What I love about China is right. Just when they were nervously planning to stray away, the all around the houses began to flood into the crowded NPC troops, and The team is full of archers and wizards who are good at air interception, and sword and shield warriors who are good at close combat. The small house was immediately surrounded by water that could not leak, and the black and heavy troops blocked all the roads, and even the roof was full of people.

Feng Yin Miaomiao appeared on the top of the building opposite the small building with me and Misty Rain. Feng Yin Miaomiao also held a temporary tin-rolled trumpet in his hand. "Listen to the people in the house, you are already surrounded. Please cooperate with our work and get out of the room."

The ambassador to the United States circulated nervously in the room. "What should we do? We are surrounded! Transmission Scroll. Who has Transmission Scroll?"

I love Zhonghua and hold him down. "Calm down, transmission must have been restricted, don't think about Transmission Scroll. Outside these all are traitors of the country, our efforts to find this thing are wasted. The people in China only know about the hatred of the Japanese, but they don't know the United States. It is also our future enemy. Those of us who are pioneers must calm down and then calm down. We can’t let these pro-Americans sell our country to the Americans."

The ambassador to the United States was a little worried: "But they It is a large-scale guild, which represents the absolute power of a country. How many of us......?"

"We are not the only people like ourselves, have you forgotten your classmates?" Xuan Xinla The ambassador to the United States said: "As long as we can escape, I believe they will help."

"But we will hurt them!"

"This is How can it be considered a burden to work for the country?"

Ancient martial arts experts also helped; "Yeah! They don't mind contributing to the country."

"Yes, The older man and Xiaoqiang are very patriotic and they should be very happy." The ambassador to the United States finally loosened.

Daqin Arrow God Dao: "Now what we need to consider is how to get out of here."

I love Chinese beckons with the hand to signal everyone to gather. "Listen to me, let's go out first, and then..."

After some conspiracy, the door of the house opened, and seven players, including the ambassador to the United States, walked out of it, and the most conspicuous of them The one in the center is the mage with a black box leaning on his back. Of course, this mage is the ambassador to the United States. The seven people stood in a quincunx formation. The ambassador to the United States was surrounded by the center, and the others turned their backs to him, blocking him in the middle.

Feng Yin mistily stepped forward, standing on the edge of the eaves and looking at the seven people below. "Ambassador to the United States, I don't think I need to introduce anymore. You should know who I am?"

"Of course we know. You running dog posing as a patriot!" The ambassador to the United States did not speak. But I love China.

Feng Yin Misty looked back at me and Yanyu, and the three of us laughed together. Isn't this scene ridiculous? A Japanese pointed at the leaders of our three domestic guilds and called us running dogs. This weird scene is indeed very interesting. But my love for China has a double meaning, and it can be said that his words are right or wrong. From the standpoint of the Chinese people, my love for China is a complete slander, and he really wants people around him to understand this. However, I love China and I am actually a Japanese. In his heart, it is not accurate to call us running dogs, but it is not, nor is it completely indifferent. After all, the three of us can be said to be the biggest enemies of the Japanese, but I should not be called a running dog, because we are not Japanese.

I walked to the edge of the eaves and jumped down, and the seven ambassadors to the United States immediately backed away on alert. "Ambassador to the United States, I know what your back is, and I also know that you worked hard to get it out. As a Chinese, I admire your patriotism, but we should also think about it when we are patriotic. Thinking about what is good for the country."

"We only know that you want to return this thing to the Americans." Xuan Xin interrupted me first. "Don't believe him, this guy is the most liar. We charge ahead, and gather there if we hang up. We must send this thing out no matter what. Hmph, I shouldn't have treated you so-called bosses a long time ago. With any illusions, you are all running dogs and traitors." Xuan Xin immediately threw a Taoist talisman to me after speaking.

The situation was instantly chaotic. Throwing the Taoist Talisman to represent the start of the attack, the NPC below immediately rushed up, and it was too late for me to stop. With a leap, I jumped back to the roof. The few people below were immediately surrounded by a large number of soldiers approaching, and the sound of various weapons colliding.

I love China. These six Japanese people know that the ambassador to the United States and us just had a misunderstanding, and the reason for this misunderstanding was the extremely misleading of the six of them. If I were to talk with the ambassador to the United States slowly, things would definitely be clear. When the time comes, the ambassador to the United States would no longer listen to my love for China. So Xuanxin is at an absolute disadvantage. The next initiative to initiate an attack to trigger a fight is to prevent us from clarifying the matter.

Seeing me jumping back on the roof, Yanyu smiled and patted my shoulder. "It's hopeless, the six of them won't give you this opportunity. Unless there is a chance to separate the ambassador to the United States separately, otherwise it is impossible to make it clear."

Feng Yin said in a vague way: "I didn't even plan. Tell him. Although this ambassador to the United States is wronged, he believes in these people indiscriminately. It is really confusing enough that killing him once is not a big loss. The most important thing now is to send the Yankee's things back. This group of Japanese are really thieves. We drag the Americans into the water if they can’t beat us. But the stupidity of the gun god is really obedient. Hey...in this world, there are not many smart people like me!"

"You are so cheap!" Yanyu and I said in unison and gave him a middle finger at the same time.

Feng Yin Miaomiao smiled and said: "I don't know how long the following people can hold on?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" I asked Feng Yin. Misty.

Feng Yin was taken aback for a moment. "Of course it's the truth."

"Your soldiers can't keep them."

"Why?" Feng Yin Miaomiao was surprised.

I haven't answered yet, Yanyu spoke first. "Because your troops have not received street fighting training at all. During the previous search mission, you also saw how Purple Moon's troops were divided, and then look at your people, the gap is obvious!"

Feng Yin Miaomiao said unconvincedly: "Do you think everyone is as rich as him? Purple Moon is surrounded by a rose who can only get in and out of the money, and he also has training experts like eagle and Asura purple clothed. , How do my people compare? The worst thing is that I have a younger sister with an elbow turned away. It takes advantage of me all the time. Do you think I can compare with Purple Moon?"

"Damn, The last time I gave you so many battleships, I didn’t ask you for money. You still said that we are taking advantage, Heaven and Earth conscience!"

"You are discarded junk goods sent to me, when I don’t Do you know?"

The three of us were joking and monitoring the battle on the roof, and the seven of us below had been forced into desperation. Although I said they could run out, I didn't say they could all run out. The fight started 3 minutes, and the good-blooded man fell down first. Although he is a sword warrior, the main unit that besiees them is the sword and shield player. His profession can't give full play to his advantages. There are too many people in NPC Legion, and it is impossible for him not to hang up under the wheel of war.

"Leiyan Nine Heavens." We were chatting on the top, and the crowd below suddenly roared, followed by a huge flame ball appearing out of thin air, what’s worse is that this thing is actually It exploded as soon as it appeared. Countless little Fireballs rushed around. The damage to the NPC was good, but the nearby houses were almost all lit up.

Feng Yin Miomai almost fainted out of breath. "My house! Where's the Water Element mage? Hurry up and put out the fire. It's a private house. I will pay if it burns!"

Can't you keep them trapped?"

Feng Yin Miomao said with a sad face: "Understood, let them go out of the city and fight again! Let's fight again here...!" Boom, Feng Yin Miomao said There was a second layer building next to it, which collapsed. "My house!" Feng Yin howled in agony.

The painful Feng Yin Miaomiao had to let the troops relax a little defense appropriately, and deliberately guided the enemy to move outside the city. But relax and relax, and did not say not to fight at all. This way, the sparrow Li San and the ancient martial arts expert died. Sparrow Li San is a thief. In such a big Legion siege, he can't play his battle strength. An ancient martial arts expert is also a hand-to-hand man, and it will be sooner or later that he will die in the face of a large number of enemies.

The remaining four people, the ambassador to the United States and I Love China, are all mages, Xuanxin is a Taoist priest, and Daqin Arrow God is an archer. There is no melee career at all, the balance is broken, and the battle is even more uniform. Face down. By the time they stopped and forced them to the city gate position, all four of them were injured. I love China suddenly shouted to the ambassador to the United States: "You go first, I will block them for a while."

I stood on the edge of the wall and watched the battle below. "Feng Yin Miaomiao, do you guess how a mage is going to block your army?"

"It won't be...?" Feng Yin Miaomiao's face instantly changes the iron green. "Don't...!"

Boom. Feng Yin Miaomiao shouted a little late, I love the method used by Zhonghua is the most formidable power of the mage tired players-self-destruct. In addition to the serious problem of causing one's own death, self-destruct can be described as the strongest skill among the mage skills. Players in "Zero" generally prefer to convert the formidable power of a skill based on the ratio of the mana consumption to the actual killing effect. General skills can use a little mana consumption to create three points of damage on average, but the self-destruct skill consumes an average of every point of mana Corresponds to 30 points of damage, which is ten times the formidable power of normal skills. In addition, self-destruct is probably the easiest trick in magic. As long as you succeed in changing to a mage, you will automatically obtain this skill regardless of race, occupation, or level, which is higher than the penetration rate of magic bullets.

I love Zhonghua’s self-destruct formidable power. It’s not too small. The entire city wall shook violently, and then the entire city gate fell down. The army was blocked in the city, the road was blocked, and it was temporarily unable to pursue it.

The ambassadors to the United States at first are restricted by the array of city functions in the city and cannot use Transmission Scroll to escape. It is different when they leave the city. Now the ambassadors to the United States have just left the battle, and they still cannot transmit before the five-minute safe time has passed, but as long as they can insist on not contacting us for five minutes, the system will determine that the combat state is cancelled and they can use Transmission Scroll. .

Feng Yin Miomiao is now hating gnash the teeth. The collapse of the city gate is a trivial matter. The key is that the road is blocked, which is a big loss. A set of movie lines, we have hundreds of thousands of one minute here. Can we stop the road?

Seeing Feng Yin Miaomiao's distressed look, Misty Rain seemed to have no intention of shutting down the few people outside, and then turned to me and said: "You won't chase them anymore, it's past the battle protection time limit. "

"President Yanyu doesn't want to be active?"

"What an arrogant word!" A discordant voice suddenly appeared on our side.

A few players walked up on the plank road on the top of the city wall. I didn't know them, but it seemed to be unsatisfactory. On the other side, the ambassador to the United States has also received more than a dozen people, and they are evacuating to a distance.

Any rain looked at me helplessly. "It looks like I'm going to trouble you. I'm staring here. Go chase them."

I patted Feng Yin Miaomiao. "Isn't it just a tower? Little meaning, I came back as soon as I changed hands. Here you stare more, I will go first." Saying that I summoned Ye Ying and jumped up, Ye Ying immediately rushed forward. The ambassador to the United States has run far enough, and it will be difficult to catch up after five minutes of actual results. Although the system has newly opened the teleportation tracking function, I am not interested in playing teleportation games with these people.

The ambassador to the United States ran forward with a long box on his horse. Only Xuanxin and Daqin Jianshen were by his side to protect him, and there were more than a dozen people behind to pick them up. Players.

The speed of Night Shadow is much faster than their horse, and it rushes in front of them. They landed from the air and stood firmly in the middle of the road, forcing them to stop immediately. Apart from anything else, I first rubbed the dragon ring to release the evil mist, and a large area around was immediately enveloped by the purple mist.

"Hey, come here, there is a fight here!" Before I had time to speak, the people watching the excitement first gathered together, and soon Many people were surrounded. This is the main road outside the blood city. People coming, people going have a lot of traffic. It is difficult for us to block the way or not attract people to watch.

The first reaction of the ambassador to the United States after seeing me was not to resist, but to immediately draw out a scroll. Of course I know what it is. The appearance of Transmission Scroll is easy to recognize. The ambassador to the United States did not forget to remind the people around him: "Get ready to transmit."

"It's too late!" Xuan Xin compared his head: "This is the offensive fog, which has the effect of blocking the line of sight. Not strong, but with the ability to slowly reduce blood, we have been drawn into combat again!"

"Damn it!" The ambassador to the United States angrily put away the scroll. "Purple Moon, I respect your battle deeds in Japan, but why do you want to follow the Americans? Where did your courage against the Japanese go?"

I don’t care about these words. The U.S. ambassador himself is a deceived person. What do I care about with him? The key is that the people around fry the pot at once. I am also considered a celebrity now. The people who know my classic look account for at least more than half of the national players, and there are even more people who have heard my name. I just said Purple Moon, others may not be sure that it is me, but when it comes to the deeds in Japan, everyone knows it is me.

Some players who were waiting to watch the excitement immediately shouted: "Look, it's Purple Moon."

"Purple Moon? Which Purple Moon?"

"Are you stupid? How many Purple Moons are there in China? Of course it is the boss of the Frost Rose League."

"I rely on, the legendary China's top man!"

"What did the person opposite just say? Purple Moon took refuge in the Americans?"

"Impossible, right? How could he run to the Americans when he was mixed up?"


"Maybe, people's hearts are separated by their belly, who knows what they think of these great characters?"

The discussion on the side makes me depressed, but I don't have time to care about them now. I only won two days, the gun god that idiot was worried about his national weapon, and I didn't want to think about who was an idiot who was stolen by someone and blamed us. If I didn't want to turn the American guilds into enemies prematurely, I wouldn't bother to care about him!

"Purple Moon, I respect you and hope you will respect yourself." The ambassador to the United States still earnest and well-meant advised to persuade me: "You must not do anything wrong today, and your reputation is also It's not easy to come."

"What's wrong?" It's no good not to tell this kid clearly. There are so many people here, and it's not good for our guild to spread it out. "You brat know how deep the water is in here, so you jump in?"

"What are you talking about without water?" The ambassador to the United States couldn't understand what I said at all. "I'm saying, you'd better stop serving foreigners. If you have the strength, you can take us Chinese against the Yankees. You can definitely win."

It's really bad, I forgot the ambassador to the United States. This guy is just an ordinary player, and the deep game of "Zero" is only for deep-level personnel. "Zero" is the first case that can add political and social relations to the game, so most players can’t understand the mystery. The current ambassador to the United States is one of them. Practicing high is really playing games.

"Since you don’t understand, let’s talk to you in the vernacular! Originally wanted to save your face, now don’t blame me for speaking straight. If you don’t understand, I can’t help it. I just It means that politics is very dark, and there are too many forces involved in the Guoqi incident. You simply can’t understand and don’t realize the subtle relationship between these forces. Guoqi is a system established for guilds and nations to fight for hegemony. You are just a single player. It’s not good for you to mix with us."

The ambassador to the United States still shook his head, but he still didn’t understand.

I took a deep breath and suppressed my anger, and said patiently: "Okay! For example. National equipment is beautiful gems, and our guilds are a group of giant dragons. System throws these gems out. For us to rush to play, you a little sparrow has to mix with us to grab gems, even if our giant dragons are not malicious, when we fight, we can easily squeeze your sparrow to death. So you It’s best not to participate in things between us. Another point, don’t think of yourself as a savior, the interests of countries are not as simple as you think."

"You just want to betray your country." Xuan Xin Knowing that we can't explain clearly, interrupted us quickly. "Ambassador, don't listen to his sophistry, this guy is cunning!" Xuan Xin jumped off the horse directly. "Since you are stuck here, I will fight you to die and live. The blood of our patriots will not flow in vain."

A youngster among the onlookers suddenly said: "That MM Good thing, are we going to help?"

An older person behind the young man stopped him: "Are you stupid? People say you believe it? Although Purple Moon is with us I don’t know him, but he doesn’t look like that kind of person from his previous performance. I guess the probability is to believe that Purple Moon is safer. The performance is also pretty good."

Another player also said: "Look, let’s talk about it, it’s too early to make a final conclusion." Charged up with the sword. The profession of Taoist priest is somewhat similar to that of Western Demon Sword priest, and physical attacks are okay, but this Xuanxin is too confident. Since she knows my identity, she should know that I am not an ordinary player, even if she is a real melee professional, it is impossible to be better than me. She actually wants to play melee.

Seeing her approaching, I stepped back slightly, and the eternal sword flared. Ding. Half of the blade flew out, Xuan Xin looked at her weapon in surprise and withdrew back. Actually smashed a weapon with me, eternity is nothing to break, no weapon can hardly touch it.

Xuanxin’s attack was actually just to inspire a signal to fight, and she succeeded. Those who came back to pick them up ran to the front and drew their weapons to face me. It seemed that they were planning a gang fight.

I slowly raised the right hand, and the position where the blade of the Eternal Sword connects with the handle suddenly bounced off for a short section, and then the front bounced continuously, and the blade gradually bounced away. Decomposed into a state of whip and sword, but this is not over yet. After the eternal separation, some blade-like barbs suddenly bounced back to all around in every section after the eternal separation, and the entire sword body became a long snake with barbed spines. I input a small amount of magic power, the sword body immediately began to rotate, every section of the blade is rotating, and the small barbs on the section of the sword become a meat grinder after the high-speed rotation. A large piece of meat will surely be scraped off if you run into it.

"Although I don't want to, but it seems that it cannot be resolved peacefully today!" , Supports genuine reading!)

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