In an ordinary house in Warm Blood City, a few people are gathering together to discuss something.

A mage is talking. If you look closely, you will find that he is the Chinese ambassador to the United States who has engaged in several world-class Super Influence players. At this moment he was holding a long box in his arms. This box looks similar to the violin box, but it feels very heavy. The ambassador to the United States stroked the box and said: "What should we do with it?"

"It's better not to tell anyone and hide it carefully." It was the one I saw that spoke. The mage player standing next to the ambassador to the United States in the image I love China. No one can guess that he is Japanese without knowing it beforehand, because this guy's speech and appearance are more Chinese than Chinese.

The ambassador to the United States hesitated. "Is this not good? The Hot Blood League is also a big guild. We are not necessarily safe like this?" The beautiful and alluring female Taoist Xuan Xin said, holding the arm of the ambassador to the United States: "The strength of the Holy Lance League is not weak. I am worried that the War Blood League will not be able to hold it."

The ambassador to the United States immediately said: "The battle strength of the War Blood League is not too bad, right? For them, it’s not enough. They can also go to other cities. If we hold it by ourselves, if they give up Hot Blood City without knowing the reason, we will be caught by the people of the Holy Gun League, not again. Is it going to be snatched back by them? Besides, aren’t both the Frost Rose League and the Northern Alliance coming to reinforce this time? The three major guilds have joined forces to block the Holy Lance League. It shouldn’t be a problem, right? Although I have been in the United States for a long time, these three I’ve heard about the strength of the big guilds. Among them, the Frost Rose League is not good enough. They should keep it well?"

"It’s because they are so strong that they can’t be given to them. "I love Zhonghua Road: "At present, they seem to be protecting us, but they don't actually know what happened. The defensive behavior this time is actually just to protect their own city, that is, to protect their own city. Their own interests. No rich people are good things. They only know the interests. We can help them get the interests. They will naturally protect us. Once the other party gives high interests, we will be betrayed immediately."

The ambassador to the United States just wanted to refute, but Xuan Xin rushed to say: "They are outsiders after all. Maybe we thought it wrong, but we can't risk this. Ambassador, do you think it’s easy for us to grab this thing? If they sell it back again, what do you say should we do? Can you guarantee that we can snatch it out again?"

The ambassador to the United States shook his head: "But...!"

Da Qin Arrow God suddenly said: "Where are so many? This thing is of little use if we take it. As long as the Americans can't get it, we will contribute to China. Before the attitude of these big guilds is confirmed. It’s better not to hand over the things."

"I thought it would be finished if I snatch it out, but I didn’t know that things became more troublesome after I did it!" The ambassador to the United States rubbed his hair. Said: "It's so hard to decide!"

The sparrow Li San, who had been hanging on the beams of the house looking out through the transom, suddenly jumped from above. "There are a lot of troops outside and they are searching house-to-house. Wouldn't they be looking for us?"

At this time, there was a turmoil in Red Blood City. The reason was naturally the emergency search warrant.

bang bang bang! An ordinary wooden door was smashed and rumbling, as if it would crack at any time. The one who smashed the door was a city defense squad led by a cavalry. In addition to Knight, there were eight soldiers and a priest. Such a team is a standard patrol team in the player's city.

The wooden door finally opened at the last moment before it was about to be forcibly removed. A player with disheveled clothes and an angry face was about to yell at the outside when Knight pushed him aside, and then the squad behind him quickly rushed into the room. There was a woman's scream quickly from the room, but Knight didn't move at all. The player was pressed on the door panel as unfathomable mystery and extremely indignant, but considering that the city law enforcement Knight had an absolute spike ability against the player in a non-war state, he still did not dare to attack.

After entering the house, the soldiers had a clear division of labor. They opened all the drawers and cabinets of various sizes over a certain size, and searched all the rooms at the same time, not even letting go under the bed. The chaplain with the army even knocked on the floor and walls to determine if there was a mezzanine. On the bed in the master bedroom, a woman with a bare white fragrant shoulder gripped the quilt wrapped tightly and stared at the soldiers scurrying around the room in horror. After the priest entered the room, he began to knock again, and finally got under the bed and knocked, and suddenly he crawled out again. "There is a mezzanine below."

Without a word, the two soldiers rushed to the bed and carried them to the side with the woman above, which caused the woman to scream again. A soldier slammed his heavy shield against the ground, and the bottom edge shattered with a click, revealing a long black box similar to a violin box.

"Found it." The soldier exclaimed excitedly.

Knight at the door quickly rushed over, seeing the woman who hadn't looked at the bed, rushed to the side of the box to open the box. The box was locked, and Knight found that it was not open, without the slightest hesitation, inserting his Knight sword into the lock, twisting it hard, and bang the entire lock was useless. One opened the lid of the box, there was a black sponge in it, and a gorgeous two-handed sword lay on it.

Knight's expression of excitement disappeared instantly, and he threw the box back to the homeowner who rushed in. "I'm sorry to disturb the two of you. Please continue. You can apply for compensation from City Lord's Mansion for the loss of your floor and locks. I wish you all your best. Close the team." Of course, the last two words are for the soldiers, eight soldiers. Add a Knight and a priest ran away in a blink of an eye. It's not that they run fast and can run into the invisible distance in an instant, but they have already rushed into the room next door.

This kind of thing is happening everywhere in Hot Blood City, and the house where the ambassador to the United States is located is also within the search range.

"What should I do? They are getting closer." Sparrow Li San asked me to love China.

The ambassador to the United States asked puzzledly: "Why does the Hot Blood League carry out a large-scale search? Although the special search order can be issued by the president of the city's guild, it will have too much impact on the city's economy. Now, Feng Yin Piaomiao doesn’t seem to be someone who can do this kind of thing? Besides, why does he want to search the house? The house that the player buys in the city is private property. If he rushes to search, who will still be in such a city? Buying a house here?"

Xuan Xin lightly beat the ambassador to the United States: "You idiot, they came for this thing!"

I love China and took the opportunity to say: "It seems unfortunate that I guessed it right. The Blood League is not a true patriot."

"How come?" The ambassador to the United States was full of disbelief.

Xuan Xin pointed out the window. "It's all like this, don't you believe it? If the Hot Blood League is really patriotic, then they should be going to deal with the Hot Blood League now. But they are looking for this thing in turn, which shows that they don't want to keep this thing, otherwise they just need to keep the city well. It’s okay, it’s not necessary to get things in their hands. Maybe they just intend to use this thing to trade with Americans."

The hot-blooded man cursed angrily: "This group of traitors, It’s a shame for us Chinese. It’s because of such a scum that our Great China walks so hard!"

Ancient martial arts expert also interrupted: "These search teams don’t seem to be The army of the War Blood League, maybe the Frost Rose League and the Northern Alliance also participated in this matter."

Xuan Xin quickly scolded: "These scumbags will bully their own people if they can’t do well with the outside world. ."

The ambassador to the United States was also a little moved by what they said. "Oh...Human heart!..."

I love Zhonghua and said calmly: "Don't sigh, it's not the time to be sad, let me talk about it first. These traitors must know this thing. The whole city was searched in the city. We can’t let it be searched, we have to hide it quickly."

The ambassador to the United States said anxiously: "The new regulations on national equipment are too strict and cannot be Letting into the space ring means that it cannot be invisible and cannot be destroyed. What should I do?"

"Not being invisible does not mean not being able to hide." I love Zhonghua and quickly glanced at the situation in the room. Then he responded quickly to Xuan Xin and said: "Take off your clothes."

"Huh?" Xuan Xin stared at me in surprise.

I love China and directly took Xuan Xin and the ambassador to the United States and rushed to the master bedroom, and then shaken off the quilt on the bed. "You two, take off your clothes and put this thing in between you. After all, it is only NPCs that came to search. No matter how powerful they are, they still have to be restricted by the system. They dare not lift the player's quilt. Besides, Xuanxin, you still have female protection. , They can’t do anything to you.” Seeing that the two of them were still motionless, I loved Zhonghua very anxiously and said: “Aiya...When is it, you two don’t be shy anymore. I know you guys have long been' The wolf’s love is stolen, and there is nothing to lose in a drill in advance. Hurry up, and people are almost there."

The ambassador to the United States and Xuan Xin were finally put in bed, and the two of them were completely stripped of their lives. Hidden in the quilt, the thing was caught between the two of them, no one could see it, it would only think of the two of them doing that. After arranging these two people, I love Zhonghua quickly commanded the others to dispel the suspicion formation, and the actions were very quick.

Let me love China. They guessed it right. These NPCs are indeed not soldiers of the Warm Blood Alliance, but special troops of our Frost Rose Alliance. The intelligence of these NPCs is not inferior to the player's level, and even the average quality is slightly higher. The special NPC moved extremely fast and was searched and finally arrived in this room.

On the surface, there is no difference between this house and the previous ones, but Knight, who is in charge of this house, quickly discovered the skylight on the roof that was obviously not open. The plan is still going on, and Knight already has a set of action guidelines from the guild think tank in his mind, and nothing will change because of the small skylight. This latest search method was told to me by the regular special forces personnel arranged by General Wu. It is all methods used in actual combat, so it should be effective in the game.

The people who knocked on the door shook their heads. A business foul-mouthed came from the house. "Which bastard smashed the door? It's here, your grandma's don't smash it, will you pay if you smash it?"

Boom. The people who opened the door at the last sound and the people outside were stunned. Although Knight did not use too much force, he didn't expect to knock the door down. The person who opened the door walked more, and then he would have to lie down under the door.

"What are you doing?" The person who opened the door was the thief player Sparrow Li San. This guy is very upright, but his expression is a bit sensual, but it is this expression that conceals the actual characteristics of his calmness.

"The special search warrant issued by the City Lord, this is a written certificate." Knight stuffed a few pieces of paper into Sparrow Li San's hand, and then rushed into the room with all the people behind.

There is a table in the living room, and four people gathered in a circle, playing mahjong, a traditional Chinese game.

After seeing a battle squad rushing in, the people playing mahjong all jumped to the corner like an electric shock and took out their weapons. I love China’s voice trembling and asked: "Is gambling also forbidden in the game? We just play mahjong, don’t we run to catch gambling with such a great generosity? I know you guys have worked hard, so just accommodate you?"

"What kind of accommodation is not accommodating, we are not here to take a bet. You can stand still for me." Knight turned back and said: "Search."

The guard separated quickly After searching the rooms, the room where the ambassador to the United States and Xuan Xin were located was not spared either. The first soldier who rushed in saw the smooth back of a woman who was riding up and down on something. The scream immediately rang when the soldier was spotted, but the soldier didn't react much. He had been accustomed to this kind of ultrasonic weapons of women.

The woman quickly lay down and wrapped herself and the man under her in a quilt tightly, revealing only the heads of two people. The soldiers didn't show any interest in them, and quickly searched everything in the room and then backed out. After the entire house was searched, the team retreated. Knight explained before the week: "The loss will be reimbursed by the City Lord's Mansion, and the city is now under martial law. There is no need to leave the house, and the city cannot be used now. Transmission Formation, carts and horses, and the shops are all stopped, and it’s useless for you to come out."

After Knight gave the explanation, immediately led the team to the next house and quickly swept the row. Then the search team rushed to the street buildings behind. Sparrow Li San crouched on the side transom and looked at the team going away. "Fortunately, I love China and I’m smart enough, those idiots have gone far."

"Do you think that NPCCaptain is weird, especially the last explanation?"

" I don't know, we can't think of it, or just say it quickly?" Xuan Xin, who had changed back to normal clothes, asked me to love China.

I love Zhonghua and spread my hands together: "I don't know what's wrong."

In fact, on the other side, the cavalry leader who just left the sight of the building immediately changed. Complexion. "You two will report. The others hurried to find the surrounding team and tell them they found it."

A large number of troops gathered quickly, but due to the city's martial law, no one in the city can act as a spy. , So the ambassador to the United States only thought that the search team had gone, but they didn't know that tens of thousands of troops had gathered outside their sight.

Feng Yin Miomao and I ran to the Knight gasping for breath. "How is the situation?" I asked the Knight.

Knight gave a salute first, and then said: "We knocked on the door like searching a normal house. Of course, I found that the person who opened the door was a member of the magical image. Although it was a little dazed, it was good. At that time, I knocked the door down, so the surprised expression was concealed. The other party thought I was surprised because the door fell. Then we saw four other targets in the room, and finally found the main target in the inner bedroom. The ambassador to the United States and the woman named Xuan Xin were in the same bed, but we didn’t find the thing. After that, we pretended not to find anything and left there."

"Very good Go back to the official promotion Level 1."

This is the suggestion of the think tank. After finding the target, don't catch it immediately, but pretend that you didn't find it. What should I do? In fact, a large number of troops have been gathered to wait around, and as soon as we give an order, they will be drowned in a sea of ​​people.

Our concealment plan you did good, but the ambassador to the United States finally found the problem in the room. First of all, they noticed that the people in the surrounding households were gradually leaving. Every time they sneaked into a house alone, and then the whole family left. It would be nice to say if someone left in normal times, but this is the time of martial law. In this case, leaving the house will not be a great enemy.

Following this situation, Sparrow Li San found that more and more people began to appear on the tops of nearby buildings, and all the archers were obviously setting up obstruction posts to prevent them from escaping. After discovering the archer, I Love Zhonghua immediately realized that I was fooled. The Knight obviously discovered something, but it didn't show it at the time.

"This is over, we must have been surrounded." I love Zhonghua looking at the archer on the opposite roof and muttering to himself. "Does God have to help those Chinese people?" (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit, more chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!)

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