"I have one more trick." Emiennes said confidently: "When I took over the Blazers, he was just as disobedient as Sha Yezi."

"Then how did you do it?"

"Tell him to persuade."

"Bright move." I pushed Eminis forward: "This glorious The arduous mission is up to you."

"I'm not kidding, this trick is really okay."

"Maybe, but I don't have time." I opened Feng Long Space released the peppers. "Start mind control."

Chili looked at Sha Yezi and said: "It may be troublesome to directly use mind control on Soul Body, and her willpower is too strong, I may not control it!"

"Then use the spirit to instill."

"Enter what?"

"All the sad and painful things you know can make her It’s best to cry."

"No problem, I've watched "Emotional Drama"." Pepper has a real fleshy body, so I know more about it than a normal pet.

"Then use that. If you can’t control it, just input a little bit. Anyway, it’s enough to interfere with her normal thoughts. Emiennes, cooperate with Pepper and use illusions to create a false film environment to stimulate her. Mental reaction."

Sha Yezi said angrily: "It's useless to put anything." She rushed up again, but she stopped just halfway through the run. Sha Yezi stared at Chili and asked, "What are you doing? Don't touch my mind."

Chili closed his eyes and pressed his hands with his temples. Emines put his hands on the peppers' shoulders to facilitate communication, and at the same time created an illusion space in the vicinity. The surrounding scenery suddenly disappeared. We appeared in a place like a park. My image became an old man, and Sha Yezi himself became a middle school student. This is obviously from the world outside the game, but Emenes can transform any environment, and the benefits of Camouflage Technique are here.

Sha Yezi looked at me, but her hands with long claws were trembling constantly, apparently in confusion. Her expression was quite fierce, but the tears in the corners of her eyes kept running. When this trick is used to deal with ordinary enemies, it may directly drive the opponent crazy, but Sha Yezi is now her own, protected by the system, and will not go crazy, but Spirit Attack will still change her thinking by unnoticeable influence. This kind of cheating-like method of increasing loyalty is very troublesome, but the effect is also very good, especially in this situation where communication is almost impossible.

I checked the attribute, and Sha Yezi's loyalty rose to three points, at least higher than zero. Turning my head and looking towards Sha Yezi, I began to say to Sha Yezi as in the TV plot: "Don’t resent me anymore, I am also for your good." This is to cooperate with Spirit Attack to make Sha Yezi think more confused, as long as her The final direction is broken, once the spiritual gate is lost, we can immediately tamper with most of her memory and capture her spirit completely.

Chili suddenly frowned. "Master, she is rebelling, and her thought resistance is very strong."

I said to Ling: "Think of a way."

Ling said: "Magic doesn't work for her. "

Small dragon woman said: "Can help pepper!"

"This is feasible!" Ling directly added a mental boost to pepper to temporarily improve her spirit strength.

Chili said: "It's better now, but I can't support it for long."

I said to her: "Try your best!"

Sha Yezi’s The response is getting more and more abnormal, and mandatory mental tampering is not so easy to take effect, especially when the two parties' willpower is not much different. But I have to say that Pepper is a powerful mental manipulator, and Sha Yezi's loyalty continues to rise in this dazed state. When the loyalty exceeded twenty, she no longer held the sword to cut me off, but stood there and looked at us in a daze.

The sweat of Chili's head is obviously unsupportable. When Aimenes was close to her, she could directly feel the changes in her power. She said to me instead of Chili: "Master, the power of Chili is almost exhausted. How much is Sha Yezi's loyalty?"

"Thirty-two. Hold on again, at least more than 40. OK."

"We try our best."

As the control gradually strengthened, Sha Yezi's behavior became calmer and calmer. Although her eyes were still confused, she had look. Suddenly a shotgun flew over from the side, and Yeyue reacted quickly and shot the shotgun flying. But there was a large shot of guns flying over immediately, and Ye Yue couldn't stop so much no matter how powerful it was.

Suddenly a big tail with the sound of wu wu swept across in front of us, and all the guns were thrown into the air by oh la la. The luck that has not been online for many days actually appeared in front of us. "It seems that it won't work without me!"

"Why did you come up?" I looked lucky with surprise. "How about the little one?"

Fortunately, I laughed at me: "It's okay, it's damned to take care of it, so I don't need to take care of it. The little child should let go more. If you take care of it too well, you won’t grow up. "

"How many days have you been a father? You will have a sense of life so soon?"

"I am a giant dragon, beyond the existence of human wisdom. I feel this thing understands If you have enough strength, you can have a lot, but what's going on now? Why is it messed up like this?"

"Anyway, you can help us resist first, don't let people disturb us."

< p>"Ming..." Lucky just said a word, he suddenly turned around and patted it down, a loud explosion sound, a house was smashed to pieces, and three black shadows bounced out from behind the house. It is really dangerous for someone to take advantage of the time when we use Mental Magic to get close to us. We just paid too much attention to the situation in the field, and we completely forgot to pay attention to the situation around us.

The three black shadows did not leave after they bounced off, but bounced back towards the center with a single tap on the ground. Lucky moves the fastest, as soon as it swept across the ground, one of the shadows’ route was blocked, and had no choice but to forcibly stop and bounce back, but the other two bypassed Lucky and leaned towards us. .

Yeyue turned to meet one of them, and the small dragon girl and Ling attacked the other one. But the speed of these two guys is very fast, Yeyue relied on the advantages of more weapons and pupil technique to stop one, but the small dragon girl and Ling didn't stop it. The other familiars and I went to block, but unfortunately it was a little late, and none of them caught up.

Just when the black shadow was about to reach behind Pepper and Emiennes, a silver long spear flew over from the side, and hit him with the black shadow, and the figure stopped him. . After a short pause, the shadow immediately moved forward again. He was optimistic about the goal and determined to win. Now we are all too far away, no one is here to stop his attack before this guy, and Pepper and Emenes can't easily interrupt.

Just as he was about to stick to Emiennes and Pepper, the two of them suddenly fell down at the same time. The shadow was stunned for a moment. He hadn't even touched anyone, and the target actually fell down by himself. This surprised him, but he quickly reacted and was ready to make another cut to the two targets on the ground who had lost the ability to resist, but The more unexpected is yet to come. A white silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him, and two hands with long nails were inserted into his chest at the same time.

Shadow is actually a ninja, without any protective equipment on his chest, this kind of attack is quite lethal to him. However, the advantage of the ninja is that he is fast enough, and he swiftly backed away, but unfortunately he forgot that there were all enemies behind him. A sharp Azure Dragon sword pierced his vest, and the ninja died almost instantly. The small dragon woman's sword is in the heart. As long as you penetrate the key attack, it will kill you in one shot. There is no discussion.

Sha Yezi will save Pepper and Emines unexpectedly. This ninja was taken aback by Sha Yezi’s behavior, and we were also surprised. I looked at the attribute again, Sha Yezi's loyalty was forty-three, and Chili added his loyalty to more than forty before she fainted. After this minimum standard line, I will be able to deal with problems afterwards. Sha Yezi can take the initiative to protect his companions is a good illustration.

"Sha Yezi." Eminis stood up from the ground holding the pepper, and she and Sha Yezi gave a hug. "Thank you." Other familiars came over to pat Sha Yezi to express their gratitude.

Sha Yezi’s loyalty actually went up two more points in gratitude. Many demon pets have this advantage. as the saying goes near Zhu is red, near ink is black. My pet team is a small society in which everyone is very harmonious, like relatives to each other, even if Sha Yezi is not in harmony with the group, in this big environment, he will be quickly brought into this harmonious atmosphere. middle. This environmental impact is often more effective than simply relying on the care of the owner to increase loyalty.

Just as everyone thanked Sha Yezi, an arrow with silver light flew over from nowhere. Everyone was grateful to Sha Yezi, so I didn't notice this thing, only I was standing on the periphery to see it. Almost habitually, I flew forward and blocked this arrow. Neither the mercury shield nor the red insect race magic shield was able to stop it, but the arrow with two layers of protective shield no longer had any power. The dragon armor blocked it. Sha Yezi looked at me with some surprise and doubt, and then seemed to think.

The guy who shoots arrows is the archer among those who appeared at first, and there are other players beside him. I don't know why the Japanese suddenly become so righteous. It is not that there are people who usually act as heroes to save NPCs, but they are all incidental small things, and they generally depend on their own strength. But these guys seemed to be protecting Sha Yezi like desperately. This kind of behavior was really great. I started to admire them a little.

Just as I was thinking about it, the archer spoke. "I don't care what you are going to do, hurry up and hand over the stolen crystals, otherwise we will never finish with you."

Dizzy. Take back what I just thought about. I said why these guys suddenly changed their sex! It turned out not to save Sha Yezi, but to the crystals. The first time they appeared, they might think that they were completing a small thing along the way. After all, helping NPCs usually get some rewards, so players generally don't mind doing more of this kind of thing. But knowing that we are not to be trifled with will do it later, that’s not normal. It seems that they are not that great at all, they just don't want to lose those crystals. The only thing that makes me wonder is this kind of completely attribute-free thing, what are they doing?

"You brought so many people to fight against me just for these broken things?" I grabbed a few crystals and played with them.

Before the other party had time to answer, the crystal in my hand suddenly lit up with red rays of light, and then the distant mountains suddenly lit up, and then I saw ten thousand rays of light piercing the sky. , Flying past our heads.

The players who attacked us all stopped, looking at the colorful lights flying in the sky dumbly. The archer muttered to himself: "Oops, we are still one step late. They have already started!"

"What started?" I don't know what happened just now.

The archer may have been stunned by the incident. He didn’t notice who was asking. He raised his head and looked at the radiant light while saying: “Of course it’s Ghost King’s seal. Revealed."

"Ghost King? Sealed?"

The Archer reacted now, no longer answering my question, but facing me again: "Put The crystal was handed over, we don’t want to fight with you, you certainly don’t want to fight with us, we just end like this, can we?"

Sha Yezi suddenly walked to my side and whispered: "Don’t promise him . Those are Soul Crystal, very valuable things."

I gratefully glanced at Sha Yezi. "Hey, listen, the only way you don't want to fight is to leave right away. There are no conditions to discuss."

"You really fail to appreciate somebody's kindness!" The archer on the opposite side was obviously angry and raised. The hand just shot an arrow over.

The battle started again, but this time the format was different. Just trying to find a way to increase Sha Yezi's loyalty is equivalent to opening two battlefields, and not all the familiars have been released. Now as long as I deal with one side, and all my familiars are released, the balance of power will naturally be biased towards our side. The evil spirit Knight has a High Rank Familiar to cooperate with the lethality greatly increased, and quickly cleaned up the nearby enemies. Take back most of the pets and summon creatures, leaving only Ling, the small dragon girl, Yeyue and Sha Yezi by his side, riding lucky to fly towards the mountains where the rays of light have just been sent out. By the way, you can also ask about Soul Crystal. .

The battlefield is indeed the best place to cultivate feelings. After the first battle, Sha Yezi's loyalty soared to 51. After half of the war, his attitude improved a lot, at least he no longer showed a disgusting attitude towards me. Along the way, we have roughly sorted out some situations with the help of several familiars and Sha Yezi's understanding.

The crystals with poor light transmittance I got from those players are actually not crystals. This thing is called Soul Crystal, and I actually visited the place where it was produced. Soul Crystal is a kind of crystal formed by dissipating soul energy after being arranged disorderly and subjected to strong mental pressure, and its main producing area is the seabed of the sea of ​​silence.

The death of normal creatures will produce Soul Spirit Creature. If the soul dies again, it will be the soul flew away and scattered. But these dissipated souls carry some energy, and these energy will not disappear for no reason. On the contrary, they will gather in various low-lying places. Although energy does not have weight, you can think of this energy as a substance with a large specific gravity, so it will gather in those low-lying places. Generally speaking, these energies can be absorbed by undead creatures after they converge in low-lying areas and transformed into their own power. However, there is no Soul Spirit Creature in some places. These energies will not dissipate all year round, and they will gather more and more. If at this time there is a powerful willpower in the vicinity to create fine divine might pressure, then these energies will gather and crystallize, and the final thing produced is Soul Crystal.

According to Sha Yezi, the real Soul Crystal is actually not like this. The ones we got are relatively inferior Soul Crystals. They are formed by special factors in some caves or special environments. Since the accumulated energy is not a lot, and generally do not encounter any decent pressure, they crystallize. The later Soul Crystal is not high in purity, and the color is also white. There is also a more common Soul Crystal that comes from the rivers of souls in various underworlds. In fact, the sea of ​​silence is formed by the convergence of these rivers of souls. In these rivers, a silver-gray Soul Crystal is produced, which is completely opaque and looks almost like a block of tin. In fact, this type of Soul Crystal is the most common type, because their quality is good, and the production area is very stable, and the output is quite large. But there is a kind of black on top of it, something like the Soul Crystal of black liquid crystal, that is the best among Soul Crystal. This Soul Crystal is only produced in the seabed of the Silent Sea, because almost no one goes there, so there is almost no production. Sha Yezi said that she had only heard of this thing, but had never seen it before.

Ling, small dragon girl and Ye Yue also said that they have heard of such a thing, but the names are different. Soul Crystal seems to have different names in different regions, but everyone can be sure that it is the same thing by comparison. According to Ling's description, the Soul Crystal of Silent Seafood is basically a kind of existence similar to a sweaty party. Everyone has heard of it, but no one has actually eaten it. Everyone has heard of this kind of black Soul Crystal, but has never seen it before.

Ling once had a silver-gray Soul Crystal when she was Goddess, but she has only used a little bit. After all, the so-called large output is relatively speaking. Soul Crystal is still Soul Crystal after all, and will not be produced in tons like a coal mine. As for this kind of white Soul Crystal, it can almost be regarded as a very rare, but not very useful thing.

Speaking of which Soul Crystal is the biggest and only function is to enhance the energy of the undead. There are many uses of this energy. For example, Dark Mage and Necromancer can directly use it as magical medicine, and it is also an instant recovery type, without delay. Or these two types of wizards can also use Soul Crystal to embed Soul Crystal on weapons or armors. If added to weapons, the attack power of undead magic will be greatly increased, and physical attacks will also carry Yin Cold Attribute damage. As for armor, after inlaid with Soul Crystal, it can be supplemented with dark magic power, and it is said that the recovery speed is very fast. Unfortunately, other mages of other schools cannot use it, otherwise it will not supplement the magic power, but will be reversed to absorb the magic power.

In addition to inlays, the undead energy itself is also the main energy source of the undead creatures. It can be used as food for the undead creatures and used as an item to enhance their strength. Anyway, Soul Crystal is to the undead, just like ginseng is to humans.

In the communication, I realized that Sha Yezi didn't let me hand over these Soul Crystals just now, not because she was thinking of me, but she was fond of these things. Sha Yezi is an out-and-out undead, she can directly absorb the energy of Soul Crystal, and it is much more effective than she can directly suck other people's blood or swallow other undead.

I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and asked the Familiars to be surprised to find that this thing is almost as useful as pet food to me. Both II and Sha Yezi of my familiars can directly swallow this thing to permanently increase their strength, and Ling and some other dark familiars can use this as a healing potion. But the real big head is still on the side of the evil spirit Knight and Ringtone Knight, they are all undead creatures, this thing is Immortal Pill to them, and the little fairies and ghost worms in me can also eat this thing. This is simply my ration. Sha Yezi said that if he could get a lot of these things, he could even upgrade the evil spirit Knight to the level of the ring tone Knight, and the ring tone Knight could continue to rise to other forms. In theory, as long as the Soul Crystal is openly supplied, any undead can be as powerful as a god.

Although it is very useful, the disappointment is just as great. The output of Soul Crystal can be ignored. It is hopeless to want to be a military ration to feed the evil spirit Knight. According to Sha Yezi, it would be a miracle to meet her needs. He wanted to distribute to the army unless there was a way to mine the Soul Crystal in the Sea of ​​Silence. It is said that the Soul Crystal there is not only of high quality, but also large in quantity. But those things are all gathered in the depths of the trenches of the Sea of ​​Silence, but the seawater of the Sea of ​​Silence can kill people if they touch it. Who would go down to the seabed to catch these things? The water that can corrode all souls is a defense line that has no way to break through. Otherwise, the Netherworld River ferry boats used by the Egyptian gods would not be a spaceship that does not touch the ground.

After we understand the situation, we have reached the approximate location where the explosion just happened. Although we were far away and did not see the specific location clearly, we don’t want to confirm the location at all because of the groups of various creatures below. Gathering together is really the most eye-catching sign. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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