is moving, I have to keep up. After all, I can’t let the ancient martial arts expert run away. This kid is not slow, but it is not faster than my night shadow. I was the first to come first, and soon passed the gun god, didn't expect he actually pulled my foot and climbed onto the night shadow. I looked back at the gunman standing behind me in surprise. "Don't you want me to help?"

"I am a skill and not an acceleration. I am slow and not ashamed."

I snort with my nose and ignore him, urging the night. The shadow continues to accelerate. The ancient martial arts expert in front had already ran far away, and the night shadow chased after him like lightning, but the ancient martial arts expert suddenly flashed over in a sharp turn halfway. Ye Ying almost tilted her whole body over, and finally turned around after a big turn, but the hapless gunman was thrown out. I don't bother to care about him, and continue to chase ancient martial arts experts. This time the ancient martial arts expert can't get away completely, and the speed of the player and the mount-type monster is hopeless. I'm afraid that this guy's speed can't even run a wild boar mount that is on schedule. After Ye Ying caught up with him, people stood up suddenly, and their two front hooves kicked up in the air, knocking down the ancient martial arts expert.

The ancient martial arts expert wanted to get up immediately after the fall, but Ye Ying directly stepped on his forefoot, and stepped him back to the ground. I turned over and jumped off Ye Ying, and my right knee was directly behind the neck of the ancient martial arts expert. But the ancient martial arts expert suddenly slammed up loudly, pulled out the small package from under my body and threw it out. I slapped the chin of the ancient martial arts expert with one hand and slammed it to the side. With a click, he stopped moving. The gun god chased up from behind and pounced on the small package, but he just rushed halfway and suddenly heard a bang. A Fireball blasted the gun god out. The small package was picked up by a familiar hand.

"Ghost Nobunaga!" My pupils shrank violently, and this nasty guy actually appeared at this time. I now know what the red cloud was just now, it is the ghost army of Nobunaga Onitou. The clouds of Divine Immortal are usually colored clouds and white clouds, but the clouds of demons and ghosts are mostly black and red.

After the gun god was blown up, there was no pause, and immediately after landing, he assumed a one-knee kneels posture, extinguishing the divine spear and lifting it flat. With a bang, Oni Shou Nobunaga, who was smiling smugly at me, was shot and flew out. I threw the Ryujinsuo and wanted to get the package back, but a Japanese player who followed Oni Sou Nobunaga flew away. Blocked my dragon tendons. I forcefully pulled the player back, but the package was taken away by another person.

I looked even more ugly when I saw the person carrying the package. I have seen this person, and he is the one with the last bottle of holy blood. He stole Chinese national instruments, and now he and Guishou Nobunaga are coming to get American national instruments together, which means that Guishou Nobunaga is probably collecting national instruments from various countries.

"Our national instruments are in your hands?" I asked, staring at the person who picked up the package.

The guy threw the package to Nobunaga Guishou who had just been taken back. Nobunaga Guishou smiled and took the package, opened it, and then stuffed it into his armor with satisfaction. "Haha, can't you think of it? Purple Moon, if you took our Japanese national instrument, I will take your Chinese national instrument. If you want to return to the national instrument, please exchange our national instrument."

I Now I really understand the purpose of Nobunaga Onitou. Stealing the national weapon was only the first one, and his purpose was to exchange it for the Japanese national weapon. But what does he do with American things? Is it just to blame us?

I was wondering, but the gun god suddenly said to Guishou Xinlong: "I have two pieces in my hand, you only have half of them, don't you want to exchange them equally, right?"


Now I understand. After a long time, the Americans also stole the Japanese national weapons, and there were still two pieces.

Ghost Nobunaga looks confident. "You are right. Gunner, you and Purple Moon each have a few of our national weapons, but this is not an advantage. If you are willing to consider this matter, then bring your own national weapons to Mochizuki Island, Let’s talk about it."

The gun god took the lead in nodded: "Well, with your time, we will see you on Mochizuki Island tomorrow at noon."

The gun god bastard won’t tell me either. I accepted it unilaterally with a sigh. Now I am one-to-two. If I refuse, I will be quite passive. I have no choice but to nodded. I really didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing. Oni Te Nobunaga is indeed much better than the original Matsumoto Masaka, at least he knows how to use his brain while retaining courage.

After the matter is decided, we all go back to prepare separately. I don't want to continue chasing, but I don't want to chase. First, things belong to the gun god, and our national weapons are not here. At the beginning, I promised to recover this thing and return it to the gun god to clear up the misunderstanding. Now that the gun god already knows that it is not the Chinese who took his things, I don't need to chase it anymore. To be honest, I am quite happy that I lost the American National Instruments. If I didn't want to help the little Japan, I would be too lazy to take care of it! As for the second one! Nobunaga Guishou brought tens of thousands of ghost troops and thousands of players, and the gun god took the initiative to withdraw. I think I have to have the ability to break through in a circle of so many people! This is not the first time I went to Japan. At that time, Ringtone Knight was five-six hundred levels higher than the players, and the price accounted for more. Now everyone has a higher level, my advantage is not so obvious.

Withdraw their respective teams, and everyone will go home to prepare for tomorrow's talks. Gunslinger borrowed our guild’s transnational Transmission Formation and returned directly to the United States. Tomorrow he will have to borrow it again and send it back. After I returned to Isengard, I quickly gathered all the main members of the guild like Rose, and I had to discuss such an important matter. Feng Yin Miaomiao and Yanyu also participated in our meeting. After all, in theory, this is a matter for all Chinese people.

After everyone is here, I first talked about today’s situation, and then I asked them: "Do you guys say we should trade with the Japanese?"

Rose is the most First express: "Yes. Even if the other party has conditions attached, we will all draw."

"Why?" Hong Yue didn't understand the meaning of roses. "We are not afraid of Little Japan. We can grab things back sooner or later. Why must we trade with them?" Rose explained: "In fact, we are not losing money in this transaction. This point does not need to be considered. The attributes of the national equipment are not as good as the Divine Item. Everyone knows that. Take Purple Moon and gold coin for example." Rose looked towards gold coin: "Open the attribute for everyone to see. Husband, you should also take your attribute. Open."

All the equipment attributes of gold coin and I are displayed, and the rose will explain to everyone according to the attributes. "The national instrument of gold coin is in its final form, and the attributes are quite good, but compared with Purple Moon's Divine Item set, the attributes are significantly worse. Without considering the player's own factors, you can say the Divine Item set The attribute is definitely above the national equipment, and it will be much higher. However, there are more Divine Items in this game than the national equipment, and we don’t collect Divine Items specially, but pay so much attention to the national equipment. Why is that?"

gold coin replied: "Because national equipment has a national attribute."

"Very good, because of this." Rose continued: "No matter how strong the Divine Item is, only one person can be strong. We all know the strength of Purple Moon, but what if 10,000 players besie him alone? So personal strength is very important, but not the decisive factor. The national equipment’s national attributes can increase the attributes for players in the entire country. For this reason, even if the national equipment is white equipment without attributes, it is definitely worth more than the Divine Item. A weapon that can add 10,000 points of attack is great. But what about the national attribute of the national equipment? The final state of gold coin. The device set has all the national attributes except for the dual-suit induction. As a result, not only the national attributes are added as a whole, but also the national attributes are added separately for each component. Take a look at her Heavenly Venerable sword, it does not discuss individual attributes alone. How about it, but have you noticed the national attribute at the back? The national attribute of the Heavenly Venerable sword is that the basic attack power is increased by three, and the spell damage is increased by 1%. It looks small, not worth mentioning, but how amazing the effect is actually? At present, the number of combat players in China is about 600 million people. Each person’s attack increases by three, and the result is an increase of 1.8 billion attack power. Does Divine Item have an attribute of hundreds of millions? The gun god’s divine spear With an attack power of just over 1 million, it is already known as the most powerful equipment in the game, so do you understand the value of a national weapon that adds 1.8 billion attack power in one breath?"

After waiting for a while Rose continued: "In addition to these three points of attack power, we also need to see the attribute that increases the damage of the spell by 1%. This attribute is only for offens The ive spell is useful, but the actual increased damage value is more powerful than the previous one with basic attack. Because this attribute has bonuses to Taoism, magic and even witchcraft, even warrior-like magic skills have bonuses. But the current spell damage of players is far more than three hundred points, which means that the actual increase in damage is more than three points. The first three basic attacks can produce 1.8 billion damage value. Think about what effect this three points or more can produce. "

Su Mei suddenly said to everyone: "Add it. After experimenting with gold coin elder sister, I came to the conclusion that, in fact, the attribute bonus of national equipment is not only for players. "

"What? "It's the first time I heard about what Soumi said. "Are you serious? "

"It's true, we just experimented out the past few days. I asked the gold coin elder sister to put on or take off the national device according to my requirements, so that the bonus attribute of the national device would appear or disappear under my control. I also went to Germany to hire a few players who have nothing to do with us to help us experiment, because their attributes will not change because of our country's national equipment. I asked these German players to fight against the NPC soldiers of our guild in two states respectively, and calculated the damage effect. The results proved that Guoqi has auxiliary bonuses to all the various combat NPCs and large weapons of the guild. I used to think that this attribute would only work on creatures. After experimenting, I found that even the cannon on the city wall has the effect of attack bonuses. "

Feng Yin asked in surprise: "Doesn't that mean that every magic crystal cannon in our country has three points more attack power than foreign ones?" "

"Wrong. "Su Mei said seriously: "It's not three more attack power, but thousands more attack power." "

"Why thousands? "

"Because the magic crystal cannon is judged as a spell attack, it is not counted as the first three-point attack, but as the latter one that increases the damage of the spell by 1%. The standard model of the magic crystal cannon has a damage value of hundreds of thousands, and as a result, the damage value of 1% of the strengthening is more than a thousand. If it is a gunpowder-driven cannon, add the three basic attacks above. In contrast, magic cannons are cheaper. "

Ross said: "In this way, it is more worthy of trading. The attributes of the national equipment are so good, they are too useful for us. "

Hong Yue still objected: "But the Japanese will lose more if they get the national equipment, which is not cost-effective. "

Rose said: "A good deal. Because we are crowded. The same is to add three points of damage. There are only more than 100 million people in Japan. Even if they are all combat occupations, only 300 million damage can be added. We have 600 million combat occupations, and 1.8 billion damage is added at once. It is also a deal. We actually earned 1.2 billion damage points. And in fact, the national equipment does not only add damage, so that we can take advantage of every aspect. "

Su Mei said again: "I also agree with Ms. Rose's meaning, because there is an attribute that we take advantage of in the overall attributes of the national equipment. "

"What else? "

"This is it. "Su Mei refers to one of the added national attributes for everyone to see the gold coin's national equipment." The Celestial Court will be mobilized to help. "

"What's wrong with this?" "

Su Mei said: "According to our analysis and the attributes acquired by some other countries from the set of national equipment, this ability to mobilize various forces to fight is owned by everyone, but everyone has adjusted it. They are all NPC forces in their own country. If there is no religious or historical NPC in their own country, there will be an attribute that mobilizes the local Dark God Palace or Light God Palace. Referring to the situation of various countries, I speculate that the corresponding force of this attribute of the true Sister Hong will be the Divine Beast clan. We take advantage of this. The Japanese can only mobilize the power of demons and ghosts and Tenzhao. Their Tenzhao God must not be able to defeat Celestial Court, and demons and ghosts cannot defeat Divine Beast, so we take a lot of advantage. "

China’s God World NPCs are relatively large in number, and their quality is quite good, so in any case, they must be much stronger than Tian Zhao’s forces. If the summon abilities of both sides are as beautiful as the speculation, we do It’s a big bargain. As for Divine Beast vs. Demon, don’t talk about it. There are hundreds of Divine Dragons from all over the world, and the Demons in Japan are probably not opponents.

Hong Yue said: "Also. That is to say, we must make a profit when we exchange Japanese national instruments for Chinese national instruments, right? "

Rose nodded said: "Absolutely cost-effective. Although we can get more Japanese national instruments than Japanese national instruments, the transaction itself has nothing to do with the quantity. As long as the national equipment is not a complete set, there is no difference between only one and only one. Once the national equipment is complete, the most direct effect difference should be manifested in the number of people. There are the largest number of Chinese people, and the bonus effect of the group attribute of the national equipment can be maximized, so the benefits of the transaction are much greater for us. "

Su Mei immediately raised a hand and said: "Excuse me, I have another piece of information about the national equipment, which I just arrived this morning. "

"What information?" "

"In the early morning of the day before Beijing time, players from Yemen and players from the United Arab Emirates united to attack Oman. Although these three countries are not big, they are national-level battles after all. It was an early national war. The result of the battle is meaningless to us, but some performances in the process are worth paying attention to. One piece of information about the national equipment is that the attributes of the national equipment will be superimposed to a certain extent after different countries become allies. The national instruments of these three countries are all complete sets, which means that they have all been found. Among them, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen belong to the Allied Powers. In the national tool of the United Arab Emirates, there is an attribute that grants players across the country a passive skill. This skill is called Eye of Wind and Sand, and it will take effect as long as it has no activation. Its function is to allow the owner to have undiminished vision in sandstorms. It is an extremely necessary skill in desert warfare. But in this battle, all players and NPCs in Yemen were assisted by this skill, and the people in Yemen do not actually know this skill. Because this battle used a temporary alliance, the alliance was dissolved after the battle, and as a result, the Yemeni people lost the support of this skill. The only probability we can think of is that the national weapon attributes between the allies may cross, and it is likely that there will be some differences due to the alliance level. Another piece of news is that magical induction occurs when the national device owner is too close, but the specific effect is unclear. Moreover, this effect may not necessarily be released between the national instruments of the country, sometimes it is the induction between the national instruments of the hostile forces, and sometimes it is the national instruments of the own people interact with each other, anyway, the attribute is unstable. "

Amidst the rain said: "putting it that way is more necessary to trade, and once the national war begins, we should unite the surrounding countries to wage war against Japan, so as to win more alliances, even if we fight each other. Only one national weapon attribute will be passed to the other party, and the final strength improvement is also terrifying. "

The words of Misty Rain really reminded me. China’s reputation in the world has always been very good, especially those small developing countries. Although these countries have mediocre strengths, they can be used in games. They all have their own national equipment. If I help them find the national equipment and ally with them after the war, even if they don’t fight with us, as long as they recognize the alliance, the players in our country will be able to pick up a bunch of attribute plus. Yes, such a cost-effective thing can’t be missed.


< p>Now the Chinese are indeed richer than before, and air conditioners have become popular household appliances. However, the grid in our community is calculated based on the electricity consumption in the past, which simply cannot support so many air conditioners. These two days can save me I was so depressed, saying that he had a power outage, the light could be on, that he had electricity, and the computer and TV could not be turned on. The voltage stabilizer showed that the grid voltage was too low, and the power supply bureau said it was not a fault and they did not care. It was really depressed! (To be continued , If you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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