"Give you one minute, I will kill you all without opening the Well of Bone." Another leader spoke.

The villagers trembled without saying a word. Obviously they were very afraid of these people, but they insisted on not giving in. I directed Ye Ying to walk a little forward, and then said to the villagers: "How about discussing something?"

An older woman holding a simple longbow came out and trembling. The voice asked: "What's the matter with the lord?"

"You should have noticed that I am different from the adults around me. I just passed by here. Originally, I didn't know the lady Sha Yezi. , But your behavior makes me very curious about her. If I help you, can I see this lady in the end?"

"My lord, Miss Sha Yezi does not see outsiders."< /p>

"Why don't you ask, maybe she is in a good mood today and wants to meet foreign guests?"


" Try it without asking, is it okay? It’s okay to be killed by these guys, and then let them rush in and take the lady away, is that okay?"

"Hey, who you are, dare to stop We are 33 mansions?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what is important is their answer, I'm waiting." My eyes are fixed on the elderly woman, giving her enough oppression force.

She seemed too scared and had to nodded and said: "I'll ask." Then she turned and ran to the well, and then said something to the weird well.

Before she could reply, a lord could not wait. "One minute is here, and I ask one last time. Did you open the well to let us in, or do you want us to kill you to open the well?"

The elderly woman suddenly turned around and said to me: "I'm sorry, my lord, The lady said she couldn't see outsiders."

She was really a proud ghost, and she didn't even ask for such a request. In that case, it wouldn't work to be a flower protector, so I just changed my job to be a hooligan. In a sense, the ultimate goal of the hooligan and the flower-protecting messenger should be the same, just because different conditions have chosen different methods. If the lady agrees to my suggestion, of course I can kill these 33 mansions as a flower protector, but she disagrees and I have to join them as a hooligan.

I nodded: "You don't need to apologize, this is just your choice. But according to your choice, my choice is also completed simultaneously." I looked towards the side: "Go ahead? Everyone is waiting. What is it?"

The people looked at each other, then glared at me with disdain, and then rushed up together to start the unilateral massacre. Although there are hundreds of villagers, they are similar to tofu in front of the soldiers. Besides, there are not many people in each of the 33 mansions, but 33 mansions can be a lot if you add them together. Although the villagers resisted desperately, more than half of them were eventually wiped out.

"Don't you help?" Ling asked me.

I asked Ling: "What do you think is the definition of the enemy that must be eliminated?"

"The enemy that threatens my interests is the enemy, but the enemy that must be eliminated has no use value The enemy."

"Very good, then look at these people. Who meets this standard?"

"Generally understand." Ling nodded and stopped talking.

The people at 33 mansions are temporarily helping me open up the road to Miss Sha Yezi. They are doing things for me before finishing this work, so I should not move them at this time. As for the villagers, so far they are the ones who prevent me from reaching the goal, but since there are people helping me, why should I intervene?

All the villagers died in battle, and in the end only the old woman stood in the well and continued to resist. It is only now that I discovered that there was a layer of closed partitions at a depth of one meter below the well. At first I thought it would go all the way to the ground. The old woman stood on the partition and took a bow to shoot. 33 mansions so far only two ninja soldiers have died, and all of them were shot by the old woman. The gap between the two sides is too big!

"Old Guy, one last question, can't you open the well?" the lord at first asked fiercely.

The old woman didn't say anything, but suddenly took out a piece of talisman and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Quick!" a lord called.

Quickly, the old woman rolled out of the well with her head half covered with talisman paper, her eyes open and she was holding the talisman paper.

The lord who shouted hissed: "Fortunately, she moves fast, let her swallow the land talisman and it will be over. The door closed with the soul cannot be opened for three to five years. "

"What are you afraid of?" A guy next to him mocked the lord. "Isn't Incheon known as the first under the heavens? hahahaha......"

"If you have time, talk slowly. I will take Miss Sha Yezi today."

"Fuck you, everyone knows all the strengths. It is impossible to swallow it today. How about our 33 mansions?"

"Fuck you. Our Tianshui family won't I let go of this opportunity to improve my strength."

An older warrior said: "All are piped down. Miss Sha Yezi's strength is very powerful, but it is not easy to absorb it. And it is not easy to absorb it. If you fight for her, the winner may not have a chance to fight for the throne. I can’t as well divide it up as originally proposed. For fairness, we can grind Miss Sha Yezi into a fine powder and stir it evenly. Everyone is based on the weight. Allocation, so that you don’t have to complain about the differences in the different functions of the parts you get."

The discussion of the ghost lords is very lively, but the more I hear, the more frowning. At first I guessed that this Miss Sha Yezi might have extraordinary strength, and everyone wanted to recruit it back. Later I thought that these guys might want to marry Sha Yezi, and then draw some special benefits from her. Now it seems that they are planning to eat her and directly transform it into their own power.

Those guys finished discussing things as if we didn't exist, and then started digging the well. This time their behavior surprised me again. Instead of digging a hole in the well, they dug from the outside. After a while, the soil near the mouth of the well was dug out. At this time, I finally knew why these guys didn't dig from the middle of the well. It turned out that the top of this well was only one meter deep. To be precise, it was not a well head at all, but a large tank half buried in the ground. At the bottom of the tank there was a pipe with thick fingers going deep into the ground, and those guys were digging down the pipe.

After digging twenty to thirty meters deep, I finally found something new. There is an item made of stone buried here, which is about the same size as a freezer for cold drinks, but it is placed upright. The upper pipe is connected to this thing. At first, I thought this might be a coffin, but after thinking about it, it was too small. Then I thought it might be a hyperspace, just like a wine shop in a game, with a small facade and a large inside.

The hyperspace will be disconnected from the main space at the moment of destruction. It is said that these guys should use a gentler way to open this thing, but what makes me even more strange is that they actually picked up the hoe and started. Smash this thing. Not to mention, these stones are really hard enough. After being hit for a long time, they only crumbled.

A lord anxiously stepped forward and pushed the soldiers away. "I'm coming." As he said, he took out his knife and sharply sharpened it against the side of the stone. With a click, the top of the stone box was gone. But there was no space inside, instead the top cover of a wooden box was revealed.

Those people put down the big stone box and pulled out the wooden box from inside. This thing is entirely made of a kind of wood with beautiful patterns, and the exterior is not colored, and the natural wood grain can be seen. The surface of the box does not have any carvings or decorations, but it has been polished very carefully, and even the splicing seams can not be found. The box is a cuboid with a height of about ninety centimeters, a width of fifty centimeters, and a thickness of only forty centimeters. Several lords all gathered around and pushed the soldiers aside. The older lord is also the strongest, so he will open this wooden box.

The wooden box is not as hard as a rock, and it is easy to pry open. The contents excited the lords, but almost made me faint. I thought that Miss Sha Yezi was a beautiful female ghost, at least a beautiful Banshee, but what was in the box that didn't expect was a brown red corpse. I now know what these guys are doing to grind this Miss Sha Yezi into powder. She is like this. It is estimated that the ghost lords have to have good teeth if they want to eat. No one can chew without grinding.

I heard that there is such an act of burying living people in the ground to make corpses, but that seems to be done by high-ranking monks, and these buried people are generally very old and Highly prestigious monk. These high monks knew that they were going to pass away, they would let them put themselves in a box and bury them underground, leaving only a snorkel outside. This behavior was voluntary. After waiting for a period of time, the monk died in the box and slowly turned into a corpse, and you can build a temple and place it in it for worship. And this kind of mummy is the fleshy body Buddha, which claims to bless the people nearby.

The mummy in front of me is obviously very wrong. First, this is the underworld, not the world. This behavior is quite abnormal. Second, those who were buried were all high-ranking monks. No monk's dharma name would be called Miss Sha Yezi, right? But what's the matter with burying a woman? Third, even the eminent monk told people to bury him a few days in advance when he was about to die. This woman is called Miss Sha Yezi, so she should be young. How can there be any reason for burying a little girl? Fourth, this corpse turned out to be a personal stick. There were no limbs on the body, only the head. The limbs had obviously been cut off before being buried. What is the purpose of such cruel behavior? Fifth, the old woman seemed to have communicated with her just now and asked for instructions. Is this a lie to me or is this corpse still thinking?

Just when I was very puzzled, one of those lords suddenly screamed, and the other lords stepped back and gave up a circle area. I saw that the lord seemed to be struggling with something, until he turned around, I could not see the principle clearly that he was holding the corpse, but a closer look revealed that he was not holding the corpse, but was trying to push the corpse. open. The mummy was clinging to him at this time, his mouth biting his neck, as if sucking something.

Is it blood sucking? I immediately understood. This Miss Sha Yezi should be doing some kind of ceremony to improve her strength, but it was a pity that she was discovered in advance by these people, so she could not complete the ceremony.

The lord began to tremble just in full view, and the armor on his arm suddenly fell off. It turned out that his body was shrinking rapidly, and the arm that turned into a corpse could no longer hold the armor, so all the armor fell. Sha Yezi's dry corpse released the lord and threw his dry corpse out. After the corpse fell on the ground, the shriveled arms exposed to the outside quickly turned into a spot of gray sand. It's nothing to suck people dry. Vampire can do this, but it can suck even the fleshy body condensed by mana into sand. This level is really amazing.

After the first victim fell, the corpse immediately rushed to the second target, and the neighbourhood was immediately messed up. Those guys hurriedly pulled away and re-formed the formation, but by this time there were more than ten piles of sand on the ground. What makes me strange is that after drawing on the power of so many people, the corpse of Sha Yezi turned out to be a corpse, and there was no major change except for the lighter skin color.

Because the lords ran farther, we became the nearest target. Originally thought that this corpse would not approach, she didn't expect that she flew towards us without the slightest hesitation. Ling lifted the staff and stood in front of me. "Nine-pointed starry sky."

A nine-pointed star appeared in front of us, the golden rays of light flashed, and the corpse immediately screamed and turned and rushed towards a group of lords nearby. Sure enough, she is still wise, at least she knows that we cannot afford to offend.

The lords who organized the team over there no longer panic, and calmly commanded the soldiers to retreat to the back, but they rushed to the front. It's not that these lords are so great, they definitely don't think these little soldiers are more important than themselves. The reason why they have to take the lead in such a dangerous situation shows that they are afraid of death. In the current situation, the fool could also see that the corpse of Sha Yezi was sucking blood, and in all the legends about blood sucking, the direct result was that the blood suckers would get stronger and stronger. The lords did not let the soldiers rush up first because they were afraid that if Sha Yezi sucked too many soldiers, they would not be able to deal with it. If they were not as good as their own, they would be lucky to win, and there would be no way to fail.

33 mansions only have thirty-five lords left. It seems that the battle strength is not bad. They jumped up and down with the corpse of Sha Yezi, but they were barely able to support it. However, the situation quickly changed. A lord was stumbled by a pit that had just been exploded on the ground during the evasion process. As a result, Sha Yezi’s mummy bit the guy’s neck at once, and the surrounding lord didn’t care about the lord at all. The life and death of rushing up is just a hack, wanting to kill Sha Yezi and that guy together. Anyway, their 33 mansions are also hostile to each other, and they can divide more points with fewer people. It's a pity that Sha Yezi's speed was too fast. As soon as they cut it up, Sha Yezi flew away first. Although the lord was not sucked into sand by Sha Yezi, he was cut too many knives by other lord, and he died in the hands of his companion just now.

The lords watched Sha Yezi fly away, and immediately rushed up again, but Sha Yezi suddenly rushed from them and rushed to the dead lord again and sucked, waiting for the lord to react. , The body of the lord has turned into sand. What is even more frightening is that after sucking the lord, Sha Yezi actually flew to the threshing ground outside the village, where the corpses of the villagers who had just been killed were piled up on the ground over there. In the underworld, ghosts will leave corpses when they die, but they will not rot, but will slowly dissipate. Just when Yezi came out to dig Sha Yezi, the corpses were cleaned to the periphery. Now Sha Yezi got into the corpse pile at once, shocking the surrounding lords.

The large pile of corpses slumped and turned into a pile of sand, followed by a squirming in the sand, and the mummy flew out again, the difference is that all her limbs actually grew out NS.

"It seems to have evolved." Ling said next to me.

Ye Yue said with a face full of doubts: "The creatures in the underworld all carry Death Aura. This mummy has absorbed so much death energy. It should be stiff and turned into stone. How can it turn out? A lot of anger?"


"Yes." Yeyue said: "Master, you also know that I am a descendant of Nuwa. The induction is very strong. When this corpse first started, it was a dead thing like the surrounding mountains and stone fields, but after absorbing so many dead souls, it became more and more human."

Emmenes said. "Should it be that the extremes of the matter must be reversed. If you smoke too much Yin Qi, it will all turn into Yang Qi?"

"This is really only a ghost knows!"

Sha Yezi's The mummy rushed out again, but this time the target was the soldiers brought by the lord. Sha Yezi is getting smarter as she learns. She knows that she can't defeat these lords, so she just grabs the surrounding lords first, and plans to wait for the strength to accumulate enough to deal with these lords one by one. However, although soldiers are not as good as the lord, they are combatants, and they are not so easy to deal with. Taking advantage of this gap, a lord pointed at us and called out: "Kill them first, so as not to pick us up for a while."

The other lord looked at each other and all rushed towards me. Give Sha Yezi to the soldiers to deal with. Skot took the ringing Knights to stand in front of me, and then waited for the lords to rush over. The two sides collided. After a crackle, 21 lords flew back, and the ringing Knights flew back. Standing in the same posture as before. The remaining lords looked at the situation, so beckons with the hand asked everyone to return. They looked at us vigilantly, and then they ran back to fight against Sha Yezi with the soldiers, and stopped hitting our minds.

Scott laughed: "A bunch of trash, I can balance eight with one."

I pointed to Xiasha Yezi. "Where is her?"

"At present, I can deal with two of her, but if I increase my strength at this rate, I will be unable to beat her in a while."

I smiled when I heard Scot's words. "I'm more and more interested in her."

Sha Yezi, who was fighting with the soldiers over there, was busy observing the environment, and she also looked at the situation of the lords being beaten back. arrive. After sucking up three soldiers in a row, Sha Yezi flew out of the encirclement and flew towards us. Skye put the long spear horizontally. But Sha Yezi suddenly stopped a few meters away in front of us and did not approach. She opened and closed the jaw that was similar to a skull, and she could still make a sound. "Are you the one who wanted to see me before?"

I slightly nodded slightly.

"Help me kill them together, I am willing to talk to you."

Those lords chased after Sha Yezi and caught her between us and them, but because of Si Goth was in an attacking posture, and they didn't dare to move.

I looked at those people, then stretched out a finger at Sha Yezi and shook it: "That was before, at the time I was just curious. Now I have seen you, you can’t Let me pay again for what I have already received."

"So what do you want?"

"Let me think about it." My left and right hands pointed at Ling respectively. He Yeyue said: "If you can reach their level after sucking them dry, I can consider accepting you as a demon pet or spirit control." Sha Yezi didn't say anything, turned around and rushed towards it. Those lords clearly indicate that the negotiations have broken down. I continued to watch the excitement next to me, anyway, it doesn't matter who wins in the end.

The battle strengths of those lords are all okay, but the shortcomings are also obvious. None of this group can fly. Sha Yezi's corpse can travel back and forth in midair at a very fast speed. She decides where and when to start at will, but the lords can only wait until she attacks before they can counterattack.

Sha Yezi obviously focused on the soldiers. After taking those lords around for a few times, he started to find opportunities to suck up one or two soldiers from time to time. Seeing that the soldiers brought by these lords were all caught It's almost sucked, and even the personal warriors of individual lords have been killed. Compared with the reduction in personnel here, Sha Yezi is getting more and more powerful. The corpse obviously started to swell after sucking so many people. The most obvious thing was that her hair had changed from gray to black, and her face had begun to feel a little sensual, and it was no longer a skull-like head.

It didn't take long for the lords to become general without an army, and several lords were lost during the period. In the end, only twenty-nine lords confronted Sha Yezi. Sha Yezi could already see that she looked like a woman now, but she was still too thin by human standards. Unlike being naked at the beginning, she has now found a set of rags from the dead villagers and wrapped it up. At first, she was just a corpse, nothing, now she wouldn't look pretty naked anymore.

As the strength on both sides diminishes and the other grows, Sha Yezi solves these lords faster and faster, and the ten remaining lords finally plan to run, but they are all finished within 200 steps. It's really a bunch of rubbish, and the villagers were resolved quickly, but they were killed so quickly when they met a ruthless one. Counting that it took Sha Yezi less than 30 minutes from the time he left the wooden box, what speed is this called?

At this time, Sha Yezi no longer has the image of a ghost. Although the clothes on her body are extremely tattered and very unfit, the beauty of Sha Yezi will not be concealed by these clothes. This woman, or this female ghost, has a very beautiful face. Chinese men like long and small women, because they can arouse men's desire for protection and at the same time satisfy the psychological needs of male chauvinism. Sha Yezi's appearance is just the essence of Japanese women. She is slim, compact, and has delicate features. This image is quite in line with the aesthetic needs of Chinese men. International beauty pageants may not be expected, but for Chinese men to choose the appearance of their dream lovers, at least seven out of ten choose this type.

In addition to exquisite features and small body, good skin is also the key to a woman. There are two main points of the skin, one is the degree of detail, and the other is the color. The fineness of the skin mainly depends on the skin folds and pores. The fineness of the skin of Sha Yezi is incomparable, and there are almost no skin appendages. The color is mainly white. Fair-skinned women have always been men's natural enemies, but Sha Yezi's skin is really too white. It's right to think about it, she is a female ghost, white skin is the normal color, if there is blood, then it is a human.

While I look at Sha Yezi, she is also looking at us. The difference is that she is not as relaxed as I am, and she can observe how beautiful she is. What she is doing is to evaluate the battle strength of the people present on our side. She wants to know if she has a chance of winning if she really fights, and whether she might run away if she really fails. But after watching for a long time, her brows wrinkled.

There are not too many people here, and she can't sense our strength from the breath. Just kidding, Goddess, the illusion of Emiennes, is right next to me. I can't even hide my breath, so just buy a piece of tofu and hit it to death. However, although the breath cannot be judged, the image and the contact just now gave her some idea of ​​us. The Ring Tone Knights shook the lords head-on just now, and the other party did not block any move. It can be seen that Ring Tone Knight is much stronger than those lords. Ling's defensive Formation Sha Yezi has already hit once, and the instant magic is definitely not the peak strength of the sorcerer, so Sha Yezi can probably understand Ling's magic level. Others basically didn't make a move, but Sha Yezi was probably sure that I, the central figure, would not be easy. The other two who frightened her were the small dragon girl and Ye Yue. The female small dragon is a Divine Dragon. Although it is not a revolving door to restrain ghosts, the deterrent effect still exists. Yeyue is also a descendant of Nuwa anyway, and the fluctuation of life force is the most remembered thing for the undead, she will not feel it.

After analyzing for a long time, Sha Yezi still thinks that we are not easy to touch. Although she has absorbed a lot of strength, she is still not sure to defeat us. (To be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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