"Grab her."

We rushed up quickly, but Sha Yezi jumped out at a faster speed.

The small dragon girl quickly made a handprint. "Five words curse." With a boom, Sha Yezi flew out quickly as if he was suddenly beaten. white light flashed, she flew out of my chest. The small dragon female and Hong Ling chased them out, and I quickly took control of the body and regained control of the body. Yeyue quickly lifted my petrified state.

Ling ran over excitedly. "You finally recovered!"

"Thanks to Yeyue's petrification. Otherwise, I will have multiple holes in my heart!"

"Now it is also indispensable." Sha Yezi Suddenly pounced.

"The beauty of thinking." Yeyue stabbed with a sword, and didn't expect Sha Yezi to hide. pu chi. Everyone's attacks were hit. Sha Yezi had more than twenty weapons inserted into his body, among which is included the claws, and Sha Yezi only hit one move, which was in my chest. Her entire palm was inserted until her wrist, but there was no blood flowing out.

Although Sha Yezi was inserted like a hedgehog, he still threatened us proudly: "If you move again, I will squeeze his heart. Also, don’t use that trick to petrify, you It’s too late."

Ye Yue said angrily: "Let go. As long as our weapons are injected with magic power, you will immediately the soul flew away and scattered."

"at worst Let's fight it once." Sha Yezi was arrogant enough. "My attack is not as simple as yours. A death is a small one. If you drain your experience, it is not a problem to drop Level 10 and Level 8. How about? Do you want to try?"

People around There was no answer, but the ground suddenly broke through a black hole in space without extinguishing. The small dragon girl flashed out of the black hole. "Medium." A piece of talisman paper was accurately pasted on Sha Yezi's forehead.

"Ah!" With a flash of lightning, Sha Yezi was directly blasted out for more than ten meters, and even the people who stabbed her with a weapon were shocked, but we were separated anyway.

The hole in the chest is nothing. He lost one third in his health, but we have nurses in the army, which is nothing. "Sha Yezi, you really annoyed me!"

"You provoked me first." Sha Yezi yelled at me from far away.

There was a whirlwind around me, and the injured body was switched to the peak state trumpet of Yinyue. "Sun Fireball."

"Ah! Sunshine!" Sha Yezi was taken aback. As soon as Fireball came out, before she attacked her, her body started to smoke. Really, how did I forget this. No matter how powerful Sha Yezi is, she is still a ghost anyway, and sunlight is harmful to ghosts. But powerful ghosts like Sha Yezi are not afraid of ordinary sunlight, but I can summon too Yang Fire, the formidable power increases greatly at close range, much more damage than normal sunlight.

"Are you afraid of the sun?" I smiled and walked towards Sha Yezi, while the top of the sun rod in my hand lit up with dazzling rays of light.

"Don't come here, you bastard!" Sha Yezi shouted as she stepped back. "Sunlight will make me uncomfortable, but it can't actually hurt me, so you don't want to make unnecessary provocations, okay?"

"Not good. Unless you are willing to accept summon."

"Never. As long as the soul is destroyed, there is no surrender."

"The soul? Is it your race? I have never heard of this species, but here I am the only one who wants to kill There is no difference between resistance and surrender."

"It’s a big breath." There was an untimely voice behind me, and some of the players who came to revenge unexpectedly rushed come over. The evil spirit Knight has taken an absolute advantage, but these few stronger ones have passed through. Neither I nor Ben looked back, the Phoenix Dragon Space spread out behind me, and the giant Familiar was dispatched.

I continue to stare at Sha Yezi. "You have great potential, I can feel it. As a trainer, understanding the abilities of other creatures is a basic requirement. I can see that you are strong, but now you are weak. Joining us is your only choice. "

Ling also helped: "There is nothing wrong with following us. Do you have any wish that we can work with you to accomplish it later. As for freedom...Do you really understand the meaning of freedom?"

Sha Yezi hesitated for a while, and then said resolutely: "I am not worried about freedom. This is a matter of principle."

"Principles? Principles not willing to surrender?"< /p>


"Then for whom do you stick to your principles?"

"I...I...I can't surrender anyway."


I shook my head helplessly: "Then there is nothing more to say. If you really don't want to, I can't force you." Sha Yezi was obviously happy when he heard it, but what I said next Immediately made her expression froze. "I will make you disappear in dignity. The small dragon girl, Hong Ling, I will leave it to you afterwards."

"Small question." Hong Ling fell in front of Sha Yezi. "It's really a pity for you, freedom and principles. It took me three thousand years to understand their true meaning. Unfortunately, you don't have to think about it for so long."

Ling took a step forward. "The magic mirror space-closed." Sha Yezi looked around nervously, Ling comforted: "Don't be afraid, this is just a space magic. I temporarily closed the space here, small dragon girl, oh, I forgot to introduce it, that's it. This. She will use Immortal Technique with this red Ling to erase you and this closed space together. My magic is only to prevent the leakage of magic power from affecting the stability of the nearby space."

Hong Ling feeds this space for a while, and then leaves some red powder around. Sha Yezi obviously didn't want to sit back and wait for death. She slammed into the closed space boundary several times, only to be bounced back.

Ling calmly said: "Don't bother, this magic is a single type, as long as your power does not exceed me too much, you are impossible to break it before I give up."

"Then I will kill you first." Sha Yezi suddenly rushed towards Ling.

"Life burns." Yeyue suddenly appeared in front of Ling, her eyepieces instantly retracted into her forehead, and her eyes flashed with red rays of light. Sha Yezi rushed halfway, and suddenly flashed out to the side, because her hand had been burned to black. Ye Yue smiled and said: "My vision is inherited from Nuwa ancestors. Although it consumes a lot of money, it is not a problem to seal you in a short time. I suggest you don't try to rush over again. This way you will die very painful and wasteful. Why bother with my strength? The master doesn't plan to want you now, go with peace of mind."

Sha Yezi naturally didn't believe in this set, but the results of the attempts were the same. What Ye Yue said is the truth. This magic eye is the inheritance of Nuwa divine force. Although it cannot be used often, the instant formidable power is definitely terrifying.

Small dragon girls took advantage of their time to complete the large Supreme Ultimate Array on the ground. She and Hong Ling each held a Yin-Yang Fish eye position. "Master, it's done."

"Very good." The black sheltered space suddenly disappeared, and I appeared in Sha Yezi's sight again. "Hello, beautiful lady ghost. Does it feel relieved to see me?"

"I admit it's a bit, but don't you intend to destroy me? Are you planning to do it yourself?"< /p>

"I have said it many times. I am an animal trainer, and my own hands only appear when there is no dangerous small problem or when it is a last resort. The normal situation should be the way it is now. As for the killing you said Do you really believe it if you lose you?"

Ling finally couldn't help but laughed, but all the familiars around him laughed. After all, Xiaochun, who stood outside the battle, was once Goddess of Light, and she was kind-hearted. It seems that Sha Yezi is too pitiful, so she explained: "Anyway, we will also have to cooperate in the future. Let me tell you one important point first. That's it. That's—what the master said, the more formal, the more lies."

Listening to Xiaochun's explanation, Sha Yezi's expression became very strange, and I helplessly laughed twice. "Well, Miss Sha Yezi, I believe that if you stop Xiaochun, you should know my style. What I said just now is a scam, I didn't intend to let you go. Making such a large space cover you just to cover the small dragon The female and Hong Ling completed this Yin-Yang Transformation formation. Do you know what this formation is for?"

Sha Yezi looked around. "Hurt me."

"Almost." I continued to explain: "The function of this array is to absorb the power of one of them to supplement the other side, and the points where the two of them are standing happen to be the magic vacuum zone. It is also a control zone. Look at our feet and you will understand that you are standing on the white side, and I am standing on the black side. The two of us are now sealed here, and no one can get out until the Formation is completed. The white area under your feet will become darker for a while, and my side will become brighter and brighter. When the color is completely reversed, you will enter a state of complete weakness, and I will enter a state of prosperity. After that, the remaining power will be used. To strengthen the first skill I will use next, this skill will gain ten times the normal value of formidable power. Taking you a familiar will cause me to move such a big Formation. It really convinces you. I have never seen it. You are such a stubborn existence!"

"I won't give in." Sha Yezi ran out violently, but was bounced back from the edge of the Tai Chi formation, and then she began to look up and down. It’s a pity that it’s completely ineffective.

I smiled and said: "The more you move, the faster the transformation speed, look at your feet."

The Tai Chi array under our two feet has already shown obvious discoloration. Although it is still darker on my side, it is not much darker than the other half, and the ones on the other side have also turned gray. Sha Yezi wanted to run anxiously, but it was a pity that she couldn't do anything with this Formation. The more she hits, the faster she loses.

This Tai Chi formation was invented by Hong Ling, but it must be used by two people together. Unfortunately, the absorbed energy can only be vented once, and cannot be strengthened for a long time, otherwise the Formation will definitely be Become the strongest skill.

In a short while, the half under my feet has almost turned white, and Sha Yezi on the opposite side has already had some difficulty even standing. The ability of this array to extract power is not so powerful, it almost drained Sha Yezi in such a short time. Seeing my side was completely lit up, and Sha Yezi's side went completely dark, Formation suddenly ended. This thing will disappear automatically once it reaches its limit. Both the small dragon girl and Hong Ling took a breath, obviously exhausted. Sha Yezi was completely unable to stand, lying on the ground looking at me with a vigilant and bitter look.

I restored the Purple Moon form, and a white ball of light flew directly into my right hand. This is the power stripped from Sha Yezi. These powers were added to the capture skills. I slowly squatted down and pressed Sha Yezi's forehead with my right hand. "You can't run away this time, accept my summon."

White light flashed, there is no confirmation information after the capture of the normal familiar, but I was shocked by a huge force. . "Master." Ye Yue quickly caught me, thanks to her long tail, otherwise it would be too late.

"What's the matter? Didn't it succeed?" Ling asked.

"I don't know, wait for me to take a look."

There is indeed a Sha Yezi's name in the list of magic familiar summon, which means that summon has been completed. But why didn't I hear the prompt to name the familiar?

Sha Yezi sat up from the ground, she touched her whole body very nervously, then stared at all around with panicked eyes, looked towards me after a long time One sentence: "Is this done?"

I am not sure about it myself: "Probably so!"

"What did you do to me? I really Is it your favorite?" Sha Yezi still didn't believe it. "Why don't I feel anything at all?"

"No feeling?" I thought about it and asked Ling and the others: "How did you feel when you became a familiar?"

Ling thought for a moment and said: "It doesn't feel much! I just know that of course we feel that our connection has suddenly become closer, and I feel that you look so kind."

Ye Yue said: "I am from After waking up from the seal, I found you by my side and thought you were trustworthy, so there is no comparison, I don’t know what it feels like."

The small dragon girl looked at me and shook her hand quickly:" I was raised by you from the dragon egg, how can I feel!"

Xiaochun suddenly said: "Actually I have a strong feeling."

I immediately looked towards Xiaochun. "Quickly talk about it."

Xiaochun said: "Because you and I can be said to be half hostile before, you are also half threatening and half compelling to subdue me. I actually hated you at the time, but in The moment I became a demon pet, I suddenly felt a kind of worry in my heart. I clearly felt that you were hateful, but I couldn’t show it to you."

"You haven't shown it yet? Of course you almost cut it with a knife. I am!"

I smiled awkwardly, then looked towards Sha Yezi. "You should be able to feel the same feeling?"

Sha Yezi shook the head. "I don't feel it, you are still so abominable. But I feel the powerful magical power rushing to me from you, and my power has been strengthened more than doubled."

Ling nodded and said: "That seems to be a success. We are all special existences, and we have a team bonus to each other. So you feel strong, but you are strengthened by us."

The small dragon woman suddenly said "In fact, this is a good proof!" She threw a Fireball at Sha Yezi's feet. Samadhi True Fire was still recognized by Sha Yezi, and she quickly drew away, but the flame speed was too fast and it burned to the ground. She didn't feel any sensation under her feet. small dragon female said: "Most magic has the ability to automatically recognize. You are obviously considered to be your own person, so it is invalid for you."

I quickly transformed into a silver moon state and ignited it again. After the fire of the sun, but such strong sunlight has no effect at such a close distance, Sha Yezi is not afraid of this light at all. I changed back to the Purple Moon form and said: "It seems to be a success."

Ling suddenly whispered into my ears: "Check the attribute, maybe something went wrong."

I immediately took a look at the attribute. Sha Yezi's name is at the bottom of the new Familiar list, and the type column says Secret Curse and Soul. I didn't even have time to look at the latter attribute, and I was stunned by an attribute that I never cared about. Sha Yezi's loyalty column is actually zero. Among my familiars, only Xiaochun had low loyalty before, but it has gradually reconciled. At present, all my demon pets are Loyalty One Hundred. Ling even possesses loyalty. Loyalty never needs to worry. Didn't expect there will be a zero loyalty situation.

It is best to control the loyalty of the familiar generally above 90. Of course, this requires certain skills, but it is not a problem for the average player to maintain the loyalty of the familiar above 80. As long as it is not abusing the familiar, loyalty will slowly rise when fighting together, and it is not a problem to keep it above eighty. Generally, if the loyalty of the familiar is more than eighty, the command will absolutely obey the order, which is enough to adapt to most battles. If the loyalty is lower than eighty and above sixty, then there is no big problem. This loyalty can basically guarantee command, but occasionally there will be cases of incomplete obedience to orders, but generally there is nothing at worst. As for the loyalty below sixty, this is quite troublesome. If the loyalty is less than sixty, he basically doesn't obey the command, and ignores the master's orders, which is very difficult to control. In addition to eating, almost other commands were not executed in place.

Of the loyalty below sixty, thirty is the threshold. Familiar familiars above thirty loyalty are disobedient and can be used somewhat, but familiars below thirty are basically similar to wild animals. Almost everything can be done except that it is unlikely to actively attack the owner, and the owner's binding force is about the same as without. But the situation of loyalty zero is indeed the first time I have seen it. To be precise, I haven't even heard of it before. How can this be a favorite? It's simply lost the position of a favorite. Confiscating such a familiar is the same as confiscating it.

I was looking at the attribute and suddenly felt a pain in my neck. When I looked up, I saw Sha Yezi poke my neck with her nails. "What are you doing?"

Sha Yezi asked me excitedly: "Does it hurt?"

"Will you give me a prick to see if it hurts?"

< p>"That's good." Sha Yezi's expression suddenly became sullen, and she grabbed the small dragon girl's dragon girl sword and slashed at me.

"Wow! What are you doing?" I jumped out.

Sha Yezi rushed up with a sword. "I want a revolution."

"Hey, calm down!" The small dragon girl rushed up from behind and hugged Sha Yezi.

"I'm going to cut you off, a big liar. I want to pay a price for accepting me as a demon pet." Sha Yezi broke away from the small dragon woman's restraint, and rushed towards me again.

"Don't be impulsive." I raised my hand: "Binding technique."

Golden light flashed, Sha Yezi was trapped, but she quickly ran away from the aperture Come out, I pat the forehead. "Forget! Non-beneficial magic doesn't work for her own people!"

"Go to death." Sha Yezi jumped up and struck down with a sword, but she was caught in mid-air. Given live. Magic does not work, but physical bondage is still effective. Yeyue once again took advantage of the big tail and used her tail to roll up Sha Yezi. The small dragon woman took advantage of the situation and snatched her sword back.

I ran back in a cold sweat, looking at Sha Yezi who was being curled up and struggling. "Huh! It's actually like this, this is a big trouble!"

Xiaochun said with an expression on the person who came over: "It doesn't matter, just cultivate more feelings."

Ye Yue immediately said: "Then the host personally cooks a few dishes and sits down with Sha Yezi to talk, eating together helps to increase trust."

I looked at Sha Yezi's fierce expression and said: "I guess she hopes to chop me up on a plate now. It's for my girlfriend to have dinner together, and it has to be a situation where we don't dislike each other. We are all in danger. What kind of dinner did you have?"

"Or try to fight side by side?" Xiaochun said: "Of course I was moved by your fighting performance."

I pointed Sha Yezi said: "Come on! If I let her go now, she might be able to fight side by side with the enemy and kill me." Eminis suddenly said, "Then let's go to the last resort."

"We have a last resort?"

"Of course there is." Emenes said: "Time can resolve all contradictions."

"This The trick is also useless. The prerequisite for time to resolve contradictions is that no more new contradictions are added. With her current attitude, as long as she gains freedom, she will immediately run away, and contradictions will be turned upside down. Reconciliation is hopeless, and betrayal is true. Sure." (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit www.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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