"I don't want to provoke you, so don't make my mind." Sha Yezi looked at us and said, "Just leave like this, can you?"

" It could have been possible, but now...I'm afraid it won't work anymore!" I smiled and looked at Sha Yezi. This demonic girl is definitely not a good kind, if she doesn't control her now, it's hard to guarantee what she can do for a while. At present, it seems that she can absorb the strength of others and strengthen herself. After absorbing those lords, her strength has increased by at least ten times. I'm not sure whether her strengthening attributes can be strengthened indefinitely, or there is a tipping point. She dare not move us now because she is not our opponent for the time being, but if we don't deal with her now, when she absorbs too much power, the choice will not be on our side.

Sha Yezi glanced at me with a very resentful look: "Hey...! The little girl is really fate! The adults want the power of the little girl, no one sympathizes with me. Since the adults are like this Said, the little girl doesn't resist anymore, if the adults want to take it!" Then she closed her eyes and stood still.

I jumped off the back of Ye Ying, took off the helmet and gloves and put them away. After I walked to Sha Yezi's side, I kept a distance of more than one meter with her and circled her, and then walked in front of her again. Sha Yezi remained motionless during this period. It seemed that she had really given up resistance, but I never believed that the pie would fall from the sky.

Take a step forward and walk to stand in front of Sha Yezi. Extend the right hand to poke her long hair away, use the index finger to slowly slide along her eyebrow line to her forehead, and then press the entire palm on her forehead. After all, the ghost is not a living person. Although her forehead is very slippery, it is as cold as a piece of cold jade. I took a deep breath, then closed my eyes, and then a little faint rays of light came out from the palm of my hand.

At this moment, Sha Yezi's eyes suddenly opened, but unlike before, her eyes became blood red. At the same time, her mouth opened sharply, revealing a mouth with sharp teeth, and her tongue stretched out like a snake. Her hands were raised sharply, and her sharp nails stretched out over a foot long, almost instantly changing from a standing girl into a ghost form. But just when she stretched her head to bite my neck, a Tai Chi Chart on the ground suddenly lit up, and then Sha Yezi's body suddenly stopped moving. She froze for a moment in panic, and then tried hard to struggling to rush up to bite me, but she just couldn't move a bit.

"Don't bother." I slowly opened my eyes. "Do you know why I circled around you first?"

Sha Yezi's body can no longer move, but his head can still move in a small range. She lowered her head and glanced at the Tai Chi array that was still lit with white light on the ground, and immediately understood what I had just done. It's not a tentative act to circle her, I'm setting up a formation. Tai Chi Soul Locking Formation is of no use to living people, and it's very stable to suppress ghosts.

"You are really mean."

"Hey, you lied first, OK?"

"You didn’t let me go first ."

"You refused to see me first."

"It was you who came to see me. I have no obligation to see you."

" You have swept my face, I have the right to retaliate."

"You intend to retaliate against me. I have the right to use tactics including swindle to escape."

"You want Run, of course I will use this thing to circle you."

"You, you...!" Sha Yezi finally stopped coming out. I am an expert in making fallacies, and it is impossible to push the blame on me.

"Obediently and honestly, be my favorite." I pressed my hand to Sha Yezi's forehead again.

"Wait, wait." Sha Yezi cried out in a panic, and once again restored the image of a pure girl. "I know something can compensate you, let me go!"

"Hey, can you give me some noodles, okay?" Ling walked over to Sha Yezi and said, "I was willing to be a demon pet. Yes, I almost missed it. You are not willing to have such a good opportunity. What a fool!"

"You are a fool!" Sha Yezi said anxiously, "Being taken into account. Pet, it's too late to run, you actually jumped up on your own, do you have brain issues? I don't care, don't drag me down! I don't want to be a demon pet. Hey, my lord, can I give you other compensation?"

I laughed. "After accepting you as a devil, you must tell me what you know. This cannot be a bargaining chip. Obediently and honestly don't resist. Let me help you stamp it. If you resist, you will suffer more."


pu chi. The familiar skill was interrupted before it was activated because I had three arrows nailed to my right arm. Every arrow was shot through, and all of them had houndstooth barbs, which would have to tear off a large piece of flesh if they were pulled out. Look at the light flashing fluorescence on the arrow, you know that it is a magic arrow, or it is impossible to shoot through the dragon armor.

"Miss said no." A man stood at the entrance of the village with an open bow. There were four people standing with him beside him, one of them was a female ninja, a warrior, an Onmyouji plus one Unidentified professional, suspected to be Demon Hunter.

I put down my hand and slowly turned to face the five people, looked at the arm that was shot through, and then raised my head to look at the people. "Excuse me, is the hole under your nose a sex?"

The other party understood what I meant and said with a mocking smile: "You can only use martial power to talk to people like you."< /p>

"So what are you waiting for?" I snapped my fingers. "The fertile fields were chopped up."

With a boom, the ground around those people was suddenly violent. Numerous vines came out of the ground and wrapped them in, and then pulled them into the ground as a whole. Once brought into the deep underground by rose vines, no matter how good you are, it is useless. Rose Vine’s best trick is to collapse the land above it and use the pressure of the ground itself to subdue the enemy. Rose Vine is not afraid of pressure anyway. To deal with enemies of different strengths, just get the opponent to different depths.

I looked at the arrow in my hand again, shook the head helplessly. "Xiaochun, Grandma, come out and help!"

It is convenient to carry the nurse with you. Xiaochun used my eternity to help me cut the arrow shaft, and then Aanna used healing magic to temporarily help me in the pain, and after pulling out the arrow shaft, Xiaochun directly used the divine healing technique to recover the wound. I moved my arms a bit, but fortunately, it seems to be back to normal.

Boom. There was another big explosion in the place where the rose vine swallowed five people. A beam of light shot into the sky and flew around the gravel. Five black shadows flew out of it. One of the smaller black shadows immediately bounced up and flew towards me after landing. The opponent was very fast, and he was in front of me in the blink of an eye. when. With a crisp sound accompanied by the fire star, the shadow jumped out again. Ye Yue suspiciously found that there was an extra piece of paper on her sword.

"Seal of Devil?" The small dragon female reacted quickly and flew over to run a little bit.

The black shadow over there has been standing beside her, it is the female ninja. She quickly made a handprint. "Blast."

Nothing happened, the talisman was dangling in the hand of the small dragon female. "Who did you learn this thing from?" The small dragon woman shook the talisman paper. "How do you make the seal of the seal like this? This kind of seal will explode as soon as it is activated, don't you know?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The female ninja said angrily: "Then It’s our superior blasting charm in ninjutsu. You don’t even recognize it, and you say what magic charm." The small dragon female said helplessly: "Hey, please be a little modest, okay? .I learned the Immortal Sect technique secretly! We didn’t say not to let you use it, so I have to change the name to ninjutsu. Doesn’t it bother you? Besides, you’re done learning it too! What the hell is the picture talisman? This is obviously a seal of the devil, but you painted it wrong. This seal should absorb the power of the sealed person and seal himself in turn, so that it can go back and forth and be sealed forever. As a result, you However, the mana backlash part was written incorrectly. As a result, the energy absorbed by the spell cannot be sent back. Eventually, it will exceed the upper limit of the mana stored in the material of the spell and explode. You idiots have used it like this, really convinced You guys!"

"What are you talking nonsense? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Nun Shinobu rushed over again angrily. "The technique of earth escape." The female endure ran and suddenly entered the ground.

The small dragon woman put a hand on the ground without any haste. "Dragon of the Earth, Qi of Earth Vein, sealed."

Puff. Less than one meter in front of us, a small hole suddenly opened on the surface of the ground, and a blood arrow sprayed out two or three meters high, and it took several seconds to stop before it stopped.

Ling waved his hand from the side, and the flying blood pooled into a ball automatically, and then floated in front of Sha Yezi. "Since you are going to be our companion soon, I should help you increase your strength. Although this female ninja is not very strong, it is better to be better than nothing?"

Really, there is a dragon here. She actually used soil to escape. Isn't this courting death? If she uses other ninjutsu, the small dragon girl may not be able to deal with her easily, but once the spell of Tu Dun is broken, the trouble is the biggest. Just now, this female ninja was the Earth Escape Technique that was broken, and then was caught in the ground and squeezed to death.

The people on the other side are all dumbfounded. Five people crawled out of the ground in less than 30 seconds, and one less person. At this rate, the remaining four can hold no more than two minutes.

In fact, two minutes is an overestimation of them. In the world situation, the remaining four people are finished in 30 seconds. Rose Vine was run out of the ground by these five people, so he was very angry and chased him up again. Under countless vines flying around, the Onmyouji and the unidentified person hung up. The remaining Japanese warrior was blown up by a magic of Ling, and then was pierced into meat skewers by rose vines. In the end, the remaining archer was attacked by Yeyue, and the archer who was not good at close combat was cut into human pieces within ten seconds.

The five people appeared suddenly and died suddenly, but they left me with a strange thing.

"What is this?" I asked Sha Yezi holding the gem-like thing. Those players carry a lot of this thing, which means it must be a useful thing, but this thing has no attribute display, and it doesn't have any useful features at all. Saying it is a gem, it always feels a little light, like a ball of cotton. The light transmittance is not high, there is no decorative value, the hardness is also very poor, and I am afraid of fire. I really don't know what this thing can do. But since this thing was discovered in the underworld, maybe Sha Yezi, a local person, would know.

Sha Yezi really nodded and said: "I know what it is, but I will tell you if you let me go."

"I didn’t say it, after I took you You can say anything." I impatiently put my hand on her forehead again.

"Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" I looked towards Sha Yezi.

"I might forget some things after I became a familiar."

"You won't." Ling stood beside him holding a black sphere with one hand. "I made a copy of your memory, and I am not afraid to forget it."

"That may be my strength will decline, maybe not suitable for being a pet."

" I carry a lot of magic familiars. I don’t care about wasting one. Besides, I think your strength is good.” I said that no matter if she continued to bark there, I activated the skill in my hand: "Capture."

The white light shines, but it fails. Flashing again, failing again, flashing again, still failing. More than 30 times in a row unexpectedly all failed. "Damn, isn't it! You haven't seen such a low hit rate, can't you show it?"

Sha Yezi desperately shook his head: "I don't want to be a pet."

"If you don't have to, please cooperate a little bit, and it won't hurt." I pressed my hand up again. "Capture."

Halo! Failed again. This time I tried hundreds of times, but all failed. Don't say that my lucky value is super high, even the average person is not so low, right?

I helplessly do ideological work for Sha Yezi again. "You just relax, okay? Anyway, sooner or later you will become a familiar, don't resist, bear with it and pass."

I suddenly turned around and pinched an arrow in my left hand, Yeyue and Sige Special shot at the same time, one person knocked and flew an arrow. "It's you again?"

The five people actually came back. How long is this? Is there a resurrection point nearby? its not right! This is the underworld, how can there be player resurrection points? By the way, these people must be rewarded with special tasks, so they can be resurrected in the underworld.

"Your strength is good." The archer stood at the entrance of the opposite village and said to us: "I don't want to fight you if possible, but your behavior makes me have to."


"Yes! You are right. In order to make this world peaceful, I must destroy you." I stared at the archer and turned back. "This is a game. There must be limits to hypocrisy? Don't do anything with a banner of righteousness. I am not the enemy of the people, and you are not a savior."

"Then be practical. Yes." The unidentified professional who had been killed came to the front. "Return our things, we don't care about you."

"no no no." I shook my head. "First ask, are you really giving orders or planning to negotiate?"

"This is a threat." The Japanese warrior was very direct. With a wave of his hand, a lot of military-like warriors came from behind. Walked out of the forest.

"I don't accept threats, all right, the conversation is over." I put the space door forward. "Sget, take the evil spirit Knight to destroy them, I have to waste some time."

The evil spirit Knight has absolutely no problem dealing with those ghost warriors. The real trouble is on my side. . Sha Yezi refused to accept the demonization anyway. My forced seal was a result of many times, and it didn't work at all.

"I wanted to be gentle, but now it seems I have to change to another trick." I stared at Sha Yezi's neck with evil eyes. "Do you have blood?"

"You...what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, learn from your experience." I gave a fairly kind smile. But the two elongating canine teeth exposed by his mouth looked quite scary. Anyway, I also inherited a part of vampire bloodline from Vina. Anyway, I drain Sha Yezi first. After she has no power, it should be easier to conquer. After at worst, I will find some strength devil beast for her and let her suck dry. Add it back. However, I have vampire bloodline, but I rarely do vampire bloodline. The only thing to blame is that the things in the game are too realistic. When using this skill, you can really taste the bloody smell and the feeling of hu hu. I am not a real vampire, and of course I don’t like that taste. But now the situation is special, I can't manage that much anymore, at worst I will find some water to rinse my mouth twice.

Sha Yezi watched me approaching her with harboring malicious intentions, and quickly tried to hide behind her nervously, but her body was trapped, and only her head could move. There is actually nothing to avoid Effect. I touched her neck with my hand. Fortunately, although the skin is not bloody, her blood vessels are very obvious. You can press it with a little force, and you can still feel the strong pulse. Ye Yue said that she was angry, which seemed to be pretty good. Normal ghosts don't talk about pulse, even blood will not have it.

I bit on Sha Yezi’s neck with one bite. Sha Yezi screamed miserably. At first, she had never screamed so loudly when she was stabbed with a knife. I took a hard breath, but it didn't twitch. Opened her mouth and took a look, she did have two small holes in her neck, but only a little blood leaked out, and she didn't bite the blood vessels.

Sha Yezi couldn't see what I was doing on her neck, she just felt that I bit her and let go. She trembled and asked in a real voice: "What are you doing?"

"This...something happened. It seems that the blood vessels have not been found. Don't worry, I just need to come a few more times. "Sure enough, all professions require exercise. Vampire also requires a minimum of training. You can even bite the blood vessels, so you will need more exercise in the future.

As soon as Sha Yezi heard that I had to try, she hurriedly called out again: "It's full."

When I was yelled by her, I didn’t coordinate my movements well, so I bit on it in one bite. , It's just biased. "Hey, don't move around, okay, your neck will become a sieve after a few more times in a while."

"Stop." Sha Yezi hurriedly shouted, "Is it okay for me to surrender? ?"

"Surrender?" I walked around in front of her in surprise. "What did you just say?"

"I surrendered. You just give me a drop of blood, I am willing to recognize Master on my own."

I looked at her suspiciously. "I just couldn't follow it. You changed your mind so quickly? You treat me as a three-year-old child?"

"No, no." Sha Yezi hurriedly explained: "I feel so impressed on my neck, I can't stand it. That...! Do you understand it!" Sha Yezi's voice seemed to be acting like a baby, but I didn't care about it.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to accept her as a demon pet, it would be best if she is willing to cooperate by herself. "It's pretty much the same." I cut a small cut in my finger and put a drop of blood on Sha Yezi's forehead. I thought it was over, but I didn't know that I didn't hear the confirmation from the familiar, but I realized that Sha Yezi had disappeared.

"Where is the person?" I looked around. The battlefield next to her was still fighting, but no one was around us, she suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly my right hand started to move automatically. It suddenly grabbed the Eternal Sword and cut it to my own neck, so I hurriedly pressed the right hand with my left hand. "Phantom, what happened?"

"It's not me, it's the female ghost."

"Stop her."

"It's not easy, She is really strong!" Phantom's voice was helpless.

My voice is even more helpless. "Queen, hurry up and help!"

"I'm helping!"

"Damn, don't you? The three of us can't hold her down?"

The queen's voice seemed very strenuous, as if someone who had just run three kilometers was talking. "This girl seems to have expertise in this area. It's troublesome."

"Pannon Songlan, come in and help."

"Come on." Bannon Songlan just came to me. When he appeared next to him, he plunged in. If it wasn't for Vajra that wasn't suitable for harmony, I would even call in to help.

I stood there as if I was frozen, but in fact it was messed up inside. The small dragon girl saw that I hadn't moved for a long time and knew that I might need help. She pressed her right hand index finger on her brow. "The original god came out of the shell." A white phantom broke away from the small dragon woman and got into my body.

Ling is a European god system, she doesn't know these souls out of the shell, she circulates around me anxiously. "It won't be a problem to enter so many people?"

"It should be no problem, this is different from the soul and the body." Yeyue explained: "If you directly grab the control of the body by the way of harmony with the body. , I must be squeezed out. Since there are so many people in, it must be a way of mental cohesion."

"Can you go in and help?"

Yeyue sounded when Ling asked: "If you don't say I have forgotten, I will too! Blurred." Yeyue and small dragon females are obviously not a spell, small dragon females The fleshy body was still outside, but it didn't move anymore, but Ye Yue was gone.

Ling summoned Fenglong instead of me, and then shouted to the inside: "Which one of you can come and help me."

Hong Ling ran away come out. "I will, what's the matter?"

"Purple Moon was possessed by a female ghost, and he entered a bunch of people and there is no movement. I am very worried, so I want to find more people to help. I have better hands."

"Don’t worry, I’ll go in and have a look."

Hong Ling is also Heavenly Fire goddess, as the first generation of fox fairy, the original god is separated Of course she can do this little trick. So there was another fleshy body in the form of a standing fox in front of me, and the soul of Hong Ling also entered my body.

As soon as Hong Ling entered my body, I was dumbfounded. I saw a large group of people standing here, the ones we just came in. And Sha Yezi was hanging on a peach-like red object in front of him, and Hong Ling immediately recognized that it was my heart.

I was shaking my hand to Sha Yezi: "Be careful with the knife! That's my heart, don't pierce it. It won't be good if it leaks!"

Said proudly: "Who wants you to bully me just now, I said not to be a demon, you have to catch me. You all give me back, don't get close, you can get stuck if you get close to me."

Sha Yezi made a move that was about to prick, and the circle of people around us hurriedly stepped back and begged for mercy. The heart is a critical attack. She is holding my heart now, go down this blade, no matter how high or low your attack power is, it will definitely be over. This is called ignoring defense. Damn, defense is on the outside. Who would have thought that someone would get inside to pierce people's hearts for fun!

"I have something to discuss." I quickly stabilized Sha Yezi. "This, show mercy!"

"Is this a woman? What did you do?" Sha Yezi arrogantly said: "Aren't you very defensive? Now that you have What's the solution? Your heart is made of meat, my this blade...hehehehe!"

The more Sha Yezi laughed, the more exaggerated it became, but her words reminded me. Is it made of meat?

I winked at the small dragon female envoy, she immediately understood, and almost jumped up on the spot: "Don't be too arrogant, although you can threaten us now, you can't be here either. The stalemate continued. As long as you go out, we have a hundred ways to deal with you."

"What did you say?" Sha Yezi was quite arrogant under the initiative, and immediately scolded the small dragon girl. stand up.

Seeing that the small dragon girl successfully attracted Sha Yezi’s attention, I quickly murmured a few words to Ye Yue. Yeyue was nodded, and flew out quietly. Ling was stunned when she saw Ye Yue coming out, but she knew that Ye Yue must be something, so she didn't rush to ask questions. Ye Yue walked to my body, and then the eyepiece flashed, and my whole body was petrified in an instant.

This is the moment waiting. Sha Yezi found out that something was wrong almost immediately, but when she noticed my heart had become a whole stone. She is not a physical attack type creature, and there is absolutely nothing to do with this stone heart. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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