"American National Instruments?" I was almost speechless in surprise. "Are you sure? How did that thing get to China?"

Terry shook his head helplessly: "No matter how good my intelligence work is, it is impossible to know everything, right?"

< p>"In other words, no matter what the reason, the U.S. National Instruments is now in China, so those people from the Holy Gun League will go mad like crazy?"

"Almost." Terry took a Baiweiguo and ate it as he said: "Do you see this Baiweiguo?"

"I saw it."

"Its sweetness and deliciousness will attract you Many Insects are vying for food, and eating the fruit does have a lot of benefits, but these insects will eventually be eaten by the birds waiting next to you. Do you know what I mean?"

"You America Have people learned to detour?"

"There is no way! There are too many Chinese, and it is a disadvantage to deal with you and not understand your rules."

I nodded:" I understand what you mean, but I think you have also made a mistake. It seems that our communication is not deep enough, we need to be more honest. Then I will take the lead now." I cleared my throat and said: "I Acknowledge that your fruit tastes good.” Seeing Terry’s deliberately contemptuous eyes, I quickly corrected: “Well, it should be very tempting. But the situation is not as serious as you think. First, We are not an insect. The three major Chinese guilds are three dragons. Any one of them is enough to destroy the Divine Dragon of two or three small countries. So even if we want to eat fruit, the birds can only watch from a distance. Second, we are not. Attracted by the aroma of the fruit, in fact, we don’t even know the existence of this fruit. Our three Divine Dragons were all sleeping, but suddenly we were bitten by a crazy giant eagle, and then we took a bite from your eagle’s beak. I heard that another eagle bit the dragon because a fruit fell into the dragon lair. Do you understand now?” Terry was obviously surprised: “You didn’t do the thing. Is it?"

"Nonsense. Otherwise, what do you think I came to do with you? Show off? Do this kind of thing, I hope no one will know it, where is there to spread the truth?"

"That's weird!" Terry touched the chin and said: "I heard that the Holy Lance League lost the national weapon, of course I didn't care too much. Then yesterday there was intelligence that the person who took the national weapon was a Asian, I heard early this morning that the person had been determined to be Chinese and left the United States. At that time, I knew that the matter was not good, but it was too late to deal with it. The matter changed too suddenly, and the Holy Gun League urgently used the guild to store it for a long time. For a large-scale teleportation opportunity, you sent the team to your side to fight such a battle, and the purpose was nothing more than to grab the national weapon. Although our two personal relationships are good, you are also a businessman, knowing that we want to keep our friendship and interests. There can’t be too many reasons for entanglement, so on the issue of nationality alone, I’m impossible to inform you of this raid in advance. Can you understand this? "

"I can understand. "

"You can understand it. But I’m still curious. The preservation of the national instruments has always been tight, and it’s unreasonable to lose them suddenly, but it’s a bit too exaggerated to say that the Holy Gun League used this as an excuse to attack China. Moreover, according to my intelligence, things have actually arrived in China, but we don’t know how they got there. "

I nodded: "That's why you said there will be a second attack in the Holy Lance League, right? "

"Not only will there be a second time. There will be a third and fourth time, unless Guoqi returns to the United States or the United States is eliminated. Of course you know that the United States will not be destroyed, so the only solution is for the thing to come back. "

"Okay, I see. "I looked towards Terry and said, "Do you know the person who took your national weapon?" "

Terry shouted to the door: "Go and call Carlo." "

After a while, a tall, thin white man walked in. "What's the matter?" "

"Didn't you photograph that guy's appearance?" "

"Which guy?" "The thin tall man just finished speaking, and he suddenly reacted when he saw me sitting across from him: "Oh, you said the Chinese who stole the national equipment." You guys wait a minute. "He turned around and ran out, and after a while he ran back, with an extra crystal stone in his hand. "Here. "

I took the crystal and opened it. Inside was a youngster wearing a mage's robe. His appearance was relatively ordinary, with a round face, slightly fat, and very strong. The picture is a screenshot saved, so it is still There are other people in the picture. It seems that the Chinese player was planning to board the boat at the time. What's more terrible is that there is a row of clear Chinese characters on the side of the boat—Qingdao, China.

My expression is a little bit slightly different. Embarrassing. "Hehe, didn't expect! "

Terry said: "You don't have to mind this. Those who can be instigated by a ship's name are ignorant civilians. Those who have the power to threaten you will not be fooled by this. "

I pointed to the people next to the mage. "These people seem to be protecting him, are they together?" "

"It seems to be. "The thin tall man pointed at the crystal projection and explained it to me: "The wizard game that looked around him is called I Love China. "Speaking of this, he suddenly laughed evilly: "But I found a very interesting news. "

"What news? "

"This I love China is a standard Japanese. "

My expression has also become weird. A Japanese with a name that makes people think of Chinese so easily, even if you don't know his specific purpose, it's okay to guess." What about these people? "

The thin and tall man immediately pointed to the others one after another and introduced: "This Chinese martial arts professional is called an'ancient martial arts expert', and this sword warrior is called a'hot-blooded good man'. This professional female Taoist priest with Chinese characteristics is called Xuanxin, the archer is called Daqin Arrow God, and the thief is called Sparrow Li San. Moreover, another explosive news about them is..." This guy paused deliberately before continuing: "They are all Japanese. Except for the mage holding our American national weapon, who is a real Chinese, these guys are all Japanese. "

"What is the name of this mage?" "

"Ambassador to the United States. "

I shook the head with a wry smile. A Chinese person gave a pro-American name, which probably means the same as those Japanese people gave a Chinese name. I watched the middle Chinese mage talk to himself Said: "Are you a mantis or a chameleon? "

Terry asked me suspiciously: "What did you say?" "

"Eh...nothing! By the way, can you please do me a favor? "

"What do you want me to do?" "

"Help me and the Holy Gun League be an intermediary, just say that this was an accident. Or..."

Terry reached out and stopped me from continuing: "I understand what you mean, but I can't do this. "

"Why? "

"It's not that I don't help you, but that I don't have the ability. There are factions in the United States. Although the Neptune Palace and the Holy Spear League are not considered as opposing guilds, at least they are not in the friendly range, so I can only let you fight as a middleman. But don't worry, I can't, it doesn't mean I can't find someone to do it. And this matter is of great importance. You know, there is only one month left in the national war, and the national equipment has already made anyone crazy at this time. Are you looking for a third-party agent for such a major matter too lightly? You are hostile and it is indeed difficult to communicate, but I am only looking for someone to help you as a bridge between, and you have to talk about it yourself. "

"Of course I can talk, so first take me to see the middleman? "

"Okay. "

Following Terry to send out to the sea to the temple and directly arrive at a city called Rainbow City. It can be said that this city is quite unique, and it is almost a woman-dominated city. , Because whether it’s the street or the building, it embodies a little girl-like dreamy feeling, like a fairy tale world.

Terry saw my eyes floating around and smiled at me:" Does it feel strange? "

"It's strange, but I have to admit that it's really beautiful. "

Terry said puzzledly: "Pretty? I think your Isinger is still the most beautiful. "

"You should go to the City of Commandments when you have time. That is the most beautiful city I have now. But this is according to your statement. Some people may think that the city of commandments is more depressing. "

"New city? Go and see if you have time. "Terry said: "But can you guess who this city belongs to now?" "After asking, Terry waited with a smile on my face and said I don't know.

"Probably I can guess it. "My words were beyond Terry's expectations.

"Can you guess that? "

I smiled nodded: "It's probably Yusina's?" "

Usina is her real name. Her name in the game should be Elsa. This Usina is Nagato Princess of the North American Electric Group. Last time the major groups came to China for a meeting She was in it when she was in the game. Her guild in the game was called Rainbow Alliance. When she came, Terry told me that the teleportation target was called Rainbow City. I naturally thought of Rainbow Alliance. Now Terry wants me to guess whose city this is. , That means it must be someone I know, otherwise he won’t let me guess. I don’t know many people in the United States, and it’s easy to judge that this is Usina or El Sha’s city.

Terry was surprised at how accurate I guessed. "You knew this before? "I shook my head, and then said my own basis, Terry listened straight nodded. "I have to admit that you Chinese are magical, why can you combine some completely unrelated things? "

"It's probably a cultural difference! "I smiled and said: "You brought me here, did you mean that your purpose is to let Usina be a regulator?" "

"Shhh.... "Terry motioned to me quietly. "It's better not to call Usina's real name here, and you better not to call my real name." We are different from you. We have a high exposure rate in the United States and many people know us. If we say that our real name is easy to be recognized, it is better to call the game. "

I'm nodded. "So special... Dragon Blue. "Almost yelled wrong again. "Is Elsa really suitable to be a regulator?" "

"Do you know what Rainbow Alliance produces?" "Terry didn't answer my question but asked me instead.

"I don't know. "I shook my head.

"The Rainbow Alliance industry includes several giant lead mines, which account for almost 90% of the national output. Lead is a necessary raw material for bullets. Do you understand what I mean? "

I’m nodded. If you don’t understand this, you won’t be a fool? What does the Holy Lance League rely on for war? Of course it is a musket. Of course, muskets consume bullets, and lead is used to make bullets. Ninety of the lead comes from the Rainbow Alliance. Under such a joint relationship, the Holy Lance League and whoever turn their faces will not turn their faces with the Rainbow Alliance, or else they are courting death. The Musketeers without the supply of bullets are not as good as the Peasant Army. !

Under Terry’s lead, we quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Rainbow Alliance. This building is very unique. Its shape is a rainbow across the center of the city, which looks quite beautiful , But I very much doubt that such a building will collapse immediately during a war. It is obviously more beautiful than practical.

Terry obviously has the same opinion as me, pointing to the building and saying: "Look at this What are they? The two supporting legs on both sides have to bear such a heavy weight. If a shell falls on one supporting leg, the building must fall. And this thing lays over the city center. If it really falls down, the buildings below will suffer as well, just in case...! "

"Not so much in case. "An angry female voice appeared behind us. "If you don't like it, don't like it!" I didn't force you to like it. Every time I came, I had to comment on the guild headquarters. Do you think your headquarters is built like a bomb shelter? "

"Especially...Elsa. remember me? "I turned around to say hello to Usina.

"God...Purple Moon. "Usina almost yelled wrong when she got excited. "How can I forget you!" Why are you free today? I heard you are busy? "

"Busy is very busy, but I didn't come here today to hide. Now I am busy with you! "

"Look for me? "Usina looked at us, then said: "Come with me, it's not very convenient here." "

We were taken by Usina into her headquarters building. The inside of the rainbow is no simpler than the outside. The decorations are made like a flower shop, which is really terrifying! The last meeting hall that arrived There is a circle of flowers on the periphery, and a negotiating table in the center. I guess if someone lay down on the table and a circle of people standing outside, people who didn’t know saw it and thought there was a memorial service!

"You really have a lot of flowers here? "I can't talk about people's aesthetics when asking for help. Besides, aesthetics is a personal issue. There are only mainstream and partiality. There is no absolute good or bad. If people like this style, you can't control it.

didn't expect I just finished talking about Usina and laughed bitterly by herself: "I knew you were going to talk about this flower. Okay, Longlan, don't roll your eyes, it's not mine. Our guild recently came to a girl known as the Flower God, who has super fierce battle strength, but it is a pity that this aesthetic is really terrible. And she wouldn’t be willing to join our guild without arranging the headquarters, and I couldn’t help it! "

"What I said! "Terry said: "I don't know if you think you have overproduction of flowers here!" "

"Okay, well, don't talk about me. Tell me what are you guys doing? "

Terry pointed at me: "There is nothing wrong with me, he has something to look for you, I am just leading the way." "

Usina's gaze turned and looked towards me, I quickly said the matter. Usina didn't think much, and immediately agreed. Anyway, she was just a matchmaking, and the talk was not a holy gun. The league side will not have any bad feelings towards him, and my side will definitely owe personal love anyway. She makes a sure profit without losing money.

Chinese people like to find relationships.

Incidentally, Americans have no such habit. No matter which of the two methods is better, at least the American method is much faster. In less than half an hour, I sat face to face with the gun god at the negotiating table, and acted as an intermediary. Yusina was not there at all. Her middleman was really "duty". She only introduced me and ran away. It was obvious to the gunman that she did not support any party, but just acted as an introducer.

"Meeting again? "The gun god stared at me and said.

"Don't make medicinal smell so hot, okay? Although I came with sincerity, you know that I don’t need to beg you. I just hope that you will give me some time so that I will find this national instrument for you. If you agree, it can save a lot of manpower and material resources for both of you and us, and our guild will also remember your favor. "

"Humanity is something of your Chinese people, we Americans don't like this. The benefits must be visible and tangible. The starting price you pay is naturally easy to talk about. "

I am quite annoyed at the discord with the gun god, and I am not polite. "My price is half of your strength, and you also know the shortcomings of your guild, don’t want either For the fish dies or the net splits, you have to give us time. The Holy Lance League is not a small guild. You should have the news I got too, right? Why give others being used as a tool? "

"What information?" "The gun god heard my'being used as a tool' three words, and the reaction was very big. It didn't look like it was pretending. Maybe it really didn't receive relevant information.

The crystal brought out was taken out and input a little magic power, and the projected photo immediately appeared in the air. "Isn't this the guy called the ambassador to the United States? Have you found him? "

I shook my head: "Are you aware of the few people around this person?" "

"Well, my people also took pictures of them getting on the boat. You Chinese are really agile, so a few people have actually swept away our national instruments. "

"This is the difference between my intelligence and yours. "I calmly said: "I got a reliable message from others. Among the few people in Crystal Image, except for the middle ambassador to the United States who is a real Chinese, the surrounding ones are all Japanese. people. Although their names will remind people of Chinese, they are indeed Japanese. "

As the first battle strength in the United States, the gun god is not only strong in skills and weapons, but people with poor intelligence are absolutely impossible to become a number one expert. I have said so much, and he immediately guessed When it comes to the outline of the matter. "putting it that way is indeed a trap. "The gun god did not hesitate. Swift and decisive under caution are the qualities of the expert. He quickly said to me: "It seems that you are right. We will give you two more days, and then it will be our business. . "

"Okay, Frost Rose has remembered your favor. "I stood up and extended the hand to the gun god. He also shook my hand boldly and turned to leave. Several players from the Holy Gun League sent me to the Transmission Formation and watched me leave before turning back and returning to life.

First teleport to the starting point city, and then use the Transnational Transmission Formation to jump back to Isengard. Feng Yin Miaomiao and Misty Rain are already waiting here. Feng Yin Miaomiao immediately rushed forward after seeing me. "What did you find? Yet? How did the US react? For what exactly did this fight happen? "

I told all the information I heard from Terry, Feng Yin Misty and Misty Rain were all dumbfounded.

"You, you...you mean the United States The device arrived in China, and it's in my city? "Feng Yin Misty reacted the most and almost jumped up from the bench.

"Calm... Calm down first! "I pressed Feng Yin Misao back to my seat. "In fact, the bigger secret is not that the American Divine Item arrived in China. After all, things are here. The system also restricts national equipment from being taken offline, destroyed, or placed in special warehouses. We You can definitely grab it back and send it to the United States. The key issue is still with the people next to the ambassador to the United States. These Japanese at this time pretended to be Chinese and followed the ambassador to the United States. Obviously, they wanted to bring us and the Americans into conflict. They are good for the fishermen. Even the ambassador to the United States may be a pro-Japanese, maybe he is not out of patriotism, but for other reasons. "

"You can't jump to conclusions before you are uncertain. Feng Yin said in a misty voice: "But at least one thing is certain-the two-day commitment that Purple Moon got is too short, and we must find a way to find the ambassador to the United States as soon as possible to get the national equipment back. "

Hong Yue said to Feng Yin in a misty voice: "Brother, do you issue a search warrant for the whole city? You can't control the city's evaluation decline. It's better than fighting the Americans and letting the Japanese take advantage of it." Bar? "(To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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